View Full Version : Building Epic Telekinesis

2017-07-18, 08:25 AM
Sooo... I am building a telekinetic focused sorcerer (taking levels in Master of the Unseen Hand) and I am looking to the epic future.

I took a look at the epic spell seeds, but I cant put my finger on which would be appropriate to use as a base for epic telekinesis. The closest I can land on is Animate, but it doesn't seem quite right to me.

Anyone have any suggestions, or alternative rulebooks that might contain more seeds?

2017-07-20, 03:10 AM
Imma bump this, but only once.

2017-07-20, 03:58 AM
So you want to throw things around with a custom epic spell?

Admittingly, that's hard. Aside from all the resources you'll need to invest to make one, most seeds don't do that thing.

Yeah, the Animate seed seems best right now. There are other uses for it too: making animated objects kinda sucks, but how about you animate the ground under your enemy's feet and bury them alive?

Perhaps the Energy seed set to sonic might help? Instead of pushing them away, you can compress your power so much they take damage instead!

As for other seeds... sorry, you're out of luck in that. The only other seeds not in the ELH are Mythal and Shadow, and they don't even remotely do that.

2017-07-20, 11:29 AM
I guess I was mainly hoping for notes from an obscure rulebook with "how to make spell seeds from scratch" if there weren't more actual (relevant) seeds available.

My character has plenty of damage options, and really I was hoping more for expanding telekinesis to be even more flexible than it is - especially since my whole character build has been a set up to take MotUH as a prestige class. Some ideas I had floating around:

- fine control without INT checks
- sensing (eg like the psionic Touchsight power)
- breaking/increasing weight/range/duration limits
- multiple TK "hands"

2017-07-20, 06:43 PM
Yeah, it's a really shame they didn't add anything for that. Or a Force seed for that matter. :smallmad:

2017-07-21, 02:43 AM
Honestly? Screw that PrC. Just go metamagic and focus totally on telekinetic-style magic. The PrC is in no way worth the loss of caster level you suffer.

In fact, epic magic is somewhat meh to me, aside from a few choices here and there. Lots of work and expense for something you can only do once or twice a day for a while anyway. Big whoop. I'd rather have 14th-level slots that let me throw a quickened silent still telekinesis, followed by a silent still telekinesis directly after that. If anyone asks, you were just standing there, watching things...

Honestly, you don't even really "need" all this stuff. A ring of telekinesis, and a good BAB and Int/Cha score would be enough for most basic attacks, and you can literally keep using it at will. It costs a chunk of change, but it's still a nice item.

2017-07-21, 03:16 AM
That's fair criticism of the PrC, but I built the character specifically to have a go with that particular class, and while the loss of caster level is weak, the "versatile telekinesis" CA has already been really awesome. I don't need good BA, since now I use caster level modified by charisma for all the stuff, and that is working out really well.

I have already mitigated 1 CL loss due to the fact that we are playing Shackled City, and I got the smoking eye template. That was unexpected, and awesome. Metamagic isn't so great for me, (Sorcerer) but ultimately I will enjoy Extended Still Silent TK and pretend I have an invisible friend

Ring of telekinesis sounds good... Though I just spent my whole wallet on an sick-like-malaria Adamantine Shortspear of Sizing so its gonna be awhile until I have spare cash.

I'm still interested in developing an Epic version of TK though, and I will look at the seeds to get some inspiration for creating my own. Perhaps "Control" or "Force" mas danielxcutter suggests...

2017-07-21, 03:18 AM
Don't go too overboard, though. Keep checking with your DM and see if it could be too OP if used in a certain way.

2017-07-21, 06:08 AM
For sure.

I have a good relationship with my DM, and since I do a bit of time behind the screen myself, I have a fair handle on what is likely to be game-breaking; usually I don't even suggest things to him if I have a feeling they will be shot down.

2017-07-21, 06:10 AM
For sure.

I have a good relationship with my DM, and since I do a bit of time behind the screen myself, I have a fair handle on what is likely to be game-breaking; usually I don't even suggest things to him if I have a feeling they will be shot down.

That sounds fair. Hope you guys have fun!

2017-07-21, 06:22 AM
I have a bag of holding filled with greatswords. I intend to empty them out into a pile, and hurl them en-masse at the next big-bad.

If that isn't fun, I don't know what will be!

2017-07-21, 06:24 AM
I have a bag of holding filled with greatswords. I intend to empty them out into a pile, and hurl them en-masse at the next big-bad.

If that isn't fun, I don't know what will be!

Throwing +1 Flaming Vorpal adamantine greatswords, of course!

2017-07-21, 06:27 AM
I like my fun like I like my dark rum.

Cheap, and in enormous quantities!

2017-07-21, 06:30 AM
I like my fun like I like my dark rum.

Cheap, and in enormous quantities!

Still, putting a +1 on each is good... at the very least you won't have to worry about DR/magic, then. Do you have a Cleric? See if he can cast Greater Magic Weapon on them!

2017-07-21, 09:37 AM
Our cleric is part time, and when the DM runs him, its healing only. Good idea though!

If its looking like the target has DR, I will be throwing one big thing instead of lots of little things; the aforementioned shortspear of sizing can become colossal with a swift action, and is magic AF!

2017-07-21, 10:18 AM
Instead of Epic Telekinesis you could design a basic, but higher level version of telekinesis. Like this one: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Telekinesis,_Greater_(3.5e_Spell)
Rules for designing spells are on pages 35 and 198 of the DMG.

2017-07-21, 10:30 AM
I have a bag of holding filled with greatswords. I intend to empty them out into a pile, and hurl them en-masse at the next big-bad.

If that isn't fun, I don't know what will be!


I suggest you have a look over there for other ideas ;)

2017-07-24, 05:31 AM
Yeah, I had a look at researching some kind of Greater Telekinesis (and may still do so), but I think what I am looking for will deviate too greatly from the original TK text.

The wikidot pages were REALLY useful. Lots of interesting variations that I hadn't considered before, and will definitely feature in the ultimate result!