View Full Version : Access to a wish spell Idea for breaking Druid further.

2017-07-18, 11:07 AM
Not exactly sure where to post this so if it is in the wrong place I apologise.

Currently playing a druid in a homebrew game and I was discussing with my DM ideas for what to wish for and 2 ideas came to mind (ignoring ruling problems and such)

My ideas are either I wish for the beast restriction to be removed from wild shape, or change the cap on wild shapes CR limit.

just curious as to which would be better as both have their advantages and disadvantages. I feel like I'm going to pick removing the beast restriction but I just wanted other opinions from a 3rd party.

PS DM oked both

2017-07-18, 11:10 AM
Wish to be able to Wildshape into a Tarrasque. I see nothing wrong with that. :wink:

But in terms of getting rid of the beast restriction, do you mean that you could wildshape into ANY creature that is CR X or below? So you could Wildshape into a Hobgoblin or something?

2017-07-18, 11:17 AM
wildshape into anything sounds way more powerful to me, provided you're already a moon druid.

2017-07-18, 11:27 AM
Wish to be able to Wildshape into a Tarrasque. I see nothing wrong with that. :wink:

But in terms of getting rid of the beast restriction, do you mean that you could wildshape into ANY creature that is CR X or below? So you could Wildshape into a Hobgoblin or something?

Yes that was the idea. Wyrmlings and undead too

2017-07-18, 11:38 AM
wildshape into anything sounds way more powerful to me, provided you're already a moon druid.

Yup, there are only a few high CR Beasts. IIRC T Rex is King (tee-hee) at 8. They are big too so good luck with that in a dungeon.

I might give a few new forms, Fey or Monstrosity at 2 uses most likely, but Anything is a nonstarter. Druids are fairly potent and a competent player can wreck encounters/campaigns. Just me two bits.

2017-07-18, 03:12 PM
Wildshape without creature type restriction is vastly more powerful than adding a couple extra high level beast forms.

I mean, ghosts (CR 4) have an at will possession ability, granting the ghost complete control of the creature and rendering the ghost very nearly immune from harm. The werewolf (CR 3) is immune to damage from mundane weapons. The ability to shift into forms which are immune to heat or cold will allow you to ignore environmental hazards for the rest of the campaign. You can access burrow speeds and ethereal sight and incorporeality and treasure sense and a dozen other powerful monster abilities which PCs can't normally use.

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-18, 03:15 PM
It depends as a dm id ask the player what they envision.
See which is easier for me and not game breaking and work with the player to hash something out.

2017-07-18, 03:20 PM
I would say that you could probably get away with asking for a few additional creature types. For instance, Plant or Fey. Or, you could Wish to be able to Wildshape into specific creatures in addition to the normal specifications. So you could specificy things like "Unicorns, Blink Dogs, and Worgs". That may be the best way to go, and it might allow you to do a bit of both of your requests, without getting outrageous.

2017-07-18, 03:27 PM
"I wish to remove the restrictions of my Wildshape so I can transform into things that are not beasts!"

"Wish Granted."

*Druid transforms into a Druid-shaped onyx statue, forever.*

2017-07-18, 03:36 PM
"I wish to remove the restrictions of my Wildshape so I can transform into things that are not beasts!"

"Wish Granted."

*Druid transforms into a Druid-shaped onyx statue, forever.*

Is this how Figurines of Wonderous Power are created?

2017-07-18, 09:58 PM
As I said before the DM has given the green light to both wishes. I mean obviously I would have to word it right but it seems like I would stick with being able to change into anything rather than having essentially an unlimited use of the polymorph spell.