View Full Version : Sorc/Rogue Kobold

2017-07-24, 07:52 PM
So, while putsing around with my friend late one night, we came up with a fun character idea of a Kobold Draconic Sorcerer/ Thief and I figured "Hey, I could make this work". Using standard array and at a level 5 Sorc2/Rogue3, his scores are currently Str:10, Dex:17, Con:13, Int:8, Wis:10, Cha:14.

He's rockin spells like Message, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Jump, Shield, and Sleep. Now, I know that Jump is super bad normally, but being a Kobold with the hit to strength, I figured it'd be useful while doing roof-running and such, as for the rest of his spells, they are mostly distractions, diversions, or Get-Outta-Jail-Free cards, Shield if they can hit his 16 AC, Sleep for quiet retreats, and so on. I'm wondering if I should go for a level in Rogue next for the ASI, or if I should go for the Sorc level to get some more slots.

As for what I'm doing with him, I was kinda going an Arcane Trickster route, but his "Mother" is a silver dragon, so he's a Draconic Sorcerer (long story). I'm hoping to kinda get some of the vaguely Gish playstyle with him, but more focusing on buffs and debuffs so his inner Rogue can shine.

2017-07-24, 08:07 PM
I like it. I don't think too many levels of sorcerer are needed - maybe level 3 for subtle metamagic. I think thief is really thematic for the kobold and will let him get away with a lot. Go nuts and have fun dude.

2017-07-25, 02:58 AM
Hmm. It's not bad. You could probably put BB and GFB to good use.

2017-07-25, 11:43 AM
You could probably put BB and GFB to good use.

Can I get sneak attack with either of those? I'm honestly still not 100% on how they work tbh...

2017-07-25, 11:50 AM
Can I get sneak attack with either of those? I'm honestly still not 100% on how they work tbh...

Yes, provided you're using a weapon that qualifies for sneak attack