View Full Version : Non-tripper non-charger Half-Giant Psychic Warrior(read post)?

2017-07-23, 07:44 AM
So... I'm probably going to use this to make a PC in the future, but not now so I don't need a specific build.

You know the Fullblade from the Arms and Equipment Guide? A Medium sized one has 2d8 base damage. Half-Giants have Powerful Build, so they can use a weapon one size larger.

According to the weapon size rules, a Half-Giant with EWP: Fullblade would be capable of using a weapon with 4d6(!) damage.

Sure, it's not a huge amount as you level up, but still, that's pretty cool.

So, could you guys help me with a build that uses it? As mentioned in the title, I'd prefer not to make a tripper or a charger, even though those are two of the most optimal choices for a Psychic Warrior. I just want to make a basic beatstick that uses their powers to increase their combat abilities.

A few more things I'd love to be capable of:

Dealing lots of damage per hit. It doesn't have to be charger-level, but still enough to be note-worthy.

Expansion. It's not quite as good as it is for a tripper, but I think it's still a good buff for a melee beatstick.

Flavorful and cool powers. How good they are is also a major factor, yes, but there should be enough wiggle room to choose some powers that aren't the most optimal. Vampiric Blade isn't that good of a power, but then again this build is going to have a pretty high base damage...

So then... any suggestions?

2017-07-23, 09:25 AM
Well. King of Smack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19914037&postcount=39) does this with Claws of the Beast. No reason you can't use the same on a weapon wielder minus Rapid Strike and that stuff. Expansion, Metamorphosis, Strength of my Enemy, Lion's Charge, Schism, etc. Schism buffs while you fight. I built a level 15 Psy War for a test way back in the day as such:
Psy War 15 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=129149)

Just switch out the natural weapon powers and you're good to go. Psychic Warrior Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?162701-3-5-The-Psychic-Warrior-Handbook). Manifester (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/weapons.htm#manifesterWeapon) Arrows (or ammunition in general) is a great source of bonus power points if allowed but on a non-ammunition weapon, decidedly not worth it. Psy Wars are quite short without that; definitely invest in the Torc of Power Preservation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#torcofPowerPreservation) ASAP.

Karl Aegis
2017-07-23, 09:30 AM
The optimal use of Psychic Warrior is a basic beatstick that uses their powers to increase their combat abilities. So you'll want to be able to use your powers to increase your combat abilities. Take Psionic Body and spend most of your feats on Psionic Talent. The extra hit points and power points are worth it if you can keep your powers going all day.

2017-07-23, 05:11 PM
The optimal use of Psychic Warrior is a basic beatstick that uses their powers to increase their combat abilities. So you'll want to be able to use your powers to increase your combat abilities. Take Psionic Body and spend most of your feats on Psionic Talent. The extra hit points and power points are worth it if you can keep your powers going all day.

Psionic Talent? That's only a few PP per use.

Karl Aegis
2017-07-23, 05:58 PM
Psionic Talent? That's only a few PP per use.

Let's say you have taken Psionic Talent five times by level 11. Not as much as I would, but you gain 20 power points. You have 35 from class level and might have an 18 in wisdom for 22 bonus power points. You now have 77 power points. You can manifest powers costing 11 power points 7 times before you run out. Fourth level powers cost 7 power points to manifest, though. You can manifest 11 fourth level powers per day. Without those Psionic Talents, you would have 57 power points. You can manifest 5 powers costing 11 power points or 8 powers costing 7 power points. I feel the jump from 5 to 7 or 8 to 11 is worth the investment. It's more apparent if you're using Hustle or Psionic Lion's Charge every round instead of having to preserve your power points "when you need them". Seven instances of Psionic Talent gives you the same amount of power points as your class does at level 11, but you may want to save a few feats to get some sort of Linked Power, Expanded Knowledge (Schism) and Psionic Meditation action going.

2017-07-23, 06:23 PM
You know the Fullblade from the Arms and Equipment Guide? A Medium sized one has 2d8 base damage. Half-Giants have Powerful Build, so they can use a weapon one size larger.

You've got that all wrong. The Fullblade is just a Bastard Sword, but for a large size creature. Forget it even exists, it's just a worthless relic of the 3.0 weapon size rules.

Arms and Equipment Guide lists the Fullblade as a Huge weapon, which per 3.0's weapon size rules, makes it a two-handed weapon sized for a Large creature. Per its description, if you take Exotic Weapon Proficiency for it, a Large creature can use it one-handed, or a Medium creature can use it two-handed.

If you make a Bastard Sword sized for a Large creature, the damage scales up to 2d8 (same as a fullblade), a Medium creature can't use it at all, or can use it two-handed with EWP, and a Large creature can use it two-handed, or one-handed with EWP. It's identical, but without any confusion from the 3.0 weapon size rules determining whether something is one- or two-handed.

If you're going to take EWP, get a Kaorti Resin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031014a) Falchion (2d6 two-handed for a large character, 18-20/x4, must start out at least +1), or a (Deep Crystal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/specialMaterials.htm#crystalDeep)) Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer (MMIV, 3d6 two-handed for a large character, 19-20/x4, +2 to Sunder weapons and shields).

2017-07-23, 11:02 PM
Let's say you have taken Psionic Talent five times by level 11. Not as much as I would, but you gain 20 power points. You have 35 from class level and might have an 18 in wisdom for 22 bonus power points. You now have 77 power points. You can manifest powers costing 11 power points 7 times before you run out. Fourth level powers cost 7 power points to manifest, though. You can manifest 11 fourth level powers per day. Without those Psionic Talents, you would have 57 power points. You can manifest 5 powers costing 11 power points or 8 powers costing 7 power points. I feel the jump from 5 to 7 or 8 to 11 is worth the investment. It's more apparent if you're using Hustle or Psionic Lion's Charge every round instead of having to preserve your power points "when you need them". Seven instances of Psionic Talent gives you the same amount of power points as your class does at level 11, but you may want to save a few feats to get some sort of Linked Power, Expanded Knowledge (Schism) and Psionic Meditation action going.

Um... that burns way too many feats for my taste. I prefer other methods.

You've got that all wrong. The Fullblade is just a Bastard Sword, but for a large size creature. Forget it even exists, it's just a worthless relic of the 3.0 weapon size rules.

Arms and Equipment Guide lists the Fullblade as a Huge weapon, which per 3.0's weapon size rules, makes it a two-handed weapon sized for a Large creature. Per its description, if you take Exotic Weapon Proficiency for it, a Large creature can use it one-handed, or a Medium creature can use it two-handed.

If you make a Bastard Sword sized for a Large creature, the damage scales up to 2d8 (same as a fullblade), a Medium creature can't use it at all, or can use it two-handed with EWP, and a Large creature can use it two-handed, or one-handed with EWP. It's identical, but without any confusion from the 3.0 weapon size rules determining whether something is one- or two-handed.

If you're going to take EWP, get a Kaorti Resin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031014a) Falchion (2d6 two-handed for a large character, 18-20/x4, must start out at least +1), or a (Deep Crystal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/specialMaterials.htm#crystalDeep)) Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer (MMIV, 3d6 two-handed for a large character, 19-20/x4, +2 to Sunder weapons and shields).

Odd. Lots of people say it's a legit weapon.

2017-07-23, 11:56 PM
Odd. Lots of people say it's a legit weapon.

They certainly would if they haven't looked at the 3.0 weapon size rules, so let's crack open our 3.0 PHB. Don't have one? The 3.0 SRD (http://www.dragon.ee/30srd/equipment_wpns.htm) will suffice.

First off: Weapon Sizes.
Tiny, Small, Medium-Size, and Large Weapons: The size of a weapon compared to a character's size determines whether for the character the weapon is light, one-handed, two-handed, or too large to use.

So creature size compared to weapon size determines handedness. Next Two-handed:
Two-Handed: If the weapon's size category is one step larger than a character's, then the weapon is two-handed for that character. A two-handed melee weapon can be used effectively in two hands, and when damage is dealt with it, add one and a half times the character's Strength bonus to damage (provided the character has a bonus).

So a Large size weapon (like a greatsword) is a two-handed weapon for a Medium creature. Now we look at the Fullblade, and look at that. It's a Huge weapon. As Biffoniacus said, this is a two-handed weapon for a Large creature, meaning that a Medium sized creature couldn't wield it at all without the specific text saying they can. However with the revamp to weapons and weapon sizes with 3.5, the Fullblade becomes terribly antiquated. It would be better not to include it since it is just a bastard sword for large creatures with special rules for allowing a Medium creature to use it (which would otherwise have been impossible in 3.0 but 3.5 created the inappropriately sized weapon penalty to make it possible so an update would be required).

edit: With the lecture on 3.0 weapon sizes out of the way let's apply this to 3.5 now. So we start with a large Bastard Sword and Powerful Build. 2d8 with no penalties as a two-handed martial weapon.

Now we take EWP: Bastard Sword for 2d8 as a one-handed exotic weapon and no penalties.

We can kick it up to a huge Bastard Sword for 3d8 (not 4d6, since 2d8 bumped up is 3d8, check table 7-4: Tiny and Large Weapon Damage in the PHB or Table 1-1: Damage for Larger Weapons in the AEG) with a -2 penalty for an inappropriately sized weapon as a two-handed exotic weapon.

You lose 1 die but have larger dice instead.

2017-07-24, 04:03 AM
At first level take Learn Martial Maneuver: Sudden Leap.

At level 12, take Learn Martial Stance: Wolverine Stance.

Build around grappling. Iron Grip. Expansion. Couple of other powers.

You'll be able to use your 2 handed weapon while grappling, and be a terror at grappling.

Have a few dispelling powers in your arsenal to knock out Freedom of Movement buffs and items.

2017-07-24, 06:36 AM
You've got that all wrong. The Fullblade is just a Bastard Sword, but for a large size creature. Forget it even exists, it's just a worthless relic of the 3.0 weapon size rules.

Arms and Equipment Guide lists the Fullblade as a Huge weapon, which per 3.0's weapon size rules, makes it a two-handed weapon sized for a Large creature. Per its description, if you take Exotic Weapon Proficiency for it, a Large creature can use it one-handed, or a Medium creature can use it two-handed.

If you make a Bastard Sword sized for a Large creature, the damage scales up to 2d8 (same as a fullblade), a Medium creature can't use it at all, or can use it two-handed with EWP, and a Large creature can use it two-handed, or one-handed with EWP. It's identical, but without any confusion from the 3.0 weapon size rules determining whether something is one- or two-handed.


If you're going to take EWP, get a Kaorti Resin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031014a) Falchion (2d6 two-handed for a large character, 18-20/x4, must start out at least +1), or a (Deep Crystal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/specialMaterials.htm#crystalDeep)) Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer (MMIV, 3d6 two-handed for a large character, 19-20/x4, +2 to Sunder weapons and shields).

Or that 2d8 weapon in Frostburn I keep forgetting the name of. But again, feat intensive.

The easiest way (for a mid-high lvl character) is to be a monk with Tashalatora and optimize unarmed strike.

2017-07-24, 07:57 AM
You can also build around two weapon fighting with a sword and shield taking feats like combat reflexes and stand still.

Human/P. War 4

H. Two Weapon Fighting
1. Combat Reflexes
PwBf. Improved Shield Bash
PwBf. Shield Focus (Light)
3. Shield Ward
PwBf. Stand Still

Prescience, Offensive
Thicken Skin

You should have a pretty good Dex for TWF, and because of shield focus/ward you should have a pretty solid AC. Idea being, you use your first round to manifest expansion and move in to position between your party and the enemy, possibly taking an attack if you can dealing weapon damage from a larger weapon. Then you take your AoOs agains your enemies forcing them to take saves or stop their movement within your reach (prime for full attacks). Because of Improved Shield Bash you won't lose your shield bonus to AC and you'll be making full attacks with sword (or other weapon) and shield regularly.

This is not optimized, but it is a non-tripper/charger half giant p. war that is capable of dealing a fair amount of damage while simultaneously defending your party or serving as a large flanking buddy.