View Full Version : queries on some old free modules

2017-07-22, 03:06 PM
I was looking for modules; and read that wotc put out a bunch of old free modules for 3.x a long time back; but that many of the links were broken at some point.
I found a link that still had some of the modules.
edit: apparently the link I'd used wasn't valid as a link, despite it being the address in the bar whree I'd found stuff.
question 1: I wanted to make sure everything's legal with using them, as I hadn't heard about this in the past.
question 2: I was wondering if someone knows of a source which has all the modules now (as the wotc links are broken, and the sources i've found seem to each be missing a bunch of the modules)

{link scrubbed}

2017-07-22, 04:31 PM
They were all free on the WotC website at one point. You'll find most of them still out on the web there, somewhere.

I'm not sure what copyright/legality issues surround something that was one freely available at no charge, but has now been removed from the original host website. The rule of common sense would tell me that something that was originally distributed at no charge should still be free to share, but things like that can be murky, especially in the USA.

2017-07-22, 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by ziefin
I found a link that still had some of the modules.

That link leads to a blank WordPress template, nothing there.

2017-07-22, 04:51 PM
ok, I tried editing the link, is it working now for you? it's working ofr me.

2017-07-22, 04:53 PM
Seems to be now, yes.

2017-07-22, 04:55 PM
I see them, but im with Thurbane, im not sure what sort of legal morass they may be in.