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2017-07-23, 11:59 AM
On the Wings of Fate

Part 1: The Lost Mines of Phandelver

OOC Thread can be found: Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?531212-5E-OOC-Tyranny-of-Dragons&p=22224275#post22224275)

1491 DR

Chapter 1: Goblin Arrows

To the 'Briel Twins',

Much of your time in my employ has been entertainment, the two of you sure have a way with words that brings tears to my eyes. I will need your services in Phandalin,
about 3 days journey down The High Road and across the Triboar Trail. The good news is you wont be traveling alone, so stay out of trouble! There is a supply cart that you will be escorting along the way with a few other people I have employed in recent times, Ling will be among them. Meet with them and then follow the directions of Maldrom,
he's the Dwarf with a green thumb and you'll know him when you see him.

Until Phandalin;
Gundren Rockseeker

To Ling and his retainer,

Your road has been a hard one, Ling. Though I still have no word on your sister, I still have eyes and ears out where I can and I do not intend to let you sit idle in Neverwinter while I meet with my brothers about a local legend. Too much trouble for you there if left to your own devices. So instead, I have volunteered you to help escort my supply cart to the mining town of Phandalin. Not only will those two twins be along for the journey, but a relative of mine shall be assisting as well. Meet with them and make sure my supplies reach me, I'll need them for what's to come if I'm correct about this...

Your Guardian;
Gundren Rockseeker

Some of you received private letters from your Patron, the Dwarf named Gundren of the Rockseeker family. One thing is clear; he has left Neverwinter behind in search of something important and you, along with these others he has mentioned, have been charged with escorting his supplies that had to be left behind to the rough and tumble town of Phandalin to Southeast. It isn't until you arrive at Gundren's place do you find a very different kind of Dwarf holding a letter addressed to you all.

Dear friends,

As you've already been informed, I have gone ahead with a warrior escort, Sildar Hallwinter, to talk business with my two dimwitted brothers in the town of Phandalin. It's something big, or I wouldn't bother the lot of you. To make the trip swiftly ( these damn horses can only carry so much), I had to leave behind my supply cart; which I am now paying you lot 10 gold a piece to escort to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin, a day behind us unless you take your time like a bunch of slackers. A three day journey on a cart should be nothing; and easy going for 10 gold. To assist you in this endeavor, a dear relative and guide will be going along with you; Maldrom Stonebrow. Few know the wilds and the area nor can track quite like he can. Someone will need to find that Goliath. By Tyr's beard I can't get his name right even now. He should prove useful, even if he's writing that supposed book all the time... Now get to work! I'll need the goods on that cart by weeks end.

Your Patron;
Gundren Rockseeker

As each of you exchange pleasantries, or not so pleasantries, the Goliath Bartholl walks in behind a street urchin; who had been sent to fetch the large writer and warrior. He takes one last look up at the Goliath, who must have been thrice his height, before departing swiftly. With all of you now together, the task given you by your Patron is clear. Phandalin is a long 3 days travel, and it isn't getting any closer. The sun will not wait for you either; and you find you will have a short a few hours to gather your belongings and purchase extra supplies before the best departure time has come and gone. As a Dwarf once told you, it's time to get to work!

You have spent the last few days following The High Road south from Neverwinter, and you have just recently headed East along what is known as the Triboar Trail. Save for one single wagon heading the opposite direction with an old man hoping to sell you his concoctions, tonics, and wares; you have encounter no stops or trouble so far. This territory can be dangerous, however. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail.

After about a half days journey along the Triboar Trail, you come around a bend and anyone driving the cart or sitting upon its roof spot two dead horses sprawled about fifty feet ahead of you, blocking the path. Each have several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side. Something caught the riders of these horses unaware...

2017-07-25, 04:31 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Aha! I take it you are the relative our employer mentioned?" Ling Jun is all smiles stepping in close and taking one of Kaldrinn's hands in both and his and shaking it enthusiastically. "I am Ling Jun," he introduces himself, pausing as if he expected the dwarf to have heard of his name before releasing the dwarfs hand with a shake of his head. "It is of no matter, who is this Goliath and where are the twins? My good friend Gundren has tasked me with keeping them in line," he mimes a punch or two causing the longbow on his back to sway side to side as he walks back to the door to look outside for the late comers.

* * *
On the journey south the little Shou keeps up a constant stream of questions and good natured banter with the rest of the caravan guards. He chooses to walk, seemingly completely at ease treading along the dirt path or the running ahead to inspect something interesting that catches his eye. "And once the dragon had turned to stone, the Emperor had his masons come along and chip away at its body. For years they toiled, for the dragon was many hundreds of Li in length, stretching from one end of Mai Yung to the other, so skilled were the Emperor's masons that when the Tuigan saw their finished work they fled in terror," he finishes telling the story of the Dragon Wall to Umbriel as they walked.

2017-07-25, 08:51 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl was working up a bit of foraged stew when the little boy found him outside the city gates. "I'll be along," he replied. The boy squirmed as if there were more. "Umm, sir... he asked me to take you there right away."
"Sit and wait then. Eat some stew; you're too small."

Bartholl always felt nervous moving through the city, all the eyes upon him and sophisticated folk going about their business. He hoped they would like his book someday. Upon arrival at Gundren's and hearing the job, Bartholl sneers, addressing Maldrom, "Escort? Bah. No thieves today, Treekeeper? Or orcs? I love orc raids." The scars on his chest and shoulders ripple as he rolls the bulging muscles back and forth in anticipation.
Bartholl walks next to the cart during the journey, and at one point peels a freshly formed scab from his upper right arm, leaving a 3" strip of hardened flesh and blood in the dust behind the cart, smiling at the pain. He listens absently to Ling's story, trying to gauge the bouncing man. Weak men carry bows, and he presumed this foreigner didn't have the stomach for a real fight. He cracks his formerly broken fingers. "How far is dragon wall, Talker? I want to face this stone dragon."

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-25, 12:24 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

With a warm smile and a polite half-bow, the dwarf returns the handshake and seems to recognize the name Ling Jun or at least feigns casual recognition out of respect. "A pleasure to meet you Ling Jun." Kaldrinn continues the hand shake and places his other calloused hand upon the chest of his worn leather armor. "Kaldrinn Redstone. We're are family through marriage mind you, but family enough to get invited along for some of his more ambitious expeditions. I'm quite curious to see what thread of adventure him and his brothers have been tugging at this time and what it will unravel." The dwarf sets his pack down and await the arrival of the others while making small talk with Ling Jun.

"Don't let the job description fool you--I highly doubt the job will be as boring as simply riding a cart for a few days." The dwarf tells the archer, the pair of twins, and the lumbering goliath as they begin to make the cart ready to set out. He tucks his small pack neatly into a spot between the barrels and boxes that Gundren had charged them with protecting. "Phandalin is off the beaten trail and the roads can get dangerous without the patrols of the city to scare bandits or creatures away. Besides, I've known him long enough to know that as soon as we get into down hill have a pile of other tasks for us to go about especially since whatever this is has excited him so much."

As they trudge their way along the trail heading east, Kaldrinn joyfully walks alongside the horses at the edge of the rutted roadway. It was good to be in the wilderness once again; he'd spent the past few weeks in the city tending to some business and had about reach his limit with the hustle and bustle of the place. As the wagon slows to a stop he turns to the driver to see why they'd stopped and then quickly scans around to search for danger. "What is it?" He asks in a hushed whisper as he turns from the driver to see the shape of the down horses in the distance for himself.

2017-07-25, 12:51 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Thank you. Sturdy, fit for the road, and beautiful," she says as she accepts the package from the clothier. She hands over the money and turns to her brother. "See? That didn't take nearly as long as when you wanted to stop off and play music for that lord. Now, I believe we have people to meet." She leads Umbriel out of the cute little shop and heads for Gundren's offices.

Upon entering, it appears that they were the last ones to arrive. "Ah, you waited for us. Lovely. Sorry we were late. My little brother isn't ever ready on time. She emphasizes being the older sibling though they were mere minutes apart. She holds up the letter from Gundren and waves it at the others grouped here. "I think Gundren wants us along to Phandelver. He said something about guardwork, but I'm sure hes mistaken. We haven't ever done that type of work. Not since I left the temple, anyway. I'm sure he just wants us to get out to this town and do a show or some such."

She looks around at the group one more time, then asks with a smile. "Which of you will take my bags?"

The days seemed to drag on as they made their way down a not very smooth road. Ambriel had rearranged some of the goods...grains mostly...and turned them into a not horrible seat in the back of the wagon. She attempted to keep everyone in a good mood by playing songs and singing with her brother. She had missed playing the duets more than she would admit to him. That is one silver lining surrounding their reason for traveling right now. The wagon suddenly comes to a stop and she looks around. Standing up in the wagon for a better viewpoint, she asks, "What's going on?"

2017-07-25, 02:37 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Ah yes! Of course!" Ling Jun turns excited eyes to Bartholl. "But please, call me Ling. You have the blood of giants in your veins yes? There are tales a plenty of their war against the dragons of ancient times, this innate hatred must be what fuels your curiosity my friend. The wall is faaaar to the east, many many months of walking and even then your survival on the trek is not guaranteed. It is a journey to write a tale or song about! You should convince our songbird here to accompany you!" he laughs turning back to Umbriel. "'The Half-Giant and the Stone Dragon', a fitting title and one that invokes interest even now..." he trails off noticing the wagon had stopped and doing likewise.

Noticing Ambriel looking at something ahead, he quickly clambers up the side of the wagon and stands next to the other twin shading his eyes to better see the road ahead. "Horses," he replies to Kaldrinn jumping off the wagon and quickly beginning to string his bow. "They are dead," he clarifies looking up.

2017-07-25, 04:36 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

Umber yawns disinterestedly as his sister accepts the package. "I still think we're going to be late, sister." He complains. He yawns again, still tired after the late show he played last night. The pay was good, and he had been tipped handsomely for the lovely show. Too bad it wasn't the kind of tip you could enjoy past one night. He just hopes the duke doesn't find out.

After brief introductions and a slight fib from his sister, the party moves out onto the road. Umber had found space to sit down on the cart next to his sister, playing an accompanying tune on his harp and occasionally singing along. Despite his tiredness, he thinks he sounds adequate. He hopes the journey won't be long, the bumpy ride might ruin his hair.

The singing had stopped, as most of the party was quietly moving along. Ling Jun was telling Umber about the stone dragon. "I don't think I've heard that tale," said Umber interestedly from his seat on the cart, lounging slightly back. He begins to try and compose a song about it, plucking the strings on his harp and adjusting their setting. "Pull up a chair, and bring me a flagon! For today I tell you of the great stone dragon!" Sings Umber. "Hmm, maybe instead, 'I'll tell you a tale of a great stone dragon...?'" Umber plucks a few strings and tries a few more notes.

Umber blanches at the sight of the dead horses. "Dead?" he asked. He really didn't like blood. "But who could have done this?"

2017-07-25, 05:08 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
"Brigands is my guess. It's about damn time," responds Bartholl hefting the enormous maul from his back and rippling his fingers along the shaft in anticipation. "Don't imagine you see too many of 'em travelin' along your pretty roads, do ya?" he taunts to the twins, taking a few cautious steps forward and scanning the tree line for trouble. As he approaches the first horse he breaks off one of the arrow shafts and holds the feathers up to get a better look as well as check for signs of who may have been riding the (recently?) dead beasts and where that body wandered off to...

Assorted possible needs...
Investigate: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

2017-07-25, 05:13 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel frowns a little at the Goliath. He had no idea the hardships she had been through. He should try sitting on this bag of grains! "Well it's not my fault that carriage windows obscure the roads." She looks around, now somewhat worried. "Why would brigands hang out in this deserted area?"

2017-07-25, 05:32 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Why are flies attracted to dung?" Ling Jun answers Ambriel's question with one of his own. "It is the way of things," he explains with a shrug waving for her to either sit back down or get off the wagon. "There are goblinkin about, they attempt to hide, seeking to fill us with arrows. But worry not Lady Firehair I see- tā māde!" he curses in his own language as he see's the Goliath had already walked into their trap.

Raising his bow to the sky he nocks, draws and releases in one smooth well practiced motion sending a barbed arrow sailing through the air. "Trap!" he calls out a warning to Bartholl as he ducks behind the cart.

I can't see the map while at work, but he'll attack the most distant one and then move to use the wagon as cover.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit?: [roll2]

No range or cover penalties thanks to sharpshooter.

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-25, 10:24 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

'Why would brigands hang out in a deserted area?' Kaldrinn echoes the words in his head and then shakes it in disbelief. 'Hadn't I just explained how being out of the patrol range of the major city made the roads here more dangerous? Wouldn't the promise of wagons like ours be enough to lure out those who would seek to claim goods and supplies for their own? I really worry about those you've been hiring as of late Gundren ... what is it you've found that this is the sort of help you've hired?' The dwarf moves forward a few slow, cautious, steps as their large companion moves forward to investigate. Something wasn't right here.

As Bartholl snaps the arrow from the horse carcass and begins to investigate, movement out of the corner of his eyes alerts Kaldrinn to what lay in wait for them. "Ambush!"

2017-07-25, 10:35 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel shakes her head in disbelief that man who had seemed so nice the past few days could throw out swear words so easily. She assumed they were profanities, anyway. It sounded like it. "Sir.." she begins to admonish him. She watches as he pulls his bow and launches an arrow through the sky, striking a disgusting little creature she hadn't even seen. "Oh my."

2017-07-26, 11:34 AM
The scene before you is not a happy one. Both horses have been taken down with well placed arrows and whomever had been riding them is nowhere to be seen. As the Goliath moves up to take a closer look, it becomes apparent that these horses have not only been dead about a day, nearly 2; but these are certainly the horses belonging to Gundren Rockseeker and his guard, Sildar Hallwinter. The saddlebags have been looted and nearby lies an empty leather map case.

Bartholl barely has time to break off one of the arrows and inspect the feather fletching upon them before Ling cries out a warning and looses an arrow deep into the brush of the trees before taking cover behind the wagon. From the Goliath's knowledge of the feather and woodwork upon these arrows, Bartholl has only one thought before standing up and taking stock of the ambush he now finds himself in. Goblins. It's always Goblins.

Encounter 1: Goblin Ambush


Ling, Kaldrinn, Umbriel, Bartholl
Ambriel :(

Few could track a shot quite like the one Ling takes with his longbow; but those who can would see the arrow pierce clean through the head of a goblin who had been taking aim at the unsuspecting Goliath, dropping it without so much as a sound. The Goblins, in their panic of being suddenly spotted, lose nearly all focus, their ambush efforts now scattered. Kaldrinn and Ling have seen through their trap, and you all must now make sure you eliminate the threat.

Your wagon has stopped about 50ft away from the downed horses. Bartholl has moved ahead to investigate.
A goblin taking aim at Bartholl about 30ft away was shot and killed by Ling.
20ft away from Bartholl on either side are two Goblins wielding Scimitars, thier bows slung over thier backs.
About 30ft Southwest of Bartholl is a second Goblin Archer aiming at the Goliath through the trees.

2017-07-26, 12:23 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel looks around at the sudden outburst of violence and yelling. Things certainly were loud in the countryside. "Why did we even stop? It's not like it was OUR horses that were dead!"

2017-07-26, 01:50 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
The whistle and thunk of the arrow brought Bartholl's head up quickly as he rose to his feet. The goblins' morale scattered a bit revealed their positions above the road. With a few large steps and a leap, the barbarian cleared the top of the embankment and dove into the bushes, scattering leaves and twigs in his wake as he brought his maul down with a crunch onto one of the remaining assailants.

Move up to nearest gob.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-07-26, 04:06 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

Thinking quickly, Umber stands on the cart as if it were his stage, plucks the strings of his harp and lets the melody flow, singing to Ling Jun.

"Mighty Ling Jun, do not, be Laggin'
Strike with the might of a mighty stone dragon!"

After warming up with that brief rhyme, he releases another verse towards the goblins.

"Terrible goblins, you killed a horse?
Fall before our great and righteous force!
No matter how ugly and disgusting your face,
You will soon fall with 'nary a chase!
Ye louse bitten, pox marked, cantankerous toads
Will never again set foot on these roads!
Finishing with a flourish, he bows to the audience and prepares for another verse.

Bardic Inspiration + Vicious Mockery

So, I use Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action to give Ling Jun a d6 to spend on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. He can use it anytime in the next ten minutes after he rolls but before the dm says if he failed.

Vicious mockery:
I'll target the first goblin I see, which must beat my spell save dc of 13 with a wisdom saving throw. If it fails it takes 1d4 psychic damage:
and has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of it's next turn.

2017-07-26, 04:48 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel sighs, jumps down from the wagon and moves to the front of the horses. "Is this really happening?" She exclaims. "In this bright sin? This is ridiculous!" She reaches for the ruby choker at her neck, concentrates on the injured goblin and yells out: "SURRENDER!"

Cast Command. WIS save DC 13

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-26, 07:02 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

As action begins to break out, Kaldrinn skitters forward--a little off the edge of the road--and begins to summon forth a spell. He keeps a wary eye out for any more of the creatures hiding in the bushes and thickets and conjures a small ball of fire between his cupped hands with a fluid motion. Attempting to drive the disgusting creatures off, he lobs the ball of flame at the nearest one crouching near a rock and shouts out in common. "Be gone! You'll not find us to be easy prey!" Even if the spell didn't find purchase he hoped that between flying balls of fire and a rampaging goliath the goblins would realize they hadn't set upon simple travelers.

Move 25 ft

Cast Produce Flame and then use it to attack the closest goblin north of the road.

Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

2017-07-26, 07:41 PM
Bartholl, having been surrounded by Goblins, is quick to act and jumps onto the southern embankment, baring down upon a hapless Goblin with his heavy maul. The sickening crunch of bone and bits of armor announce the end of the Goblin. An unseen Goblin that had still been in hiding takes this opening in the Goliath's defenses to break from the bushes and slash at Bartholl with a scimitar, grazing into the Goliath's flesh.

Umbriel climbs up to the top of the wagon and delivers a mocking verse or two filled with magic. The goblin nearest to Umbriel, one crouching behind some rocks, stands up and grips the sides of its head in pain. Before it can recover from the psychic burst inside its head, Kaldrinn summons forth magical fire into his hand and tosses it at the poor creature, consuming it in flames. A few moments later and the flames disappear, leaving just the burnt body of the Goblin behind. "Be gone! You'll not find us to be easy prey!"

A second well hidden Goblin exits some bushes to the north and takes aim at the Aasimar, Umbriel. "Smelly Dwarf and Human Knight no easy prey either! We took both quickly!" Without anything between the Bard and the arrow, it finds purchase in his abdomen, almost causing the talented Aasimar to lose his footing. At the same time, the Goblin archer to the south moves within firing range of Ambriel. She tries to imbue her voice with magic and issue a Command but the magical order has no effect on the archer as it looses an arrow at her, catching her square in the shoulder and causing spots to dance before her eyes from the grievous injury.

Bartholl's attack hits for a nice 10 damage, bringing down the goblin.
A hidden Goblin lashes out in retaliation, hitting with a 19 and dealing 3 slashing damage to the Goliath (Unless he uses his racial ability to prevent it)
Umbriel and Kaldrinn join together to take down the goblin to the nort of Bartholl behind some rocks. It's now a burnt goblin corpse.
A second hidden Goblin moves south from the trees and fires upon Umbriel, dealing 5 Piercing damage and bringing him down to 3 HP
The last remaining Goblin to the south takes aim at Ambriel, she tries to counter with the Command spell but the Goblin shakes it off and takes his shot, dealing 6 piercing damage and dropping her to 2 HP.

It's now back to the players

2017-07-26, 08:25 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

A small smile twists the Shou's lips at his musical friends rhyme and he steps free of the wagon feeling the breeze on his cheek and picturing his shot before he's even fully upright. His first shot had been perfect, it wasn't hard to hit a stationary target and the goblin had thought itself hidden. Hitting a moving, ducking and dodging target was far more difficult, you had to predict where they would be in the precious few second between when you loose your arrow and when it found it's mark. He releases his arrow in surprise as the twins are both struck and he reaches over to the wagon and slaps at the sacks.

"Down! Now!" Were they trying to get shot? he wonders taking his own advice and ducking behind the wagon again.

He'll attack the one Ambriel told to surrender.

No range or cover penalties thanks to sharpshooter.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit?: [roll2]

If his roll totals between 10 and 14 he'll use the bardic die, otherwise he'll save it.
Bardic Inspiration: [roll3]

Damn, i think that's still a miss.

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-26, 08:43 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

In the heat of combat Kaldrinn doesn't quite make the connection about the dwarf and the knight. He keeps low and starts to summon a second ball of magical flame as arrows whiz overhead toward unknown destination. The cries of pain behind him do seem to give a clue or two as to their effectiveness. Once the flame is ready he lobs it at the remaining goblin on the northern embankment of the path and, before he even sees if it finds purchase, rushes forward and attempts to find some cover near some large boulders.

Move 10 ft

Cast Produce Flame and then use it to attack the closest goblin north of the road.

Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

Move 15 feet

2017-07-26, 09:23 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

*Thunk* Ambriel looks down at her shoulder, blood staining her traveling clothes. She looks up at the goblin, her face pale and head spinning. "I just bought this!"

"Down! Now!"

That's a lovely idea, she remembers herself thinking before her knees go out from under her. She ends up looking up at the sky. She hadn't even made it to play her show yet.

2017-07-27, 02:18 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber bowed a few more times from his stage. "Thank you! Thank-Urk!" The arrow catches him just as he's straightening up. He sees his own blood. He hates blood. "I guess the audience disapproves." he quips shakily. Then he looks over and sees Ambriel. "Sister!" He yells worriedly.

"Down! Now!"

"Erm, right." He responds, getting off the wagon and rushing to his sister.

"Though they have arrows, never you fear! Your dashingly handsome brother is here!"
Umber weaves a healing song, singing the verse with much less confidence then before.

Cure Wounds

I cast cure wounds on Amber and heal her for:

2017-07-27, 11:09 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 12/15
Affected by: Rage 10/10 | Conditions: None
The maul withdrew with a sloppy sound as Bartholl stood looking over the tiny thing when a rush of pain seared through his glutes. Another goblin feebly slashed him with what was apparently a very dull sword. He turned his head with ferocity and a grin in his eyes, his torso and the maul following as the twisting motion built momentum.
Dull blades tear. Sharp ones cut... he noted mentally. Externally this simply came out as "RRAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!" His companions see just a shifting of the bushes, followed by his battle cry, followed by a limp and distorted goblin body flying through the air to land on the road near the horses.

BA: Rage
Attack goblin: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If it dies, move to the last visible goblin.

2017-07-27, 11:47 AM
As arrows fly across the field of battle and puncture into the Aasimar siblings; Ling shouts a warning and takes a shot at the Goblin that nearly brought down Ambriel. The shot goes wide, embedding itself into the tree the archer was taking cover behind previously. At the same time, the Dwarf tosses another magically produced ball of flame at the Goblin to the north; setting it, its clothes, and its bow aflame for a moment leaving a second charred Goblin body on the rocky ground. Kaldrinn then moves behind a small collection of boulders, taking cover.

Perhaps from the pain, perhaps from the shock of her injury, or perhaps something else entirely; Ambriel collapses to the ground near the horses, the arrow still in her shoulder. As swiftly as Ambriel collapses, Umbriel jumps down from the wagon and rushes to his sisters aid; calling upon magical healing from the Weave with his vocal talents. The magic works its way into Ambriel and as her brother removes the arrow, her wound closes and knits itself back together leaving the imperfection of a small scar where the arrow had punctured her otherwise flawless skin.

Bartholl, obviously enraged by the shallow cut the feeble scimitar of the Goblin inflicted upon the Goliath, twists his body and heavy Maul in an expert pivot and sends the poor poor Goblin flying into the air to land 10 feet away near the dead horses, its body disfigured and twisted from the blow of the Maul. As the Goliath sets his eyes upon his next target, a Goblin holding a bow and looking back and forth between Bartholl and Kaldrinn, and moves in towards it to deliver the ending blow, it drops the weapon and flees to the South West through a pair of trees with tiny X's cut into the bark. "Ugly Giantborn no smash Graaks face! Graak likes his face!"

The last surviving Goblin uses Nimble Escape: The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns. It disengages from Bartholl, granting no Attack of Opportunity as it drops the shortbow on the ground and uses the Dash Action to move twice as far and breaks line of sight through the thickening trees.

Combat has now ended and you are free to investigate the area, bodies, take a short rest if required, and continue on how you feel best.

2017-07-27, 12:41 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Bartholl shouts at the fleeing thing. His lumbering form rushes through the undergrowth in pursuit. Where the goblin ducks under branches and around bushes, the goliath charges through them leaving a semi-humanoid shaped path through the woods. After about 100 feet though it's apparent the chase is fruitless as the fearful creature slowly pulls ahead and out of sight.

After a minute, Bartholl returns from the woods and hops heavily down to the road. "... It got away." he says sadly. Can't even catch a goblin... no wonder you never earned a name. Seeing that wounds are already being tended to, he makes himself somewhat useful and begins moving the 3 carcasses off the road so the wagon can pass, the goblin being flung by one leg into the trees. Once it's cleared, he checks the horses for maggots and other signs the meat may be spoiled. If it appears to still be safe, he removes a hatchet from his belt and begins hacking at the rear haunches and other salvageable parts, dropping them on the back end of the wagon for transport. A thin red streak crosses the back side of his breeches.

Survival for the "safe meat" check? [roll0]

2017-07-27, 03:08 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"AAAAAAAAOOOOWWWWWW!" the sorcereress screams as her brother pulls the arrow out of her. Fortunately, the pain subsides as her wound knits itself shut. She looks at her new traveling clothes and sighs. Why hadn't she learned Mending? The priest had offered to teach her and it was such a simple spell. But she really only had so much space in her brain, and prestidigitation kept her clothes clean.

After inspecting her outfit, she finally turns to Umbriel. "Oh, Umber...you were shot too?" She had seen healing done at the temple lots of times. Let's see here. I think it went... She grabs on to the arrow in Umbriel's stomach and says, "Don't worry.
I've got you. I grew up in a temple, remember." Okay. What did they do next? Heal then pull? Pull then heal?

Oh man.

She grabs a handkerchief from the pocket in her traveling coat and uses it as a barrier between her hand and her brother's blood. No reason to get any more messy, after all. She flips a head in her coin, then pulls the arrow out of Umbriel's belly while focusing her energies through her hand. "There we go...stop whining..."

Heal Umbriel for [roll0] HP

2017-07-27, 05:39 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun nocks another arrows and half draws it back as he scans the tree and bushes for more of the goblins. He'd missed that last shot and could imagine the switch hitting the back of his legs as Jiang Su explained what he'd done wrong in that frustrated tone of his. This wasn't the training yard, people lived or died by his mistakes, he'd have to do better.

When no more apparent threats present themselves he lets out a triumphant WHOOP! and hurries around to the twins. "Haha! We are victorious my fair skinned friends!" he informs them wincing slightly at the sight of the bloody cloth in Ambiel's hand, but after seeing that Umbriel didn't seem to be in any pain at the moment he relaxes. "What are mere flesh wounds to the children of the gods!" he jokes offering a hand down to help Umbriel to his feet before moving further down the path to where the giantkin worked at making sure the goblins were dead.

"I, too, would flee from you Bartholl, truly you are a fearsome sight in battle. An effective one also if these crumpled bodies tell the tale of your deeds," he praises the goliaths battle prowess before walking to the dead horses and pulling free one of the goblin arrows from their dead flesh. "Look at this fetching," he says with an unimpressed shake of his head. "The shaft isn't even straight," he tosses the goblin arrow away in disgust and walks toward the first goblin he'd fired at to see if his arrow was salvageable.

How are you handling recovering ammunition?

2017-07-27, 05:44 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

"I wasn't whining!" He sulks. He sings a quick couplet to fix his own shirt. "I don't know, how to sew." And begins looking around, trying to look at the dead horses more closely, as well as the grounds around them for any clues.

Investigate and Mend

Just in case, I'm going to make an investigation roll:
and also cast the mend cantrip on myself.

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-27, 08:59 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Peaking up from behind his little pile of stones Kaldrinn catches the last glimpse as the cowardly creature disappears into the underbrush. "Figures." He mutters as he turns his attention back to the trio near the wagon. He iniatialy was going to sprint over and see if they needed help but the twins seemed to be taking care of themselves nicely and Ling Jun seemed more than alright. Instead, he sets his sights on the scattered debris in the center of the road and begins to move forward, keeping a wary eye for goblins that might yet remain.

When he recognizes the horses and, subsequently, who they belonged to, reality comes crashing down on him like a felling redwood. "These are Gundren's horses." The words escape barely more than a whisper. "These are Gundren's horses." They come out louder this time until he finds himself nearly shouting back toward the others. In a panic, he begins to pat down the saddle backs and check through the belongings to see if anything was left. He starts to searches the dirt around the area for signs as to whether they might have been injured and then he suddenly recalls the goblins words.

"I think they may have taken Gundren prisoner." He tells Ling Jun, the sound of worry crackling through his voice.

Investigation : [roll0]
Perception : [roll1]
Survival : [roll2]

2017-07-27, 10:01 PM
As the last Goblin flees, Bartholl goes on a warpath through the trees after the frightened creature only to lose track of it in the dense trees. He makes his way back and moves the horses out of the path before inspecting them.

The meat seems okay to you. You aren't entirely used to meat being in temperatures like this. In the mountains of your former tribe, if you killed something, the snow and low temperatures would keep something relatively fresh for at least a day or 2.

The Goliath then gets to work cutting off haunches and carrying them over to the cart. That's when Kaldrinn stops him and informs him that these horses have been out in higher temperatures for more than 24 hours and would have spoiled by now. The only thing keeping the Dwarf from (farther? Further?) panic was his keen senses. Investigating the area reveals that the goblins have been using this area to stage ambushes for some time. Tracks and the trail of what seems to be the drag marks of two humanoids bodies lead to the Southwest; towards where the goblin fled. About a dozen or so goblins have come and gone along this path within the last 2 days. While it is too densely populated with trees to bring the wagon along, someone with enough skill could properly conceal the wagon in the nearby brush.

As Ling recovers what arrows he can, he notices the goblins he pulls his arrows from are not well equipped. Not well tanned leather armor that is falling to pieces and flimsy shields protect them, while dull scimitars and makeshift shortbows provide their means of attack. Curious, that they are usually not this well organized around these parts. Ambushing a supply cart is one thing; but ambushing and taking prisoners that have no value, Goblins do not usually think that far ahead...particularly if it does not profit them.

So Kaldrinn has uncovered the presence of a path leading deeper to the southwest off the beaten path, one heavily traveled by Goblins. It appears Gundren and Sildar have been taken in that direction. Those who have been injured are now healed by the magical talents of the Twins, but if you wish to Short Rest you may. Where do you go from here?

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-28, 10:07 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

After heading down the first several feet of the trail and investigating the footprints and markings there, Kaldrinn pushes back through the thicket and emerges at the top of the embankment. "Lots of foot traffic through here recently. Looks like they've been using this spot to ambush for at least some time now--if I had to hazard a guess they're likely camped out somewhere nearby." He looks at the scattered belongings and the mutilated horses and wonders if they shouldn't clean it all up a bit before trying to hide their wagon; if someone else happened upon the scene they might start poking around.

"It looks like they have taken prisoners and dragged them off. We've got to act with haste!" He jogs down the small hill and picks up a few of the scattered belongings--particularly the map case--and puts them in the cart. "Lets find a safe place to hide the cart off the main road and get to following the trail." Excitement and fear are obvious as the dwarf begins to assist however he can in getting things ready to follow the trail into the forest.

2017-07-28, 12:22 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

"Gundren's been taken?!" Umber utters one of the more vile swears he'd learned in bard school as he straightens up from examining the horses, his woes from the previous battle forgotten.
"We have to go rescue him! Take anything of value from the cart you can carry and hide the cart. And don't forget to tie up the animals!" Umber begins to do just that.

2017-07-28, 12:33 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
"This is what happens when city folks leave their walls..." Bartholl mutters as he cleans the gore from his hatchet before pulling the meat off the wagon again and tossing it over the embankment for the scavengers. He collects his pack from the wagon, making sure his papers are secured inside, didn't want them jostled and torn during a fight, and helps lead the horses off the trail as they make preparations for the rescue. "I cleared a nice path down that way earlier, you know so the brambles don't snag yer clothes and all," he states earnestly to the twins, though it could very well be taken as sarcastic given his earlier comments.

I'm good to proceed without resting unless y'all want to.

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-29, 10:50 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"I think that should do well enough." Kaldrinn says, dusting off his hands and admiring where they'd found a spot to stash the cart off the main roadway. He spends several minutes hiding their tracks as best he can and, once the group is ready to proceed, begins to travel down the narrow goblin trail. "Keep an eye out for them hiding in bushes and such. With the one that got away they likely know we're coming."

2017-07-30, 01:00 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"What misfortune to befall us before we even reach out destination! And poor Gundren too! They seemed earnest in their attempts at ending our lives, do we not warrant capture to?" Ling Jun complains to the heavens seemingly offended that they weren't worthy of being held ransom in the eye's of goblins.

He goes about helping the others move and conceal the wagon in relative silence before turning to Kladrinn. "It occurs to me that you, being a close relative of Gundren, should be the one to negotiate for his release. These things... They are not cheap," he fumbles with the pouch at his waist before holding it up to the dwarf. "Should their ransom demands be beyond your means, i have a few coins that may tip the scales in our favour," he offers earnestly, but also knowing full well that if Gundren wasn't returned to them any chance he had of earning any coin in Phandalin was quite slim.

2017-07-30, 11:11 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl shrugs. "With Gundren, goblins attack first and capture later. No chance for capture with us, half of them dead before they could act."

He grunts amusedly at Ling's offer. "You city folk think coin solves everything. We seek Kaldrinn's blood. In my lands an attack on family means war. We will pay their ransom with steel."

2017-07-30, 01:38 PM
After assessing the scene laid out before you, it has become clear that your patron and his guard have been taken away down a trail concealed behind some thickets some time ago. With as much careful haste as you can manage, you steer the wagon to the edge of the trees, remove the horses from the wagon and tie them off, and attempt to conceal your goods as best you can before setting off down the trail.

Kaldrinn seemingly takes point, with Bartholl close behind followed by Ling Jun and, lastly of course, the twins Ambriel and Umbriel watch the back after lending aid to one another to heal their collective wounds. Kaldrinn easily finds the most recent goblinoid footprints; those presumably belonging to Graak, and follows them down the path. Nearly 10 minutes down the trail you all hear a commotion from further ahead.
"Let Graak down! Stupid snare was meant for others, not Graak!!"
The next words are a string of curses in the Goblin tongue. As you get nearer and approach, you can easily see that the goblin that had fled from you previously has stepped into a snare trap and now hangs, suspended upside down, by one foot and is flailing wildly to get itself free. When he notices you approach, Graak's eyes widen and he starts fighting harder.
"Back! No smash Graak! Graak helpless now. Help Graak down, he can help get to hideout safely, yes! Can tell you about Klarg. Yeemik hate Klarg!" As the goblin continues to ramble in order to save his life, he realizes he is giving away the very same information he needs to trade for his safety and promptly shuts up. "You help Graak down, now? Errrr...no. You help Graak down, maybe? No....what is word... Please! Help Graak down, please!"

With the creature's weapons having been dumped below him when he triggered the snare, the goblin no longer poses any threat. To believe its pleases or not, however, is a different matter entirely...

There is no need for R20 at the moment during this section. This is just an un-mapped path to the next map where several things could and might happen. Marching order is important here. I have taken the liberty based on what I have gathered about character personalities and your previous posts what this Marching Order might be like; but feel free to make changes after you deal with.... Graak... however you see fit.

For reference, Graak has been a long running character of various creature types that quickly becomes pacified based on inspiration from the first ever printed MTG card of the same name: Pacifism (http://magiccards.info/scans/en/at/79.jpg) . The picture, and more importantly the flavor text, has always cracked me up when it's all taken into context. I hope you have enjoyed this behind the scenes look at Graak the Goblin! :D

2017-07-30, 05:17 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Ohoho! You make a gift of yourself little Graak, all tied up and helpless," Ling Jun remarks to the goblin with a chuckle at their good fortune as he circles around him keeping out of reach.

"A bargaining chip with which to trade for our missing employer. What say you little one? Does this Yeemik and Klarg value your life? Would they be grateful for the return of one of their wayward clanmates?" he asks the goblin drawing his slightly curved blade and holding the point out toward the rope keeping the goblin aloft.

2017-07-30, 06:17 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

Umber yawns, affecting an air of indifference. "I say we kill him, the information is probably bogus anyway." Umber smiles inwardly. He had no intention of actually killing the trapped goblin, but he wanted to see if he could trick it into giving them better information. He draws his dagger to add to the effect and turns to Amber. "What do you think, sister?" He asks, winking at her while his face is turned away from the goblin.

Deception rolls

Rolling deception to trick the goblin into thinking I mean it harm.

2017-07-31, 02:34 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Sorry, guys. I was a LOT busier and traveling a lot more than I thought I would be this weekend.

Ambriel watches the men do the heavy work of covering the wagon and hiding, occasionally pointing out a good place to hide it (after one has been picked) and waving hand vaguely towards things she think were done incorrectly. Despite the cart not being hidden correctly, the group starts traipsing through the woods and Ambriel is forced to follow.

"Umbriel," she whines says at one point. "My top....it's simply dreadful now. Can't you do something about it?" As she follows along, she occasionally comments on the surroundings. "Why did we have to leave the wagon? You guys could have cleared a path, really. What did I just step on? Come on...."

Ambriel frequently stops to prestidigitate some muck or dirt off of her. As she is distracted by some hanging vines, Ambriel bumps into the back of Bartholl, who has apparently come to a stop when he sees the goblin hanging from the tree. She looks at his back, startled, then reaches up and pokes him in the back. "My. You certainly do have the muscles, don't you?"

Umbriel asks Amber about killing the goblin. "What? I...no! He's helpless..." before catching the wink from her brother. Oh! Yes! Death. Kill him! Have him for dinner! Start setting up a fire!"

2017-07-31, 03:00 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Thump. Bartholl looks over his shoulder at the little lady without much expression at her obvious comment, though he agreed he did certainly have great muscles. They were his favorite feature and he flexed them in self-admiration as he strode toward the goblin who's feet dangled near his head. It occurred to Bartholl he'd never been suspended upside down like that... he'd have to try it some day. Taking a big sniff he adds, "No good for dinner, smells spoiled. Skull would make a nice cup though. And fingers bones used for reading fortunes. Goblins are shifty, can't trust 'em." He gives Graak a small shove so he spins and sways.

It's unclear if he's going along with the rouse or taking the twins' suggestions seriously... you'd guess the latter.

Left to his own devices the goblin would be dead already, but he respected the chain of command to an extent, and with Gundren gone, Kaldrinn was the next in succession for this little mission - though the goliath knew he could take down any of these smaller folk if need be. Besides, it wasn't his kin that needed saving. "Treekeeper?" He looked to the dwarf expectantly.

I rolled an insight to see if he understood the lie you were weaving... I got an appropriate 6 lol.

2017-07-31, 06:07 PM
"...What say you little one? Does this Yeemik and Klarg value your life? Would they be grateful for the return of one of their wayward clanmates?"

"Yeemik maybe. Klarg...no. Smelly Bugbear think he can take over hideout from us! Graak no like dumb Klarg."

"I say we kill him, the information is probably bogus anyway." "What do you think, sister?"

"Information is not! Information very accurate! Was Graaks job. Yeemik says to Graak: 'You have one job.' Job is not hanging upside down by foot! Get this one away, he looks to stab Graak, I can see it!" He points at the Aasimar, Umbriel, who makes an amazing show of not caring and wanting to end the Goblin here and now.

"What? I...no! He's helpless..." before catching the wink from her brother. Oh! Yes! Death. Kill him! Have him for dinner! Start setting up a fire!"

"Yes! Girl is right! Graak very helpless. Please dont hurt Graak. Graak just wants to he- What?! No. No death! No fire! Graak poor dinner!"

"No good for dinner, smells spoiled. Skull would make a nice cup though. And fingers bones used for reading fortunes. Goblins are shifty, can't trust 'em." He gives Graak a small shove so he spins and sways.

At this, the goblins eyes widen more and it yelps in honest fear for its life while it spins as Bartholl talks about using its skull.

Graak is genuinely afraid. If he was trying to lie his way to survival before, he certainly isnt now. Or he believes whatever story he made up to be true; but a helpless untested goblin like Graak probably cant lie that good...right?

2017-07-31, 06:15 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Boys, let me give it a try," Ambriel says as she moves closer to Graak. She reaches up towards the goblin, but isn't able to quite reach him. "Graaky-poo...dear...wouldn't you like..." A shiver runs down her spine, and she turns and walks away. "Nope. Can't do it. It's...just, no. Someone else get the information."

2017-07-31, 11:43 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Just before finding the goblin

"My top....it's simply dreadful now. Can't you do something about it?"
"Fear no tear, in your wear," mumbles Umber, twirling his fingers theatrically while looking at the path ahead. It was all about the image afterall, and nothing was cooler than casting a spell without looking.

Umber snickered behind his hand while the goblin spun away from him, then quickly fixed a bored scowl on his face as the goblin turned back towards him. "Allright Goblin, here's the deal, you lead us to the hideout, tell us everything you know about the important... um, people? In your hideout, it's layout, and you get to go free." Umber reaches out to the goblin and casts the light cantrip on the goblin, making it glow. After a second, he allows the light to fade away. "But, if you tell one single lie to us, try to trick us in anyway, I'll know. Because I just cast a spell of detecting lies on you. And if you lie, I will have that big man over there do to you what he did to your companions." Umber gestures at Bartholl.


So I cast Mending on Amber's clothes, and Light on the goblin (Can I even do that or does light have to be on an inanimate object?)

2017-08-01, 03:07 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun leans against a tree absently admiring the shine of his blade but he ***** an eyebrow at Umbriel's offer. "This is not a thing you do here?" he gestures at the swinging goblin. "The exchange of hostages, be it for coin or hostages or your own? In my homeland this is the way of things when passing through a rivals land. Only those under the protection of the Emperor are immune to such things," he explains quite confused how the twin was speaking of freeing the goblin before they had secured Gundren from his captivity.

2017-08-01, 09:24 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Ling, dear, one thing you have to understand about goblins. They're gross. Okay. Two things you have to understand about goblins. They're gross, and they have no respect for life. See how quickly Graak turned on his friends? They're all like that. When it comes down to it, they're only out for themselves. The other goblins wouldn't trade a blade of grass for this one."

2017-08-02, 04:04 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"It may be as you say Lady Firehair, but you shall find humanity is not so different. They only seek to hide their devilish thoughts behind a veneer of goodwill and deeds to fool their neighbors. These goblins are more honest in that regard. I worry what that says about us that these creature hide behind less layers of deception than our own kind. Come time to eat or be eaten all creatures of nature are much the same, the self is always at the forefront of our decisions. Is this not so Kaldrinn?" he begins to ramble a little despondently before asking the dwarven druid to confirm his findings.

"Very well then, if we can not rely on your lord to trade in good faith then you should begin speaking little one. And truthfully at that, I fear you bargain now with your life," he tells Graak as he sheathes his sword and walks a short distance further down the game trail to keep watch while the others got their answers from the goblin.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-02, 09:23 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Oh? Speaking from experience?" Kaldrinn asks in response to the comments Ambriel makes about goblinkind. "You must have spent a lot of time around goblins where you're from eh?" The question was meant to sound innocent and curious but was genuinely more of a snip at the fact that the woman who had been complaining about everything from dirt to leaves was now suddenly an expert of the social constructs of goblin society.

"Whats this about a bugbear then? He's trying to take over your hideout?"

2017-08-02, 09:31 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Of course not," Ambriel responds to Kaldrinn's question. "It's just one of those things everyone knows. Like the sky is blue, or the beauty of man is a blessing of the gods...one of those things, you know?" She wonders why these new companions of her are so ready to defend a silly goblin who had just minutes ago been trying to kill them.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-02, 10:01 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Oh! Everyone there knows everything about goblins even though there aren't any around; that would make more sense I suppose." Kaldrinn can't help but take another jab at the prissy weirdling his relative had so wrongly hired for this little expedition. He couldn't imagine what damned fool reason Gundren could have for dead weight that who's only use so far had been being a distraction during the ambush so the goblins didn't shoot anyone important.... well that and being a pin cushion. "But enough about you... Graak here was just about to tell us what his tribe did with our dwarven friend... because otherwise he's as good as dead."

2017-08-02, 11:58 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel opens her mouth to respond to the dwarf, can't think of anything really to say in response, and closes it again. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the wagon this morning, she thinks with a scowl.

2017-08-02, 08:47 PM
The goblin, now even more confused than he was to begin with as members of the adventuring team begin to bicker among themselves, looks back and forth between the twins, Ling Jun, and Kaldrinn. Graak interjects here and there but they pay his words little mind until finally the dwarf asks about the state of things between Klarg and Yeemik.

"Graak uh...Graak not sure where dwarf friend is. Graak knows human is held in the eating cave with Yeemik. Yeemik gets information from human. Graak doesn't know hideout well, maybe...20...maybe 30? Yes! 30 of us in hideout! Should turn back now, too many Graak thinks." The goblin nods in agreement to his own words and looks between each of you, some of you not impressed.

The goblin is obviously lying about how many are in the hidehout. Kaldrinn (18 Insight roll) knows immediately this goblin is exaggerating to try and make the party give up. Ling Jun (The ONLY one with proficiency in Insight) can tell the goblin is lying, but more importantly, with his tactical senses of combat and the flow of battle, knows that, at the most, there are 20-25 goblins inside the hideout of the Cragmaw Tribe. If approached about the lie, Graak will admit Ling's numbers are more accurate...probably.

You all believe that Cragmaw Hideout is well fortified with goblins just like Graak said. It would prove a tough fight, particularly without having a rest before approaching, to battle through 30 or so goblins and take on Yeemik and Klarg without any casualties.

"Graak only follows water when Graak needs to report to Klarg. Don't like reporting to Klarg. Klarg said would feed Graak to wolf if disappointment. Graak has to feed stinky wolves too. Near entrance to cave. Klarg is new leader. Sent by King Grol, chief of all Cragmaw Tribe, from Cragmaw Castle. Klarg told Yeemik he was taking over and had orders from Grol. Grol was told by a spider to watch for a dwarf and human companion. To capture dwarf and anything he had and send it all to Grol. Yeemik hates Klarg and wants to take over. Isn't worried about dwarf like Klarg. That's all Graak knows. We go now? Let Graak down and can take you. Even help get across pit goblins dug hours ago."

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-02, 10:27 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn was actually quite surprised at how much information the goblin was willing to give once it started talking. He tried to keep the name and details sorted as the little green creature spewed forth details in it quick, excited, broken common. He'd honestly assumed they'd need to get the goliath to resort to physical coercion to get anything of worth while out. "Well this Klarg certainly sounds like a nasty sort...but even so, he's still just taking orders from someone else so naught more than some lackey. He considers what the best way to use all of these points might be but it all still seemed a little muddy to him.

"Should we bother with bringing this one with us or would it be more trouble than it's worth? He asks, mostly toward Ling Jun but he also turns toward the large goliath. "Horsechopper?"

2017-08-03, 04:04 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Looking back when he hears a question directed his way the Shou shrugs. "If only to halt the arrows so many goblins would send our way," he smirks at Graak. "I believe he exaggerates to have us leave Sildar and Gundren to their fates. I think he fears what would happen should it be discovered that he has led us to them."

Offering a small bow of his head to Ambriel he concedes to her wisdom. "Your expertise surpasses my own with these ones."

2017-08-03, 10:25 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Whether we leave him here or take him with us, it seems his yells could alert the guards."

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-04, 11:00 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn sighs and shakes his head. It's clear he's torn between the choices they now find laid in front of them. "I'm not one for striking down an unarmed prisoner--even considering his attempts on our lives--but I fear what might come if we either let him go or decide to keep him with us. He becomes just one more liability, and may warn his tribe or suddenly turncoat in the middle of a fight." The dwarf was trying to think things through logically and not fall to the simple hatred his people had for the little green-skinned cretins or to think about what havoc they tended to wreck upon the places they made their dens.

"Bind him, gag him, and drag him along? Free him and hope he doesn't make us regret it? Or simply end the miserable creature?"

2017-08-04, 11:08 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Bind and gag. Always vote for bind and gag." She looks at the little creature for a bit, some pity strangely finding its way to her. "Nobody deserves execution simply for being who they are."

2017-08-04, 08:21 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

Umber puts on his best menacing glare and looks at the goblin. "I think we should slow roast him over a fire with some carrots, onions, and... and... Umber's menacing facade begins to crack. He snorts as he tries to keep his face under control. "a rabbit...and... AHAHAHAAA LOOK AT HIS FACE!" Umber laughs "Ok ok no, what if we let him join us? I could teach him the flute. You know how much people would pay to see a flute playimg goblin?"

2017-08-04, 09:42 PM
After what suffices as an interrogation of Graak; most of his story seems straight and what details the goblin repeats seem consistent enough to be believed. The only true way to tell, however, is to venture into Cragmaw Hideout for yourselves. Unfortunately, for Graak at least, it has been unanimously decided that the goblin will be tagging long, willingly or otherwise.

After a bit more questioning and teasing of the helpless goblin, Ling Jun cuts him down and, without so much as a care to lower the goblin down gently, Graak plummets to the dirt hard.

Graak takes [roll0] bludgeoning damage
Graak has 3 / 8 HP remaining

Once he has been hoisted into the air by Bartholl, Kaldrinn securely ties the poor goblin into a sort of harness with a lead that can be carried by someone to guide, push, pull, or otherwise control where Graak goes. After deciding who will hold Graak's 'leash', and what positions the party will take as they continue onward, your journey progresses.

After roughly 10 minutes or so, Graak stops and looks back to whomever is in the lead. "Pit ahead. Goblins covered it well. Must go around, too wide for Graak to jump across." Kaldrinn spots the trap before the goblin can even finish his words, and only by pointing it out does the rest of the party notice the well camouflaged pit awaiting someone to step over it.
The pit is about 6 feet wide on each side and 10 feet deep. Fortunately for anyone falling in, the goblins who dug this pit were lazy and the walls are not steep, making it an easy climb out for anyone inside.

After the group navigates their way around the trap and have gathered themselves to press forward, you continue to follow the goblins' trail until you come across a large cave in a hillside roughly 5 miles from the ambush site. A shallow stream flows steadily out of the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow path leads into the cave on the right-hand side of the stream.

Here is your link to the R20 session again (for those who don't have a favorite/quick link or not sure how to quickly log in using the R20 system)

So what's going on is you are entering from the left side of the cavern. There are dense thickets just to the north along the cave wall, and an entire overgrowth of them to the east, across the stream flowing out of the cave mouth. These thickets are Difficult Terrain, (Your Speed, or how far you can move, is effectively halved), but not dangerous. They offer 3/4 cover, which grants a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity Saving Throws. The stream hugs the left side of the cave entrance and trying to enter on that side without first crossing the stream will make noise as you splash your way along the stream. On the right side of the stream is a dry pathway leading into the cave along the right of the entrance; your best bet for attracting the least amount of attention.

You are currently NOT in initiative order, but you ARE in a potential hostile environment. So you may post freely, but no one is to move their R20 token freely as you may uncover things that I will need to interrupt whatever you had originally planned on doing in a particular moment. In combat (when initiative is up) your movement is limited by your Speed. Each Square on the R20 Grid is 5ft. So for you humanoids with 30 speed, you can move up to 6 squares in any direction (including diagonally). You can break your movement up between attacks, even between other actions if you wish. Out of Combat you are not limited to your Speed and may post feasible movement amounts. I will try my best to move all tokens for everyone as needed based on where, or how many squares and in what direction, you describe in your post.

Because R20, and my subscription is awesome, Dynamic Lighting is on this map. Which means those with darkvision will see inside of the cave as Dimly Lit. This Lightly Obscures things; granting creatures Disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight, and also making it easier to attempt to hide (Stealth Check) from creatures that can not see you clearly enough. Those without Darkvision will be effectively blinded once you step deeper into the cave and ambient light from outside can no longer reach inside the cave. You'll need to find or create a source of light if you wish to be effective in combat and actually see what you are swinging or casting at, otherwise you CAN swing on a creature you can not see but might otherwise be able to perceive, but you have Disadvantage on all attacks against non visible creatures.

If there are any more questions about lighting and vision, game mechanics involving vision, or any other questions; feel free to ask them in the OOC.

You may proceed to post about anything between your last posts and now, have dialogue, complaints, reactions, etc.... once everyone has made one post about arriving at the outside of the cave; you may all then post in no particular order about what you are going to DO now that you are here.

2017-08-04, 11:22 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

Umber talks to the goblin on the way there.
"Hey Graak? What do you think about being my friend? I'll give you free food every day if you stay loyal." He makes his way around the trap with ease, arms outstretched as if to keep his balance. "What do you say Graak? Bet you've never had regular meals in your life."

2017-08-06, 05:00 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Bind and gag. Always vote for bind and gag."
Ling Jun laughs out loud at Ambriel's comment. "I know a woman in Mirabar who lives by those very same words!" he says flicking his sword through the rope suspending the small goblin. "Now then little Graak, do not move if you wish to continue breathing," he warns him as he deftly ties up the goblin with the same rope he had just cut and passes it's leash to Kaldrinn.

Taking his bow in his hands once more Ling Jun follows behind the goblin and dwarf as they continue down the path. "So here we are little one," he almost whispers to Graak. "Do you hold any more secrets? Is there another entrance besides the obvious?" he asks nodding toward the stream. "What of your people? You claim almost an army resides within, do they keep guard?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-07, 01:23 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Keep an eye out for the guards." Kaldrinn whispers as the group approaches the yawning mouth of the dark cavern nestled in the thickets along the cliffs ahead. He keeps pace with the others and tries to carefully plant each footstep are quietly as possible. He does his best to get a line of sight into the cave itself and see if any guards lurked within watching for approaching threats. It was time to put the information their prisoner had given them to the test; hopefully the threat of sudden termination at the hands of a goliath had scared the little buggger into being truthful.

Stealth :[roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2017-08-07, 11:19 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel frowns. "Do you want me to keep an eye out for guards or be sneaky? I don't know if I can do both." She moves along a bit. Okay, Ambriel. You can do this. Keep an eye out. She feels the loving eye of Sune watch out for her as she watches out for other goblins.

Cast Guidance.
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] +Guidance [roll2]

EDIT: Well sheesh...thanks great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma!!

2017-08-07, 05:38 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun considers Graaks response for a moment before leaving the goblin be. He wasn't looking forward to heading into a cave, goblins could see in the dark, he couldn't. He just hoped they had cookfires or the occasional torch lighting the interior. Taking an arrow and nocking it to his bow, he moves toward the cliff face and edges along the rock until he can peer around the corner and look into the cave.

Move to the end of the cave (not crossing the river) and look inside.
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] | Disadvantage (Dim lighting): [roll2]

2017-08-07, 06:25 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl didn't much care for caves, but he cared less for goblins... plus he hadn't had a good fight in a few weeks beyond the occasional elk or bear. it was different fighting something with a brain, even one as small as a goblin's. The quiet approach wasn't his taste and he fiddled absently with a hatchet in either hand, flipping them in circles or grazing the steel against each other in anticipation as he approached behind Ambriel. "What's the biggest thing you've ever killed?" he asks, his face inches from the back of her head as his eyes peer deftly into the darkness ahead.

Stealth: [roll0]
Percep: [roll1]

2017-08-07, 06:29 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel lets out a squeal of surprise when Bartoll speaks from behind her. Once she slows her heart back down to normal levels, she replies to him in a haughty tone. "I'll have you know I totally killed at the Fairmont reception. There must have been two or three hundred people there. It was majestic."

2017-08-07, 07:20 PM
"Graak had 'friend', once. Then friend tried to stab Graak at night. Graak keeps his ear now as a reminder; no friends." The goblin responds to Umbriel as the cave comes into view in the distance.

A few more moments later and you all find yourselves standing at the bottom of a 5 foot wide river, the mouth of a cave to the north.

"No more secrets. Graak promises! Graak doesn't know of other entrance, only this one. Graak had one job, to scout for merchants and travelers and to help capture dwarf. Graak doesn't know if dumb Klarg wants to guard cave. Yeemik didn't worry about guards. Wolves are kept near the entrance, though. Graak always has to feed stupid wolves..."

As Kaldrinn urges the goblin hostage forward and moves up making no sound what so ever, the rope still in his grip, Ling Jun moves up along the rockwall to the edge of the left side of the cave mouth and peers inside. Lacking the ability to see in the light, Ling is only able to see what bits of the entrance of the light from outside illuminates, offering him a glimpse of a set of natural stairs leading to the right about 10 feet inside the cave.

Suddenly, the sound of steel grating on steel followed by a squeal from Ambriel pierces whatever silence the rest of the group had obtained upon their approach to the cave mouth. Ling Jun notices movement just in time from the corner of his eye as two arrows fly from the thickets on the east side of the stream, one narrowly missing Ambriel, the other catching Graak in the chest and knocking the poor goblin hostage unconscious.

Encounter 2: Goblin...uh...Lookouts?

Your noise has the drawn the otherwise inattention of 2 goblins that were supposed to be standing guard. They had been oblivious to anyone approaching until Ambriel drew their attention. Those keeping a close eye on the area manage to find out where the arrows had come from and have prevented the others from being surprised.

Until someone crosses over to the right side of the river near the cave mouth, you can not clearly see into the area the goblins are firing from. You know their rough positions (Which I will uncover once my laptop arrives in another hour or 2 because I cant right click with no mouse :( ) but the thickets are providing them 1/2 cover. Due to psuedo surprise, the goblins acted first. It is now your turn in combat. I have moved some of your tokens based upon your posts and situations (like Graak being with Kaldrinn and Bart coming up behind Amber). That is all...goodluck.

2017-08-07, 08:48 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"NO!" As Ambriel yells, she focuses her anger and fear into her hand and her left hand becoes encircled by a ring of flame. This flame was meant to light sconces, candles, and be used in holy ceremonies. Her rage turned it into so much more. She lobs a small ball of flame into the bushes from where she believes the arrow came from. "You'll not. Hit. Me. AGAIN!"

Attack roll: [roll0]
with disadvantage for not being able to see them: [roll1]
for [roll2] damage.

EDIT: Yeah...that about sums her up. Good gods, she sucks.

2017-08-08, 01:25 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Spinning around at Ambriel's yelling he was about to tell her to keep quiet until he saw Graak crumpled around an arrow on the ground. "Uh," he scrambles back wide eyed at how close he had come to being the home to that particular arrow. Your purpose is fulfilled, he thinks absently as he spots the two goblins hiding in the brush.

"You think yourself safe?" he calls to them as he lowers the aim of his shot. "You would be wrong!" he almost smiles as he releases his arrow and dives into the thickets on his own side of the river.

Action: Longbow @ Top Goblin
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move back into the thickets on his side of the river.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-08, 01:25 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Great..." Kaldrinn mutters under his breath as any hope of a coordinated approach is completely destroyed by continued incompetence. Perhaps it would be best to continue through to Phandalin and hire some actual help to clear out the cave full of goblins. He searches the bushes on the opposing bank for any signs of where the arrows had come from and quickly begins to summon a small ball of flames in his cupped hand. He wasn't too keen on attacking through the thicket but did not want to rush in front of the yawning cave mouth.

Cast Produce Flame and then use it to attack the closest to me.

Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

2017-08-09, 08:58 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 12/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl raises an eyebrow in surprise at Ambriel's response. "Two or three hundred? How many on your side?" He asks with mild disbelief, his inquiry distracting him from the threat across the water until the arrow passes between him and the aasimar.
Rising and searching for the source, he follows the flame and arrows sent across the water and quickly springs to action, leaping across the stream and bringing his hatchets to bear on the remaining guard.

Move up to last guard.
In case Athletics needed to jump across stream: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

2-wep as BA (if needed): [roll3]
Dmg: [roll4]

2017-08-09, 05:18 PM
As Graak crumples to the ground near the river, dying from the arrow wound, Ambriel fires of a bolt of flame that soars wide and high above the thickets that shrouded the offending golbins. Kaldrinn, showing the girl how it's done where he comes from, lobs a ball of fire directly at one of the goblins, managing to hit it even in spite of its' semi fortified position. The goblin goes down before it even has a chance to scream.

An arrow, unhindered by the thickets due to Lings incredible aiming skills, flies through the smallest of openings in the overgrowth and pierces into the remaining goblin, who turns its attention to the archer and pulls back on the bow just as a Goliath jumps over the river and bares down upon it with twin axes, cleaving the already injured goblin nearly in two before it could fire at Ling Jun.

With this almost ambush dealt with, you are left to yourselves at the entrance of the Cragmaw hideout. The most perceptive of your group hears lightly echoed growling and barking. The kind of noise Kaldrinn immediately recognizes as wolves. Hungry ones at that.

2017-08-09, 05:46 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriels eyes light up with energy for a few short moments before the battle is over. She turns to Kaldrinn and says, "That was amazing! You are magnificent with your Flaming Balls! You'll have to show me your technique! I'm sure I could get it down if I could just learn to handle them better. It looked like maybe you cupped the ball a little first? Does that work better? I usually just fling 'em and it gets the job done."

She waves her hand and a bolt of flame goes flying off toward the side of the cave, smashing right at the surface. "See? Boom!"

2017-08-10, 01:37 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

Everything happend relatively fast to the point where Umber didn't react until after the battle. Slightly shaken at the pace of battle, he makes his way over to the wounded goblin and attempts first aid. "Our goblin is down!" He exclaims.

After doing what he can for Graak, he listens to the others talk. "Ew." Says Umber, hearing his sister's puns. Usually he'd be the first to appreciate wordplay, especially of the crass variety, but there was something wrong about hearing it from one's sister.

Heal check


2017-08-10, 04:47 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Ha! Did you see that shot?" he asks extremely happy with himself as he emerges from the thicket he'd rolled into covered with small twigs and leaves. "I once hit a coin at sixty paces," he tells the corpses as he jumps over the stream and pulls his arrow free of the goblin he had shot. "Mere brambles will not save you from Ling Jun, but well you know this. Or knew this," he corrects himself, pausing from examining the arrowhead for damage.

"Only the horde from poor Graaks tale remains. How do we proceed?" he asks the group tossing the arrow into the stream unsatisfied with what he'd found.

2017-08-10, 02:57 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel winks at her brother when he responds to her wordplay. She watches the nimble archer cross the river and grab his arrow, then considers their options. "I guess we could do a couple things. They have Gundren. They took him alive, so they aren't planning on killing him. Probably. We could run his supplies to Phandelver and then come back with help." She pauses for a moment, then continues with the least favorable option, in her opinion. "Or we could go in after him. I've spent half my magic for the day, so I'll have to rely on my cunning wit, stunning looks, and my crossbow for the rest of the day," she says as she clumsily unslings her weapon from its storage. She eyes the weapon curiously, then loads a bolt. "I've seen these used by the fighters in the Order. Point and shoot, right?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-10, 09:43 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn grunts with quick approval as an expert shot and fearsome attack of his companions finish off the seemingly final goblin. The dwarf shoots a quick glance to their prisoner laying limp nearby but then the sound of snapping and snarling reaches his ears. He pauses and listens out for any other signs of hostility from inside the cave that might allude to more goblins rushing to defend their cave. He holds up a finger to the woman behind him as she begins to chatter about fireballs but as it becomes apparent there is no immediate threat he eventually drops it.

"I honestly can't tell if you're mocking me." He says, earnestly meaning it considering the events so far. "Magic is like nature: You have to respect it, let it be a part of you as you are it, and not treat it like a tool to be wielded or a weapon to brandish." Saying this, he lights another orb of fire in his hand and peers into the cavern to try and discern where the wolves might be; the light was dangerous of course but he knew that not everyone could see in the dark.

Cast Produce Flame

2017-08-11, 04:03 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard

"I have an idea," says Umber, searching the ground for a pebble. Picking one up, he sings a couplet to the pebble to cast the light cantrip on it. "Break the night, with your light," he sings, and hands it to Ling Jun. "Use this like a lantern. Close your hand partially around it to direct the light, or close your hand completely around it to block the light." Pleased with himself, he starts thinking of what he knows about goblins, there has to be some handy lore for him..

Knowledge roll on goblins

Ok so I'm not sure which check to use to see if I know anything about goblins, but I figure it would either be survival, history, intelligence, or nature. Fortunately all of those rolls are +1 so here's a +1 roll, and use the check you think would work.

2017-08-11, 05:07 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel shrugs at the dwarf. "Mocking you? Surely, sir Redstone, you jest?" Then Umbriel speaks up. "A light source for the dark. Very clever, brother." Finally, Ambriel gingerly steps over Graak and moves closer to the cave and peers in. "You think there's really that many goblins in there?"

2017-08-11, 11:03 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun snatches the glowing pebble out of the air and examines it curiously. "Yes, yes this would work. Very clever," he agrees tossing it back to Umbriel. "Though I have yet to master the use of a bow with only a single hand," he jests with a shake of his head moving back toward the cave.

"Can you make other things glow?" he pauses after a moment looking back over his shoulder at the twin and drawing an arrow from his quiver.

Ling wants you to glow up his arrow. That way he can carry a light source and still shoot things. And light up those things he shoots with a glowing arrow all at the same time.

2017-08-11, 11:18 PM
What is an accomplished Bard if not a wealth of knowledge and memory for stories and tales? Umbriel is no different. You recall, quite vividly, an excerpt about goblins from the pages of a tome by a Loremaster named Volothamp Geddarm. You skimmed over the more boring bits about thier culture and gods but you do remember most of the information you deemed 'usefull'.

"...If you want soldiers or thugs, hire hobgoblins. If you want someone clubbed to death in their sleep, hire bugbears. If you want mean little fools, hire goblins..."

Goblins are small, black-hearted, selfish humanoids that lair in caves, abandoned mines, despoiled dungeons, and other dismal settings. Individually weak, goblins gather in large—sometimes overwhelming—numbers. They crave power and regularly abuse whatever authority they obtain.

Goblins belong to a family of creatures called goblinoids. Their larger cousins, hobgoblins and bugbears, like to bully goblins into submission. Goblins are lazy and undisciplined, making them poor servants, laborers, and guards.

Goblins are ruled by the strongest or smartest among them....Goblin bosses are easily ousted, and many goblin tribes are taken over by hobgoblin warlords or bugbear chiefs.

Goblins have an affinity for wolves, raising them to serve as mounts and use hit-and-run attacks when hunting from the backs of them.

You recall that Goblins are particularly swift despite being of humanoid size and use this to thier advantage as often as possible.

Known Traits - Nimble Escape: The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, if you had been as busy studying this book as you had been trying to romance the local girls; you may have remembered more.

From current locations the coast looks clear to most everyone. The light from magical sources iluminates nothing except the river and the natural formed steps a few feet inside the cave leading to the right.

Only Kaldrinn notices the sounds of hungry wolves. Maybe 2 to 4 of them. Another added sound reaches his ears, that of metallic chains. No other noises seem to be present that indicate approaching threats or that the goblins even know there is anyone at thier cave.

2017-08-12, 12:54 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
"Yes, light up the cave for Ambriel, slayer of hundreds at the battle of Fairmont. Show us the way little one,"
he praises. When she hesitates to take the lead he adds, "I will pave the way with your enemies."

Bartholl steps cautiously into the cave entrance, awaiting one of the lighbearers to follow behind him.

2017-08-12, 01:05 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
"Sure! I can do that, " says Umber, touching the arrowhead. "a glow and a show." He sings lightly. As he does this the pebble winks out and the arrow begins to glow. Meanwhile as the goliath moves forward, Umber moves too. He comments to Kaldrin as he passes, "You should be careful, if it keeps burning like that you should contact a physician." He fights to keep a straight face as he moves forward.

2017-08-12, 11:36 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel frowns as Bartholl speaks to her then moves forward. As her brother passes by her she mutters to him, "You know...I think it may be possible that man and I are not speaking the same language. I mean...I know all the words he says, but when he puts them together in that order, it just doesn't make sense." Nonetheless, she follows the others into the cave.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-12, 03:39 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn simply stands, holding his glowing flame, and waits until the others are ready to proceed. He shoots a glance at the downed goblin prisoner and then back into the looming darkness ahead. "The wolves sound close, be careful. The sound like they are chained up but you never know." He warns the goliath in a hushed tone as the hulking man walks past.

'Things are about to get very interesting...' He thinks to himself.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-13, 10:42 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn keeps close behind the looming figure of the goliath as he marches, unflinching, into the maw of darkness before them. It becomes apparently quickly however that positioning the light so Bartholl could see was going to be an issue. 'So much power and size handicapped by not being able to see... if only we had a proper dwarven scout.' He thinks to himself as he realizes that, in order to cast the light into the chamber opening to the right, he was going to have to step into the chilly waters of the stream. He sighs to himself and saddles up to the task; slowly, he begins to wade into the waters and come up alongside the goliath allowing the dancing light of his little fireball to begin to wash over the stone steps leading up the where the wolves seemed to be.

Movement catches his eye as he spots the hunched shape of a goblin feeding a pair of mangy wolves. Not wanting to make any noise and alert the creature he tries to motions to his companions that a threat was emit. The goliath however should be able to see the creature himself.

2017-08-13, 01:01 PM
The weekends are usually slow for most everyone, though it is when I manage to have the most time. Since you have not posted any sort of actions or movement since having your arrow set alight (Can't wait for you to try and fire that thing down a hallway or something to illuminate the distance; always a wicked neat trick) , I'm just going to post ahead what is happening and you can back post and catch up if you feel you need to, or you can post in response to what is happening and I'll set things properly with whatever you post within the time frame during my next post.

The Cragmaw Tribe, being called so because of how they file their teeth into jagged craggy maws, have made a hideout within a cave at the foot of a good sized hill. The cave slopes steeply upward (Noted on the map by black lines to show increase in elevation, and blue lines to show that same increase in the river. They were not drawn in to this version of the map so I had to improvise.... :/ ) and have sloping ceilings that create stalactite covered vaults that rise about 20-30 ft above the cavern floor. The entrance to the cavern is lit dimly by light from the outside, by anything beyond the steps leading to a chamber on the right is pitch dark. Any Stalagmites that rise from the ground throughout the cavern can be used for cover, and some may be large enough to completely hide behind.

The sound of water in the cave muffles noises to any creatures in adjacent chambers who are not listening carefully. The stream is only 2 feet deep, 5 feet wide, cold and slow moving enough to allow creatures to wade through it easily.

Just inside the cave mouth, a few uneven stone steps lead up to a small, dark and dank chamber on the east side of the river passage that is filled with the stench of animals. Savage snarls and rattling chains greet the ears of everyone now. Bartholl, with the aid of the flame in Kaldrinn's hand, can see a goblin just on the edge of his vision, hunched over doing something the Goliath can not determine. The Dwarf, however, knows better and can see that the goblin is feeding a group of three wolves that are chained to an iron rod driven deeply into the base of a stalagmite in the north part of the chamber. The chains seem short enough to where none of the wolves can make it to the steps, but could reach anything fully in the chamber.

Some of you will be able to see beyond the stops and deeper into the cave along the stream. Until a light illuminates deeper into the cave, only those with darkvision can see the following.

The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down the west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other (left) side of the stream.

From Kaldrinn's currently location, and anyone with Darkvision who moves to it or north of him and can see around the bend in the eastern cave wall will be able to just make out the dim shape of a rickety bridge made of wood and rope crossing over the passage in the shadows of the ceiling to the far north, separate from the side passage leading West. Another passage intersects the one you are currently in, twenty feet above the floor, and a bridge has been installed to connect it.

Encounter 3: Wolf Kennel


As dim light from Kaldrinn's flame barely washes over the goblin, it takes notice of the change in light and swiftly turns around, dropping the bag of food it was feeding the wolves, (which quickly go crazy tearing at the meat within), and pulls out a scimitar that glints in the firelight. The goblin rushes forward with a scream and slashes at the large Goliath at the bottom of the steps. The creature's eyes must not have yet adapted to the sources of the light now flooding the cave entrance, because the blade goes wide of the even wider target and the goblin scampers back to the safety of the wolves, brandishing the scimitar defensively.

Kal and Bart stumble upon the kennel and find a goblin feeding several wolves chained to a stalagmite. This particular goblin, obviously much more perceptive and swifter than the 2 outside who were of no use, notices the flame from Kaldrinn and turns around to strike at the closest thing. It misses horribly, uses a bonus action to Disengage from Bartholl with Nimble Escape, and then moves back towards the wolves.

Only Kal and Bart are currently aware of what is going on specifically, but everyone can clearly see Bartholl was just attacked by something in there and so prepare themselves for a fight.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-13, 02:55 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn find himself between the proverbial rock and hard place. They were under attack, but if he cast his fireball toward the creature he'd be standing the goliath in darkness. Doing the best he could to allow the others to squeeze into the tight space they were working with, he raises his shield and wades through the creek back to the narrow ledge of stone. Water drips from his lower half as he positions himself on the squat stone stairs leading into the kennel as he keeps his shield braced at ready for any attack from the small leathery-skinned cretin.

Doing his best to be out of the way, while also being alight source, while also not getting within the range of the snarling wolves was certainly going to be a challenge.

Move as shown on Roll20 map.

Take the Dodge action.

2017-08-13, 03:45 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"Much appreciated," Ling Jun offers a smile and a nod to Umbriel before twirling the arrow around between his fingers and sliding it back into his quiver as he followed the others into the maw of darkness with Kaldrinn's flame lighting the way.

"Be wary of traps my friends," he was in the process of warning the others while watching his footing on the damp ground when Bartholl was attacked. Speaking of, he thinks with a grimace as he draws an arrow and follows the dwarf into the chill water to better see just what they had found around the corner. Spotting the movement in the dim light, he doesn't hesitate and simply lets whatever it was have a taste of his arrows.

Ling Jun will move into the water and edge around so he can see into the adjoining wolf chamber.
Assuming he can see the goblin, he will shoot the goblin with a normal arrow.
If he can't see anything, he'll swap the normal arrow he currently has for the glowing one and fire it at the goblin.

Longbow @ Goblin
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit?: [roll2]

2017-08-13, 07:52 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber gives Amber a look which said "I agree" and followed the rest of the crew inside. The cave air was chilly, and he grimaced as he stepped gingerly into the water. "Ugh, it's so cold! I hope this doesn't ruin my boots." complains Umber. Hearing the sound of wolves around the corner, Umber glances around the corner, then quickly moves back, deciding to give support from the back this time. Plucking the strings of his harp, he sings,

they'll all
be crushed
to mush
by your mighty
and powerful maul!

Take wing
and swing
to make
this cavern ring!"

Bardic Inspiration

Using bardic inspiration on Bartholl this time, Bart gets a d6 to spend on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. He can use it anytime in the next ten minutes after he rolls but before the dm says if he failed.

2017-08-14, 10:50 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Parrying the scimitar against the stone wall, Bartholl steps forward, chasing the goblin against his canine friends and swinging strongly with both arms, pushing aside the blade held by its small arms with one axe and cleaving with the other. As the goblin falls, one of the wolves sets back onto its haunches and prepares to pounce. Bartholl kicks the goblin body toward it, an offering of further nourishment, before taking a hasty step back to the stone steps next to Kaldrinn, keeping a respectful eye on the wolves.

EDIT: All of this is assuming the wolves do not change positions and I will only potentially take 1 AoO from the goblin.

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

BA: Attack: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

Move forward to attack, then step back out of wolves' reach.

If either attack is between 10 and 12 I'll use the inspiration: [roll4]

2017-08-14, 01:19 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

The sudden violence catches Ambriel off guard, and she takes a step back from the others. Realizing it may not be as safe back there, she quickly rejoins the group just in time to see the goblin fall. She looks at it for a moment before nodding her head once in satisfaction. "We make a brilliant team."

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-14, 03:08 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn snorts as the goblin swiftly meets his end via the whirling axes of the large goliath. He casts a wary eye into the small chamber and at the wolves chained there to make sure he was far enough out of their reach should they grow tired of the food scattered about on the floor. The path seems to follow the curve of the stream and heads up and around the bend. There's another cavern up above though and a bridge connecting one side to the other, we might want to keep an eye out above us as well."

He hefts his shield once more and nods to the goliath. "I think you should have a proper light source before we proceed though. Cramped spaces and sharp corners don't make it easy to keep the fire where it can help."

2017-08-14, 03:12 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel looks over the dead goblin and wrinkles her nose in distaste. She steps around the goblin, pulling her cloak to one side so as to not get any blood or excess dirt on it. She looks back at her group and smiles, nodding to them in an I got this expression. Okay, Sune...grandma. Is it okay if I call you that? Anyway...there's a dog here, and I'd absolutely love it if it didn't bite my face off. I couldn't stand the scars. She kneels down and makes cooing noises at the wolves. "Hi little guys," she begins. She lowers her voice and then speaks again, "Who's a good doggie? Huh? Who's a good doggie?" She extends her hand out for the wolves to smell as she speaks to them.

Cast Guidance on myself: [roll0]
Animal Handling: [roll1] plus the above

2017-08-14, 04:50 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Wiping the hatchet of goblin gore on his pant leg, Bartholl gives a grunt and nod at Kaldrinn. "Fearful things live in shadows and caves. Most things fearful of me... but I'm a bit fearful of the dark. It's the cycle of fear," he states matter-of-factly, thinking for a minute as he looks at his weaponry. "The angel children help keep the dark away, better for Bartholl. Let's light Razor up," he adds, offering the left handaxe for the incantation.

2017-08-14, 05:11 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel doesn't seem to realize that she's sitting on the dirty floor as she pets her new four-legged friend. She looks back at Bartholl, holding up his axe, and waves her hand at it nonchalantly as she mutters a single-word prayer to Sune. The head of the axe instantly brightens. She nods her head in satisfaction. "That should do, eh?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-14, 09:20 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Time is of the essence I'm afraid..." Kaldrinn reminds the group. "...Gundren's life is still very much in danger."

2017-08-15, 10:13 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Bartholl grunts and nods at Kaldrinn again, admiring his shiny new toy in the process. Noting the garbage chute as what it is - a dead end - he proceeds further up the tunnel following the stream, crouched in anticipation but not bothering hiding given the glow emanating from his left hand but keeping an eye out for trouble.

Anything particularly notable further up stream besides the bridge? Or do I see anything down this tunnel? Probably no to both with an 8 :P

Perception: [roll0]

2017-08-15, 01:45 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel looks back at the others with puppy-dog eyes (so to speak). "Can we let them go? They're not happy here..."

2017-08-16, 02:31 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

"To cage such a beast is a crime, they were meant to run free and hunt. Though I see wisdom in waiting and we do have more pressing concerns," Ling Jun nods his head to Kaldrinn agreeing with him about Gundren. "And it would be a shame to return to our wagon to find your canine friends have helped themselves to a bite of our faithful uh... puller of wagons," he says with a wave of his hand temporarily forgetting the proper word he had wanted to use before he follows after Bartholl.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-17, 12:46 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn agreed the creatures should be freed but he also knew time was of the essence and minutes they lost trying to free the wolves and being careful not to have the creatures turn on them could prove to be fatal.

Keeping low, he falls in line behind the large goliath as he rounds the corner and pushes deeper into the closing dark of the cavern. He makes a mental note to tick three off of the estimated number of the goblin tribesmen.

2017-08-17, 10:31 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Amber's jaw drops as the others turn and walk further into the cave. She looks pleadingly at her brother. "Umber....you know I always wanted a dog. You can't let these poor things be left here and treated like this. Help me?" She grabs the chains and starts to try to pull them from the wall, desperate to free the poor animals.

Athletics check: [roll0]
Advantage if Umbriel decides to help: [roll1]
Add guidance to highest roll: [roll2]

2017-08-17, 01:45 PM
Bartholl, Ling Jun, and Kaldrinn proceed ahead towards the north, leaving the twins to figure out what to do with the wolves. As Bartholl and Ling Jun step into an unused passage to the west, hints of firelight can be seen flickering against the cave wall at the top of upward sloping passage. The passage is choked with rubble and will make it difficult to navigate the steep escarpments leading up to a small ledge and then up once more to the higher level. Ling Jun notices in the bright light of the spells illimunating the passage that the small ledge seems rather frail and too much weight might send the whole thing crumbling down upon anyone else in the passageway.

While Kaldrinn looks ahead up the stream to the bridge suspended over it, a tiny movement somewhere upon the bridge catches his attention while the light hits it before it is lost once more to the dim light of his flame.

Before the dwarf has time to investigate what he thought his eyes saw, a light and constant rumble begins in the cavern floor as the sound of water that echoed through the cave grows louder. The rumbling quickly grows to a small tremor as the cave fills with a mighty roar and a huge surge of water comes rushing down along the stream filling most of the main passageway.

Kaldrinn is the first to notice and grabs on to anything he can find in the cavern wall for support, the flame in his hand quickly extinguished. Bartholl quickly pushes himself against the wall of the western passage and holds on. Ling Jun, unable to make it fully to a safe spot in the passage is knocked hard by the water surge and is taken by the current. The Goliath reaches for the skilled archer but misses and as Ling Jun tumbles down the stream he is gripped around the forearm by a strong dwarven hand.

The twins have enough to turn around and watch the flood rush by the stone steps to the wolf chamber and out to the entrance. The flood soon subsides and Kaldrinn and Ling Jun pick themselves up, now soaked, but otherwise unharmed, from the sudden flood.

Your lights have attracted attention from somewhere and while you were dealing with a goblin and wolves, a flood was somehow released to try and rid the cave of unwanted guests.

As Bart and Ling crossed over the stream towards the western passage, the bright light from the 2 light spells briefly illuminated something only Kaldrinn glimpsed upon the bridge before both lights went out of range again and in the western passage.

Then the flood came, 2 rounds after dealing with the lone goblin and wolves. Kaldrinn and Bartholl were able to make thier Dex or Str saves. The twins were safe, and Ling Jun failed both the dex to try and get safely into the western passage and the Str to hold on to something as he was swept away.

Bartholl missed his reaction to grab Ling but Kaldrinn succeeded, narrowly saving Ling from being dashed upon the cave wall and washed outside to the first area.

So...uh...you may all proceed :D

2017-08-17, 03:58 PM
Amber turns and walks out to the tunnel after the water has gone by. Paying no attention to the events, she yells up the tunnel, "You guys come back! Help with these chains."

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-17, 10:47 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Quickly dismissing the flame in his hand, Kaldrinn clambers to grab hold of a jutting outcropping of the rock wall. He grunts as the torrent of water fills the cavern and plunges by; having to simultaneously hold fast to keep from being swept downstream while also pushing off to keep from being dashed against the rocks. Turning his head to see how the others were fairing, he sees Ling Jun being pushed down the cave; doing his best to keep his hold, he reaches out and grasps the man's arm.

"Not as dumb or as ill-prepared as we thought. This might be quite the challenge..." He grunts out as the water level drops and they return to standing on the, now slick, rocks of the path. Summoning another orb of fire in his hand he rushes up the small stairs and along the path to take up a position below the rickety bridge and tries to listen or see where the goblins might be.

Cast Produce Flame

Move 20 ft to a spot beneath the bridge.

Perception : [roll0] to listen for sounds of the goblins.

2017-08-18, 12:16 AM
Goblin re-rolling Stealth after movement = 11 VS Kaldrinn Perception of 15

Above Kaldrinn, a goblin is hiding in the shadows on the right side of the bridge. Initiative has the Goblin going before Kaldrinn and no one else yet aware there is an enemy as they go about their separate businesses.

The stream passage continues up beyond another set of uneven natural steps, bending eastward as it goes. From Kaldrinn's location, he can hear a waterfall sounding out from a larger cavern somewhere deeper ahead. A rickety bridge spans this passage, connecting two tunnels that are 20 feet above.

As Kaldrinn summons the flame to his hand once more and takes position under the bridge, he looks up to spot a goblin hiding in the shadows cast by the cavern walls to either side, and it's taking aim! It fires an arrow down at the dwarf but it breaks harmlessly against the armor.

SORRY! I haven't forgotten about you two. I just posted after a VERY long shift so was brief.

As Ambriel grips the spike driven into the stalagmite and pulls, she manages to move it out from the deepest parts of the rock; loosening it greatly, but still not having pulled it completely out. The wolves take note of this and begin voicing their excitement with small yips and whines.

2017-08-18, 11:26 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber hesitates, looks at his sister, then at his departing companions. It seemed bad practice to disregard his new traveling companions, but... he looked at his sister again and sighed. "Oh, very well." Says Umber, and grips the spike. Just then the tunnel is filled with water. "Pfft!" Sputters Umber, surprised by both the cold and the wet. "My clothes!" He sputters again. Grumbling about the new development, he grips the chain once more in concert with Amber and heaves.

Strength check


2017-08-18, 11:38 AM
Umbriel, as well as his sister, are quite dry. A little damp perhaps, but otherwise untouched by the water surge that was sent your way. You were far enough into the wolf kennel room to be safe.

Your strength check was not enough...but since Ambriel is going to try again soon anyway....

Umbriel tries to pull the steel rod his sister had loosened from the stalagmite but just can not get a good grip with his hands made for playing the finest of notes, not manual labor. Ambriel helps him, and together they soon have the rod out and the chains freed from around it.

One of the wolves immediately runs out and down the stream to the exit, another following only halfway before it stops and looks back to the twins where the larger of the three wolves stays and waits a moment, regarding both the semi divine beings before following the others to freedom.

2017-08-18, 12:33 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
The torrent of water came quickly, and Bartholl barely made it against the rock in time, though his eastern companion had no such luck. As he was swept away, Bartholl blamed himself for another failure, feeling relief only after seeing Kaldrinn having caught him. As the dwarf rushes further upstream, Bartholl hisses, "They know we're here, in the ravine is a bad place to be. Campfires up this way." He peaks his head around the side of the stone wall and watches the dwarf from the safety of sure footing.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-18, 01:06 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

The goblin had not only the high ground but the home turf advantage but that wasn't going to deter Kaldrinn. It would take more than a little splash to snuff the fire that dwarves showed for kin and friends. From his slightly protected position under the bridge, the dwarf dashes out and flings the small orb of fire up at the disgusting little creature. Even if he couldn't get the best line of sight, he hoped to distract the thing and allow his companions to get into position and assist. Once he lobs the little sphere of flame he dashes back to the spot beneath the bridge and hopes the angle make for decent enough protection.

"One here!" He calls out to his companions, he was hesitant to make much noise but the things clearly already knew invaders had breached their hideout.

Attack with Produce Flame

Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

2017-08-18, 02:00 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Once Umber sees to the wolves' freedom, he looks to his sister and says, "Come on." He turns and heads deeper into the caves towards his companions.

2017-08-18, 04:28 PM
The flame from Kaldrinn slams into the Goblin lookout on the bridge and scatters in a small explosion of embers. The Goblin growls an obscenity in its native tongue and tries to take aim with the shortbow through the loose boards that make up the bridge.

The Goblin, obviously not the same calibur of sharpshooter that Ling Jun is, misses horribly and an arrow embeds itself into the wooden board right above Kaldrinn.

The goblin is not looking too good, but is persistent to fight to the death.

6 to hit for 8 piercing damage..... MISS! damn those pesky bridges....

2017-08-18, 05:25 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
From his vantage point downstream, Bartholl sees the exchange and, grumbling, steps back out into the water to assist. Tucking the glowing handaxe into his belt, he hefts one of the javelins from his back and takes a few splashing steps forward before hurling it at the little beast on the bridge with a grunt of exertion.

Javelin toss: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bartholl's getting a new pic since the other one's no longer hosted.

2017-08-19, 01:27 PM
Amber pets the final wolf before it heads out and she waves at the others as the leave. She nods at her brother and heads up the tunnel to join the others.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-19, 05:20 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"One down." Kaldrinn yells back to the goliath following his quite impressive javelin throw. "Wasn't him that did the flood though." He warns as another ball of fire springs to life in his hand and he cautiously approaches the corner ahead. The creatures knew they were here and they had shown they liked to set traps both on the train and in the cave so who knew what other dangers lie ahead; not the least of which was a bugbear fancying himself a ruler.

Casting Produce Flame again.

2017-08-20, 04:14 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun saw the water rushing toward him, he just couldn't comprehend it. Rivers flooded from heavy rains upstream or the winter melt. This was a STREAM. In a CAVE. Those things were an impossibility. He tries too late to dash out of the way as his feet are swept out from beneath him and he fears himself about to be swept away when the sure grip of their dwarven guide saves him from a watery death and pulls him up onto the nearby ledge.

"They must have a powerful shaman among them," he suggests offering Kaldrinn a nod of thanks as he climbs to his feet. He spends the next few moments busy squeezing the water from his hair and clothing. Distracted as he was, it wasn't until Bartholl took a couple of splashing steps in the stream and threw his javelin that he finally noticed they weren't alone and that Kaldrinn had crept on ahead. Nimbly leaping over the water once more he hurries after the dwarf, keeping low in a half crouch and feeling guilty at having missed that the dwarf had been under attack.

2017-08-20, 10:36 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Drawing another javelin and keeping his eyes focused above them, Bartholl steps up onto the narrow walkway and moves forward with his companions around the bend.

2017-08-20, 11:22 AM
Rounding the turn after the bridge, Ling Jun, Kaldrinn, and Bartholl see a now empty holding area for the water coming from a waterfall somewhere deeper in the chamber that can be heard so loudly from here that it makes hearing anything else difficult. Fieldstone rocks that must have once served as a wall have been pulled away, which resulted in the flood that threatened to wash your group away. The stream now flows unimpeded where the makeshift wall once was. While you see the natural stone steps in the incline leading around the corner to a chamber under the stream to the east, none of you can get a good view into it from your current location. Anything could be waiting for you in there...

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-21, 11:39 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn looks over the scene of the toppled dam and scattered fieldstones; a simple enough setup up but with the potential to be quite effective in the event of invaders. "Crafty buggers." He remarks, having to speak up over the noise of the waterfall and stream echoing through the stone halls all around them. "Lead on." He requests from the goliath, motioning along the path to the southeast leading up another set of warn stone stairs, and the falling in line behind them.

As the risk of seeming redundant, he summons another orb of fire and keeps his eyes peeled for more of the creatures. Someone of them must have been here to collapse the dam after all.

Cast Produce Flame.

2017-08-21, 01:00 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Bartholl cups his ear, shouting "What?" to the dwarf with a hand to his ear, but gets the message as he gestures forward. The goliath continues on, his hatchet held low and the javelin over his shoulder, the muscles of his arm bunched and waiting to unleash it upon his foes.

I can see 2 mobs on Roll20, not sure if you want a percep to pick them up? If I can see them I'll give a tug of the head in the goblin's direction to the rest of the party.

Percep: 1d20+ [16]

2017-08-21, 03:10 PM
As Bartholl takes the lead, followed by Kaldrinn, Ling Jun, and the twins Umbriel and Ambriel following behind; the source of the stream is barely visible in the low light of Bartholl's glowing axe. A narrow waterfall high in the eastern wall that falls in through the top of the cave and tumbles down the rocks to what was a set of twin pools at the bottom that take up nearly half the chamber.

One of the walls holding the pool closest to you has been pulled away, leaving one more pool under the waterfall still filled with water, the fieldstones still holding back what could be a second surge of water. A wide exit stands to the south up another set of worn stone stairs, fire light from a large flame flickering out from it.

Bartholl can now see that there are two other pathways; the one you are coming down from, and one to the west that seemingly leads to the bridge crossing and on to the western side of the cave. Before Bartholl can reach the middle of the waterfall chamber, however, 3 goblins come out of hiding and attack the Goliath. They had been ready for an attack since the surge of water had been released.

A goblin just to the left of Bartholl hiding in the shadows of a small crevice lashes out with a curved blade ineffectively while 2 other goblins pop out from behind two rocks and take shots at him with shortbows. One arrow flies over Bartholl's shoulder and over the head of the goblin who had swung at him, while the other arrow punctures into a large forearm.

The goblin closest to the south then drops the shortbow and runs through the exit, shouting in its goblinoid tongue as it goes.

As Bartholl moves towards the center of the cavern with the waterfall where twin rocks stand, a goblin (green) tries to use a readied action to attack him from behind with a scimitar, coming out of hiding with a stealth of 26 (natural 20) but missing horribly (11 to hit). (You may RP misses/hits as you wish). Behind those rocks were two other goblins (Blue, north rock, and red, south rock) who were hiding (Stealth of 23 and 21) and they popped out to take their own readied actions to fire on the first creature that walks in. (Rolled a 9 for one, 17 for other, hitting for 5 piercing damage which I already deducted from Bartholl's R20) .

Then initiative happens. This will be the order in which posts/actions occur as far as timeline, as always you may post whenever available.

Red Goblin
Umbriel and Ambriel, then Bartholl
Blue Goblin
Kaldrinn and Ling Jun
Green Goblin

The Red Goblin goes first and so seeing the ineffectiveness of their mini ambush against the Goliath, turns and runs to warn whoever is in the chamber to the south.

This should be fun.... :D

2017-08-21, 05:06 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
The roar of the water made it impossible to hear the movements of the tiny creatures, but the glint of steel to his right alerted Bartholl to danger, and he stepped back just in time to evade the parallel strikes. This gave him just a split second of notice before the second arrow came hurtling toward him. It happened almost in slow motion. As he'd done against the teeth of beasts he'd fought previously, he summons his strength and focuses every ounce of effort into transforming his muscles into a bastion of protection. The tip of the arrow sticks into his bicep, but not deep enough to hold, and it slowly sags to the ground. Bartholl and the 3 goblins watch it fall before a familiar flame starts to well up behind his eyes.

Using my reaction for Stone's Endurance: [roll0] to reduce the damage by whatever I roll here.

2017-08-21, 05:41 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

As three more small bodies set themselves against Bartholl Ling Jun couldn't help but wonder if they would have been better served approaching peacefully and at least attempting to trade little Graak for Gundren and Sildar. They way things were playing out he doubted there would be much left of this little goblin clan when the day was through. Unfortunately they were set on this course now and he very much doubted the residents would accept an apology for the deaths of four of their brethren and the escape of their wolves. Therefore it's with a heavy heart that he draws back his bow string. The least he could do was make their end come swiftly.

At work so no map.
Move: To someplace he can get a shot at the other shortbow wielding goblin. (without getting in the stream again if possible).
Action: Longbow @ Goblin with Bow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing damage
Crit?: [roll2]

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-22, 10:01 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn grinds his teeth as another ambush of the goblins bursts out of the darkness. This truly was like clearing out a nest of invasive insects. He gets himself into position and hurls the ball of fire toward one of the little things--it was important to try and thin the crowd some before the runner brought more of them to bear.

Action : Use Produce Flame on a viable, within sight, target (will attempt to hit one already damaged if able). Move before hand if needed but will try to avoid the water.
Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

2017-08-22, 12:15 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Roaring even over the sound of the water, Bartholl returns fire at the goblin who tagged him with an arrow, hurling the javelin across the cave as it fled. There's a twinkle of glee in his eye as it strikes the creature in the back. Drawing the second hatchet, he turns around and towers over the cutlass wielding goblin before him, daring it to make the next move.

BA: Rage
Attack Red goblin: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
5' step farther up so more people can get in on the action

If attack is between 10-12, use Inspiration: [roll2]

2017-08-23, 10:20 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber starts at the goblin's ambush,
then plucks the strings of his harp and unleashes a string of vitriol at the nearest goblin.
"Ugly and green,
Tiny and mean!
But don't you see
Soon you will be
A splatter of blood
Drained through the mud!

Vicious Mockery

DC 13 Wisdom save
If failed: [roll0]
and disadvantage on next attack roll

2017-08-24, 12:31 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Having let her new four-legged friends free, Ambriel turns and walks up the tunnel to join the others. Her face is set in a serious determination not seen by the others since they first joined her days ago. As flame is brought forth by the dwarf and the goliath rages, Ambriel simply brings her crossbow to bear on the evil little creatures who chained those beautiful wolves to the wall and made them into a sad shadow of what they should be. She snarls as she pulls the trigger, launching the bolt toward the little goblins.

Attack roll: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2017-08-24, 12:33 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

The bolt looks initially as if it is going to miss. A red glow surrounds the bolt as it flies through the air and the bolt changes direction, streaking closer to the goblin than should have happened.

Adding [roll0] to that attack roll.



Are you kidding me?

2017-08-24, 01:40 PM
The bold goblin who had fired off a shot that was certain to find purchase on the towering Goliath, dropped the shortbow and swiftly fled to the southern chamber when the arrow splintered into tiny fragments upon hitting the flesh of the Barbarian. Never had this goblin seen unprotected skin unharmed by a shot like that, and so Klarg had to be warned.

As the unnerved goblin fled, a javelin pierced into it from behind, causing it to stumble upon the stone steps leading up to Klarg's chamber. The noise of the goblin's cries were drowned out by the surging waterfall behind it, but the sight of a javelin hitting the goblin hard did not elude their eyes. The chamber erupts into motion, and it is only when Ambriel, Ling Jun, and Kaldrinn navigate the waterfall chamber during the fight do they see glimpses of what is transpiring in the firelight of the southern chamber.

Umbriel takes a few steps forward and plucks out a few notes, his rhythmic words mocking the goblin harshly and effecting its psyche. The goblin taking cover behind the northernmost rock loses composure at the words. Ambriel, not to be outdone by her brother yet again, moves through the stream to take cover behind a rock in the now mostly empty pool that had been drained earlier. She takes aim and fires at a goblin, but misses, her anguish and anger at the poor wolves she had released obviously taking a toll on her focus.

The goblin who had just moments ago suffered a verbal assault from Umbriel, tries to shoot at his sister, but missing critically as the insults just wont leave it's mind. That's when Kaldrinn moves up near to it and tries to hurl a ball of flame over its head to the fleeing goblin but missing the mark.

Ling Jun, trying to get a better flanking position on the miserable creatures, rushes through the stream and into a dry portion of the former pool, taking position near Ambriel and her rock. He lets an arrow loose but even the sharpshooter misses his target this time.

The goblin near to Bartholl tries once more, despite the Goliath's apparent rage, to attack with the scimitar but still finding the barbarian too hard to hit. With realization that this is far beyond its pay grade (Nothing at all, really...), the goblin nimbly maneuvers itself away from Bartholl and that sharp looking axe and makes for Klarg's chamber as well.

In the chamber, few of you can see a Bugbear giving orders to the few goblins that were in there with him. You can not hear for the waterfall, but you can tell Klarg is not very happy to have intruders. His pet wolf, a large beast with thick dark fur, goes to Klarg's side as the other goblins fan out in the chamber only illuminated by the light of a large fire in the middle.

Lots of misses all around, a hit by Bartholl's spear and some mockery by the bard get past defenses, but the rest of you nor the goblins can land any blows. I have taken some liberties with where you have moved, if anyone wants to check R20 and reposition that's fine with me.

The goblin that was nearest to Bartholl tries to attack with a scimitar, missing and then using a bonus action to disengage and flee south. The goblin behind the north rock tires to fire at Ambriel, viscous mockery causes it to critically fail (rolled a 1 ! ) on top of partially cover from the rock. The group inside the bugbear chamber is entering initiative effective next round. You get one more set of actions without them before they become a problem.

2017-08-24, 02:16 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: Rage 9/10 | Conditions: None
Bartholl took a swing at the goblin as it fled, but couldn't find purchase on its swift form. "DON'T START WHAT YOU CAN'T END, DWARF THIEF!!" he shouts after it as he gives chase. Drawing the glowing handaxe he takes a swing at the poor, surrounded goblin as he moves past, the light momentarily dimming as it sinks into its tunic. The shadows moving back and forth as he runs forward throws off his aim, and he dashes the blade of the axe against the stone as he comes to an abrupt halt in front of the chamber, taking note of several bodies and a wolf, but too lost in the heat of battle to worry about such things.

Swinging on the blue goblin surrounded by us
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move and attack the green goblin.
BA Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Regardless of kills, end move by the green goblin.

2017-08-24, 05:36 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel quickly reloads her crossbow. Maybe she hadn't quite loaded the bolt correctly the first time. She'd only seen it done once, after all. She clocks the crossbow back and places the bolt in what she hopes is the correct position.

Attack roll: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

She glares at the goblin as its form crumples to the ground. She reloads her crossbow as she steps onto land inside the cave and stands next to Bartholl. "Who's next?" she asks the goblins.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-25, 10:20 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn mutters a curse to himself as his shot goes wide and the combat around him devolves into an all-out brawl. The goblins were beginning to swarm like ants realizing someone had stomped upon their nest and it wasn't too long until the whole hill knew they were here. The dwarf adjusts his position and tries to assist with the growing problems in the next room--at the very least they'd be glowing problems in the next room. A word and a motion and dim purple light begins to shine from the objects and beings beyond.

Move East of the Blue goblin if needed.

Cast Faerie Fire in the next room in a manner that will, at the last, get the wolf, bugbear, and red goblin.

DC 13 Dex Save

2017-08-26, 06:05 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Looking down Ling Jun quickly attributes his failed shot due to his precarious footing in what was left of the goblins pool of water. Hurrying back to dry stone while pulling another arrow from the quiver on his hip his eyes widen in surprise as the chamber ahead of his explodes in purple radiance. "Ah! A dwarf of many talents," he praises Kaldrinn as he lights up his targets for him.

Not wasting any time with the little ones, Ling Jun see's his chance to redeem himself in his own eyes. Klarg! Big, purple, glowing Klarg. An expectant look in his eye now, Ling Jun salutes the bugbear with his arrow before drawing it back as far as his straining arm and back would allow and letting it rocket free.

Move: Get out of the water and a view of the room.

Action: Longbow w/ sharpshooter damage @ Klarg
Attack: [roll0] | Advantage (FF): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] piercing damage
Crit?: [roll3]

*crosses fingers*

2017-08-26, 01:10 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber follows the rest of the party, trying to keep to the back. Plucking his strings once more he lets lose a wave of vitriol at the most obvious target, the bugbear.
"Klaarg, is it?
How do you do?
Don't throw a fit,
But we've come for you!
You've chosen wrong,
and fatally so!
To fight the strong,
And greater foe!"

Vicious Mockery

DC 13 Wisdom save
If failed: [roll0]
and disadvantage on next attack roll

2017-08-26, 02:55 PM
Umbriel moves forward with a confident grace that is only matched by his voice, as he plays a quick tune and mocks the leader of these goblins. Klargs eyes widen as he hears the insults this human dare speak in his presence and shouts back. "You dare defy Klarg?! Klarg is mighty warlord and will build a throne from your bones...Klarg thinks...." As the insults sink in, the confidence of the bugbear who seems to be referring to itself in the third person wanes a bit, the mocking having had the intended effect.

Ambriel, hoping to have figured out how the damned contraption called a crossbow works, loads another bolt and fires it at the nearest goblin threatening Kaldrinn. As the arrow begins to go wide, however, an unseen force guides it back on course and it strikes the goblin, puncturing through the flimsy leather armor it wore and taking it down before she quickly follows up behind Bartholl as he madly swings on the nearest goblin too agile for him to hit and then pursues the fleeing goblin with the scimitar, intent on bringing it down but missing yet another attack against it. Enraged, Bartholl sets his sights on the next potential victim.

Kaldrinn, the dwarf who had come to rescue a friend and, if only partially, a family member, takes position to get a proper glance into the chamber and, calling upon the druidic magic he learned, lit up several creatures and cargo in the room with a glowing violet light that would help ensure attacks against them hit their marks. The look of immediate confusion on their faces was a sight to behold.

Ling Jun moves to dry ground and takes position near Kaldrinn before taking aim at the leader and sending an arrow crashing into the cave wall well behind the large, glowing, bewildered bugbear named Klarg.

In response, Klarg began issuing orders to the goblins he had taken over command of. "Don't stand there you useless sacks of meat! Attack them! Or Klarg will feed you to the wolves!" The goblin nearest to Bartholl takes a look at the Goliath, then to Klarg, then back to the angered Goliath; the hesitation obvious on the poor creatures face. Not wanting to become wolf food, however, the goblin tries to attack Bartholl with the scimitar and nearly drops the blade in the attempt to attack something so seemingly deadly. A second goblin moves from around the corner and swings with its own scimitar, but also not finding purchase even on the large form of the Goliath.

A goblin that had hidden behind a rock in the western part of the chamber pops out and shoots at an arrow at the unsuspecting Ambriel, giving away the hiding spot it had thought very smart of it in the process. The arrowhead scrapes harshly against one of her calf muscles, a long red line of blood forming as her flesh opens up at the wound.

"Klarg crush large man now!" Klarg, upset with the incompetence of the goblins he had taken from Yeemik, runs into combat himself, swinging a large morningstar at the Goliath but with so many goblins in the way he is unable to get a clean swing. "Get out of Klarg's way! Rah!" He growls his frustration at the nearest goblin who shrinks away from the bugbear. His wolf, Ripper, follows but not too closely, waiting for a moment to strike and bring down those who would attack its Master.

The goblin who had turned to originally warn Klarg, picks up one of the many bows in the pile of mundane weapons near the cargo and fires at the dwarf who had set them alight with strange magic. The arrow strikes true, grazing against his shoulder and drawing blood, but the damage done not nearly enough to interrupt the druid from concentrating on maintaining the spell he had cast.

Welp....the attacks I DID hit all came up 1 for damage so 3 to Kaldrinn and 3 to Ambriel which I have already deducted from R20, just make sure to update your Mythweavers if you are using that instead. A goblin who had rolled a high stealth revealed itself to fire on Ambriel and Klarg has grown impatient and has tried to challenge the biggest threat: Bartholl. With his brute strength, he is swinging serious amounts of damage but Umbriel is still viciously mocking foes left and right and causing them to fumble their swings. Kaldrinn took a small bit of damage and passed his Concentration Save with a near natural 20. So things are looking good!

You might just make it.... :D

2017-08-26, 06:25 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber continues hurling insults with glee, keeping his focus on the bugbear.
"Your fur is matted
Your face is disgusting
If you wish to be splatted
Then keep on thrusting!"

Vicious Mockery

DC 13 Wisdom save
If failed: [roll0]
and disadvantage on next attack roll

2017-08-26, 09:44 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel sees Klarg charge over. Her eyes widen in surprise, but then she steels herself. She recalls her previous attack with the crossbow and laughs, pity in her tone as she imagines the piercing shot to Klarg's heart.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

EDIT: Suckafrashing-dashin-mashin.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-27, 10:59 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn hisses air between his teeth as the arrow buries into him, but manages to keep focus on his spell. He knew how important it was to keep the lights going; they needed every advantage they could get. Determined to see this through, he lights another orb of fire and hurls it toward the bow-wielding goblin in the next room. Hit or miss, he scampers off to the open tunnel to his right and takes cover from the brunt of the fight.

Cast Produce Flame and immediately attack Red Goblin.
Attack: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage : [roll2]

2017-08-27, 11:30 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Bartholl is momentarily awed as Kaldrinn's spell lights up the room, but quickly associates purple with his enemies and finds himself hating the color. The sparkles certainly did help in the dim cave light though. Parrying the flurry of steel before him, the goliath finds his opportunity to strike and lashes out with two quick cuts.

[roll0] / Adv [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

SECOND - at Pink, or if pink is already dead then at Green
[roll3] / Adv [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2017-08-27, 02:55 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Arrogance! Ling Jun hears his tutors voice in his head chastising him. Overconfidence! Ineptitude! It continues berating him for the missed shot and the one before it and the one before that one too. Celebrate only once you have won, he had been fond of telling his young pupil. Calming his breathing, Ling Jun attempts to clear his mind and reaches for another arrow, this time putting the one glowing with the light from Umbriel's spell to the bow. Drawing it back he allows his breath to exhale completely before letting the arrow fly.

Action: Longbow w/ sharpshooter damage @ Klarg
Attack: [roll0] | Advantage (FF): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] piercing damage
Crit?: [roll3]

Final try before he really does throw down his bow for now.

2017-08-27, 04:50 PM
As the Bugbear lead goblins move in as a group from the southern chamber and chaos ensues; the group of adventurers, who had found themselves going from a simple caravan escort to fighting goblins in a cave in hopes of rescuing their patron, began to make up for the bad luck they had been facing.

Umbriel, gleefully keeping Klarg more distracted than his already fragile mental state rendered him, let lose another string of insults that once again sent Klarg into an embarrassed rage. "Klarg is not disgusting! Stop calling Klarg ugly! You're ugly, and Klarg will beat you even ugli- Gah! What...?" Klarg and his yelling are interrupted as a crossbow bolt hammers into his chest. Klarg rips out the bolt and glowers across at Ambriel, who had fired it at him. "Bold little girl is next. Run little girl, before Klarg uses your bones for his teeth!"

Bartholl, in a storm of blade strikes, brings one weapon down upon one of the goblin surrounding him, and tries to follow up with the blade in his other hand but this goblin only planned to suffer one blow that strong at a time and ducks under the second swing even as blood begins to poor from the cleave in its shoulder.

Kaldrinn, not needing to fix what has been tried and true so far, hurls another orb of fire deep into the chamber at the goblin who had nicked him with an arrow just moments ago, and watches as the orb impacts with the goblins legs in a small explosion of flame before taking safety in a nearby passageway to the west.

Klarg, furious that his local raiding operations had been blatantly interrupted, is about to take his aggression out on poor Ambriel when Ling Jun notices the aggressive movement and takes swift, but careful, aim at the bugbear. Klarg raises his morning star high above his head, preparing to bring it crashing down upon the small and delicate frame of Ambriel when an arrow flies into and through Klargs neck, splattering the Aasimar's well kept outfit with fresh blood. A surprised gurgle escapes the bugbears throat before it topples over in front of Bartholl and Ambriel, motionless as the light he was formerly giving off fades from his body.

The two goblins near the Goliath look on as Klarg falls before swinging at Bartholl with scimitars and missing as the blades deflect harmless away. The goblin behind the rock in the chamber to the south fires an arrow towards Bartholl but it sails high over the Goliath's shoulder and past Ambriel. The wolf, who Klarg had aptly named 'Ripper' , leaps over a goblin and the body of Klarg to land in front of Ambriel and Bartholl, swiftly moving in to bite at the Goliath and sinking its piercing teeth in deeply.

The last goblin, brushes off the embers left over from the orb of fire Bartholl had tossed at it, takes aim at the archer in the distance and fires, the arrow splintering into the rock near Ling Jun.

The goblins are not entirely sure how to take the death of Klarg, and are currently fighting for self preservation against a considerably hostile Goliath and the rest of you.

Several misses by the goblins, a whopping 19 damage on Klarg which is enough to bring him down together with the other damage sustained during the fight, and a hit on Bartholl by the Wolf Ripper for a whopping 1/2 of 8 piercing damage ..... 4. This is tanking at its finest folks lol. Oh...and Bartholl also passed a Strength Saving Throw as the wolf tries to pull him to the ground. In fact you passed it by a margin of 10 .....

2017-08-27, 06:15 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber cheers at the fall of the bugbear. "All righty then you disgusting little monsters, we just killed your boss. Get away from here and we won't kill you. You all want to keep your lives, right?" Umber says this loudly, hoping to avoid fighting the rest of these goblins.

Persuasion Check


2017-08-27, 11:04 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel tsk's at the body of the bugbear. "Awwww, that's too bad." She turns and yells at the other goblins. "Every single one of you who mistreated those wolves better run," she says as she brandishes her crossbow towards the others.


Intimidation: [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-28, 09:31 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn listens to the commotion in the next room and breathes a small sigh of relief as it seems the bugbear is felled. He wasn't sure if this meant the end of the goblins though as they'd clearly had a leader before the thug came along; this likely wasn't a 'cut off the head and watch the others flee' sort of situation but maybe the creatures would fear what could dispatch a bugbear so quickly.

He takes a moment to catch his breath and concentrates on keeping his spell going. He hunkers down in the darkness and makes ready to attack if any goblins move hostile toward him.

Ready: If a hostile enters my line of sight, cast Produce Flame and attack with it.

2017-08-28, 03:56 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

He can't help it when a satisfied smile crawls across his face. That *was* a good shot, he notes to himself quickly glancing at the others to see if they appreciated it as well. Drawing another arrow he sets it to his bow but pauses as the twins seem content to scare the goblins off. But they weren't running yet and he wasn't so sure he was comfortable with the thought of them actually escaping to take word to their king or the spider that Graak had mentioned. Phandalin wasn't far away, that could lead to bad times for the town if they returned with more little greenskins.

Drawing back his arrow and aiming at one of the ones still glowing with Kaldrinns light he fires off an arrow in it's direction.

Ling Jun isn't stopping. If they run, he wont chase them, but he'll feather as many as possible until then.

Longbow @ a Glowing one.
Attack: [roll0] | Advantage: [roll1] <-- and the bad rolls are back! Must be a warning shot.
Damage: [roll2]
Crit?: [roll3]

2017-08-31, 12:57 AM
Just a side note.... have we been forgetting to add the +2 damage to Bartholls damage rolls because of rage? Because he just destroyed 3 creatures. Killed pink, then due to Faerie Fire he crit the Wolf , doing 9 damage total, then when one of the goblins tried to run away in fear, he hit for max damage, 9 , +2 from rage kills it ded before it can even leave his threat range. Maybe just DM luck perhaps....

As their self proclaimed leader goes down gargling blood, the goblins all pause for a brief moment in their assault, unsure how to proceed. Umbriel gives them quite the convincing ultimatum, while Ambriel attempts to scare them away with her prowess. Unconvinced that this would have any real effect on the goblins, Kaldrinn keeps to the shadows of the tunnel and prepares to launch another orb of fire at any hostile goblin that comes into view. The archer, however, Ling Jun, gives no quarter and fires an arrow that sails over the head of one of the goblins near Bartholl; sending it back into a defensive attack.

It cuts deep into Bartholl, but his persistent rage leaves him looking unscathed by the wound and, as that same goblin tries to flee, the Goliath cuts it down. The Goliath then brings one axe to bear upon the other nearby goblin, ending it for good, and bares down upon the Bugbears pet wolf with a fierce strike from the off hand axe, cleaving into the neck and nearly severing its head entirely as the blade finds a critical spot on the wolfs frame.

The sight of this sends a third goblin fleeing past Bartholl, and towards the exit, but not before Ambriel deftly pulls out a dagger and catches it in the back as it moves passed her paying her no mind. A mistake it will never get the chance to learn from, as the dagger easily pierces into it between the shoulder blades and removes the life from the goblin.

The final remaining goblin, still taking cover behind a stalagmite in the southern chamber, flees to the west and down a chimney like chute, vanishing before anyone else can really spot what happened.

You did it! Congrats on not letting anyone die. You all get 0 experience points, because the points don't matter! (We're using Milestone EXP).

So Klarg, the bugbear that has bullied himself into power over whomever Yeemik is, has gone down along with his wolf and the goblins that acted as his......well....meat shields.... leaving behind a large cache of supplies

In the light of the large fire and illuminated more by the magical violet light being given off by a chest wedged in between some crates along the east wall; you can see what is a large cache of supplies, more than likely stolen from the road you were traveling over the course of several months. Most of the crates and boxes, and several barrels, are marked with a blue Lion, a symbol of which Ling Jun and Kaldrinn recognize as belonging to the Lionshield Coster, a merchant company with a warehouse in Phandalin.

Because obviously someone is going to open the chest....it is unlocked and untrapped.

600 CP (Copper Pieces)
110 SP (Silver Pieces)
3 X Potions of Healing (Drinker regains 2d4 + 2 HP. Drinking a potion costs an Action)
1 Jade Statuette of a tiny frog small enough to fit into a pocket or pouch with tiny golden orbs for eyes. (Worth 40 GP if you can find a buyer)

Don't say I never gave ya nothin' shiney, hear?

It is possible, since noise of this battle couldn't travel to the rest of the cave due to the waterfall, that a short rest can be had with relative safety in Klarg's (former) chamber. Anything longer and you risk a possible patrol or random goblin stumbling upon what has happened and throwing the rest of the cave on alert, and while risky, is not impossible.

There are several supplies that could use a way back to Phandalin, several wounded, and then there's still the matter of your missing patron and his warrior friend. What shall you do now, oh goblin slayers?

2017-09-01, 01:24 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun hurries into the glowing room and looks around for their employers and to make sure there were no more goblins lurking about behind any of the crates. "What?! Where are Gundren and Sildar?!" he demands at the chute the last goblin had taken. His eyes go wide with worry as he spins on his heel and draws one of his swords as he quickly approaches the fire and begins to poke through the burning logs for bones, humanoid bones. Graak had said Klarg's king had wanted Gundren, but he had seen those filed teeth, teeth made for tearing flesh. He wouldn't have put it past them to have eaten the two prisoners if hunger demanded as much.

Any bones in the fire?
Investigation: [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-01, 05:32 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

When it becomes apparent, one way or another, that combat had come to an end, Kaldrinn will move from his hiding place and round the corner to join the others. "The bigger they are...eh?" He mutters to himself over the sound of the nearby falls as he looks the bugbear's body over and then bends down to search it proper. His heart sank a little when he didn't find the map on the ugly thing, but hopefully it would be wherever they were keeping Gundren and Sildar.

Taking anything of value, he scampers up the stairs into the next room and begins to investigate. While the bowman pokes at the fire, the dwarf begins to casually explore some of the many things the group had stolen and packed away. "They must have been at this for some time to collect so much. Theres still the path across the bridge above the creek... Gundren must be being held there."

2017-09-01, 09:48 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Several inappropriate comments leap to mind as the others speak, but Ambriel has finally learned that maybe this group wasn't as fun as those back at the temple. Maybe later, when someone's life wasn't on the line. "By all means. We need to find him before it's too late."

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-01, 10:26 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Does anyone need a proper sit down or should we press on?" Kaldrinn asks as he begins to very quickly pick through some of the supplies and then lands upon the chest. He wasn't looting the place just yet mind you--but he did want to find that map or anything that might help them along the way. When he opens the chest he gasps slightly at the amount of coin but very quickly refocuses and scoops up the three potions to pass out among the group. Most likely starting with Ling Jun he extends a potion. "Bit of a pick-me-up if things get dicey again?"

I'm talking the three potions.

Attempting to pass them out to others before taking one myself if there are leftovers.

2017-09-01, 10:41 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber slumps down onto the nearest sittable rock to catch a breather "I can't believe that worked!" He exclaims, and takes a draught from his waterskin. Umber, seeing Kaldrinn opening a chest, sidles over and peaks at the contents. "Oh!" He says, looking at the treasure. "Seems like some of these items are hard to divvy up equally. Suppose we play, stone, parchment, dagger for the statuette?" Umber also watches closely as the coins are divided, making sure he and Amber got their fair share. He respected his companions after their battle prowess against the bugbear, but didn't trust them quite yet.

2017-09-03, 09:39 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel turns to the others as they sort out the contents of the chest. "Yes, yes. Wrap it all up. You can put it in my things later. We have goblins to kill, and we're on a roll. I say we keep moving along."

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-03, 06:47 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Lot of talk coming from the one who wanted to play with the doggies." Kaldrinn points out matter-of-factly as he passes one potion to each of Ling Jun, Bartholl, and, offers the last to the pair of siblings. Any that are turned down he will simply store in his belt pouch for use if they were needed.

"Unless anyone needs any patching up, lets make for the bridge." He lets the goliath lead the way back through the waterfall cavern and down the side passage. The dwarf summons another orb of fire to help light the way and takes up his position in the marching order.

2017-09-03, 11:58 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel sputters, "Play with the...Kaldrinn! You're a druid! They're wolves!. Sheesh. You'd think someone who professes a love of nature through the choice of his career would maybe, one, know the difference and, two, be a little more compassionate to the plight of enslaved animals."

Nonetheless, she does follow along in the middle of the pack once more.

2017-09-04, 03:19 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun moves away from the fire a little uncertain, what Kaldrinn said could be possible and they would find the lost duo secreted away in a cell of some kind where they would not disturb the goblins and their spoils. "The markings on the barrels, it would appear Phandlin may be quite short of everything they contain...," he leaves that hanging for a second as he takes the offered potion with a nod and slips it into a pocket. "I'm sure the trading company they belong to would be grateful for their return, and if these also came from their stocks would be understanding in their use," he adds as he watches Bartholl gulp down one of the potions before heading back the way they had come.

Hurrying to Klarg's body he places a foot on the bugbears chest and yanks his glowing arrow free from the body. Shaking the worst of the gore free of the tip he assess it with a critical eye before slipping it back into his quiver to provide light for himself as he took up position behind Kaldrinn.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-04, 10:16 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"A life devoted to nature isn't a career choice." Kaldrinn corrects.

"It's also taught me a thing or two about wolves. And while you were in a rush to set them free while others fought on without the pair of you...did you ever stop to consider that they wouldn't simply flee into the woods to live happy lives? Were there any thoughts as to whether grey wolves were native to these woods or did the goblins bring them here in chains?--did you just put a foreigner at the top of the food chain?" It was probably best he not continue pointing out the things she'd failed to consider. He did still need her help after all--as infrequently and as unreliably as it tended to be offered.

2017-09-04, 12:53 PM
Searching the body of Klarg turns up nothing except the still shining arrow that had pierced clean through the bugbears throat. The chest he had hidden in with the merchandise and supplies they had been looting was a different story. Klarg, obviously having declared himself the leader of this group, had taken only the best for himself.

After the group has a chance to take what they wish from the chest and look over the large stockpile of supplies, many of which belonged to the businesses of Phandalin, they head off towards the bridge the crossed over the stream pathway they had taken previously. As they cross single file, the body of the goblin that had been knocked from the bridge in a previous fight can be seen down below, the water from the stream cascading over its body as if it were just a few rocks.

As you near a left turn in the tunnel you find yourselves in, Bartholl holds up a hand and stops everyone. "Voices." , the Goliath cautions, but Ling Jun and Kaldrinn pick the voices up moments before Bartholl even says anything.

Most are in the goblinoid tongue that none of you recognize (I don't think?) , but a few exchanges in common reach most of your ears, save for the twins picking up the rear.

"Six of us, plus the wolves in the den is enough!"
"Them wolves not even fully grown yet, boss."
"Yea. Got that pet wolf too! We not strong enough yet."
"Shut up! No excuses. I captured weakling knight, not Klarg! Klarg can drown in blood, thinks he can take over like this. Stupid Grol, sending Klarg to do Yeemik's job."

Between the goblinoid words and the common words, the conversation continues like this back and forth with none of them really coming to a conclusion to take action.

2017-09-06, 01:19 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun's hand was already held up to halt the twins following behind him when Bartholl announces what he'd heard for himself. Six of them, he was confident the goblins didn't know they were here yet and so didn't doubt they were speaking the truth. That would leave them outnumbered in a fair fight but with the element of surprise the group could quickly gain the upper hand, the goblins up ahead obviously had no inkling of what had already transpired in the other areas of the cave.

He turns to face the twins and indicates the goblins numbers up ahead with his fingers. Drawing a finger across his throat he looks at them each in turn and nods hoping they understood and then draws one of his remaining (non-glowing) arrows from his quiver and waits for their Goliath to take the lead.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-06, 10:31 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn nods the affirmative as to the number of goblins that await them. He cups his hands around his little orb of flame and wonders if perhaps another attempt to set everything alight would work as well. 'Probably best to save my energies for healing Gundren' He reasons with himself and keeps to the plan of pelting the little creatures with fire; If he could even get into the room that is--this hall seemed quite narrow and already full of the adventurers.

I'm ready regardless of which way things go. Obviously I'm waiting for the goliath to rush in first.

2017-09-06, 03:40 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Hey, I can heal too!" She pauses and looks like she's considering something internally. "Maybe at least once more today. Why don't we just go tell them that we beat this guy up, and if they give us Gundren back, we'll let them be in charge around here from now on?"

2017-09-06, 04:00 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
"I agree with my sister," says Umber quietly. "I don't think we need to fight them to get Gundren, why don't we try talking to them instead? We've already proven our might after all, and goblins are cowardly."

2017-09-06, 04:30 PM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Brushing away a stray piece of hair that had escaped his top knot, Ling Jun stares blankly at the twins. Now they wanted to try diplomacy? They hadn't seemed very interested in the idea when they had actually had little Graak as a bargaining chip to work with in a prisoner exchange. All this killing might have been completely avoided. With a small shake of his head and a loudly exhaled breath, he bows out of the way to let them pass. He wasn't about to stop what had been his original plan.

2017-09-07, 05:05 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber steps forward and uses his stage voice to shout, "Goblins! We have nothing to gain by killing you and would rather not have to clean our weapons again, so we are offering you this chance! Give us the dwarf and we will leave you in peace! Otherwise, we will do to you what we did to Klaarg!" Umber finishes, preparing to step behind his burlier party members at any sign of danger.

Persuasion Roll


if I have advantage:

2017-09-08, 12:13 AM
The mixture of goblin and common chatter ceases abruptly as Umbriel shouts down the tunnel.
"Yeemik has nothing to gain by killing voice either. If voice wants Dwarf, will have to look elsewhere. Yeemik has human though for voice to trade. Tried to guard Dwarf but, made bad guard."

A bit of talk in goblin among the others breaks out but is quickly ended by the voice you know as 'Yeemik'.
"If voice speaks true about stupid bugbear, bring me his head, or this human dies. Bring me head of Klarg, leave Yeemik alone, and human can go free with voices unharmed. Yeemik thinks is good offer for voice and friends."

"Don't! Foolish to trust....these gob-" A groggy common voice shouts down the tunnel at you but is silenced quickly.
"Human shuts up, or human does not live long enough to see the outside! Voice brings Yeemik Klargs head, now!"

2017-09-08, 12:56 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel's face turns up in distaste as she looks at the corpse of the bugbear and imagines sawing off his head. She looks at her brother and whispers to him, "Tell him we'll bring him the whole body. I'm not removing his head."

2017-09-08, 12:58 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun looks thoughtfully at Umbriel's back before shrugging to himself and exchanging his bow for one of his swords. "This thing you ask is easily accomplished," he calls out to Yeemik. "I shall return shortly," he tells the others in a quieter voice as he turns on his heel and in the light shed by the glowing arrow hurries back through the cave to remove a head from a dead body.

((Unless someone stops him))

The archer soon returns holding the head out behind him to avoid any unnecessary blood and gore upon his person. He stops just behind Umbriel and holds the head aloft, pointing out the arrow wound in the neck with his sword as he calls out to Yeemik. "You must admire my handy work, see the wound to which your adversary lost his life," he chuckles to himself. "It is a thing of beauty, is it not? Not many could make such a shot in the heat of battle," he calls out in part because he was proud of the shot, but also because he wanted the goblin to know his life could end just as swiftly should it come to violence.

2017-09-08, 01:40 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Oh! Ambriel exclaims as she covers her mouth with her hand and the color runs out of her face. She turns her eyes away. "That's just now...right..."

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-08, 02:51 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

'Look elsewhere for Gundren?' Kaldrinn's mind races at what that might mean: 'Did he manage to escape? Did we miss a chamber where he might have been?' He cups the little ball of fire and strains his ears for clues of what was happening in the next room. Sildar was there--that much was clear--hopefully the could secure his freedom and he'd be able to answer some of these questions. This of course relied on an ambitious goblin staying true to his word...

The dwarf steps aside as his companion heads to the bugbear's chamber to retrieve their bargaining chip. He takes up a defensive position in the little curve of the passage and makes ready in case the goblins attempt something funny in the interim until the warrior returns. Steeping aside again, he presses against the wall as the severed head of the bugbear is escorted through. "Certainly strikes a gruesome visage." He mutters as the things stares in him the eyes a moment.

2017-09-08, 01:16 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
As the enemies fall one by one, Bartholl catches the eye of the final goblin before it turns to run. Chasing it to the edge of the room he looks down the chimney and determines he would likely get stuck if he tried to pursue. Turning back to the rest of the room, his shoulders heaving with the exertion of battle, his demeanor loosens as the fury drains from his eyes. When Kaldrinn approaches offering one of the potions he holds out a flat palm declining the offer. "Magic drinks keep the scars from forming nice and thick." He tears off a strip of leather from his already minimal tunic and ties a tight knot around the puncture wound, the spilt blood drying to crusty streaks down his calf.


"If we let 'em live, what happens to the goods back in Klarg's den? We just leave it with the gobbos?" Bartholl asks greedily. He returns across the bridge with Ling Jun, praising "Always disappointing when something dies right in front of you if you ain't the one to make it dead... but the look on his face when the arrow went through was pretty funny," he says with a grin and a nudge on Ling's shoulder that's probably a bit harder than was necessary. Back in Klarg's den he stuffs a few fist-fulls of the coin and the frog into his pack. "In case we don't come back for it," he justifies before returning with the archer.

2017-09-08, 08:48 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel walks over next to Bartholl. "I didn't hear any mention of the goods in our deal. I think we're still good."

2017-09-09, 11:25 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber puts a hand on Ling's shoulder to stop him. "Try to see if the dwarf is there after all, if you can." Says Umber quietly, and removes his hand. Dealing with goblins and trusting goblins were two different things after all.

2017-09-09, 06:19 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

"Wait, wait, wait! I want to touch him too!" Amber approaches Ling, shying away from looking at the severed head. She pats him awkwardly on the shoulder and says, "I know you can do it! We'll be right behind you. Maybe not RIGHT behind you..but behind you."

Cast Guidance on Ling in case he needs a little help.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-09, 06:57 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

The dwarf stands ready, focused on the task at hand; ready to advance as the group present the head and to cast the flame spell if needed or quickly channel healing magics if Sildar needs them or Gundren was in fact in the room.

2017-09-11, 02:02 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Looking a little surprised at strange feeling that washed over him at Ambriel's touch, Ling Jun edges past the rest of the group and proceeds forward holding Klarg's head by the hair in one hand. When he comes in view of the goblins he stops and smiles broadly. "Ah, there we are. That is one of the two we are looking for," he says with nod toward Sildar who he can just make out on the edge of the light his imbued arrow shed ahead of him.

"You shall see we we have kept our end of the bargain, and it would do you well to do likewise," he suggests to them, rolling the head along the ground toward one of the nearest goblins. "Look closely," he nods to the goblin nearest the head as he rubs his own neck at the spot his arrow had taken Klarg.

Try make sure they keep their end of the deal.
Intimidate(?): [roll0]
Guidance: [roll1]

He'll also preemptively take the dodge action (if possible) in case he's met with a barrage of arrows.

2017-09-11, 10:43 PM
As Ling Jun moves around the corner towards where the voices had come from, he sees at the end of a tunnel about 20 - 30 feet long the opening to a large cave. In the flickering fire light of the cave, he can make out goblin shapes and a more human shape very close to the edge of a ten-foot high escarpment that cuts the cavern in half, save for a steep natural staircase that leads from the lower portion to the top of the upper ledge.

The air is hazy with the smoke of cooking fires, and the pungent smells of poorly cured hides and unwashed goblins assaults the nose of Ling Jun. As Ling points out the human dangling from the ledge and mentions they had been looking for him, Yeemik speaks again. "Let them pass!" Yeemik speaks to the other goblins who are tending the cooking fires below.
"Bring the head, so Yeemik can see you speak truth. Slowly, human, or this one will fall."

Ling Jun can see that Sildar has been badly beaten and tormented, but alive. In his severely weakened state, the warrior could not suffer a fall of that height and remain conscious. Were the goblin to go through with his threat, Sildar might very well perish. Having taken that all in, Ling Jun moves forward to the entrance of the cave, where he can better see that Yeemik has Sildar held over the edge of the ledge.

When Ling rolls the head of Klarg towards the nearest goblin, it jumps back just a little bit in surprise and looks to Yeemik. "So is true. Klarg no more. Yeemik can finally go back to leading again, not capturing stupid dwarfs. Voices have kept bargain, Yeemik will too. Human can go with voices......after voices pay Yeemik five-hundred gold! Human bad at guarding dwarf, but still expensive. Human must be important to someone, yes? Important enough to you?"
"Don't....Scum like him....just kill me anyway. Don't pay!"
Yeemik growls and forces Sildar even more off the ledge, so that he teeters on his toes. "Gold, or the human dies!" The six goblins near Ling Jun begin to cackle and laugh a disconcerting noise, like hyena's closing in on prey. Things could go downhill very quickly for Sildar, and the group, if they were not handled properly....

So, for ease of seeing the entire scene laid out properly, I have given Ling Jun a reason to actually move DOWN the hall, not just round the corner and see to the end of it. That's quite a ways to roll a head along a 30ft uphill tunnel anyway....

Yeemik has a badly beaten Sildar (at 1 hp) tightly and has him hanging from a 10ft high ledge that divides the large cavern used as a 'common room' where they cook their food and such. Though you kept your end of the bargain, an easy thing considering you had already done away with Klarg to begin with, Yeemik is underhanded and will only release Sildar to you if you can manage to pay his rich ransom. Any hostile movement or turning down his offer will lead to him pushing Sildar from the ledge, a fall he can not survive. No one is, nor can currently get, close enough to catch Sildar should he be pushed at the start of combat. Taking a shot at Yeemik, if you are fast enough to go before him, has risks. Any risks you take also come with possible reward, as is the nature of things. I leave getting Sildar (and I hope yourselves) out of this alive in your capable hands.

2017-09-12, 12:02 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel sighs. She moves forward, speaks a few arcane words and pushes her will towards Yeemik.

Cast sleep on Yeemik [roll0] hp worth of creatures.

2017-09-12, 12:58 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Maybe we can still convince him to.. he thinks, before noting the arcane mumbling of his sister. He stiffens in surprise. It was going so well! he thinks before moving into a new plan. Thinking quickly, he moves forward and says to Yeemik, "Now now, Yeemik, have you no shame? You haven't even asked us our name!" Umber says this with two goals in mind. Hopefully, a conversation about manners would distract Yeemik while his sister worked on whatever spell she was casting. It was a rather unusual topic given the setting, and should at least come as a surprise. The second reason for saying this, was that it rhymed. This allowed him to use some magic of his own, casting a helpful spell on Ling. Using his last inspiration for the day, Umbriel casts Bardic inspiration on Ling. He hopes that, when the metaphorical music starts to play Ling will be in a good position to do something about poor Sildar.

Bardic Inspiration

Using bardic inspiration on Ling, my last one for the day, Ling gets a d6 to spend on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. He can use it anytime in the next ten minutes after he rolls but before the dm says if he failed.

2017-09-13, 09:00 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
"Lyin' little devils..." Bartholl mutters under his breath, perhaps a bit too loud as he can see the targeted anger in Yeemik's eyes as though Bartholl were daring him to honor his threat. The goliath knew he would, and as Yeemik's fingers loosened around Sildar's collar with a light shove, Bartholl was already running forward. His outstretched arms take the brunt of the weight and the momentum pulls his body almost to the ground but the floppy human lay in his arms. He takes a step back setting Sildar down and turns to face the goblin horde.

Athletics: [roll0]
Strength: [roll1]

I presume that'll do it... otherwise I'll adjust my narrative. I used 20 movement to get below Sildar and taking the remaining 10 to backtrack a square to a less surroundable spot.

2017-09-14, 03:00 AM
Ling Jun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281943)
Level 1 Fighter | AC: 14 | HP: 12/12

Ling Jun pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head at Yeemik's demands. "Ambriel spoke truly then," he mutters reaching for his bow as Bartholl pushes past. Allowing himself to be pushed against the stone wall, the archer draws an arrows and points it at Yeemik. "I did warn you," he tells the goblin sounding disappointed with the way things had played out.

With a small quirk of his mouth, he seems to shrug as he releases the arrow and ducks back to clear some space in the tunnel.

Action: Longbow (w/ Sharpshooter Damage) @ Yeemik
Attack: [roll0]; Opps! This should be +2, so even lower.
Damage: [roll1] piercing
Crit?: [roll2]

Inspiration (should his roll total between 10-14): [roll3]

Move: Back up into the little alcove there.

Alas, his luck continues.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-14, 05:39 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

'Of course.' Kaldrinn thinks to himself as the goblin attempts to go back on it's word and gouge them for a ransom. He always felt that drive goblins had to look out for themselves would be admirable if not for the depths they'd stoop to in order to do so. With the bugbear gone they would have very well been able to move on with life, yet they had to try and cheat some coin out of it as well. Regardless, with any luck the adventurers would be able to handle the whole den of the creatures without any further harm coming to Sildar.

'Perhaps seeing both their leaders fall will pressure the others into a retreat.' He thinks as combat breaks out. But focuses his efforts on making sure Sildar was safe.

Move as appropriate.
Action : Cure Wounds on Sildar. [roll0]

2017-09-16, 12:38 PM
Combat: Yeemik and Co.



(currently unarmored, and without weapon, in just the leathers he'd wear under his armor.)
Sildar is a human male of almost 50 years old, with short dark hair on both his head and face, and deep blue eyes that, while kind, have the look of years of combat. He has several very old scars that run along his left shoulder and part of his chest as if something had dragged their claws along him. For a man of nearly 50 years, Sildar is in very good athletic shape.

The name Sildar Hallwinter is a name not long forgotten by the Griffon Calvary of Waterdeep, in which he holds a place of honor. He served along them, and their griffons, for many years.

Yeemik was ambitious, a trait that had gotten him this far in the Cragmaw tribe, but he was also greedy. With Klarg removed, Yeemik could have taken his remaining goblins, whatever loot had already been taken from raiding the nearby Triboar Trail, and survived to do his own thing had he only released Sildar. Instead, Yeemik had demanded a ransom for his safe return, a ransom no one was prepared or willing to pay.

Seeing the challenge in the Goliath's eyes, Yeemik snarled and let the human fall to his death. Bartholl was prepared for this, however, and pushing his body as much as he could, sprinted forward just in time to catch Sildar before he hit the ground. Turning his back to the goblins as if they were inconsequential, Bartholl set Sildar down and made sure he made it behind his allies before turning back to regard the creatures once more.

An arrow from Ling Jun sails past Yeemik moments after releasing Sildar from his clutches and impacts the ceiling of the cavern a few feet behind him so hard that the arrow splinters into a thousand tiny fragments and loosens several small rocks that fall behind Yeemik.
"Yeemik tried to give fair offer. Now you die with human!" Yeemik removes the scimitar from his belt and points it at Ling Jun. "The captive is escaping! Get him, and be careful of the archer!" Yeemik watches from his vantage point high on the ledge overlooking the cooking fires as his goblins jump to obey.

From the back lines, two goblins let arrows fly at Ling Jun, hoping to bring down the enemy's archer. One hits Ling square in the shoulder with near deadly force as the other pierces into the flesh of his right side just above the hip.
Yeemik draws a bow on Sildar as he watches the human weave through the adventurers who had dared to not pay his ransom. As Sildar reaches the twins, Ambriel and Umbriel, he lets the arrow loose but it goes wide, missing the weakened warrior. Yeemik curses in goblin and points at the Goliath. "Stop standing, get the large one!"

At his command, several goblins move to surround the Goliath as best they can, every swing coming short or being parried by the skilled fighter who was much more dexterous than his size lets on. So focused on trying to bring down the front line and recapture Sildar were the goblins, that they didn't notice Ambriel weaving an enchantment to send them into a slumber.

As soon as she saw an opening, the Aasimar released her spell into the world and 3 goblins immediately drop their weapons and collapse to the ground. (Bartholl?) Yeemik squints through the effects of the spell and once they clear, he realizes half his numbers have just been knocked out. "What?! What did you do to them?? Witch! Never mind archer, get the witch!"

Sleep: AoE - 20ft radius of a chosen point - Chosen Point: Yeemik
Duration: 1 Minute (10 rounds of combat)
HP Total of creatures spell can effect: 24 (9 hp worth remains after deducting affected goblins in order of lowest HP first. If Bartholl suffered an Attack of Opportunity, then Bartholl falls asleep as well.)
Effect: Creatures affected by the spell fall Unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper the awake. The Undead and creatures immune to being Charmed are unaffected.

Condition: Unconscious - An Unconscious creature is Incapacitated, can not move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
The creature drops whatever it is holding and falls Prone.
The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws.
Attack Rolls (All Attack rolls, spell attack or otherwise) against the creature have Advantage.
Any attack from within 5ft that hits the creature is a Critical hit.

Incapacitated: Can not take Actions or Reactions

Prone: The only movement option is to crawl, unless it uses half its speed to stand up and end the condition.
The creature has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls.
An Attack Roll against the creature has Advantage if within 5ft, otherwise the attack has Disadvantage

Summary of Conditions: The sleep spell both knocks the creature unconscious and Prone, which mixes a few things together. ALL attack rolls have advantage against the creature, and if they are from melee range or within 5ft they are auto crits. A prone creature however is hard to hit with ranged attacks and falling unconscious also means it is prone on the ground. Any attack from farther away than 5ft has Disadvantage.
The Advantage to ALL attacks from being Unconscious and the Disadvantage to attacks outside of 5ft from being Prone cancel each other out until the creature wakes up and is no longer Unconscious. Ranged attacks will be made as normal, without either Advantage or Disadvantage.

As Yeemik gives new commands to the goblins who are obviously confused now from having changed targets 3 times, Kaldrinn pushes healing energies into Sildar and revitalizes the human. "Thank you, I thought I was done for when he pushed me off that ledge. We can introduce ourselves later. If anyone has a weapon I can use, I'll do what I can, but I'm vulnerable without my armor. We mustn't allow Yeemik to get away. He knows too much."

Sildar has been caught! He has been saved from hitting the ground and falling unconscious by Bartholl and has escaped to the back of the tunnel behind Ambriel and Umbriel. Most of his recent wounds have closed due to magical healing from Kaldrinn but he is still unarmed, and with no armor to speak of. He can not really lend any aid in this fight against the goblins in his current state.

On R20 I have denoted which goblins are ranged (looks kind of like a mounted gun) and which are Melee (two swords crossed together) , and which an switch between either like Yeemik. Hopefully this will help you make more tactful decisions based on what kind of offense the creature's have.

I have also denoted which ones are asleep by a clock symbol.

Attacks: Purple Goblin - ranged attack on Ling - 22 to hit for 5 piercing damage - Hit
Green Goblin - Ranged attack on Ling - 18 to hit for 3 piercing damage - Hit
Yeemik - Ranged Attack on Sildar - 9 to hit for 3 piercing damage - Miss
Yellow Goblin - Melee Attack on Bartholl - 5 to hit for 5 slashing damage - Miss
Blue Goblin - Melee Attack on Bartholl - 7 to hit for 7 slashing damage - Miss
Red Goblin - Melee Attack on Bartholl - 10 to hit for 4 slashing damage - Miss

It is now Bartholls turn again, unless he's sleeping..... >.>

2017-09-17, 04:02 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
"Allow Yeemik to escape?!" says Umber aghast. "I think we should be more worried about our own esca-" as he says this, the Goliath collapses. "By all the brothels in the hells!" He curses Vehemently, as their hopes of escaping with a full party just fell to the ground like a drunken farmboy. "Fine, fine! Let's get these goblins." So saying, Umbriel plucked the strings of his Lyre with a sigh and began to sing, focusing the arcane energies on one of the bow wielding goblins who was still awake.
"Have you ever held a bow before?
Perhaps you practice uncouth lore?
For I've never seen methods so strange!
Did you learn from a dog infected with mange?"

Vicious Mockery

DC 13 wisdom check
on a failed save the goblin takes 1d4 damage and has disadvantage on his next attack.
Roll: [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-18, 10:00 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

They had rescued one of their two allies but at what cost it wasn't quiet clear. A den full of goblins was currently worked into a frenzy against them; even if some of them had fallen victim to the sleeping magiks, so too had the largest and most fearsome of the group of adventurers. Whether on was worth the other would be clear soon enough the dwarf reckoned as blows were exchanged between both groups all around him. Numbers didn't favor them, combat prowess didn't seem to favor them now either with the brute snoozing, the archer full of arrows and the dwarf having exhausted his spells...but maybe a few witty words from a pair of circus performers could thwart a goblin tribe?

Kaldrinn figured the best chance was still to remove the so-called leader from power. The goblins clearly listened to his commands--as erratic as they were--and perhaps seeing him fall would break their will. So the dwarf set out to do just that... make him fall.

Move: Move forward to put myself 30 feet from Yeemik if possible.
Action : If above is possible, cast Thorn Whip on Yeemik
- Attack : [roll0]
- Damage : [roll1] and pull him 10 feet toward me.


Move : None
Action : Cast Produce Flame on Yeemik
- Attack : [roll2]
- Damage : [roll3]

Use any remaining movement to move as far to the back of the group as possible.

2017-09-19, 02:20 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel almost lets out a cheer when she sees several of the goblins slump over in sleep. Then she sees the goliath go down. "Uhhhh.....guys??? That....maybe that wasn't me? He walked a long ways today, you know...." It's easy to tell that Amber doesn't even believe it. "Don't worry, I got this!" She weaves her way over to Bartholl and shakes him on the shoulder. "Sleepytime is over, buddy. We have some work to do."

Movement: To Bartholl's side.
Action: Wake him up.

2017-09-19, 02:36 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 6/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
He'd barely set Sildar down when a wave of exhaustion overtook him. In mid turn as the spell took hold, Bartholl slumped awkwardly to the ground, his face and feet planted on the stone and his leathered rear sticking straight into the air, a fleshy mountain the goblins may have stuck a flag in given time. Fortunately Ambriel arrived first. In a daze, Bartholl slowly rises to his knees and his eyes go wide as a shortsword careens toward his now reachable skull. Rolling under the blade, the goliath collects his hatchets from the ground and brings them to bear against his attacker.

1/2 move: stand.
Attack yellow: [roll0] / damage [roll1]
BA attack yellow: [roll2] / damage [roll3]

If yellow goes down with first hit, step forward to hit blue instead. advantage [roll4] / crit dmg: [roll5]

2017-09-19, 03:37 PM
Once Ling Jun saw the Goliath go down with the nearby goblins, he cursed their luck once more. He had already missed an integral shot on their leader, Yeemik, with his bow and he couldn't risk anymore room for error. Placing the bow over his shoulder, he reached to his waist and pulled out two unique weapons. One was short but with a curved folded metal blade, the other of the same length but with a very straight edge that came to a slanted point.

He wielded each weapon in a separate hand and closed in on the group of sleeping goblins, intending to thin their numbers before they could even wake up. Brutal, but efficient, just as his teachings had said. There was no honor in killing a sleeping foe that could not defend itself, but neither was pushing defenseless people off a ledge after terms had been agreed to. These goblins had no honor, and so honor they would no longer get from Ling Jun.

Main hand: Shortsword attack on Blue Goblin - [roll0] Advantage: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Slashing Damage. Auto Critical on hit: + [roll3] Slashing Damage.

Off hand: Scimitar attack on Blue, or Red of blue dies on first hit - [roll4] Advantage: [roll5] Damage: [roll6] Slashing Damage. Auto Critical on hit: + [roll7] Slashing Damage.

Inspiration: [roll8] will use on anything between 12 and 14

While Ling Jun moves in to cut down a few of the goblins, the archer along the far wall takes aim at Bartholl's prone form but misses even the large target such as he. The other goblin who had not fallen unconscious swings at Bartholl with a scimitar but misses, leaving Yeemik to take aim at the Goliath with his bow, shooting another arrow into the Barbarian.

Ambriel quickly hurries over and wakes the sleeping half-giant , who wakes to the scene around him coming back in to focus as he swings and misses on the nearest alert goblin. Umbriel attempts to taunt the archer along the fall wall but his words don't seem to have the same effect they had been having this time.

Two misses from the other goblins and a hit on Bartholl by Yeemik for 5 piercing damage, bringing him down to 1 after the opportunity attack from the last round brought him down to 6.

Several misses from everyone else while Ling Jun easily cuts down two goblins with his shortsword and Scimitar.

2017-09-19, 03:47 PM
Main hand: Shortsword attack on Green Goblin - [roll0] Advantage: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Slashing Damage. Auto Critical on hit: + [roll3] Slashing Damage.

Off hand: Scimitar attack on Green, or Move 5ft and attack Purple if Green dies on first hit - [roll4] Damage: [roll5] Slashing Damage.

Inspiration: (1d6)[6] will use on anything between 12 and 14

Bartholl and the rest of you are up next. Ling goes right after Bartholl so putting this up now so I don't have to later :P

Courtesy of Ling Jun, 3 goblins are down now and only Yellow melee, Purple archer, and Yeemik (both) are remaining.

2017-09-19, 04:07 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Not able to look at the map from work, so let me know if this works....

"That's right, guys! Go get them!" Amber looks around the room, impressed at what the others could do. She brings her left hand up to her ruby necklace, and points at Yeemik with her right. A bolt of flame jumps from her hand towards the new leader of the goblins.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2017-09-19, 04:12 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
The goblin archer sneered back at him as Umber tried to throw him off with a few well placed barbs. Well I never, thought Umber, and started up again.
"Your countenance is unsightly
your fashion's a mess
your resemblance's rightly
comparable to an abscess
But I'll say it clear
Incase you're not snide
Your ugliness is severe
at your birth Sune cried!"

Vicious Mockery

DC 13 wisdom check
on a failed save the goblin takes 1d4 damage and has disadvantage on his next attack.
Roll: [roll0]

2017-09-19, 04:26 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
His attention fully focused on keeping the sword at bay, Bartholl didn't even notice Yeemik taking aim. HNNNNRGHHH he wheezes as the wooden shaft pushes aside muscle and tissue inside his torso, each end of the arrow poking out in separate locations. Dropping one of his hatchets from the pain he catches the goblin's sword arm as it comes in again and lifts the creature into the air as he brings his other arm down, leaving the hatchet in the little thing's skull. Holding his stomach, he shuffles past the twins and down the incline, stumbling to his knees at the water's edge.

Alright, no room for misses here... both attacks on yellow.
[roll0] / dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] / dmg: [roll3]

Move out of range.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-19, 07:37 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn attempts to lash out once more and rip the goblin leader from his little perch before retreating further into the cave and stopping near the wounded warrior. Quickly reaching for his scimitar, he hands it to the man. "It's not much..."

Action : If above is possible, cast Thorn Whip on Yeemik
- Attack : [roll0]
- Damage : [roll1](+1 crit damage rolled OOC) and pull him 10 feet toward me.
Move: Retreat back toward Sildar

2017-09-20, 12:43 PM
Bartholl, the color draining from him from the pain of Yeemik's arrow, brutally ends the goblin that was before him, not even bothering to retrieve his weapons as he distances himself from the battle holding his wounds. ((Unconscious or not?))
As Ling Jun notices the half-giant shuffling away, he strikes out with his dual weapons once more, taking down yet another goblin in a flurry of blade strikes before moving upon the archer.

The goblin tries to take aim at Ling Jun as he approaches and, despite the close distance, manages to strike the warrior with a deadly shot. Ling Jun drops both weapons and clutches at the arrow in his chest just below his right shoulder before hitting the ground in front of the goblin.

"No, no, NO! What have you done to Yeemik's goblins?? Stupid witch!" Yeemik, now furious that his goblins were slain before they could even wake from the spell Ambriel had cast, draws his bow back as far as he can to deliver a fatal shot to the Aasimar, but as a bolt of flame flies past the goblin and interrupts his focus, the arrow goes wide and misses her nimble form entirely.

Umbriel, with a rhyme already formed upon his lips, takes a rhythmic jab at the goblin archer infused with magic. The goblin reels from the melodic insult but seems otherwise still in the fight. Kaldrinn, calling upon the magic of his teachings, creates a vine-like whip covered in thorns and lashes it out at Yeemik. The vine wraps around one of his arms with a loud snap and the thorns dig in deeply. With a strong pull, the Druid tugs on the vine and yanks Yeemik from his post at the top of the wall, sending him crashing hard to the ground below just like Sildar almost had. (( Yeemik suffers [roll0] falling damage from this.))

Looking upon the Dwarf as he hands him a Scimitar, Sildar thanks him with both the look in his eyes, and his words. "It may not be much, but it will be enough to end this." He grips the Scimitar tightly with bruised knuckles and shouts down the passage. "Yeemik! I come for you!" The warrior, with no armor and only the curved blade of the scimitar to defend himself with, rushes down the passage and launches himself at Yeemik as the goblin picks itself up from the ground and delivers a set of twin strikes with the borrowed blade.

Scimitar Multiattack: Attack 1 - [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Attack 2 - [roll3] Damage: [roll4]

Damn it Sildar, why have you failed me!? That was TOTALLY your moment. And ouch on that max fall damage.... kind of makes up for rolling that 1 on the crit damage..... someone bring this goblin down!

Despite his zeal, Sildar is simply not at full strength and Yeemik easily dodges one blow and parries another with a scimitar of his own. "Come for Yeemik, human guard, Yeemik will put you down like he should have earlier!"

Welp...Yeemik is very nearly dead and Sildar almost ended him were it not for his injuries (or a poor dice roller....) . The Goblin Archer took a shot at Ling Jun with disadvantage because of melee range but still got a 15 with enough damage to drop Ling unconscious. Depending on what actions he wants to take with Bartholl, the Goliath might also be unconscious near the water and making death saves.

The Archer was afflicted with Viscous Mockery and will have Disadvantage on the next attack it makes. Yeemik was successfully pulled off the ledge and suffered almost near fatal damage. The goblin 'leader' is holding on by a thread Sildar couldn't manage to cut.

Sildar has entered initiative but rolled a 1 so he went after Kaldrinn and will proceed to go after the druid.

one of you is down, two of you might be down, but there's 3 of you left and only 2 of them. You can do this.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-20, 01:32 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn turns to see the goblin leader picking himself up from the floor. He hadn't even waited to see if the whip worked; he'd simply lashed out and hoped his running deeper into the tunnel would constitute enough of a yank. For every step forward they made though it seemed two steps were taken back. The sound of a collapse in the cave bursts through the air and seems to have kept Sildar surprised enough to prevent a solid blow against the goblin--or perhaps he was simply too weak for proper combat. One could only imagine what he'd been through in the last few days.

He'd hoped the old warrior would have ended the leader in a scene of dramatic tables turning. When this fails, the dwarf sighs and tries to draw on any remaining energies to lob another orb of flame at the filthy, cursing, cretin.

Move: If needed, advance to get line of sight on Yeemik
Action : Cast Produce Flame on Yeemik
- Attack : [roll0]
- Damage : [roll1]
Move: Retreat back to square I started this turn in.

2017-09-20, 01:39 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
The ledge gives out sending the already injured goliath tumbling down into the ravine, half buried by rubble and rocks and his face resting on a large stone near the creek. It's so cold. But just on his hand? Opening his eyes he sees the water rushing through his fingers, the blood slowly peeling off them to flow downstream, much like his consciousness. His eyes shut again and the cold spreads.


Success: 0
Failure: 1

2017-09-20, 01:54 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel watches in disbelief as the goliath goes down one more time. She shakes her head as she makes her way toward him. "I'm having to do this all by myself, it seems. These guys would be in so much trouble if I weren't alone," she mutters to herself as she crosses over to Bartholl. She lays her hand on his chest and wills some of her own life force into the half-giant man. "Okay, big boy. Waking you up is getting to be a habit. Let's try and finish this up, huh?"

Finger Bartholl to heal one point.

2017-09-20, 08:42 PM
With combatants going down on both sides, things seemed chaotic, but the adventurers were winning this fight over the goblins. Yeemik, mortally wounded, flicked his eyes back and forth between those still remaining to be killed and the bodies of his goblin tribe laying dead upon ground around him. This was no longer a battle in his favor, but there was no way they would let him go after crossing them once already with Sildar. No. A fight to the death was inevitable, and Yeemik would take out as many of these adventurers as he could.

With a groan from the Goliath, who was receiving lots of information for later use on the applications of pain, Bartholl slipped closer to death as the noise of the stream just inches from his face began to quiet until no sound reached his ears. After a period of time Bartholl could not measure had passed, a very subtle but warm energy passed through him, bringing him back from the brink of death. Opening his eyes, the Goliath saw Ambriel kneeling before his prone form, a faint glow from her hands already disappearing.


Ling Jun, also growing closer to meeting Death, fights against the pull, unwilling to go down just yet.

With Sildar now the greatest threat, the goblin at the rear takes aim but the mocking voice of Umbriel echoes in his head and distracts him from lining up the perfect shot. The arrow goes wide, sailing over Yeemik's head as the leader takes a swing at Sildar.

If a melee attack that Sildar can see hits him, he can roll 1d6 and add that total to his AC against the triggering attack, provided his is wielding a melee weapon.

Sildar tries to parry the blow, but the lack of armor and the unfamiliar weapon makes his attempt clumsy and Yeemik's blade slices into his left shoulder anyway, eliciting a cry of pain from the warrior.

Umbriel, certain that the time to stop using words and start using steel had arrived, pulls out his dagger and rushes to Sildar's side, throwing the small blade at the archer.

Damage: [roll3]

The dagger flies through the air over one of the cooking fires and finds purchase in the goblins abdomen, nearly bringing the archer to its knees.

Kaldrinn ignites the small orb of fire he had been using throughout their foray into the Cragmaw den and lobs it at Yeemik, which finds purchase and sends the goblin down screaming and cursing in the goblin tongue as the orb explodes in a small burst of flame, leaving his body singed and motionless. Capitalizing on the fall of Yeemik, Sildar leaps over a small cooking fire towards the archer and delivers a set of two scimitar strikes.

Scimitar Attack 1: [roll4] Damage: [roll5] Slashing damage.
Scimitar Attack 2: [roll6] Damage: [roll7] Slashing damage.

With the goblin archer on its last legs, it had no chance of surviving the assault from Sildar and is cut down in an instant; leaving the battle won, but hard fought. "Someone help this warrior, he's not looking very well!" Sildar shouts at the others, looking down at Ling Jun who was still battling against death.

Success! The combat is over and Yeemik has been defeated. Sildar is wounded, and heavily injured from the goblins, but alive. Bartholl is critically wounded but alive, and Ling Jun is critical wounded and (I assume alive after the next round of posting).

Treasure: On Yeemik there is a pouch containing 3 gold teeth worth 1 GP each, and 15 SP.
That is all.

Resting is among your most pressing priorities, but you have several options as to what to do now, and someone will most likely want to talk with Sildar, Kaldrinn perhaps, to figure out what happened and where to go from here.

Instead of posting small little posts back and forth in the IC, anytime you need to do full Dialogue with an NPC or even each other when it cannot include a larger post or actions in combat, you can do a Dialogue post in the OOC and once the dialogue is concluded I can gather them all up and place them into one back and forth post that makes more sense and adds length to it. We used to...maybe still do....call this 'Dual Posting' on RPG message board where we'd do so in PM's and then post the full conversation in the IC.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-20, 11:47 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn barely has time to breathe a sigh of relief as the goblins fall before realizing the gravity of the situation. He scampers into the room and surveys the scene to find the collapsed shape of Ling Jun laying among the mangled corpses. Doing his best to staunch the bleeding and apply pressure to some of the wounds he hopes to buy the warrior some precious time. "He looks bad. No more surprises waiting for us I hope?" He asks Sildar.

Medicine: [roll0] To stablize the Fighter.

2017-09-21, 11:17 AM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
"Move aside!" Says Umber to Kaldrin as he moves to assist Ling Jun. He does not say it rudely, or at least not with the intention of being rude, he simply knew that with life threatening injuries, time was not on their side. So saying, he kneels down and touches Ling Jun, the man's blood staining his hand and the knee of his leggings. Usually, he would mind the blood. Usually, his friends lives weren't at stake. He sings softly, much softer than his mocking songs, and with no instrumental accompaniment. His tone is slow, and sorrowful.
"Oh Ling Jun
Thou warrior so brave
What have they done
To make you crave
The embrace of death?"
His song begins to build, losing its sorrowful tone and gaining a triumphant tone. The hand on Ling Jun begins to glow like the barest beginnings of the dawn.
"Mighty stone dragon and warrior bold!
Stand once more, and reconquer your breath!
Deny the courier from the one grim and old!
Fight for the right to reject that light!
Let no man deny your might!"
As his song finishes, his hand glows ever brighter, and Ling Jun's wounds begin to knit shut.

Umber feels an exhaustion come over him as the last of his bardic magic leaves him, at least for the day. He slumps, his usually proud visage compromised. He was too tired to care.

Cure Wounds

Please excuse any error, I'm doing this from memory. I'm p sure cure wounds is 1d8 + spell casting ability mod, which is proficiency plus charisma, so 1d8+5?
Roll: [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-21, 11:54 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn finishes removing an arrow lodged in the mans armor and begins to scoot out of the way since the nature of the wounds clearly required magical healing. 'Sure, the twins had been little more than pin cushions during the ambush... and had acted as if they were above heading into the woods to save their patron ... and of course there was deciding to play with the wolves instead of worrying about the cave full of goblins ... and on top of all that of course was putting their best fighters to sleep in a room full of goblins ... but hey ... at least there was minor healing.' He thinks as he wipes the blood from his hands on a scrap of leather from a nearby fallen foe. He wonders if any of this had started to sink in though and that in the future they'd posture themselves in a manner that wouldn't result in half their numbers nearly bleeding out.

"Sildar, do you know what they've done with Gundren?" He asks the tired warrior with a crack of worry creaking into his voice. Rather than rifling through the downed goblins he decides to head up the natural stairs to the top of the cliff where the goblin leader had been. He looked for some sign that his kin had been here as well, or at the very least what they might have done with the armor and weapons that belonged to Sildar.

2017-09-21, 12:00 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Barthol's eyes flutter open at Ambriel's touch. He looks up slowly at first then with a sudden start moves to a sitting position, wincing deeply as the arrow shaft is twisted inside his body. "It's over?" he asks simply. With Ambriel's confirmation a sadness forms on his face as his shoulders sag. He looks down at the wound, takes a few deep breaths, and breaks the fletching from the shaft with a loud grunt of pain. "Pull," he instructs, gesturing around his back side at the bloody arrow head.

2017-09-21, 12:52 PM
"He looks bad. No more surprises waiting for us I hope?" He asks Sildar.

Sildar shakes his head. "None that I'm aware of. Yeemik and those other goblins were holding me here as a means of bargaining with Klarg to usurp control over this group. If you have dealt with Klarg, then whatever goblins may have survived have surely fled to Cragmaw Castle."

"Sildar, do you know what they've done with Gundren?"

After Umbriel brings the dying Ling Jun back, Sildar helps the warrior to his feet and then follows Kaldrinn up the stairs to where they had kept Sildar hostage. "As a matter of fact, I do. Yeemik thought he was gaining valuable information from me, but I was the one gaining information from him and listening to his conversations in between beatings."
Sildar turns the blade over and hands it back to Kaldrinn, handle out, before continuing.

"Thank you for this, my friend, you may have it back. My own gear was unfortunately sent off along with Gundren. As for Gundren himself, his two other brothers contacted him recently about having discovered the entrance to the long-lost Wave Echo Cave, which was the site of the Phandelver's Pact. Klarg, a bugbear charged with taking over operations, had orders to waylay Gundren. I heard from Yeemik that the Black Spider sent word that Gundren was to be brought to him, but I have no idea who or what the Black Spider is." Worry finds its way to the eyes of Sildar and he takes a moment to gather a few breaths.
"Gundren had a map...it showed the secret location of Wave Echo Cave, but the goblins took it when they captured Gundren. I'm positive that Klarg sent the map, along with Gundren, to the chief of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle, their place of operations. While I do not know where the castle might be, I'm positive my contact in Phandalin, Iarno Albrek, or someone else might know. I just need to get word to the Lord's Alliance once I arrive. It was why I was accompanying Gundren in the first place; Iarno is a human wizard who traveled to Phandalin about two months ago to establish order there on behalf of the Lord's Alliance, but they have not received any word from Iarno since his departure, so I was on my way to investigate. In fact, if you can help me get the rest of the way there, I'll pay you fifty gold pieces for the courtesy once I secure a loan from the Alliance."

Gundren is one of three brothers belonging to the Rockseeker Clan of Dwarves. Gundren, Tharden, and Nundro. While Gundren was overseeing things in Neverwinter and helping your group make a small name for itself, his brothers were in Phandalin following leads on a long lost secret. When they found that secret, they sent word to Gundren immediately.

More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge called the Forge of Spells, or Spellforge, where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path.

A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost to mystery and time....

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-21, 03:08 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"What have you gotten yourself into this time Gundren...?" Kaldrinn mutters as he kicks through the goblin leaders encampment and listens to the details that Sildar spills forth. The druid had always been cautious when it came to dealing with members of The Lords Alliance but the man's heart was clearly in the right place. If the were going to find out where this supposed castle was or who it was that was seeking out their patron and his map, they would need all the allies they could. Questions swirled in his mind about this Black Spider, who they were, how they had heard of the Rockseeker findings, and just what they were prepared to do to claim the cave for themselves.

"Doesn't smell the greatest, but I suppose we could set up a camp of sorts here." He says from atop the cliff; oddly reminiscent of the goblin leader's position to bark orders. "With only one entrance and the cliff for defense hopefully we could put it to better use than they did."

2017-09-21, 05:19 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel starts hyperventilating when the goliath asks her to pull the arrow out of him. She blinks a few times, looks down at the shaft protruding from her companion, then blinks a few more time. Her breaths start to get deeper and faster as she reaches down to get a grip on the arrow. She shifts her fingers a few times, trying to work up the nerve to pull. She looks at the others for a few moments, panic in her eyes. Finally, she looks back down at the arrow and pulls....and the arrow comes out.

She stands a few moments looking at the arrow, the color draining from her face. "That's...that's..." she says between rapid breaths. "not how I saw today going..." The final bit trails off as she sits on the ground and passes out.

Just some RP rolls in the OOC thread. 19 strength to get the arrow out. The other rolls were in case she needed a few pulls. The other roll was a DC 10 roll not to pass out. That one failed. She'll wake up in a turn or so and help set up the camp.

2017-09-21, 05:40 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
The arrow rips a howl from the goliath as it's pulled out at a slight angle, but out it comes with little more damage. Taken a bit by surprise at the aasimar's squeamishness, he rushes his arms forward weakly to catch her as she slumps to the ground. The arrow resting gently on her stomach and her head against his bicep, Bartholl stands and looks confusedly at her a moment before raising his head to look for the others. "The girl fainted," he calls out loudly, beginning the steep climb up the debris-ridden hill.

A few long and sluggish steps later he's at the top, and sets Ambriel down gently by the fire before sitting back against one of the walls, giving a twisted grin to Ling and the others. "Wicked fight," he says with bravado.

Drawing from his pack some paper and a pen that's almost comically small in his enormous hands, he sets to writing with slow determination until the fire reduces to coals, and the weight of his eyelids informs him it's time to rest.

Despite his machismo, there's a sunken and withdrawn vibe to Bartholl's demeanor during this LONG REST, and he doesn't speak much unless conversations are directed his way.

2017-09-21, 11:30 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber jerks up at the Goliath's words. "What did you do to my-! Oh." He stops. Seeing all the blood, it clicks. She fainted. He thinks. He looks down at his own clothes and grimaces. More blood. He would need new clothes. Whatever the case, he tiredly began to look around. If they were going to set up camp, they would need something to burn. After looking around, he slumps back down dejectedly. No fire I guess.. Umber begins to pull out his bedroll.

Investigation Check

I want to explore the cave for something to make a campfire out of. And I'll keep a look out for loot while I'm at it.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-22, 09:55 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"We've got the wagonload of Gundren's supplies up by the road where you were ambushed." Kaldrinn informs Sildar. "Based on the amount of supplies in Klarg's chamber, I think the goblins have been at this for at least a little while. We're thinking about brining the cart down their trail and loading it up, brining some of the more intact crates into town with us." The dwarf watches over the goings-on down below from the raised platform. "One or two of us could set out for it now so we have it here for the night. Or we could hope it fairs the night near the road and retrieve it come morning and then promptly load up and set out."

"How far of a journey into town do you think?"

2017-09-24, 12:49 PM
Chapter 2: The Redbrands of Phandalin

After a much needed rest after dealing with Klarg, Yeemik, and securing Sildar from their clutches; Umbriel and Ambriel wait in the wagon that had been brought to the cave mouth the night previous as the others take up what room remains inside the wagon with the supplies the goblins had raided. The ones stamped with the symbol of the Lionshield Coster were of the most important pieces and once those were loaded, the rest had to be left behind.

Once the group had made it back to the main road of the Triboar Trail, it was a swift half day journey to the mining town of Phandalin. The rutted track emerges from a wooded hillside, and you catch your first glimpse of Phandalin.


The town, quite small compared to Neverwinter, consists of only forty or fifty simple log buildings, some of which are built on top of old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins - crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars - surround the newer houses and shops, revealing that this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the car track, which widens into a muddy main street of sorts as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a hillside on the eastern edge of town.

As you approach, you see children playing on the town green and townsfolk tending to chores or running errands at shops. Many people look up as you approach, but all return to their business as you go by. While something seems to be troubling the warrior, Sildar seems much more at ease than he did in the caverns of the Cragmaw tribe.
"My friends, let us secure lodgings. I'm told the local Stonehill Inn is very quaint, and it takes us right passed Barthen's Provisions. The Lionshield Coster, who I'm sure will be happy to have their supplies returned, is just a ways down the trail from the Inn and right across from the Townmaster Hall. I'll have business there in the morning to locate my contact; Iarno."

So you have arrived with a wagon full of supplies belonging to two separate places, and while Phandalin is small and takes only 5 maybe 10 leisurely minutes to go from one side to the other, unloading supplies from the cart will leave you with enough time to visit one maybe 2 other places, maybe more if you split up. Then you'll need to find lodging for the night and start at visiting more places the next day.

Anywhere you see on the map is an available place to visit, with people and possibly events to interact with. So the obvious question is: Where do you want to go (first) ?

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-24, 06:21 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

For the first time in a long while Kaldrinn was actually glad to see the bastion of civilization sprawled out before them as they plodded along the road. His need to wander and being among the wilds of the world had always kept him uneasy in larger cities such as Neverwinter, but after their little adventure in the dank filth of the goblin den, a warm meal and a real bed would suit him well. He wondered if Sildar and the other members of his faction had planned to rebuild the walls that once ringed the town and establish a more proper hold here.

"If you give us a description of this Inaro we can ask around to the townsfolk as we offload the cart, turn over the supplies, and secure a room for the night. Are there any places you'd reckon he would have headed first upon entering town?" The dwarf figures they'll head to the Lionshield Coster first to offload the supplies liberated from the goblins before turning over the cart at the designated drop-off. Should any of them wish to split off and see to other errands though there shouldn't be too much harm in that.

"I reckon I'll take the supplies back to the Lionshield if anyone wants to come along. If anyone wants to see about securing rooms at the tavern or the like I certainly wouldn't say no."

2017-09-25, 02:41 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Phandalin was much more to Bartholl's liking. The streets weren't crowded or paved, and the residents were weathered and hardened from an earned life. He caught a few folks staring, and gave an intimidating grimace at a youngster who looked a bit too long, sending the boy around the corner of a building, his eyes wide with fright. The goliath smirked as they carried on.

Following Kaldrinn's lead he replies, "I'll help unload them boxes, Treekeeper. Maybe Dainty the Fainty here can find some beds for us. Oooh, maybe with some blood sausage! I like the sound of that Stonehill place," he adds, giving a tauntingly playful nod to Ambriel. He'd been teasing her about fainting off and on all morning and still seemed to be getting a kick out of her dislike for blood.

2017-09-25, 05:54 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
"As far as a tavern goes," says Umber, "It's not uncommon for a bard to score a free room for a common room performance. It's possible that me and Amber performing together could get the lot of us a room, and maybe even a meal!" Umber looks to Amber and says, "Down for a performance?"

2017-09-26, 10:05 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
Second Level Sorcerer
HP: 15/15 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Aya smiles at her brother. "It seems like it's been too long since we've seriously played together." She grins at her brother, knowing him to be the far superior performer. She raises her eyebrows interrogatively at the bard. "Think you can keep up?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-27, 09:23 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Well if the pair of them will be performing at the tavern, perhaps you and I can find a lovely ditch to lie in eh?" Kaldrinn comments to the hulking goliath as they plod across town toward the Lionshield Coster building. He wasn't sure if the brute was inclined to understand sarcasm but he didn't really have anyone else to make the joke to; he'd been expecting a warm welcome and a stiff drink courtesy of Gundren upon their arrival but the Gods had certainly set about surprising him.

Brining the cart to a stop along side the building, he hops down and gives their horse a few pats as he climbs the wooden steps to the door and heads inside.

2017-09-27, 09:41 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Waving a brief farewell to the twins, Bart looks perplexed as they carry on looking to Ling to see if he understood. "Ditches make fine camps in plains or by the sea, protects from the cold wind. Don't think it'll do much in the hills here. Better to find a burrow or cave if you don't wanna sleep in town." He wasn't particularly opposed to the idea, after all most of his nights were spent outside of civilization. The people of Phandalin struck him as a trustworthy sort though, certainly more so than Neverwinter. And he was still a bit sore from the fight yesterday... a real bed would be nice tonight.

While Kaldrinn goes into to talk to the Coster, Bartholl unlatches the rear gate of the cart and unloads the crates onto the street in front of their door.

2017-09-28, 03:22 PM
Sildar gladly answers Kaldrinn's curiosities. "Iarno Albrek is a short, dark-bearded human wizard in his thirties or so. As a member of the Lord's Alliance, he was sent her to try and establish some manner of order around here, as Phandalin has no functioning government and the current Townmaster is an old fool. It has been two months or so since he was sent here and there has been no word since his departure. I'll ask around where I can as well and see what I can come up with. Meet me at the Townmaster's Hall tomorrow and we can compare information." When that seems to be enough information, the middle aged warrior goes on his way and leaves you to deal with the wagon of supplies.

The Lionshield Coster
Hanging above the front door of this modest trading post is a sign shaped like a wooden shield with a blue lion painted on it.

As Kaldrinn approaches with the wagon, he is met by a teenage human male with blonde hair and well built arms who introduces himself as Paldrin and offers to help Bartholl unload whatever goods you are all transporting. When Kaldrinn enters the trading post, he is greeting behind the counter by a human woman in her mid thirties.
"Welcome, I'm Linene Graywind, and this is one of the trading posts of the Lionshield Coster, though I can't say we've done much trading lately." Linene sighs and motions around the room to mostly bare shelves and containers. "I hate to turn away good business, from a dwarf none the less, but if you have come to sell or trade whatever goods you are peddling, I am in a bad position. Our last shipment that was due to arrive never made it. Damned bandits, more than - "
Before Linene can finish her thought, Paldrin bursts through the door. "Ma'am, you'll want to be seeing this for yourself. The large man outside, came with this one here, says they found a bunch of stuff with our stamp on it. Looks to be our missing supplies."

Linene looks at Kaldrinn, then to Paldrin, then clears her throat and moves from behind the counter towards the door. She rounds the wagon as Bartholl is setting the final crate down and her eyes widen momentarily. "Well I'll be twice damned. That's our cargo alright. The stamp proves this belongs to the Lionshield Coster plain as day." She takes one more look, just to make sure she can believe her eyes, before turning back to Paldrin. "Well, don't stand there boy; help bring those goods inside and get them where they belong!" She hurries back inside and rummages around behind the counter out of sight before setting a bag on the counter that rattles with coin.
"I appreciate you returning these to me. Here is fifty gold for the supplies. They are worth quite a deal more to my business, you understand, but this is all I can offer until business is better. I do have some armor and weapons of the basic variety that I have had to keep hidden from those damnable Redbrands in a back room, and if there is anything else I might be able to do to repay you, feel free to ask."

The Stonehill Inn
In the center of town stands a large, newly built roadhouse of fieldstone and rough-hewn timbers. The common room is filled with locals nursing mugs of ale and cider, all of them eyeing you with curiosity as the pair of you stroll in all smiles and humming.

As you walk up to the bar, you are greeted by a short, friendly human male. "What can I do for you both? We've got five rooms left for rent, plenty of drink and food, though we are a bit lacking in entertainment. You'll have to make due with friendly conversation."

Barthen's Provisions
Near the entrance to town stands the biggest trading post in Phandalin; Barthen's Provisions. A simple sign hanging above the door that reads: Barthen's Provisions - Open Sunup to Sundown, betrays the well stocked shelves inside.

Once you bring the wagon with the supplies you had originally set out to deliver to the trading post, you are met by two young human males who introduce themselves as Ander and Thistle and immediately get to unloading the supplies, directing you inside to Elmar Barthen, the proprietor, to get your pay. Entering the trading post, you see Elmar behind the counter, a balding but quite lean human male in his fifties.
"So good of you to finally make it, my friends! Gundren mentioned you would be arriving, though I've no word from the dwarf since, sadly. Nundro and Tharden should be camped out somewhere outside of town, but I haven't seen them either in about a tenday....should be returning any day now to resupply." Elmar extends his hands, motioning around his shop. "Business has been poor on account of the Redbrands, but I'm the largest general goods store in Phandalin. If there's anything you'll be needing, you'll find it here. If it's weapons you need, you'll have to check with Linene at the Lionshield Coster, but you didn't hear that from me!"

2017-09-28, 05:18 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level One Aasimar Bard
Umber strides into the tavern with the confidence of a lord smelling the scent of ale as he passes a table. He swaggers up to the bar and smiles at the human. "Lacking entertainment you say?" says Umber, feigning distress. "Oooh nooo! Amber, do you hear that? They're lacking entertainment!" After this brief jest he laughs and grins at the Innkeeper. "What a lucky day for you, good sir! For you see, me and my sister here are all the entertainment you could want or need!" Umber pulls out his Lyre with a flourish and plays a few chords skillfully, the notes reverberating in the air. "Hire us, and we will be sure to fill up your common room with thirsty patrons! All we need are a few beds for me and my companions, and a bite to eat."


Just incase you want a persuasion roll, here it is

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-28, 05:20 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn barely has a moment to get a word in edgewise as the folks at the Lionshield Coster suddenly burst into a flurry of activity around their returned supplies. Which of course was a good thing; he had--to some small degree--worried they might be blamed for having lifted the good themselves. He follows the woman outside as she begins to sift through the boxes and verify the validity of their claims. "Whole den full of goblins hanging out in the woods northwest of here along the trail it seems. Their the ones that lifted the cargo... afraid we didn't see any sign of whoever was carrying it though." He gives pause and thinks back to make sure they, in fact, had not seen any signs of the caravaners. "We dealt with all the critters in the cave, but there seem to be at some place called Cragmaw Castle. Ever heard of it? Or know of any castles in the wilds around here?"

He gladly offers his assistance in carrying the boxes inside the store if the pair of them let him; otherwise he feigns interest in browsing the shelves until the work was done. He politely takes the offered coins and stows them in a pocket for later and gives a deep nod of the head in respect. "More than enough I assure you. Redbrands you say?""

2017-09-28, 06:27 PM
"We dealt with all the critters in the cave, but there seem to be at some place called Cragmaw Castle. Ever heard of it? Or know of any castles in the wilds around here?"

"More than enough I assure you. Redbrands you say?""

"Some castle you say?
Haven't heard of it. As much as I don't want to send you to Halia, she runs the Miner's Exchange just south of here. Once you have dropped that wagon off might do good to pay her a visit. She...knows things...otherwise; Daran Eddermath has an orchard on the edge of town. He used to be an adventurer and could know what you speak of."

At the mention of the Redbrands, Linene's features become hostile. "If I still had it in me, I would have half a mind to take one of those swords in the back and run the lot of them away myself. The Redbrands are a nasty bunch that no one will do anything about...except tolerate them."


"Well color me excited! You hear that? We got ourselves some performers!" His excitement dies down suddenly as he leans in real close and whispers. "Wait...how many are with you? That warrior from Neverwinter already took 1 of my 6 rooms. I only have the five left...if you number 5 or less than the rooms are yours along with hot meals at night and a cold breakfast in the morning 'long as you play for us every night that you can. At least 2 hours. Any tips you can keep but Id be obliged if you can split them with the house."

2017-09-29, 08:49 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
LN Goliath, Barbarian 1
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d12+3 | Hit Points: 15/15
Affected by: BI (cave entrance) | Conditions: None
Paldrin carries one crate while Bartholl follows behind with one on each shoulder, ducking under the door frame and setting them down hard in the supply room. "What about big black spiders, you got any of them about these parts?" he adds when she declines knowledge of the castle.

As the conversation shifts toward the Redbrands he encourages, "It never really goes out of you, you're just not desperate enough to find it. You know how to swing a sword? What, these Redbrand blokes demanding protection money or something? Why's your leader not standin' up to 'em?" There's almost a bit of disdain in his voice as he not so subtly tries to provoke Linene to action.

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-29, 09:16 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level One Dwarven Druid

"Well, they called it a castle..." Kaldrinn realizes that the name had been bestowed upon it by the not-so-intelligent goblins and might not be quite literal. "I suppose it could be a ruined watchtower, fort, or some other sort of structure--likely made of stone and most assuredly long abandoned." The dwarf assumes that based on the old walls around town, perhaps there might be towers or some such in the surrounding wilds to have kept an eye out for danger. "I'll certainly have a chat with both of those folks; maybe see if other travelers on the roads had seen signs of them."

As the conversation turns to the apparent threat of these so-called Redbrands the dwarf chimes in a small line between the goliaths prods. "Are they here in town...or bandits in the wild or something?"

2017-09-29, 11:07 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel follows her brother, allowing him to make the arrangements even though she would probably have gotten a better deal. If the innkeeper truly only gave them a bite to eat instead of a full meal, he will have lived up to his contract. He would have to learn somehow, she assumed.

Sorry...not feeling up to anything more than that right now. I've been sleeping alot, so keep things rolling and I'll catch up as I can.

2017-09-29, 07:45 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level Two Aasimar Bard
"Not to worry!" says Umber. "We actually have exactly 5," he pauses, then turns to Amber and mouths five? She shakes her head and holds up four fingers. Right, Ling Jun is gone Umber thinks, and turns back to the innkeeper. "That is to say, four. Our party is four strong, wait," He turns back to Amber and mouths Sildar? She nods, and he turns back to the innkeeper. "Uh, I mean.. five. We have five in our group. Final answer." How confusing, he thinks.

2017-09-30, 12:06 PM
"It never really goes out of you, you're just not desperate enough to find it. You know how to swing a sword? What, these Redbrand blokes demanding protection money or something? Why's your leader not standin' up to 'em?"

"It isn't like that. The Redbrands showed up about five to six tenday ago and starting hassling our businesses and townsfolk. Well...all except the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. They seem to be avoiding Halia Thornton who runs it. They murdered our woodcarver, Thel Dendrar, about a tenday ago just for standing up to them when they leered at his wife and even took his body afterwards, the ruffians. Now, she's gone missing too along with her girl and boy. They have Harbin, the damned fool, so intimidated that he want do a thing to reign them in. Some Townmaster he is...." Linene huffs in annoyance and looks between each of you as Kaldrinn makes an inquiry.

"Are they here in town...or bandits in the wild or something?"

"What I mean to say is, the Redbrands don't ask or demand anything, they just take what they want and kill whoever refuses them. I am not sure where they all come from or go to when not taking from Phandalin, but I do know they often frequent the Sleeping Giant Tap House at the east end of town. I don't recommend poking around there unless you're in for a fight, though the tap house is closed by now this evening anyway."


"Then that settles the matter! The other one who came in earlier, Hallwinter was it?" The man looks across the common room to a tall blonde human woman.
"Yes, Toblen my dear, it was Hallwinter. Sildar his name was. How ever has this inn prospered with your memory, husband of mine?"
"Don't mind her," Toblen turns back to you quickly, a bit of red on his cheeks now, "that's just my wife Trilena. So yes, he has the room at the very far end, top of the stairs to the left, which leaves two rooms in that hall and three on the right for the five you. I'll have Elsa go up and make sure each of them are cleaned for you. Shall I be expecting your group soon, or do you have other business about Phandalin this evening?"

Passive Perception Checks for both of you have brought some gossip around the common room to your ears. Though there are several conversations going on at the same time, your ears are trained to pick up dynamic sounds, and overhearing other conversations even while engaged in your own is a simple task.

At a table just behind you, an old male farmer is talking with one of his hands. "Sister Garaele, over at the Shrine of Luck, finally came back to town after being out for several days. She looked wounded, the poor girl, and the young thing was exhausted. I offered my help but she wouldn't have any of it. I hope she's ok...."

In the corner just to the right of the counter Toblen Stonehill stands behind is a group of 4 miners crowding a single table. "You hear about them Orcs on the Triboar?" One of the men, dirty with who knows what, asks the men across from him. "Those ones been raiding the east end of the trail? Sure did. I hear the townmaster put a reward out for anyone can run 'em off."

2017-10-01, 10:45 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
CG Goliath, Barbarian 2
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 2d12+3 | Hit Points: 25/25
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl raises a mischievous eyebrow at Kaldrinn. "Sounds like Harbin needs some intimidating from the other side of the street too. We should unload the rest of them goods first though. Ma'am," he says to Linene with a nod of the head before turning to exit the building and securing the wagon while Kaldrinn finishes up.

At Barthen's Provisions the goliath lets Kaldrinn take the conversational lead again, asking about Cragmaw, black spiders, and the Redbrands to tease out some more information... it seems this town may not be as peaceful as its first impression.

2017-10-01, 04:55 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level Two Aasimar Bard
"Oh, Sildar already has a room?" He flushes. "We'll just need four then. Expect me around sundown for that performance, unless you want it earlier?" He taps his fingers on the bar nervously, it wasn't often he made a mistake like that. He was sure Amber was laughing at him. He glanced back, she had an innocently neutral expression on her face. He cursed and turned back to the bartender.

2017-10-02, 12:02 AM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
First Level Sorcerer
HP: 8/8 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Amber sat at the end of the bar shaking her head in disbelief at her brother. She did just sit quietly for once, saving him a little embarrassment. Orcs and errant priests, eh? Maybe some gold to be made around here after all...

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-02, 10:29 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Well, we certainly appreciate all the information--that's more reward than coin any day." Kaldrinn tells the woman, glad to be so quickly made aware of danger lurking in the town. And here he was thinking they'd get a bit of peace before setting off to find this supposed castle. He makes a mental note of the names of the other store owner and the murdered woodcutter so they may inquire about them around town--hopefully without stirring up trouble from these Redbrands. Heading outside, he rendezvous with his hulking companion and sets off toward the provisions store. "Seems Sildar will have his work cut out taming this place after all."

Once they arrive at the provisioner, the dwarf will introduce himself and the goliath to the owner there and explain they are the crew hired to escort the goods from Neverwinter. Depending on the flow of conversation he will want to discuss a few key topics:

- Gundren has been kidnapped. Ever hear of Cragmaw Castle?
- Where are the other Rockseeker brothers?
- Have you seen anyone matching the description of Inaro?
- What can you tell me about these Redbrands?

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-03, 04:56 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Well, if either of the Rockseeker brothers come around..." Kaldrinn begins, clearly perturbed at further loose ends opening up before they solved their current crisis. "...tell them that Kaldrinn is in town and looking for them. I'll be staying at the Stonehill Inn but will check back with you here as often as I can for any news." The dwarf chews on the inside of his cheek absent-mindedly as he ponders this whole situation with is kin.

"Happen to have seen a man named Inaro around town by chance? Human gent in his thirties or so, short, with a dark beard; Likely carries himself like a wizard. We're looking for him as a favor to a friend of Gundren's but don't know if he ever made it to town. If he was ambushed along the road and taken by the goblins he might not have faired as well as some of their other targets."

"Are there any castles about in the wilds around town? Heck even an old guard tower or any other stone structures?"

2017-10-03, 11:03 PM
"Expect me around sundown for that performance, unless you want it earlier?"[/B]

"Sundown is fine by me. Those Redbrands don't generally show up around here, and when they do, they are often gone to gods know where by sundown anyway. You'll get no trouble in my Inn while I'm still breathing. Have your companions mention your name.....which was what, again....and I'll make sure they are fed and showed to a clean room"

(Gundren has been kidnapped!)
"Well, if either of the Rockseeker brothers come around...tell them that Kaldrinn is in town and looking for them. I'll be staying at the Stonehill Inn but will check back with you here as often as I can for any news."

"Wait...Someone 'napped old Gundren? That can't be....Gundren is a dear friend. I was excited to hear he had located the famous lost mine in the nearby hills. I'll be sure to deliver his brothers your message, just as soon as they show themselves. You find Gundren, rescue him, and make whoever took him pay. I'll help however I can, though it may not be much."

"Happen to have seen a man named Iarno around town by chance? Human gent in his thirties or so, short, with a dark beard; Likely carries himself like a wizard. We're looking for him as a favor to a friend of Gundren's but don't know if he ever made it to town. If he was ambushed along the road and taken by the goblins he might not have faired as well as some of their other targets."

"A human gent named Iarno? Can't say I have. Although...." Elmar Barthen pulls a large book out from a drawer under the counter and sets it upon the tabletop with a thud. Opening it up reveals it to be a log book that he keeps meticulous notes of every transaction that happens in his shop recorded in. He turns several pages towards the front and runs his finger down the listing, stopping near the middle of the left most page. "Ah, yes. A man I recall fitting your description was in here several tenday ago. Four, to be precise, and purchased quite a few supplies. Many shovels, lengths of rope, a lantern, all the picks and hammers I had at the time. Gave his name as N'ario. Then I never saw him again." Barthen closes the book and puts it back in the drawer. "I'm sorry I can't be more help to you gentleman."

"Are there any castles about in the wilds around town? Heck even an old guard tower or any other stone structures?"

Barthen scratches his head a moment and then his eyes widen as something comes to him. "As a matter of fact, I know of such a place. There is a ruined watchtower south of Triboar Trail called the Old Owl Well; and now is little more than a stump of what was once a great tower in a courtyard built by some ancient empire....or so that's how that Half-elf Daran Edermath tells it. He might have more information as to what has been going on there lately. He keeps an eye on things around here. Anyway, feel free to leave the cart on the road, I'll have one of the boys bring it around and take care of the horses. Oh! Before I forget," Barthen reaches into a pouch at his waist and pulls out several pieces of gold. "Here is your payment. Ten gold for each of you that made the journey here. Should be fifty gold total, Gundren said there'd be five of you. It'll be sundown soon, best be heading to the Stonehill Inn, I'd avoid the Sleeping Giant were I you, trouble that lot is. Damn Redbrands...."

Barthen waves the foul thought away and busies himself sorting out the new supplies you've brought him.

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-04, 09:46 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Would certainly love to stay and chat, but time does seem to be stacking the odds against us." The dwarven druid says as the conversation winds down. He offers a calloused hand and gives a firm handshake as he thanks the shopkeeper for his time and takes the coins offered for their service. With this, plus the bugbear's hoard from the cave, they should be able to stock up on supplies and arms themselves proper for an expedition into the wilds to find this castle--and Gundren. He spends the extra effort to tuck away the coin purse and keep it out of plain sight with all these mentions of Redbrand thieves.

Once outside, he'll gather his belongings from the cart and sling his backpack over one shoulder as he makes ready to set out again. "Seems we're raising more questions than we are finding answers." He notes to the goliath as he checks the sun to gauge whether they would have time to go inquire with this retired adventurer in town before dusk set in proper.

2017-10-04, 08:41 PM
Ambriel Firehair ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1281582)
Second Level Sorcerer
HP: 15/15 AC: 11 Concentrating on: --

Ambriel watches nothing happen in the common room for a bit. She begins to wonder where everyone else could be. Meandering around, taking in the sites while she and her brother secure the lodging for the night. She shakes her head, wondering how the group could possibly have survived without them. No wonder Gundren had wanted the twins along.

"Umber, I'm going to go up and freshen up before we perform. I mean..." she gestures at herself. "Come on." She turns to the innkeeper with a big smile on her face, "Could you possibly have some hot water delivered to my room so I can take a bath?"

With that, Ambriel heads up to her room to clean up, wash her laundry (prestidigitation), and loosen up her fingers for the night's performance.

2017-10-04, 08:51 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level Two Aasimar Bard
"Oh, excuse me! Where are my manners?" says Umber with a show of bashfulness. "I am the renowned Bard, Umbriel Goldharp." He says proudly, striking a pose and playing another chord on his lyre. "And this is my sister Amber." continues Umber with much less show.

"Umber, I'm going to go up and freshen up before we perform. I mean..."

"Of course, Sister! Now! I must be off to meet with our companions. Well met! It was good to meet me! etc. etc.." Umber trails off as he walks toward the door, giving a fanciful bow towards the customers before walking out the door as if he was an actor leaving the stage for the night. Once outside, Umber will look around for his companions and share the good news.

2017-10-05, 10:41 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
CG Goliath, Barbarian 2
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 2d12+3 | Hit Points: 25/25
Affected by: None | Conditions: None

"Seems we're raising more questions than we are finding answers."
Bartholl snorts. "And no closer to finding Gundren. No one sticks around 'cept these Redbrand fellows it seems." He follows Kaldrinn outside, taking a deep breath of the quickly cooling air. Everything looked different with the long shadows stretching toward the darkness, longing for home. He empathized. Returning focus to the matters at hand he speaks up again, "Old Well's a funny name for a tower. One goes down, the other goes up. Humans don't even understand their own language sometimes," he says with a clever grin as Umber approaches. "Too late to see it tonight though. Tonight we enjoy our spoils! Who wants a drink?" he proclaims, placing an overly firm arm around the Aasimar's lithe frame.

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-05, 12:07 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Might be that the well was there first and deemed building the tower later." The dwarf notes, wondering whether a conversation about naming structures in less than literal senses was one to have with the wild man. Never-the-less, he could appreciate Bartholl's rather unique outlook on the way the world was--as blunt as that might be some times. "Aye, not enough time today but if there's a chance Gundren might be there we might want to be ready to go first thing in the morning. I imagine we might get some grumbles from the twins when the princess finds out she wont have a cart to ride upon..."

"Speak of the devil..." He says as Umber exits the large building and rendezvous with them. "The pair of you enjoy a drink or two... I'm off to see about this retired adventurer at the orchard; I want to see what he might know about this supposed castle and these pesky criminals.

2017-10-05, 04:56 PM
The Edarmath Orchard
Several rows of apple trees line the orchard fields here, all kept tidy by well managed wooden fences that box in the property. Near this orchard is a tiny cottage, where Daran Edermath is expected to be.

As you knock lightly upon the door, you are greeted by a Half-Elf with long silver hair kept in a single braid. Daran looks quite fit and capable, despite being well over 100 years old.
"Greetings, I did not expect visitors so close to evening time. The orchard is currently closed, but if it's a few apples you want..."

As you explain the reason behind your visit, Daran listens carefully and realizes the way of things.
"I see. The Old Owl Well IS actually a well in the courtyard of a crumbled tower. It still delivers clean, fresh water. The truth of the area, however, is that the tower that once stood there was built thousands of years ago by a long vanished and ancient magical empire known as the Nerheril. The Watchtower....or what is left of it...doesnt house your Cragmaw goblins or your captive friend, but I have heard stories of undead chasing away prospectors from the area. If you could investigate since you are heading that way...Id appreciate it."

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-07, 01:38 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Well that's one more possibility that turned to be a dead end." Kaldrinn grumbles to himself as he combs both his thoughts and his fingers through his beard. "We can certainly investigate if we end up out that way, mind marking it on the map here for me?" He asks as he pulls out the folded map his kin had given him prior to the journey's start. "Can you think of any places in the area the goblins might see as a castle? Or do you know of anyone here in town who'd know the area better or been around longer?"

Barring any further mind-blowing insights, he will settle that he's done enough detective work for one day and retreat back to the inn with the others and get some rest. He planned to start out early in the morning so it's straight upstairs to their rooms to shake off some of the weight of the road and begin to relax proper.

2017-10-07, 07:47 PM
Daran circles a small section to the east of Phandalin, along the Triboar trail and down into the hills and mountains just south of it. It's almost on the right edge of the map. Daran tells you it is a couple days march of Northeast of Phandalin, just north of a place called Wyvern Tor; which can serve as a landmark when finding your way there. Wyvern Tor is easily visible from 20 miles away, sometimes more depending on how clear the skies are. It got it's fame by formerly being the home of a large nest of Wyverns that was cleared out years ago by adventurers.

To Kaldrinn's other question, Daran Edermath shakes his head. "I don't know of any other places around here that would serve as functioning castle or stronghold, but a few other people around here might. Halia Thornton, of the Miner's Exchange, is much more than just a merchant and the Exchange she runs is pretty much the closest thing we have to a governing authority. Our useless Townmaster certainly has no authority with the Redbrands going unchecked. There's also Quelline Alderleaf, she's a halfing that's been around these parts for quite a while. Runs a farm down the road from the Townmaster's Hall. If you know anything about Halflings, it's that they know things. Might find the answers you are looking for there. I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance."

Finding Cragmaw Castle: From your recent delve into the Cragmaw Hidehout, and from what Sildar has been able to tell you, you know Gundren was taken to a place called Cragmaw Castle somewhere to the north of Phandalin. Without any other information to go off of, your primary quest is to find what information you can about Cragmaw Castle until you have collected enough information to narrow down a more precise location so that you may assault it and find Gundren Rockseeker.

Finding Iarno: Sildar was sent to Phandalin from Neverwinter with the primary goal of making contact with Iarno Albrek, a member of the Lord's Alliance who was supped to establish some sort of order in the otherwise poorly managed town of Phandalin nearly 8 tenday ago. Sildar hopes that Iarno will have information about this Cragmaw Tribe and can help you locate Gundren, but first Iarno must be found. Sildar has asked that you meet him at the Townmaster's Hall in the morning to go over any information you have all uncovered, and to get your promised reward for rescuing him and escorting him to Phandalin.

Redbrand Ruffians: There is a consistent problem that the locals of Phandalin have mentioned; that of the Redbrands running unchecked through the town and harassing the local businesses, threatening the locals, and killing anyone they do not agree with. The Townmaster has done absolutely nothing about this problem and has turned a blind eye to just how serious the problem is. Something must be done about them. The only information you have about them currently is that they frequent the Sleeping Giant Taphouse during the day.

The Shrine of Luck: The Shrine of Luck is the only temple, and a small one, in Phandalin. It is dedicated to the Tymora, the Goddess of Luck and good fortune. Sister Garaele was seen returning to Phandalin recently and looked to have suffered some serious injuries. She declined help, but some of the townsfolk aren't sure what happened or if she's really okay.

Orc Raiders: Rumor is that a group of Orcs are raiding to the east, far along the Triboar Trail. While not much information was overheard, it was said that the Townmaster has posted a reward and wants them dealt with. He would certainly have more information about where to find the raiders.

Trouble at the Old Owl Well: Daran Edermath had heard stories from the local prospectors in the hills northeast of Phandalin that someone is digging around in the ruins of an ancient civilization. More disturbingly, several of those prospectors have reported being chased from the area by undead. Dangerous magic might be present there, and so Daran has asked you to investigate the ruins.

2017-10-07, 11:27 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level Two Aasimar Bard
The crowd was gathering in the tavern as Umber stood on the makeshift stage. He had borrowed a large bucket from the innkeeper and set it in front of the stage to collect tips. Already the tavern was noisy with guests as he and Amber tuned their instruments. Umber was nervous as he gave his lyre a few test plucks; even after all this time performances still made him nervous. He knew though that the best cure for stage fright was to just start. "Ok Amber, let's play.." he says, naming a song and then starting the performance with a few chords on his lyre.

"O, the wizard's staff has a knob on the end.
It does! It does!"

Performance roll


2017-10-07, 11:59 PM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
CG Goliath, Barbarian 2
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 2d12+3 | Hit Points: 25/25
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Returning to the tavern with Umber, Gundren quickly slipped out of the goliath's mind replaced by ale and an out of time foot stomp to the music... and his feet were large. It was a fine performance, but the evening as a whole lacked a certain viscerality for his taste. As the night comes to a close, Bartholl retires to his room with the others and sleeps a heavy, snore-filled sleep until the next dawn.

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-08, 08:17 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

Kaldrinn eyes the map and makes a mental note of the location before folding it and returning it to one of the pouches around his belt. "Well, once our more pressing matters are ironed out a bit more we'll see what we can do about looking into these rumors of undead." He thanks the man for his time, his insight, and his help and heads back to the tavern. He'll fill in any of his companions willing to listen with updates from the three places he visited and head upstairs to retire. Should Sildar wish to speak before bed he'll gladly have a word with the old warrior and bring him up to speed as well as asking how the meeting with the townsmaster went.

2017-10-09, 11:17 AM
As your group eventually all makes it downstairs as each one wakes up and goes about thier morning rituals before coming down to find that Stonehill has provided a hot breakfast of grains and various cold fruits.

After consuming your choices of breakfast, you inquire about Sildar, of which Toblin tells you that Sildar left quite early in the morning for the Townmaster's Hall.

As you approach the building that serves as the Townmaster's Hall, you notice that it has sturdy stone walls, a pitched wooden roof, and a bell tower at the back. Posted on a board next to the front door is a notice written in common which reads: REWARD - Orcs near Wyvern Tor! Those of a mind to face the Orc menace should inquire within. The notice bears the town's seal and a indecipherable signature.

Just inside the doors you find Sildar Hallwinter waiting for your arrival. He greets you kindly and tosses a small pouch to Kaldrinn. Inside is the 50 gold pieces promised by Sildar when you rescued him.
Once he Iarno is mentioned, Sildar looks a little less hopeful. "I questioned several locals and it seems that Iarno disappeared while exploring the area around the old Tresendar Manor on the east edge of town about two months ago, which was not long after he had arrived here.
If you could, I would like you to investigate the manor and bring back Iarno Albrek, or what is left of him, if something killed him."
Sildar looks back to the townmaster in the room beyond then back to the group.
"Between us...Orcs are the least of Phandalin's concerns with these Cragmaw running around with Gundren. While you are investigating the manor, I will see what information I can gather on this Cragmaw Castle."

2017-10-11, 01:27 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
CG Goliath, Barbarian 2
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 2d12+3 | Hit Points: 25/25
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl walks with everyone to the Townmaster's building and stops to read the notice, his lips moving as he sounds out the words. With a snort he tugs the sheet off it's nail leaving a jagged scrap of paper dangling from the board and brings it with him inside, crumpled in his thick fingers. He seems resistant to Sildar's commands. "What's the point lookin' if you think he's dead? Seems there's plenty of livin' things bothering this town. It's a wonder it's standing at all. Thieves, orcs, goblins, the dead, missin' peoples... Wouldn't stand for all of this nonsense up north. Where's Harbin?" he asks to no one in particular as he moves further into the building looking for the supposed town 'leader.'

2017-10-11, 12:12 PM
Umbriel "Goldharp" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282272)
Level Two Aasimar Bard
Umber yawned sleepily. He wasn't used to waking up at this hour; usually he slept until afternoon after a night of revelry. The necessities of a job, he thought. As they walk, Umber ponders his performance of the night before. It was certainly not his best performance, and it was no wonder that the several women he had approached afterward had laughed in his face. Bringing himself back into the conversation, Umber says "Are you sure the orcs aren't related to these, 'crag maw?' After all, this 'Spider' has employed goblins against us, who's to say he hasn't employed orcs as well?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-11, 08:46 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Mornin' Sildar" Kaldrinn greets the old warrior warmly though the man clearly still bore the weight of his capture, or his first day back in civilization not finding any answers, or perhaps a bit of both.
The dwarf certainly felt it in his bones as well; he'd been hopeful to have found some rest and some answers in town and yet so far it really seemed neither was an option. "We can certainly poke around the old manor and see if anything of interest comes up. I have a few more folks in town I'd like to have a chat with about some of the goings-on as well as this 'castle'... but I'm sure we could make our way up there at some point today for sure."

"Learn anything else useful from the townsmaster?"

If the townsmaster makes himself know, the druid would be interested in whether the town keeps any sort of historical records that might be of assistance in this castle hunt.

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-12, 01:17 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"It's possible that he rand afoul of these Redbrand folks I've been hearing complaints about around town." The dwarf reckons, trying to come up with feasible reasons the man might have disappeared. "They apparently kidnapped the woodcutter's wife and children...or so rumors say." He thinks it best not to mention they'd also been accused of murdering the woodcutter just yet. He wasn't sure how the old warrior would take that sort of news at the moment.

"Or, perhaps, since he's a member of the Alliance ... he took up one of the many things around here that need doing. Theres tales of orcs, undead, bandits ... not to mention the goblins on the road..."

2017-10-12, 08:29 PM
"Mornin' Sildar"
"We can certainly poke around the old manor and see if anything of interest comes up. I have a few more folks in town I'd like to have a chat with about some of the goings-on as well as this 'castle'... but I'm sure we could make our way up there at some point today for sure."

"I'd appreciate it. While I would say take your time questioning the locals, don't take too much time. I fear, for both Iarno and Gundren's sake, we shouldn't go about this leisurely. Whoever has them is liable to kill either of them at a moments notice."

"It's possible that he rand afoul of these Redbrand folks I've been hearing complaints about around town....They apparently kidnapped the woodcutter's wife and children...or so rumors say....Or, perhaps, since he's a member of the Alliance ... he took up one of the many things around here that need doing. Theres tales of orcs, undead, bandits ... not to mention the goblins on the road...Learn anything else useful from the townsmaster?"

"Not a thing, save for the things you mentioned; there are orcs causing problems, the undead are poking around a former tower, and that everyone except Harbin seem to think the Redbrands are trouble. Another reason why I'd like you to see what is going on at the manor. I have no proof, but I have reason to believe they are somehow operating from the old Tresendar estate."

"Are you sure the orcs aren't related to these, 'crag maw?' After all, this 'Spider' has employed goblins against us, who's to say he hasn't employed orcs as well?"

"No, I am certain of very few things around here at the moment. The orcs could very well be connected, though it'd be a thin thread if so. If this spider had employed orcs as well, I imagine we would have seen a more direct play by them. At the moment they are just being an annoyance near Wyvern Tor....thankfully the Wyvern's are gone at least....I'm not sure what we'd do if we had to deal with dragons or their kin on top of all this."

"What's the point lookin' if you think he's dead? Seems there's plenty of livin' things bothering this town. It's a wonder it's standing at all. Thieves, orcs, goblins, the dead, missin' peoples... Wouldn't stand for all of this nonsense up north. Where's Harbin?"

"That's part of why I'm here. To try and bring some sort of order to this place. Still, there is something m... W-where are you going?" Sildar asks after Bartholl as he strolls past them looking for Harbin.

Sitting at a comfortable chair behind a large desk against the center of the far wall facing the entrance is a large and robust human male who clearly enjoys food a bit too much for his own good. Harbin Wester is pompous, old, and not at all fit to be Townmaster. As a banker, money is his concern, not how he obtains it or where it goes afterwards; long as his pockets are lined properly before hand. On the wall to towards the right of the desk, just before a metal door, hangs a plaque that reads "Jail Cellar"

When asked about the Orcs, he explains that travelers have reported a band of orcs near Wyvern Tor and offers 100gp to any group who can take care of the problem. Orcs causing trouble means less travel to Phandalin, which means less money, and he can't have that.

When asked about the Redbrands, he claims they're 'Just a mercenary guild, and not all that much trouble, really' .

2017-10-13, 08:45 AM
Bartholl "Noskill" Haulowantaeona (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282044)
CG Goliath, Barbarian 2
Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception -1
Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 2d12+3 | Hit Points: 25/25
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Bartholl steps forward and presses the flyer firmly onto the desk, rattling a small stack of coins near the old man and stands with his hands on his hips listening to the explanation. When Harbin's done he gives him a long, silent look from his boots to his face, his lips shifting as he licks his gums.

"Well, Mister Harbin," he begins sarcastically, "Seems the folks round here feel them Redbrands is more trouble than you do. Hidin' their stores so they don't get robbed, scrapin' by to fix broken furniture, and hopin' their daughters don't get taken for fun." Bartholl steps forward and puts his hands on the edge of the desk his muscles rippling a little as he leans down closer to eye level. "Where I come from a chief who let's his people suffer isn't chief long. And we don't send them off all nice like you southerners with food and a horse and good wishes. Now my mates and I got business to attend to. Findin' some missin' folks that went missin' under your watch. I suggest you find a solution to these Redbrands or they're not the only ones that'll be runnin' out of town when we get back."

If Harbin has a retort he stands and listens with folded arms, otherwise he walks heavily out of the room back to the entryway with the others. "Let's find Iarno."

Intimidation? [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-13, 09:26 AM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"I won't be wasting any of whatever short time we have, I assure you." Kaldrinn retorts to Sildar when he mentions to what degree time is of the essence. He didn't see questioning the locals as much of a waste of time anyway; seemed better to get the most information they could before setting out on the road again following a random thread. If these orcs or undead where not at all related to the capture of their patron, days or weeks could be wasted beforehand--one of the reasons he was looking to get more answers before stirring up trouble with these Redbrands. "I was questioning the locals until after sundown last night and will do the same again today if'n I have to. Didn't find much time for sitting around for song and drink at the inn."

As the goliath begins his...demonstration...of intimidation, the dwarf watches on and doesn't interject. It might them him a better read of what to expect from this townsmaster (if it doesn't absolutely sour his mood). "If they're just mercenaries, who's paying them? They wouldn't be sticking around a place like this if their wasn't coin it for them... or is it more that no ones keeping them from doing what they want. I've noticed I haven't seen a single town guard on our stay here...is this normal?"

2017-10-14, 10:30 PM
Harbin attempts to defend himself against the Goliath as he mentions people being taken, but when Half-giant presses his hands into the table and the Townmaster gets a proper look at his arms, all words flee from his lips. It isn't until the Goliath turns and stomps out loudly that Harbin realizes there is still someone in his office, and they were asking more questions.

"If they're just mercenaries, who's paying them? They wouldn't be sticking around a place like this if their wasn't coin it for them... or is it more that no ones keeping them from doing what they want. I've noticed I haven't seen a single town guard on our stay here...is this normal?"

"I...I-I've done nothing but look after this town since I became Townmaster! I was just a banker, before. It's better than letting Halia have the job, were up to her this whole place would overrun with thieves and the lot. No one will volunteer to be the town guard. Everyone has come here for two reasons: To retire and live out their lives on a farm or doing business, or to try and strike it rich in the mountains or panning the waters. No one's come to Phandalin to keep watch over it. I've tried to hire a town guard, just look at the old postings behind the Orc notice I posted."
Harbin becomes flustered, obviously still intimidated by the Goliath despite his no longer being in the room.

"I haven't met the one who pays the Redbrands; but I've heard his name. They call him 'Glasstaff', on account of the staff made entirely of glass that he carries around. Some say Glasstaff is a sorcerer and can lay a curse upon you so fast you won't see it coming. Other's say Glasstaff is just a hermit who needs protecting from someone, or thing, and so has hired these Redbrands out for just that. Long as this Glasstaff guy, or his Redbrands, don't cause an uproar in this town, he can keep them. I'm not the one paying them if that's what you think! Please....just....leave me out of this. I want nothing to do with them."

After a moment of trying to defend himself, Harbin slumps in his chair, a defeated look upon his face. "They said, if I turned a blind eye to some of their more frivolous activities, they wouldn't hurt them. My family. They know where I live. Hell, everyone knows where everyone else lives in this little town. I wont be the one marching my family to their graves, no thank you. Do something about them if you must and I'll be appreciative....but please, be careful. They aren't just a bunch of mercs. Now please, leave me to my business. I have to ensure this tithe to the Shrine of Luck is properly accounted...."

Bounty Hunter
2017-10-16, 01:04 PM
Kaldrinn Redstone (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82843)
Level Two Dwarven Druid

"Well..." Kaldrinn starts, and then fishes for his words for a moment before responding to Harbin. "I didn't come to your town to talk politics or stir up any trouble. I ain't saying you're negligent in your duties or that you're unfit for the job or anything...just looking to understand things a bit better." The dwarf considers his next words wisely before putting them forth; he wanted them to have an impact but not stir up any anger. "Its not a good look when we--random travelers fresh off the road--walk into town and hear no less than a half dozen complaints from townsfolk that thieves and murders roam the streets."

"Think of it this way: It's like you said--everyone in this little town knows where everyone lives. Everyone knows you're the townsmaster, sees that you're not keeping them and their families safe, and knows exactly where you work and live." He shurgs. "How long until some of them reach their breaking point? Are they going to stand up to the thieves and murderers alone? Or is the town going to point fingers at a tired old banker?"

"We're going to look into this Glassstaff and his gang of thugs when we can. It might do you well to think of whether turning a blind eye to things is what's best for your family... I know I wouldn't want mine to live in a town where folks are cut down in the street.