View Full Version : Clerical Incanta-tricks?

Gnome Alone
2017-07-26, 07:44 PM
In the immortal words of Jim Anchower, I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya…but I got a question that I’d like to see the combined INT scores of the Playground applied to.

I’m currently playing an elf cleric archer in a flesh-and-blood tabletop game. I’m Level 7, just got enough XP to hit 8, and my plan was to take go the Divine Metamagic route, taking Persistent Spell at 9th and DMM: Persist at 12th, after taking three levels of the 3.0 version of Sacred Exorcist to get Extra Turning. At the moment I have 12 CHA, so with that I’d have 8 turn attempts to work with. More if I can get some nightsticks, obviously.

But, opportunity has shown its filthy, chomping head, because I’m playing a pseudo-paladin Beguiler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?297222-Beguiler-the-Paladin) in another game, an ether-and-wires-and-awkward-pauses affair on Roll20. (Side note: it’s pretty sweet that my gaming cup runneth over all of a sudden, after a long hiatus in which I wasn’t playing in any games at all.) Anyway, I’m playing in the online game with the DM of the real life game as an adventuring coworker, and we started at freaking Level 14, so everyone’s pretty ridiculously powerful – one of the characters is an Incantatrix (well, Incantator, according to him) and the DM of my other game wondered if perhaps I’d like to see if I could go down that route with my elf cleric archer, since the player used the Incantatrix’s third level ability “Metamagic Effect” to glorious effect, Persisting every buff he could lay his hands on.

So I’m seriously considering it. It’d delay my cleric casting quite a bit, but I could Persist wayyyyy more spells that way. I’ve got the go-ahead to take Southern Magician at Level 9 to qualify by ever-so-technically being able to cast 3rd Level arcane spells, then I could take a level of wizard at the same time, and then I could take three levels of Incantatrix to get to the good stuff at the same time I would’ve with Sacred Exorcist and DMM: Persist.

I’ve only got an INT of 10, but I could buy a Scrunchie of Intellect or something to be able to cast arcane spells, and I could sink my ability point into INT at 12th. The big drawback, of course, is that Incantatrix only advances arcane spells, so I’d be casting as 4th level cleric spells and 3rd level wizard spells at 12th level. I’d qualify for Mystic Theurge after that, so at least I could keep advancing both, but I’ve got my reservations. The best way around it would be if I could somehow make Incantatrix just advance my dang cleric spells in the first place.

TL;DR So my question: Is there way to make Incantatrix advance divine spells? (besides the venerable standby of DM fiat; the DM in question is my brother, so I may be able to sway him to the cause more easily than otherwise [or he might tell me to go play in traffic], but I prefer street legal ways and means if possible.) Or, is there a way to make my cleric spellcasting COUNT as arcane?

2017-07-26, 08:27 PM
There's the feat Alternative Source Spell from "Dragon" 325. The Cleric spell anyspell (and its greater) version.never said the source of the Wizard spell you cast changed, meaning you officially cast Wizard (arcane) spells.

2017-07-26, 09:09 PM
You may be happier going with Spelldancer. Use Psychic Reformation for a deep reformat. Take the feats:
Planning Domain: Extend Spell
Human: Dodge
1. Combat Casting
3. Mobility
6. Endurance
9. Persistent Spell
In addition, visit an Otyugh Hole to pick up Iron Will (3K gp value).
Take Mystic Wanderer 1 at level 8 so you can get Perform up.
Take Spell Dancer 1 at level 9. You can now persist more spells than an Incantatrix.

If you have access to flaws or can qualify via magically granted feats, then you can take Spelldancer 1 immediately and begin persisting.

Gnome Alone
2017-07-26, 11:23 PM
Anthrowhale: thanks for the suggestion, but the characters an elf, plus I don't think that Psychic Reformation can let you choose a different domain (I've got Magic and Trickery.) And then it's a lot of fats and skills and a general modus operandi that I never even considered for the character. Sorry to sound like such a negative Nedwin about it. The other big thing is I'm pretty sure that the DAM would find the whole concept of Psychic Reformation too cheesy for his taste.

Endarire: Thanks, that's pretty much the magic bullet I was looking for. The DM has said he's cool with that as a means of qualifying for Incantatrix and advancing cleric spellcasting with it, so I'm mostly set.

Funny, I was just thinking to myself that maybe being a theurge type character wouldn't be so bad, and then he basically said I didn't even have to do that. But I figure better to have high level cleric casting than to have both cleric and wizard casting but midlevel (I think it'd be 5th/3rd at Level 13 if I went into Mystic Theurge.)

Still gotta get Iron Will somehow. My preference is for having retroactively been imprisoned in the Otyugh Hole as part of my backstory (and I AM a spy; a special agent for the Church of Boccob, so it could fit pretty well, really) but I've also asked if I could trade either Scribe Scroll or my familiar for it -- even with the generous interpretation of Alternative Source Spell, I'll still need a level of wizard to be able to cast arcane spells and qualify for the feat in the first place. So, looks like 8th level, take cleric for another arrow attack (+6 BAB), then a quick dip into wizard at 9th to qualify​ for Alternative Spell Source, then three levels of Incantatrix, advancing cleric casting, for more Persistence than Divine Metamagic can shake a stick at. (Hmm, I think I see more of the appeal of Spelldancer, if it gets Persists that many levels earlier.) But that's the plan. Thanks for the help.

2017-07-26, 11:31 PM
You can get more DMM: Persist from replacing Cleric Turn Undead with Rebuke Dragons from Dragon Magic (which benefits from Extra Turning/Nightsticks and can power divine feats) and then gaining Turn Undead from 3.5 Sacred Exorcist. That gives you a base pool of 2x(3+Cha) and every Extra Turning or Nightstick adds eight more turn/rebuke uses. See if you can retrain into that per PH2.

Anyspell and Greater Anyspell from the Spell domain may allow you to cast the spells you prepare through them as arcane spells, depending on how your DM wants to interpret it. However, it's usually more beneficial for those to count as divine so you can use (post-errata) DMM: Persist on them for all-day Shield, Wraithstrike, Draconic Polymorph, etc. You can use Pearls of Power to cast Anyspell more than once/day.

Gnome Alone
2017-07-27, 12:55 PM
My original plan was to go into 3.0 Sacred Exorcist for the 3rd level Extra Turning, but I can see how it'd be pretty sweet to stack the 1st level of SE's Turn Undead with my new and improved Rebuke Dragons ability. But, I feel like if I'm being given the chance to persist as many spells as I can lay my hands on as a clerical Incantatrix​, rather than just the ones I can burn Turn Undeads and Rebuke Dragons on, then it's totally worth it.

2017-07-28, 02:15 AM
Also remember that Incantatrix3's Metamagic Effect can affect others' spells (and possibly also spell-like abilities, depending on interpretetation). Cooperative Metamagic (Ix2) very much works on others' stuff. Leadership (the feat) may be your best bet, GM willing.

Gnome Alone: I like your gname and icon. It's clever and cute!

Gnome Alone
2017-07-28, 03:59 PM
Also remember that Incantatrix3's Metamagic Effect can affect others' spells (and possibly also spell-like abilities, depending on interpretetation). Cooperative Metamagic (Ix2) very much works on others' stuff. Leadership (the feat) may be your best bet, GM willing.

That is definitely what swung me over into taking it. I wouldn't have even considered it if the DM hadn't suggested it. Ironically enough, this character started as my attempt to make a viable core-only archer: high elf cleric of Boccob with Trickery and Magic domains (for Bluff as a class skill and the wizard item activation.) Not because the game was limited to that, but because I wanted to see what I could do under those restrictions. I was doing well enough, so, mission accomplished, time to go nuts.

I talked to the DM and I'm taking martial wizard at Level 8 (he's letting Iron Will count as a fighter bonus feat--which it really should be anyway.) Then at Level 9 I'm taking Persistent Spell as the Incantatrix's bonus feat, DMM:Persist as the normal 9th level feat (so I can at least Persist one spell pretty soon) and then advancing wizard casting with Incantatrix, so that I'll finally get Metamagic Effect at Level 11, then a level of Mystic Theurge at 12 will get me 5th level cleric spells and 3rd level wizard ones.

The other characters in the party are human barbarian, human druid, human Words of Creation bard, an elf blaster sorcerer, and a half-Yuan Ti half-halfling paladin/swordsage. So, everyone but the barbarian I can help with Metamagic Effect, which is why I'm pretty set on it. I've encouraged the barbarian player to dip into cleric or crusader, since he's realized that barbarian doesn't really get much past level 7, but he's one of those people who thinks that non-core stuff and multiclassing is somehow inherently tainted. Ah well. Gah, I'm rambling.

Gnome Alone: I like your gname and icon. It's clever and cute!
