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View Full Version : Spell Suggestions for Pirate Campaign

2007-08-07, 12:48 PM
Within the next two months, I will be in a one-shot pirate campaign (8-10 hours long). I have already chosen my feats, class build and skills, leaving me with just my spell list to finalize. If any of you have any suggestions for good spells to have in a sea-based campaign, I would appreciate your help.

Currently, I am set-up as a 6th level sorcerer (PHB II metamagic variant)/9th level swiftblade. I currently have an opening in my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spell lists. If you have suggestions for other slots, I'd be happy to look them over. However, I really just need a few low-level spells to round out my abilities.

I have already reviewed the PHB, PHB II, and Complete Arcane for ideas, so no need to state anything from those sources. Otherwise, I'm all ears.


2007-08-07, 12:54 PM
Check out the supplement Stormwrack it is full of spells that will be useful and you may even change a few of your others. Its got some other good stuff in there as well.

2007-08-07, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, crabpuff.

Actually, I know about Stormwrack, but I don't own the book. I was hoping that I could get some suggestions from a variety of sources (Stormwrack included) so I don't have to go searching through a HUGE selection of books.

Anything from Stormwrack that you'd suggest?

2007-08-07, 03:53 PM
Anything with fire is great for ship to ship combat.

2007-08-07, 03:57 PM
Charm person and suggestion are fantastic for swaskling your buck and woeing the damsels

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-08-07, 04:04 PM
The fire on fire isnt that great in a pirate campign, bc if the DM is fair at ll he will some how make ships imune to it, but for flashy sake it is cool to see a huge fireball go off in the middle of a deck. I'd suggest baleful transposition (its in spell compediom) you can switch places with the other ships captian, and then teleport back to the ship, while your ship mates kill the captian. Another great spell for on a ship is slide, push some unfriendly over the side of teh ship if hes twenty feat close.

And go to your closs book store and get/look through Spell Compediom, theres tons of stuff in there.

Dean Fellithor
2007-08-07, 05:31 PM
Within the next two months, I will be in a one-shot pirate campaign (8-10 hours long). I have already chosen my feats, class build and skills, leaving me with just my spell list to finalize. If any of you have any suggestions for good spells to have in a sea-based campaign, I would appreciate your help.

Currently, I am set-up as a 6th level sorcerer (PHB II metamagic variant)/9th level swiftblade. I currently have an opening in my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spell lists. If you have suggestions for other slots, I'd be happy to look them over. However, I really just need a few low-level spells to round out my abilities.

I have already reviewed the PHB, PHB II, and Complete Arcane for ideas, so no need to state anything from those sources. Otherwise, I'm all ears.


Anything Voodoo-like, simple.

but no Raise-Dead type Necromancy.cuz if you do...:mad:

2007-08-07, 05:42 PM
1st: Mage Armor - outfit everyone who can't use normal armor.

Rope Trick might be more useful than you think - as a boat anchor. It'll support 16,000 pounds - and most chains can't handle that. Plus it lets you set up ambushes and such (hide seven people (and the rope) for hours on end). If you have Extend Spell, it'll also let you sleep when your boat isn't available.

Alter Self, on the other hand, will sub for Water Breathing - but the party Cleric should be preparing that.

You can't go wrong with Haste or Slow.

2007-08-07, 06:05 PM
The rope trick is a good idea, Jack. I had completely forgot about that.

Luckily, Haste isn't a problem for me. FYI, swiftblades are described as "haste incarnates". I can do things while hasted and with Haste that no other mage can. It's a nice gish class.

2007-08-07, 06:17 PM
Consider animate rope. There's rope everywhere on boats.

2007-08-07, 06:25 PM
Wow...that's another good one.

Geez. Shows how good I am at planning.:smalleek:

Well, all that's left now is a 3rd level slot. Here's hoping someone has a good idea for that one.:smallbiggrin:

2007-08-07, 09:10 PM
Submerge Ship from the Spell Compendium. 7th level wizard/sorcerer spell. Make your boat a submarine.

2007-08-07, 09:26 PM
For a third level spell slot:
Fly, water breathing, greater magic weapon, shivering touch, haste, slow, dispel magic, clairaudience/clairavoyance, fireball, lightning bold, etc are all very useful in a pirate campaign. Windwall can even be pretty good for covering you escape.

2007-08-07, 10:02 PM
BD, thank you. I think clairaudience/clairavoyance will round everything out nicely.

Accolon, I'll pass that suggestion on to my ship's mage. I will barely have 6th level spells, but he'll be on 8th level spells by then. Even a scroll of that would prove useful.

Alrighty. I think I'm good now, folks. Thanks for all your help and suggestions.