View Full Version : Illusion Spells

2017-07-15, 08:06 AM
What have been some of the more creative uses of illusion spells you've seen or employed?

2017-07-15, 09:03 AM
I had a player who used an illusion spell to create a duplicate image of himself, but with slight differences to the face, such as a scar, slightly longer nose, etc. He then used said illusion to accuse the real version of being an imposter, saying that he had been kidnapped and someone used powerful magic to copy his face, but that the party should note some clear differences. He said that the scar was where they withdrew some skin samples to make the duplicate more believable. The party didn't even roll insight checks, they just straight up attacked the original, who went down without a fight. Of course his illusion disappeared too. Not gonna lie, I am still not sure what the player wanted to have happen, but when his character died and the illusion died, he just started laughing at the party all maniacally. I think that player just wanted some chaos.

2017-07-15, 09:13 AM
I had a player who used an illusion spell to create a duplicate image of himself, but with slight differences to the face, such as a scar, slightly longer nose, etc. He then used said illusion to accuse the real version of being an imposter, saying that he had been kidnapped and someone used powerful magic to copy his face, but that the party should note some clear differences. He said that the scar was where they withdrew some skin samples to make the duplicate more believable. The party didn't even roll insight checks, they just straight up attacked the original, who went down without a fight. Of course his illusion disappeared too. Not gonna lie, I am still not sure what the player wanted to have happen, but when his character died and the illusion died, he just started laughing at the party all maniacally. I think that player just wanted some chaos.

Hahaha. Character creation is the best part.

2017-07-16, 05:56 AM
My illusionist is fond of making his skeletons gather around him and move with him while looking exactly like him via Seeming. Has the perk of being changeable at any time, so in town they suddenly look like my guards. They have several Magic Mouth spells on each one (or possibly their helmets or some masks if the DM is a stickler about certain parts of the spell) so he can make them talk at will with an action (by changing/reprogramming the Magic Mouth), even having them react with up to three specific phrases in response to specific queues that can also be changed.

My sorcerer/warlock used his Disguise Self at-will to alter his appearance from drow with wormholes (don't ask) and gold dragon wings to comely wood elf with feathery angel wings. Then when they "unfortunately" had to kill some giants when negotiations fell through, he recast Disguise Self to make a single tear on one cheek. It was super cheesy.