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View Full Version : Optimization Help Making A Spell List 3.5

2017-07-22, 09:13 PM
Good evening, I was wondering if I could get some help making a spell list? I am the only wizard in our group and am constantly becoming useless when my prepared spell list isn't helpful. I know part of being a wizard involves researching the opponent and preparing ahead of time, but I am looking for a general purpose spell list when we are just adventuring and don't really know whats gonna happen.

Some background:
-Evil campaign (but we get along)
-I'm a lich
-Wizard 5, Incantrix 8
-can't cast evocation
-specialized in abjuration
-we all have low light and dark vision
-the other members are an assassin, sorcerer, barbarian, and just recently a cleric
-I have a wight monk as a cohort

Available spells a day:
*one of them must be abjuration*
0) 5
1) 8
2) 8
3) 7
4) 7
5) 6
6) 5
7) 2

All SRD spells are ok (minus evo) and it is a case by case basis for anything else in published content (nothing homebrew)

I hope I have provided all useful info. Thank you for your time.

2017-07-22, 09:25 PM
This (http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?p=31962) is a decent list of generally good offensive spells. There's a link somewhere there to a similar list of utility spells.

What all day buffs do you typically use? This is particularly relevant as you are playing an Incantatrix.

Consider using Metamagic Spell Trigger with wands like enervation or other debuff rays. Ask your DM if you can stack multiple metamagics from a single activation.

What metamagic feats do you have?

2017-07-22, 09:35 PM
This (http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?p=31962) is a decent list of generally good offensive spells. There's a link somewhere there to a similar list of utility spells.

What all day buffs do you typically use? This is particularly relevant as you are playing an Incantatrix.

Consider using Metamagic Spell Trigger with wands like enervation or other debuff rays. Ask your DM if you can stack multiple metamagics from a single activation.

What metamagic feats do you have?

right now I have quicken, widen, and extend. He said multiple metamagic activations are OK. As for all day buffs I usually use mage armor, but other than that, nothing but what is granted from my items. This is my first character and am still trying to understand how to be a wizard.

2017-07-23, 01:27 AM
Core hour/level and 24hour buffs.

Mage Armor
Phantom Steed
Overland Flight

Some non-core stuff
Anticipate Teleportation (or Greater)
Greater Mage Armor
Heart of X spells (Water, Air, Fire, & Earth)
Superior Resistance (Or Greater, only +3)
Energy Immunity

Karl Aegis
2017-07-23, 01:51 PM
Ray of Exhaustion
Quickened Ray of Enfeeblement
Waves of Exhaustion
Greater Dispel Magic
Solid Fog
Dimension Door
Black Tentacles
Magic Circle against Good
False Life
Greater Magic Weapon
Shrink Item

No Contigency, Wall of Force, Fireball, Grasping Hand or Prismatic Spray to pad out your slots hurts, but it's not the end of the world. If you didn't have the level adjustment of the lich you could have prismatic wall and mind blank, but such is the way of life.

2017-07-24, 04:08 AM
Wow these are all great! Thank you for the help!

2017-07-24, 06:48 AM
You definitely want to cover the basic caster stuff. (Greater) Teleport, (Greater) Scrying, Greater Magic Weapon (allies can buy you Pearls of Powers for a daily casting per weapon; much cheaper than +3 weapons), etc. Far as spells for combat, basic control spells and perhaps some SoDs/offense is worth including. Phantom Steed and Overland Flight are key all day effects and Alter Self, Magic Circle Against Good, etc. Make for solid long duration buffs. Elemental resistances should go without saying - buff allies as available.

For preparatory stuff, you can keep some good Animated Undead (Hydras, Dragons, etc.) and move them to Command Undead as desired. Make hefty use of Shrink Item and perhaps pack some Explosive Runes in some tome or the other. Don't forget Planar Binding and Simulacrum; they can create formidable underlings. Simulacrums for spell-likes and Binding for everything.

E.g. Treantmonk's analysis is fairly good:

EDIT: Don't forget to buff your Wight Monk too. Monk Unarmed Strike can be targeted as a weapon so you can cast Greater Magic Weapon and e.g. Keen Edges on it (10 min/level) and (Greater) Mage Armor is a great AC buff for Monks. Also Greater Mighty Wallop (Races of the Dragon) is incredible for unarmed strikes

2017-07-24, 07:53 AM
Consider Greater Mage Armor from the Spell compendium, and replace regular Mage Armor slot with Shield.

Unluck (Spell compendium) is a hilarious debuff, and Bestow Curse is quite versatile if you have an amenable DM.