View Full Version : Paper Not-Mario: Welcome to Glitzville (IC)

2017-07-23, 01:35 PM
Glitzville! The resort town in the sky!

A massive rust-and-yellow dirigible rises through the clouds with the sound of a deep, rushing wind. Slowly, carefully, a group of two flag-waving toads and two brightly-lit bob-ombs direct the balloon until it just taps against the wooden dock. A crowd of vacationers and their families disembark, following an arrow down the wide gangplank on one side while a returning group climbs aboard on the other.

Straight ahead, a pair of massive red arrows are hung up on a wall of clouds, flanking an information booth staffed by a fish and a dog. In giant letters, the left arrow directs to Glitzville North, from which can be heard the sounds of rushing water and roller-coasters. The right arrow points to Glitzville South, from which can be heard the impatient cheering and chanting of sports fans. The paths are patrolled by a Lakitu and a Puff, the next best things to safety rails. Needless to say, it's a long way down from here.

At the far end of the family-friendly Glitzville North park, is Chaz Pizza, the town's most happening pizza joint-stroke-pinball parlor, where a ninja's post waits on the second floor balcony. In the promenade of Glitzville South, a group of excited fans await entry into the town's most famous attraction: the juice bar. A sign on the door says it's, "Closed for plumbing repairs." Meanwhile, the much louder and more brightly-lit Glitz Pit building looms over the square.

What do you do?

2017-07-23, 01:59 PM
"Sixdy-One. Pbhwo. Pbhhe. Pbhuh." The numbers are almost entirely incomprehensible. Laying down in the middle of the square, facing the entrance to the Legendary Glitz Pit, is a Yoshi. He seems to be... doing push ups with his tongue? He certainly isn't using his hands, both of which are holding onto a stick behind his back, and nothing but his long sticky tongue is pushing him up and down from the ground. All but oblivious to the new crowd of tourists, he continues to seemingly work out, with an air of routine that implies he's done this regularly for a while. "...Pbhlevendy-Eigh. Pbhlevendy Nine. Eighdy. One..."

Lord Raziere
2017-07-24, 01:31 AM
Clang. Clang. Clang.

Shelsho footsteps ring out as he steps into Glitzville. The red-shelled koopatrol takes a look around, shell and armor heavy upon his body, giving his steps weight, his movements economical given that he couldn't afford to tire himself out in this armor. Maybe the Juice bar first. Get a drink and relax to cool it from the jet lag no wait its closed, darn. Then maybe participate in the Pit for a while. See how his fighting skill stacks up. Anything would be a change of pace from trying to train those stupid toad guards. No matter how hard he tried, they seemed to be inept at combat as ever. He didn't care what, as long as it was a change of pace. He saw the Yoshi doing pushups. A spark of curiosity makes him walk on over.

Clang. Clang. Clang.
"Ooh. How tough. Little Yoshi doing tongue-ups. You a fan of the Pit? Or just of the Great Gonzales? I know, I look like a Koopinator fan, but trust me, I once worked a shift with him at a fortress, not exactly someone you want to get stuck with guarding someplace for eight hours. My name is Shelsho Koopa, whats yours?"
He remembered the day when the Koopinator left. Everyone else threw a party when he was gone. Good times.

2017-07-24, 07:23 AM
Soya strolls down the gangplank from the airship, blue dress sparkling in the sun as she looks around the city. She smiles, but not one moment later her stomach growls and she looks around for something to eat, settling on something she decides must be a Glitzville specialty: Pizza.

Soya makes her way across the North Park, eventually reaching Chaz Pizza, cautiously looking inside before heading in herself and looking for a place to make an order.

2017-07-24, 05:27 PM
The gumball dispenser next to the door wobbles when Soya enters, almost like it was chuckling to itself over a clever idea it just had, and whether or not she notices, the entire thing disappears in a thudding poof of dust as a gray-clad ninji appears in it's place. It would take even a half asleep person to immediate notice that this strange ninja not only has a black visage instead of a white one under her ninji jumpsuit, but a big bulbous brown tail with black rings nearly as wide as a bowling pin.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Welcome to Chazz Pizza! The Pizza-est place in town!! I'm Jinni and I'll be your cashier today!" it goes completely unspoken that she's not allowed to work in the kitchen, and thus nobody realizes there was a warning implicit. Jinni balances on her tail a couple feet off the ground, whipping out a sauce-stained legal pad and pen, jotting down the beginnings of an order form. "Will this be for dining in, carry out, or delivery? Please, please tell me you need a mighty ninja capable of great feats to deliver a pizza someplace! It''ll be there before you know it!!!"

2017-07-24, 05:41 PM
The Yoshi flips over onto his back, hands barely keeping his head off of the ground, and legs in the air. In no time at all, he's back to his routine, now using the muscles in his tail to keep up his movement. "I ain't so sure about little." he replies to Shelsho, sporting a determined expression and not missing a beat while he's training. "I just ain't had a chance to prove m'self yet. Not until I -know- I'm ready. And when I do, they're gonna write my name up in lights. Just like the other Champs."

Eventually, he pushes himself into a hand-stand, and continues from there, craning his neck to keep looking at the Koopatrol. "Handle's Kuroshi. You the real deal, 'sho? Whatchu doin' out here this far from some fortress?" he asks, allowing a crack of curiosity to be traced across his face.

2017-07-24, 11:07 PM
Chaz Pizza

The South wall of this restaurant is lined with blinking, pinging pinball machines with a variety of video game motifs. Pikmin, Punch-Out, Metroid... A pair of young goomba siblings are really ganging up on the Zelda-themed one. They're each tackling one of the flipper buttons repeatedly. No one else seems to mind.

The North wall is filled with booths of pizza-eating patrons - some families, one cute Bean couple and a few tough-looking maintenance workers from the park. Each booth has a window looking out into the open sky. With a distinctive clatter, a tray with pizza, plates and water glasses drops from a pipe in the ceiling onto the Bean couple's table. They jump in surprise, then laugh before they start digging in.

A spiral staircase by the register would likely lead to the second floor. A nervous-looking toad is fidgeting outside the restrooms.


"Oh yeah? What if you that chance to prove yourself right now?"

A koopa troopa in a beige fedora and trenchcoat turns to face Team Serious Business. He's wearing some wrap-around sunglasses that look a little too big for him. "Hey, I couldn't help overhearing. The line for juice bar goes all the way back here now. I hope they get those pipes fixed soon..."

"Anyway, you two look like you've got some chutzpah, some determination, yeah? Well, it happens I'm looking for someone like that for a job I'm doing. And if it's a spot in the pit you want, well, it happens I might know a guy. You feel me?"

2017-07-25, 05:32 PM
"Pause button, Specs." Seemingly unable to settle for anything, even for a moment, Kuroshi pushes himself of the ground, both to balance on his tail, and to get both Koopas in view. His eyes dart back and forth between the two, while he begins stretching his arms, his legs crossed (https://www.yogajournal.com/.image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cg_faces:center%2Cq_80% 2Cw_620/MTQ2MjI3ODcyMDE5OTgxOTIx/cow-face-with-eagle-arms-forhips.jpg). "This brotha' looks like he could cut you by leering, yet you look less on the up and up. You got 'sketch' written all over ya'. Thought Jolene was lookin' out for trouble since that Grubba Blubba Clubba freak got ousted. What's your angle?" he asks, more than a smidge suspicious.

2017-07-25, 10:22 PM
"Yo, I get it, do... dude. But I'm not too comfortable telling you my whole angle just yet." He turns around to make sure no one else is listening in. Everyone nearby seems intently focused on the juice fiasco. "I'll tell you what, dodude. Just to show you I'm not blowing smoke, I'll do my part to get you in first, as a favor. Here."

He hands over what appears to be a postcard featuring the original show match between Rawk Hawk and Prince Mush. On the back is an illegible note written in yellow pen.

"It's one of the vouchers that Grubba's recruiters used to use. It may be old, but the pit is hurting for fighters right now. Hand that to Jolene, and I guarantee she'll give you a spot."

2017-07-26, 10:47 AM
Soya jumps when Jinni transforms, but then smiles and giggles at the unusual Ninji's energy and says, "Well...I'm not really sure. Can you explain to me what pizza is?"

2017-07-26, 03:25 PM
Finally pausing from any sort of physical activity, Kuroshi sets himself on the ground, and takes the card from the city shell slicker. Flipping it upside down to check both sides and inspect it, he pauses to look at the legendary fight, a mixture of desire and excitement on his face. "This favor of yours." he asks the coated Koopa, still staring at the picture, a smidge more serious, but only to lessen the aura of enthusiasm beginning to radiate from him, his last concern the only thing even remotely stifling the progress of a wide toothy grin. "It the sort of thing that'd get someone pounded by a plumber?"

Lord Raziere
2017-07-26, 03:38 PM
Shelsho carefully considers the newcomer.
"Yeah, I got plumber pounded too many times in my life already."
Shelsho groaned, remembering the last times that happened.
"As for why I'm here Kuroshi.... I'm on vacation. Been training Toad guards for months and they're still not fit for fighting. Ugh. As for you.....well, I don't who you are."
He had some bets in his about a certain minor league koopa by the name of KP, but everyone knows that trench coats and fedoras always work as a disguise so he couldn't be sure.
"..But I guess I'm up for it, facing some real fighters could help me loosen up, get the blood pumping."

2017-07-27, 09:41 PM
Going stock-still for a few heartbeats, the odd-ninji teeters before righting herself. "Oh! Well, you see um..." She flips her notepad upside down and hastily flips to a note that was wedged in between a few indecipherable pages. "A favorite meal of plumbers and children everywhere, as well as a staple food for most university student bodies and certain sub-types of ninja, a pizza is a baked flatbread consisting of cheese, tomato sauce, and innumerable toppings ranging from meats to veggies to desert toppings, depending on preference. Served piping hot but enjoyable even cold, Chazz pizza strives to bring you the best pizza experience possible... Um... there's something here about a refund policy but it looks like somebody scratched it out..." Forgetting practically everything she just said, Jinni tail-pogos a circle around Soya. "We offer pizzas in Small, Super, and Starman sizes, and family deep dish trays but I imagine you would need a family or be really really really hungry to enjoy that last one. So! What can we tempt you with, hmmm????"

2017-07-27, 10:55 PM
The Promenade

"It the sort of thing that'd get someone pounded by a plumber?"

"Yeah, I got plumber pounded too many times in my life already."

"What do you... oh, THAT kind of plumber. Naw, duge, nothin' like that. ...I think."

A loud *CLANG* followed by a muffled "CONSARN IT!" can be heard from inside the juice bar.

"Oh, ouch. Sounds like they're gonna be closed a while longer. Guess I'll just get going then. Good luck in the pit, dostranger!"

The fedora koopa stands out like a sore thumb in the juice crowd, but quickly heads for the alley behind the bar and makes himself scarce.

Chaz Pizza

The posters in the front windows and the menu on the wall behind Jinni are demonstrative of the general concept of pizza and how they are apparently categorized by their toppings. Most of them come big enough to be shared by a whole family, but a chalkboard on the counter lists a few that are available by the slice.

The special today seems to be the best-selling Stress Shroom pizza. Most of the menu is pretty pricey, but it looks like Soya could a afford a slice of the special pretty easily.

2017-07-28, 09:18 PM
Soya giggles as Jinni bounces around her, but stops when she mentions a plumber. She blinks and says, "Wait...Plumber? Are you referring to the Hero of the Beanbean Kingdom? Prince Peasley's sidekick? The man who saved MY LIFE?!" As she says the last words, her face explodes into a huge grin and she continues, "Does he come here often?"

2017-08-01, 05:01 PM
Eyebrow arched and head tilted, Kuroshi watches the Fedora Koopa leave, before letting his attention return to the postcard. A few seconds of suspicious scruitny follow, before sheer excitement takes over: the thought of being able to have a proper job, to send home even more money. To have a consistent roof over his head and solid floor to sleep on. To be able to get food and snacks right at the town, maybe even afford to go eat! And the chance to fight more powerful opponents, and to start garnering a reputation. Without warning, the black Yoshi outright explodes with glee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV1ka2Du3Qs), yelling about and all but flying around the square, swinging from side to side and wall to wall on his tongue, his happiness overflowing.

2017-08-02, 08:10 AM
Jinni flops over on her back like a knocked over display at the bean's outburst. She flails before kick-upping back into her previous tail balancing position, looking a little wobbly.

"Um... I don't think I have notes for that, but Mr. Chazz-- she refers to her boss as Mr. Chazz regardless of actual gender or name, Once told me a story about how he served some plumbers here and got the idea for the pizza pipes from a discussion they had. I think? He was trying to get me to sit still at the time so I can't clearly remember...

Lord Raziere
2017-08-02, 03:22 PM
Shelsho only turns his head as Kuroshi bounces around
"......Huh, wow ok. Real excitable aren't ya, little Yoshi? Eh, I can think of spend worse ways to spend my vacay than with you. Come on kid, lets get a bite to eat at that pizza place over there, foods on me. Think of it as celebration."
He walks over to the pizza place, beckoning Kuroshi over. He enters it and says to Jinni
"Hello, names Shelsho Koopa. I'm here to get me some pizza..."
He checks her name tag while remembering the years spent living on dried shroom rations. Armies stationed in lava lands didn't exactly have good food. He was here to enjoy himself.
"....Jinni, please give me a Super size, and lots of toppings that go good together. I want the flavors to show my taste buds a good time and forget the taste of dried shroom rations."

2017-08-02, 08:12 PM
Jinni flops over on her back like a knocked over display at the bean's outburst. She flails before kick-upping back into her previous tail balancing position, looking a little wobbly.

"Um... I don't think I have notes for that, but Mr. Chazz-- she refers to her boss as Mr. Chazz regardless of actual gender or name, Once told me a story about how he served some plumbers here and got the idea for the pizza pipes from a discussion they had. I think? He was trying to get me to sit still at the time so I can't clearly remember...

Soya looks disappointed and says, "Oh. Sorry!" She notes Jinni falling back over and offers her a hand with a smile, saying, "I see. In that case do you have anything with Teehee beans? They're my favorites." She pauses, then asks, "OH! And Chuckola Cola. It's pretty hard stuff to get, but after Mario reopened the brewery..."

2017-08-03, 11:37 PM
Jinni begins scribbling down the Bean's order and without missing a beat flips a new page over to fill out the kindly old troopa's order. And then, with an absurd amount of flourish she cartwheels over to the counter, leans over it and yells to an unseen cook.

"Heeeyyy Mr. Chazz! I need a coupla Kidney Slices, toss up a sucker punch soda, and put in a separate Axem team-special, Super sized for the next guest!

2017-08-04, 12:30 AM
Seeking to not make a bad impression with Jolene, should the Koopatrol follow him along, Kuroshi sighs internally but follows Shelsho along to the pizza joint. Still staring at the glorious Glitz Pit entrance, his order to the waitress, upon her return, is quite distracted: "I'll take a small water. And whatever food is cheapest on the menu. I'll take a Mistake, even. I'm strapped for coins."

2017-08-04, 11:53 PM
"Heeeyyy Mr. Chazz! I need a coupla Kidney Slices, toss up a sucker punch soda, and put in a separate Axem team-special, Super sized for the next guest!"

After a two-second pause, a reply comes from a pipe in the ceiling.

*bloop* "THAT WAS GIBBERISH!" *bloop*

"Don't get angry, sir! She's still new..."


"Okay. On my way, sir."

Almost immediately, a toad lass comes down the spiral staircase, wearing the same uniform apron as Jinni's. "Go on up, Jinni. You have an order going out in a minute anyway, for someone named Shay in Rogueport. I'll teach you to use the order system when you get back, okay?"

Assuming they switch places without much argument, Verassa T. takes Jinni's place behind the register. "Sorry about that. What can we get for you...? Okay, how about this?"

After hearing out the dueling requests for a recommendation, she points to a menu illustration for a deluxe pizza covered in almost every topping they offer, including two kinds of bean. Of course, deluxity comes at a price - it costs a good 90 coins. Shelsho has exactly 89 on him: all his small wallet will hold, minus the price of the airship trip. Of course Kuroshi is broke if he's even around, and Soya has 33 Beanbean coins.

2017-08-05, 12:26 AM

Jinni knows her way to the kitchen, where she would normally pick up her orders for delivery. A toad and a doogan are stationed up here, monitoring orders on the computer among other tasks. A big blooper with blobs of tomato sauce on its head sits in the back of the room, doing dishes with one set of tentacles and assembling a pizza with another. That's Chaz.

Next to the door where you came in is a very high stack of pizzas. There has to be 20 of them... and usually, Lackelaine is the one to take the off-cloud orders. You haven't seen her all day.

2017-08-05, 08:21 AM
The sweet but silly ninji drops down and rushes up the stairs without argument, waving goodbye to the people she tried to help, bounding off the walls and skidding to a halt in front of her beleaguered boss.

"Ooh, Mr. Chazz, Mr. Chazz! I'm here for that delivereeee--- Uh... Wow." she looks over the huge pile of pizzas, trying to count them by hand.

"So, like, is this Mr. Shay a ton of people, or is he just really, really hungry?"

2017-08-05, 12:31 PM
Soya looks at the price, then produces a Beanbean coin from her purse and says, "If I remember the exchange rate right, this should be enough to cover?"

Lord Raziere
2017-08-05, 11:48 PM
After a two-second pause, a reply comes from a pipe in the ceiling.

*bloop* "THAT WAS GIBBERISH!" *bloop*

"Don't get angry, sir! She's still new..."


"Okay. On my way, sir."

Almost immediately, a toad lass comes down the spiral staircase, wearing the same uniform apron as Jinni's. "Go on up, Jinni. You have an order going out in a minute anyway, for someone named Shay in Rogueport. I'll teach you to use the order system when you get back, okay?"

Assuming they switch places without much argument, Verassa T. takes Jinni's place behind the register. "Sorry about that. What can we get for you...? Okay, how about this?"

After hearing out the dueling requests for a recommendation, she points to a menu illustration for a deluxe pizza covered in almost every topping they offer, including two kinds of bean. Of course, deluxity comes at a price - it costs a good 90 coins. Shelsho has exactly 89 on him: all his small wallet will hold, minus the price of the airship trip. Of course Kuroshi is broke if he's even around, and Soya has 33 Beanbean coins.

"87...88..89...aaaaaw what really!? ugh, nevermind just get me a normal cheese pizza."
Shelsho says grumpily, seriously 89. 89 coins. exactly one coin. and wouldn't be worth emptying his wallet even if he could find a coin block to pound. He doubted coin blocks floated this high up anyways, he heard coin block farms were real good at growing and harvesting coins from them, and it wouldn't make sense for the blocks to float so high above the clouds. Kingdoms had to mint coins somehow y'know, and it wouldn't make sense to grow them to float that high.

2017-08-06, 01:45 AM
"I can go hungry. It ain't like I ain't gone without eating before." grumbles Kuroshi, sitting cobbler style after hearing a bit of chatter, and still staring wistfully at the doors that might soon open to his destiny. Spurning a potential partner or opponent is hardly on his list of things to do, but this is a mere pit-stop for him today, and a fresh Mushroom would be extravagance to him.

2017-08-08, 12:13 AM
"Ooh, Mr. Chazz, Mr. Chazz! I'm here for that delivereeee--- Uh... Wow. So, like, is this Mr. Shay a ton of people, or is he just really, really hungry?"

"No idea," says Toad. "They just ordered it with a text message."

"Yeah, you know our motto," adds Doogan. "'We'll get there fast, no questions asked.'"

"That's not our motto!"

"Really? Why Not?"

"Anyway, we were kind of hoping Lackelaine would be back to take these, but she's been gone since before your shift started. It might have something to do with all the pipes being closed. Do you think you can take them all?"

Soya looks at the price, then produces a Beanbean coin from her purse and says, "If I remember the exchange rate right, this should be enough to cover?"

"Right. 1 Beanbean coin for one slice of Stress Shroom. For reference, we have the exchange rate posted right here, see?"

She points to a cup full of pens.

"Oh, hang on..." She turns the cup around, revealing a taped-on note:

1x ฿
10x ₵

"87...88..89...aaaaaw what really!? ugh, nevermind just get me a normal cheese pizza."

"I can go hungry. It ain't like I ain't gone without eating before."

"Sure! 35 coins for a Large cheese. Does that work?"

Lord Raziere
2017-08-09, 05:47 AM
"Sure! 35 coins for a Large cheese. Does that work?"

"I'll take it!"
He takes the pizza when it comes and sits down to eat.
"Anyways, Kuroshi, I gather you want to fight in the Glitz Pit?"
he takes a bite from a slice
"Well there are solo acts for that yeah, but some of the most successful ones are teams, and I wanted to try my hand at some fighting in there as well. I could perhaps help you, be your backup in there. I'm not saying you can't do it yourself if you really feel like it, kid with passion like yours, you'd probably pull off wins using pure determination and guts anyways. But it wouldn't hurt to have someone with experience and a cool head and your side yes?"

2017-08-09, 07:03 AM
Soya nods and says, "In that case I'll take the deluxe." She produces 9 coins from her wallet and hands them to the waitress.

2017-08-12, 07:49 AM
Jinni looks the pile of pizza over and puffs out her chest a little, tail twirling. "Leave it to me, Boss! I'll shuriken the pizzas one at a time if I have to, but.. um...
perhaps I should get a big bag or something to carry them all? Seems kinda precarious to just hold them all over my head, but I hear that makes you run faster according to Sub-Con magazine!"

2017-08-12, 08:51 PM
"Oh! Sure!" Doogan gets a few of the heat-saver bags from under a counter and stuffs a few pizza boxes into them. Each bag can only hold 3. "Uh, hmm... hang on, I can figure this out..."


"What choice do we have? The hovercraft is still in the shop and the rest of us aren't exactly free."

*bloop*...*bloop*...*bloop* "OKAY, WATCH THE OVEN. JINNI, FOLLOW ME." *bloop*

Chaz puts in the last couple of pizzas, picks himself up and floats through the kitchen door. You're not sure how he manages to squeeze through so easily.

Downstairs, the rest of our heroes see the massive blooper make his way down the spiral staircase. He hovers up to address them as they are getting to a table. *bloop* "HEY, YOU THREE! HOW WOULD YOU ALL LIKE YOUR PIZZAS ON THE HOUSE?" *bloop*

2017-08-13, 02:42 PM
Soya shrugs and says, "Sure. What's the catch?"

2017-08-16, 09:28 PM

2017-08-16, 11:12 PM
Soya looks a bit crestfallen as she says, "I see. No grand adventure or anything, just...Delivery duty?"

2017-08-17, 10:10 PM




2017-08-20, 03:18 PM
Kuroshi remains standing nearby, allowing Shelsho to enjoy his pizza and say his piece; still fine himself with scrounging for half-eaten trash once things go dark. Only half listening, still staring out into the plaza, he barely registers the Koopatrol's suggestion. After a few moments, Kuroshi actually focuses on him, sweeping up and down him. "Doubles rather than solo Bracket, Shell-Shock?" he asks, contemplating the experience this soldier would be able to bring to his side. "I've always fought alone by circumstance. Wouldn't mind a set of eyes to watch my shell, but I'll take my lumps either way. Always have. Coin for ya thoughts, Spikes; Why ain'tcha wantin' to go Singles yourself? Ya too used to fighting with the rest of ya squad when taking the Kingdom?"

Through his own conversation, he hears about the offer to receive free food, and half ignores it as well, still focused on the idea of hastening his trip to the Glitz Pit. At the word 'Montster', Kuroshi visibly pipes up, interest alight in his eyes. "Free munchies on the house, and a chance to get horribly injured? Sounds like a smash. Not to mention drops to send to Parakarry." he says with a blood-thirsty grin. "Yo, Spikes. I'ma take a slight side-quest, and if you're in too, you can Show Me Ya Moves, and vice versa. We'll see if we're suited to be training bros or rivals, capiche?" Kuroshi adds to Shelsho, still grinning with wicked enthusiasm.

2017-08-21, 11:18 AM
Soya's eyes widen and sparkle with stars as she says, "You mean...An adventure? Like bona-fide save the world, Super Mario Brothers style adventure? I'm so in."

2017-08-23, 10:13 AM
If Jinni was supposed to be admonished, shamed, or otherwise attempted to be put in a place with that comment, it failed horrendously. The little ninji runs a circle around her boss as more of the customers agree to go on this adventure, her tail bobbing rapidly.

"Wooow!! A team adventure! With a yoshi and a green person! Do I get a free meal, too, boss?" ...She must be working for peanuts, or she's really great during the interview. Regardless, it's not a stretch to say she's totally on board with having new friends come along for the adventure. That totally in no uncertain tersm will not happen.

2017-08-23, 10:13 PM
"...a chance to get horribly injured? Sounds like a smash."

*bloop* "WHAT? NO, I-"

"You mean...An adventure? Like bona-fide save the world, Super Mario Brothers style adventure?"

*bloobloop* "I JUST SAID-"

"Wooow!! A team adventure! With a yoshi and a green person! Do I get a free meal, too, boss?"


Chaz pinches his eyes closed and flinches like he just took two hearts of stress before letting out a final bloop of resignation.

*bloop* "SURE. OF COURSE." *bloop*


He passes out a series of tickets marked with barcodes and ID numbers. Suddenly, above Shelsho and Kuroshi's table, a green pipe disgorges four large red pizza-totes. They feel warm.


2017-08-24, 07:15 AM
Soya grins and says, "Alright! Let's-a-go!" She waves her hands at two of the pizza boxes, causing them to shine with a green light and float towards her hands.

2017-08-29, 08:51 PM
Caught up in the excitement of adventure and/or a free meal, our heroes find themselves on the next balloon groundward before you even realize you've left the pizza place. It's almost as though some unseen force suppressed your free will to draw you here! But of course that's ridiculous. You all dismiss the notion without a second thought.

The balloon-ferry itself is separated into a few compartments, allowing some comfort for passengers who like their privacy or who get airsick. Still, for the most part it's standing room only. It seems that there are more vacationers leaving Glitzville today than there are coming in.

Shortly into the journey, a group of children rush from one end of the ferry to the other. Then back again. They're obvious enough to count before you really interact with them - three mice and one mask-wearing kid with a backwards baseball cap. During their fourth or fifth pass, they cross right by the group of you when one stops to sniff the air.

*sniff* "Wait! Guys, do you smell that?"
"Huh? Smell what?"
*sniff, sniff* "Cheese, pepperoni, onion..." *sniff, sniff, sniff* "...and a little scrambled egg?"
"What? But most of that sounds like..."

The three mice scramble back and forth around you, jumping up and down as they sniff out their targets.

"PIZZA!!!" They shout in unison.
"Hey mister, what are you doing with all of that cheesy pizza?"
"Can we have some??"
"WHY NOT???"
"Hold on! He didn't answer yet."

The mice all talk over each other in such a way that it's hard to tell which one is saying what or even which one of you they're talking to. The fourth kid's voice is a little more distinct; she's clearly a little older than the others.

Defend the pizza! BATTLE START!

Shelsho and Kuroshi are being assaulted with two of the Little Kids' Cute attacks! How do they defend?

After that, how does Everyone get them to go away?