View Full Version : Pathfinder : Playing the Ironfang Invasion

2017-07-25, 08:14 AM
Hey Playgrounds,

I'm DM'ing the ironfang Invasion for my player, and they just succesfully escaped Phaendar (In, I have to say, one of the best AP opening I ever played). Last session ended with them getting into the forest with the surviving citizens.

If anyone played that part, I'm really curious about some things :

- Did any of you used the militia rules ? Do they brings something interesting to the table ? (Or, at least, worth the time invested in learning a whole new set of rules)

- Did you really roll every morning the result of 20+ commoner actions ? I'm pretty sure the answer will be a definitive "Nope", so I'm curious about the way you used to keep the tension on the food supply, need for shelter, and so on...

- Did you let the player wander into the forest by themselve, or did you railroad them a bit to the Troglodyte cave and then to the Hobgobelin encampment ? (If you did, I would be really curious about the order of the event you had them play).

Thanks a lot for your help, and forgive me for my poor english, It's not my mother tongues.
