View Full Version : Difficult decisions on my light cleric

2017-07-24, 10:33 AM
Hello, I just made a Ghostwise Halfling Light Cleric lvl 4 for the campaign my friends and I are playing. I rolled all of my stats in front of the DM (roll 4d6, drop lowest).

I am looking to lvl up as a light cleric all the way with no multiclassing.

I have been enjoying the ability to use my damaging spells effectively while having healing spells on hand when needed.

At this point, I have to choose between stats or a feat at lvl 4.

It is a tough decision, because my stats are:

Str 8
Dex 14 (due to racial +2)
Con 12
Int 11
Wis 19 (due to racial +1, and a ring +1)
Cha 11

I know that getting the last +1 wis is really good because at 20 I have the +5 modifier which is really great in a lot of ways. But if I do that, what would I put the other point in? I was thinking I could do 1 wis and 1 con, then I could eventually get the feat Resilient (con), bringing me to 14 con.

My second option, is to get Observant (wis), as that would bring me to 20 wis, and gives me great perception and investigation.

I also really want the War Caster feat, but it doesn't seem as good as the 20 wis, because it only really benefits me when I can use my reaction to make a cantrip attack, whereas the 20 wis makes my spell attacks, ability checks, and healing stronger.

Right now I am thinking the best option is to get Observant (wis) at lvl 4, that caps my wis at 20. Then at lvl 8 get War Caster. Then at lvl 12 get 2 con or Resilient (con)

What are your thoughts/advice?


2017-07-24, 10:54 AM
+1 wis +1 con, get resilent con at 8. happy days.

but, if your shield and weapon 24/7 get the combat casting, (unless your DM is letting you sheathe your weapon to cast spells and pull it back out next round, which you can do per RAW, but what isnt clear is if you need both hands free, or rather, does a shield stop you casting, assuming a wand doesn't, does that mean you can cast with a weapon, but not a shield??? im not sure...)

2017-07-24, 11:02 AM
Here's the thing:

You're almost lv5.

As a spellcaster, third level spells open up a whole new world. You get your first taste of the big spells.

Spirit Guardians is one of the best Concentration spells in the game, as far as damage spells go. You'll want a good Concentration check for that. You also get Fireball as a Light Cleric, which just... Fireball rules. It really does.

Alternatively, just focus your Concentration on the classic spell Bless and blast away otherwise with the likes of Fireball and Scorching Ray.

It really depends on your style. Are you the Cleric who wades into the fray, taking a couple hits, or are you the kind who sits in the back blasting away at enemies?

2017-07-24, 11:19 AM
+2 to constitution...

p.s. Try and get multiclassed into the new Deep Stalker Ranger so you have excellent dark vision (along with a crap ton of other goodies). Or get your hands on the magical Goggles of Night.

Edited for the p.s.

2017-07-24, 11:41 AM
Definitely +1 Wis/Con. As a Light Cleric, you should be walking around with a Shield and a free hand, and hanging out in the back with the spell casters. While Warcaster is a great feat, and one I really love to have on my Clerics, your stats aren't set-up with an odd number in Con. Grabbing Resilient Con at level 8 to push your Con up to 14 and gaining Con save proficiency is more important than Warcaster's advantage on Concentration checks and using a spell as a reaction attack.

In place of Warcaster, I would seriously consider grabbing Lucky on a Light Cleric (after you've maxed Wisdom and picked up Resilient Con). It's very fitting to have that plus the Halfing's natural re-rolling of 1's. It also serves a similar purpose to Warcaster in allowing you to roll advantage on important concentration checks should you need it.

You brought up Observant as another option. Are you serving as the party scout? I also absolutely love grabbing Observant on my Clerics and Rogues, but if you're not the party scout, increasing the DC for a Light Cleric is more important imo.

2017-07-25, 03:23 AM
Healer is also good. Frees up your spells for burning.

2017-07-25, 06:14 AM
+1 Wis/Con