View Full Version : Romancing Deadeye [IC]

2017-07-24, 09:19 AM
You wake up in a hospital bed. Your head hurts, your body hurts, and everything is just a little bit fuzzy. And, sitting on a chair, snoring loudly, is her.

The cause of your hospital trip. The prodigy of your school. The person you've never met before.



She's drooling, a little bit. She's a messy sleeper.

2017-07-24, 07:46 PM

There is a brief moment where Madison takes in the scenery.

She then dozes off again.

2017-07-24, 08:53 PM
Venus had been about to doze back off. But something was troubling the back of her mind.

****! I had mocktrial today She swore practically immediately sitting up in bed, before her head started to get woozy.

2017-07-24, 08:55 PM
Whagh! Deadeye lets out as she bolts upright. I-crap! she says as she falls off the chair, then scrambles over to where Venus is. Hey! So... Um... Hi.

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-24, 09:16 PM
"Hello?" Kathryn sat up, rubbing her head. "Wait. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't you just blow us up, or something? I don't quite remember what happened."

2017-07-24, 09:42 PM
Maybe! Okay, yes. But I didn't mean to! It was an accident, honestly! she says. I mean, I'm really sorry. I was just testing a few things, and things got out of hand, and stuff started to spark... Sorry.

2017-07-24, 09:58 PM
What. What time is it? Venus asks looking around panicked for a clock.

2017-07-24, 10:06 PM
Deadeye ***** her head a moment, and answers 1 o clock. PM.

2017-07-24, 11:14 PM
Deadeye ***** her head a moment, and answers 1 o clock. PM.

Oh there's still time. My suit was ruined, but my injures should earn me sympathy from the jury. Venus remarks looking down on herself.

2017-07-25, 11:46 AM
Well, you are in the hospital for a reason. Still, you could- Deadeye starts, before being interrupted by the door opening.

"Why are you up?" the doctor, a young woman in scrubs, asks. "You're supposed to be getting rest! All of you! You're not even supposed to be in here, Miss," she adds to Deadeye.

2017-07-25, 01:50 PM
Well, you are in the hospital for a reason. Still, you could- Deadeye starts, before being interrupted by the door opening.

"Why are you up?" the doctor, a young woman in scrubs, asks. "You're supposed to be getting rest! All of you! You're not even supposed to be in here, Miss," she adds to Deadeye.

I have mock trial. Venus retorts starting to woozily attempt to get out of the bed.

2017-07-25, 02:01 PM
"You have a concussion is what you have. And you aren't even supposed to be in this room, young lady!" she says to Deadeye. "Now, are you going to work with me, or do I need to call security again?"


Skill or Conflict, d6, DC 5. 2 VP. Get the doctor to stand down.

2017-07-25, 02:16 PM
Maddie yawns and wakes up while the doctor and Venus are fighting. Too tired to speak but clearly aware of the situation, she gets up and starts half-sleepwalking. Hopefully the doctor didn't notice, She somehow manages to fill out the appropriate forms, file out a slip, and attempt to excuse Venus on account of good health. All after having largely disguised herself using a pair of scrubs that someone left around.

"...Here are the appropriate forms. Venus is excused."

Amateur Novelist+Cosplay Enthusiast=+4 Skill.

As a note, the scrubs are not the only part of the disguise. Obviously the doctor would recognize them if they still had their cat-eared hood on along with the pink hair, so she seems to have dyed it somehow and removed the hood. So she's going to count as having "crafted" a disguise regardless.

2017-07-25, 02:47 PM
Unless my parents are here, I can't make my own decisions about whether I stay here as long as I fill out forms stating that I am leaving against medical advice. Venus started, sternly. Starting to draw attention as much from the firmness of the argument, as being a half naked nymph.

Now get me the forms.... So I can sign them, so I can get to my mock trial. Venus demanded crossing her arms under her chest which had the effect of supporting it.

Oh... Thank you Maggie. Venus replied taking the forms with a small blush.

Verbal barrage (+2), Connections (+2) =+4

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-25, 02:58 PM
Kathryn stands up, barely managing to avoid stumbling. She carefully walks over to the docter and tries - not necessarily succeeds, but certainly tries - to loom over her as she speaks."We're fine, doctor. We're good enough to walk and talk, and that's all we need. In particular, she's hardly going to get a good recovery if she's stuck here stressing out about missing her mock trial, and we're hardly going to get a good recovery if we're stuck here stressing out about our friend's mock trial. I know that you don't want to worsen our recovery, of course."

Strong Conflict + Verbal Barrage + Hiss! = +5 Conflict.

2017-07-25, 03:54 PM
You all succeed! DC 5 is not that high, apparently.

So yeah, don't even need to roll. 2 VP for everyone!

"Oh. I... Um... I'm..."

Great! Let's get going! Deadeye says, bowling past the flustered doctor as she grabs Venus's hand and pulls her along. Are you guys coming? You're her friends, right, so you should support her.

2017-07-25, 03:57 PM
"I'm coming! Also my name is Maddie." And before the doctor says anything, Maddie skips along.

2017-07-25, 04:00 PM
Oh uh I'm sorry. Venus replies with a wince towards Maddie, as she blushes when Deadeye grabs her hand.

Don't don't pull so hard. She added with a second wince, as her other hand went to hug her torso.

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-26, 04:45 AM
"My name's Kathryn. Kathryn Moore. You can just call me Kat for short, though. Everyone always does. No idea why," Kathryn adds with a smirk, twitching her ears, "but apparently it just suits me.

To be honest," she adds, once the doctor is out of earshot, "I wouldn't exactly call us all 'friends'. I'm only speaking for myself, of course, but I don't really know very many people that well. I just said what I thought would quickly get us out of there, and it looks like it worked. But I think I'll tag along anyways, if it's alright. I've got a fair amount of free time, and not very many ways to spend it."

2017-07-26, 10:43 AM
Right. Well, the hospital's not too far from the school, although unless any of you have a random car here... Deadeye says as you head down a flight of stairs. I guess we're hitchhiking?

The stairs exit right near the hospital's front doors, and you all manage to slip out without anyone taking too much notice. Outside, the parking lot is about half-full, and a busy road is just past it.

So we just stick our thumbs out, right? That's how you hitchhike?

Hitchhike away! Luck d4, Allure d7. DC is 6, unopposed, and worth 2 VP.

2017-07-26, 12:12 PM
Fortunately, Maddie seemed to know the way.

"Everybody, follow me!"

Maddie guided everyone over.

She then realized that she had no idea where she was going, smiled, and asked for directions.

"Hey!" Maddie poked on a random person's back. "I-I'm lost... Do you know the way to the school, nearby?" She then gave them puppy dog eyes. She suddenly seemed to be in much worse shape.

I'm assuming that the Luck and Allure roll are both options. In that case, I don't have any chance of winning the Luck roll without seriously stretching my luck (both the stat and my real life luck), so the Allure roll it is.

Strong Allure+Cosplay Enthusiast+Moe Enthusiast=+4 Allure

2017-07-26, 02:06 PM
Venus for her part was already schmoozing some lady cop who looked like it was her first day on the beat. And who seemed to have trouble meeting Venus in the eyes.

So that's what happened, we're trying to get back to school to that I can be at my mock trial, but we're a bit lost can you help us out. Venus replied.

Strong allure, Supernaturally attractive, Connections. +5

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-29, 06:39 AM
"Something like that? I don't know, I've never exactly done it before."

Half-heartedly, Kathryn stuck out her thumb. She still felt a bit dazed, and not only failed to notice that the others already seemed to have solutions figured out, but also failed to keep herself from glowering at any cars that passed by. Needless to say, this did not assist in obtaining a ride.

Allure check. Weak Allure + Hiss! + Personality Flip = -5 Allure.

2017-07-29, 10:34 AM
Maddie: [roll0]
Venus: Passes
Kathryn: Fails

Looking at Venus and Maddie, and then more hesitatingly at Kathryn, the man Maddie is talking to says "Yeah, I can give you a lift. Erin!" he says to the cop, who's looking at Venus.

"Yeah?" the woman responds.

"I'll take these kids to school-it's on my way anyway."

"You know I'm not supposed to let some stranger-"

"I'm not a stranger!" the man says. "Come on-saves you some trouble."

"Alright," Erin says. "Just be responsible."

"Come on, kids," he says. "Get in."

Shotgun! Deadeye declares, going for the indicated seat.

2017-07-29, 10:50 AM
"...I was asking for directions, not a lift!" Maddie sighs. "...Fine.
But if you take me somewhere scary, Kathryn and I will claw you to bits. Also Deadeye will make you explode." Maddie goes "hrumph" and gets in the backseat.

2017-07-29, 10:52 AM
"...I was asking for directions, not a lift!" Maddie sighs. "...Fine.
But if you take me somewhere scary, Kathryn and I will claw you to bits. Also Deadeye will make you explode." Maddie goes "hrumph" and gets in the backseat.

"Kid, you've got someone hitchhiking over there, and I overheard the conversation. You're looking for a ride," he says with a chuckle. "I'm Adam, by the way-just so I'm not a stranger."

2017-07-29, 01:29 PM
It's a pleasure to meet you, Adam. Venus replied with a wince clenching her side with one arm and the another moving for a handshake.

2017-07-29, 09:52 PM
Adam shakes Venus's hand with a friendly smile. "Come on, get in the back-it's a ten minute drive, so we might as well get going."

Once everyone is in, Adam sets off for the school. "So what's the big rush anyway?"

2017-07-29, 10:49 PM
Adam shakes Venus's hand with a friendly smile. "Come on, get in the back-it's a ten minute drive, so we might as well get going."

Once everyone is in, Adam sets off for the school. "So what's the big rush anyway?"

I have mock trial, and I can't miss it. Venus explains.

Thank god I have a change of clothes in my locker. It's not a suit, but it'll do... She remarks at seeing how much cleavage she was showing in the rearview mirror.

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-30, 06:48 AM
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'm not exactly experienced with courtrooms, but I feel like there's a certain point where the wardrobe malfunctions become a bit too much. How close even were you to that explosion?"

2017-07-30, 08:29 AM
"...Yeah..." Maddie nodded. "I have a spare change of clothes in my locker too, but it's not exactly... conventional."

2017-07-30, 09:51 AM
"Wait-explosion?" Adam asks.

I, uh, may have had an experiment go slightly awry... Deadeye confesses.

Adam sighs. "Kids these days... You guys sure you're good to go?" he asks, with concern in his voice.

Of course!

As you respond to Adam, you see the school coming up on the road. Adam pulls in to the parking lot, getting as close to the school as he can before letting you all out. "Alright-stay in school, don't do drugs, and, can't believe I'm saying this, no more explosions!"

Once you're all on the sidewalk leading up to the school, Adam drives off with a friendly wave.

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-30, 02:41 PM
"Wasn't a big explosion," Kathryn muttered. "Just knocked us out, is all.

Wait a minute. Deadeye, were you not caught in the blast, or something? You don't look like you were blown up."

2017-07-30, 03:19 PM
Maybe Deadeye is just tougher then the rest of us? Venus muses with a raised eyebrow.

2017-07-30, 06:58 PM
I mean, I guess? It helps that I think I'm about 28% robot at this point. Plus experience-that helps with concussions, right?

2017-07-30, 07:06 PM
"I don't... think so?" Maddie tilts her head.

2017-07-30, 07:07 PM
So where are your guys' lockers? And Venus, when's your trial? We still on time?

2017-07-30, 07:22 PM
"Oh! Uh, my locker is down on the second floor. Or is that up?" Maddie stumbles.

"Uh, either way, it's right next to the library."

Sicarius Victis
2017-07-30, 09:31 PM
"Fair enough. Then are your clothes explosion-proof, or did you just have spares?

And my lockers nearby, I think? I'm still a bit dizzy, so I could be mistaken."

2017-07-30, 09:34 PM
Do you remember your locker numbers? Deadeye asks. And yeah, they're made of a kevlar-laminar base, with some metal weave in there. Surprisingly comfortable!

2017-07-30, 09:53 PM
Venus immediately started running.

In her mind, in reality she was stumbling to her locker.

Yeah, yeah we're good on time. She assured Deadeye.

Locker, first floor in the back. She said gesturing. By the science wing. She replied heading there as they spoke.

Once there, she immediately opens her locker and starts throwing on her spare set of clothes. A tight, but not low cut short sleeved shirt, and a medium length finely ironed skirt.

How do I look? She asked hurriedly.

2017-07-30, 09:58 PM
Deadeye follows Venus, shrugging her shoulders at the other two girls. I guess we'll meet back in the cafeteria?

Once Venus starts dressing, Deadeye accidentally plows into her, not stopping her walking in time. Sorry! Sorry, she says, fiddling with her visor. Stupid thing isn't working right... You look great! I think.

2017-07-30, 10:32 PM
Deadeye follows Venus, shrugging her shoulders at the other two girls. I guess we'll meet back in the cafeteria?

Once Venus starts dressing, Deadeye accidentally plows into her, not stopping her walking in time. Sorry! Sorry, she says, fiddling with her visor. Stupid thing isn't working right... You look great! I think.

Deadeye having walked into her chest, just gets Venus to roll her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, heard that a dozen times before. She adds with a grin.

2017-07-31, 09:34 AM
It's... Eh, whatever. Let's head for the cafeteria, meet up with the others, then head for your trial, Deadeye says, grabbing Venus's hand and taking her there.

Illven, Imma need more details on this mock trial, so I can run it.

Sicarius Victis
2017-08-04, 06:35 AM
After retrieving and throwing on some intact clothes, Kathryn found herself eyeing her new companions curiously. "So, Venus, what kind of trial would this be? I've never been one for law studies, but I am getting a bit curious."

2017-08-04, 01:42 PM
Well we're getting a case where someone was charged of first degree murder, but the evidence is shaky. Venus explained. It'll be really hard for the plaintiff to make the burden of proof, we're the defendants of course. Venus started.

2017-08-04, 09:23 PM
Sounds cool, Deadeye says as the group arrives outside Venus' classroom. And it looks like we're on time too! Well, you are.

2017-08-04, 11:48 PM
Thank you. Venus said quickly hugging Deadeye.

2017-08-05, 04:35 PM
The door opens, and a student walks out. He pauses, and calls back in to the classroom "Hey Miss Hanner, Venus is here!"

"What?" Miss Hanner responds. "Isn't she in the hospital?"

2017-08-05, 07:06 PM
The door opens, and a student walks out. He pauses, and calls back in to the classroom "Hey Miss Hanner, Venus is here!"

"What?" Miss Hanner responds. "Isn't she in the hospital?"

Not anymore. Venus replied strolling into the classroom. And hoping no one noticed the limp.

2017-08-05, 07:11 PM
"Ah. Well then... I guess we'll-"

And we're here too! Deadeye says as she strolls in.

"Um... Miss Harker, I don't see-"

No, it's cool. I'm off from my usual studies.

"But... One does not simply stroll in to another classroom!"

Okay-there are two ways this can go.

1) You argue with the teacher, and the one with the best argument (as determined by rolls) gets some VP with Deadeye.

2) The teacher manages to get your butts back in class, and Venus's trial happens off-screen. You'll meet up with Deadeye later, which we will, of course, skip to.

I'd prefer option two, since I'm not sure how to run a mock trial, but I'll leave it up to you guys.

2017-08-05, 07:59 PM

And Maddie proceeds to leave the mock trial room and head over to her next class.

2017-08-05, 08:14 PM

"I suggest you join your friend, Miss Harker," Miss Hanner says. Deadeye sighs, and heads out, closing the door behind her.

As she does, she does say Hey, meet me in the science department after school, 'kay, Venus?

Once outside, she walks with Maddie and Kathryn as well, and before leaving, asks them to meet her in the same spot.

After school, in the science department. You've all been here before, but, when asking where Deadeye is, are directed deeper than you've ever been before. You knew this school had a well-funded science division, but not quite THIS well-funded.

Deep in the bowels of technology, you find Deadeye facing away from you, hunched over a table, working on what appears to be her visor.

2017-08-05, 08:42 PM
"Uh, hello?"

Maddie is a little bit nervous about interrupting Deadeye while she's working with such expensive equipment. Don't want to blow up again.

2017-08-05, 08:49 PM
Hm? Deadeye lets out, looking up, but still facing away. Oh crap, that was the last bell. Um, she says, starting to scramble around a little. Her hands pass over a variety of tools, eventually grabbing the cloth they're all sitting on. She pulls it up, and the tools go clattering on the table. Double crap, she mutters, as she lifts up the cloth, starting to tie it around her head.

2017-08-05, 08:52 PM
"Are you trying out magic tricks?" Maddie says. "I love magic tricks!"

I just love how Maddie is completely oblivious to what's going on.

Alas, I never actually remembered to describe what exactly my character is wearing...

2017-08-05, 09:37 PM
Is uh, everything okay? Venus asked concerned.

2017-08-05, 09:45 PM
Yeah, fine, fine! Deadeye says, tying the cloth around her face in an improvised bandanna. She turns to face you guys, looking slightly to your left. So, yeah, hi! Sorry-I lsot track of time.

Find out what the haig is going on.

Conflict or skill d6, unopposed. DC 9, 4 VP.

2017-08-06, 09:29 AM
"Hmm, wait." Madison realizes: something was up. She needed to get to the bottom of this.

Suddenly, she takes out a piece of paper. Proceeding to try and recall what she saw, she begins drawing it out. There is sweat on her brow as she does this.

She at first has too much trouble with this, but suddenly a lab rat in a cage nearby begins squeaking. Madison looks at the lab rat. She swears to god there's some similarity between the lab rat and Deadeye...

My odds of succeeding on this roll are rather slim even with the bonus... At least I tried.

Amateur Novelist+Animal Affinity=+3 Skill

Sicarius Victis
2017-08-08, 05:20 AM
"Oh, no, no, no. It's clear that something's wrong, and considering that the last time something was wrong for you with us around got us blown up, I think we deserve an explanation. Maybe we can help. At the very least, maybe this time we can prevent an explosion. If something's wrong, tell us. We're your friends now - at least, I think so - so if something's wrong, we should know."

Strong Conflict +1, Hiss +2, Verbal Barrage +2, and Personality Flip +2, for a total of +7.

2017-08-08, 01:23 PM
Venus for her part was typically in suits, or relatively conservative clothing.

So her flipping up her shirt and flashing Deadeye was particularly enticing from how much more she showed now.

Just tell us what's wrong.

Less is more to copy Sic's mod.

2017-08-08, 06:26 PM
[roll0] for Madison
[roll1] for Kathryn
[roll2] for Venus

4 VP for Kat and Venus

Deadeye ***** her head a little when she hears the rustle of cloth from where Venus is, but shrinks a little from Kathryn's verbal barrage. I... Well... It's nothing that bad! I just...

Do you guys promise me you won't judge? she says, and, after waiting a moment, sighs and carries on. I'm pretty much blind, she says, undoing the cloth and revealing a blistered, scarred visage beneath where her visor would usually be. One eye is missing entirely, a few wires in its place, and the other eye is swollen and bloody. And I don't like people knowing, because my visor works! It's fine! I don't need any help-I do NOT need any pity. I just...

I don't, okay?

2017-08-08, 07:23 PM
For what it's worth. Venus said putting her shirt back down and blushing. I wouldn't have known if you haven't told me.

2017-08-08, 07:52 PM
...Yeah, Maddie had forgotten. Or rather, she's not sure she had really seen in the first place...

Either way, Maddie smiles upon hearing Deadeye admit that she was blind.

"It's fine! No need to worry!" Maddie beams. "I won't judge you."

2017-08-08, 08:08 PM
Deadeye looks away, covering her face. People say that. They always do.

2017-08-08, 08:21 PM
Deadeye looks away, covering her face. People say that. They always do.

"No! I mean it!" Maddie breaks out in tears. "I really won't see you any differently! Trust me!"

2017-08-08, 09:59 PM
So you can't see, big deal. Venus replies with a shrug. I like you for you, not your eyes.

2017-08-08, 10:02 PM
You're going to think less of me. It's happened before. People just think I'm a useless cripple, she says, sitting back down and staring (almost) at her visor. I... I asked you guys to meet me here, right?

2017-08-08, 11:15 PM
You're going to think less of me. It's happened before. People just think I'm a useless cripple, she says, sitting back down and staring (almost) at her visor. I... I asked you guys to meet me here, right?

Yes. And I'll stay as long as there isn't another explosion. Venus teased.

Sicarius Victis
2017-08-09, 03:55 AM
"Really, Deadeye? Just think for a moment, won't you? You literally blew us up, and we were still willing to be friends with you. You really think something like this will change our minds so easily? You, my friend, still have a lot to learn about us."

2017-08-09, 10:57 AM
Deadeye lets out a sound-a choked mixture between a laugh and a sob. Yeah... I guess that's true. Do you mind helping me reattach the visor? It has blueprints of most places I go, and I was working on a subsystem to detect people and objects better.

She reaches for her visor, and accidentally knocks it off the table, not quite seeing where it is. It goes towards the ground, and time almost seems to slow. Can you catch it?

2 VP, opposed, skill, minimum DC 8, d6 roll.

2017-08-09, 11:27 AM
Suddenly, a cat appears out of nowhere! It tries to catch Deadeye's visor...

Holy ****, JNA. This is literally the only possible way in which I even have a chance to succeed at this roll. Huge stretch, but you are really limiting my options here. I'm normally a bit more conservative with power usage than this, but Jesus Christ.

Animal Affinity=+2 Skill

2017-08-09, 01:39 PM
Venus still shaking up from the blast, tries to go for the visor, but trips and falls.

I literally can't make this roll.

2017-08-09, 10:03 PM
But fails. (The cat does.)

The visor falls to the ground, and there's a loud crack! as the glass in the front breaks, as well as a quieter crunch as more internal mechanisms go kaput.

Oh... That's... Deadeye says, quietly. She turns in your general direction. Can you tell me how bad it is?

2017-08-09, 10:10 PM
There's a crack in the front of the glass. Venus replies picking it up.

I don't know enough tech to know more then that though. She remarks.

2017-08-09, 10:12 PM
Okay, okay-that's not terrible. So long as the internal mechanisms aren't broken or anything, it should be fine. Here-put it in my hands, Deadeye says. Imma plug it back in.

2017-08-09, 11:05 PM
Okay, okay-that's not terrible. So long as the internal mechanisms aren't broken or anything, it should be fine. Here-put it in my hands, Deadeye says. Imma plug it back in.

Here you go. Venus replied doing as requested.

Sicarius Victis
2017-08-09, 11:10 PM
"And suddenly, a cat," Kathryn muttered. "I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore."

2017-08-09, 11:12 PM
Really? Where? Deadeye asks, as she fiddles with the visor's wiring. She places it on her head, and you hear a loud Zz-zap! sound, see a bright flash, and then Conk! as Deadeye's head smacks into the table, visor partially in.

She appears to be unconscious.

2017-08-09, 11:47 PM
Maddie, call 911! Venus remarks, immediately rushing to Deadeye and trying to rouse her.

2017-08-10, 10:50 AM
The past few seconds flabbergasted Maddie. She doesn't really even know what's going on anymore.

That said...

"I'm on it!" Maddie took out her cell phone and called 911.

2017-08-10, 10:59 AM
"Tell me what the problem is," a man on the other end of the phone answers Maddie. When she relates Deadeye's condition, there's a moment of confusion, but the man pulls himself together, ignoring the situations oddities, and says "Yes ma'am. I'll have an ambulance coming right away."