View Full Version : Optimization Optimizing an Eladrin Arcane Archer

2017-07-26, 08:50 AM
I'm making the character from scratch, and we're starting at level 6.

For anyone unfamiliar, the Arcane Archer can be found here: https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA-RevisedSubclasses.pdf

27 Point Buy

I start with two magic items: One Rare, One Uncommon

Here's what I have, its a little rough. Tell me if anything can be improved upon:

Sharpshooter and Resilient: Dexterity at lv4 and 6, respectively, for:

Str 8
Dex 15 + 2 (Race) + 1 (Resilient: Dex) = 18
Con 14
Int 15 + 1 (Race) = 16
Wis 10
Cha 8

With the Magic Arrow ability, that's an automatic +1. After Archery style, that's +3, and +4 with Dex and +3 Proficiency sets me at +10 to attack.

Now... Do I go for a +2 Longbow as my Rare? That's +12 to hit, or +7 after Sharpshooter.

If I go Bracers of Archery for my Uncommon, that's +2 to damage. +7 damage, with +2 from the Longbow if I go that route, before Sharpshooter.

Or I can go Cloak of Displacement for my Rare and really shore up my relatively weak AC, which I think would be 16 AC. Cloak of Protection is also Uncommon. There's also Winged Boots, which means I can easily reach higher elevations for vantage points.

2017-07-26, 09:28 AM
Let me throw some options out there that you may not have thought.

BOOTS OF LEVITATION - Rare, cast levitate on yourself at will. You are an archer, get 60 feet above the fray of battle and rain arrows on the poor slobs who only have melee weapons
GLOVES OF MISSILE SNARING - Uncommon, when you are already floating above combat if they shoot arrows at you use your reaction to catch them
HEADBAND OF INTELLECT - Uncommon, set Int to 19. This let's you boost a different stat if you like.
QUIVER OF EHLONNA - Uncommon, have ALL the arrows
SLIPPERS OF SPIDER CLIMBING - Uncommon - Instead of levitating, just climb the walls and hang from the ceilings. They still can't reach you with the weak melee weapons

Personally I think I would do the slippers of spider climbing and a Bow +2. You spider climb and stay out of combat, so your 16 AC if plenty and you don't need to worry about close combat. then you rain the damage down from the walls and ceiling with your massive to hit and damage bonuses.

2017-07-26, 09:48 AM
Let me throw some options out there that you may not have thought.

BOOTS OF LEVITATION - Rare, cast levitate on yourself at will. You are an archer, get 60 feet above the fray of battle and rain arrows on the poor slobs who only have melee weapons
GLOVES OF MISSILE SNARING - Uncommon, when you are already floating above combat if they shoot arrows at you use your reaction to catch them
HEADBAND OF INTELLECT - Uncommon, set Int to 19. This let's you boost a different stat if you like.
QUIVER OF EHLONNA - Uncommon, have ALL the arrows
SLIPPERS OF SPIDER CLIMBING - Uncommon - Instead of levitating, just climb the walls and hang from the ceilings. They still can't reach you with the weak melee weapons

Personally I think I would do the slippers of spider climbing and a Bow +2. You spider climb and stay out of combat, so your 16 AC if plenty and you don't need to worry about close combat. then you rain the damage down from the walls and ceiling with your massive to hit and damage bonuses.

I'd rather avoid the Headband. Its a solid choice but I don't see the +1 to Int being worth it. Plus if its ever removed, I'm kinda boned.

DM doesn't track ammunition, so I'm OK passing on the Quiver.

Gloves of Missile Snaring is one I hadn't though of. That's a solid option. Also helps me defense a bit. I don't really have anything to use my Reaction for. I may eventually MC into Wizard, possible Diviner (Portent rules), which will give me Shield and Absorb Elements. That's quite a ways down the road, though, so I don't want to think too far ahead.

Slippers of Spider Climbing... I hadn't considered this one at all. Lets me get my inner Monk on, running up walls. Basically completely avoid any Athletics or Acrobatics checks to climb to a vantage point, right?

2017-07-26, 09:54 AM
I'd rather avoid the Headband. Its a solid choice but I don't see the +1 to Int being worth it. Plus if its ever removed, I'm kinda boned.

DM doesn't track ammunition, so I'm OK passing on the Quiver.

Gloves of Missile Snaring is one I hadn't though of. That's a solid option. Also helps me defense a bit. I don't really have anything to use my Reaction for. I may eventually MC into Wizard, possible Diviner (Portent rules), which will give me Shield and Absorb Elements. That's quite a ways down the road, though, so I don't want to think too far ahead.

Slippers of Spider Climbing... I hadn't considered this one at all. Lets me get my inner Monk on, running up walls. Basically completely avoid any Athletics or Acrobatics checks to climb to a vantage point, right?

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you wear these light shoes, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. However the slippers don't allow you to move this way on a slippery surface, such as one covered by ice or oil.

Basically just climb walls at will and hang from ceilings like a bat. Fall in a pit trap? no biggie, just walk up the wall. Need to scout in a city? Climb to the top of buildings and walk around up there. These have awesome in battle and out of battle usage. they are good enough that a DM banned them from a campaign :)

2017-07-26, 11:58 AM
So what two Arcane Shots should I pick?

I need Bursting Arrow. That's one. I need some sort of AoE for dealing with trash.

My tank ally is a Paladin. Mind Scrambling is a great choice so he can spend his turn to Lay on Hands himself without worry.

Shadow Arrow is great.

Banishing Arrow might actually be better than Mind Scrambling, since it also prevents the targets action, and actually eliminates them from the field. Plus its a Charisma save.

I'm thinking of Bursting and Banishing.

2017-07-26, 12:22 PM
So what two Arcane Shots should I pick?

I need Bursting Arrow. That's one. I need some sort of AoE for dealing with trash.

My tank ally is a Paladin. Mind Scrambling is a great choice so he can spend his turn to Lay on Hands himself without worry.

Shadow Arrow is great.

Banishing Arrow might actually be better than Mind Scrambling, since it also prevents the targets action, and actually eliminates them from the field. Plus its a Charisma save.

I'm thinking of Bursting and Banishing.

I'm pretty sure that Bursting and Banishing are your best bets for what you mentioned your needs are, and then pick up shadow at level 7.

2017-07-26, 12:41 PM
I'm leaning towards the Missile Snaring gloves.

In the campaign, our enemy is in somewhat of an Industrial Revolution and has created firearms. Sort of a Magic VS Tech thing.

Since the Gloves of Missile Snaring don't specify arrows, and allow any ranged attack. I figure the DM will likely try to come at me via ranged attacks, since I'd be able to fire at long range due to Sharpshooter.

2017-07-26, 12:44 PM
I'm leaning towards the Missile Snaring gloves.

In the campaign, our enemy is in somewhat of an Industrial Revolution and has created firearms. Sort of a Magic VS Tech thing.

Since the Gloves of Missile Snaring don't specify arrows, and allow any ranged attack. I figure the DM will likely try to come at me via ranged attacks, since I'd be able to fire at long range due to Sharpshooter.

So what will you do for the Rare? A +2 bow or something else?

2017-07-26, 12:57 PM
So what will you do for the Rare? A +2 bow or something else?

I can't see anything better than the +2 Bow, can you?

Cloak of Displacement is amazing, but much better for melee characters.

Cloak of the Bat isn't terrible. Some flying and advantage on Stealth is alright.

Boots of Speed are good, mainly for Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks against me. I don't anticipate people getting that close to me, though. If they do, I didn't do my job.

Boots of Levitation are among the top choices, next to the bow.

Wings of Flying is ok. I don't like that it costs an action, but the possibility of using it multiple times per day is solid.

2017-07-26, 12:59 PM
I recommend the +2 bow. At your resulting to-hit, you'll be able to sharpshooter every round and still have a competitive chance to land your attack. More damage always works.

2017-07-26, 12:59 PM
I'm leaning towards the Missile Snaring gloves.

In the campaign, our enemy is in somewhat of an Industrial Revolution and has created firearms. Sort of a Magic VS Tech thing.

Since the Gloves of Missile Snaring don't specify arrows, and allow any ranged attack. I figure the DM will likely try to come at me via ranged attacks, since I'd be able to fire at long range due to Sharpshooter.

If you think thats gonna happen alot then Don't grab the +2 bow, get the slippers of spider climbing and missle snaring gloves, Your DM will likely give you a +2 bow later on anyway. two uncommons instead of rare and uncommon would probably fly for any DM.

For later levels I would suggest mystic, grabbing some psionic options would be nice, 1-3 level dip probably all you need, Nomadic step, Nomadic Arrow, Mastery of Force stand out as good options for mobility, damage, and defense (MoF armor would be solid option for you're unarmored running up walls magic archer you got going on.). I wish bladesong worked with bows but they be two handed, you sadly don't have the wisdom for a ranger dip, but something cool you could consider is a dip into Artificer Alchemist. See if you're DM is cool with you attaching thunderstones to arrows with some rope or sovereign glue, IDK might be a fun build.

2017-07-26, 01:06 PM
I can't see anything better than the +2 Bow, can you?

Cloak of Displacement is amazing, but much better for melee characters.

Cloak of the Bat isn't terrible. Some flying and advantage on Stealth is alright.

Boots of Speed are good, mainly for Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks against me. I don't anticipate people getting that close to me, though. If they do, I didn't do my job.

Boots of Levitation are among the top choices, next to the bow.

Wings of Flying is ok. I don't like that it costs an action, but the possibility of using it multiple times per day is solid.

I guess it depends on if you are taking sharpshooter, crossbow expert, or ASI. If you are taking sharpshooter then the +2 will help that. The others will help with out of combat utility and defense.

2017-07-26, 01:10 PM
For your rare, I would either go +1 breast plate, or a +2 bow

2017-07-26, 01:50 PM
Spider climbing, if indoors, will not get you out of melee range unless ceilings are quite high! Something to consider. Also outdoors if no cliff or trees nearby - there is nothing of worth to climb.

I'm not all that up on the arcane archer thing - have read it. I'm wondering if it is worth more than having BM and a + 1-8 (Precision) if needed on Sharpshooter -5/+10 shots? (granted some of the arc shots are nice - magic arrows at lvl 3 is nice ... other stuff - maybe it is worth it)

2017-07-26, 02:51 PM
Spider climbing, if indoors, will not get you out of melee range unless ceilings are quite high! Something to consider. Also outdoors if no cliff or trees nearby - there is nothing of worth to climb.

I'm not all that up on the arcane archer thing - have read it. I'm wondering if it is worth more than having BM and a + 1-8 (Precision) if needed on Sharpshooter -5/+10 shots? (granted some of the arc shots are nice - magic arrows at lvl 3 is nice ... other stuff - maybe it is worth it)

I need the magic effects the Arcane Shots provide. I'm the artillery.