View Full Version : DM Help World Generation Tools

2017-07-23, 12:56 AM
Anybody have links to any good online tools to generate worlds, both maps and history. I've been Googling and I've found the following so far:


These two generators must use the same code because the same seed produces identical maps in each. The former has a few more options to add rivers, geography, cities, etc. However, in the later, you can regenerate the same seed over and over using the landmask palette and in different water level in 5% increments. The results can be used to create contour lines. The result is pretty good, but it is rather cumbersome to do that.


Generates a small region, complete with elevation, rivers, territories, and cities. Has a nice old fashioned look. Limited in size though. I wish I could use this tool to generate an entire world.

Anyone have links to better map generators?

Also, I haven't found any timeline/history/kingdom generators of any value. I'd be interested in suggestions for those too.

2017-07-23, 01:15 AM
I'm slowly brewing a random World of Islands using Chaotic Shiny (http://chaoticshiny.com/index.php) for the Civilizations just for fun. They have a ton of generators.

2017-07-23, 05:53 AM
I'd tried using http://inkarnate.com/ and it wasn't bad, but found the size quite limiting. Instead, I'm now using GIMP and it works fantastically well and it turned out to be quite easy and fun, while giving you the huge benefit of layers (so I can have a share-able version and a DM-only version, labels of places and landmarks that can easily be hidden, layers for different altitudes and planes, pre-prepared things that will be added to the map after some event, I can have the option of overlaying different grids, etc.). I started off from this (excellent) Youtube guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5silzfr_88.

EDIT: In neither case is the world fully generated for you, as far as I know! With GIMP, though, my base map (land vs. ocean and large lakes) is automatically generated, and then I fill in what I want from there (picking areas to be desert, snow & ice, mountains, deep ocean, etc.). The brushes make adding a lot of features really easy (mountains, trees/forests, buildings, symbols that work as shorthands for types of landmarks, flags...), but you still have to place everything yourself. The result can be really pretty though, while taking surprisingly little time considering... but it definitely does take a bit of time!