View Full Version : Character Concept: Crazy Cat Lady. [BUILD IT!]

The Shadowdove
2017-07-22, 03:01 PM
Hey forum-lurkers,

Let's make a crazy cat lady!

Feel free to submit as vague or detailed as you like in regards to your take on her.

Things to consider:

1) age
2) backstory
3) reasons for Adventuring
4) Potential deity
5) Build(class(s))
6) race
7) How to best utilize her crazy-catdom
8) Her social behaviors!

Get d&ding!


2017-07-22, 03:10 PM
Any class really works.
-wizard (or casters in general) spawns a cat, cat pees on floor. BAM grease

-ranger throws a cat as a thrown weapon (probably a dagger) then gets a giant cat as a conpanion

2017-07-22, 03:16 PM
Isn't druid a default Cat Lady option as is? Old, hermity and surrounded by animals?

2017-07-22, 06:26 PM
Tabaxi enchantress. Uses her spells to charm and "train" humans to live in her personal demiplane. Giant litter box and food/water bowls included.

2017-07-22, 07:11 PM
Tabaxi enchantress. Uses her spells to charm and "train" humans to live in her personal demiplane. Giant litter box and food/water bowls included.

Darn I thought the same thing when I saw the thread. Tho I would have went with wild sorcerer

2017-07-22, 08:00 PM
I've seen the idea of a wizard whose ”spellbook” is a collection of cats. Prepping spells means she feeds and pets the cats. Spell components are in her satchel of cat toys.

2017-07-22, 09:24 PM
Hey forum-lurkers,

Let's make a crazy cat lady!

Feel free to submit as vague or detailed as you like in regards to your take on her.

Things to consider:

1) age
2) backstory
3) reasons for Adventuring
4) Potential deity
5) Build(class(s))
6) race
7) How to best utilize her crazy-catdom
8) Her social behaviors!

Get d&ding!


Female, gnome (forest), 419 years old
Druid (land, forest)/x
High wisdom, charisma, and intelligence
Feats (4th), ritual caster -- taking find familiar

Lives in an old hut in the forest. Raids nearby towns and convinces cats to come and stay with her. Uses her gnome beast speech to take with the cats. Assumes (wildshape) cat form to spy on nearby villages. Uses conjure animals to summon lots of panthers, tigers, or other large cats if threatened.

2017-07-22, 09:24 PM
She could be a professional rat catcher, offer to protect farmer's grain storage from vermin, run a cat tavern (cat cafe), etc.

The main obstacle is cat ladies tend to spend most of their time in a horribly disgusting home, overrun with cats. You need a reason for her to travel with all her cats. Can also have her pick up any strays along the way.

2017-07-22, 11:27 PM
Druid main but... three levels of ranger can get you a Beastmaster cat... and Magic Initiate or Ritual Caster can get you a familiar

2017-07-22, 11:31 PM
Race: Tabaxi
Background: Hermit
abilities we want: Animal companion, conjure animals, find familiar
So a sufficiently high level beastmaster ranger with magic initiate feat could cover it, or you could dip into druid and/or wizard/warlock as well, especially if youre looking for higher level slots to summon more and more cats.
Bonus points if you use the catapult spell or similar to launch them at enemies.

2017-07-23, 06:10 AM
Things to consider:

1) age
2) backstory
3) reasons for Adventuring
4) Potential deity
5) Build(class(s))
6) race
7) How to best utilize her crazy-catdom
8) Her social behaviors!

Ignore all that completely, it doesn't matter.

You want to be playing the Birthright campaign setting and be a Scion of Brenna with the Animal Affinity blood power. With even a minor amount of godly blood you can communicate with all cats empathically within 60ft and they'll never consider you an enemy. Greater bloodlines can speak with them telepathically, make them automatically your allies to the point of death, see through their eyes within a mile, summon all of them within a mile and shapechange into one once a day.

Just walk into any old town and suddenly you have an army of hundreds of eyes and ears instantly allied to you. Cats know all the secrets in town, let me tell you.

Also 2e peasants have 1hp and cats do 1hp damage.


The Shadowdove
2017-07-23, 10:09 AM
You are all amazing.

How would you stat out a swarm of cats? Abilities?

2017-07-23, 11:41 AM
The main obstacle is cat ladies tend to spend most of their time in a horribly disgusting home, overrun with cats. You need a reason for her to travel with all her cats. Can also have her pick up any strays along the way.

Simple. Just have her home be mobile. Gypsy wagon to start. Work your way up to Baba Yaga's hut.

2017-07-23, 12:31 PM
ironically enough I have actually played a crazy cat lady
lvl. 13 monk
deity: Bast
age: mid 40's
tabaxi obsession- Bast, goddess of cats and vengeance
tabaxi quirk- you are a font of random trivia from the lore and stories you have discovered... about cats
personality trait- I connect everything that happens to me to a grand, cosmic plan.

angered Bast, ended up blind because of that, believed that was the best thing to EVER happen to her (Bast
was the last thing she saw)

has wild cats following her, which she feeds part of her rations

2017-07-23, 02:34 PM
you could dip into druid and/or wizard/warlock as well, especially if youre looking for higher level slots to summon more and more cats

I was wondering why Warlock wasn't as prominent. Beast Speech / Speak with Animals can be had at 1st level, as an 'always on' ability. Way more efficient for finding / befriending animals than any other class.

Combine that with 1st+ level Druid spamming Animal Friendship as much as possible, 3rd+ spamming Locate Animals, and 9th+ spamming Awaken, that cat lady will have a huge group of rescues, and a few members of a gossip / coffee klatch.

As far as feeding the cats. Since she *is* a Druid she could spam Goodberries, but I could also see Survival skill, Outlander background, and a 1-level dip in Ranger to forage enough food for up to 10 people a day - I'm sure someone can do some math to figure out how many cats she could support. Also, as a Moon Druid she could easily go over and above that to wild shape into some fearsome form to go kill an Elk every few days, then spend her time puttering around in her house and grinding the meat down into nice cat food.

Also at 11+ level, a combination of a Heward's Handy Haversack and Tree Stride could mean hunting far and wide, maybe occasionally taking some cats another place to go hunting for themselves or to play in a favorite treehouse for a day or two.