View Full Version : DM Help 3.5 D&D. Helping a new player build his first character.

2017-07-16, 10:29 PM
Ok, so I have a kid, about 7 or 8, who is the son of one of my players. He wants to joint the game.

Said game is a gestalt monster game. Which was why he wanted to join.

He is interested in Playing a Lillend cause he's a little boy and thinks being a big flying snake person creature would be cool. (In fairness at his age I probably would have too.) and he's kind of interested in having him use a spear or pole arm of some kind cause he's not too dumb and understands that having a long weapon gives you an advantage in a fight, so he thinks that will help his character. (And, by luck, he's not wrong.)


What class's do we think would be good to put on the opposite side of a Lillend for a mostly melee build?

So far I've considered the following:

Warblade: Couple of bonus feats and special attacks, d12 hit die, and some passive bonuses.

Feat Rogue: Widens the class skills list some, passive bonuses.

Fighter: D10 hit die, lot's of bonus feats, passive bonuses with dead levels, maybe I can show him Zent fighter if I ever find which book it's in and whatever that skill trick was that let's you intimidate multiple things if he decides he wants intimidate anyway.

Psi-warrior: Lot's of bonus feats, D10 hit die, and if I give him Incarnum Recharge trick, I can just explain his powers are like Mana in a video game and he can probably figure out the rest from there as long as I correct him on how many points he can drop into 1 thing at a time, which means he'd have some manifesting to help himself out with.

The game is 2nd level but I have resolved 1 way or another to justify bumping the party to 3rd by the end of the upcoming session, and that's the same session I'll be introducing him and 2 new PC's. Standard WBL, and I will be starting them with that.

It is nation building but I'll be trusting his mother and much older brother to help him along on THAT front, and I've already made them aware of that part of the plan.

So, suggestions/recommendations?

2017-07-16, 10:59 PM
Lillend's have a great chassis already. Outsiders have d8HD, full BAB, all good saves, 8 skill points per level and full martial weapon proficiency. On top of that Lillends are large-sized, have positive bonuses to all attributes and cast spells as a Bard. Between having all of that going for it already and the fact that you are dealing with a young, first-time player I would recommend going with a mostly passive side class. Don't wanna overload the kid.
Marshal- Adds to your skill list a bit. The auras are nice because you can just turn them on and largely forget about them, passively aiding the party.
Dragonfire Adept- Expands the skill list a bit. The big draw for this are the invocations and the breath weapons.

2017-07-16, 11:42 PM
Warblade. Has lots of fun powers.

Make sure you print the maneuver cards. Makes the mechanics of handing maneuvers and recovery easy.
On your turn you can play a card (sometimes 2 if you have a boost/counter to play), OR if you don't play any cards, you can get all your discards back.

Since it's all on the cards, it's easier than keeping track of a bunch of feats on a Fighter.

2017-07-17, 12:14 AM
I would go Warblade on the other side. They are a new player and Warblade is easily ignored while they learn about the basics. Once they have the basics down, then they can learn about maneuvers (an example of limited use abilities). That way it is an incremental process and easier for them to learn/remember.

Perhaps not even select the maneuvers until after the first session.

2017-07-17, 04:19 AM
Warblade. Has lots of fun powers.

Make sure you print the maneuver cards. Makes the mechanics of handing maneuvers and recovery easy.
On your turn you can play a card (sometimes 2 if you have a boost/counter to play), OR if you don't play any cards, you can get all your discards back.

Since it's all on the cards, it's easier than keeping track of a bunch of feats on a Fighter.

Were would I get those?

2017-07-17, 04:22 AM
This should be the link to the pdf's of the maneuver cards. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20061225a