View Full Version : Where to find a graphic designer?

Roland St. Jude
2017-07-25, 11:15 PM
So I posted a couple requests for a logo about ten days ago and got no responses, so let me take a different approach.

Is there somewhere online you'd recommend to get work like this done for hire? Obviously, soliciting such work here is prohibited, but if you've had work like this done before or know of a site that does this kind of thing, I'd appreciate the tip.

2017-07-26, 12:29 AM
For things like this usually you do contact someone in say, deviantart or pixiv or tumblr or whatever that advertises their service. Or you go to one of freelancing job site, you can post a request there and take the offer you like most, but usually it's indeed asking someone you know advertising their service for it, or got introduced. That's just how freelancing artist works I guess.

2017-07-26, 06:15 AM
The are some sites (for example Crowdspring.com, Crowdsite.com, LogoTournament.com) where you can put up a request and designers will submit proposals.

I don't have any personal experience with any of those but friends of mine got a logo for their music group from a german site and were very satisfied with the result.

Wristlet Eater
2017-07-27, 05:28 AM
I think no one is responding to you because Photobucket took your example pictures.

2017-07-27, 06:05 AM
We've used Fiverr (https://www.fiverr.com/categories/graphics-design?source=hp_cat_sec) successfully at my company before.

We don't have a in house designer or artist, so we always outsource marketing work etc. and while we have a local company do the larger things they're quite expensive so we use Fiverr when we just need smaller things done.