View Full Version : DM Help [3.5/PF] Soul Bonding: Can it be done?

2017-07-17, 12:39 AM
I'm wondering, due to watching Fullmetal Alchemist too much, if it's possible for a character in 3.X/Pathfinder, using any materials (3rd party included, but no homebrew) if it's possible to bind someone's soul to a suit of armor, creating an intelligent animated object with the personality and mind of the original, say, if Resurrection isn't available.

A lot of spells can do something similar but not quite....

Animate object is temporary, and if made permanent, has no mind.
Incarnate Construct makes them fleshy, and creates a new mind rather than use an old one.
Magic Jar does allow one's soul to move into an inanimate object, but allows no form of animation, and is temporary.

All in all, I'm just wondering if it can be done, and how. Assume cost isn't an issue, and standard Pathfinder rules with 3rd party (like DSP psionics, but others too), and 3.X material if necessary (including lots of third party material, which I have a decent-sized shelf of).

I'm going to look at the Arcane Encyclopedia: Constructs book to see if something similar can be made with that, but if there are any other ways people can come up with, that'd be really cool.

2017-07-17, 12:49 AM
The Soulbound Shell (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/soulbound-shell/) looks like it might be what you want, or at least a good starting place.

2017-07-17, 12:56 AM
The Soulbound Shell (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/soulbound-shell/) looks like it might be what you want, or at least a good starting place.

That's actually a great starting place! I'm surprised I didn't notice that, seeing as how I have that book.

The only issue for me is that it's required to have a 12th+ level spellcaster inside, but this I see as more of an option for pretty much everyone (if an expensive and rare one).

Thank you very much though, if nothing else gets found I can probably figure out a way to turn that into more of a template than an actual creature.

2017-07-17, 01:29 AM
I can't think of any direct way to go about it. It could be accomplished with shenanigans.
1. First off, craft your vessel like a suit of armor.
2. Animate the armor with Animate Object and use Permanency on it.
3. Polymorph Any Object on the Animate Armor into a person. It wouldn't have a soul, but it would still be alive.
4. True Mind Switch with a target of your choice. You now have their body and they have yours.
5. True Mind Switch with your Pinnochio. You are now in the body of the faux-person you crafted. Faux person is in the body you had previously stolen.
6. Once more with True Mind Switch, this time getting you back into your original meat suit. The guys who's body you original stole in now in your artificial body. Dispel the polymorph and you now have a soul strapped to an Animated Object.
7. You might also have a loyal former animated object running around in the body of the guy who's body you stole? Depends on whether or not the ability to command lasts after polymorphing and body-swapping.

Like I said, shenanigans. And it wouldn't surprise me if I missed something. Mixing spells isn't my strong suit.

Fouredged Sword
2017-07-17, 12:23 PM
On the 3.5 side I am pretty sure you can Psionic Sandwich yourself into an animated object that is a suit of armor. If you really want to drive your DM mad, make it a rivierine suit of armor and be unkillable from HP damage.

2017-07-17, 01:13 PM
Play a Synthesist Summoner. Reflavor your eidolon as an armor made of a soul. Or armor powered by the soul.

2017-07-17, 02:09 PM
The Haunt Shift spell from HoH or LM (one of those)
All one needs is an undead (ghost or necropolitan works very well)

2017-07-17, 03:01 PM
Would the Nybor's Psychic Imprint spell be something close to what you're looking for?


2017-07-20, 08:37 PM
Alright guys! Sorry I didn't reply, I just went on a nice trip to the beach for four days, away from any and all computers. I'm going to address all your replies now:

Waker's trick and the Psionic Sandwich trick:
Good, these can do the trick. There are a lot of steps, but that's a distinct possibility that I hadn't thought of.

Synthesist Summoner:
I hadn't thought of that, but both Synthesist Summoner and the psionic Aegis class would work great for PC fluff, although not so much for making additional soul-bonded armor suits. However, in the show it's an uncommon process to begin with, so that's not bad!

Haunt Shift:
I've never heard of this spell, but I have both books, so I'll probably be looking at that soon!

Nybor's Psychic Imprint:
This spell actually does an amazing job. Just replacing the gem with a specially prepared blood rune on some fancy iron armor would be the only change. Intelligent items have the ability to be mobile, and with DM fiat can learn and gain class levels. The only minor issue is that I don't think there are rules for playing intelligent objects. That said, I really like this one.

Thanks for replying, guys! Sorry it took so long for me to reply :smallbiggrin: