View Full Version : DM Help 3.5 or PF Lightning-attracting Material?

2017-07-14, 12:42 AM
I'm trying to make a special type of crossbow for my players (homebrewed but that's beside the point) and I'm trying to figure out if there's some sort of material out there that attracts lightning (better than your everyday steel and iron).
The idea is that they can pump the monster full of this stuff with a bunch of arrows or bolts and then use a lightning bolt on them to make it harder for the monster to resist the lightning bolt plus a chain-lightning effect as it jumps to a secondary target that got hit by the crossbow. This will be important for some hordes that will be popping up in the future.

Enchanting is straight out. The weapons (and consequently ammunition) are going to be non-magical but extremely expensive because they could possibly be on par with magical weapons.
They could possibly have magical equivalents but I'd like to use that as a way to put a final price tag on these things.

In summary:
Does a material exist that enhances/attracts electric damage in D&D 3.5 or PF?

2017-07-14, 01:18 AM
I'm not familiar with any but as long as the bolts have a steel or iron shaft I'd give them a +2 circumstance bonus to hit. They are essentially mini lightning rods after all. +4 if the tips are fulgurite. Fulgurite is crystalized silica in the ground found after a lightning strike. Rule zero it in. It makes sense.

2017-07-14, 02:39 PM
Hizagkuur: deals bonus electricity damage. Magic of Faerun updated on page 157 of Underdark adds bonus fire and electricity damage, considered silver and adds cold resistance for armor

check there incase I missed anything else useful at a qwick glance

Ursus Spelaeus
2017-07-14, 04:17 PM
What about darksteel? From Magic of Faerun? Doesn't that deal electrical damage if you make a weapon out of it?

2017-07-15, 09:39 AM
yes it does, I missed it on my first glance

2017-07-15, 12:21 PM
Hizagkuur: deals bonus electricity damage. Magic of Faerun updated on page 157 of Underdark adds bonus fire and electricity damage, considered silver and adds cold resistance for armor

check there incase I missed anything else useful at a qwick glance

It's debatable whether hizagkuur is nonmagical or not, though. The sidebar on pg. 157 of Underdark starts off with a sentence talking about "magic metals." It doesn't then explicitly say whether hizagkuur is magical or nonmagical, but there's a pretty strong implication there.