View Full Version : What domestic cat breed is your favorite?

2017-07-14, 11:35 PM
Hello everyone I just wanted to know people's favorite cat breed. Also my favorite cat breed is the Turkish Angora.

2017-07-14, 11:36 PM
I don't have one of these, but my favorite breed would have to be the Maine ****. Such a big, beautiful kitty, if I had one I would shower it with tons of snuggles and love :)

2017-07-14, 11:42 PM
Hello everyone I just wanted to know people's favorite cat breed.

The one my cat is.


2017-07-15, 12:06 AM
I don't have one of these, but my favorite breed would have to be the Maine ****. Such a big, beautiful kitty, if I had one I would shower it with tons of snuggles and love :)

Really, that's filtered? I would bet that word is used for the cat or trashpandas more often than as a slur.

2017-07-15, 12:09 AM
My favorite is probably a strange breed of pygmy cat I once owned. Not, like, short stubby legs, but a normal cat, scaled down to half size. All of the ones I encountered were black and white, oddly, usually a "tuxedo" pattern.

2017-07-15, 12:15 AM
Jellicle Cats.

2017-07-15, 12:29 AM
Nothing with a smushed face, has to have a tail and fur and proper ears (none of that fold nonsense), and should be identifiable only as 'a cat'.
Breeds are at best irrelevant, at worst make them look terrible.

2017-07-15, 12:38 AM
Norwegian Forest. The most glorious of all housecats. Pulled the chariot of a god, they did!


2017-07-15, 12:52 AM
Norwegian Forest. The most glorious of all housecats. Pulled the chariot of a god, they did!


I had one of these glorious creature for a room mate once. Still miss him.

2017-07-15, 04:13 AM
Really, that's filtered? I would bet that word is used for the cat or trashpandas more often than as a slur.

Oh wow, I honestly didn't even know that was filtered until you pointed out. Yeah that's pretty weird word to be filtered out nowadays, hell my parents are in their 70's and racist as hell and I've never heard them refer to a black person as that word before, it's entirely out of popular usage for that meaning.

The Norwegian Forest cat looks a lot like a Maine Coone(minus the e dangit!), similar size and look and even bearing.


2017-07-15, 05:01 AM
Not sure I have a favourite cat breed. I like big fluffy ones, like maine *****.

I used to have a part persian part...tabby? (not sure actually what that half was) and she was just beautiful. Got her for my 3rd or 4th birthday and had her for 22 years and she was still gorgeous even in old age and never looked like an old cat.

2017-07-15, 10:59 AM
The Norwegian Forest cat looks a lot like a Maine Coone(minus the e dangit!), similar size and look and even bearing.

While I don't actually have a picture of my old roommate, he looked a lot like this:


2017-07-15, 11:57 AM
I don't actually have a picture of my old roommate

I now have reason to doubt that you had a cat. Joking, of course, but still. How does that happen?

2017-07-15, 01:07 PM
Domestic short haired (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_short-haired_cat). None of that breed nonsense, I want a cat who can hunt, who can manage a few days (or weeks) on its own and who doesn't need its fur combed and cared for.

It should be mentioned that I grew up on a farm and the cats were outdoors for 90+% of the time, keeping the grounds clear of rodents.

2017-07-15, 01:23 PM
I now have reason to doubt that you had a cat. Joking, of course, but still. How does that happen?

Easy. It was a long time ago, before cell phones had apps that made it easy to share the pictures they took. If they even took pictures...

2017-07-15, 02:10 PM
Really, that's filtered? I would bet that word is used for the cat or trashpandas more often than as a slur.


It's filtered for the same reason we can't recommend people watch the **** Van Dyke show, I guess.

Edit: Huh. Dyke isn't censored here. Usually forums with such stringent filters catch both.

The one my cat is.


The only correct answer. I've never really kept up with distinct breeds for cats, my two being known only as "American short hair" (Rosie, a huge Calico I'm pretty sure has some Coone in her breeding as well. She's 16 lbs at her healthy weight, and is the same size though not weight as our roommate's pug/beagle mix) and "American long hair" (Misty, a pure deep gray ball of fluff).

Rosie next to my size 12:


Another one of Rosie's face:


Misty won't stay still long enough to photograph, usually. She's an indoor/outdoor.

I do wish I had an orange tabby like I used to have, but two cats is plenty.

2017-07-15, 02:45 PM

It's filtered for the same reason we can't recommend people watch the **** Van Dyke show, I guess.

Edit: Huh. Dyke isn't censored here. Usually forums with such stringent filters catch both.

At least it's not a clbuttic filter.

Rosie next to my size 12:


Another one of Rosie's face:


Misty won't stay still long enough to photograph, usually. She's an indoor/outdoor.

2017-07-15, 04:56 PM
I've wanted a Savannah since I first learned about them a few years back. They have the texture of a Shorthair but with far more surface area to pet. :p

2017-07-16, 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by D&DecentPeople
…I just wanted to know people's favorite cat breed.

My favorite breed is “rescue cat.”

For over thirty years almost all of our cats have been strays or rescues. We adopted one cat right off the street (an elderly cat who had been dumped in our neighborhood); in another case a young cat walked into the doctor’s office where my mother worked and went right up to her.

The tubbo creature filling my papasan right now was born in a junkyard to a feral mother. Originally named Hubcap, she had a feral cat’s genes and passion for hunting, combined with socialization from an early age. These days, alas, her passion is for the food bowl and the papasan.

Originally Posted by Starwulf
The Norwegian Forest cat looks a lot like a Maine Coone(minus the e dangit!), similar size and look and even bearing.

Gorgeous. That’s basically Aslan in housecat form.


2017-07-20, 12:32 AM
Almost every breed, really. As long as it likes cuddles. On that note, I. Despise. Ragdolls. There is one particular ragdoll cat who is the spawn of Hastur and can go die in a fire. Sorry Niwrad, your cat is evil. :P

2017-07-25, 09:33 AM
I have to admit I'm fond of longhairs myself. Of course, it helps that my longhair girl practically throws herself at you purring the minute you hold up a brush.

2017-07-25, 01:38 PM
Norwegian Forest. The most glorious of all housecats. Pulled the chariot of a god, they did!



Honest Tiefling
2017-07-25, 01:49 PM
I now have reason to doubt that you had a cat.

Because cats have a sixth sense of when a camera is pointed at them they'll immediately jump, thus ruining your picture. My cat is probably 15 years old and nothing gets him to move quite like a camera.

My current cat appears to be a Siberian/Siberian mix, but I have been fond of the the Burmese/Siamese/Tonkinese breeds. Mostly quite friendly, if quite opinionated and determined to get into EVERYTHING.

2017-07-25, 08:56 PM
My current cat appears to be a Siberian/Siberian mix, but I have been fond of the the Burmese/Siamese/Tonkinese breeds. Mostly quite friendly, if quite opinionated and determined to get into EVERYTHING.

Reminds me of that quote that the only thing that can cause more problems than a dumb cat, is a very intelligent cat....

Rain Dragon
2017-07-25, 09:11 PM
My favourite are short or shortish haired cats that are cute (because the long haired ones shed too much fur for me. They're pretty and all...). Honestly until recently, I didn't really realise there were breeds of cats, heh.

Really, that's filtered? I would bet that word is used for the cat or trashpandas more often than as a slur.

Also, a brand of cheese.

Honest Tiefling
2017-07-26, 11:48 AM
Reminds me of that quote that the only thing that can cause more problems than a dumb cat, is a very intelligent cat....

Yeah, my mom bred Burmese cats for a while. She got a lot of complaints that they figured out how to operate door knobs, and would open doors ESPECIALLY when people were on the toilet.

2017-07-27, 07:33 AM
My favorite cats are the fluffy, squishy kinds. :3

2017-07-27, 01:19 PM
+1 for "rescue cat".

2017-07-27, 01:31 PM
+1 for "rescue cat".


Grey Wolf

2017-07-27, 01:42 PM

Grey Wolf

+3. I have no idea what breed my calico is, but she is the sweetest cat I have ever met, and even better, she loved belly scratches, so I can give into the impulse without getting eviscerated.

2017-07-27, 02:34 PM
she loved belly scratches, so I can give into the impulse without getting eviscerated.

Lucky you. Among my cats, I also have a fully feral and a semi feral one.

"Nike", the fully feral one, was presumably hit with a shotgun, lost an eye and ear, and no-one has been allowed to touch her in the 4 years she´s with me. Fears and evades humans, loves "Hook" (*) and still comes to my bed every night, snuggling up on my knees, purring like crazy.

"Hook", the semi-feral one. is a cat I picked up on a holiday trip to spain. Some a-hole impaled him on a fishermans hook to bleed out. Found him by accident, paid the doctors bill and took him home with me. Big guy, 20 pounds, some wild cat hybrid with deep and nasty fighting scars. Can only stand the be patted on the head, but loves this and is fiercely loyal to me, acting more like an attack dog.

(*) Never seen that before. She adores him, follows him like a shadow and always tries to snuggle up on him, even knowing that she´ll receive bite and claw for that. That little at lady is craving his affection to the point that we humans would call it "stalking" and "sexual harassment".

2017-07-28, 10:36 PM
The Persian cat, with their facial expressions.

2017-07-29, 12:48 AM
To look at? Big and fluffy. So ragdolls, maine coones, norwegian forests.

To be around? Short-haired and friendly and as hypoallergenic as possible because I don't really enjoy breaking out in hives.

Xuc Xac
2017-07-29, 06:45 AM
I like Schrodinger's cat. I don't know if it's alive or dead but I don't really care. I'm just glad it's in a box where I don't have to deal with it.

The Eye
2017-07-29, 01:41 PM
American Shorthair:


Grey, black and white.

2017-08-04, 07:22 AM
The maine **** cat. I had a black one and it wat the most majestic cat ever. And also I like sphynx :D I don't know why. I just find them cute
I don't know what's wrond with the name of breed :D

2017-08-05, 02:30 AM
The maine **** cat. I had a black one and it wat the most majestic cat ever. And also I like sphynx :D I don't know why. I just find them cute
I don't know what's wrond with the name of breed :D

It's a racial slur. A pretty outdated and backwoods one, which is why it confuses most people that it gets censored by the forum filter. I think the only place you'll ever really hear it is if you watch the George Wallace scene in Forest Gump.

2017-08-12, 06:08 AM
I like persa.

2017-09-02, 01:41 PM
i like british shorthair

2017-09-06, 07:41 AM
Hello everyone I just wanted to know people's favorite cat breed. Also my favorite cat breed is the Turkish Angora.

Grey striped alley cat.
I think they're called "tabbies" in English.

2017-09-06, 11:40 AM
+3. I have no idea what breed my calico is, but she is the sweetest cat I have ever met, and even better, she loved belly scratches, so I can give into the impulse without getting eviscerated.

+4. All the cats I have had in the last 2 decades have been rescues. My favorite is a 26 pound ragdoll. Not overweight, just all muscle.

2017-09-06, 12:04 PM
I've never actually met one, but have always wanted to see a Turkish Van. A cat that loves to swim sounds awesome. Otherwise, I'm not really partial to particular breeds. Any kitty is an awesome kitty.

2017-09-07, 07:50 PM
The Bombay.

My favorite cat ever was a Bombay, wicked smart, very vocal, liked to follow me around the house and sit next to wherever I was doing something, loved people and kinda hated other cats.

2017-09-07, 08:07 PM
Really, that's filtered? I would bet that word is used for the cat or trashpandas more often than as a slur.

Yeah, I thought this filter was smarter than that. It doesn't incorrectly filter pussycat, assassin, aspic, cockerel, or doo-wop.

2017-09-07, 09:00 PM
Yeah, I thought this filter was smarter than that. It doesn't incorrectly filter pussycat, assassin, aspic, cockerel, or doo-wop.

It largely ignores the S****horpe problem. And in this instance, it's both such a relatively uncommon occurrence, and obvious enough that everybody knows what is being talked about, that I don't think it's a big deal. Especially with how charged the actual slur is, even as archaic as it is.

Also, heh. I'm amused that it caught that.

2017-09-08, 08:53 AM
It largely ignores the S****horpe problem. And in this instance, it's both such a relatively uncommon occurrence, and obvious enough that everybody knows what is being talked about, that I don't think it's a big deal. Especially with how charged the actual slur is, even as archaic as it is.

Also, heh. I'm amused that it caught that.

S****hrope really should change their name to S****horpe, on the basis that that is how most people will google them.


2017-09-08, 03:12 PM
While I've had my fair share of Siamese cats, I have to say that Maine C00ns are my overall favorite. (And it is going to take more than one mean cat of that breed to change my mind).

Edit: Did I say a mean car? I meant to say mean cat.

Honest Tiefling
2017-09-09, 01:01 PM
I've never actually met one, but have always wanted to see a Turkish Van. A cat that loves to swim sounds awesome. Otherwise, I'm not really partial to particular breeds. Any kitty is an awesome kitty.

That's just what you need, a kitty who'll decide that your bath is now their bath.

Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention...Siamese/Burmese/Tokinese breeds tend to produce males that are able to be around kittens, so that's a nice feature.

2017-09-14, 09:27 PM
Maincoons because they're so darn fluffy man!

2017-09-19, 09:59 AM
The siamese has always been my favorite. We had two when I was growing up - a brother and a sister. The male was a terror in his youth. All the other cats in the street were terrified of him, and he constantly came home with minor cuts from getting in fights. I even saw him kill a coral snake one time in our backyard.

2017-09-25, 12:47 PM
The one my cat is.


This, basically. :smallbiggrin:

Google informs me that calico refers to a color pattern and is not a breed, so I guess that can't be my answer.

2017-09-29, 07:57 PM
Tuxedo cat! I never was a cat before before I got Fritz...

I inherited him from a friend when he was about 2 months old. They had to re-home him for various reasons, I was looking for a pet (I lived alone at the time), and I also had a mouse problem (which he took care of). I've had him for over 5 years now.


2018-05-06, 06:00 AM
I have no favourites, I like them all — black, white, tabbies, whatever. They can all be very good looking and are generally great as pets and companions.

2018-05-06, 07:45 PM
My cat is a Norwegian Forest cat. He's big and fluffy, and only has one eye. He's the best.

2018-05-06, 08:26 PM
Speaking of, Erebus, Primordial Deity of Darkness is up to 17 lbs now. He's a great big ball o fluff.


2018-05-06, 08:34 PM
Speaking of, Erebus, Primordial Deity of Darkness is up to 17 lbs now. He's a great big ball o fluff.


Gorgeous cat!

2018-05-07, 08:44 PM
My dog. He acts as lazy as a cat, and flops around like one, so what's the difference?

Scarlet Knight
2018-05-07, 09:12 PM
American Short hair.

I swear I heard Saddam Hussein's voice ( from South Park) when he convinced me to adopt him: "Hey guy! How ya doin'? We're gonna be buddays! Got some tuna? Just kiddin'! Don't have a cow, pal! I'm a working cat! I earn my keep!"

2018-05-08, 12:39 PM
+4. All the cats I have had in the last 2 decades have been rescues. My favorite is a 26 pound ragdoll. Not overweight, just all muscle.

+5. Of course if you rescue a Maine kitty kitten... bonus! (Although she has never gotten very large. A rarity but not unheard of.)

I will never rescue a kitten again though. None of that nonsense.

2018-05-08, 12:50 PM
+5. Of course if you rescue a Maine kitty kitten... bonus! (Although she has never gotten very large. A rarity but not unheard of.)

I will never rescue a kitten again though. None of that nonsense.

A lot of my rescue friends are saying they won't adopt "fancy" kittens out to unknown adopters anymore.

2018-05-08, 01:03 PM
My wife and I got our cats from the internet, presumably people who were too irresponsible to spay their cats. Both at 8 weeks or so. I really admire people who get rescue animals, but I bond hard and don't know if I could deal with losing pets more often than every 15-20 years. Not saying that others can or are more unfeeling or anything.... i just dont want to get absolutely devastated any more than i absolutely have to.

2018-05-11, 07:57 PM
A lot of my rescue friends are saying they won't adopt "fancy" kittens out to unknown adopters anymore.

Hrm? Tell me more if you do not mind. My friend's Mom runs a local shelter and I have never heard this and I often ask her for cat info. (I actually volunteered there for a summer: super cool ultimately; learned a lot).

2018-05-12, 10:28 AM
The best ones are the ones without any specific breed. They have unique characters, not associated with a breed.

2018-05-12, 10:36 AM
The best ones are the ones without any specific breed. They have unique characters, not associated with a breed.

How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb? Only one; Germans are very efficient and do not enjoy humor.

Also, the best people are the ones without any specific nationality. They have unique characters, not associated with a nationality. Either that, or people (and cats) can all have their own unique personalities despite the overarching characteristics they may tend to share. I dunno, one of those two.

2018-05-12, 12:09 PM
How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb? Only one; Germans are very efficient and do not enjoy humor.
As a Swabian I resent that remark. We are a most droll people.

Also, the best people are the ones without any specific nationality. They have unique characters, not associated with a nationality. Either that, or people (and cats) can all have their own unique personalities despite the overarching characteristics they may tend to share. I dunno, one of those two.
See, that was funny.

2018-05-12, 12:13 PM
As a Swabian I resent that remark. We are a most droll people.

As a Tyrolian, all I know is you apparently make your spaetzle wrong.:smalltongue: Or so my cousins tell me.

2018-05-12, 12:42 PM
As a Tyrolian, all I know is you apparently make your spaetzle wrong.:smalltongue: Or so my cousins tell me.

I forgive your cousins for being wrong and eating a terrible mockery of amazing food and will seek no longer to derail this thread. (Although I wonder: if a pasta sheet can hide meat from the Lord, could it hide a cat from my husband?)

2018-05-13, 05:17 AM
As a Swabian I resent that remark. We are a most droll people.

See, that was funny.

As a Tyrolian, all I know is you apparently make your spaetzle wrong.:smalltongue: Or so my cousins tell me.

As a fellow Swabian who lived in Austria for quite some time, you two just made my day. Thank you! :D

@ Topic: To have, all cats I´ve had so far except molly (we saved her froma shelter, and she ran away day 2....). At the moment of course the 2 I share my Flat with, Romulus and Remus, 2 British Shorthair (or in Romulus Case Short/Long hair mix) half brothers that allow me to sleep in their bed and often to use their couch to watch TV. :P

Probably gonna upload a pic or 2 once I am no longer at work.

To look at: Norwegian Forest, Siam.

Scarlet Knight
2018-05-13, 05:21 AM
I forgive your cousins for being wrong and eating a terrible mockery of amazing food and will seek no longer to derail this thread. (Although I wonder: if a pasta sheet can hide meat from the Lord, could it hide a cat from my husband?)

Non e vero; pasta attracts husbands like can openers attract cats...:smallwink:

Honest Tiefling
2018-05-13, 11:16 AM
My wife and I got our cats from the internet, presumably people who were too irresponsible to spay their cats. Both at 8 weeks or so. I really admire people who get rescue animals, but I bond hard and don't know if I could deal with losing pets more often than every 15-20 years. Not saying that others can or are more unfeeling or anything.... i just dont want to get absolutely devastated any more than i absolutely have to.

I had to recently say goodbye to my rescue, but he did live 16+ years and probably wasn't of a long-lived breed. I might have just gotten lucky, but some people probably look into the history of their pets, or take in those who were surrendered. My parents have a cat that was likely a purebred or close to one, she likely just escaped and the shelter couldn't locate her former family. It might be an idea if you want to take in a rescue.

Non e vero; pasta attracts husbands like can openers attract cats...:smallwink:

Fresh pasta will also attract cats from what I hear, so it won't work if the cat eats their cover. Also, younger cats will likely never associate that sound with food due to how modern cans are.

2018-05-13, 12:23 PM
Hrm? Tell me more if you do not mind. My friend's Mom runs a local shelter and I have never heard this and I often ask her for cat info. (I actually volunteered there for a summer: super cool ultimately; learned a lot).

It's mostly because they've had a trend of people who want to adopt "fancy" cats to look pretty and show off, but aren't really ready to take care of an animal. The cats end up back at the shelter a lot, especially if they're kittens that still need to be trained and have a lot of energy. Cats really aren't a good choice if you want a decorative animal.

2018-05-31, 08:35 PM
My favourite cat breed is the Maine **** or Norwegian Forest cat. My current big guy is at least partially one or the other and my little lady is a domestic short hair. My wife likes to tell me she moved in with me for the cats.

2018-05-31, 08:50 PM
My favourite cat breed is the Maine **** or Norwegian Forest cat. My current big guy is at least partially one or the other and my little lady is a domestic short hair. My wife likes to tell me she moved in with me for the cats.

You can't say stuff like that and then not share pictures.

2018-06-16, 05:44 PM
If there is a filter problem, maybe someone needs to use CamelCaps to bypass the filter? Using CamelCaps is very common in programming. MaineCoon does it pass?

As for answering the question, any cat breed that beats a commoner would do.

Does anyone have a Klinefelter (XXY) Calico?
Poor Klinefelter Calico kitty, why are you sterile?

Edit: missing the "a". You could tell by the quote below.

2018-06-16, 07:06 PM
If there is a filter problem, maybe someone needs to use CamelCaps to bypass the filter? Using CamelCaps is very common in programming. MaineCoon does it pass?

As for answering the question, any cat breed that bets a commoner would do.

Does anyone have a Klinefelter (XXY) Calico?
Poor Klinefelter Calico kitty, why are you sterile?

While this is a very innocent example, I don't know if sharing ways to bypass the filter is a good idea

2018-06-16, 07:23 PM
Don't worry, the filters will catch up and then even methods to bypass the filters would still be censored.
Maine**** (when the filter catches up) instead of MaineCoon (the filters have not catch up yet).

Well, the filters does shows four stars ty, and we know that word.

2018-06-16, 07:43 PM
There are more elegant ways to talk about Maine ***** and every Tom, **** and Harry, and when a character ***** her head.

Just don't use it on any actual swear words. The mods are pretty good around here.

2018-06-16, 09:05 PM
While this is a very innocent example, I don't know if sharing ways to bypass the filter is a good idea

Historically the mods have themselves provided ways around the filter for innocuous things like the shortened version of the name Richard when people ask about it. I believe the most common one is to just use the color tags to make the word black. Doing that to make a curse word show through would of course be inappropriate.

2018-06-16, 09:14 PM
I'm going to add War Kitten as a favorite domestic cat breed.

2018-06-16, 09:38 PM
I'm going to add War Kitten as a favorite domestic cat breed.

Im pretty sure kittens are not domesticated by definition.

2018-06-16, 09:42 PM
I did not realize the kittens of domesticated cats are born feral.

2018-06-16, 09:46 PM
I did not realize the kittens of domesticated cats are born feral.

Any cat that you believe is domesticated is simply perpetrating an elaborate (or not so elaborate, really) ruse on you because you bring nice things into their space, like scratchies and cat nip, and its easier than compelling you to bring these things through violence.

2018-06-16, 10:08 PM
Are you saying that there are no "domestic" cat breed? How could we answer the OP if that is the case?

2018-06-17, 11:01 AM
Are you saying that there are no "domestic" cat breed? How could we answer the OP if that is the case?

Its a cat person joke. People with cats will frequently proclaim the cats to be their owner, not the other way around.

2018-06-17, 11:24 AM
I'm going to add War Kitten as a favorite domestic cat breed.

I was going to say, not sure those are domestic.

Then I realized I spent several hours yesterday looking up home decor projects and picking out new knobs for my dresser.

2018-06-17, 12:18 PM
Its a cat person joke. People with cats will frequently proclaim the cats to be their owner, not the other way around.

Makes me want to play those level 1 casters with a cat familiar. They seem to easily beaten by cats without their spells.

Spellcasters should always create wands or at-will magic items on their downtime.

I pretty sure if war dogs are domesticated then war cats should also be domesticated.

Hail Sithis
2018-06-26, 12:22 PM
I like trains nyouuuuuuughs. (And dogs) and not cats

2018-07-02, 05:27 AM
I'm fond of American Bobtail and Australian Mist. They are so cute :smallsmile:

2018-07-02, 09:47 AM
Historically the mods have themselves provided ways around the filter for innocuous things like the shortened version of the name Richard when people ask about it. I believe the most common one is to just use the color tags to make the word black. Doing that to make a curse word show through would of course be inappropriate.

The default color changed from black to just a dark grey, #333333 or #222222 or something.

2018-07-03, 05:28 AM
I love sphinxes.

2018-07-03, 09:49 AM
I love Persian.:smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile:

2018-07-24, 07:27 AM
I don't like those hairless cats. Other than that, as long as it's social it's fine with me.

They're great for stress relieve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35T8wtmTbVg

2018-07-25, 09:00 AM
I don't like those hairless cats. Other than that, as long as it's social it's fine with me.

They're great for stress relieve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35T8wtmTbVg

Good idea.

*calls cat over, feeds treats and brushes*