View Full Version : Epic Druid Feat/Class

Hiro Quester
2017-07-20, 11:26 AM
My Druid PC has just reached level 21, in a campaign that probably won't go much higher than level 22.

Currently a monkish kung fu druid. Main roles are Buffer/BFC/Melee frontline/Backup healer
Druid 9/Monk1/Lion of Talisid 8/Holt Warden 2

He likes Big cats. WarBeast Tiger Animal Companion. Favorss Dire Tiger wildshape (or elementals for utility).
DM (well, his God, Obad Hai) has nerfed Wildshape to 2/day for 10 minutes each, in exchange for +1 druid level (compensating for the level lost in the Monk dip). Encourages focus on spellcasting instead of always being in dire tiger form
Hence the switch to Holt Warden for Plant domain and boosts to speed, and skills; also for story reasons, recruiting Guardians of the Green to help in our quest.
He was a shy little forest gnome with a Napoleon Complex until 19th level. Then was permanently transformed into an Eladrin.

Considering Holt Warden 3 for level 21 (partly for story reasons).

Could possibly justify a one-level Cleric (of Obad Hai) dip for Animal Devotion and 1st level Cleric spells.

Are there other classes I should consider? I already have +1 CL, so perhaps a non-casting class could be a possibility, but it would have to fit the story.

Epic Feat:
I always planned on taking Epic Spellcasting, but now I see how much time, gold and XP it takes to develop such spells, I'm having second thoughts.

My character is already somewhat OP (compared to others in the party), and our DM is concerned that Epic spells (particularly the ones I'm considering) might be too much, and might shut down otherwise challenging and fun encounters.

I don't want to push too hard on this, so I'm considering what other feats (particularly epic ones) might be a good idea.

Local: Spontaneous Healer (all party members got a "local" feat from backstory; my role was going to include primary healer, so DM allowed this as my local feat. My character was apprenticed to a Cleric of Obad Hai and took 5 ranks in Knowledge(religion).)
1: Improved initiative
3: Ability Focus: Stunning Fist (Retrained from "Favored of the Companions")
Monk: Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk: Stunning Fist (was Improved Grapple, but DM encouraged retraining, because enemies couldn't beat my grapple check when in dire Tiger wildshape.)
6: Natural Spell
9: Companion Spellbond
12: Tempting Fate
DM Bonus: Lightning Reflexes
15: Versatile Spellcaster
18: Natural Bond

I also have a couple of MM rods each of Extend Spell and Quicken Spell, instead of taking these feats.

What other Epic or other useful feats might be good additions here?
Considering Craft Contingent Spell, perhaps. But open to other (particularly epic) suggestions.

Random Sanity
2017-07-20, 08:13 PM
Epic Reflexes, Epic Will, or Epic Fortitude can help with whatever saving throw you'd like more of. Likewise Great [insert ability score here] can give you more raw stats. Improved Spell Capacity gives you another (high-level) spell slot for the magic-slinging style your DM favors.

Improved Stunning Fist raises the save DC of that ability if you like popping folks in the nose. Spontaneous Spell lets you convert prepared slots into copies of a chosen spell if you like more casting options.

Hiro Quester
2017-07-21, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the suggestions.

All my saves are pretty high right now, my lowest, reflex, is regularly 25-30. and my wisdom (casting stat) is also more-than-reasonably high thanks to +5 tome and +6 Item (plus epic items can increase it with gold).

Increased spell capacity looks interesting. I'm guessing it's principally used for metamagic, which I achieve through rods, rather than feats that increase sleep-level.

Increasing the number of 9th level spells I can cast would be nice. But I rarely cast all of them (5 plus my plant domain spell). DM has banned shapechange, since it's OP (esp. in my hands), and undoes the focus on wildshape he encouraged my character no longer to have.

Craft Contingent spell is looking like it still might be by best backup option. Or perhaps Extra Domain, If I can think of a story that justifies choosing one of the good ones.

2017-07-21, 09:33 PM
Epic Feat:
I always planned on taking Epic Spellcasting, but now I see how much time, gold and XP it takes to develop such spells, I'm having second thoughts.

hahahahahhaha.... no


Your DM is right to hate epic spells.