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2017-07-27, 06:56 PM
So, need some advice from the playground. In my current campaign (I'm the DM) I have a concept for a plot point that I cannot flesh out in my mind. Essentially, I have a group of elves that negotiated a bad (for them) merchant contract with a group of half elves. One of my players is related to the elves, but estranged (half elf herself). What kind of contract could you think of that gives the half elves power, but is advantageous to the elves if they have a half elf of their own?
If this is too little information to go on, I can add more details, but I didn't want a wall of text. Thank you in advance.

King of Nowhere
2017-07-27, 07:08 PM
maybe something with aa clause about human heritage? I can''t say more without knowing your specifics, but it brought to mind that azurite citizenship requires some human blood (hint: the blood must still be inside the human!).

2017-07-27, 08:13 PM
That's a possibility. More background, the setting is Eberron, and the elves are Aerenal. The Half-elves in question are from House Lyrander, and the contract is buying the soarwood needed for airships. The elves made the deal before airships were a thing, and now they are upset at how much they promised to export, the prices they are paid, and that they don't get any of these fancy airships.

2017-07-27, 09:47 PM
Hmm could there be something about being able to change the price (or otherwise renegotiate some part of the contract) based on an agreement between a member of the elf group and a member of the half elf group? They might have forgotten to specify that the half elf has to not be estranged, just that they have to be of the right bloodline.

2017-07-28, 08:35 AM
I think the easiest one would be if the groups were vaguely described based on race, rather than specifically. As Recherché said, if the contract is between the "Elves of Aerenal" and the "Half-elves of House Lysander", and never more specifically described than that, then any half-elf of House Lysander might let them break the agreement, or renegotiate it.

2017-07-28, 11:16 AM
That's a definite possibility I hadn't thought about. Perhaps a clause stating that "an Elf Representative and a Half Elf Representative must approve any changes to the pricing or supply", with neither group thinking the Aerenal would ever have a Half Elf representative.

2017-07-28, 11:24 AM
That's a definite possibility I hadn't thought about. Perhaps a clause stating that "an Elf Representative and a Half Elf Representative must approve any changes to the pricing or supply", with neither group thinking the Aerenal would ever have a Half Elf representative.

Or have the contract binding to the fifth generation, not realizing that humans and elves have kids a lot faster than elves.