View Full Version : Modifying then animating the dead?

2017-07-21, 05:19 PM
I have a psionic artificer in my current game of 3.5 who loves to push the grey area of the rules to the limit. His current plan is to take the bones of a recently dead humanoid, transform them with a flesh to stone variant he made called "flesh to Crystal" kinda self explanatory, make it permanent, then take each individual bone Crystal and craft various cognizant crystals, power stones, dorje and other such psionc objects, put them in a pile and animate them.

What I would like to know is would this work with animate dead, create undead, or any other method?
Does it violate the "mostly intact corpse" requirement, or any other part of the spell?

2017-07-21, 05:29 PM
Well, since we're in homebrew territory, there isn't really going to be a RAW answer; but as a DM, I would say no.

What you've got isn't a corpse, it's a bunch of crystals...

2017-07-21, 05:35 PM
What I would like to know is would this work with animate dead, create undead, or any other method?
HAHAHAHAno. This doesn't work on a ridiculous amount of levels.

1. Flesh to Stone only works on creatures. A humanoid's corpse is an object, and thus not a valid target.
2. Even ignoring that, a crystal statue of your body is not a corpse, it's a statue. Thus, it's not a valid target.
3. Even if said statue could theoretically be considered a corpse, taking it apart for use as raw materials would make it no longer an intact corpse, which at least Animate Dead needs. And as for Create undead, well, I'll let the spells do the talking.

The creature is not dead,....

The spell must be cast on a dead body.

So no, he is not trying to 'push the grey area'. He's trying something the rules flat-out do not allow for.

Side note, 'make it permanent' is unnecessary for Flesh to Stone, because it's instantaneous, meaning it doesn't wear off on it's own (it's a step above Permanent, can't even be dispelled).

2017-07-21, 09:28 PM
Thanks for all the help, your replies are well received.

2017-07-22, 12:21 AM
If he wants to make a grisgol he needs to find a lich

2017-07-22, 01:31 AM
Stone to flesh specifically creates corpses when used on a statue, and animate dead specifically targets corpses. If you stone to flesh some kind of statue you can use animate dead on it, but what this artificer hasn't isn't a corpse anymore then he would have if he shoved a squirrel into a woodchipper.

2017-07-22, 03:02 AM
Hmm.... What if you then cast the reverse after enchanting said crystals, Crystal to flesh in this case? (Although a typical artificer could just enchant the rocks from the normal spell into universal items, thus removing the Homebrew element I believe) Would the bones retain the psionic capabilities?