View Full Version : Happy thread!

2017-07-22, 10:29 PM
So I see so many arguments on here I thought I'd make one big happy post, so we can dump all those weird happy feelings here, and argue more effectively.

What happened in your games this week (or ever- in or OOC) that just makes you happy?

Personally I started playing a half orc moon druid who got lost for years in the underdark, so his skin turned all pale and white. Last shaman of his tribe. Turning into cave bears and giant constrictor snakes in combat is probably my favorite thing ever. He's confused about things like clouds, and just hit level 7, so is gonna learn to become an Allosaurus using polymorph. This is gonna be great!

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-22, 10:35 PM
I uh made a copy of what. I posted below so uh bark

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-22, 10:43 PM
Happiest moment i retrived my kidanpped adopted children. Their were
5. A half orc gro bob boy
4 tina human girl
3.Destiny tiefling girl.
2.luna half elf girl
1.half drow. James
Rescued tina and gro bub from a green dragon.
Luna i saved first. And kept her safe in the tree ent near our villave he gave me many buffs for saving a forrest wkrth of his children.
The last two were in a orphanage ran by raksha.James and destiny, james was under mind control tried to walk towards the raksha i stood infront of him grappled him destiny resisted their attempts.my party stood up for me as i held my children close.i cried ooc.roleplaying to show how important this was to me thank god for those acting classes.when they were safe i had one tbing left to help a youg tiefling who was half of a whole one stop her other half.i spat at him while sipping from a enchated item of endless high strength saki called the onis tears

2017-07-22, 10:50 PM
The party's sharpshooter archer has had the habit of running forward, into move-and-melee range of the enemy. Has gotten to zero HP several times by doing that--on one occasion, three times in the same day. Last week, he ran back, took cover, and shot from range. I stopped and cheered.

2017-07-22, 11:03 PM
A group of evil cultists met our party along the road. I was suspicious (and in range) and dropped a pre-cast Hex on the most Leader-y looking member to nerf his Dex Checks in case of a fight. A bit of banter later, fight started, initiative was rolled, and Leadery-y guy rolled dead last. The Bard tried out his new Hypnotic Pattern spell on the baddies and only Leader McLeaderpants made his save. We proceeded to focus Captain Leadman down before he got a chance to do anything and then played whack-a-mole with the rest of the baddies.

We didn't take a single point of damage and discussed the wisdom of not walking around all clustered up.

The DM concluded that maybe he should have included that evil treant in the fight after all.

The Cats
2017-07-22, 11:41 PM
I sent my players through a kobold warren and they creative'd their way past every. Single. Trap. Re purposing an urn full of green slime to melt a bunch of kobolds waiting to stab them through murder holes underfoot was a highlight. Super fun session all around.

2017-07-22, 11:53 PM
We welcomed a new player into our group. The DM introduced his character by having him walk in on the first fight of the night. I think the idea was that the characters would bond by fighting side by side.

But that's not quite how it worked out. I'll skip the background and just say the current party all fell out of the sky into random spots on the map. I went first and ran over to help dig out the paladin, who was buried under rubble. Then came the new guy, who walked into the scene from the lower corner of the map. Two statues animated (stone golems) and because I ran away to go help the paladin, the new guy was the only one near the two stone golems. So they both strode over to him--BAM! BAM! BAM! New guy took a dirt nap that quick.

So sad.

Welcome to the group! :biggrin:

2017-07-23, 12:44 AM
In my game as a cleric, now level 6, I have not cast any healing spell since our first session when we were level 1. Two goblins befriended our party and joined us as NPCs in the first adventure. They're still around.

A now defunct game where I played a sorcerer, character had a courtship and got engaged. Campaign ended but end game he did get married.

In my game where I play a paladin, as typical his range attacks are worth zilch. I don't even bother with a bow. When range is needed, it's not his forte and lets the rest of the party handle it. He gets his moments to shine elsewhen. At one point the party came a across a spare battleaxe. A player suggested I take it since I can throw it and use my strength. I do so. Literally the next combat, with one foe left after I move I still was not in melee range. I throw the axe. Critical hit, killing the foe. A few combats later, again I couldn't reach a bad guy. I throw my axe. Not a critical hit but still enough damage to drop him. I do not throw the axe often, but whenever I do it is always the killing blow. I don't plan it that way. I didn't know it was going to happen. By coincidence it just did.

No brains
2017-07-23, 01:16 AM
I said "Stab, stab, stab!" like the sniper's taunt kill in TF2 and killed a monster with a critical hit.

2017-07-23, 02:59 AM
So I see so many arguments on here I thought I'd make one big happy post, so we can dump all those weird happy feelings here, and argue more effectively.

What happened in your games this week (or ever- in or OOC) that just makes you happy?

Personally I started playing a half orc moon druid who got lost for years in the underdark, so his skin turned all pale and white. Last shaman of his tribe. Turning into cave bears and giant constrictor snakes in combat is probably my favorite thing ever. He's confused about things like clouds, and just hit level 7, so is gonna learn to become an Allosaurus using polymorph. This is gonna be great!

My very first roll on the Wild Magic surge table was a 02. A wild surge per turn plus a couple here and there from other spells. And near the end of the fight (against a death knight) my roll summoned a Unicorn. That's when I found out that 5e unicorns are no effing joke.

2017-07-24, 01:11 AM
My DM is getting really good at roleplaying NPCs, and I just noticed it last session. It's making the game a lot more fun.

2017-07-24, 04:34 AM
Got a party together who were super excited to build characters and jump into my King Arthur setting. This includes my girlfriend, and also a brand new player.

We had lots of great moments in the two short hours left after character creation:
1. Party ambushed a group of Orcs who were riding on Giant Goats. The fight ended with the female, Goliath Barbarian, grabbing one of the goats by the horns and headbutting it into submission. The party now has a pet Giant Goat.

2. Inside the tomb, the party sees a circular room, empty but for a sarcophagus stood against the wall, and a sword stuck into a pedestal in the center of the room. The new player, without hesitation, goes to lift the sword from the pedestal.
Click, what do you do?
Player: keep pulling, duh
After several very difficult saves to leap across the room as the floor gives way, the entire party finds themselves in a cage with a shallow pool of foetid water at the bottom, and are chiding the Paladin for his impetuousness.

3. After escaping the cage, the party hears Orcs outside the door. The Paladin opens the door and enters the room, basically saying (in Orcish),
"Hello, do you gentlemen have a moment to hear the good word of the Lord?"
He very nearly pulled it off, but then all hell broke loose, and much murder ensued.

We left off right before the party attempts to open the tomb's door, and the boss-fight happens.
Upon getting home, my GF spent 4 hours sitting beside me and a working out the fine details of her character's backstory, her character's parents backstory, and listing off all the things that she really hopes she gets to do in the campaign, and gushing about how much fun it was. Then, two of the other players cracked open Facebook messenger and basically did the same thing!

2017-07-24, 12:07 PM
First session of our first 5e campaign this weekend (most of us have been playing together for 25 years of various editions and games).

We were part of a caravan ambushed by gnolls. My bard ran out to assist some of the guards (including one PC). Saved a nameless NPC (we hadn't learned the names of all the guards yet) with healing word just before getting dropped to 0 HP. My wife's sorcerer nailed every gnoll she fired at with her crossbow as many were outside her spell range (she normally rolls horribly so rolling 18+ regularly was quite impressive for her).

2017-07-25, 06:46 AM
I entered my current campaign's most recent session to learn that I'd actually leveled up last session, but the DM had forgotten to bring it up. It's a small thing, but it was a nice surprise to find that I was getting a second attack per round.

In addition, I've been invited by my previous DM to play a guest character in their campaign at some unspecified but likely close time in the future. Looking forward to paladining around.

2017-07-25, 06:56 AM
In our gothic horror campaign that happiest moments are learning that we aren't in fact dead.

But seriously there is nothing more satisfying in knowing that despite the odds, despite the horrible world your stuck in, despite the rampant death, your characters still helped make the world a better place even for just one person.

It's enough to make the amoral chaotic neutral warlock secretly shed a few genuine tears of happiness (then pretend that he only did it for the money).

Ruebin Rybnik
2017-07-25, 07:28 AM
So the party i was DMing for was in the hideout of this cult and had just finished a big fight. They were hurting and it was near end of the session and they remembered finding a barracks area. They get back to it and find it half full of sleeping cultist. I thought they would either slink away or start killing the cultist.... nope they decide to sneak in dressed as cultist and go to sleep. End session.

Nest session they attained a long rest but by that time more cultist had arrived and sounded the alarm. A cultist leader came in woke up everybody and told them to meet her in the ritual chamber and took off. The only caster had dressed up as a cult mage which has a higher standing in the cult, so after getting ready the other cultist looked to her for guidance. Funny part is they haven't found the ritual chamber, so she starts leading the group around. When they would come across someone she would shout intruder at non cultist and the group would attack, if it was cultist they would join the group. This worked a couple times until the cult leader came back to find out why they hadn't shown up yet. At this point they had about 20 cultist with them, and the leader had brought 10 more. pretty much the whole cult all together. So the leader demanded to know why they weren't in the ritual chamber, and our caster demanded to know why she wasn't helping them stop the intruders. What happened was a mass confusion between the cultist on who to follow and just stared attacking everybody. How the caster got so lucky in all her Cha rolls is beyond me, but by the end i was rolling at the shenanigans they pulled in clearing out the cult.

2017-07-25, 10:25 AM
In my 5e game I was allowed to reforge my cleric and I am liking the results. Finally managed to make it through two encounters without burning all of my spells!

In a Runequest game I'm in, I helped to quickly end an encounter unscathed by casting "Demoralize" on multiple opponents.

2017-07-25, 10:31 AM
So the party i was DMing for was in the hideout of this cult and had just finished a big fight. They were hurting and it was near end of the session and they remembered finding a barracks area. They get back to it and find it half full of sleeping cultist. I thought they would either slink away or start killing the cultist.... nope they decide to sneak in dressed as cultist and go to sleep. End session.

Nice. Are you running "Princes of the Apocalypse" for your group? I ask because the cult hideout & barracks sounds like Riverkeep, which is where my group is right now.

2017-07-25, 10:32 AM
The players commented on how great the last couple sessions of SKT we'd be running were. Just happens it was the couple sessions I put decided to put 100% my own stuff in because I had some fun ideas. I had a blast running it and it went over really well with the players.

I decided to run a pre-written campaign to reduce prep time in a busy time of my life, but that reaffirmed that I'd much rather just do my own thing. Even a fairly open module like SKT feels too restrictive.

2017-07-25, 11:47 AM
At about 1 A.M. a couple days ago, my friend and I where shooting the breeze and discussing characters and I came up with quite possibly my favorite character idea ever whom I now plan to play every chance I get. He's a Kobold Sorc/Rogue who was raised by Silver Dragons and is 100% convinced he is a baby dragon.

2017-07-25, 11:51 AM
one of my players is moving away, and we are trying to work it out where he can still game with us via skype. last game night I thought he would unpacking in his new home, but he would try to atleast get online with us long enough to test out the digital setup and work out the kinks.
well, about the time we were supposed to log on, he is at my door, bottle of scotch in hand.

so we got to see him and game with him in person one last time before he moves to Texas. SO that was a very nice, very happy game night.

2017-07-25, 12:09 PM
In 5e D&D my PC just levelled up and got an ASI, and for the first time ever I got a "Feat" (Alert).

I feel so contemporary!

In Pendragon we now have six players, which is AWESOME!

So all-in-all the 21st century is looking good game-wise, I'm getting to play D&D again after decades, and I'm finally getting to play Pendragon!

Hobbo Jim
2017-07-25, 12:25 PM
In my campaign, my DM created a boss that was supposed to have two sets of minions. One that started off with us, and the other group to come in ~4-5 rounds into combat, of which was supposed to be much stronger. We start off combat with one of our characters, a local paladin vigilante (followed his god's code, not the government's) rolling over 20 on an intimidate, causing most of the group to flee. He then crit with a smite, crit with a normal attack, hit the boss a third time. I then also crit the boss with a homebrew spell that the DM gave me designed to fight possessed creatures, which killed him. With the entire group, the combat lasted 2.5 rounds, and we killed maybe 3 of the initial 9 minions before leaving (because the kill was all we needed, no reason to stick around.) The DM was mildly upset about it haha

Mr. Crowbar
2017-07-25, 12:28 PM
Not in session, but I am going to start DMing soon and and I'm super nervous/anxious, but my players have so much confidence in me and say that even if I flub something up, they know I'll keep trying to improve and they'll stay with me through that. They're so supportive and I love them all for that. ;A;

In session, different campaign... We have an abjurer who's been dying to use Counterspell for so long, and the DM finally threw a spellcaster at us last session. The abjurer counterspelled the heck outta all the spellcaster's spells, even the ones too high a level. It was friggin amazing, and we were all cheering when he nat 20'd to counter a 6th level spell. :D

2017-07-25, 12:39 PM
We finally finished a 4 session arc of the campaign in which the party fought in arenas, where losing means death and victory means we spare our entire village from destruction at the hands of the tyrant who organized the tournament.

In the penultimate fight each party member dropped unconscious at least once, and we won by the narrowest of margins; with our wizard and barbarian at 0 hp, our paladin (at < 5 hp himself) dealt 35 damage against a foe with 34 hp...phew.

We easily won the final bout only to be personally attacked by the angry tyrant who was enraged by our success. As he closed in on us, the city was attacked by a young blue dragon and it's lizardmen minions. Caught between the hammer and the anvil, we remembered a magical feather we had received as a reward for a rare (for our party) random act of kindness we performed for a powerful warlock who had masqueraded as a young child. The feather teleported us some 25 miles north just as dragon was about to clash with evil tyrant. Heart is still racing.

Ruebin Rybnik
2017-07-26, 07:02 AM
Nice. Are you running "Princes of the Apocalypse" for your group? I ask because the cult hideout & barracks sounds like Riverkeep, which is where my group is right now.

No I'm running a modified Tyranny of Dragons campaign. Every session is an edge of the seat adventure mainly because the party has zero healing. There is a open hand monk, storm herald barbarian, swashbuckling rogue, draconic sorcerer, and hexblade warlock. They get by through sheer luck and lots of shenanigans..