View Full Version : A Fox in Need

2017-07-23, 08:13 PM
Fox leans in. "I need you for a job, tonight. 250 gold, each. Last chance to walk away."


Your quiet training by the church has encouraged you to listen closely, and Cullminster has sung to you. On a backwoods errand you heard of this discreet gathering, and Sune's hand here is yours.

"Come to the Undertree." A note in Lilith's casket, and one best heeded.

The day you looked up from your booze, a determined man looked back.

Just as you were thinking of joining a mercenary group, a well-dressed man in his fifties knocked over your "Adventurer!" placard and walked to a crowded table.

A very local monk of Chislev sent you to his old friend Fox on the very next carriage. He couldn't tell you why.

"My friend Jomnuth has been captured by a man we call the Vig. He wants my Inn as ransom, and i have until tomorrow evening to pay. I want my friend back by sundown.

Jomnuth is an old adventuring partner, and a bit of a lush. He lost a bet at the Moxie and they're keeping him there somewhere. It's a manor on the northern edge of town. He's a dwarf, black beard, big smile. Irritating eyebrows."

Fox reaches into his pocket and slides a clinking pouch onto the table. "20 gold in advance, you'll need it. You'll find me at the Foxes Heart, blame my wife. Come with or without him, i have to strike that deal one way or another. If you bring him back the bloody guard won't let them make a fuss on main street at least."

2017-07-23, 11:11 PM
Jerrimoth looks straight into the eyes of the man across the table, studying every line in his face. He thinks about the reagents he could buy and the experiments he could fund with 250 gold pieces. It wasn't long before he'd made up his mind.

"I'm in."

2017-07-24, 08:41 AM
Foresi glanced down between the pair of human men, and felt the soft brush of a chill breeze whisper over her ears. A fleeting caress of familiar cold, and enough of a sign for her to caress the ivory feather that hung from her thick neck. "A friend must always be fought for," she replied. "You have what strength and grace Chislev has given me," she bowed her head to the worried man.

To the slender and frail looking man she said, "I am named Foresi Icefang, cleric of Chislev, of the Frost Feather Abbey," she bowed her head to him as well, before she turned her attention to the others seated at the table. They were a mixed group of human, dwarf, and tiefling. She stared at the tiefling in contemplation for a moment, recognizing a touch of the divine; but not the god. She bowed her head in greeting, and refocused on the human man who was hiring them to search for his friend.

2017-07-24, 09:06 AM
Wrindler shutters from hearing of Jomnuth's capture. Now he may help free someone even if the captors aren't as cruel as his former captors. "Poor fellow, I am certainly in."

2017-07-24, 09:59 AM
Brilaia Sunechild (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia sits at the table, a somewhat uninvited guest, but nobody had said anything as of yet. She listens to the man's story, mulls it over as the others jump straight into the deal. Her green eyes contemplate each person as they answer.

When she speaks, Brilaia's voice is soft, dulcet tone. "Your whole inn as ransom? Isn't that kind of a steep price? What exactly was this wager over?"

2017-07-24, 10:21 AM
Fox frowns. "It was quite a large bet. On a cockatrice race, apparently." His businesslike look is starting to give way to worry.

2017-07-24, 10:32 AM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia's usual stoic face is replaced with aghast surprise."A cockatrice race? I...What does..." She falls silent as her thoughts spin in circles at the sheer stupidity of the concept. She takes a deep breath, counts to six, and begins again. "I'm assuming these aren't exactly legal races or you would have involved the authorities?" She holds her hands up, palm outward to forestall any objections or defensive excuses the man may have. "You don't have to defend yourself. I'm not some goody-two-shoes follower of Bahamut or Tyr. Just getting a feel for the land, so to speak."

2017-07-24, 11:01 AM
"You're adjusting very well for someone summoned so recently." Fox sips his cider. "Legality isn't the problem, attention is. The Vig has too much of it, and the guards too little. One may even account for the other."

2017-07-24, 11:13 AM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia's eyebrows quirk upward slightly and she responds, "Well, my whole life has been an improvisation, so something like this is unlikely to throw me so easily". She pauses a few moments, pours herself a glass of water out of the pitcher at the table, and swirls it around in the glass as she thinks. "I'll help get your man back," she says after a moment."Is there anything you aren't telling us? Anything else we need to know?"

2017-07-24, 11:35 AM
"Well... " Fox glances at the man who was the first to agree. "These are rumours, mind you, probably just so i could hear them, but they say the Vig has a new trophy in his chambers, "the Stoned Dwarf". I doubt he has the magic, but even if he does that's why you're here Barrabas. Perhaps you too Miss Icefang."

2017-07-24, 01:16 PM
Foresi - At the inn with Fox and the others

Foresi looked between the tiefling woman and the innkeeper. “Forgive me,” she said as she bowed her head. “I have knowledge of cockatrice, but I lack understanding as to why they would be raced and why one would wager on the outcome,” she stated. “You allude to something or someone called the Stoned Dwarf, and claim only vague knowledge. In my village there are only two such reasons for a name such as that. One, if it is a person you are referring to, they are nicknamed due to a fondness of indulging in the practice of smoking consciousness altering plants. Second, the dwarven appreciation for stone has caused his intimates to nickname him as such.”

Foresi paused for a moment, and cocked her head to the right. “If you are referring to a dwarven figure carved of stone, I do not understand how it could be an implied threat. Unless the statue was carved as a defensive measure, meant to trap the unwary or unworthy. I suppose there is the potential, that it was once a living person, a dwarf, but has since been petrified. Are there additional potential meanings I am unaware of?” she asked the table.

2017-07-24, 01:33 PM
Foresi - At the inn with Fox and the others

Foresi looked between the tiefling woman and the innkeeper. “Forgive me,” she said as she bowed her head. “I have knowledge of cockatrice, but I lack understanding as to why they would be raced and why one would wager on the outcome,” she stated. “You allude to something or someone called the Stoned Dwarf, and claim only vague knowledge. In my village there are only two such reasons for a name such as that. One, if it is a person you are referring to -

"Jomnuth's a dwarf. You understand? The concept of gambling can wait."

2017-07-24, 01:56 PM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia listens for a moment. She looks at the young woman who just spoke and asks, "Really? Can you think of no reason someone who is around cockatrices would be called a Stoned Dwarf?"

2017-07-24, 02:48 PM
Foresi looked between the pair for a silent moment, before her white scaled cheeks slightly tinted with pink as she looked toward the table. "My apologies," she says, again. "Abbess Glacien has often commented on my predilection to think of things literally. You were implying that your friend, Jomnuth, has been turned to stone, and is now the Stoned Dwarf, a trophy of the Vig."

"The cockatrice is capable of petrifying an opponent, however, the effect is temporary," she paused. "Which certainly explains the need for rapid action."

2017-07-24, 03:00 PM
Fox moves to put down his drink and stop you again, but he hesitates. "Temporary? Are you certain? I assumed they needed sorcery for that. No matter, i'm sure you'll find out. Anything else? Are you in, Dwarf?"

2017-07-24, 11:40 PM
Jerrimoth sits and listens carefully to the conversation, showing acknowledgement to being brought in as an expert in the arcane. Privately, he scoffs at his scant knowledge passing for expertise. While he waits for the Dwarf to answer Fox's question, he practices intoning a simple incantation to add exotic (and occasionally nauseating) flavors to any food or drink that passes within a few feet of the table.

2017-07-25, 02:08 AM
"Yeah." sighs Ungart. "I used to be like that. Drunk, far too willing to make
stupid bets... If there's anything I can do to help him get out of the same spot, I'll do it."

2017-07-25, 09:42 AM
"Thank you. If that's all, you know where to find me."

Fox gets up to leave, and all but Sir Wrindler and his 1000 yard stare notice that the table behind him is quite busy and a half-elf is watching him intently. Her eyes quickly return to the others, and a slight susurrus leaves you wondering if she isn't the only one.

2017-07-25, 11:15 PM

Foresi glanced around the table, noticing that she wasn’t the only one looking contemplatively at the other patrons of the tavern. “Please forgive my ignorance,” she said as she bowed her head for a moment. “A hunt for an injured or lost villager is familiar to me. However, I have never attempted to recover someone who was stone, a trophy, or within a village. If it was a simple as walking to the front door of the,” she paused as she thought of the name, “Moxie, and being granted entry, he would hardly offer to pay 1250 gold. However, we did accept the retainer,” she stared at the bag. “Though we did not check to see if he left 20 gold. Does anyone else find it odd that he said, ‘Come with or without him?’ Were we not hired to retrieve Jomnuth?”

Foresi glanced to each of the others, and blushed again as she closed her eyes and winced slightly. “My apologies,” she whispered. “I tend to ramble when I’m unsettled.”

2017-07-26, 03:08 AM
Sir. Wrindler subtley blinks then looks around as if he had a daydream or more accurately a daynightmare. He pauses briefly than answers Foresi's questions before anyone asks what was troubling him. "I would surmise that we are to return in order to defend Fox. 'The Vig' or any of his supporters will predictably launch a retaliatory strike if the function like common thugs." Wrindler tries to remember if he has heard the name Vig before from knights, nobles, or servants, but it was unlikely given his limited noble friends and fewer commoner ones.

2017-07-26, 09:57 AM
"We'll need a good plan," Brilaia says as she subtly looks around at the crowd. "But we may want to get out of here before trouble finds us."

2017-07-26, 10:23 AM
"Fine with me." says Profug, immediately standing up to leave. "I'm not really... comfortable with taverns. Bad memories."

2017-07-27, 10:27 AM

"I am unfamiliar with this area, perhaps one of you would be willing to stand as our compass and lead the way to a place we can speak more freely?" she asked, hopefully, as she stood. Being careful to say only as much as was necessary to convey what she wanted. Speculative rambling when she was among friends or the abbey was one thing. However, she was no longer in a place that found her quirks entertaining so she must be diligent and aware of her behavior.

2017-07-28, 01:01 AM
"A carriage. What we need is a carriage, with one of us driving it," Jerrimoth speaks as the party exits the tavern. "If we can find an unattended carriage, that would be excellent. Even if we find one with a driver, I should be able to secure it. But we need to find one first."

Perception check for a carriage: [roll0]

If Jerrimoth finds a carriage with a coachman, he intends to cast Minor Illusion to create a sound in the coachman's ear, so that he will hear what sounds like someone calling for help around the nearest corner, hopefully leaving his coach unattended. If the carriage is unattended, he simply intends to steal it.

2017-07-28, 02:03 AM
Not being the kind who steals Sir. Wrindler picks up the sack of coins on the table and offers an alternative to his companions. "This will easily be enough to rent a carriage considering we will need less than an hour."

2017-07-28, 02:06 AM
"A driver is a liability, and no coachman worth his salt will let us drive off in his carriage for such a meager sum," Jerrimoth protests, "Besides, the money could be better spent in other ways, such as on equipment, or information, or possibly to bribe a guard if need be."

2017-07-28, 07:39 AM
A unyoked carriage is drawn up behind the inn, it's horses secured by a groom reading a book and a dog sleeping in the corner last you checked.

2017-07-30, 03:17 AM
Wrindler looks to Jerrimoth "I'll let you try your way. If it does not work we could find a flat tract of land right outside town where there are no places for a spy to hide."

2017-07-30, 09:38 PM
Jerrimoth nods to Wrindler in appreciation, "If I recall correctly, there is a coach nearby that should do nicely for our purposes. Give me just a moment."

Jerrimoth creeps around to the rear of the inn, quickly spotting the stable groom and the dog. Carefully, quietly, he intones a cantrip to try and draw the groom's attention away.

Stealth roll to approach unnoticed: [roll0]

Assuming he's successfully sneaky (it's not his strongest suit), Jerrimoth will cast Minor Illusion to create a sound in the ear of the groom. The sound will be tailored to sound like a distant shout - Fox calling the groom from the front of the tavern.

Edit: And now that I've seen the roll: He's going to cast the spell anyway, just hoping that the groom doesn't realize what he's doing before he hears "Fox" calling.

2017-07-31, 06:57 AM
The dog ***** a ear. "What does that geezer want - be with you in a minute."

2017-07-31, 03:04 PM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia watches Jerrimoth walk outside. "I've got a baaaad feeling about this," she comments to nobody in particular, though she follows him and watches from the door.

2017-07-31, 09:48 PM
Jerrimoth notices the dog's ear perking up, and thinks quickly. Using another cantrip, he gives the book abandoned by the groom the flavor of meat and peanut butter, then creates the appropriate scent to try and attract the dog.

Prestidigitation twice, as described above. Assuming this works, Jerrimoth will proceed to yoke the horses to the carriage and drive around to fetch the party.

2017-08-01, 12:50 PM
Foresi watched as flare of arcane power curled around the abandoned book. She flinched at the unnatural smells radiating away from it, and stepped out into the open as she cast animal friendship upon herself. As she finished she knelt on the ground, facing the dog. "Loyal one," she greeted, careful to keep her teeth covered and not meet its gaze directly. "Are you charged with protecting your master's property, is that why you rest here? If it is not, please ignore our actions." She paused as she thought how to word the next part. "We are acting to ensure the recovery of a loyal companion. We have need of," she glanced toward the carriage, "to see us swiftly to his side."

2017-08-01, 03:02 PM
The dog looks up curiously from the book its munching, and happily pants. Creak. The dog snarls and lunges at Jerrimoth, reins just out of reach.

Roll initiative. I'll do it for you.

Dog - [roll0]

2017-08-01, 03:09 PM





2017-08-01, 03:19 PM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia watches the situation with the dog unfold. "I refuse to fight a poor animal who was provoked by us."

2017-08-01, 03:28 PM

He trips over the dragonborns feet and tumbles past Jerrimoth, barking up a storm. "What's going on?" "Bart, deal with that infernal noise!"

2017-08-01, 05:58 PM
Sir. Wrindler will step between the dog and everyone else gauging it's hostility.

If the dog attacks Wrindler or moves around him to attack someone else he will grapple it.

2017-08-04, 03:47 AM
Foresi climbed to her feet, embarrassed and annoyed that her attempt to act kindly with the cursed canine failed. She pulled up to her full height and stared down at the dog, as she growled from deep within her chest. "Be quiet!"

Intimidation check: [roll0]

2017-08-04, 07:18 AM

The dog gives you a look that makes your knees knock. In his eyes you can see a diagram of humanoid anatomy, focusing on where your throat wont be if you interrupt again.

It is about this time that you realized the dog was part warg.

2017-08-04, 07:32 AM
"Oh for..." Profug sighs and says to Foresi, "It's a dog. It can't understand speech." He takes the meat-and-peanut-butter-flavored book, dangles it in front of the dog's eyes and slowly turns, hoping to draw the dog away from the carriage to behind them.

2017-08-04, 07:44 AM
"You want to bet, dwarf?"

2017-08-04, 09:45 AM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia blinks her eyes in surprise at the response, and a nervous giggle escapes her lips before she can clamp it down. She looks around to see if anyone is watching.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-08-04, 10:00 AM
Aside from the rapidly approaching footsteps inside, you're on your own.

2017-08-04, 12:37 PM
It dawns on Wrindler that this dog could now describe him to guards. He ignores thoughts of being imprisoned and focuses. "Why did you engage in hostility when you could talk?" Sir. Wrindler maintains his readied action to grapple.


2017-08-05, 01:50 PM
"You don't know when to quit, do you? Find another carriage before they find you a cell."

2017-08-06, 12:06 AM
"How about my alternate plan, everyone?"

2017-08-06, 11:42 AM
Foresi - white dragonborn, cleric of Chislev

"I find myself in certain agreement with Sir Windler," she stated as she watched the unnatural creature. It was not wholly a monstrosity, therefore it was not her duty to ensure it was removed from the natural world. However, the sooner she was away from the creature that was neither wholly beast nor wholly a monster the more settled and able to focus she would be. "The carriage was a convenient way to acquire privacy, not our only method of doing so. We have no need of this specific carriage and it would be foolish to challenge the determination of this loyal guardian, because we are embarrassed." She slightly inclined her head to the guardian and moved to stand beside Sir Windler.

2017-08-06, 06:57 PM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia sweeps her arm in the classic "after you" motion. "Yes, let's find something less theivingly."

2017-08-16, 09:17 PM
Jerrimoth nods slowly, keeping his eyes trained on the warg-hound. "Very well. We'll find another way. He continues to face the dog warily as the group leaves the area.

2017-08-17, 08:38 PM
Upon leaving Sir. Wrindler walks toward one of the exits of the town and reexplains his idea to speak out in the plains just a little outside the city. If we are uninterrupted Wrindler will look around before anyone starts talking strategy.

At least it's not a natural 1.

2017-08-25, 01:46 AM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia follows the group back through the tavern and into the fields. This doesn't look suspicious at all, she thinks to herself as they walk through the town. Nonetheless, she keeps her hand on her shortsword as she walks, eyes darting around for anyone who may be following them. "What is our plan? Anyone have any ideas how to proceed?"

Perception: [roll0]

2017-08-26, 07:53 PM
Ungart furrows his brow in concentration. "How about the direct approach? We walk up to the Vig's door, request a meeting and if it gets denied or falls through, we start smashing them up."

2017-08-28, 12:04 PM
"Excellent. Wonderful plan. But first, might I recommend we find a notary public to make sure our final arrangements are in order?" Jerrimoth's voice dripped with sarcasm as he addressed the dwarf's plan, "A direct approach would be suicide. This 'Vig' seems the type to have his estate well-guarded by all manner of... unsavory characters. Some manner of subterfuge will be necessary to successfully infiltrate his dwelling."

2017-08-28, 01:16 PM
Brilaia Sunechild ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1279505)
First Level Paladin
HP: 11/11 AC: 17 Concentrating on: --

Brilaia nods her head. "I agree. We don't have much time, but I would to at least like to scout out the location. Observe guard patterns." Her horned forehead wrinkles in thought for a few moments. "Also, Sune preaches that Beauty is more than skin deep. Is it possible there is much going on here we know nothing of?"

2017-08-28, 03:25 PM
Sir. Wrindler draws on his tactical training from his fathers knights and scholarly advisers. "First I would prefer a secret entrance over the main entrance, but we may not find one. Second if we have stealth I don't think it will last the whole mission, and we can assume we will be outnumbered once we are discovered. Third we don't yet know what we are up against, but have less than a day to scout." Wrindler quickly looks over each party member. "Profug you look like you could pop doors off their hinges with your crowbar and I can help if you need it. I would like an escape route if we are being beaten so we aren't locked in." After he finishes Wrindler continues contemplating what the building might be like and how many are guarding the Vig.

2017-08-29, 09:13 AM
Foresi listened to the others carefully, absently flicking her tail as they made their opinions known. After Sir Windler finished speaking, she opened her mouth to speak, closed it, shook her head for a moment, before blurting, "I am hardly steathly!" Her shoulders sagged. "Your thoughts reveal you to be careful and strategic planners. So far we know little more than Fox has spoken of. Am I wrong to believe the Moxie, is a location where wagers are made?" She nibbled on her lower lip before saying, "I am aware of gambling, just not the reasons for placing a wager upon a cockatrice. Could we not enter as patrons? Though admittedly, these thoughts of mine are more forthright in nature than they are stealthy."

2017-08-29, 07:57 PM
Jerrimoth nodded in agreement, "Now that is a plan I can get behind. Although I am also in agreement with the crusader," he indicated Brilaia with a tilt of the head, "Intel regarding the inside of the compound would be highly valuable. As for our tactical abilities, I can contribute my elementary knowledge of the arcane to this little adventure. I know of a few spell formulas," he removed a notebook from a leather sheath on his hip, its pages filled with scribblings resembling alchemical formulas, "In particular, this formula here..." he pointed to a page in the book, "...creates a cloud of fog to provide cover for stealth, or for a retreat. And..." he flipped the page, "...this one is a ritual that I can use to provide myself with the ability to sense the arcane for up to 10 minutes, so long as I maintain concentration. I have a few other tricks, but those are the most relevant to the current situation. Of note is the fact that, excluding the ritual, I have only ever managed to muster enough arcane energy to fuel two reactions before I exhaust my reserves."

I have Fog Cloud and Detect Magic. I can cast the latter as a ritual, but otherwise I only have two spell slots.

2017-08-31, 04:38 AM
Profug looks perplexedly at the arcane formulae. "How do you manage to understand anything from those random scribblings?"

2017-08-31, 11:04 AM
Sir. Wrindler looks at the spell book with interest and the faintest degree of comprehension. "The detection magic sounds useful for scouting and the fog would be great for a retreat." Wrindler is interested in magic because I plan to make him an Eldrich knight when we get to the right level.

2017-09-02, 11:36 PM
Jerrimoth chuckled slightly, then coughed, "Confusing, perhaps, but hardly random. I'm an alchemist by trade, you see. These symbols are alchemical shorthand that I've co-opted for spell notation." Then, to Wrindler: "Precisely what I was thinking. Of course, I must use my resources wisely or else we could find ourselves in rather a sticky situation."