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2017-07-25, 03:23 PM
It is as though the gods favour this day. Sun shines from the sky as though Ptra himself smiles down on the celebration. Few white clouds drift across the blue sky in the early morning. The day has barely begun, but Arathus is already lively. The festivities are only kicking into gear. It looks like half the city is taking part in the feasting and entertainment while the other is set providing it. One assumes they switch somewhere down the line.

Arathus is a large city, and with the various visitors to the city, tens of thousands reside in the city and the areas around it. The High City, inhabited by nobility is a separate district at the city centre based around three hills, containing the ruler’s palace, temple of Djaf and temple of Ptra respectively. As the moniker ‘White City’ suggests, the city is mostly white. In the centre, marble and similar expensive materials are in evidence, whereas further out simple white paint has sufficed. Temples and public buildings tend to stand out, and the people prefer vibrant colours in their dress, which makes them stand out from the plain white. The streets of the central area are well planned, straight, clean and paved. As one travels to the outskirts, streets begin to wind, few major avenues and boulevards remain wide and paved whereas the side streets are increasingly merely packed dirt. The Low City is mostly clay brick, wood and stone. Most buildings overhang the streets.

The city is spaced with markets and plazas, all of which are now in use for the various events set to take place during the day. Outside the city the plains have been converted into areas of celebration as well, an right outside the eastern gate great stands have been erected for people to spectate some of the greater events that take place.

To the West of the city lie the great plains, with well-travelled road leading to Mordrad, others to Segards and other lesser cities and villages of the plains. The outside of the city is mostly flat land, farmland where suitable, empty where not. To the East lie the bone plains. They cover the relatively small distance to the Dragonspine Mountains. A few days of travel would bring a traveller to the foot of the mountains and Gates of Dawn that guard the Westward end of the great valley that cuts the mountain range in half. On the far side, the Gates of the Gods and the city of Tor can be found.

Right now, preparations are being made for the various contests. The largest of these events is to be held outside the city before the great audience. There are three skill categories: The Names, those sufficiently famous for their skill at arms that the organizers consider it unfair to pit them against regulars, the Seasoned, or those confident in their skills and eager for a true test, and the Newcomers, those who wish to begin careers and make names for themselves. One can enter any category at their own choice.

Elsewhere one finds smaller displays, showfights, archery competitions, as well as many distractions. Water, wine and beer are available, though the main eating and drinking are for later. The festival is an opportunity for many local proprietors, whether cooks, innkeepers or vendors to offer their best service, paid for by the crown. For those interested in more social affairs, poetry, music, dancing, and much more can be found throughout the city.

After the games conclude in the afternoon, the main event which is the Price’s ascension ceremony will take place, and after that the true feasting, dancing and merriment is set to begin, while the nobles withdraw for a more refined ceremony in the High City.

2017-07-25, 04:29 PM
Finally, the big city! The big day! It's the day Daniel was so eager to arrive: His birthday, and therefore, his big birthday party. So, at the peak of the festivities, arrive a young man and a young woman, Daniel and Ariel. Daniel (http://puu.sh/wHje4/d18892e3cc.jpg), a blond human man with a buff, beautiful body, using a white open shirt with a purple undershirt and white pants, using a lot of accessories in his hair and shirt. Ariel (https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/5/5c/Lisalisa_jojoeoh.png/revision/latest?cb=20150912112551), a human woman with black, long, tied up hair, a pair of sunglasses on her serious face and smoking.

As they arrive, Daniel stretches. "Finally!" he says, cracking some bones on his neck, spine and shoulders. "I've been looking forward to this!", he finishes stretching, and, smiling, start walking toward the festivities. Ariel smokes her cigarette,"I thought the drinking would've already begun, but it seems like right now will not be the right time for that. What should we do?" she says, looking around. "Even if it's too early for a heavy drinking, we should celebrate our arrival! he says, excited. "Let's buy at least some beer, so we can chug it for celebration, then we walk around and see if there's anything interesting." Ariel chuckles. "... Or anyone interesting." She says, with a smirk on her face, already walking. Daniel laughs in agreement, following her, as they both go to buy a can of beer, looking around for anything (... or anyone) that catches the eye.

2017-07-25, 04:39 PM
After concluding her nightly prayer at the height of the moon's cycle and masking her true nature behind a veil of subtle magicks, Miadri repeated her portfolio about Lady Telandrin. She is the oldest daughter of a politically unimportant rural nobility that is just important enough for serving as the kingdom's granary to receive an invite. Her father was terribly ill but stable and his wife wouldn't leave his bed side so they sent their oldest daughter to represent them. That - of course - didn't happen. They traded their invite in gratitude for the good services the local healer did in Neru's name. After all, the real Lady Telandrin wouldn't want her father to die in her absence anyway. Telandrin is a pretty good dancer and a feisty young gal whose sense for independence makes courting to her difficult to say the least. Miadri collapsed on her paperwork, both excited and tired after the long journey to Arathus.

She awoke just before noon. Though acolytes of Neru are not expected to rise with the first ray of sunshine, they are still up early despite their nightly prayers. An older confidante busted into her room: "Ah, the princess is awake, I see. Time to dress up. You don't want to miss the festivities." she said in a charming but confident voice. Miadri simply overslept. Telandrin would not be furious with that maid but she would be snappy but Miadri hesitated. She didn't want to start acting right away. "T-thanks." she stammered, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it, then?". The maid responded: "It's time to rise and shine, priestess. Errh, I mean mylady." The older woman was part of Telandrin's entourage.

Miadri went to wash herself and went to wear her practical yet impressively elegant gown. It was of dark blue color with silvered details themed after the moon and stars of the summer night sky. She wore her short hair with a very decorative braid in which flowers of Telandrin's home town where worked into. Similar was her gift to the king that would be presented to the long table of presents for the young prince regent. Flowers and other alchemical plants fit for a king's garden. Nature was everything the nobles had to offer but what flowers those were!

Miadri sighed as to how much of the festivities she would miss after sleeping so long but she had a job to do. She had no time for breakfast so she hurried outside with her confidante in tow. Her presents would be brought to the palace per courier later that day. There was so much to see. There were boys in their best clothes jumping through puddles and ignoring their mothers' protests. Jugglers, musicians and other artists performing for the crowds. There were wagons selling food and drink. It seemt even the beggars were wearing their best clothes that day. The city was proud, loud and happy.

Miadri strapped a dagger to her garter. Otherwise she is unarmed and unprotected. Her necklace is an iron holy symbol of Sakhmet. She casts her own cleric spells with a birthmark on her left shoulder.

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-25, 05:08 PM
"Ah, the gods favor me this day. I arrive in a happy occasion," said Samuel (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/85/01/58/85015871ca7fcbb7c047dbf1afcfe11a--dragon-armor-dragon-knight.jpg) to himself.
Then, he frowned as people around him looked at him weirdly.

He has been practicing his speeches. As much passionate about his work as an emissary of the gods as he was, he did not have the best vocabulary, so he trained himself to speak as he thought would be a manner they would approve of.
Of course, the problem with practicing talking with himself is that it is hard to stop talking with himself when there are others around.

He shook his head, thinking about what to do. "On one hand," he thought aloud, "the longer I spend here, the longer it will take for me to find a place that needs my help. On the other, Neru must have a reason to send a paladin of hers on this town at this very day."

Nodding to himself, he went to enjoy the festivities without guilt. Specially because he doubted traveling rations would be easy to find cheap that of all days. No, better to enjoy it all for now and get what he needed to keep searching those to help later.

Looking around, it seemed like there was no drinking to pass the time yet, and in his opinion it was also too soon to look for female company.
But ah, there was a fighting contest going on. Maybe he could compete on it, just to pass the time and test his skills.

2017-07-26, 11:30 AM
Mahes brushes some stray dust from his coarse, travel-worn robes. The temple of Geheb was kind enough to offer his shelter, so he spend most of the morning sweeping floors and carrying water to help out. He pauses as he pushes unruly hair back, looking over the city around him. The smells run riot, even to the dull nose of his human form, roasting meat, sweat, baking bread, sewers, spices, the whole gamut. He had seen and smelled it before, though not frequently, and the closeness and bustle always threatened to overwhelm him after a life spent in villages and open land.

But it was a festival day, so contemplation of the nature of the urban would have to wait. He had a contest to go to, a chance to measure his growth. Since leaving his master such testing had been infrequent and dangerous. A few coins at a food stall gets a hot, sticky pastry to accompany him briefly on his walk.

2017-07-26, 02:58 PM
Miadri meanders down the alleys, enjoying the simple and carefree people of Arathus and the sunshine. She asked herself if the Priests of Phakth were responsible for the excellent weather and she nodded agreeingly. It didn't take long until her eyes met with a stranger that seemt to look ...off. Miadri openly stared at this man. He was dressed like a trendy clown but his body made up for it. If Laura, Miadri's handmaiden didn't push her forward, she would have probably stood there and continued to watch the weird guy. He and his - companion were holding tankards of what could only be identified as the usual ale that was served. She went up to Daniel and stared into his beautiful eyes, completely ignoring his sidekick: ""Nice weather we are having. You're ho....I mean it's hot enough to dress lightly today." The head of the young woman turned a deep dark red and she turned her sight away from him.

Lauren took charge thankfully. "You are making the acquaintance of Lady Telandrin of Tendergrove. And who would you two be?"

2017-07-26, 04:31 PM
Things are moving along nicely, I think. I'll provide some moving along, but as mentioned, you can remain in a prior (or future) scene at leisure. I'll try to set up the off-camera thread tomorrow

The greatest contest of arms takes place outside the city, near the East Gate. It is not hard to find, and by now people are making their way over. The stands are filling out nicely, and enterprising vendors have set up shop outside, offering ale, wine, sweets and pastries at reasonable prices. Near the registry to the fights, you find different sorts of enterprising people, selling gear, offering blades sharpened for a low cost, and proffering ‘magical’ potions and ointments to guarantee victory. There are also nervous competitors to be, anxious to go out before such crowd, having second thoughts or having a drink to build up courage.

Registering as a competitor is free, but requires that you take part. It also gives pretty good view of the action as well. Many hopefuls beside yourselves are hoping to enter. The prizes, you learn, are quite generous. In the Newcomer category, the winner takes home 75gp, the next ones 50 and 25. Winner of the Seasoned category claims a masterwork weapon (a large and fancy sword is on display) and 100 gp, with 50 and 25 for the next places. For Names, the competition itself is a prize as much as any, and their winning prize is undisclosed.

The man handling the registration is a haggardly fellow, and at this point seems to just want to get things over with and keep things moving. He looks to be in his late teens, dressed like a watchman but not built like one. A clerk or accountant, perhaps. He drones a list of questions for each applicant. Name? Place of origin? Category to enter? followed by the rules, “You enter alone, fighting is not to the death, healers are in position between rounds to put everyone back on their feet, no leaving the designated area of the fight, that sort of thing, you understand…”

First matches will have between 5 and 10 participants, subsequent matches will be one on one.

If you choose to enter, you will be admitted to the area with other participants, most of whom are preparing for the fights to come. A few young nobles, recognizable by their extravagant clothes and fancy weapons and armour, are grouped together to one side. A musclebound man in chainmail is warming up, as well as demonstrating his prowess with a big axe. A young woman, more like girl, clutches a sword like a safety blanket, trying to get rid of a few bigger men that look like they’re intimidating her.

In her persona as Lady Teladrin, Miadri has a seat waiting in the games, along with other nobles of similar station, with good vision of the arena below. From there, a transit will be arranged to the ceremony of ascension, and then to the great feast. Of course, she is free to do as she pleases if she pleases. The reason for observation is clear. A dark night approaches, when Neru’s power wanes and Sakhmet waxes. Mere days away by the festivities starting, and a time when servants of darkness could make their move. Amidst the celebration, they could meet discreetly without notice. Most importantly, if they gathered, they would not know one another. Getting into their circles would never be easier. Miadri’s instructions were to keep open eyes, an open mind and to enjoy herself in case it turns out that there is no trouble.

There is also the matter of her mission here for the church of Neru. For now, her task is merely to observe, though she is trusted to report back to the temples should anything be discovered and authorized to take what action she deems necessary if the situation calls for it. Though she is fairly junior, she can call upon the faithful of Neru for aid as needed. There are other servants of the goddess in the city that can provide aid, though who they are or how they could be in contact.

2017-07-26, 04:43 PM
Daniel and Ariel are walking up, looking for places and people interesting enough. They find a place, and each ask for a can of beer. The vendor finds it strange - normally people ask for tankards, as they are more worth it. However, they insist on the can. He complies, giving each of them a can. They look each other in the eyes, and pierce the bottom of the can with their bare thumbs, and, smiling, they yell "SHOTGUN!" as both put the hole in their mouths and open the can. They drink, slamming it in the table, and hit their forearm together. "Nice!", said both of them, all in sync. Daniel then comes back and ask for a tankard. "Do you need one too Ariel?" he questions. "I'll be waiting for the true festivities at night, don't want to waste money until they." She says, looking around again, noticing a girl coming in their direction. She smiles, as she believes it's time to strike. "You are afraid of getting wasted early, that's what you are." He says, drinking a bit. He notices her smile, looking in another direction, and turn himself to see what she was looking, only to see a girl, accompanied by what seemed like... her maid?

She says some things to Daniel, which makes Ariel smiles disappears, giving Daniel a smile on his face. "Yes, such a beautiful weather for a now better day! he says, waving his arms a little bit to his side. "My name is Daniel Buccellati, and while I do not have a handmaiden, my friend Ariel here does the job!" he finishes, pointing to Ariel. Her reaction is quick, as she tries to strike Daniel's shoulder with her elbow. He blocks, looking at her with the corner of his eye with a very cocky smile on his face. She looks very displeased. "I'll now leave you... Three, alone." she says, with a big emphasis on the "Three" part. She turns her back, waving with one hand and taking a cigarette out with the other. Daniel, laughs.

"Now, I have a question. She says you're a... Lady, right?" he asks, putting his hand on his chin, going down to look eye-on-eye on Miadri, keeping one palm (his palm) of distance between her face and his. "Then what give us peasants the honor of your presence?"

2017-07-26, 05:26 PM
Keeping herself more composed with the sudden proxmity to this stranger, Lady Telandrin bows ever so slightly. Laura then begins to explain: "That'll be none of your business, cad. But if you must know, the dame shall explain herself." After a small shove from Laura, Miadri clears her throat: "I am representing my home county of Tendergrove because my father has fallen deadly ill and my mother knows naught but to care for him. I also brought a small token of gratitude...why am I explaining myself to you again?" the young plane-touched woman said with an increasingly snotty voice. She found her comfort zone it seems.

I wait for the coronation like everyone else and shall entertain myself until then. Why are you just drinking that poison instead of competing in the games like the other strapping young lads? she said after coming a bit closer. Her hand was almost touching Daniel's chest but she kept herself away from him. "I might cheer for you." 'Snooty it is then' she thought by herself.

2017-07-26, 06:30 PM
Daniel looks at Laura briefly. He smiles, but he did not like her attitude. But as the lady began explaining, he kept her eye on her. As she ends her explanation, he seems surprised. "I gotta be honest, I did not expect an actual answer. But guess that works, I learned a little bit more about you." he says, smiling a bit. "I hope your father gets better." he says sincerely, in a serious tone he did not show until then.

After the Lady's remark about the poison, Daniel laughs audibly. "Even the air we breath is slowly killing us, so why not choose the better poison to pass the day? And after all, I just arrived, and before anything else... he takes a drink of the ale he bought. "I have to celebrate!" he pauses briefly. "Tell me, Lady, do you know why we must celebrate today?

Daniel is waiting for the sure answer of the crowning of the prince. Whatever she says, even if she doesn't say that, his answer is ready: "Well, yeah, there's that too. But more importantly... he raises himself up, pointing to himself with his free hand. "It is MY birthday!" He continues, with a big smile. "And on this day, WE shall receive a gift, princess! You'll receive the gift of my presence, and I, yours! And even more, if you insist, maybe I should fight in the tournament. Having such a beauty cheering me up is sure to boost my strength!"

Daniel did not plan to participate in the tournament - it's his big day, it's supposed to be partying, not fighting. But, if that's what the lady wants, that's what the lady shall have.

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-26, 07:32 PM
Samuel thinks to himself. He is not too experienced in real battle, but he does have the training already.

"I would like to join the competition in the Seasoned group," he tells the man in the registration, with more confidence than he really feels. After all, if he act with confidence he will eventually feel it, right?

Among the participants, not many draw his attention. The nobles are showing off, and a guy seems to be warming up.
There is one person there that calls for his protective instincts, though. A young woman that seems to be struggling with being there. Well, he could sympathize. The bigger people around her that don't seem to help her morale any, either.

He approaches calmly, with a small smile. "Is this your first time in a competition like this?" he asks her. "You seem a bit too nervous to have much experience."
Truthfully, she is not the only one he is trying to calm down, his own nerves and inexperience are affecting him a bit.

2017-07-26, 09:40 PM
The most likely candidate for striking up a conversation already engaged, Mahes folds his outer robe and neatly sets it aside, then begins a series of warm up routines, not unlike a stylized imitation of a stalking cat. He progresses to stretching before moving to more taxing forms, with leaps and acrobatic strikes. Once satisfied, he enrolls in the beginner matches.

2017-07-27, 04:22 AM
The arrogance was driving Laura mad. The middle aged woman was fuming, ready to spew an answer worthy of shaming a seasoned sailor. But Miadri was standing between her and the stranger. "Delightful. Then 'Happy Birthday' to you, my friend. May the Sun and the Moon protect you as well as they do the royal family." she congratulated. Then she turned to Laura: "You should have the day off, too. Enjoy the festival. We will meet at the ball, and I will hope to have grand stories to tell you." the Lady continued and sent Laura away.

The maid protested half-heartedly but Daniel could tell she was happy that she didn't have to enjoy his company on this fine day. And somehow she was secure that the Lady of Tendergrove was in secure hands. "Well, we hope that you don't have to compete in the tourney yourself to show this lout how it's done, milady." Laura said, winked slightly and was off.

"I would love to see your style, Daniel. I mean fighting style." she said a bit more composed. "We should hurry. The registration is about to close."

Thanks, Kalli.

Also Laura deposits Miadri's armor and weaponry at a spot near the tournament ground and sends a servant to inform her of the location. A similar thing will be done for the ball.

2017-07-27, 09:02 AM
Daniel was delighted to see Laura slowly going mad, even more so when the princess told her to get lost. If she was happy to not have Daniel's company, that was a mutual feeling of both. He thanks the lady's happy birthday, and ignores the maid's comment. "Yes, we should!" he offers his arm and walks her to the place of registration, registering himself in the Seasoned fighting. "Do you wish to come with me to the preparation room, or should we part ways so soon?" He says, leaning down a bit. "I'd understand if you didn't want to go inside a room full of sweaty savages."

2017-07-27, 01:53 PM
Samuel thinks to himself. He is not too experienced in real battle, but he does have the training already.

"I would like to join the competition in the Seasoned group," he tells the man in the registration, with more confidence than he really feels. After all, if he act with confidence he will eventually feel it, right?

Among the participants, not many draw his attention. The nobles are showing off, and a guy seems to be warming up.
There is one person there that calls for his protective instincts, though. A young woman that seems to be struggling with being there. Well, he could sympathize. The bigger people around her that don't seem to help her morale any, either.

He approaches calmly, with a small smile. "Is this your first time in a competition like this?" he asks her. "You seem a bit too nervous to have much experience."
Truthfully, she is not the only one he is trying to calm down, his own nerves and inexperience are affecting him a bit.

She looks a little bit crestfallen. "It... it shows that much?" she asks. "I signed up to 'Seasoned' too, thinking it would be a piece of cake, I have a great teacher. I didn't tell her I'd be participating. Kind of wanted it to be a surprise." she says, talking fast, clearly nervous and using the nearest receptacle to unburden herself. "I mean I was hand-picked to be a squire for her, but everyone treats me like some kind of joke, so I figured I'd show them wrong by proving my skills here." She pauses for a little while, then offers a hand in greeting, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I'm Alivia, by the way. Thanks for listening. I'm... I talk a lot when I get nervous."

Daniel was delighted to see Laura slowly going mad, even more so when the princess told her to get lost. If she was happy to not have Daniel's company, that was a mutual feeling of both. He thanks the lady's happy birthday, and ignores the maid's comment. "Yes, we should!" he offers his arm and walks her to the place of registration, registering himself in the Seasoned fighting. "Do you wish to come with me to the preparation room, or should we part ways so soon?" He says, leaning down a bit. "I'd understand if you didn't want to go inside a room full of sweaty savages."

Once Daniel enters, he will find the scene much like before. The registries will close not long after.

2017-07-27, 03:47 PM
After having cooled off a bit during the way to the tournament place Miadri answered: "Having a peek inside cannot hurt, now can it? You'd be surprised how often we directly we interact with our subjects. Sweat is nothing I am unfamiliar off. It shows dedication and endurance." She tried to subtly wink and then started to laugh because it was so obvious.

Perception: [roll0]

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-27, 04:34 PM
She looks a little bit crestfallen. "It... it shows that much?" she asks. "I signed up to 'Seasoned' too, thinking it would be a piece of cake, I have a great teacher. I didn't tell her I'd be participating. Kind of wanted it to be a surprise." she says, talking fast, clearly nervous and using the nearest receptacle to unburden herself. "I mean I was hand-picked to be a squire for her, but everyone treats me like some kind of joke, so I figured I'd show them wrong by proving my skills here." She pauses for a little while, then offers a hand in greeting, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I'm Alivia, by the way. Thanks for listening. I'm... I talk a lot when I get nervous."

"Well, the way you are holding your blade like a shield... It kinda makes you look a bit vulnerable," Samuel explains.
Heaing her explanation, he nods. "I am not experienced outside training spars myself," he admited. "And I kinda left to wander to help people some time ago... this is mostly to see if I am strong enough for what I want to do.
But you," he says, clapping his hand on her shoulder, "are not fighting for yourself. You are fighting for your trainer, for someone that believes in you. And you are fighting those with some more experience, so no one will fault you if you lose.
Do your best, I am sure that as long as you do so she will be proud of you.
Oh, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Alivia. My name is Samuel Greaver."

2017-07-28, 06:45 AM
After arriving she quickly scoured the contestants and nobles if she would find someone noteworthy. After glancing over the contestants a tall and fully armed Warrior peaks Miadri's interest. As she moves closer to the contestant's line she immediately recognizes the holy symbol of Neru. The priestess said she had a few informants placed on strategic positions but she never said anything about warriors. Next to him was a smaller nervous girl. Probably his squire or girlfriend.

"Mother Moon protect you!" Miadri signaled a bit louder because the place was bustling with noise. After she had his attention she formed a full circle shrinking into a crescent with both of her hands, a gesture usually used during prayers of the waxing moon, hoping he'd pick up on the sign. The gesture was part of the prayers for the next three days. "Lady Telandrin of Tendergrove. It's my pleasure. Are you competing as well? Daniel here will fight too but I am not sure if he can withstand one protected by Neru herself."

"And what about you, my dear?" she asked Alivia.

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-28, 09:27 AM
Samuel was, despite his inexperience, a trained paladin of Neru. Thus he did recognize the significance of the hand gestures.
Neru was, despite not as much of a major goddess as her husband, still plenty known. Yet, not many people not related to the clergy would be aware of the particular timing of the use of that prayer in particular.
The woman did not dress like a priestess or a paladin, at least at the moment.
He did not know much, but he knew a bit of the different roles between the forces. While clerics and paladins like him spread the words and protected those under the rule of their deities, there was a group that was... more proactive in dealing with the enemies. And one of the members of such group that would be there under a guise would mean a possible threat looming.
He could be wrong, but better safe than sorry.

"May her blessings reach all," he replied, repeating the gesture with the appropriate response. "I am Samuel Greaver, and yes, I intend to to test my personal abilities.
Do not worry about your friend's chances, I am sure that as long as he is fair Lady Neru would not abandon him either. The competition would thus be mostly between our own skills.

Samuel decided not to present Alivia, instead trying to be a calming presence. Another friendly presence would hopefully improve her confidence if she could push herself to talk calmly for a bit.
Also, she was addressed directly. Interrupting them would be a bit rude.

2017-07-28, 10:10 AM
Daniel loses a little bit of focus, looking around and wandering his thoughts for a bit, looking at all his probable enemies. But as he notices the lady a little bit far from him, he catches up to her, in silence, as he does not recognize those holy gestures. "My pleasures meeting you, Samuel! As presented by the lady, I'm Daniel. Daniel Buccellati." He says, offering his hand to the other contestant. "We may fight in the arena, but there's no need for hostility down here, don't you agree?"

Daniel also looks at girl besides him and the sword she carries. "This sword leads me to believe you are also fighting, right?" He says, also offering his hand to her after shaking hands with the armored guy. "Hope we all can have good fights!" he continues, with energy and his characteristic big smile.

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-28, 10:19 AM
"Quite agreed," Samuel replies with a smile, shaking his hand. "Just because we are opponents in the arena does not mean we have to be the same outside of it."

2017-07-28, 10:40 AM
"Mother Moon protect you!" Miadri signaled a bit louder because the place was bustling with noise. After she had his attention she formed a full circle shrinking into a crescent with both of her hands, a gesture usually used during prayers of the waxing moon, hoping he'd pick up on the sign. The gesture was part of the prayers for the next three days. "Lady Telandrin of Tendergrove. It's my pleasure. Are you competing as well? Daniel here will fight too but I am not sure if he can withstand one protected by Neru herself."

"And what about you, my dear?" she asked Alivia.

Samuel decided not to present Alivia, instead trying to be a calming presence. Another friendly presence would hopefully improve her confidence if she could push herself to talk calmly for a bit.
Also, she was addressed directly. Interrupting them would be a bit rude.

"I'm Alivia." the girl says, oblivious to the gestures. "I also plan to compete. I hope I can clear The first bracket, at least. How about you, my lady? Did you intend to compete as well, or are you just wishing luck to your friend?

Daniel also looks at girl besides him and the sword she carries. "This sword leads me to believe you are also fighting, right?" He says, also offering his hand to her after shaking hands with the armored guy. "Hope we all can have good fights!" he continues, with energy and his characteristic big smile.

She takes the offered hand and shakes it."You are right, Daniel. Do your best in the fights to come.

To be continued

2017-07-28, 11:45 AM
His preparations complete and sign-in accomplished, Mahes mills about, watching the other competitors. He meanders past a small group that seems chatty, curious since they appear more social than most of the others.

2017-07-28, 03:07 PM
I realized that maybe cultists wouldn't gather in perfect visibility of the tournament's tribune so could I expect other "watchers" to be positioned in the crowd? Miadri's main objective is the ball in the evening but your OOC text made it abundantly clear that I might get lucky and spot a few other cultists in the crowd.

After Miadri, or more accurately Lady Teladrin made the gestures related to Neru, she notices a few people in the crowd mirroring the gesture. In this case, the mirroring is literal, performing it in the opposite manner. You see them observe you afterwards to see how you react.

Miadri knows that servants of Sakhmet sometimes use Neru's greetings and symbolism to blend in, doing things a little bit wrong. In this case, seeing as she wears a symbol of Sakhmet on her necklace, it seems like they might be spotting for a potential ally. The fact that they aimed at a noble might have implications of its own...

A herald comes forward and states that all the contenders will be called to the arena shortly, from thereafter, the games are on.

Newcomer category entrants should roll 1d6, followed by 3 attack rolls, 3 damage rolls and 3 ability checks (same or different). Seasoned entrants should roll 1d4, then the same 3 rolls each. Later rounds will be 1v1 and more involved.

2017-07-28, 04:39 PM
"Oh, I will not compete, dear Alivia. Though this place fills me with ..."

Miadri pauses to notice the bystanders. Her eyes widen for a second and her pupils contract slightly. "fear..." she mouths. A split second later she shows her feisty grin again. "Have fun in the fights and know that I haven't picked my companionship for this evening's ball yet. I would go alone but I feel things are much more interesting as a couple."

With these encouraging words Lady Telandrin leaves to take her seat at the battlegrounds.

2017-07-28, 06:06 PM
Sypheil hurried through the densely packed streets of the White City, her bright eyes darting around the scene, taking in the foreign enviroment. She could hardly remember the last time she left the Lybrasian noble districts, save for a few relaxing visits to the coastlines. For her first time in Arathus, this was far from relaxing. She was used to the presence of servants or guards accompanying her through the city streets, but no such comfort came. Her only companion was the mask that hid inside of her overstuffed backpack, which was hardly protective or even talkative.

Sypheil clutched a worn leather book close to her chest, her knuckles turning white from the pressure of her grip. Inside was a few maps she had scribbled detailing the Blessed Lands, Lybaras and Arathus, though they were hardly accurate. She nervously checked the book every now and again as if to assure herself she was still in the right city. The girl idly chewed at her silver necklace as she walked, hunched over her journal until she realized she was approaching the festival's tournaments. Something then clicked in Sypheil's head; if she wanted a guard, this was the place to find one.

"Perhaps watching the fights will present a worthy candidate for a bodyguard..." She thought. Sypheil promptly went to check if the name "Harrowstone" was enough to land her a seat in the noble's stands.

2017-07-29, 09:19 AM
The competitors draw lots to determine their placement matches. There will be 6 newcomer matches and 4 seasoned matches where you compete for slots in the finals.

There is a place on the nobles box for Lady Teladrin. Her seat is in the third row, close to the edge. The placement deflects the status of the nobles, with those in favor near the princes, and those in power in the first rows. The view will still be excellent, but you likely wont stand out without effort.

The name Harrowstone is recognized, and a seat fitting their station is found at the edge of fourth row. Among the last to find their seats in the nobles' box, Sypheil has hardly gotten seated when drums and horns sound and the combatants are brought to the field of battle. The gathering is quite varied. Most of those gathered are humans, though a few orcs, dwarves and half-breeds are present, as is a lone elven warrior. Equally varied is their gear. Most wield swords of some description, as is the fashion in Arathus. Polearms, staves, daggers, a few hammers and axes are in evidence, some clever man even brought a crossbow, while one or two have none at all. Most have light or medium armour. The audience, especially the commoners cheer and clap at the competitors.

The ruling Prince stands up to address the gathered warriors as the clapping dies down. We are gathered here today in celebration of my son's coming of age.
Truth is, he wanted to be there among the competitors, but I told him it would not do to get beaten up on such an occasion. he says with a smile obvious in his voice.and to a few laughs from the nearby nobles and general audience. The man in question gives a slightly awkward smile and wave. "and you, the competitors stand before us to prove your worth of try yourselves. It is a great honour to see so many gathered here before us.
To go over the rules for this competition, initial rounds will be free for all, and fought to the first blood. Subsequent battle will be one on one and third blood. Priests of Basth and Neru stand by to heal injuries. May the gods be with you."

An attendant comes to usher all but the first newcomer group to the side to wait and watch as The first group fights. The games begin

2017-07-29, 11:06 AM
Daniel hears the herald, and says goodbye to the Lady, kissing her hand. "Hope you'll be praying for my success, Lady." Then, he goes to the fight.

I suppose right now having a companion doesn't change anything right now, right? Since it's more of an "abstract fight" then the fight itself.

D4: [roll0]
Attacks and damages:



Ability Checks (Strength):

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-29, 12:05 PM
Seeing that it is time for his own fight, Samuel gives a pat on Alivia's shoulder in an attempt to give her encouragement, and goes to the arena.


Attack and Damage Rolls:



Ability Checks:
CHA: [roll7]
STR: [roll8]
CON: [roll9]

2017-07-29, 05:22 PM
Miadri watches the spectacle closely as she tries to get an overview over the general security level of the area. Are there visible guards posted? More subtle armed personnel? Does she see the people who mirrored her sign from before? The Inquisitor speaks a few words of primitive magic just quiet enough to be drowned out by the murmuring of the audience. She doesn't touch Neru's symbol while chanting and rather focusses her mind on the image of a full moon. A white moon that composes its colors of the hues of magic. She opens her vision towards magical auras.

Casting Detect Magic
Perception: [roll0]
possibly Sense Motive: [roll1]

2017-07-29, 08:36 PM
Mahes takes to the challenge, sticking to his peculiarly curved sword wielded in both hands.mystery roll [roll0]

attack 1 [roll1]
damage 1 [roll2]
attack 2 [roll3]
damage 2 [roll4]
attack 3 [roll5]
damage 3 [roll6]

Ability checks (strength)

2017-07-30, 05:07 PM
There are indeed guards. City watch maintains order with sparsely placed guardsmen. The noble box has a dozen members of the royal guard, resplendent in white surcoats and closed helmets, clad in finely made chainmail. Prince Aquiff, ruler and father of prince Geraint in whose honour the festivities are held are flanked by two Gifted, jackal-masked warriors dedicated to Djaf. Gifted are chosen warriors of a deity, monstrously powerful, each bearing a gift from their respective god.

Miadri can see no hidden guards, but she does see a few places where they might bring reinforcements. Of the people who mirrored her sign, she can see two in the arena floor. First fights in the third newcomer group but loses. The second is set to fight in the second match of Seasoned. She casts Detect Magic and scans both the floor of the arena, the competitors, the healing priests and any of the crowds she can see. The Gifted both shine with moderate auras, though it doesn’t look like they are under the effects of a spell, but rather their bodies are suffused with magic. Both princes wear something magical, though you can ill identify what they might do. Among the remaining audience, you can see a few weaker magic items on some people, but besides that not much is revealed.

On the arena floor, among the waiting contestants of newcomers and seasoned, there is not much magic to be seen, aside from what might be a protective enhancement woven about the second worshipper of Sakhmet. Among the healers, you can see one woman wearing a magical clasp, as well as a longspear wrapped in magical cloth.
The woman strikes you as inhuman, and by the time you are done determining that her necklace is magical you are fairly certain that she also has celestial blood to her, though beyond the fact that she wears the crescent moon of Neru on the clasp you can tell little of the woman. She looks to be in her late twenties or early thirties, dressed in dark blue of a night sky, and wearing a bulky white cloak decorated with feathers that sits a bit too awkwardly to be a cloak.

The fights begin with the Newcomers, six groups who fight mostly with enthusiasm, though not umch skill. There are a few standouts, one among them being a well-built sword-wielding man (Mahes) who won his round pretty soundly. Two more eliminations are fought one on one to select the semi-finalists. Mahes is not called to fight at this venue. After that, the Seasoned qualifying rounds begin. Only four bouts, each with fewer participants than any of the Newcomer bouts. 5 or 6 people to each match.

(Feel free to embellish on your personal fights as much or little as you wish.)

Samuel fights in the first bout. Many are more cautious than in the newcomer categories. As the first two engage and exchange blows, another moves in to dispatch one of the pair. This galvanises others into action, for a chance to take on the distracted combatants as well as display their own ability. The first man darts around the field taking attacks of opportunity against distracted opponents.
The second bout is much less exciting, over in a flash. The winner to be, Andrev, makes his way to the cntre, parrying a few blows with his shield or sickle almost contemptuously before reversing the grip on his weapon and displaying the symbol at the pommel. A wave of dark energy tinted with pale green spreads around and wounds open on the bodies of each other contestant.
In the third bout, the end result is a contest of strength. The brute, Korhil, lays foes down with a mere blow or two, with most unable to match his strength to parry or deflect his blows in a meaningful way.
The fourth bout is dominated by a half-orc declaring himself Daerus, son of Delvarus. Alivia, who some of you met during preparation manages to take down one competitor with some difficulty, while Daerus has taken out two others with ease. They square off, with the half-orc relentlessly taunting her of her poor skill, only to foul up one of his own attacks so badly that Alivia gets to deliver a cut that disqualifies the man. He retaliates with a heavy blow that sends Alivia flying, before storming off with a string of curses, eschewing the healing provided in his fury.

During these bouts, those actually knocked out or seriously injured are healed at once by the junior priests of Basth and Neru, while those more lightly injured are healed collectively at the end. The woman observed by Miadri earlier steps forward with two other priests, calling for the injured to gather around them. Some reluctant ones need convincing. “Please. Remember that this is a friendly competition and that we don’t want to leave here with either grudges or scars. Gather round and receive the blessing of Neru.” She speaks a brief prayer to Neru, asking her to grant her blessing on these brave souls and replenish their strength.

After the competitors have been healed, Names take to the field as well, with seven warriors in total having made it. A blonde-haired Norskan savage with an axe, dressed in heavy hide quite at odds with the weather by the name of Faffnhr Bludbroder, a dwarf dressed in full plate and wielding a hammer from Kavzar named Thorek, a muscular giant of an orc called Delvarus of the Pits, who wields what looks like a weighed chain. Suseb, the lion of Tor is a man that rivals Delvarus in size, wielding a large Khopesh and wearing little protection. His movement and appearance speak of power. The last competitors are a trio of orcs named Taugrek, Ogluk and Borgut. Unlike the first four, the three orcs are not known at all, though each wears an excited ear-to-ear grin on their face. They do not look very formidable in comparison to the rest. Each receives clapping and cheers from the crowds, though the trio of orcs not nearly as much as the others.

At this point, the young prince Geraint calls for attention and addresses the healers, asking that Lady Penell would do him the honour of fighting in the games. The healer from before walks forward. She curtsies respectfully at the prince. “My prince. Your grace. You know I am not a fighting man.” she begins. “I think we can all clearly see that” the prince replies, to a few chuckles. “On your request, I suppose I could stand to polish my skills. I accept.” There is further cheering, but somewhere among the noble box Miadri hears a sharp incantation buried in the sound, followed by a woman’s voice whispering in her ear, “You’re the outside help, yes? Speak softly or nod. Do not make a fuss dear.”

Rules for the more accurate matches:
Attacks that deal lethal damage are considered to draw blood. So DR armour can save you from being bloodied. Three attacks that draw blood, being reduced to below 0, falling unconscious or otherwise rendered unable to fight mean defeat. You can also yield at any point by saying you do. (no action). I will be handling them all simultaneously in terms of mechanics, though obviously they take place in sequence.

In the rounds, Samuel faces Alivia and Daniel faces Andrev. Winners will then fight one another, as will the losers.
Mahes advances to the finals as well, competing for winning the newcomer category, facing one of the sneering nobles from the waiting area.

Now you have a choice of either handling combat in the involved way, or through the same abstraction. In actual combats, Samuel and Daniel go first, while the nobleman starts by moving closer, then waiting for Mahes to make his move.

2017-07-30, 09:09 PM
Mahes's first bout was almost disappointing. A low sweep with his hooked blade sent the first man to the ground, leading to a quick submission. He wondered if he entered the wrong level of competition, but quickly chides himself for prideful thoughts. Such boasting, even to oneself, can bring defeat. He proceeds cautiously, not assuming any of the others are any less skilled than himself.

Having won the round, he stays limber while watching the other bouts, making note of styles and techniques.

Once his next bout starts...Mahes performs a complex arm motion with rapidly shifting footwaork, transforming into a lion, letting loos a roar as the change completes.
full round to use transformation. +2 NA, scent, etcMahes strikes out, sweeping his blade low...flurry of blows, first attack is a trip


if trip is successful, then unarmed strike w/ stunning fist
[roll1] (includes bonus vs prone)
damage [roll2], will save DC12 or stunned 1 rnd

if trip fails, second attack is also a trip

If needed, AOO when opponent stands
[roll4] (includes bonus vs prone)
(if he hasn't used stunning fist yet, then AOO will be unarmed strike (kick) + stunning fist
damage [roll5], will save DC12 or stunned 1 rnd

If he has used stunning fist, AOO is with sword

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-31, 08:59 AM
As Samuel receives treatment for his injuries, as minor as they may be the woman from before had a good point, he gives a small smile to Alivia before frowning at Andrev.
He wishes that he had to fight him, not only to not need to fight his new friend, since as nervous as she is she would definitely not attack as strongly, but also because... he did not consider himself judgemental, but he did not need to detect evil to know whatever he used was so inclined.
He did so anyway, just to clear his conscience, concentrating on the man. Thankfully, unlike an actual spell, a paladin's detection of evil is an spell-like ability, so no one would know he is doing so instead of just staring at an opponent he deemed dangerous.
...Not that he ever hid he was a paladin. The man probably was already expecting to be approached if he was evil.
At these times he wished he had focused more on the more knowledge-focused aspects of his religion... as any good paladin he knew the prayers and all of his own, but nothing about other ones, not even Satmeh... Sakmeth... that one that went directly against his own. So he had to trust his memory if he ever say that symbol...
That reminded him, in case his detection of Andrev came negative (something he doubted) he would detect evil all around him, since that did not really take any time and was always a good habit to develop. Of course, if the first detection came back positive it would just warn him of Andrev so...

Just before the battle started, Samuel had a couple words to ask of Alivia.
"Could you do me a favor? Since I want to test my skills, and you want to prove yourself, let us give it all we got. No holding back, as soon as we enter the battle we will be competing warriors, so let's treat each other as so."

In the battle itself, Samuel starts with a total defense. That was his specialty, after all, defense. Let the enemy approach him and he attacks when they are close instead of risking himself approaching them.

2017-07-31, 10:20 AM
Mahes's first bout was almost disappointing. A low sweep with his hooked blade sent the first man to the ground, leading to a quick submission. He wondered if he entered the wrong level of competition, but quickly chides himself for prideful thoughts. Such boasting, even to oneself, can bring defeat. He proceeds cautiously, not assuming any of the others are any less skilled than himself.

Having won the round, he stays limber while watching the other bouts, making note of styles and techniques.

Once his next bout starts...Mahes performs a complex arm motion with rapidly shifting footwork, transforming into a lion, letting loos a roar as the change completes.

There is a gasp from the crowd as Mahes transforms and roars majestically. People lean forwards on their seats and in the sidelines, many former opponents of Mahes are thankful that he did not do this against them. The man currently facing the lion loses a fwe shades of colour from his skin, his expression wavering a little before hardening. ""Monster" he spits out, charging. He thrusts his slender blade forward with impressive speed and brings it back to guard.
He charges, taking -2 to his defence. He makes an attack with his rapier. He is prepared to parry any incoming attacks
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] Parry (he gains +1 to attacks of opportunity like this). Parry applies to attack rolls, including manouvers performed instead of attacking.
[roll3] Riposte, if applicable

As Samuel receives treatment for his injuries, as minor as they may be the woman from before had a good point, he gives a small smile to Alivia before frowning at Andrev.
He wishes that he had to fight him, not only to not need to fight his new friend, since as nervous as she is she would definitely not attack as strongly, but also because... he did not consider himself judgemental, but he did not need to detect evil to know whatever he used was so inclined.
He did so anyway, just to clear his conscience, concentrating on the man. Thankfully, unlike an actual spell, a paladin's detection of evil is an spell-like ability, so no one would know he is doing so instead of just staring at an opponent he deemed dangerous.
...Not that he ever hid he was a paladin. The man probably was already expecting to be approached if he was evil.
At these times he wished he had focused more on the more knowledge-focused aspects of his religion... as any good paladin he knew the prayers and all of his own, but nothing about other ones, not even Satmeh... Sakmeth... that one that went directly against his own. So he had to trust his memory if he ever say that symbol...
That reminded him, in case his detection of Andrev came negative (something he doubted) he would detect evil all around him, since that did not really take any time and was always a good habit to develop. Of course, if the first detection came back positive it would just warn him of Andrev so...

Just before the battle started, Samuel had a couple words to ask of Alivia.
"Could you do me a favor? Since I want to test my skills, and you want to prove yourself, let us give it all we got. No holding back, as soon as we enter the battle we will be competing warriors, so let's treat each other as so."

In the battle itself, Samuel starts with a total defense. That was his specialty, after all, defense. Let the enemy approach him and he attacks when they are close instead of risking himself approaching them.

Andrev does register to Samuel's detect evil, though his aura is not very powerful.
Alivia nods to Samuel's words. "You are right. Trying to save myself for the final round only to fail to get there is worth nothing. I will come at you with all I have" she says.

As your bout begins, she takes a moment to focus herself, sets her sword to a ready position before charging forward, lips pursed tightly together and a look of fovus on her face. She shouts a wordless challenge and sweeps her blade down in a quick slash. Looking at her, her technique is good, but there is something to be desired. Seeing Samuel defend, she applies herself fully to the attack.

[roll4] Attack
[roll5] damage

2017-07-31, 10:48 AM
Daniel raises his fist in the air as he reign victorious. Now, only two battles for his win. The first one, against a random person. The second one, against a possible friend.

Now, with his fight, Daniel knew that Andrev could use magic. Even more, he could use an area effect that could hit both him and Green Heaven at once. So, he'd need to be ready for that. He draws his long sword (as in the description of the sword, not the long sword sword) and points it at the man. He had strategies formulated in his head, but in the end, it would all be a bet, against what type of attack would he start using. Would he start with the magic... Or attacking with the sickle? He did not seem to attack with the sickle at all last round. However, would he try to use his area effect solely against Daniel, or would he try and wait for Green Heaven to be summoned to use his magic?

Daniel then takes the bet, and uses his usual fighting style. He positions himself, waiting for the enemy to come to him.

Daniel prepares his actions: The moment the enemy comes within reach, he will attack and make a 5ft step backwards, diagonally.

[roll1], double if the enemy charges (Brace quality of the weapon)

Crit: [roll2]
[roll3] (i don't know how the "double" of the Brace quality works with critical)

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-31, 10:53 AM
Samuel tries dodging to the side but is unable to avoid the attack completely, fortunately for him him scale mail protects him and he takes no damage.

However, just as planned, now Alicia is in range of his own attack.
He uses a normal attack, his sword shinning as it descends onto her chest, more focused on hitting than on damaging. Both to test her defenses and because, with the first-blood rules, damage power is not so important as long as he can get past her armor and make her bleed - and since they both use scale mail, he knows that his successful strikes do get past a normal quality armor of that kind.

Attack: [roll0]

2017-07-31, 11:18 AM
The lion easy sways to avoid the incoming blade before sweeping out his paws, looking to open his opponent's guard and bring him to the ground.his 9 is a clean miss

flurry of blows

1st is trip [roll0]

2nd is probably a trip since the first will get parried. [roll1]

If not, unarmed strike [roll2] (includes +4 vs prone)
damage [roll3] + DC12 Will or stunned from stunning fist

AOO is he stands [roll4], using sword if stunning fist already used, else unarmed
sword damage [roll5]
UAS damage [roll6] + DC12 Will or stunned from stunning fist if not already used

2017-07-31, 11:21 AM
on flurry if needed (it isn't needed since the first trip failed) [roll0]
on AOO for standing[roll1]

Flurry gets 1x STR mod, AOO gets 1.5x STR mod because he only ha 1 natural attack

2017-07-31, 11:29 AM
Daniel raises his fist in the air as he reign victorious. Now, only two battles for his win. The first one, against a random person. The second one, against a possible friend.

Now, with his fight, Daniel knew that Andrev could use magic. Even more, he could use an area effect that could hit both him and Green Heaven at once. So, he'd need to be ready for that. He draws his long sword (as in the description of the sword, not the long sword sword) and points it at the man. He had strategies formulated in his head, but in the end, it would all be a bet, against what type of attack would he start using. Would he start with the magic... Or attacking with the sickle? He did not seem to attack with the sickle at all last round. However, would he try to use his area effect solely against Daniel, or would he try and wait for Green Heaven to be summoned to use his magic?

Daniel then takes the bet, and uses his usual fighting style. He positions himself, waiting for the enemy to come to him.

Andrev readies his weapons, shrugs his shoulders loose and begins jogging closer. He closes the distance enough that he is confident that his attack will reach his foe, before again presenting his weapon and emanating a wave of fell energy.He smiles in an unpleasant manner.

[roll0] Negative Energy damage, Will DC 13 half

Samuel tries dodging to the side but is unable to avoid the attack completely, fortunately for him him scale mail protects him and he takes no damage.

However, just as planned, now Alicia is in range of his own attack.
He uses a normal attack, his sword shinning as it descends onto her chest, more focused on hitting than on damaging. Both to test her defenses and because, with the first-blood rules, damage power is not so important as long as he can get past her armor and make her bleed - and since they both use scale mail, he knows that his successful strikes do get past a normal quality armor of that kind.

Alivia smiles after her attack hits, dodging back from the return blow and noting that her attack did no damage. She focuses herself again, screams a battlecry and launches herself forward once again

[roll1] Power Attack
[roll2] damage

The lion easy sways to avoid the incoming blade before sweeping out his paws, looking to open his opponent's guard and bring him to the ground.

The man gets a small moment of arrogance at the success of his parry before the lion pulls him off his feet. Thinking desperately, the man weighs his options. Should he strike from the ground or risk trying to rise?

[roll3] riposte critical confirm
[roll4] riposte damage
[roll5] potential critical damage

He does get tripped.
If he scored a critical, he will try to finish the fight from the ground, if not, he will attempt to rise despite the risk involved
[roll6] attack if lying down, +4 if standing
[roll7] damage

[roll8] Parry
[roll9] Riposte
[roll10] Confirm roll? applying bonuses after

2017-07-31, 11:39 AM
Mahes takes the cut with a growl and attempts to send his opponent back to the dust. He has found his courage. Good!flurry
trip [roll0]

trip fails, trip again, [roll1]

trip succeeds, bite [roll2]
damage [roll3]

AOO on stand
bite [roll4]
damage [roll5]

2017-07-31, 11:47 AM
Mahes takes the cut with a growl and attempts to send his opponent back to the dust. He has found his courage. Good!flurry
trip [roll0]

trip fails, trip again, [roll1]

trip succeeds, bite [roll2]
damage [roll3]

AOO on stand
bite [roll4]
damage [roll5]

The nobleman finds himself lying on the ground again, breath knocked out of his lungs. He scrambles to his feet again, narrowly avoiding the teeth of the lion. "Fight like a man" he demands, striking again.

He can't parry any more
[roll2] crit confirm?

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-31, 11:49 AM
Samuel feels his feet slip a little in the dusty ground. He stays on his feet, but his sword goes far from its target, specially on a close-range combat.

Luckily, apparently Samuel's awkward miss gave his body the unpredictability so Alivia also missed. Thankful that his blade is still ready in his hand, he snaps back his arm, this time for an horizontal slash.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-07-31, 11:51 AM
As he uses the energy channeling, Daniel feels the darkness take a hit on his body, but not that much of a hit. Maybe the Lady's prayers are reaching him!

No more playing around, he advances at the enemy, his sword glowing green. He swipes it almost hitting his stomach with an horizontal strike, that does not hit, but stop glowing. The glow gets out of the sword and swirls into the air by the side of Andrev, and, as it begins taking form, it shifts to Andrev's back. The glow rapidly turns into a humanoid being, which certainly is not human (broadly speaking). The creature is striking an odd pose, his left arm extended making an arc by the side of his head, with his hand resting in the air above his head. The other arm is more retracted by the side of his body, with that hand also resting into the air, pointing to more or less his neck. This tall male-like creature has no clothes, albeit his appearance could be mistaken by armor. He is visibly strong, but not buff. He has a green skin and a lot of rings on his chest and back that resemble trunk rings. His eyes are covered by a pair of wood-like shutter glasses that blends with the back of his "bald", green head. His shoulders and elbows are covered with pads that have short grass and are connected by vines that stretches through his upper arm. His knuckles are covered by pads made of rocks. Around his waist is a belt like that from a champion, but made of wood. The center of the belt, where would be the "medal of championship", is a rock with the G carved on it. His legs have vertical lines that start on the belt, ending near the feet. His feet are also made of rocks. As the creature fully forms, it is possible to see that if you follow the "line" of his arms, it also forms a G.

Let's see what you can do against this! says Daniel, smiling, as Green Heaven strikes two punches at the enemy's back.

Move next to him, standard to summon Green H adjacent to him. He will take a 5ft step behind him and full attack with flank.
Will: [roll0] oh wow my will is ****

Green Heaven Punches:


Possible crits:


2017-07-31, 11:54 AM
An uneven growl replies, sounding almost like a chuckle. Mahes bares his teeth in a predatory smile and leaps upon the nobleman, snapping quickly.flurry of bites
att1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

att2 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

2017-07-31, 12:17 PM
Samuel feels his feet slip a little in the dusty ground. He stays on his feet, but his sword goes far from its target, specially on a close-range combat.

Luckily, apparently Samuel's awkward miss gave his body the unpredictability so Alivia also missed. Thankful that his blade is still ready in his hand, he snaps back his arm, this time for an horizontal slash.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Alivia strikes out again, putting all her might behind the swing once more. She feels hopeful now, since she remains uninjured as of now. She smiles with confidence.
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] damage

As he uses the energy channeling, Daniel feels the darkness take a hit on his body, but not that much of a hit. Maybe the Lady's prayers are reaching him!

No more playing around, he advances at the enemy, his sword glowing green. He swipes it almost hitting his stomach with an horizontal strike, that does not hit, but stop glowing. The glow gets out of the sword and swirls into the air by the side of Andrev, and, as it begins taking form, it shifts to Andrev's back. The glow rapidly turns into a humanoid being, which certainly is not human (broadly speaking). The creature is striking an odd pose, his left arm extended making an arc by the side of his head, with his hand resting in the air above his head. The other arm is more retracted by the side of his body, with that hand also resting into the air, pointing to more or less his neck. This tall male-like creature has no clothes, albeit his appearance could be mistaken by armor. He is visibly strong, but not buff. He has a green skin and a lot of rings on his chest and back that resemble trunk rings. His eyes are covered by a pair of wood-like shutter glasses that blends with the back of his "bald", green head. His shoulders and elbows are covered with pads that have short grass and are connected by vines that stretches through his upper arm. His knuckles are covered by pads made of rocks. Around his waist is a belt like that from a champion, but made of wood. The center of the belt, where would be the "medal of championship", is a rock with the G carved on it. His legs have vertical lines that start on the belt, ending near the feet. His feet are also made of rocks. As the creature fully forms, it is possible to see that if you follow the "line" of his arms, it also forms a G.

Let's see what you can do against this! says Daniel, smiling, as Green Heaven strikes two punches at the enemy's back.

Move next to him, standard to summon Green H adjacent to him. He will take a 5ft step behind him and full attack with flank.
Will: [roll0] oh wow my will is ****

Green Heaven Punches:


Possible crits:


No crits there, but both punches hurt enough to draw blood. Things are not looking up for Andrev, who takes his sickle and tries to focus magical energies along its blade.
[roll2], DC 17
He then strikes out at Green Heaven behind him, taking a step back to try and put his foes on the same side of him and avoid dividing his attention
[roll3] Attack against Green Heaven, fighting defensively
[roll4] damage

An uneven growl replies, sounding almost like a chuckle. Mahes bares his teeth in a predatory smile and leaps upon the nobleman, snapping quickly.flurry of bites
att1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

att2 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

If the nobleman expected Mahes to turn back into human, he is disappointed as the lion snaps at him. This time, he is able to avoid it, lashing out with his own blade as well. He is desperate for victory now, scarce able to take another blow like the ones before.

[roll5] Attack
[roll6] Crit confirm?
[roll7] damage

2017-07-31, 12:23 PM
Both position themselves so to be in flanking position, and this time, both of them strikes him from opposing directions.

Move Daniel to reach distance, somewhere where Green H can move 5ft to get into flanking position, full attack from Green and single attack from Daniel.

Daniel: [roll0]

Green H:


You know what, I'll roll crits when needed actually.

2017-07-31, 12:32 PM
Andrev desperately fends off the attacks from both Green Heaven and Daniel. Seeing as his 'cunning' ploy to get himself out of trouble of getting flaked fails, he goes back to the familiar strategy, twirling his sickle around and calling upon Sakhmet's vengeance to fall upon his foe.

[roll0] DC 13 Will half

2017-07-31, 12:38 PM
Now the battle has just ended in a clash of beatings to see who falls first, and that's exactly what Daniel likes.

Will Daniel: [roll0]
Will Green H: [roll1]

Attack Daniel: [roll2]

Attacks Green H:


2017-07-31, 12:41 PM
more savvy to the noble's attacks now, Mahes easily sidesteps before bringing his teeth back to seek the man's shoulder.flurry [roll0]


Yorae Rasante
2017-07-31, 12:54 PM
Having attacked poorly and not even touched his opponent again, Samuel is hit and the damage this time goes past his armor.

'Well, this isn't working for me,' he thinks. 'Time to risk it, then.'

With that thought in mind, he raises his blade over his head and lowers it on Alivia with all his strength, knowing his chances of striking with all that force are lower... but considering how the battle is going, not much is going to change.

HP: 10/16
Nonletal Damage: 4

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-07-31, 12:56 PM
Having drawn third blood, Mahes steps back, giving a leonine nod. Assuming his opponent ends the match gracefully, he resumes his human form and gives a polite bow. "Well fought. I have learned much. Thank you."

2017-07-31, 01:03 PM
Andrev falls down between the onslaught of blows from Daniel and Green Heaven.
Mahes takes home the prize for the Newcomer category. In a show of poor sportsmanship, his noble foe does not offer congratulation or any acknowledgement. Worst for the man, everything was entirely within the rules.

Having attacked poorly and not even touched his opponent again, Samuel is hit and the damage this time goes past his armor.

'Well, this isn't working for me,' he thinks. 'Time to risk it, then.'

With that thought in mind, he raises his blade over his head and lowers it on Alivia with all his strength, knowing his chances of striking with all that force are lower... but considering how the battle is going, not much is going to change.

HP: 10/16
Nonletal Damage: 4

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Alivia takes a heavy hit, but remains standing. She rounds up on Samuel, face marred a little with pain, but equally with resolve. She waits a while, circling a few steps before lunging forward once more. This time, she chooses speed over power.
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-31, 01:09 PM
Samuel twists his body, allowing his armor to take a bit of the attack, but it was still a close one.
That attack took him to his limit, just a bit more damage and he could feel he would lose consciousness.
But he did not.

Now, the three bloods rule didn't matter to him. A hit now, even if blocked by his armor, he could feel would knock him out.
So he went with what worked last time, and threw his own into his next attack.

HP: 7/16
Nonlethal Damage: 6


2017-07-31, 02:09 PM
Samuel's last blow knocked out Alivia. She drops to the ground, unconscious but stable. Samuel is declared the winner of the round, and advances to the final round. Samuel carries her to the side where he is received by a few priestes that lay her down. Alivia returns to consciousness with a touch from Lady Penell, who holds down the young woman down as she takes her new bearings. Alivia looks up to the healer and searches for Samuel with her eyes.
"That was well fought. I thought I had a chance there for a moment. Almost had you, I think" she says with an almost giddy smile, her injuries and weariness just a bad memory. The healer moves on to Samuel. A pleasant cool sensation flows from her hand through his body, alleviating the bruising and closing the cuts. "Magical healing isn't perfect" she says to Samuel, "You'll need to rest these injuries later. That was a good fight. Alivia learned a lot. We'll see if her teacher can do as well as she." she says, picking up a long spear wrapped in cloth and walking to the arena with the other names.

Everyone is healed once more, then The names will now have their first matches, followed by the final bout. Once every category has it's winners, awards will be given. The Names areare paired into their respective matches. With full 8 contestants, there are no seeded fighters. The first fight to be announced pairs two of the orcs, Ogluk and Borgut against one another. Their grins immediately stop at this announcement. Clearly they had other ideas. Next battle features more orcs, with Delvarus facing off against Taugrek. Third is Lady Penell versus Faffnhr. Last features Thorek and Suseb.

The first match is not that interesting, with both orcs simply rushing one another, meeting in the middle with a heavy crash, making up for their apparent lack of skill with ferocity. Still, looking at them go one gets the impression that they would handily defeat just about anyone in the seasoned group.

The second fight is more impressive. Delvarus is fairly renowned as a person in competitions like this, well-travelled and rarely beaten. He faces another orc, this one still grinning widely. Delvarus uncoils a length of chain, sending the weighed end spinning as his adversary works himself into a proper fury for the fight. Mahes recognizes the weapon as a meteor hammer, a rare weapon at best of times, even odder to see in the hands of an orc. Delvarus spends much of the fight showing off his mastery of the weapon for the crowd, demonstrating how he can alter his reach at leisure, keeping the weighed end moving in erratic patterns that are far from random. By the end of the bout he was not hit at all. He does praise his foe for giving him a good fight. Taugrek equally thanks Delvarus for the fight.

Third bout, much anticipated, also has famous names. Lady Penell is rarely seen at display fights like this, and not really known for her combat ability. A few whisper the word 'Valkyrie' in the crowds as she takes to the field. Her foe is known far and wide. He takes the time to shout his tale to all, though he uses Norskan, so it is lost to most of the audience.
"From far North I come! I boasted to my gods that I was the greatest living warrior to ever walk this earth! Cursed, I was, cast from my home until I would prove myself by besting the greatest warriors in the world! Perhaps this is the day I earn my homecoming!"
He spreads his arms wide, axe and sword in hand, calling the crowd to shout out in excitement. Despite the language barrier he manages a success. As they are given leave to begin, Lady Penell begins chanting a spell as Faffnhr starts across the field, his pose open, clearly inviting an attack in. Silvery blue glow runs over the woman's skin, and after it passes her skin is clad in iron. The Northerner watches this display, a smile spreading on his face as he charges and slips past the spearpoint. His first few strikes are clumsy, easily avoided just by swaying aside or catching the haft of the axe with the spear, but he never relents, never gives space for the woman to properly wield her long weapon. Faffnhr increases the intensity of his attacks, weapons movng almost as a blur before he hooks the beard of his axe behind the haft of the spear and yanks it away. In response, she abandons any notion of disguise, unfurling feathered wings hidden beneath her cloak and launching herself back with a single beat.
Sneering, Faffnhr opens his mouth to speak again. His voice speaks, but the words that come out sound wrong from his tongue, melodic where they once were rough
What follows is a rather graphic and intimate string of insults with explicit descriptions of things he would do with his adversary after the fight. He needs something to unwind himself after the battle. It sounds quite wrong in celestial language.
In response, Lady Penell shouts out more words of power. In response, it seems like the surroundings dim slightly, as a column of bright light stabs into the sky beside her. She grabs onto it as Faffnhr brandishes his axe and makes to charge again. This time she beats him to it, launching to the sky, pulling the light with her. It shrinks down to a lance as she gains altitude, coming to a shimmering point as she plunges down on the Norskan warrior, piercing him through the shoulder and bearing him to the ground with her momentum. In return, she takes a hit from the sword. The prone man proceeds to spit in her face, distracting her long enough that he can get back on his feet. Even worse, the lance of light dissipates, leaving her unarmed again. Faffnhr scores second blood as she goes to retrieve her weapon and follows up with a third in a flurry of blows.

That display is hard to top, but Suseb and Thorek put up an admirable attempt. Theirs is more akin to a clash between unstoppable force of Suseb and immovable object of Thorek. It feels like the ground shakes with the impacts of Suseb's blows, and from the fact that Geheb is his patron, and lord of strength and earth, it isn't entirely unthinkable. His armour broken open in a number of places, Thorek is the first to be bloodied three times.

After the round, Lady Penell heals all the participants again.
I will elaborate later on the names.

Conflicts in Blessed Land
Recently, there has been a comparative peace, with but a few squabbles between nations. The nations have fairly well-respected conventions of war, mostly about capturing enemies, ransoms and giving quarter. Generally, battles are fairly bloodless, with one side retreating once it becomes clear they can't carry the day, with the enemies withholding pursuit.

Yorae Rasante
2017-07-31, 03:19 PM
Samuel carries his opponent to the healers. Not that he didn't need the help himself, he was just the one standing.
He himself was not sure he would have won the battle until the last instant.

He was sure whoever was Alivia's master must be proud of her.

2017-07-31, 04:03 PM
Miadri nods slightly: "The Dark Moon is nearing its zenith." she claims. "This....Andrev. Is he working for our enemies?" Miadri seems nervous and feels naked without her armor and weaponry. But claiming these items now will rob her of useful information. Besides she is not combat experienced enough nor does Neru grant her enough favor to actually influence the situation in a more direct way. Watching and waiting is her best position right now.

2017-07-31, 05:02 PM
Miadri nods slightly: "The Dark Moon is nearing its zenith." she claims. "This....Andrev. Is he working for our enemies?" Miadri seems nervous and feels naked without her armor and weaponry. But claiming these items now will rob her of useful information. Besides she is not combat experienced enough nor does Neru grant her enough favor to actually influence the situation in a more direct way. Watching and waiting is her best position right now.

"Yes and no. More importantly, the chief healer is the target here. We need her power. They wish to take her power away. the voice replies in her ear.

2017-07-31, 06:32 PM
Take her power away? Miadri whispered as loud as she could without getting attention. "You can't just steal the benevolence of Neru!" You could tell Miadri was indoctrinated and very inexperienced. She heard of dark rituals to grant power but never to steal it - and even then, not divine ones. Just dragon's breath. Or an alchemical concoction to deceipher one's heritage through blood. Basically copying. But never stealing.

2017-08-01, 12:42 AM
"Oh no no no" the voice starts, a bit louder, "I did not mean like that. Not away from her, but away from the world. Her gift is wasted anyway. They want to make sure she doesn't become active. We want a little jolt to push her into action.

2017-08-01, 04:17 AM
Miadri was awash with fear. The gods were distant but their power was as present as Miadri. In fact she herself was a living testimony of the gods influencing the mortals as her blood carried divine essence. This has to be impossible. The young acolyte took a deep breath and reiterated one of the more important sermons mentally:

"Lady Moon watches over you.
in the darkest night,
on the brightest day,
while working and loving,
while fighting and protecting,
whether the moon is full or new,
The Moon watches you.

Miadri was calm for a short moment after she remembered Sakmeth's sermon had the same structure. Because the dark moon too, watches always. What can I do? she whispered with a fading voice.

2017-08-01, 05:15 AM
Miadri was awash with fear. The gods were distant but their power was as present as Miadri. In fact she herself was a living testimony of the gods influencing the mortals as her blood carried divine essence. This has to be impossible. The young acolyte took a deep breath and reiterated one of the more important sermons mentally:

"Lady Moon watches over you.
in the darkest night,
on the brightest day,
while working and loving,
while fighting and protecting,
whether the moon is full or new,
The Moon watches you.

Miadri was calm for a short moment after she remembered Sakmeth's sermon had the same structure. Because the dark moon too, watches always. What can I do? she whispered with a fading voice.

The voice pauses for a moment."...leave it to me to get the clueless ones..." she whispers, not realizing that it carries over thanks to The spell. "Fortune favors us. She did exhaust herself in the fighting. What you need to do will be difficult. During the ceremonial speech there will be an attack. We need people to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. You need to make sure it is suitably noisy so that we can spirit her away."
It starts to dawn on you that the speaker believes you to serve Sakhmet.

2017-08-01, 06:07 AM
The final rounds are about to begin so she has to hurry. "Don't worry. I feel provoking Andrev or one of the orcs will cause enough chaos if attacked and takes attention away from the Valkyrie." She excuses herself to her seat neighbors to want to congratulate her champion towards advancing so far during the rounds. She looks for a way to find Samuel and Daniel. With a bit of flattering and the usual courteous demeanor she tells them both the following:

To Daniel: "You fought well, dear Samuel. But I do not want your pretty face to be injured. Leave the finale and join my on my place in the ranks. A kiss during the ceremony should be quite romantic, they say."
To Samuel: "The spectacle was marvelous. Your friend did great too." I would cheer for both of you. Maybe you will fight the Valkyrie in the final round? It has been said that the dark moon shines upon the Valkyrie tonight." she finishes with a look that can only be interpreted as screaming silently with one's eyes.

If both are together she trusts Samuel to "exchange a few words with Daniel to better get him to know him; and me." even though Samuel doesn't know Miadri at all. She then looses a neck strap to flirt with Daniel, brandishing her birthmark in the form of the crescent moon of Neru.

It starts to dawn on you that the speaker believes you to serve Sakhmet.

I mean, yeah. Thanks for the obvious hint. I need that sometimes.

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-01, 08:40 AM
It was pretty close," Samuel admited to Alivia. If I missed the last strike and you hit me it would had been the other way around.

He felt pretty good after the healer's words. He was happy to win, but was even happier that he helped the younger woman get her confidence and do what she wished.

After resting for a bit while watching the fights, he went to talk with his future opponent. After all, as said before, just because they were fighting each others did not mean they would not be friendly.
What he met was the woman he believed was an Inquisitor asking his opponent to forfeit. The paladin was confused by this, but even he could not miss the meaning of her words for him, or of the hidden symbol she showed him. Something could happen to Alivia's teacher. He did not have much idea how much he could help, but better to be as rested as possible... On the other hand, better not to make clear he was warned something would happen, and that meant he'd better fight even if for a bit.
The woman seemed to think Daniel was trustworthy enough if her later words were any way to judge, but how to tell him enough without risking being overheard...

Sorry for interrupting you two, he began a conversation.
He wasn't very good at this...

2017-08-01, 11:10 AM
Mahes exits the ring without further reaction. His poor manner and attitude bring shame to him, but that is his concern.

He watches the rest of the matches eagerly, occasionally stopping to attempt to mime unfamiliar moves in between, attempting to puzzle out how they were done and why.

2017-08-01, 08:15 PM
Sypheil watched the fights go by, resting her chin in her hand as she idly scribbled notes into her already near full journal of maps. She quickly jotted down the names of each contestant, their apparent strengths and weaknesses, and checked them each off one by one as they were defeated. Granted, having one of those hulking orcish brutes following her around would dissuade any potential attacker, none of them stood out as particularly... Interesting. This was, until, her interest was piqued by the man who had transformed himself into a lion. She watched the strange man's fights intently before slamming her journal shut, packing her things and rushing out of the stands with the intent to meet him. An impressive display like that warranted an investigation.

Watching him leave the ring, Sypheil sought out this transforming man. She approached with chest puffed out and head held high, trying to exude an aura of professionalism and self-confidence. She spoke in a commanding, authoritative tone that she was sure would impress the man. "You there, brave warrior! I am Sypheil, of the noble house Harrowstone. I have come to grant you the honor of becoming my guardian; with modest pay, of course."

2017-08-02, 03:16 AM
Oh, you are not interrupting my dear Telandrin spoke softly. I just do not want my two new friends injure each other. You should enjoy the celebrations without any wounds.

As she tried to convince the men the Inquisitor noticed another woman trying to get the beast-man or Lion King - as some people in the crowd called him - to become his guardian. She just pointed her accomplices towards this Lady - like a noble would a servant, but not degrading, just appropriate to her standing. She then approached her: Another noble woman wishing her champion best of luck I see. I am Lady Telandrin of Tendergrove. Miadri made a small curtsey. Who might you two be?

Miadri smiled invitingly but an experienced judge of character could see she was nervous. Fearful even.

2017-08-02, 07:14 AM
Daniel thinks it's strange for her to want him to drop out now, but he complies. After all, he wasn't even going to enter the fight anyway, and now he wins second place AND the girl? Yeah, that's fine.

"Well, if that is what Lady Telandrin wishes for, so be it!" he offers his hand to Samuel. "Maybe some other day we'll be able to spar together, just have a friendly fight! But for now, I concede. Congratulations!", he says, honestly.

sorry for the delay and short post, rushed days

2017-08-02, 11:20 AM
The games come to a close. The final round is fought between Suseb and Faffnhr, with the former gaining third blood first, by a hair's breadth. The winners are called to the arena one final time. Winners of each category are given their rewards by the young prince, flanked by two bodyguards. He congratulates each for matches well fought.
Mahes gains 75 gp, Daniel 50 gp and Samuel 100gp and a finely wrought (masterwork) greatsword. He also mentions that he would be honoured if you would be around during his first official function to be held some time after the games conclude. You'll have time to enjoy the festivities before or after.

There is one last bout of applause as the games officially conclude and people start filtering out of the audience seats and back into the city. Those that fought are approached by some enterprising people looking to hire some muscle. But today is hardly the day for business negotiation. They ask Daniel, Mahes and Samuel where they might find you on the following days if you're interested in more money. The offers are given to some others as well.

Alivia goes by to thank Samuel once more,"Thanks again for a good match. Not that I prefer a beating or anything, but it was exciting to fight such a close match. Also thanks for your encouraging words before the fight too. If not for that, I'd probably just have given up. But I didn't. And it's all thanks to you." She beams at him for a while before turning away. "I hope we'll meet again someday!" she still goes back to the arena.

In the field, you can see that a few combatants are having a chat. Delvarus, Faffnhr and the Valkyrie are engaged in what looks like a cordial conversation. It is fairly loud, so you can hear a few snippets here and there. Faffnhr is sore about losing. He claims that he could have won in a real fight, not this third blood crap. Delvarus goes on to point out that in a competition like this, one needs to consider the rules and adjust. It is a contest, not a battle. And besides, he would not have gotten past the first round if it had been for real. From there, the conversation gets more heated. There might be an impromptu extra fight. You see a few people among the audience still looking on, interested to see if it goes everywhere. The noble's box is mostly empty at this point, with just a handful of people still remaining. The guards have also departed to see the crowds safely to the city.

"The green moon may rise sooner than expected. Be ready" the voice speaks again in Miadri's ear.

2017-08-02, 11:21 AM
Victory presentation
Mahestakes the prize with polite thanks, feeling a bit out of place between the more skilled warriors. He would, of course, be honored to attend the further function as the prince requests.

He brushes off most of the inquirers with a polite smile and nod, acknowledging them but committing to nothing.

Mahes gives Sypheil a small bow. "I am called Mahes Plainswanderer. I travel many roads; if you feel the need for protection, we could travel together for a time, should you be a person of character. I offer my help to any in need. I cannot promise I would not have to turn aside to follow my own path though."

When Telandrin speaks, Mahes remains silent. He was not spoken to, after-all. He merely gives a polite bow to one of station.

2017-08-02, 03:04 PM
Will I see you at the ball this evening?Lady Telandrin asked eagerly. You can tell your fights again from your perspective. It will be so exciting![/COLOR]The Inquisitor excused herself to brush up her outfit as the day at the contest has made her visibly sweaty. Give me a place and time and I will be ready. she quickly responded.

Regardless of answer she left the arena She had sent Laura away but the maiden knew of the plans to protect the royal family and public from any moves of Sakhmet. Thus, Laura informed the agent in charge of hiding Miadri's armory and he in turn informed the person responsible to work as a contact. The guy was a slim halfling with shifty eyes, selling souvenirs from his vendor's tray. A few cheaply made royal emblems and carelessly assembled holy symbols of diverse gods were offered. He met Miadri in an arcway made of stone, hopefully cutting of the spell used to whisper to her.

Does the Lady want a souvenir? Remember this great day with a royal emblem. Remember the great day that was had, the great times we are in. he smiled a crooked grin from under a nose that was broken a few too many times. I love the darkness and its dangers. It is so thrilling, my short friend. Do you have any green moons? You have to know, dearest vendor, the green moon is watching us. I might need them this afternoon. My friends are meeting and I have to have one of those, my dear. Even though the Valkyrie almost won, she is old news. Her name is dead, and I wish she would be too.

Her coding definitely needed work but not as much as the handicraft of the halfling in question. Miadri hoped she delivered the necessary information to the right hands. You could tell that he was an entirely mundane hireling and working for the coin, not the cause.

And please, deliver my purchases to the castle this night. It would be splendid. She hadn't bought anything. This only left the poor halfling to carry the - for his size - heavy stuff from the hiding place to the castle. Without extra pay because he was conscripted per job, not per distance walked. The typical halfling grin vanished off of his face and made way for a more frustated look. Damn Neru. Sometimes I wish she would be eaten by a werewolf. he mumbled.

2017-08-02, 05:02 PM
This is where I'll need to diverge a little again, since characters are let loose upon the timestream again. If anyone has things to do at the site of the competition, they may still do so. Lengthy interactions would be best in the off-camera thread.

I've slightly revised the progress of events to come. Once the games conclude, it will be late afternoon. It will be perhaps an hour before the prince will address the people of his city and nation at the Plaza of Tranquility near the High City. It is located near the centre of the city, some way away indeed from the competition of strength which was held outside the city. After that , there will be music and dancing, with the prince able to be seen in all his glory, before the highborn withdraw to the High City for a more refined party while the celebration is to continue unabated in the city proper. Lady Teladrin and Sypheil Harrowstone both rank well enough to be admitted, with a companion for each. In theory,
the winners of major competitions can also gain entry, though there is a level of dress assumed that might not be met.

However, I assume that the monk's outfit might look fine (though foreign), Daniel is probably finely dressed for his own birthday, and I personally consider armour a 'Paladin's Formals' assuming it's clean. So it is not an issue if you decide to go after, but that party looks to be pretty stiff.

Related to this whole Sakhmet conspiracy, from what Miadri knows they plan something to do with the Valkyrie, and plan to do it either during the prince's address or as an attack of opportunity before or after. Also, without spellcraft or knowledge (arcana) she can't recognize the spellcaster,
though she is reasonably certain that what was used was the Message cantrip. After leaving the arena grounds, the spell will have broken.

Miadri leaves the grounds and makes contact with a halfling contact of hers. The message she passes will move on and preparations are made. A person in the crowd 'accidentally' bumps into Miadri, whispering "Silent moon stands vigil." It is a call to action. Trouble is expected. Probably at Plaza of Tranquility. Usually, this kind of information would be passed more discreetly, but time is not exactly on anyone's side here, marching relentlessly forward.

2017-08-02, 07:55 PM
Once the conversations are concluded (feel free to direct comments to him), Mahes retires to the temple to see to his appearance, taking a quick bath and cleaning his robes as best he is able given the circumstances. Once presentable, he heads toward the city center (asking for directions along the way) to be in time for the address.

2017-08-03, 06:28 PM
After a few moments Miadri hurries back to the heroes parting ways. "My dear friends. I think I wasn't completely honest with you. And my most ..." Miadri looks at her dress for a short time. " - screw this. Sorry, guys. I lied to you and I need your help. Sakhmet's cultists will disrupt the festival today. We were expecting the ball but they will strike sooner. We need to secure the prince. Our agents will hopefully take care of the Plaza of Tranquility and protect the general public. And I need you to help."

Miadri's demeanor changed very drastically. Her friendly face was washed away and is like it is cast in iron, with a determined look. My name is not important for now. Do you believe me? Will you help me? the Inquisitor asked towards Mahes and Daniel. It was untypical for the Silent Moon to recruit outside help but desperate times and all of that. "Paladin? Are their souls without the taint of evil? What do you see?"

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-03, 06:42 PM
"Thank you for the invitation, your highness. It would be an honor to be there," Samuel says, taking the blade that is his prize. He will use the new blade for now, so what to do with the old one...?

Alivia's words make him happier, and he thanks her and once more congratulates her for her good fighting.
He for a while wonders if he should leave or keep watching the Valkyrie, not wanting to draw attention but also wanting to be nearby if help is needed...

That is when the Inquisitor returns.

Hearing her words, he quickly scans the two. "They are clear as far as I can tell.
Any idea of what we can expect? I guess Andrev wouldn't be that deep in it, being so in the open, but would still be a danger?"

2017-08-03, 09:36 PM
Sypheil considered the lion warriors' words before giving a nod. "I assure you that I am a lady of character and stature. Perhaps we can meet after the festivities and discuss a proper pay. I'll only need an escort for a few trips around the region..." She drifts off as another woman of clear noble stature approached.

"Greetings, Lady Telandrin." She gave a somewhat polite nod to the woman, though she did not return the curtsey. She nodded to the lady's inquiry of if she would attend the ball, whether it was directed at her or not, before turning back to her new potential guardian. "I'm sure you'll receive an invitation to the ball; perhaps we would discuss your employment there instead?" She gives a small smile before waving a hand of farewell. "Until then."

She turned to leave before overhearing the 'Lady Telandrin' mentioning a potential attack shortly after. "These things are none of my business..." She thought before feeling a small tug at her back. The silver mask that sat dormant in her backpack had begun to shuffle and shake. A wave of hunger flowed through Sypheil; hunger for battle. Azazel sought to test her in combat, it seemed. Perhaps the spirit was correct; a demonstration of her skills would help her hone her craft. The sensible part of her brain screamed that this could be a trap, and that this woman could simply be a liar. Something suppressed that side of her mind for long enough that she had already spun around and approached the woman with a sigh. "How can I help?"

2017-08-04, 04:29 AM
With niceties Miadri got straight to the point. Secure the perimeter, protect the Prince and more importantly the Valkyrie Lady Penell. One would think they'd target the Prince but they will try to get to her instead. And not at the ball, where the power of Sakhmet is expected but before. The dark moon's orbit is erratic and I think is about to speed up.

Miadri turns to Sylpheil. Only because she learned that civilian looking people with small frames and confident voices are often the most dangerous did she even consider the help. That depends. What are your skills? And who are you? Turning to Samuel she adds: Is she clear too?

Miadri's face darkened. You are in the know now. You can help us to save this situation or leave without telling anyone. But if you interfere...let's just say we can find out who you are and where you are from. You are certainly not regular peasants. Miadri winked, then smiled her usual friendly smile.

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-04, 05:37 AM
"I can feel no evil in her soul, but... she does carry something evil..."

2017-08-04, 06:18 AM
Then she should show it. Miadri demanded.

2017-08-04, 09:57 AM
Daniel stands still for a while, thinking about the situation. Was the girl just playing with him, searching for a bodyguard and an actual fighter, instead of a man? Nevertheless, he will wait to see the truth. "I'm willing to help. I can't "feel the evilness" like he can, but I can fight well enough, I believe."

He'd be partying up with these people, also to help the innocents who might get hurt, but his utmost motive was to discover a little more about the girl who, not that long ago, was flirting with him, and now is recruiting people to help the commoners and the prince.

sorry for the delay, but this month will be a little difficult for me. Just some family and college problems. I'll try to keep up my consistency anyway.

2017-08-04, 11:07 AM
Mahes hears the exchange and gives Miadri a questioning look. "How do you know such things and why are you seeking the aid of strangers rather than informing the proper authorities? While I am always willing to aid those in need, this entire matter seems...highly unusual."

2017-08-04, 03:01 PM
Sypheil cocked her head to the side at Midari's initial questioning. "I believe I have properly stated who I am: Sypheil, of House Harrowstone, a long line of prestigious nobles dating back hundreds of years... My skillset is more than enough to hold my own in combat if it comes down to it."

Drawing upon her years of training in social etiquette, Sypheil suppressed a glaring sneer at Midari's sudden demand to the best of her ability. Her distaste was still quite evident in her words, however. "You are lucky that I even decided to turn around, and even luckier that I haven't notified the authorities that you seem to have been impersonating nobility. She gives Midari a smug smile. "I've decided to assist you out of the goodness of my own heart; this could very well be some kind of trap to rob me of my wealth, but I will continue on anyway. If you must know what I carry, however, I will tell you it is the source of my power, and I'll leave it at that."

At Mahes' question, her gaze once again returns to the 'Lady Telandrin'. "A fair point... Suspicious, even, that you wouldn't...." Sypheil raised an eyebrow at the thought; this was beginning to sound more and more like an elaborate trick... She opened her mouth to continue pressing on with further questioning before Azazel's sharp and gnawing hunger returned. A mild headache followed as she gritted her teeth and awaited a response.

2017-08-04, 03:31 PM
Firstly, feel free to carry on with the RP if you feel like it. Time does not stop though, and the NPCs will eventually finish their conversation.

Things calm out in the arena. The remaining people in the audience stands leave, leaving The place empty beside yourselves and the three warriors who seem about done talking. They move to leave eventually. From the arena floor, the only exit is close to where Miadri and Sypheil entered.

A few courses of action have been suggested. I'd like thoughts on which you might to for.
-Informing the authorities
-Keeping Alivia safe
-Subtly warning The Valkyrie about impending peril
-Assuming you still want to take part in what comes next (which is not required, by any means),
where will you be? Among the crowds, or watching over from the sidelines, or proactively trying to pre-empt The whole thing?

2017-08-04, 09:20 PM
Dabbling in these arts can be dangerous, Lady Harrowstone. But let's suspend our discussion about that. Miadri turns to Mahes. Of course the officials are partly integrated in both the Silent Moon and the enemy. Informing them would change their entire plan. And ours. Chaos would ensue. And Chaos is what they want and we cannot easily deal with. We should warn the Valkyrie and position ourselves in the crowd. Miadri takes off her Holy Symbol of Sakhmet and hands it to Samuel. Give her this along with the following words: viridi luna veniet (Latin as stand-in for Celestial meaning: Green moon is coming.)

Miadri stays silent for a while to watch the reactions on the faces of the group: Of course you will be compensated. And don't you forget our date, birthday boy.

2017-08-06, 08:49 PM
There is much alleging and little proof presented. I decline to chase off after wild imaginings." Mahes gives a curt bow, then turns to Sypheil. "Lady Harrowstone, I will retire to see to my appearance before further events. If you wish, I can escort you where you need to go. Else-wise, if I do not see you, I am lodging at the temple of Geheb while in the city, should you still wish a traveling companion." He takes his leave unless stopped.

(Previous post for washing up and such, but will also seek the ranking authority present (probably not that high of rank, since important people will be busy with the party), and pass along what he was told and who told it to him)

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-07, 05:10 AM
Shrugging, Samuel goes towards the lady he was earlier healed by and then saw fighting in a level he was still far from.
Honestly he wasn't sure what they could do against her, but better keep her warned.

"Excuse me, someone told me to give you something and give you a message in a language I can't really speak, so I'm not sure how good I'd be at it... What I know is that it sounded like a warning that something bad is being planned for you."

With her consentment, he'd put the holy symbol he was given in her hand and repeat her the message, hoping his poor accent wouldn't mangle it too much.

2017-08-07, 07:02 AM
Miadri stays silent for a while to watch the reactions on the faces of the group: Of course you will be compensated. And don't you forget our date, birthday boy.

"I expect nothing less, Lady Girl. I'll be waiting for the date." he says, smiling.

2017-08-07, 02:58 PM
There is much alleging and little proof presented. I decline to chase off after wild imaginings." Mahes gives a curt bow, then turns to Sypheil. "Lady Harrowstone, I will retire to see to my appearance before further events. If you wish, I can escort you where you need to go. Else-wise, if I do not see you, I am lodging at the temple of Geheb while in the city, should you still wish a traveling companion." He takes his leave unless stopped.

(Previous post for washing up and such, but will also seek the ranking authority present (probably not that high of rank, since important people will be busy with the party), and pass along what he was told and who told it to him)

The best you can do is the guard sergeant in charge of the security of Plaza of Tranquility. He hears Mahes out, congratulating him on his victory on the field. He presses for a few more details, like how did you find out, who else knows about this, does Mahes know any further details? After he is satisfied with what he hears, he thanks you for doing your duty and coming to the watch. They have standing orders and protocols for something like this. The security of the Princes and all citizens is paramount. Without better details and more manpower they can't prevent the attack.
You get the distinct impression he was already aware of the attack.

Shrugging, Samuel goes towards the lady he was earlier healed by and then saw fighting in a level he was still far from.
Honestly he wasn't sure what they could do against her, but better keep her warned.

"Excuse me, someone told me to give you something and give you a message in a language I can't really speak, so I'm not sure how good I'd be at it... What I know is that it sounded like a warning that something bad is being planned for you."

With her consentment, he'd put the holy symbol he was given in her hand and repeat her the message, hoping his poor accent wouldn't mangle it too much.

She turns to face Samuel, a bit surprised at his approach. She listens to him explain the situation, her expression growing more serious. She takes the offered holy symbol and listens to his somewhat poorly spoken message. She tries to appear nonchalant and look at the rest of the group. She remains still for a moment more. "Thank you for the warning. You and your associates are perceptive to figure this out. I trust you have alerted the authorities - little good it will do - as you should. she says, thinking again for a moment, "I'm not great at subtle, so I shall be blunt. I doubt I can trust anyone other than Alivia and you. I will try to keep her safe, but I need your help. The Green Moon is not picky about their means when she weeks what she wants. By talking to me, you have made yourself a target. You can fight them. I will assist If able."

She spoke quietly enough that you shouldn't be overheard.

2017-08-07, 11:15 PM
Miadri stares at the insolent - no, skeptic - servant of Geheb. His transformation rituals suddenly make sense. She has heard of these guarding lions but never seen them. She imagined he was some kind of alchemist or arcanist.

By all that is holy. You have sworn your allegiance to Geheb, monk. To serve him, to protect those in need and to use the powers of the earth to stand between the populace and danger. He grants you this incredible boon of transformation and you. You spit on it by playing with it in a tournament? The Aasimar has a difficult time keeping her voice down as to not attract attention but manages to. The Lady slips off the right shoulder off of her dress and you can all see a birthmark in the form of a stylized bird. My powers are not as blunt as yours but nevertheless I am protected by Her guidance. I expect you to join us later on the Plaza.

With these words, Miadri leaves the place.

After returning to her inn, the Inquisitor changes from her dress into her traveling outfit, strapping her dagger to her side. She waits for Laura to arrive with additional news to prepare for the upcoming meet on the Plaza and then hurries there early to a place to overview the area.

2017-08-08, 11:21 AM
Mahes didn't stay to hear the end of Miadri's diatribe...

After speaking with the sergeant, Mahes goes away troubled. The first support for the allegations is the sergeant himself. Troublesome. It will be endlessly obnoxious if the bothersome woman turns out to be correct. He makes a point to be in the square, though does not seek out Miadri or her compatriots.

2017-08-09, 12:36 PM
Plaza of Tranquility

Time moves on and afternoon is approaching, bringing with it the speech of Prince Geraint. The site of the speech is the Plaza of Tranquility, an open space located before the gates to High City and grounds of the royal palace. It is a mostly open space a few hundred yards across, currently starting to teem with excited onlookers eager to secure a good place to see and hear the prince.

At the centre of the plaza, there is a raised pedestal, topped with a bronze statue of Djaf, depicted in human shape, expression stern, holding the scales he uses to weigh the worth of mortals and determine their fate after death. To the west of the plaza lies the High City, which from down below resembles a fortified hill. Steep cliffs have been molded into steep walls, the area around them paved to be a wide avenue for travel. Heavy wooden gates guard the only slope to the High City, with sloped towers on either side. Built in two tiers, the lower tiers have been reserved for nobles and clergy respectively. Before the gates themselves, a wooden podium with a coloured canvas roof has been erected for Prionce Geraint. At the foot of this podium is a cordon of city watch and royal guard. Beyond the podium is the teeming mass of humanity, men and woman alone or in groups, most dressed in their finest for the occasion. The plaza itself is one of the few plaxes free of people peddling their food and other wares, or entertainers looking to earn donations.

East of the plaza one finds Market Row, the main entryway to it. Unlike the plaza itself, this place has food, drink, vendors and everything else you might expect. In addition, the flat roofs of nearby buildings to the plaza both along the street and bordering the plaza, have been taken over by people unsatisfied with viewing spots on the ground. One can be fairly certain that this isn't exactly allowed, but no-one is telling people to come down from there (aside from one exasperated home owner, though even he is soon bribed with food and drink). Due North, a small band of musicians has taken residence, along with a few guards. More guards can be seen spread around the plaza, though more than a few seem more intent on enjoying themselves than their performing their duty. A sergeant pushes his way through the crowd to straighten out any egregious cases.

Laura arrives with some extra news. Miadri's superiors pass their compliments on her uncovering this circumstance and her conduct thus far. However, a pre-emptive strike has been ruled out. Miadri's discovery that an agent of Sakhmet stands among the noble guests means that this agent cannot be seized without causing incident unless they make a mistake. Thus, you cannot rely on the clergy of Neru in the upcoming trouble. Right now, they want to lure out the cult of Sakhmet and tear it out at the root.

Another agent has learned of the likely agents of this. Called Infardi, or 'Faithful' in gnomish, they have grown in Arathus as a benign but rogue organization devoted to the moon goddess, though faiths of Sakhmet and Neru both have had no ties to the group on the surface. They are simply helping people in need. Those that lose their livelihoods, homes or families are taken in and given new purpose. This group has been a positive influence on the White City, but now it seems that they are about to reveal a darker purpose. The group has been used as a recruiting ground by a cult of Sakhmet, taking in those with nothing left to lose, patiently molding them into agents with this day in mind. They are normally identified by robes the green of summer leaves. Exactly what they might be capable of is still unknown, as this will be the first encounter.

Indeed, you can see among the crowd perhaps two dozen green-clad people. Sizes and shapes vary between them, and most wear hoods, making anything specific hard to say. Each is alone, and though they don't truly stand out from the crowd, you can see from your vantage that none of them are taking time to enjoy themselves. A few more can be seen at the edges of roofs.

The allotted time is approaching. You still have time to prepare or investigate

2017-08-09, 05:14 PM
Miadri feels incredibly stupid for thinking to snipe the cultists in the crowd. She could easily kill a bystander. After seeing the amount of people clad in green, she herself hurries down and tracks down one of the cultists. She starts watching.

Perception[roll0] (to spot Sleight of Hand moves)
Sense Motive[roll1] (to spot subtle secret messages)
Stealth [roll2](to hide in the masses)

2017-08-10, 11:21 AM
Mahes joins the crowd, trying to keep an eye out for anything unusual (though everything in the city is a bit unusual to him).perception taking 10 for 16

if not allowed or a specific reaction roll is needed, [roll0]

2017-08-10, 06:24 PM
Taking 10 is feasible under the circumstances.

The plaza continues to crowd up. Right now, most people are talking with their friends and waiting for the main event. Some seek out company for the festivities in the evening and beyond, but aside from that, there isn't much out of ordinary. You do see Andrev, the faithful of Sakhmet on the Plaza, looking terribly suspicious with a tankard of drink and eating a small pastry, seeping pure malice (actually looking fairly normal). The Valkyrie has also entered the plaza and appears relieved that someone else has the attention of the crowd now. While she doesn't look prepared for a fight, Alivia is by her side wearing the same armour as in the arena. She also carries an extra sword.

The cultist seems to be anxious. In trying to do nothing out of the ordinary, he looks conspicuous in the generally relaxed atmosphere. Over a period of observation, you don't see much interaction. A few passing statements brushing off people talking to him aside,
a child sized person comes to chat, nonchalantly, about the time being nigh. Had you been hearing this by accident, it sounds innocent enough,
but as this is the first time the cultist speaks a complete sentence it gives away the game. They say that the show starts when the 'star' arrives.
It is to be a day of revelations. Other parts of the conversation are lost without context, but it is clear that something is afoot. The messenger leaves into the crowd after saying his piece.

Typically, walking armed in cities is not prohibited. However, in most cases a loosely defined 'arms length' rule is followed. That is to say, weapons with reach significantly greater than melee (polearms and other reach weapons, as well as ranged weapons)
cannot be carried openly in the plaza. The guards themselves wear polearms, which gives them advantage over enemies lacking reach.

In game terms, visibly carried ranged weapons are peace-bonded, which means that drawing them is a full-round action. You can also use sleight of hand (or other skill) to try and make a weapon look peacebound without hindering its use. This is an offense punishable by fine.

2017-08-11, 01:09 AM
Miadri silently prays to Neru to illuminate the path before her and tries to follow the messenger quietly. If he doesn't reveal anything more than other cultists, Miadri cuts the chase short. What could they plan?

Knowledge Religion (illuminated) [roll]1d20+5 if taking 10 isn't feasible. In both cases, I use my SLA for that. (the damn thing won't do my second script. Please roll the knowledge check for me Kalli).
I use Illuminating Touch twice. Once before the Knowledge roll. Once after to prepare for anything coming up.

2017-08-11, 05:21 AM
Miadri trails the messenger, managing to evade detection. The next cultist on the path is a larger man. His robe is more ornate, and he has two 'children' with him, both clad in shapeless robes and too bulky to actually be children. He holds both by hand like a father walking with small children, though their sleeves cover the actual hands. The messenger you follow delivers a report. All is in place. The only thing they wait for is the signal. 'Star'. One of the little messengers whimpers, and tugs at the the man's arm. He leans down and murmurs something in a soothing tone, calming the thing down. He nods a few times, apparently to himself, then begins moving towards the center of the plaza and the statue of Djaf.

For common knowledge, I'll generally let you take 10. (So anyone without Int penalty can recognize the common races of the world,
typical animals and general plantlife et cetra) For identifying monster abilities, rolls are needed, and for more obscure things, rolls might be preferable to meet the DC.

2017-08-11, 07:34 AM
Miadri inches slowly closer to get a good look at the smaller messengers. If they are not children but what the Inquisitor suspects to be Gnomes why would they cry? Is maybe human(oid) sacrifice in play? No, they have to be something different. Adult gnomes wouldn't behave like that. Mostly likely it is someone or someTHING on a childlike intellect. But bulkier. Would Miadri know of outsiders or fey that cooperate with Sakhmet? Or even undead with some semblance of sentience?

Perception to spot the small crying one [roll0]
(illuminated) Know (Religion) for obscure alliances with Sakhmet: [roll1]
Sense Motive for what distresses the small one [roll2]

2017-08-11, 08:18 AM
Miadri takes a closer look at the man and his two creatures. Miadri knows that favored servants of Sakhmet sometimes continue their service even after death. Turned into monsters themselves, their outward shape begins to represent the corruption within. Such creatures occasionally return to the world, summoned through rituals and sacrifices. All such servitors are powerful in their own right, but to summon something spectacular would require a ritual that is all but impossible to keep secret. She is not very learned in such mysteries, but knows that silver is typically the bane of such creatures.

Malicious Fey and undead also do rank among Sakhmets' cavalcade of minions, but they generally work less than well with human servants, and generally require a powerful leader to keep them in line.

As I think I've mentioned somewhere, Sakhmet is not exactly fond of mortals, which raises the question of why people would worship her. The reason is the covenant between mortals and gods. For it to be upheld, all deities must be honoured. For most part, official worshippers and clergy of Sakhmet do their task so that they might appease Sakhmet and avert her scorn falling upon mortals by performing the rites and sacrifices taught to them. Other, idealistic types offer genuine worship and adoration in hopes of reforming the malicious goddess by giving her the love and care she craves. Finally there are those that wish to cause chaos andf mayhem and need means to do so. It is the last group that Sakhmet always favours and supports most of all. The others she attempts to twist from the righteous path, as little amuses her more than seeing righteous fall from their standards.

While I use Pathfinder monsters, I sometimes change their appearance, immunities, resistances and vulnerabilities to better suit their themes in this world.

2017-08-12, 09:50 AM
Sypheil enters the crowd, weaving through the partygoers while looking about for suspicious activity. Her hands shake nervously as her heart begins beating hard. If this was a trap, she was surrounded by other people in a public, guardeed environment; she felt safe in that regard. However, if the woman's words were true, and an attack could begin at any moment... She swallowed, shivering at the thought.

Perception if nessecary: [roll0]

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-12, 09:58 AM
She turns to face Samuel, a bit surprised at his approach. She listens to him explain the situation, her expression growing more serious. She takes the offered holy symbol and listens to his somewhat poorly spoken message. She tries to appear nonchalant and look at the rest of the group. She remains still for a moment more. "Thank you for the warning. You and your associates are perceptive to figure this out. I trust you have alerted the authorities - little good it will do - as you should. she says, thinking again for a moment, "I'm not great at subtle, so I shall be blunt. I doubt I can trust anyone other than Alivia and you. I will try to keep her safe, but I need your help. The Green Moon is not picky about their means when she weeks what she wants. By talking to me, you have made yourself a target. You can fight them. I will assist If able."

She spoke quietly enough that you shouldn't be overheard.
"One of us went to warn them, but the one that asked to give the warning is afraid they may be infiltrated," Samuel replies. "Thank you for your confidence. Speaking of Alivia, do you think she would like my old sword? She hit me hard enough during the contest I think she could use it properly. I'd be happier if someone I know wields it, now that I got another one."

2017-08-12, 02:55 PM
"One of us went to warn them, but the one that asked to give the warning is afraid they may be infiltrated," Samuel replies. "Thank you for your confidence. Speaking of Alivia, do you think she would like my old sword? She hit me hard enough during the contest I think she could use it properly. I'd be happier if someone I know wields it, now that I got another one."

"I'm sure she would. What girl could say no to a handsome man offering a sword of that size?" she asks with a playful smile. "Jokes aside, I am sure she would love it." She might be jumping to conclusions.

The Plaza of Tranquility
The time comes at last. Sun shines from the clear sky as the musicians play a few triumphant notes. The crowd grows still and silent, necks straining to see past everyone else as Prince Geraint ascends the steps to the podium, flanked by two Gifted. He wears an ornate outfit of white, green and gold. A thin golden band sits upon his brow now, and his bearing is stately and proud. He launches into his speech, thanking everyone for making it there and making the festival what it is. His voice is firm and clear, carrying over the crowd easily.

Miadri notes that the figures she was trailing stopped with the rest of the crowd as the fanfare sounded. They seem to be listening to the speech, if a bit impatiently on case of the little figures. The speech continues until the Prince states in his speech that he will be a shining star that lights the future of Arathus for the next generation.

"Now" The tall figure says to his charges, who cast off the holds of their robes as all Hell breaks Loose.

Order of business:
Roll initiative. We will use average group initiative, and there is a surprise round, where the enemies and Miadri can act.
Select your positions. The Plaza is subdivided into zones for ease of mapping.
The Wall: holds nobles and clergy. Pretty off limits, though lady Harrowstone could have gained entry If she wanted.
Gate & podium, where The Prince is. Off limits.
Front Rows: at the front, obviously
Central Plaza: Where Miadri followed her targets. Holds the statue of Djaf.
North Plaza: Holds Alivia, Valkyrie and Andrev.
North Rooftops: Holds the band
South Plaza: Just crowds
South Rooftops: More crowds
Market End: The entrance to the Plaza, still more crowds

Do we want to use theatre of mind or a detailed map? In ToM, it takes one round to move from one Area to another as long as crowds remain, move action If/when they disperse. Map Will have a More specific scale, for better or worse.

2017-08-12, 04:35 PM
Miadri uses her information advantage to block the cultist leader's way: By the rank granted to me by the Clergy of Neru I hereby detain you. Cease any actions or pay the price. she shouts while starting to unwrap her peace-bound dagger.

Initiative: [roll0]
Surprise Round: Moving between the cultist's target (the Prince?!) in 10 ft. range. Free Action to speak.
First Round shall used to produce the dagger from its sheath or Protection from Evil, depending on the reaction.

2017-08-13, 08:27 AM
"So that's what the Lady told me would happen, huh?" thinks Daniel, "hidden" amongst the crowds of the Central Plaza.

I think Daniel would be near Miadri, either by her side or just in the same general area, so that's why I chose Central Plaza.
Initiative: [roll0]
I suppose the actions will come after the initiative counting so I'll wait for that

2017-08-13, 11:07 AM
The small hooded figures toss back their hoods, revealing the faces beneath. Proportioned akin to grotesque children, their mouths too wide and filled with sharp teeth, eyes dark with no white showing, skin grayish hue. These are no mortal creatures, but fiends created from lost souls. One opens its mouth, spewing a cloud of noxious smoke at the gatehouse, engulfing the assembled priests. The man turns with the other fiend to face Miadri. "What right has Neru to sit judgement upon my soul? It belongs to Sakhmet. The reward of those that die for her cause is self-evident. Why would you choose uncertain paradise over life eternal?" he asks mockingly. He holds no weapons, though his robe is great enough to hide something. He lets go of the hand of his charge and clenches his fists, dropping into a fighting stance.

Elsewhere in the crowd, Andrev, the servant of Sakhmet that competed in the arena calls down the wrath of Sakhmet. A wave of dark energy cuts through the crowds, few enduring on their feet, but with the majority falling down, injured badly. He draws his sickle into his hand, turning to face Alivia and the Valkyrie.

At this, someone finally screams in fear, and panic spreads across the crowd. People push others aside in their rush to get out. At the podium, prince Geraint is still stunned by the sight and unmoving, though his guards are more on point, interposing themselves between their charge and the hostiles in the crowd. The guards at the foot of the podium struggle to keep the crowd out, and those in the crowd itself struggle to not be pushed off or trampled, or join the flight themselves.

"See how we hate! Truly we are worthy vessels of your power!" Andrev declares to the sky. He stands in a circle of fallen and injured, facing off against the Valkyrie and Alivia, both of whom draw blades. "An error", the first states, "and short-lived at that." A hand reaches from the downed people at Lady Penell, begging at her for help. "We know your weakness, feeble one! After your stint in the arena, I can kill these people if you don't take the effort to save them. Will you strike me down knowing that all these lives rest on your hands?"

It only applies to ranged weapons and reach weapons (in which case it generally secures a leather sheath over the blade). So a dagger could be drawn during your surprise round. Otherwise though, Miadri faces the lucky situation of having a surprise round immediately followed by a regular round.

Amidst the panicking crowds, the green-robed Infardi finally stand out, two of them in the central plaza, four in every other area. The first one puts his hands close together and begins chanting. Magical energy crackles between his fingers.

I rolled the remaining initiatives, and the PC faction stands to go first in the subsequent rounds. The enemies have already taken action in the surprise round, and are thus not flat-footed by default.

I'll treat the various areas as 'rooms', with the idea that generally creatures mind their own, unless called to do something else.
Central Plaza: Fiend 1, Fiend 2, Cult leader, Cultist 1, Cultist 2, Miadri, Daniel, Sypheil (unengaged). The heaving crowds make everything count as difficult terrain, and all non-adjacent squares are considered to have soft cover (+2 AC, +1 Reflex). Enemies are unaware of everyone but Miadri, though aware that other combatants might exist.
North Plaza: Andrec, Cultists A-D, Alivia, Valkyrie
Unassigned: Mahes, Samuel

2017-08-13, 12:38 PM
Why did that woman have to be right? She will be insufferable. Ah well, maybe we will die before it matters!Mahes draws his blade and moves toward one of the fiends, holding it low to keep it hidden in the crowd. central plaza, draw weapon & move toward fiend 1

2017-08-13, 01:32 PM
"Are you seriously trying to discuss religion NOW?" Miadri scoffs at her opponent, unable to formulate any retort that doesn't sound memorised. Mentally the Inquisitor focusses on the image of an intensely shining moon, calling down not divine wrath upon his enemy but a pale blue light that lines her weapon and will guide her hand towards the enemy. She then moves closer and attacks her opponent with a risky stab, probing his defenses.

She SHOULD fight defensively and she SHOULD buy time for any competent warrior to arrive but this being her first real combat she gets pretty nervous and gives her all.

"BY THE SILENT MOON, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" she then shouts at the crowds.

Moving in towards her enemy positioning herself to allow opportunity attacks on the fiend and cultist, but only attacking the fiend if he chooses to leave combat to kill innocents. Otherwise her AoO is focussed on interrupting a possible spell of her enemy.
Judgment (Justice ) for +1 to attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage if applicable: [roll1]

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-14, 04:30 PM
"I'm sure she would. What girl could say no to a handsome man offering a sword of that size?" she asks with a playful smile. "Jokes aside, I am sure she would love it." She might be jumping to conclusions.
With no idea if the woman is joking or she really thinks he is trying to make moves on her apprentice, Samuel decides it is time for a strategic exit.
"Great! Well then, please deliver it to her for me. I better prepare myself for the events later."

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowing something might happen, Samuel decided he'd rather be at the Central Plaza, where he could reach the norther areas faster - save for the rooftops. He imagined that, since Lady Pellev is the target, that would be where most of the commotion would happen, but the center, being, well, the center, would also be a target for sowing chaos.
As soon as the fight happens, Samuel draws his new sword, looking for the opponent that seems either surrounded by more non-fighters, more dangerous or the enemy leader, in that order of preference.
Perception: [roll1]
Target set, he runs on its direction, releasing the closest thing to a threatening roar he can.
Antagonize(Intimidate): [roll2]
He knows he is leaving himself open, but his goal is to protect the non-combatants first.

2017-08-15, 12:41 PM
Why did that woman have to be right? She will be insufferable. Ah well, maybe we will die before it matters!Mahes draws his blade and moves toward one of the fiends, holding it low to keep it hidden in the crowd. central plaza, draw weapon & move toward fiend 1

"Are you seriously trying to discuss religion NOW?" Miadri scoffs at her opponent, unable to formulate any retort that doesn't sound memorised. Mentally the Inquisitor focusses on the image of an intensely shining moon, calling down not divine wrath upon his enemy but a pale blue light that lines her weapon and will guide her hand towards the enemy. She then moves closer and attacks her opponent with a risky stab, probing his defenses.

She SHOULD fight defensively and she SHOULD buy time for any competent warrior to arrive but this being her first real combat she gets pretty nervous and gives her all.

"BY THE SILENT MOON, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" she then shouts at the crowds.

Moving in towards her enemy positioning herself to allow opportunity attacks on the fiend and cultist, but only attacking the fiend if he chooses to leave combat to kill innocents. Otherwise her AoO is focussed on interrupting a possible spell of her enemy.
Judgment (Justice ) for +1 to attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage if applicable: [roll1]
The fiend notes your approach, its features twisting with fury. It opens its mouth, filled with needle-sharp teeth and making for Mahes' arm. It is significantly shorter, the size of a child, but there is nothing innocent about it. Its hands, free from the robe, end in claws. It has not yet brought things to bear, but it won't be long.

[roll0] Not charging, single attack
[roll1] bite damage

Miadri's blade finds a home in the man's shoulder, though the cut is not very deep, and from the feel of it he has armour beneath his robe, but the blood on the blade is evidence that it isn't very good. "What better time to speak religion than when facing a woman about to die? he snarls, sweeping an arm low at Miadri's feet, and immediately after a high blow towards her chest. His bulk is not just for show. He is strong. And he isn't putting his back into it yet. The fiend to his left is engaged by Mahes while the one to the right moves around, trying to place Mahes between itself and its kin.

[roll2] Trip (improved)
[roll3] Unarmed strike in the shape of fist
[roll4] Damage

Samuel chooses one of the cultists (surrounded by non-combatants) for your attention. Your roar gets his attention, shifting his hooded features in your direction. The crowds, fleeing all the while, leave a clean corridor between you. He brings his hands close and chants. As words leave his mouth a sphere of magical power builds between his hands before he launches it forward at you. Other voices take up the chant, some throwing their blasts at the crowd, others aiming for either the Valkyrie or prince Geraint. The latter are intercepted by his bodyguards. One, struck by a veritable barrage, falls down to one knee.

[roll5] Attack roll
[roll6] damage (it's magic, so it goes through DR armour)

In response to Miadri's shouts, the people in earshot redouble their efforts to get away. There is a growing clearing around you, though the other areas are not so lucky.

With Andrev and Valkyrie, things go Sakhmet's way. He judged things correctly, and is left to fight only Alivia as a silvery light shines on the wounded people, healing their injuries. Samuel recognizes the blade Alivia wields as the one he had used until recently, though she swings wide on her first blow, overbalancing herself in an error that Andrev capitalizes on. He draws blood and smiles cruelly for a moment, before it's wiped from his face. The wound closes before his eyes, and what's worse, he rather pointedly did not tie up the Valkyrie with another bout of channelled energy. Things might go downhill. "Remain on the ground" Lady Penell warns the people she healed, weaving aside from a few destructive bolts that fizzle away to nothingness or hit the ground moments after missing.

Elsewhere on the plaza, the braver guards are pushing against the throng, but it will be a while before they can support you. The rampart of the priests is still covered in noxious smoke, cutting them off as well. The only way for them to lend aid aside from jumping is to climb back to the High Quarter and descend back by the road, or disperse the fog. Something seems to hinder the first option, however.

A sideways glance suggests that, while the magic wielded by the cultists looks impressive, it isn't very powerful or long-ranged. The ones aiming at the prince were practically at the front row, and those positioned poorly vent their rage on citizens. A blast is generally enough to fell one, though some continue to limp or crawl away. Equally, the cultists don't seem expert at wielding them.

Central Plaza: Fiends 1&2, Mahes, Miadri, Cultist boss are a single combat, Samuel and Cultist #1 are another, though close by. Cultist #2 is unengaged (or might be fighting Daniel and/or Sypheil I guess)
Northern Plaza: Alivia and Andrev are engaged, cultists are firing at Valkyrie, who is currently not engaged.

I feel like I need to move this along. The actions of the cult at large is partially to compensate for absence of two heroes.

2017-08-15, 02:11 PM
Nimbly jumping to the side to avoid the trip attempt the Inquisitor is hit by a gruesome claw attack, nearly dislocating her shoulder and leaving a bloody gash in her side. The slash is superficial but she cannot deal with another blow similar to this. She immediately retreats a long step: "You only know of power, fiend, of danger and destruction. Witness the caressing light of Neru!" and incants an old word of power. Miadri touches her shoulder but not how someone hurt might do to decrease the stress on the muscles. A spell is outlining her person in a silvery light, forming a protective barrier around her.

5 ft step back and casting Protection from Evil on self. New AC 16; +2 on saves. HP 4/9 = moderately wounded.

2017-08-15, 02:25 PM
As combat began, panic settled into Sypheil's mind. She pushed through the crowd, trying to suppress her fears as she rushed towards the familiar sound of Midari's voice. She swung her hands behind her, clawing to open her backpack. As she did, trails of black smoke began to flow from the open bag. She mentally reached out for the presence of the mask, causing the smoke to swirl and flow around her fingers. She reached out for a sliver of Azazel's power, but in her panic drew in far too much energy than she could handle. The smoke sinks into her skin causing her to freeze up, losing the spell.

Ghost Strike + Forbidden Lore + Lingering Pain Invocation [1 Spell Point, 1 Invocation]
Forbidden Lore roll failed, spell fizzled out; spell point lost, invocation (most likely) lost, -1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and effective caster level (minimum: 1) until next rest.

2017-08-15, 02:55 PM
Her breathing erratic and shaky, Sypheil focuses her power once more. Drawing once more upon the energy of the mask, her blood pumping with an eldritch fervor, she unleashes a crackling blast of red energy towards the cultist's leader.

Double posting; last post was for my actions last round.
Ghost Strike + Forbidden Lore + Lingering Pain Invocation [1 Spell Point, 1 Invocation]
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
If successful, target makes two separate DC 15 Fortitude saves; one against Fatigue (Lasts 1 minute) and the other against Sicken (Lasts 1 round).

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-15, 03:13 PM
The magic misses Samuel, and he wastes no time in advancing against his opponent. He is worried someone might be hit by the stray magic, but the sooner the cultist is down the less stray magic for others to be hit by will be there.
Taking advantage of the open space the fleeing people made between them, Samuel turns his advance into a full-blown charge, swinging his weapon at full strength.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-08-16, 11:19 AM
Mahes sways out of reach of the creature's teeth, using the momentum to bring his blade to bear, hooking at the creature's leg then recovering for a downswing.flurry of blows
trip [roll0]

if successful, attack [roll1] (includes prone)
damage [roll2]

if fails, trip again [roll3]

AOO on stand
[roll4] (includes prone)
damage [roll5]

2017-08-16, 12:43 PM
The battle’s start stole the thunder of Green Heaven’s second entrance. Still, that let Daniel work unnoticed. With great flair, he places himself between Miadri and the cult leader, while Green Heaven takes place behind the man. A tactic he had used to great success during the fight earlier.

Green Heaven

Faced with new enemies, the big cultist throws back his hood, revealing a face with a strong jawline, his otherwise handsome face ruined by ritual scars and tattoos. He has marked Miadri as his pray, but now some gallant fool insists on getting in the way. “You’ll learn the hard way what it means to oppose the Faithful” He launches another flurry, this time aimed at Daniel. He can handle fists, but a big sword is something else.


The prone fiend dodges Mahes’ attack, rolling to side before rising. It takes a massive slash from the big sword, but after its pass doesn’t seem that injured. You know you cut deeper than the wound shows. As it were, though, it has other business to attend to, lashing out at Green Heaven instead. The other one tries to take advantage of Mahes sandwiched between the fiends, unleashing a barrage of attacks.

The fiend is quite resistant between thick hide and unnatural resistance. It has taken 3 lethal and 1 nonlethal damage. It attacks Green Heaven
[roll10] Bite, flank
[roll11] Claw, -“-
[roll12] Claw, -“-

The cultist against Samuel readies another blast, oblivious to how open it leaves him

Cultist provokes an AoO for casting, potentially another for a ranged attack in melee.
[roll16] potential concentration, DC 10+damage
[roll17] attack

The last unengaged cultist aims a shot at Miadri instead. A crackling bolt of energy sails towards her

[roll19] They are (obviously) evil

Elsewhere, freed from her healing duties, the Valkyrie spreads her wings once again, launching at one of the cultists, cutting her down where she stands. Chances of survival look slim. Two blasts strike home in return, though they do little beside singing her flesh slightly. Alivia and Andrev trade blows, the latter taking a glancing blow this time while Alivia’s armour stops the blow this time.

Elsewhere, the royal guard suppress the cultists shooting at the prince while the young man is escorted away. In other areas of the Plaza, the cultists group up, focusing fire to bring down the watchmen trying to approach. After a few casualties, the rest break and run, stopping at the edge of the plaza to gather their courage.

Finally, something that might avoid notice is that the noble’s perch, untouched by the noxious fumes that yet engulf its priestly counterpart, still has a single occupant. A woman in a green dress, leaning down and looking at the unfolding violence with what could be glee.

I'm rolling the NPC/NPC interactions elsewhere so I can narrate the events better.

2017-08-16, 02:29 PM
Sypheil's brow furrowed in frustration as another attack sailed by the tattooed cultist leader. An unnatural hate flowed through her, a deep-seeded disdain for her enemies. Sypheil raised her hands to Daniel as smoke and crackling energy flowed out from the mask and towards the warrior to imbue him with Azazel's power.

Using the Time Sphere's Alter Time ability to cast Haste on Daniel.
(You grant the target the ability to make an extra attack at its highest BAB whenever it makes a full attack action. This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so it cannot be used to cast a second sphere effect or otherwise take an extra action in the round. You must concentrate to maintain this effect, but may spend a spell point as a free action to allow it to remain for 1 round per caster level without concentration.)

2017-08-16, 02:48 PM
"THEY WANT THE VALKYRIE!" Miadri shouts and disengages from the combat. In a short incantation she envelops her shoulder in a rather warm light, resulting in closing her wounds completely. Miadri then starts to scan for her preferred weapon on the battlefield or on soldiers on duty. She moves in for the short bow of a fallen soldier and stops for a small prayer of his soul. Miadri is not educated in the metaphysics of dead souls. She just hopes that his soul gets guided to the correct afterlife rather than being harvested by Sakhmet.

Casting Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]
moving towards northern plaza but my priority is picking up a bow for now

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-17, 08:28 AM
Seeing that his target is open, Samuel tries to attack him back as hard as he can before the spell is cast.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-17, 08:34 AM
Knowing before completing the attack that it was a miss, Samuel uses the momentum to spin, evading the spell and allowing him to make a second attack about as strong. Taking advantage of the roll, he takes a quick glance around to see who would benefit more of his help if this attack downs the opponent.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Perception: [roll2]

2017-08-17, 09:19 AM

Daniel took a heavy blow from the leader, but he couldn't let himself be fazed by it. The enemy is also somewhat injured, so it's time to trust your own abilities and try to kill the enemy before it kills you.

Me: Full round, double attack (one + haste)
GH: Full-round, 3 attacks at the cultist leader (two + haste)

Daniel 1: [roll0]

Daniel 2: [roll2]

Green Heaven 1: [roll4]

Green Heaven 2: [roll6]
[roll7], +7 from crit, total 12 (rolled in Discord)

Green Heaven 3: [roll8]

2017-08-17, 11:16 AM
Mahes takes two blows, wincing as he steps to flank with Green Heaven, attempting another trip before swinging wildly. 5' step to flank, flurry, trip first [roll0] (includes flank)

if failed, trip again [roll1]

if success, attack w/ PA (-1/+3 for two handed)
[roll2] (includes prone + flank - PA)
damage [roll3]

AOO on stand
[roll4] (includes prone + flank - PA)
damage [roll5]

2017-08-17, 02:14 PM
Knowing before completing the attack that it was a miss, Samuel uses the momentum to spin, evading the spell and allowing him to make a second attack about as strong. Taking advantage of the roll, he takes a quick glance around to see who would benefit more of his help if this attack downs the opponent.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Perception: [roll2]

You cut down the foe, leaving him quite very dead. Following that, you can see Mahes, Daniel and his summoned monster fight against two fiends and what seems to be the leader, certainly strong in the very least. The remaining cultist switches target, charging his blast further and tossing it at Samuel.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage


Daniel took a heavy blow from the leader, but he couldn't let himself be fazed by it. The enemy is also somewhat injured, so it's time to trust your own abilities and try to kill the enemy before it kills you.

Me: Full round, double attack (one + haste)
GH: Full-round, 3 attacks at the cultist leader (two + haste)

Daniel 1: [roll0]

Daniel 2: [roll2]

Green Heaven 1: [roll4]

Green Heaven 2: [roll6]
[roll7], +7 from crit, total 12 (rolled in Discord)

Green Heaven 3: [roll8]

The cult leader withstands the blows, taking a deep cut in the arm and another punch to the face, breaking his nose. He snarls, and appears quite spent already. He spares a glance at his fiends. Both essentially uninjured, they might still carry the battle in the end, though that was little help for the man himself. He had an escape strategy, however unlikely it was to work. He needed space. He gathers his focus before taking a risk.

He attempts to trip Daniel as a standard action. He'll take a move action (and AoO from Green Heaven and Daniel) afterwards, getting himself out of the flank.
[roll2] Trip

Mahes takes two blows, wincing as he steps to flank with Green Heaven, attempting another trip before swinging wildly. 5' step to flank, flurry, trip first [roll0] (includes flank)

if failed, trip again [roll1]

if success, attack w/ PA (-1/+3 for two handed)
[roll2] (includes prone + flank - PA)
damage [roll3]

AOO on stand
[roll4] (includes prone + flank - PA)
damage [roll5]

Mahes manages a cut at the fiend both as it falls and again as it rises, two heavy strikes prompting shrieks from the monstrosity. It still pushes to its feet, swelling with fell power. Still some fight in it.

[roll3] claw against Mahes
[roll4] damage

Miadri finds a downed guard, victim of a magical attack, as well as the rush of fleeing citizens. His bow is still unused in its quiver.

Alivia strikes at Andrev again, landing another cut, driving the man back. He proffers his symbol of Sakhmet, calling for one final blessing from his goddess. One last spiteful act. He surges with dark power that erupts, washing over Alivia and the crowd beyond. He catches two of his allied cultists and the Valkyrie. The latter is the only one besides Andrev still standing afterwards. He taunts the Valkyrie again. As much as he is out of power to channel, so is Valkyrie, and he still seems confident that he will prevail despite his injuries. He drops his scythe and draws a potion.

On the ground, Alivia keeps healing, regaining consciousness briefly lost. She stays down though.

The woman at the noble balcony (technically a parapet) gathers power around her hand. crackling electricity, big brother to the blast tossed around by the cultists.

A group of cultists attempts to break through the cordon of guards at the prince, while another group makes for the Valkyrie.

2017-08-17, 02:55 PM
Sypheil's heart raced with the thrill of battle. The exhilaration of finally being able to use the mask combined with the adrenaline of combat was euphoric. Her eyes darted across the field, noticing the woman upon the noble's balcony. She studied the womans features briefly, trying to match her face to any other she had seen in the past. Her glimpse was brief before she continued her fervent spellcasting. The dark smoke wrapped around the cult leader's feet as waves of force try to bring him down and slow his movement.

Knowledge: Nobility [roll0]
Using the Time Sphere's Alter Time ability to cast Slow on the cult leader [DC 15], and spending a Spell Point to continue Haste for 1 round without my concentration.
(You cause the target to become staggered, allowing it to only take a single move action or standard action on its turn, but not both (Will negates). You must concentrate to maintain this effect, but may spend a spell point as a free action to increase its duration to 1 round per caster level without concentration.)

2017-08-17, 03:40 PM
Miadri kneels down taking up the quiver and bow. She remains in this position, happy that she has a weapon far more suitable for her. She takes aim at Andrev and prays a silent and entirely mundane orison towards Neru. She has to hit.

Shooting Andrev (and into melee, so -4, if I overdo the range increment, please subtract 2 from my result): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-19, 07:22 AM
At first Samuel is in doubt about what to do, but it seems that there are enough people taking care of those already.
Andrev, on the other hand, seems to be in an advantage there, and there are more going to help him.

Not giving much of a thought, Samuel advances on him at full speed, using all his power. He doesn't know what more he can do, so better finish him quickly.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-08-19, 08:24 AM
Daniel gets tripped to the ground. He gets up and asseses the situation (I’ll say he readies an action as standard to give some player agency)
Green Heaven strikes at the rising fiend, then waits for Mahes to try and trip it again
[roll0] AoO
[roll1] AoO damage
[roll2] Attack one, incl. Prone and flank
[roll3] Attack two, likewise
Mahes repeats his routine, tripping the fiend once again.
[roll6] Trip
[roll7] attack (prone), (another trip has -2)
[roll8] AoO (rising)

The flanked find finds itself prone once again. Frustrated, it attacks from the ground
[roll9] Green Heaven
[roll10] Green Heaven (incl. prone penalty)
[roll11] Mahes
[roll12] damage
[roll13] -
[roll14] Mahes damage

Andrev, caught up in his gloating, doesn’t see Samuel approach. At the last moment, he sways aside, gathering power. He dodges another blow, planting his hand on the ground and sending waves of horrid energy coursing through the earth. Four tendrils snake out, three headed for the Valkyrie, one for Samuel. They dart away and past, instead reaching some of the fallen. Air seems to darken as the dead rise to fight. Three against the Valkyrie, one against Samuel. He falls back a little, watching the fight unfold.

The noxious fog is dispelled on the clergy’s balcony. Not many remain now, and it seems like they are to be thwarted as the other fiend belches forth its reply. This one is dispersed before it ever reaches the balcony. Alas, the few priests still present might need a moment to recover before they can help you.

Looking at this, the cult leader sees the tide turn. He had prepared for an eventuality like this. He took a small glass vial, though could not drain it. His movements are sluggish, still, after the spell Sypheil cast.

On the balcony, the woman unleashes her blast. An arc of energy, almost unbearably bright and crackling with electricity, sweeps through the prince and his two Devoted bodyguards. One of them, already injured, is undeniably killed. The other still stands, protecting the prone and unconscious prince.

2017-08-19, 09:31 AM
Sypheil's eyes drifted over to the guard Midari had just drawn her bow from. She rushed over to the body, as she does so drawing the mask from her bag and holding it close to the guard's chest with one hand. Her other hand brushes against the guard's throat as energy pours from the mask and into the guard's body, allowing Azazel's spirit to possess the corpse, influencing its movements as a puppeteer would move his marionette.

Casting Reanimate (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/death#toc2) as a standard action on the guard Midari had just looted. If I can command it this turn, I'll tell it to grab the currently slowed cult leader.
Spending another spell point as a free action to extend my Slow effect.
The Haste on Daniel ends.

Spell Points (2/6)
Invocations (3/4)
Forbidden Lore Penalty (-1)

2017-08-19, 06:59 PM
What in Neru's name are you doing?

Miadri glances at the reanimation process however slow it might be, it is still no threat to her. Yet. She looses another two arrows at Andrev then turns her head towards Lady Harrowstone.

If you are doing what I think you do. Then you better help me or even Basth's healers cannot help you anymore. Her disgust in the practice is palpable.


Yorae Rasante
2017-08-20, 06:32 AM
"Hello Andrev," Samuel says, trying to draw his attention and away from the others.
He then attacks again, once more using all the strength he can muster.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-08-20, 12:06 PM
Andrev manages to avoid the hasty volley from Miadri, scoffing before turning his attention back to the Valkyrie. In so doing, he turns has back to Samuel, who returns the favour by cutting the man down, his new blade cutting through his shoulder and to mid-chest. He remains theoretically alive, struggling to draw breath and pump life through his ruined body. The bodies he animated are released from his control, though are no less feral for it. One assails Samuel, while the three others pile in on the Valkyrie.

Green Heaven took a bite and a slash, though neither injury managed to cause lasting harm. The scratches are already closing. It piles attacks on the fiend before it, determined to bring about its destruction.
[roll0] (incl flank)

Daniel charges at the cult leader, bringing down his Nodachi in an attempt tu cut his escape. Literally.

Mahes tries his routine for the third time. It would not get lucky twice.
[roll7] trip, incl. Power Attack(+2 if flanking)
[roll8] attack (-2 if trip)
[roll9] AoO (incl. prone
[roll10] damage
[roll11] AoO damage

The fiend boxed between Mahes and Green Heaven tries to claw at them again
[roll12] GH
[roll13] Mah
[roll14] GH
[roll15] GH
[roll16] Mah
[roll17] GH

Cultists fire at Miadri and Samuel, followed by a zombie attacking the Paladin
[roll18] Miadri
[roll19] Samuel

2017-08-20, 01:23 PM
The cultist, expecting Miadri to duck under their fire didn't expect Lady Harrowstone to raise a zombie. Unsure whether she is an ally to Sakhmet, he raises his hand to avoid hitting anyone in Miadri's vicinity. Miadri tries to focus on the cultists in combat with the Valkyrie.

Focussing down one cultist at a time.

2017-08-20, 02:27 PM
I'll continue in a new post so that it isn't lost. Status:
Daniel: 9 hp, 4 nonlethal
Mahes: 5 hp, 3 nonlethal
Samuel: 9 hp, 2nonlethal
Miadri: 7 hp, 0 nonlethal
Green Heaven: Full hp, 1 nonlethal (fast healing takes care of that)
Sypheil: Full hp

Between them, Green Heaven and Mahes pound the first Fiend to utter ruin. The other one throws itself at Daniel, hoping to buy time for its master's escape, one assumes. Its claws fail to find any purchase for now. The leader uncorks his potion, and Daniel takes his chance, bringing his weapon up in a rising cut.
[roll0] AoO
[roll1] Damage

Between the cultist and the zombie, Samuel goes down. Miadri punishes that cultist for it with an arrow to the chest.

The cult leader dodges the attack and uncorks the vial. "Good." he pants. "You're good. We will spare your lives this time." He attempts to insert some confidence and bravado, but is totally spent. He had picked his location well, atop a sewer grate. As he speaks and raises the potion, the zombie knocks him out. Rather than escape, he falls to the ground with a mighty thud. He starts bleeding from the head.
The lady at the balcony observes this, at present. Opposite to her, the first priest throws off the smoke. She has another bolt ready to throw, but disperses it and enters the tower. She leaves.

The Valkyrie manages to fight off the zombies long enough for help to arrive. Alivia goes to check on Samuel.
The standing Gifted bodyguard feeds a potion to prince Geraint, stabilizing him and returning him to a semblance of consciousness.
The surviving fiend assails you with loud and evil-sounding telepathic nonsense, trying to defend itself, but it cannot overcome these odds.

EDIT: Surviving cultists choose to go quietly at their leader falls. The Valkyrie drinks a potion to her health, and gives another to Alivia, who in turn feeds it to Samuel

2017-08-20, 03:12 PM
Sypheil lets out a haughty laugh as the cult leader goes down, his gloating interrupted by her undead servitor. She approaches the unconscious man, commanding the zombie to fall to the ground and act like another dead body before too many of the guards could see it. She crouched down, grabbing the vial the cult leader was holding and inspecting it. She keeps an eye out for Midari during this time, waiting what she felt would be an inevitable lecture over the morality of necromancy.

Rolling Perception to identify the contents of the potion. [roll0]

2017-08-20, 05:07 PM
After shooting a few badly aimed arrows at the cultists, Miadri picked herself up. With her face hanging, her face is shrouded in her short hair. She approaches Sylpheil and just before the noble woman would expect a tirade about the sanctity of life, Miadri just breathes a silent: "Thank you." and moves quietly towards the Valkyrie. There, she kneels down like a devout acolyte would. Keeping her head low to show her respect towards the Valkyrie and - in this very special situation - humility because she wasn't as useful as she wanted to be: Quomodo auxilium? Deficio. Valkyr, regit me. Neru, regit me!* she pleas after she is sure Mahes and other survivors are cared for and stable.

*Celestial: How can I help now? I failed. Valkyrie, guide me. Neru, guide me.

Her belief in the Silent Moon has been heavily strained to a point where it could easily break. But more importantly her belief in herself as an agent of the somber moonlight has been completely shattered. She cannot do this alone.

2017-08-21, 12:26 AM
The Valkyrie looks down at Miadri, a stern expression on her face. She gestures for you to rise. "You know, I was once like you. Before all this," she says, gesturing at herself in general. "You see what happened as your fault.
It is not. It is mine. You think you've failed? Most people survived. You survived." She
moves on and gestures for Miadri to follow, before kneeling at one of the bodies. "You ask what you should do? Save those that can be saved. Those not under danger of death should be left to the priests. The guard can round them up. If not for what happened earlier, I would do it myself. And there you see that even my abilities have limits. You might seek out people to blame. The ones in green are behind this incident. Look behind them and you see another force at play. If there is a lesson to learn here, it is this: Power turns people into monsters if they are not careful."

"Instead of despairing, take heart from this experience. You performed well, spotting this threat.
Because we were forewarned, worst outcome was averted. They failed. Both the Green Moon and the local conspirators. The power they sought will remain outside their reach, where it belongs.

2017-08-21, 03:34 AM
Neru rises and waits patiently for her superior to finish."Not thanks to my efforts though. I could only inform a handful of qualified foreigners. These people really saved the day." Miadri's spirit was lifted a bit but she is still distraught that her physical effort in fighting the threat was useless. She points at several people in the crowd and shouts: "Heroes of the Tranquil Plaza. Please come here so I can thank you."

When they come together, she hugs Daniel as well as Samuel and politely thanks Sylpheil for her assistance. Fearing she might hurt Mahes with a rash touch she merely kneels in front of him and continues: "I thank you for your assistance. You risked your lives for the good cause. I.." Miadri pauses - choking back tears. Being trained as an agent between enemy lines, she cannot afford to get emotional. So she pushes her cultist persona in the foreground. Her face changes into a mask lacking any emotion: "I am sorry to misjudge you both. Guardian of Geheb? Lady Harrowstone? Do you accept my apologies? She kneels before them just like she kneeled before Lady Penell. A sign of trust and humility.

2017-08-21, 11:32 AM
Mahes limps over to the others clutching his side, staunching the bleeding. He nods to the others, seeing that everyone he knew and most of the others survived as well. "Guess I have a bit to learn yet. No time to change in an ambush."

He shakes his head at Miadri's apology. "Guess you were right afterall. Glad I was here." He chuckles at himself, then stops, wincing.

2017-08-21, 02:03 PM
Jumping up from her ceremonial pose, she rushes to stabilize Mahes. "Lie down." she says in a commanding and yet caring voice. I have perused my divine powers for now so sadly I cannot aid you with your wounds. Hold still or you're making it worse." Miadri smiles impishly. "There is nothing worse than a nurse whose job you just made harder. Trust me."

Miadri looks over to Samuel. "Hey Mister Nurse? Got some love in you?"

2017-08-21, 04:16 PM
The situation at the plaza develops even as you talk. Almost as soon as the last of the fighting dies down people start rushing to the plaza. Some are just citizens, worried for the safety of their loved ones. Some are members of the city watch, here to keep the peace now that there is some around. Among the crowds coming in, Miadri sees a few members of Silent Moon, who begin tending to the wounded. More are attending to prince Geraint. The gates to the High City are flung open, with the young prince's father leading a squadron of the royal guard. It takes him clear effort to remain in charge of the situation and his emotions as he sees what happened to his son. He begins ordering people around, calling for those uninjured to let the city watch and healers to focus on their tasks without distractions.

Geraint grabs at his father pleadingly, gesturing in your general direction, though you don't hear what they talk of. His father shakes his head, looking tired more than anything, then gestures for the healers to carry his son to the High City.

"So ends the second plot." Valkyrie says, "You did well today heroes" she says, addressing Miadri and those around her. She continues, more to herself but speaking loud enough for those around to hear, "I will be staying for a while, seeing to this Andrev and the ringleader of this group. With your role in their capture, I'm sure the watch will keep you in the loop. I'm sorry you had to be involved like this." she directs the last sentence at Miadri most of all.

Feel free to continue the IC interactions here or in the other thread. I'll update some events in order to try and avert stalling.

2017-08-21, 06:54 PM
She pockets the potion she was inspecting, knowing little about it other than it is comprised of more than natural ingredients; perhaps there was an arcane element within? Alchemy was never her strong suit. A smug grin on her face fades as Midari does not come to chide her, instead approaching her with a formal apology. Her face turned a bit red, a mix of embarassment and confusion.

"I accept your apology; I'm glad I could help."

After listening to the Valykrie for a while, she considers her next options; staying here could be dangerous. If the woman on the balcony had recognized her at all, she would have to go into hiding. If her father was looking for her, she couldn't take the chance... But perhaps it would be worth staying and seeing to the removal of the cult. She couldn't simply stand by while citizens were slaughtered like dogs in the street. And perhaps assisting the Prince would improve her reputation in Arathus... She took a seat on the ground, flipping through her book of scribbled maps while thinking about her next move.

2017-08-22, 07:56 AM
Mahes grunts as he lowers himself to the ground, too weak to argue. He takes the passing scene in quietly, no longer in any condition to assist, at least until he has had a chance to recover.

2017-08-23, 03:39 PM
Cleanup happens on the Plaza. There were plenty of casualties, though mercifully few deaths. It was fortunate that there were healers nearby to help with the situation, even if fortune had little to do with it. They were warned ahead of time.

The City watch interviews those that stood against the cultists. They are thankful and hint at a reward the next day, at the central office of the watch. The cultists are taken away, and the remaining members are captured, or killed If they resist arrest. News of the events spread across the city like wildfire, though it is swiftly blown out of proportion. The festive mood dies down until news arrive that Prince Geraint is fine. He expresses his thanks to the heroes of The battle and offers reward for saving his life. He also unsubtly hints at a possible employment.

He also bids for the celebration to continue, though the mood doesn't improve back to where it was. The Prince will not be leaving the High City today, nor are uncertain visitors allowed until he has recovered fully.

The Valkyrie and Alivia see to the aftermath, eventually departing for the day after they feel they are no longer needed.

You can talk to people, get back to food and drink or retired for the day,
or at least for a while.

2017-08-23, 04:11 PM
Before the cultists are lead away, Miadri goes to each one of them, telling them that "it is so much easier if they don't fight it" A few incantations and screams of pain later, all living humanoids suffer the Brand of Neru on their foreheads. The wounds are clean and only superficial, bleeding lightly. If one of the cultists tries to remove it by scratching the skin just comes loose and the bleeding begins.

Spamming Brand on any and all Cultists. If they make saving throws, I will just cast it again. The warning was to willingly endure the brand and not to resist the magic.

2017-08-24, 12:44 AM
The implication was there, in the prince's words; Sypheil may be rewarded for doing nothing but practicing her craft. She hadn't taken the chance to relieve her family coffers of gold before she left, and was for once in her life having to consider how she planned to buy food and lodgings for herself. A reward in gold was a tantalizing offer, and standing in good status with Arathus' royal family was even better. She slammed her journal shut, stuffing it in her bag as her eyes drifted over to Midari. She watched the woman walk around, branding the cultists. There was an innate barbarism to the act that didn't sit well with her, not quite noting the hypocrisy in a necromancer calling an inquisitor 'barbarous'. She could feel a warmth seeping through her bag; Azazel seemed to enjoy the ritual.

She rose to her feet and brushed herself off, approaching the group whenever it seems most convenient.

"Where do you all plan to stay for the night? I hadn't considered lodgings when I arrived."

2017-08-24, 03:59 AM
The cultists submit to this branding. The fight seems to have gone out of them entirely. The unconscious ones merely whimper. None of the guards seem to disapprove, though the Valkyrie looks less than happy, she approves through her silence.

2017-08-24, 11:11 AM
Mahes makes a point to mention the reaction of the guard at the temple prior to the attack when interviewed. He studiously ignores the branding; such things are in the realm of the city authorities,; if they allow it then it is not his place to interfere.

Responding to Sypheil , he shrugs. "I planned to stay at the temple as I have been doing."

2017-08-24, 02:15 PM
As Miadri returns, she hears Sypheil's odd question. No one of her rank would make it a point to bum a place to sleep unless she was in feeling unsafe or penniless. I am sure Neru would offer you sanctuary in her temple but I think a bit of luxury and a less pious atmosphere is more your style. We can share my room at the Giggling Donkey Inn if you wish." Miadri turns to the others. "I might not be able to offer you lodging but if you want, we can get to know each other before we hunt those wretches down. I feel there might be a job for any of you not in servitude to Geheb or Neru. And I hope we divine servants can agree that this matter needs further investigation without compensation." She kneels down to Mahes. "I can brief you tomorrow after the priests have refreshed their powers and you're healed completely."

2017-08-24, 02:38 PM
The Valkyrie, still eavesdropping, has something more to say about this matter.
"If you are adamant about getting involved, I lodge at the Sleeping Lion Inn, overlooking the Plaza. I can share what little I know when away from prying ears. I have exhausted my healing, but there is some to be had back there."

Also, in case it was missed and/or forgotten, what Mahes talks about is how the guard he spoke to seemed more concerned about the fact that Mahes knew about the coming attack than the attack itself. He also asked If Mahes told anyone else. Touch suspicious.

2017-08-25, 05:15 AM
"Let us follow Lady Penell then. Because I do not think this is over. You just do not try to attack a well-defended place like that unless you want to drain the enemy's ressources. And that they have." Miadri helps Mahes up to move out and winks at Daniel to follow her. "We should hurry."

2017-08-25, 11:12 AM
"Hopefully there will not be any fighting. Or strong breezes for that matter." Mahes stands and follows, a grimace fixed on his face.

2017-08-25, 04:21 PM
The Sleeping Lion inn is, as was said, overlooking the plaza. The Valkyrie leads you to the second floor, though not to one of the rooms overlooking the Plaza. She chooses one of the rooms, a suite judging from the distance to other rooms, and knocks on the door. You hear muffled voices on the inside, then a male voice speaks, “Without the dark, there can be no light”
“Without the Lie, there can be no truth”
“Without the War, there can be no Victory”
“Without the Hope, there can be no Future”
“We have Purpose” they both repeat.
You hear something heavy being moved behind the door, then the lock being opened. The door opens and reveals an opulent room. The man that spoke is armoured, an axe in arms reach by the door. Another similar figure stands further back. The room has a small fireplace, a table with a book on it, some shelves and two doors. It is lit by candles, and quite dim, though you can see that the far wall has drapes that hide a window behind them. The two men inside tense as they see you, but relax when they see the Valkyrie seems calm in your presence. She speaks with them for a moment, filling them in on the events. They, on the other hand, appraise her that ‘Lady Penell’ is ready to see visitors, with a bit of a chuckle. The Valkyrie is not smiling at whatever joke they are making.
“I apologise for the deception” the Valkyrie says. “Lady Penell values her privacy, as well as her safety. I value the latter. What happens here, what you speak of, will not be mentioned outside this room.”
“Come now. You trust them enough to bring them here. What harm is there?” another voice coming from the room to your right says.
“See what I need to work with?” the Valkyrie asks a little ruefully.

The room to the right is a small bedroom. A bed for one, a small table and a footlocker are all it contains. No candles or light. What little spreads from the main room reveals a young woman seated at the edge of the bed. She rises after the door opens, pulling herself up on the door’s handle. She is finely dressed, and rather beautiful, though there is something off about her. Her eyes are unfocused and she turns in your general direction rather than looking at you. “You are injured” she says at Mahes, A soft glow emanates from her, filling everyone with energy and closing their wounds. “And you seek answers. Take a seat please.” There is enough space for everyone, though the guards need to stand. She feels for the edge of her bed before sitting down.

She asks that you introduce yourselves. Not just names, but who you are. Inside, she clarifies.

She explains the situation very briefly. The green cult lead by the monster of Sakhmet, and the misguided conspiracy lead by a naïve idealist. They both believed that the Valkyrie, blessed by the pantheon, holds the greatest gift of all. To bring people back from the dead. An unparalleled miracle. Of course, that is not true, but such was the power they wanted. Sakhmet believes such power does not belong to the hands of mortals. The idealist believes that such power belongs in his hands, to be wielded for the betterment of humanity. If it did, the gods would give it to someone who did that, would they not?

Continuing on the current events, there are a few clues that need to be sought. The cult leader is more connected. Andrev might be as well. The woman that escaped certainly is. Trying to find out whose side she is on would be great. Lady Penell represents the Unsung, a disparate group of do-gooders. She says that there is someone or something that is weaving webs in the Blessed Land with the intent to tear it to pieces. Beyond that, they know little. They wanted to draw out the conspirators here, appearing in public for the first time in years. Now, with a thread found, it is time to pull at it and see where it leads or what is unravelled.

This is a 'big' plotline. Not something that you can expect to totally solve as you are. Stuff related to it might turn up from time to time, or not. I intend to keep this somewhat sandboxy, so there's freedom for you to choose what to do, with things happening in the background, whether you look for (or at) them or not.

2017-08-25, 11:00 PM
Miadri doesn't sit down as she feels she is part of the guards and lower ranking people in the room, certainly not part of the guests.

"My name is Miadri Des Champs, Divine Agent of the Silent Moon, entrusted with keeping an eye out for conspiracies. I was infiltrating this place by taking the place of a dear friend of the Silent Moon - Lady Telandrin of Tendergrove. My assignment was to watch, learn names and possibly connections to more important people. Oh, and I need to check something."

Miadri calls upon her heritage and her eyes start to glow in a silvery light. Those who know Garudabloods or those who know about magic realize her eyes pierce the mortal realm and gaze into the ethereal realms now. She checks the room for prying eyes. Gladly the room isn't terribly big.

"Oh, and if we are at the topic of spell security: My goddess grants me a thin veil of illusions to hide my better intentions. My plan was to infiltrate the cultist ranks."

2017-08-26, 12:25 AM
"A plan that might still work" The Valkyrie says, "If you play your cards right. Though I am no expert on such matters. My style is more direct."

You learned a lot that can help you on that, and can still gain more helpful information in that regard.

2017-08-26, 08:02 AM
I don't think any cultist knows who I am. But this Andrev probably does. Will there still be a feast tonight? And will he join in on behalf of Sakhmet?"

2017-08-26, 09:38 AM
"I assume there will be. It would be a show of good character for prince Geraint to continue despite the incident. As for Andrev, I doubt he will be released for it. Nor do I think him to be in any condition to."

Andrev ended the fight at -8 or so hp. He was stabilized despite this, but it will be days until he recovers without magical help

2017-08-27, 05:24 AM
Miadri thinks for a short while, then adresses the others: "Well, what do you think? Do we want to crash the party?" She looks a bit distressed. "I cannot do this without help. I cannot do this without you. Please." With her last words, she looks at Samuel and Daniel.

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-27, 06:22 AM
"I am Samuel Greaver, a Paladin of Neru. I just left my training in a journey through the lands to be able to better help the people. I am glad her guidance brought me where I could help the most people."
He then frowns a bit.
"I would have no problem being in the party myself since the prince invided me after the contest, and I think that the other two could be the ladies' company, as they are at least known as nobles and would probably be let in.
But while I was still recovering Lad-- I mean, this lady mentioned that had been the second plot as such? Is it possible to be told what the first was? I admit curiosity, but we may also have a better idea of their abilities knowing what their plans are based around."

2017-08-27, 08:37 AM
"I am Samuel Greaver, a Paladin of Neru. I just left my training in a journey through the lands to be able to better help the people. I am glad her guidance brought me where I could help the most people."
He then frowns a bit.
"I would have no problem being in the party myself since the prince invided me after the contest, and I think that the other two could be the ladies' company, as they are at least known as nobles and would probably be let in.
But while I was still recovering Lad-- I mean, this lady mentioned that had been the second plot as such? Is it possible to be told what the first was? I admit curiosity, but we may also have a better idea of their abilities knowing what their plans are based around."

It is the blind woman that answers. "I'll illuminate. The first plot, by the servants of Sakhmet, was to capture me. They targeted my public face instead. Upon capture, they would have killed her. Or rather, me. Having done their research, they are aware of the fact that I am a fairly skilled healer, as well as the fact that I cannot avoid helping people around me. Which is why they targeted the people rather than 'me' directly." she pauses for a moment. "As to why, it is because my power is not 'fettered'. While derived from your gods, it is not theirs to take away. In this respect, I am not aware of any others like myself, though that doesn't mean others do not exist. The second plot, as far as I know, was to use the first as an excuse to 'protect' me and thus control me. I will not be a pawn." she continues, quite forceful by the last sentence. She takes a moment to calm herself while the Valkyrie takes up the speaking.

"I was told that the guards were informed. They should have been able to prevent this if they wanted to. This is why we assume the second plot involves someone in the noble circles, or in the upper echelons of the city watch. If you choose to go to the party, you might be able to learn more about this. There are probably other means as well, if high circles are of no interest."

It seems that lady Penell certainly thinks herself central to the events. As for the party, there is still a while and some until it begins. The Valkyrie and lady Penell discuss whether the former should attend as well.

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-27, 08:41 AM
"The attack on the prince... do you think it was related, a distraction, someone taking advantage of it? Or maybe even the attempt on you was a distraction?"

2017-08-27, 08:58 AM
"The attack on the prince... do you think it was related, a distraction, someone taking advantage of it? Or maybe even the attempt on you was a distraction?"

"Impossible. It couldn't be... hmm.. She looks uncertain. "I don't see motivation for the Sakhmet faction, beyond causing havoc. If the target was a nobleman, it could have been chalked up to rivalry and hunger for position, but a noble is not going to become the prince. A third party? Or... no, this is too soon." Lady Penell pauses. "I'm afraid that the subtleties of local politics are beyond me" she says eventually, looking a tad uncomfortable and trying to steer the conversation away from any third parties, "Though his public appearance makes it possible that this was merely an attempt on his life.

2017-08-27, 10:13 AM
"Either they didn't want Prince Geraint dead or he is in on it." Miadri interrupts while thinking loudly. "There are many ways to ensure the Prince's death besides a chaotic attack amidst the crowds. If anything, it would have made an assassination attempt at the castle tonight harder since security has got to be tighter now. But maybe it wasn't a calculated failure. Maybe the Green Moon was abused for this. Treason is no small offence but a felony. They have got to thin the security somewhere else for tonight. Do you know where?"

2017-08-27, 11:17 AM
"Good thinking. But we do not know much about the security. Best guess is somewhere in the city."

You can roll for knowledge local or geography (either, not both), or If you had lore or profession skill you feel might be relevant. Regardless, one check per character.

2017-08-27, 03:36 PM
"Lady Sypheil Harrowstone. No further pleasantries needed." She allows the conversation to continue; this wasn't her business. Religion simply wasn't her forte. As they spoke, she began to realize this may be more dangerous than she initially expected. When Midari adressed the group, she spoke.

"In the end, what's in this for me? Other than the 'satisfaction of knowing I've helped someone'. I've been taking a risk in helping you thusfar. I'm trying to stay out of the eyes of the nobility. Going into a room full of them, in the presence of a prince... Its simply too dangerous."

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-27, 04:07 PM
"Are you from around here? If you are, you are likely to have already been recognized. If not,
I don't think you will have many chances of being unless you were widely known already. After all, she is able to pretend to be Lady Telandrin of Tendergrove.
I admit not being one to know much about the deals of the nobility, but I'd think gathering allies would be good for evading whoever it is you fear. And what a better way to get contacts than this one? I doubt whoever it is would expect you to be there."

2017-08-28, 09:14 AM
'"Arathus is big and I am no person of interest yet. It is easier for me to convince people I am someone else, especially if that someone is not from here." Miadri then raises her eyebrow at the mention of payment but keeps herself silent. "You will be compensated for your altruistic help at the Plaza. Why exactly do you want to stay out of sight of nobles? And what evil artifact are you carrying with you with which you practiced necromancy? You owe us answers if you want to be paid." Miadri gazes at Sylpheil with her eyes still glowing from magic. The inquisitor chants yet another divination, this time she tries to capture any magical auras around Sylpheil. "SHOW ME!" she demands.

2017-08-28, 11:18 AM
Mahes bows to their hostess. "Mahes of the Golden Pride. I wander to improve myself by aiding others. If all you say is true, I will offer such help as I am able. I do not pretend to understand the plotting going on behind these matters though; my experience tends to be more direct. And less urban."

2017-08-28, 01:35 PM
Sypheil raises her eyes at Samuel's reply. He was correct, of course, but if a healthy dose of paranoia could get Sypheil this far, then she concluded it was the only thing keeping her around. She opened her mouth to speak, but stifled a response and simply nodded to the paladin. "I suppose you're right. I'm being silly about this."

Her thoughts were then disrupted by Midari's demands. Her eyebrow twitched as she responded. "Why I plan on concealing myself from the nobility is none of your business, 'my lady.' Rest assured I am not a criminal, or whatever you think of me. I have reasons to believe I have been followed here, and I will say no more on that." She then slings her bag around, drawing out the silver mask of Azazel and presenting it to Midari. "And this," she continues with no small amount of spite, "... is a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation. My lineage has been cursed with the burden of carrying this mask in the hopes of destroying it. I draw upon its power only when nessecary to protect myself." She was only partially lying. Destroying the mask was a thought that had crossed her mind before; it would solve a few of her problems. She stuffs the mask back into her bag and crosses her arms. "Were those the answers you sought?"

2017-08-28, 03:39 PM
The others listen to you for a while, evaluating you. At the mention of Harrowstone name, you can tell one of the guards tenses a little, arm reaching for a weapon before he catches himself and stops.

“As Miadri pointed out, some form of financial compensation will likely be given by the authorities. If not, I’m sure some arrangement can be reached. In addition, if you count us allies, you can count on us. The Unsung do not operate this far South yet, but aiding in this matter would mean that you can count on us to reciprocate the favour in the fullness of time.”

Thinking on the relevant information so far, there are a few angles you can think of
In an event like this, security is focused on public areas where heaviest crowds are to be found. This means private properties, public buildings like magistrates, watch houses, temples and such will be under reduced guard.
Thinking of the temple of Djaf brings a thought or memory from the mask, a push towards it. Something it desires lies therein. Sypheil herself is aware that it holds several sacred artefacts in safekeeping. The Staff of Ages, a ceremonial staff of the high priest of Djaf, brought out for a few rituals, the Book of Judgement, said to contain the destinies of all those that die, as well as lesser objects and weapons.
Locally, there are few noble houses with grudges against the royal family. House Mograine, distantly related to the rulers, might stand to benefit from death of Prince Geraint. They are involved with military matters, and many of their men moonlight in the watch in times of peace, especially in events like this. However, they are, for all appearances, staunch supporters of their distant kin.
Unfamiliar as they are with the lands herein, they have little to add

In addition to that, while it didn’t amount to anything, it looked as though the cult leader was trying to escape into the sewers. So they might be a point to investigate, or at least inform others of it.

2017-08-28, 10:52 PM
Miadri eases up quite a bit. "Thank you for cooperating. If this is over we might aid you in destroying or containing this artifact. I am sure this burden is easier lifted together." Miadri tries to put a hand on Sylpheil's shoulder. "I am sorry for my distrust earlier. You are a good woman. You are in peril and you still helped to save those people. Maybe we can return this favor in time and help you with your problems. Petty coins are certainly welcome but if they would solve your problems you would use your abilities become rich. Either that or your strength of character forbids you from abusing your magic. Either way, I count you to my allies now." Miadri says with honesty on her face. She starts to laugh. "Could we just be a bit more casual about the whole me pretending to be a noble woman? It is an act, and for a good cause too." The inquisitor finally adresses everyone. "You think there is time to check the Sewers and then not reek of dung and slime to attend the party tonight?"

2017-08-29, 09:52 AM
There should be, provided that you use the old 'wizard's drycleaner' that is Prestidigitation. At 1gp per person, it is a luxury most can't afford. Well, at least if you didn't plan on setting shop there. However, whatever he has down there isn't likely to run away. Or if it is, it could have done so already. You're free to do as you wish (duh). Whether you do both sewers and party now or skip either or both is up to you.

2017-08-29, 11:16 AM
Mahes shrugs. "I am not acquainted with the sewers, is anyone else? I assumed we would have time to follow provided we do not get lost and have a method to expedite...sanitary concerns. Better than waiting with all this going on though."

2017-08-30, 01:33 PM
"I may be able to narrow things down for you. Provided you can wait a moment for me to perform a short ritual." lady Penell says, sinking into focus. Well, mostly she just closes her eyes. She speaks a few words more, though what they mean is lost to you. Sound emanates from around the room, overlapping with itself, natural sounds, footsteps, countless speaking voices, all at the edge of hearing and blending into a mass of noise. It lasts for a short while, before the noise fades away.

"The sewers are quite expansive, but there is little need to check them all. A beast, servant of Green Moon lives below, a terror to the unlucky souls of sewer patrol. It guards a sanctum where the man attempted to retreat. I could not find out the location more precisely, though it should be on the eastern branch of the sewers. I can provide you with a slight defensive boost to aid you, but we can provide no further help."

2017-08-31, 01:58 PM
"This....was AWESOME!" Miadri shouts, then immediately remembering her status. "I mean...erhm...the miracles of Neru are awe-inspiring. Now, the sewers are a risk but would provide potentially additional information. Taking into account the time I would need to get my gear from the castle I don't think I can afford to go there, check the sewers and set up my role properly. Do you know how difficult the traditional braid of Tendergrove is to maintain?" she says with a smile.

You could go and in the mean-time I will organize everything needed for the ball tonight.

Yorae Rasante
2017-08-31, 02:07 PM
"If no one thinks it will be called outside until then, I think we should leave this beast to be taken care of tomorrow. We already expect there to be an attack at the party later, or at least some trouble. It would be a problem if we were in need of fighting and needed to be rested."

2017-08-31, 03:05 PM
Mahes nods his assent. "If we do not believe it likely to cause a problem, then waiting is reasonable. Is there anything productive we can do prior to the party? I myself have little in the way of contacts here in the city."

2017-08-31, 09:27 PM
"Not much I am afraid. Short of starting to ask every person on the streets if they have seen green hooded cultists."

2017-08-31, 11:48 PM
"To be fair, gathering information does not sound like a bad idea." Alivia says. "Just try not to be too blunt about the questions." lady Penell asks. "and that 'miracle' was not derived from Neru... Though I suppose she deserves the thanks. As the foundation."

"While we're on the subject of the party, try to enjoy yourselves. And let's hope that there won't be anything threatening the event. I will be of no use there. Alivia cannot aid you. We have little in terms of help to offer. Besides, with what happened to prince Geraint at the plaza, security will be tight."
"Speaking of the prince, I feel he deserves better than the way we treated him."
"For all we know he was behind this attack!
"So he planned to survive only by chance? Had an attack that almost killed him after going through his bodyguard?" lady Penell asks pointedly.
"Well... the Valkyrie begins, stopping. "Paranoia never hurt anyone."
"She's right though. She isn't coming to the party, and I can't." she smiles wistfully. "Ever again"

If you want to gather information, you can roll diplomacy. You can also aid another. For each successful check, you can have a piece of information or Ask a question that I will answer according to the roll and the local knowledge.

I have more to add, but using a mobile phone is not great for multi-color conversation.

2017-09-01, 11:13 AM
"We could go to places people gather to talk. I am sure there will be many words spent over today's events. A few might even help, though I expect more rumor that anything." Mahes looks toward the door, not willing to take the lead in this matter.diplomacy to gather infoo aid another on the one with the highest mod making the check [roll0]

2017-09-01, 01:30 PM
"Certainly a good idea. Will you provide a contact at the ball?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2017-09-01, 01:45 PM
"Alas, you are looking at the entirety of my group." lady Penell says. Her group, you note. "We are presently travelling... incognito, and thus will not call on any other agents of the Unsung unless circumstances force it upon us. This is not those circumstances." she says.

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-01, 06:31 PM
"Why did you seem to believe the prince was behind the attack? Did he ever do anything against one of you?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2017-09-02, 07:34 AM
Wild accusations don't help anyone now. But we should not ignore the possibility of the royal family or parts of it being in on the whole affair.

2017-09-02, 09:44 AM
"Because of the assumed goals of the enemy. The servants of Sakhmet want to remove her power, by killing her. The other group did not wish for that outcome, but still allowed, and therefore wanted, the event to occur." the Valkyrie explains. Seeing her away from public, she is rather different from the gentle (in comparison at least) exterior she had outside.
"For that reason, we assume their goal is to either convince me that I need protection from the attackers that I could gain from them, or to push me into hiding, but that is the current situation."
"And after lady Penell is under their protection, she will work with them. It is her nature. So they would gain an indispensable ally. Such an achievement would improve the status of any lordling here. Or be a nice feather in the cap for the young prince, to achieve such a thing at such young age."
"She is suspicious by nature" lady Penell says, "And we have not been to the city long enough for him to do anything in relation to us. However, if not for this celebration we would not have stopped here at all. We are moving towards the Springs of Life as soon as this mess clears."
"You did not have to tell them" the Valkyrie says with a stern voice and expression, though the latter is wasted on lady Penell.
"True. I didn't. But I chose to." lady Penell replies.

After you finish your talk at the Sleeping Lion inn, you leave to gather information and prepare for the ball ahead. After the events of the Plaza of Tranquility, the mood dipped low but improved with news that the Prince survived and is expected to recover fully. Much speculation on why's, who's and how's is had. After the attack, word spread fast. Across the city, members of the green-cloaked Infardi have been detained and taken to be interrogated. Priesthood of Phakth has been alerted, called to arbitrate the accusations against the cultists. Shock at this development is everywhere. The cult is new, having really hit the surface in the past 5 years. Many people considered them good people. Some still do, as the cultists almost universally came quietly, more confused than angry. The higher members of the cult are suspiciously nowhere to be found, apart from the one caught at the Plaza.

The cult numbers slightly under two hundred. It has three leading figures
The Founder - Efrain Rubio
Started and funded the initial operation that grew into the Infardi. He is a minor noble in the city, without land or real position, a third son with no inheritance or future but one he makes. He set up a charity, looking for those desperate and lost and offering them a better path. Rumour has it he had vested interest in magic and sought hedge wizards to tutor him (unable to afford a formal education). In the aftermath of today's event, his family will likely wash their hands of him.
Lucia Rubio
Wife to the founder as well as the public face of the cult when it bothered to have one. Organizes the cult and runs the daily workings of it.
Erick Verdo
The one you fought at the Plaza. A scrapper and gambler who found his way to the cult after losing everything but the clothes on his back. A fervent supporter of the cult who rose to a leading position.

Beside the leading figures, the cult is solely made up of lowborn, as far as the public knows. Some nobles showed their support of its actions, but none actually joined.

All told, most of the cult is accounted for. It is assumed that those members implicated simply cast away their robes and try to lie low. Records of members are being searched, and the. The culprits will be caught, or so the guard assures anyone that asks.

The last thing you hear, more by chance than design, is a member of the royal guard instructing members of the city watch to place a bounty. 1000 gp for a Nolvene Omnes, dead. Wanted for high treason. She is a noble from out of the city, here for the celebration, though a frequent visitor to the city otherwise. The royal guard stresses that the woman is exceedingly dangerous, reflecting the high bounty.

While I can keep up an IC conversation going forever, I think we might want to move along. There is the off-camera thread if you wish to continue.

2017-09-03, 06:30 AM
"Does our faith have regular interaction with those Infardi, my Valkyries? It seemed they are welfare in the name of the moon. But does Neru have connections to them? The Silent Moon obviously does not."

I hope I am understanding this right that Silent Moon is the name for the secret service of Neru. Since I would think "Protecting Moon" or "Mother Moon" would be more fitting for an official name.

2017-09-03, 06:42 AM
"I believe the church of Neru did support them. The core ideal of the movement should appeal to them. It did to me. Perhaps if greater influence had been exerted, things would have turned out better. You would have to ask high priestess Arianna for a definite answer. She will doubtless attend the ball herself."

You are correct in your assumption. Silent Moon is the 'secret' branch of the church, from the public eyes, at least. I do like the ring of 'Mother Moon', reflecting the caring aspect of the goddess.

2017-09-04, 04:03 AM
After taking back her symbol of Sakhmet and digging up more and more information as her cultist persona Lady Telandrin Miadri hurries back to her room at the Giggling Donkey to clean herself up. And more importantly to steel her resolve through a prayer to Neru, to the Watchful Moon.

In the early hours of the evening, the Moon stands big and brighter than ever in the night sky. As if looking down upon her children she shines especially bright, revealing almost anything the night normally hides. With one of her room's open windows in exactly the right spot she starts to kneel down and request the aid.

Mother Moon.
Protect us from the perils.
Cast the vile darkness away.
Let us embrace the caressing darkness as your hunters.
Show us that the good in people is composed of light and dark.

The moonlight in the room seems to increase with each line of the inital and basic prayer. It casts away Miadri's fear of the darkness. First the darkness in the room, then the darkness in her heart, in her faith. The heaven-touched woman raises her hand to receive a blessing as two small shooting stars seem to fall into her room. They suddenly stop and revolve around Miadri. A small white and a yellow spheres of energy fly a few rounds around her until they find their place. The yellow one enters the chest, adding itself to her heart: The ability to influence life's essence with a heart-felt prayer. The other one enters her head, adding itself to her mind: The ability to tell good from evil, and see shadows clouding good people decisions.

The inquisitor sits there in the bright moonlight, visibly sweating and panting. This procedure took a bit of her physical and mental resolve. But it made her stronger, both in her convictions and physical strength.

Kalli allowed me a rebuild. Str/Cha goes up, Dex/Wis/Con goes down. Sphere casting replaces Vancian casting. The Welfare feat will be delayed and Precise Shot will replace the hasty Rapid Shot. I hope I found a bit of ingame explanation as this is still mostly divine intervention (to shorten the 5 day downtime).

2017-09-04, 02:53 PM
The ball begins after sunset, at the White Palace, the most luxurious of the royal dwellings. Located in the High Quarter, one must tread through the familiar scenery of Plaza of Tranquility. The gates are guarded by royal guard who check any guests from a list. A few are turned away, and your group (assuming you go through the way discussed earlier) is admitted to the palace. The High City, you find, is mostly made of opulent structures seeking to outdo one another. All pale before the White Palace in splendour, however. Despite the generally arid landscape, it features a large and verdant garden, filled with fine statues depicting former rulers and the gods. A few fountains and ponds are found, bringing a soft noise to the background on the outside.

The inside is, if anything, even more extravagant. The name is apt and the walls and floors are white, but rugs, tapestries and objects of art lend colour and presence to the place. It is a vast place, and though it is crowded, there is still a feeling of space to it. Over a hundred guests, most of them nobility, whether high or low, but a choice few other guests. Higher members of clergy are also present and mingling, wearing fine ceremonial regalia as fitting their high office. Prince Geraint stands at a high landing, flanked by guards. Some effort has been taken to fancy up the guards as well. He has changed from the green outfit he wore at the Plaza to a white one, embroidered with gold and blue patterns.

Sypheil is familiar with the name. Her father occasionally met with the woman, a fellow dabbler in the Dark Arts. Her seat is to the West, by the great Vitae river. A week, give or take, of travel. She is wealthy, and unmarried.

I've been moderately busy with other stuff, so I will be posting a bit less frequently.

2017-09-05, 11:22 AM
Mahes feels...small, entering the ballroom. The opulence and the crowd of notables and their attendants is foreign to him. His movements acquire a hesitation not previously seen; normally graceful, he nearly stumbles several times, including a near miss that would have caused a bit of a scene by spilling drinks.

2017-09-05, 05:08 PM
Lady Telandrin has made her holy symbol of Sakhmet the centerpiece of her ensemble. If she is asked why one would brandish a symbol which was partially responsible for killing dozens of people today she just reiterates: "While misguided followers of the Green Moon have sullied the name of Sakhmet she still deserves our praise, now more than ever. Else she will be furious." When seeing Mahes stumble about she just uses him as a conversation piece. Praising her "incredibly skilled" bodyguard she even offers him a few short sentences to introduce himself. Of course she is seen with the holy man of Neru, too, with whom she keeps up appearances but calls adorable and probably too naive when he is not around and Daniel, who she pretends to be her lover.

If Miadri notices anyone who might suspect who Sylpheil is she quickly spouts a risky statement or starts flirting with the present males, provoking the ires of wifes, girlfriends and fiancees.

A roll for every situation and skill:
Diplomacy: [roll0] (to behave like in high society)
Bluff: [roll1] (to keep up her role)
Sense Motive: [roll2] (to perceive subtle cues of other cultists)
Perception: [roll3] (just to spot weird things)

If you roleplay with Miadri in your text, you can roll an additional Diplomacy roll to aid your roll (+9). As a nat. 1 is no failure in PF skills you can assume a +2 bonus if Miadri is present. I might take 10 on my terrible Sense Motive (and take the penalty of not immediately telling who is and who isn't a cultist).

2017-09-06, 02:19 PM
The ball begins with mingling and light eating and drinking. People mingle and talk. Mostly to their friends and peers they rarely meet outside such occasions. A few friends come and speak to Lady Teladrin, and Miadri manages to hold up her persona perfectly. Her explanation for wearing the symbol of Sakhmet silences most that question it. One nobleman, Hashur Mograine, in particular, openly chastises her for her coward for thinking that way. Grovelling never achieves results in the long term, or so he says. Stand up and be strong, that's the way. A few friends come in her defence. One takes her hand and pressees a piece of paper into it, trying to keep it from being noticed.
"The Faithful gather. Meeting at the Black Cross". The paper has a crude drawing of the eclipsed moon.

The same Hashur also talks to Mahes. He saw the man fight both in the games, and in the Plaza. The man himself is big, rivalling Mahes himself. An assured smile is generally on his face, and his manner is, if not pleasant, at least tolerable. While his own days of brash courage are done, he has a story or two to tell, if you have interest.

Sypheil finds herself unbothered by anyone truly unpleasant. A few men come and talk to the beautiful foreigner, but that's about it. You think you recognize a few faces from Lybaras, but they have something else in mind it seems.

For now, Samuel and Daniel are left without special attention.

2017-09-07, 01:44 AM
Sypheil meandered through the crowds, taking the first opportunity she had to grab a drink for herself. It was nice to have this break. She hadn't been used to exerting that much energy before, not in such hostile conditions. She made small talk with those who approached her, excusing herself from any lengthy discussions. Through her brief conversations with the other party-goers, Sypheil would attempt to pick out any suspicious characters. Her father was much better at catching liars than she was, but perhaps that came with being a man with something to hide.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Knowledge: Nobility: [roll2]
Trying out all three rolls to see if I can pick out any suspicious faces, hidden weapons/objects or people with a shady history that I may have heard of or recognize.

2017-09-07, 04:18 AM
"Oh dear Hashur. You are right. You should not grovel before Sakhmeth. She sends monsters to keep the careless spirits of men in check. She keeps us on our toes with trickery and deceit, and keeps us in the light with her threatening darkness." Miadri says with an almost gleeful smile. "A few misguided sheep interpret her teachings literally. But you should still honor the covenant of the gods. We have to praise them, all of them, or this age of prosperity is in peril." With her final words the Inquisitor gestures towards the plentiful buffet and selection of beverages.

"You would be hunting lizards in the desert if it weren't for the divines."

2017-09-07, 11:11 AM
Mahes eagerly pries for a tail from the other man, stories of past exploits (presumably embellished as is custom in all the world) being far more familiar territory than fancy parties.

2017-09-07, 04:32 PM
Hashur agrees with the notion that Sakhmet does indeed deserve some praise. Simply not from him. Still, he apologizes for calling her a coward. She has conviction, and to come dressed in that manner takes a kind of courage. Though she is slightly wrong, the nobleman says with a haunted look to his features. Without the favour of the gods, they would all be dead.

Hashur regales Mahes two tales from the faraway lands. When he was coming of age himself, it was fashion for nobles to travel abroad and see the world before settling for their duties. He travelled North, wishing to see the frozen seas. On his journey, he had to travel through one of the most inhospitable areas of the Blessed Land: Blackwood. Travelling there, beneath the dark canopy that Ptra’s blessed light cannot pierce, one finds themselves in a haunted place. He felt that the forest itself was alive and hostile. Paths were dangerous, roads swallowed by the forest and comfortable resting places prowling grounds for predators. He tells of a monster that commanded spiders the size of a pony. Plants that grew from fire and launched it back at those that tried to harm them. Vines that snap from branches to string people by their necks. His perseverance and courage were rewarded however, and he regales the beautiful frozen seas he saw beyond. He admits to sailing home rather than brave the forest again.

His second story is more recent, and he himself is more in his drinks and less guarded. The current Sun King called upon his vassals fifteen years ago, claiming that he had been charged with the duty of conquering new land for the glory of the gods. Hashur led a delegation from Arathus to take part in this venture. A proper war of conquest. They travelled West then, across the borders of the Blessed Land to the unknown and forgotten. He thinks it might have been the origin of the people that migrated here, and the tongue they spoke sounded like a bastardised version of our own. He met a few heroes then. The inhabitants of that land did not take well to the ‘invasion’ and took to the field. He saw how war was waged in earnest. The enemies, though tough and brave, were no match when the blessings of the gods were arrayed against them. He fought beside the Valkyrie that day. Saved her life if he is to be believed. She repaid the favour, but still. They won and made peace. He stops his tale here for a moment. Weighing whether to continue.

Mahes sees his earlier foe from the competition glaring daggers at him.

Sypheil spends her time chasing ghosts Perhaps a bit too much on edge, there seem to be threats everywhere, though on closer inspection they seem to be mostly innocuous things. She does eventually notice that a rougher-looking nobleman has taken an eye on her, seeing the man more and more, lurking at the edge of the room or in the crowds.

A noblewoman comes chat with Samuel a little, asking how he felt on the Plaza and complimenting him on his bravery during the events. She asks if he knows the Valkyrie personally. Or where she might be.

Daniel, on the other hand, finds himself accosted by a few people wanting to learn about how he can summon a monster to fight for him.

It is about an hour to the eclipse and the peak of Sakhmet’s power. You see the high priest of Neru excuse herself and head for the gardens to have some fresh air.

Soon, the dancing portion of the ball shall begin.

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-07, 06:34 PM
"Thank you. It was the first time I entered a competition, and thus trying fighting someone around my level of skill. Thankfully I met someone around the same level of experience and I'd like to think we became friends through this. Even if I ended up facing her.

Ah, the Valkyrie, we met for the first time during the tournament, but she is one of the people in town I spoke with the most until now," Samuel admitted. "I do not know about her, but I'd like to say that we became, if not friends yet, at least good acquaintances.

I'm not sure where she is right now. Last time we talked I got the impression she expressed her disappointment that she would be late, if she would even be able to come..."

I am a bit suspicious about the questions about the Valkyrie, am I able to focus Detect Evil on her without breaking the conversation?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2017-09-07, 07:13 PM

"Uuuuuh, it's not much of a monster as it is a manifestation of my... Spirit? Abilities? I don't know for sure, I have had this ability ever since I was a child." He says, overwhelmed by amount of people surrounding him asking about Green Heaven.

2017-09-07, 11:24 PM
Samuel can indeed detect Evil in the conversation without disrupting it. It returns blank. Not a hint that he can see. She does not seem to be just a fan though.

People near Daniel leave him alone politely after seeing his reluctance.

2017-09-08, 03:35 AM
After hearing the High Priestess has withdrawn herself to the gardens Miadri looks for Samuel. Trying to enter the conversation she quickly sees the young man drowning his conversation partner with information and not making it sound particularly interesting.

"You should have seen him fight. Now that is all what our Blessed Land stands for. Chivalry, spirit and physical" she caresses Samuel's shoulder. "prowess. He seems humble and relaxed now but he is a force to be reckoned with."

Bluff: [roll0] Miadri subtly shows prayer signs of Neru fit for a prayer before a lunar eclipse.
Sense Motive: [roll1] I suspect her being either the shadowy hand behind both factions or an actual member of the Silent Moon whom I haven't met yet.

Feeling his muscles Miadri gets carried away for a bit, fumbling about some prayer signs in mid air. The message is clear if not very subtle.

"Your venerable high priestess secluded herself from the party, my dear Paladin. Do you think we should check on her?" Miadri says and offers HIM her arm. Unable to pry away all the eyes following her Miadri explains further "While devotion to the divines is key we still have to look after one another. I will look after the High Priestess. How better to show unity than a servant of neru and a follower of Sakhmet to help each other?" Miadri smiles sincerely.

2017-09-08, 08:05 AM
Daniel sighs in relief as less people surround him. But now there's no one around him and it seems like he made a mistake. So, trying to find something to do or someone to talk to, he wanders in the palace. First stop: The garden.

2017-09-08, 10:13 AM
"I have heard tales of the Blackwood, though my travels have not taken me there. I was not sure they were more than tales, but at you word I will not venture there lightly. I have also heard tales of that war; my mentor served in it for a time. As of today, I have also seen the Valkyrie fight. Your foes must have been formidable." Mahes replies earnestly. Seeing his opponent from early, he turns and gives a polite bow before returning his attention to Hashur. "Do you know her well?"

2017-09-08, 07:51 PM
After hearing the High Priestess has withdrawn herself to the gardens Miadri looks for Samuel. Trying to enter the conversation she quickly sees the young man drowning his conversation partner with information and not making it sound particularly interesting.

"You should have seen him fight. Now that is all what our Blessed Land stands for. Chivalry, spirit and physical" she caresses Samuel's shoulder. "prowess. He seems humble and relaxed now but he is a force to be reckoned with."

Bluff: [roll0] Miadri subtly shows prayer signs of Neru fit for a prayer before a lunar eclipse.
Sense Motive: [roll1] I suspect her being either the shadowy hand behind both factions or an actual member of the Silent Moon whom I haven't met yet.

Feeling his muscles Miadri gets carried away for a bit, fumbling about some prayer signs in mid air. The message is clear if not very subtle.

"Your venerable high priestess secluded herself from the party, my dear Paladin. Do you think we should check on her?" Miadri says and offers HIM her arm. Unable to pry away all the eyes following her Miadri explains further "While devotion to the divines is key we still have to look after one another. I will look after the High Priestess. How better to show unity than a servant of neru and a follower of Sakhmet to help each other?" Miadri smiles sincerely.

The noble picks up on your signals, and repeats the gesture less conspicuously and smiles knowingly. It looks as though she is with the Silent Moon. She is also appreciating the man before her. "Quite" she says.

Daniel sighs in relief as less people surround him. But now there's no one around him and it seems like he made a mistake. So, trying to find something to do or someone to talk to, he wanders in the palace. First stop: The garden.

The gardens are quiet, much as you hoped. You do find that there is an older woman, clearly used for a comfortable life and rather thick of frame. Her graying hair is styled elaborately, and she wears mostly white with intricate silver details. Crescents and circles seem a repeated pattern in jewellery. You also see Samuel and Miadri exit the palace through a different entrance.

"I have heard tales of the Blackwood, though my travels have not taken me there. I was not sure they were more than tales, but at you word I will not venture there lightly. I have also heard tales of that war; my mentor served in it for a time. As of today, I have also seen the Valkyrie fight. Your foes must have been formidable." Mahes replies earnestly. Seeing his opponent from early, he turns and gives a polite bow before returning his attention to Hashur. "Do you know her well?"

"They were. Their land seemed to breed them tough. Ultimately, our gods cast them down. Well, our priests did, anyway. None left now, far as I know. Us soldiers didn't like the way things turned out. I returned back here and figured that the next time our prince needs a war fought against a foreign power he can pick someone else." He sounds disgusted, rather than afraid. "As for the Valkyrie, I think I know her better than most. She went her own way after the war concluded, and I haven't seen her between then and today. She's changed. Still fights as good though."
More likely, it is because she masquerades as Lady Penell.

In the gardens, Daniel, Miadri and Samuel find the high priestess of Neru seated outside, gazing at the dark sky, seeming to ponder the two moons shining down. The Green moon representing Sakhmet seems more prominent now.

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-09, 08:21 AM
"I agree with you completely. I do not judge others by their faith but by their actions, after all. If you'lll excuse me..."

"Thank you, I have no idea what happened to me there... I'm usually good at talking, comes from having sorcerer relatives all my life."

In the gardens, meeting the High Priestess, Samuel bows to her. "I hope you are having a good evening, Her Holliness"

2017-09-10, 05:46 AM
The high priestess acknowledges the bow. "The portents do not look very good" she says. "Sakhmet is about to eclipse the power of Neru. Briefly, in this place, the forces of dark will reign. We are protected here, thanks to what happened at the Plaza." She does not seem to recognize Samuel as one of the people there. "It did not go according to plan."

2017-09-10, 12:53 PM
Sypheil catches the rough noble's gaze and approaches him, making a note to stand with her back to the crowd and in an open area. She tries to strike up a conversation while keeping an eye on her surroundings.
"A lovely evening this is, isn't it?" She tries to keep her social graces while supressing her already mounting fear and paranoia.

2017-09-10, 01:45 PM
Miadri made a small curtsy."What should we fear tonight, high priestess. The misguides cultists were stopped today. Even if this powerlessness is abused by them there aren't enough of them left. Are there?" Her voice is shaking. She tries to keep in role but you can hear the fear and doubt in her voice. She stares towards the High Priestess for a few moments and then hands her the small note. "How long do we have?" she asks as she is not knowledgible enough in astronomy and astrology to pinpoint the time of the eclipse. While the high priestess formulates and answer or any response, Miadri thinks about where the Halfling could have hidden her weapon and armor in the palace.

2017-09-10, 03:26 PM
The high priestess listens patiently and then replies "We have perhaps half an hour. And no, I do not expect the Infardi to take action. They are neither bold nor foolish enough to try things here. As to what we should fear, it is the person that wanted the prince attacked. His death was unlikely under any circumstances. The only effect it has is making sure the security here is tighter, thus preventing Sakhmet's schemes, whatever those were, for the prince. So what I worry about is what the goal is, and I fear we will learn only after the fact."

Best guess is that she has a cautious and trusting approach to problems. Wait and see, then repair, rather than pre-empt and prevent.

2017-09-10, 03:41 PM
Miadri stares blankly into the eyes of an old and tired woman. She partially understands her but now she realizes what must be done. Not seek guidance but spear-head the action. Not protect but prevent. "I was foolish to think an old woman could show us where to attack to prevent suffering." "We get the power from the gods to help guide our people not cower in fear and repair any damage." She looks into the eyes of the priestess once more, this time caressing her face: "It is alright. You have endured much, and you will others help endure this. We will take action."

The Inquisitor turns to the party. "We have to hurry. Daniel, Samuel? Fetch Lady Harrowstone and the Warrior of Geheb. We will meet outside as soon as I have found my weaponry."

2017-09-11, 11:19 AM
Mahes nods, "I believe my mentor has similar feelings regarding the conquest. I suppose it is not my place to argue with the princes wisdom in such matters; I know only enough to know that I know little. Thank you for your tales; I shall attempt to learn from your experience."

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-11, 04:29 PM
Samuel gives an apologetic look to the High Priestess.
"I understand your frustration, being confirmed that our suspicions of this being a ruse to draw attention to here, but do we know where we are supposed to go? Where the security was lowered like they wanted? We have a big area to check.
We still have half an hour to both find out and get there. Let us find someone we can make these questions and get proper answers without drawing much attention."

2017-09-11, 08:23 PM
Daniel scratches the back of his head. "You know, I don't know much about religion. And honestly, I feel quite out of the loop with the conversation you're having. And, albeit I do understand the priestess' side on this situation... He walks around the garden, looking at the flowers, plants and decorations. "I agree with Miadri¹ here. It's not worth having damage done first and then trying to repair it - some damage can be beyond repair. Mental damage, mostly. Us humanoids are mere mortals with fragile minds, and such attack, killing and blood spilled could easily torment people's minds for generations to come. He approaches the High Priestess, looks her in the eye, and, with a reassuring tone, continues. "We will protect these people. No damage repair will need to be done: Because there will be no damage in the first place. He smiles, puts his hands on Miadri's shoulder and points to himself with his thumb. "You can count on us!"

¹ - does he knows the "Miadri" name? i don't remember what he used to call her

2017-09-12, 05:29 AM
The high priest is moved by your declarations. "Rushing around with no plan is unproductive for my station. Which is why we collaborate with others." she says. "As to where, without knowing their goals it is hard to tell where it is meaningful. The Black Cross sounds like a place to investigate. It is considered a suspicious location, and would be watched If not for the situation." she pauses for a moment before realizing what she says. "Sounds like that would make sense."

Another thing that the priestess is unaware of is the cult lair in the sewers.

Hashur parts ways with Mahes, happy to have had the chat.

It shouldn't be too hard to extract yourselves from the party. Laura is around with Miadri's gear, (and with anyone else's that wanted it arranged.

Sypheil catches the rough noble's gaze and approaches him, making a note to stand with her back to the crowd and in an open area. She tries to strike up a conversation while keeping an eye on her surroundings.
"A lovely evening this is, isn't it?" She tries to keep her social graces while supressing her already mounting fear and paranoia.

The man seems taken aback by your approach. He affirms that the night is very lovely. For meeting important people with good family names. His own is not that noteworthy to be honest, but unless he is mistaken, he addresses the heiress of house Harrowstone. A house that is always on the lookout for new friends. As it were, he is without any real friends here, and thinks there might be a... mutually beneficial arrangement to be had here.

I assume from the background that Sypheil's father is rather keen on having her back, but his present influence outside Lybaras is limited.

2017-09-13, 05:30 PM
Sypheil takes a moment before responding, still thinking over the man's words in her head. "Well, I can't say that I represent my father's interests. If you would rather negotiate with me rather than him, then I'm open to conversation. What kind of agreement did you have in mind?"

I assume from the background that Sypheil's father is rather keen on having her back, but his present influence outside Lybaras is limited.
Precisely :smallsmile:

2017-09-15, 02:13 PM
The nobleman with Sypheil considers for a moment. He whispers "I got tangled up in this... bad business. Your family's in on this mess, and I want out. Either I sell you out or you help me out of the mess. Simple as that." he says. He explains a bit more in a circumspect manner, but it seems clear he was involved in some conspiracy involving today's attack at the Plaza.

Finding the party members is not very difficult, since you started with 3
Miadri finds that the one that slipped her the note that led to the Black Cross is no longer there, as far as you can see.
Sypheil's new 'friend' also has a meeting at the Black Cross. He intends to not go. He is positively disposed to Sypheil's perceived allies assuming that Sypheil is agreeable.
Leaving the area of the party, you are met with guards. They check you out on a list, the same way as when you came in.

There are a few macro scale options here regarding the Black Cross (feel free to suggest others):
-Assault: Disrupt the gathering during it, or assault the place beforehand.
-Infiltration: Miadri takes on the guise of a cultist, with others either on standby or observing
-Observation: Find a way to observe the proceedings, perhaps tracking the participants after the fact.

There should be about half an hour until the most opportune time, and perhaps an hour until Neru's protection is restored once more. It should take you perhaps 10 minutes to get from the party to Black Cross.

I lost track about who Lady Teladrin was supposedly affiliated with. Was she a Sakhmetite (name pending)?

Sorry for taking a while. I've been trying to figure out how to do things

2017-09-15, 05:50 PM
Miadri abuses the relatively unknown persona of Lady Telandrin to show open support of Sakhmet. I wanted to display a certain carelessness. Just a young noble girl wanting some recreational (and slightly evil) fun. The original idea was a temptress and socialite. As the goals of Sakhmet became clearer I shifted the persona to be more like a figurehead of the movement pro Sakhmet. Because a known and surveilled cult is much secure than an occult one.

I feel some higher up cultists could have a hunch I am not truly devout to Sakhmet because I condemned the attack as misguided. But you just cannot defend a massacre openly and get away with it on a royal gala. You have to concede SOME points or else you are not believable. Even with Bluff 24+

Infiltration sounds like the way we could gather most information but it IS the most dangerous of all since I'll be the ranged gal amidst enemies.

2017-09-18, 03:53 AM
Miadri sees the guys not moving. She turns around. "What is the matter? Got another idea?" She seems concerned. "It's not like I am incredibly experienced myself. If you feel this is a terrible plan, just tell me. We can always just gather more information." The young woman checks the enigmatic faces of the Paladin and the Summoner, then looks to the High Priest for guidance or any semblance of a reaction.

2017-09-18, 05:35 AM
I think there is general assent that going to the Black Cross is the way forward.

Secondly, Lady Penell offerred an Aegis, no strings attached, if there are takers. It does feel like a suspiciously good deal.

"The plan is risky, but provided you don't cause any ruckus it could shed light on todays events. It is entirely within the function of your order." she says. "Presently, I can offer you nothing but luck." She extends her hand, motes of silvery light coalescing from the air and gather on her palm. She offers it at Miadri. "Take it, and use it wisely"

Miadri knows of this. If she takes the offered energy, she can tilt odds in her favour. It is sometimes done for particularly risky missions, though whenever you have seen it, it has been done in a ritual involving a handful of performers and taking around ten minutes.

Upon taking them, the light flows into her, flowing up her arm before settling in her chest.
Mechanically, you gain a pool of +5 luck, which you can add to any roll (1 point gives you +1). Alternatively, you can consume all remaining luck to roll again.

"I recommend you refrain from taking action no matter what occurs." the high priestess says, "but I order you to follow your instincts. Neru chooses her followers well. Your instincts will not lead you false. Go now." She waves a gesture of farewell, May the moon light your path.

This is also an option to equip yourselves, get the lay of the land (you can use your choice of Perception, Survival or knowledge (local) to get answers to any questions about the layout, possible places for observation or avenues of escape

The Black Cross

The city streets are emptying now as the night falls. Lights still shine from many windows, and bars and taverns are still in business, cheerful music, songs and laughter echoing down the streets of Arathus. You head towards the Black Cross store as prepared as you can be, you see the diagonal black cross with the name written on the two bars that make it up. The store is two story's high, with the second floor looking like living space. It has plain windows strewn with odds and ends. It appears to sell antiques and the like, furniture, utensils, decorations. A piece of parchment on the door announces that the shop is currently closed. Still, you can see lights inside.

Upon knocking, you hear someone large moving inside the store towards the door. The door opens, revealing a fairly short, thick man. He is overweight, but his posture and a numbers of scars on his forearms and face suggest that you don't want trouble with him. "What's your business. Place's closed, owner's orders."

The phrase "the Faithful gather" seems like a good opener.

Bluff Check - Getting through the door should pose little issue, though you need to roll
Knowledge (nobility) or diplomacy - Once indoors, you need to conduct yourself appropriately. The different checks represent a more haughty and entitled manner, or a more down-to-earth conduct.
Disguise - Perhaps the most important skill, trying to keep up your persona. You can get bonuses on this based on other checks. Failure does not compromise your position, but might increase suspicion
Perception or Sense Motive- Trying to get a feel for the people, as well as potentially committing their faces for memory for later.

Assuming that all goes well, I'll continue along. I'll try to keep this moderately brief because it looks to be a solo bit.

So where is everyone else, ideally?

2017-09-18, 02:42 PM
Miadri closes in on the Black Cross in her darkgrey travelling cloak. After doubly checking she isn't watched - which doubles as her bluff in this case - he knocks and repeats the passcode. If the bouncer or whoever has the door this night seems suspecting she shows him the piece of paper.

Inside in the small crowd gathering in this shop she keeps her head down though she is expecting a few turning heads of people who heard of what she said at the gala. To these particular she is just nodding ominously and grinning. Hoping her Tendergrovian braid is still intact and her holy symbol of Sakhmet is visible she looks for a corner where she can see everything yet no one can jump at her back.

She overlooks the place, the behavior and tries to memorize a few significant faces. She mostly keeps quiet, behaving regally and demanding a certain breathing space.

Bluff to gain entry [roll0]
Diplomacy to get to know what will be happening tonight [roll1]
Disguise to look like a Lady from outside the city[roll2]
Perception to memorize a few faces [roll3]
Sense Motive to get a general feel of the crowd [roll4]

2017-09-18, 08:29 PM
Beforethe get in sight of the Black Cross, Mahes pauses them. "I suspect I may stand out and spoil any chance of infiltration. I will seek another entrance and await a sign or the sounds of trouble, unless there is a better plan." Barring objections, he splits off to reconnoiter the rear of the building.take 10 on stealth for 16, keeping his distance, then perception (10 for 16 also)

+6 perception mod if needed for reactive rolls

trying to find a quiet place, out of sight but close enough to see the back door and hear any trouble

2017-09-19, 04:12 PM
The Black Cross, after going around the block, only appears to have the singular exit, apart from windows. Mahes can settle down to a nice alley where he can see the storefront and hear anything really noisy going on. So if a fight breaks out or something, you'll know. (Others might also be around)

Inside, Miadri is taken to the back, the threatening posture of the man gone completely after he accepted the password. The back room looks like a lounge of sorts, finely decorated, at least superficially. Finely embroidered tablecloths, a few fine chairs, very nice carpets, but the tables are cheap and worn, the walls show signs of age and poor care. There is a cask of wine, plenty of cups and some dried fruit and cheese. A gaggle of people has assembled here already, including the one that sipped Miadri the note. He smiles politely, but makes no move. Miadri attracts a few wary glances, being a newcomer here, but her demeanour and apparent ease help her way. You while away time in polite conversation. You sense anxiety around you, many people acting stiffly. It looks like Lady Teladrin is not the only first timer here. She also spots the noblewoman who attempted to kill the prince.

Outside, a few more people come along and enter. One drunkard is turned away. The green moon climbs higher, catching up to the white one and passing over it. The lunar eclipse is about to start.

Inside, the gathered people are ushered downstairs. The way down is not very obvious, in the shape of a trapdoor hidden under a rug. Steep stairs lead down to darkness. The one that welcomed you in goes down first, lighting lamps and candles below. A stone cellar, possessed of musty smell and little decoration. Two circles of iron are inlaid on the floor. People are wary of them, avoiding stepping onto them. You are instructed to take places around the room by a figure that steps out of shadows. There is nothing to be alarmed. You are in no danger, nor is anything required of you. A few grasp in realization as to who this is. Efrain Rubio, leader of the Infardi that managed to avoid capture. Even if you did not recognize the face, his attire is unmistakeable. He explains that there is no cause for alarm.

An ethereal wind picks up in the room, and mist coalesces from the corners of the room into the two circles, taking on vaguely humanoid, if quite clearly ephemeral and translucent forms. The circles themselves take on a chill turquoise glow as they become active. Their outlines eventually resolve, but that doesn't give much insight to them. Both wear heavy cloaks that obscure both their faces and their builds. One of the ghostly figures turns its hooded head around. "Is this it?" a strong voice, male obviously, asks. There is an echo to it, a distortion caused by the projection, as though the speaker is far away. "My... My lord Harr" the Infardi leader begins before being silenced. "No names"

"You stand here, in the company of strangers, with your face revealed. Did you succeed?" the figure asks.
"Yes. The good prince was in for quite the shock." Nolvene Omnes says, smiling
"But alive, I trust?"
"I don't botch jobs. Of course he is alive. And under heavy guard, exactly as we intended."
"And the other part?"
"I assume our agent at the temple is making her move now."
The figure turns to address the rest of the gathering. "This is the first official gathering between our three branches. You have been called here by a friend you trust." he says, as though going through a rehearsed speech, "Know that we have no malice. The world is changing, and we must change with it. Those that adjust, those that help our goals will find themselves standing at the peak of the new order. These are only the opening moves. No matter what anyone tells us, what is at stake is nothing less than the future of Blessed Land itself. Those in power are too blind to see it themselves, so we who have vision must act behind their backs. What transpires in this meeting, and any others, will not leave behind these halls. Here, we are all equal. From his body language, you assume he also has an audience present wherever he is.

There are vague talks of a brighter future, and a few of the people assembled here make very sincere-looking affirmations of loyalty. From your observations above, these are mostly newbies like lady Teladrin. You can also tell that it appears to be more of a spur of the moment thing, based on the bemused expressions worn by those that appeared more at ease.

The eclipse passes outside. During it, you heard wailing of lost spirits and baying of dogs distressed by something, but nothing too out of the ordinary appears to have happened.

Coinciding with the ending of the eclipse, the figures of mist fray at the edges, losing cohesion before simply evaporating.

There is still some talk and offers of refreshments upstairs, before you are instructed to depart. The entire ordeal has taken around an hour and a bit. All told, Miadri conducted herself very well. There is little to no suspicion towards her in the air.

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-19, 04:21 PM
Samuel didn't like it, being left behind while others took the risks... but he had to admit, he was useless there. If he was able to join in there he'd be more a liability than help on the infiltration.
Also, it was a much bigger chance of being recognized as those that stopped the attack on the plaza if all of them were there.
No, he was better just staying in the party, trying to mingle and find anything wrong or that he could help with.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

2017-09-20, 12:41 AM
Sypheil considered the man's words for a moment. This was a first; she hadn't been blackmailed before. She nodded after a while. "Well, you make a convincing argument. Perhaps I can help you with this 'business'. How is my family involved?"

Sorry for the delay; I wasn't sure if we were all leaving for the Black Cross or not so I was holding off until we had a decision.

2017-09-20, 01:57 AM
Miadri watches the speech with both curiosity and after the translucent person starts talking about the various agents placed in other locations, her pupils dilate a bit from the rush of adrenaline. The temple? Which one? she thinks to herself. I feel targetting the temple of Neru isn't as good a spot. But asking direct questions like that now would just endanger her exfiltration. She instead opts to get to know which role the cultists play now. Why they are even informed of these happenings and what their next supposed move is.

Diplomacy to get a bit more info: [roll0]

2017-09-20, 11:01 AM
Right now, the task of the gathering is to make sure their temple-bound agent makes their way out of the city safely and on their way. The attendees seem reluctant to reveal any more. (based on the Diplomacy check

The man explains that Sypheil's father is an ally to the cult here. He supposedly has his own shady circles in Lybaras, and now the plan is for men of influence to unite. The eclipse permits and aids with a ritual of connection. That way, no-one would learn of the connection before it is too late. And they have no proof anyway. He doesn't know how wide this network is, but knows that his absence is already noted. He cast his die speaking with Sypheil.

2017-09-20, 03:01 PM
Miadri tries to confront a henchman or higher ranking cultist - as far as she can tell them apart. She then reveals a bit more of her neck and rubs the leg of a bouncer. "This night is so exciting." Miadri almost moans. "Sakhmet is rising...and something with you might be rising too. " she whispers into his ear and kisses the air to his left cheek, removing the hand from his thigh, leaving the man wanting. "Is there somewhere we could have privacy?" She looks at the guard expectantly.

Diplomacy to flirt or Bluff to pretend flirting:
If I can get someone to come with Miadri I pretend there is an extra Blessed Guard of Geheb active in the temple district, a news Telandrin has just received from attending the ball. Bluff for that: [roll0]

2017-09-20, 04:03 PM
The guard is responsive enough. He goes on about the fact that his role is not the only thing that is big about him. Apparently 'focus on the task at hand' is not a strong suite. As the first 'guests' are starting to make their way out, the guard feels that being relieved of his duties could be made better by more general relief. He is putty in Miadri's hands

I'm not sure what you were angling for, but he will agree to just about anything at this stage and with that roll.

2017-09-20, 09:08 PM
Mahes continues to wait, practicing his breathing to pass the time.

2017-09-20, 11:30 PM
Sypheil raises an eyebrow. "So first you've threatened me, and now you target my father with these callous accusations? If we were in Lybaras, you could have been strung up by now. But... Knowing my father, your words could have merit. Very well, you have my attention. What is it you want me to do about this?" She looks the man up and down, still evaluating the truth in the man's words.

Because my rolls have been going so well thusfar, here comes another Sense Motive!

2017-09-21, 03:10 AM
I'm not sure what you were angling for, but he will agree to just about anything at this stage and with that roll.

Convince him the mission is in danger.

"I don't like this shack. Maybe we could go for a walk outside?" she proclaims, offering him her arm. Miadri feels confident he agrees, both eventually get outside and walk the street. More silent than before but still with the occasional festival drunkard. As they pass Mahes' hiding spot she just waves at the guardian and with the same motion tries to distract the guard by telling him about the fabulous decorations, fully knowing he just has one goal this night. Caressing his back she whispers into his ear that she knows a short cut, leading the brutish man down a more narrow alley. Not the classical dead end but enough privacy to corner the man between Mahes and herself. "My shoes are killing me." she proclaims, fumbling about with her garter, revealing a dagger.

This is where you jump the big guy, Mahes!

2017-09-21, 09:36 AM
The guard goes along, puzzled, worried about the potential risk for their mission and eager for some company follows Miadri. He doesn't actually speak of the mission despite the seclusion and enticement. Perhaps a different sort of encouragement is required.

Back at the party, the man explains to Sypheil that he wants passage out of town and protection from potential retribution. He doesn't apologise for threatening her before. He can infer that Sypheil doesn't want back by virtue that she isn't doing so now. You are suspicious about his circumstances, but at the same time, he does seem to be sincere (if a little bit of a jerk).

He also turns to Sypheil because, as far as he can tell, she is on the run, so should have a better idea about how that works than he does.

2017-09-21, 11:53 AM
Mahes stalks toward the man's back, ready to charge he be noticed.stealth [roll0] to get in charge range, then standard action charge (assuming surprise round) if he gets a signal from Miadri or the target notices anything

att [roll1] vs flat footed
damage [roll2] nonlethal

2017-09-21, 03:04 PM
I was thinking more of a grapple if you can do that? He is useless if knocked out.

Trying to hide the blade under her forearm, she gets closer to the guard and grabs his groin. "I cannot wait. Let us do it here." She is lowering her head as to kneel before him, quickly turning around and putting the knife on his throat.

Sleight of Hand for the knife trick [roll0]
Combat Maneuver Grapple: [roll1]
Success: Now you'll tell me where the temple agent is if you want to live.[/COLOR]

2017-09-21, 03:37 PM
Miadri fumbles the knife, and it finally dawns on the guard that something is off. He doesn't notice Mahes, but Miadri's actions with the knife draw his attention and he unsheathes a dagger. Not the one he'd wanted to, but in this case, probably the better one. Mahes rushes him, throwing a hard punch at his head, which continues to hit the wall of the alley. He is disoriented by the impact long enough for Miadri to get the knife on his throat. He blinks in a confused manner before his eyes narrow with impotent hate. An instant later the full extent of the situation dawns on him, eyes widening with fear, then reasserting some confidence.

"Won't do you no good bitch!" he says. "The agent of ours is at the temple of Ptra. After a book." It is blatantly obvious that he is lying through his teeth.

2017-09-21, 05:24 PM
Miadri quickly stabs at his weapon arm. "Another lie and you're bleeding out here. I might not like killing but if your death ensures the safety of this kingdom, it shall be so." Miadri practically hisses at him. She is unsure if she believes this herself. But at the moment she reminds herself of the massacre at the Plaza. The bit of conviction she needs to ensure her grappling attempts do not fail against this larger opponent.

Do you need an attack roll?
Damage [roll0] I am not using my strength mod. One of my old DMs even allowed me to gauge decide my damage myself in these situations but for now as Miadri I prefer rolling as she has no good grasp on anatomy and her enemy isn't completely defenseless.

2017-09-21, 06:43 PM
Mahes shifts. And growls.

2017-09-22, 01:51 AM
Your captive wisely determines that stalling might not be the best idea. Neither is calling the city watch. He bends and gives what you assume to be correct information. Their agent is at the Temple of Djaf. Beneath its hallowed halls lie several vaults, packed with objects of great power. He overheard some cultists talking about a book. But he's not really privy to the higher mysteries.

The Temple of Djaf is not located far from the Palace with the party. Overhead, the lunar eclipse continues, but looks to be ending soon.

2017-09-22, 04:07 AM
"Go, GO!" Miadri pleas Mahes. "You're quicker on four feet than I can ever be. Take the others and stop the agent. Meanwhile I will deal with you!" Miadri tugs her captive towards the main street. "GUARD! THIS MAN HAS BROKEN THE LAW! HELP ME!" she cries in the womanliest voice ever.

She would have a bit of explaining to do, but she'll refer to High Priestess and then flee the scene, get her bow and join the other at the temple.

2017-09-22, 11:11 AM
Mahes gives a leonine snort, then sprints off. Little fuzzy on distances and how long it would take to gather the others. If Mahes doesn't think he can find anyone before the moon changes, he will go himself (which is stupid, but...yeah, he is feeling heroic)

2017-09-23, 07:05 AM
It takes precious long minutes for the guard to actually arrive on the scene. At around the same time, Mahes, running as fast as his legs can carry him, reaches the palace again. A few panicked passersby try to press themselves against the walls or take shelter in whatever way they manage. After shifting back to human form out of sight, the guards readmit him back, one asking if the lady made it home safe
I assume you left at the same time. These guys just love jumping to conclusions
Mahes finds Samuel surrounded by a crowd of new friends, Sypheil conversing with a young nobleman and Daniel still in the garden away from prying conversation. He quickly explains the situation and the need to rush to the temple of Djaf.

The man notes that 'it has begun'. He has an estate near the High City. He expects Syphei there by noon tomorrow, else he will have to hope that selling out Sypheil will buy his way back to good graces of the Quiet Order.

A pair of city watch arrive running. They take a quick stock of the situation as the cultist feebly attempts to accuse Miadri of attempting to rob and threaten him to the guards. The situation, with him against the wall at knifepoint, does not instantly disprove his claim.

2017-09-23, 11:17 AM
"This man has housed known fugitives responsible for today's slaughter. I serve the Silent Moon and our protecting Mother Moon Neru." Miadri incants a short spell and the wounds of the thug close. "As you can see I am blessed by the divines." If the guards need further confirmation she shows her birthmark on her shoulder.

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-24, 07:21 AM
Smiling and saying goodbye to everyone, Samuel follows Mahes.

"I am new to the city, and did not explore it much yet. Do you know where this temple is?"

2017-09-25, 11:19 AM
Mahes simply informs the guards that the lady is well as he collects his compatriots as quickly and subtlety as he can manage, a tug on the elbow, a nod at the door.

Once outside he brings them up to speed as well as he can, not having had time to get the full story himself, as they head toward the temple. "I believe I can find it."I'm assuming he either has a fair idea where it is or else would have gotten directions before running off.

2017-09-25, 04:30 PM

The guards do believe you. The man goes along with resignation, freeing you to find your way to the Temple of Djaf. There is no need to show off the birthmark. The city watch are aware of Neru's agents in the city working on the cleanup.


You do indeed know the location of the Temple. Indeed, from the vantage offered to you by the party locale, you can see it from up from the High City.

The streets themselves are empty.

Temple of Djaf

The Temple of Djaf is one of the rare buildings in Arathus that is not white. Instead, it is a low building (for a temple anyway) built of black marble, imported at exorbitant cost from the southern reaches. A set of wide steps lead to the entrance, before descending beneath the ground to the temple proper. A pair of lit braziers stand by the entrance, and you see one guard standing by a decorative pillar, leaning at it. From the look, he is a junior member of the priesthood. He doesn't react to your approach. Indeed, he has no reaction at all. A small needle at the base of his neck is the only thing out of place here.

The temple is oblong in shape, elevated a few feet over street level. The entrance is ten feet wide and 15 feet tall, and the entire building is perhaps 25 feet tall. It's walls are sloped at a steep angle. The building on the surface is rather small but you know that temples of Djaf usually have sprawling underground mausoleums. Usirian takes custody of the spirits of the dead, while the bodies are left in custody of Djaf, or at least his priesthood. Equally, the layout is well-documented to allow relatives to visit the resting place of their ancestors (though more commonly any remembrance would be done at the temple proper. Another thing to note is that it is typical for Djaf and Usirian to be served at the same temple, as both are associated with death. In Arathus, they maintain separate temples, though the temple of Djaf has a shrine to Usirian.

Other than that, the place appears quite calm.

You may want to take a time to get a good look at the surroundings (i.e. roll Perception), though doing so will eat at your speed.
An examination (heal check that takes 3 rounds) can reveal the state of the guard, or you can press on. (there are ways to determine his status quicker, if you can think of any.)

2017-09-26, 07:52 AM
After a small detour to fetch her armor and weaponry, Miadri hurries to the temple, where she hopefully will find the others. She slaps the guard's face softly while whispering: Are you still alive? After a superficial check for other wounds, she just deducts herself that he has been poisoned but a poison of what? Not knowing anything about medicine or healing, she trusts in Neru's guidance to lift this man's vitality. After a small prayer she forms a small pale light in her hand, pushing the light sphere into the chest of the guard.

After that she investigates the temple entrance and looks for the others.

Life Sphere: Invigorate; heal [roll0] Con damage.
Perception [roll1]

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-26, 08:27 AM
The first thing Samuel does is use his blade in front of the guard's mouth and nose to see if he is still breathing.
If he is not, he is probably dead, so he'll just offer a prayer to Neru as last rites and advance carefully, paying attention to his surrounding - if the guard was killed so easily, an attack could be dangerous.
If he is breathing, however, Samuel will do his best to heal him as much as he can.

Perception: [roll0]
Heal: [roll1]

2017-09-26, 10:57 AM
Mahes returns to lion form as they move, arriving at the temple ahead of the others. Seeing the guard unresponsive, he takes a moment to note any unusual scents before pressing on, trusting his companions to minister to the guard as needed.

2017-09-26, 12:33 PM
The guard is breathing. His body is stiff and he does not respond to Miadri's slap or words. you can think of little to do other than laying the unfortunate man down so that when whatever happened to him wears off he won't hurt himself falling over. His only response to the invigorating magic is getting a little colour on his face.

Inside, the temple is quiet. You see a statue of Djaf dominate the room. An altar lies before it, and at the back of the room a curtained doorway leads to a back rooms and living quarters of the priests. To left and right, open doorways lead to stairs down. Mahes catches an unfamiliar scent. It is somehow reptilian. It continues left and down the stairs. It is not terribly fresh, which suggests that the owner of the smell has not passed the location recently, which means he is either in the building or has left long since.

Sypheil, Mahes and Miadri have enough knowledge of symbolism of Djaf's faith that his temples generally have only a single entrance. A few airshafts exist across the lower levels, but these are generally too small to use by people. In this temple, there are two floors below ground.

2017-09-26, 03:16 PM
Mahes pauses to give a growl in his companion's direction, then follows the reptilian scent.Can't talk in lion form.

Yorae Rasante
2017-09-26, 05:13 PM
Not knowing what the grown means, Samuel keeps following the lion, paying attention to his surroundings.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-09-27, 12:12 PM
"I think a celestial servant such as me has a slight advantage in dark times like these. Let me check if we are walking into a trap." Giving herself the third to last remaining illuminating touch, the Aasimar moves nimbly through the temple. She seems to see a few details her human companion seem to miss, going beyond the limits of mortal perception. Her eyes seem to pierce the darkness readily. Maybe - you think for a split second - she is not entirely human.

Scouting ahead:
Perception (/w Darkvision): [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2017-09-28, 12:39 PM
The corridors beneath the ground floor are dark. Miadri can see scones with torches at regular intervals. They look serviceable as well. Between Miadri's vision and Mahes tracking the intruder by scent, you move through the winding corridors, past small rooms that have alcoves set in their walls. The area smells like nothing. It is slightly off-putting to find such a neutral smell. Mahes's leonine senses are not really perturbed by this, since his keen nose can pick off the lingering scent of the intruder, as well as that of his comrades.

You descend another level and your path curves back towards the centre. Miadri spots a curious sight up ahead. A stand for smoking incense and two lines of powder running parallel to the walls. The walls are inscribed with faint glyphs where the lines are drawn. Up ahead, you can hear a noise, like something talking, but the words are too weak to make sense of at this distance. Another voice answers. It sounds like two people are arguing up ahead.

Even at the lower level, the corridors occasionally branch and the walls are interspaced with small vaults. Here, stone doors seal the doorways, where above they were open.Some doors are marked with evidently magical, faintly glowing designs.

If any of you has a flint and steel, you can light a torch without much issue. You can also follow Miadri and Mahes in total darkness.
Also, Exylrei messaged me that he has left the campaign. Sypheil remains at the party, though you might yet find her a convenient ally at some point.

2017-09-29, 10:01 AM
Mahes pauses at the doors, paws not ideal for opening them. Also, despite his animalistic senses, he is unable to see in the dark, a significant drawback.