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2017-07-27, 09:58 PM
Signs within the town directed you to Lady Blackwell's house. You either from through living in the town, or from touching one of the town's many trade routes out of the valley had heard about the problem and decided that you were at least interested in hearing more about the problem.

Everton is a small village. Even Lady Blackwell's manor is tiny compared to some of the buildings seen in more populated cities, but it's the largest building around for miles. It's an average house, except for the gravemarkers in front of Blackwells past.

At the entrance you see a figure familiar to some of you. Laura. Standing at just over 5 feet tall, she's the new captain of the guard. There's also two more guards backing her up.

"Hey Kriv. I guess you're here about little lady Brittany Blackwell." The new captain waves enthusiastically. "One last rodeo before you ride off into the sunset and leave the guarding to us young whippersnappers eh?" She says with a grin before turning to the rest of the group and taking on a more professional stance.

"Okay, before you see Lady Blackwell, I'm going to need any and all weapons you have on you, as well as spell component pouches, foci, holy symbols the works." She explains holding out her hand.

2017-07-27, 10:02 PM
Oh, um, sure! Elytra says, reaching into her pockets and dropping the staff in her hands as she does. Gah! she lets out as she reaches out to catch it, causing a small knife to spill from her pocket. Sorry! I, uh, that is, you see... she stammers out.

She blushes fiercely, and digs a few other small baubles from her pockets before handing them (along with her staff) over. Real smooth, Elytra, good to go.

2017-07-27, 10:04 PM
Zara Gathergourd grins to herself as the captain of the guard searches everyone for weapons. She, of course, couldn't be bothered with it, considering that she is currently taking the form of a most disinterested house cat, perched atop the second storey window of Lady Blackwell's house.


2017-07-27, 10:07 PM
Oh, um, sure! Elytra says, reaching into her pockets and dropping the staff in her hands as she does. Gah! she lets out as she reaches out to catch it, causing a small knife to spill from her pocket. Sorry! I, uh, that is, you see... she stammers out.

She blushes fiercely, and digs a few other small baubles from her pockets before handing them (along with her staff) over. Real smooth, Elytra, good to go.

"Um... I wouldn't normally do this.... But are you sure you'll be able to handle goblins..." Laura replies clearly concerned as she picks up the quarterstaff and knife.

Zara Gathergourd grins to herself as the captain of the guard searches everyone for weapons. She, of course, couldn't be bothered with it, considering that she is currently taking the form of a most disinterested house cat, perched atop the second storey window of Lady Blackwell's house.


[Give me a perform check with advantage]

2017-07-27, 10:09 PM
Well... I mean, I don't have much experience with fighting, or stuff like that... But I've trained hard, and there's an innocent life on the line! Elytra says, fire in her eyes. I won't stand idly by while someone's in danger.

2017-07-27, 10:12 PM

Performance: [roll0] [roll1]

Tiny beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 40 ftl., climb 30 ft.

STR 3 (-4) DEX 15 (+2) CON 10 (+0)
INT 3 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses: Passive Perception 13

Notes: When in Wild Shape form, the druid may retain its INT, WIS and CHA scores if higher.

INT 13 (+1) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 14 (+2)

2017-07-27, 10:38 PM
Well... I mean, I don't have much experience with fighting, or stuff like that... But I've trained hard, and there's an innocent life on the line! Elytra says, fire in her eyes. I won't stand idly by while someone's in danger.

"Yeah, but if you go try to rescue Little Lady Blackwell, it'll be your life on the line." Laura remarks.

One of the other guards puts a hand on her shoulder, as the other one starts picking up the components.

"I... suppose it isn't any of my business." She remarks.


Performance: [roll0] [roll1]

Tiny beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 40 ftl., climb 30 ft.

STR 3 (-4) DEX 15 (+2) CON 10 (+0)
INT 3 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses: Passive Perception 13

Notes: When in Wild Shape form, the druid may retain its INT, WIS and CHA scores if higher.

INT 13 (+1) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 14 (+2)

[None of the guards seem to think you are anything other then an ordinary cat.

Other PC's can make Insight checks if they wish.]

Armored Walrus
2017-07-27, 11:07 PM
Khoridai (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1271816) makes a small show of fumbling his rapier from its sheath and adopts a breathless female voice, "Oh! Uh! Oh no!" he cries as he gets the hilt of his rapier stuck in the strap for his lute, stumbles around a bit, then straightens and neatly hands his instruments and weapons over in a neat pile. He straightens further, turns to gaze on the Blackwell family tombstones all standing in rows. He clicks his heels, salutes, and yells out, "Inspection complete, troops. At ease!" and then marches inside.

2017-07-27, 11:39 PM
Elymas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1269441) the tiefling sweeps in, tail lashing as he surveys the others here.

He pulls out what he can of his gear to leave it behind, then turns to Laura. "You may know this already, but full disclosure, I cannot truly be disarmed, my blade is always but a moment's thought away. If you want me to stand at the rear with a minder hanging over me, so be it."

2017-07-28, 12:03 AM
Elymas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1269441) the tiefling sweeps in, tail lashing as he surveys the others here.

He pulls out what he can of his gear to leave it behind, then turns to Laura. "You may know this already, but full disclosure, I cannot truly be disarmed, my blade is always but a moment's thought away. If you want me to stand at the rear with a minder hanging over me, so be it."

"Yeah, that would make sense. Sorry about this." Laura remarks as she signals for one of the two guards to be your minder.

2017-07-28, 03:24 AM
A cute little cat skitters inside the house through an open window. Hopefully nobody noticed, since it was just an ordinary little kitty cat.

2017-07-28, 07:00 AM
Evangeline curtsies to the two clerics from the local temple.
"Thank you kindly for escorting me here. I should be fine from this point." She turns to Laura
"Weapons? I'm afraid I don't carry weapons I'm more of a healer. I don't really like fighting... But my focus is here" And she hands over her staff with a small curtsy.

2017-07-28, 08:10 AM
"Yeah, that would make sense. Sorry about this." Laura remarks as she signals for one of the two guards to be your minder.
"Sorry for needing to occupy one of your men just for my sake. It appears you will need me though, someone coming along ought to know how to fight."

2017-07-28, 09:24 AM
Kriv nods his head to Laura. "It's good to see you. Yes, retirement didn't agree with this old man," he snorts. "The uniform looks good on you, though. He thinks back with pride to the day he recruited this young woman. Fresh faced, energetic. He knew she would do well, but didn't have her pegged for leadership.

Kriv turns to face Elymas. "Don't worry. Fighting is why they've asked me along."

2017-07-28, 10:23 AM
"Ye can have my warhammer little lady, and my spell components too, but you're daft if you think you're taking my Holy Symbol of Pelor like it's some coat to be checked." Bjorn offers up his weapon and spell components, but makes no move to remove his holy symbol.

2017-07-28, 10:25 AM
"Yeah, but if you go try to rescue Little Lady Blackwell, it'll be your life on the line." Laura remarks.

One of the other guards puts a hand on her shoulder, as the other one starts picking up the components.

"I... suppose it isn't any of my business." She remarks.

Thank you, for your concern. But I'll be okay, Elytra says, smiling at the guard.

2017-07-28, 02:06 PM
Evangeline curtsies to the two clerics from the local temple.
"Thank you kindly for escorting me here. I should be fine from this point." She turns to Laura
"Weapons? I'm afraid I don't carry weapons I'm more of a healer. I don't really like fighting... But my focus is here" And she hands over her staff with a small curtsy.

Laura accepts it, putting the staff in the second guard's hand.

"Sorry for needing to occupy one of your men just for my sake. It appears you will need me though, someone coming along ought to know how to fight."

"You're telling me." Laura remarks with a worried glance towards Elytra.

Kriv nods his head to Laura. "It's good to see you. Yes, retirement didn't agree with this old man," he snorts. "The uniform looks good on you, though. He thinks back with pride to the day he recruited this young woman. Fresh faced, energetic. He knew she would do well, but didn't have her pegged for leadership.

Kriv turns to face Elymas. "Don't worry. Fighting is why they've asked me along."

"Hope you'll be able to stop the creaking in your bones enough to sleep on the cold hard ground." Laura teases.

"Ye can have my warhammer little lady, and my spell components too, but you're daft if you think you're taking my Holy Symbol of Pelor like it's some coat to be checked." Bjorn offers up his weapon and spell components, but makes no move to remove his holy symbol.

[Make a persuasion check. DC 20. Partial success on a 15]

Thank you, for your concern. But I'll be okay, Elytra says, smiling at the guard.

"Your funeral." Laura says helplessly.

2017-07-28, 02:08 PM
I'll vouch for Bjorn, by the way-he's a holy man, and wouldn't dream of of causing any harm. You could probably let him keep his weapons and it wouldn't be an issue-his holy symbol is certainly not going to cause trouble! Elytra says, smiling at the dwarf.

Help action, to provide advantage. By RAW, this requires no check, but if you want a Persuasion check of my own to help out, I'll make one.


2017-07-28, 03:17 PM
Bjorn nods thankfully at Elytra.

Here goes nothing! Rolling with advantage due to the help another action. If that doesn't work for whatever reason just use the first one



2017-07-28, 04:14 PM
I'll vouch for Bjorn, by the way-he's a holy man, and wouldn't dream of of causing any harm. You could probably let him keep his weapons and it wouldn't be an issue-his holy symbol is certainly not going to cause trouble! Elytra says, smiling at the dwarf.

Help action, to provide advantage. By RAW, this requires no check, but if you want a Persuasion check of my own to help out, I'll make one.


Bjorn nods thankfully at Elytra.

Here goes nothing! Rolling with advantage due to the help another action. If that doesn't work for whatever reason just use the first one



"Fine, fine." Laura relents. "Keep your holy symbol, just please don't flaunt it. It's my job on the line." She points out.

2017-07-28, 06:43 PM
"Fine, fine." Laura relents. "Keep your holy symbol, just please don't flaunt it. It's my job on the line." She points out.

"Humph, very well" Bjorn mutters, tucking his holy symbol beneath his tunic. He turns to Elytra and whispers "What does it say about someone when they think they need protection from a servant of the Shining One?"

2017-07-28, 07:08 PM
Elymas speaks up in response to Bjorn's comment."In this case? That they're an appropriately cautious individual who doesn't assume they know everything about a man just by the symbol he bears. I mean no offense sir dwarf, but if people like her relied only on initial appearances, those they protect would die quickly."

2017-07-28, 07:41 PM
Elymas speaks up in response to Bjorn's comment."In this case? That they're an appropriately cautious individual who doesn't assume they know everything about a man just by the symbol he bears. I mean no offense sir dwarf, but if people like her relied only on initial appearances, those they protect would die quickly."

Not super important but I feel like when I turn to a specific character and whisper something to them you don't necessarily hear it? Do I need to put that in spoilers in the future?

2017-07-28, 07:49 PM

Not super important but I feel like when I turn to a specific character and whisper something to them you don't necessarily hear it? Do I need to put that in spoilers in the future?

My apologies, I missed the "whispered" qualifier on your post and thought it was clearly audible. Would you prefer to run with that assumption, or pretend I said nothing?

2017-07-28, 09:29 PM
"Humph, very well" Bjorn mutters, tucking his holy symbol beneath his tunic. He turns to Elytra and whispers "What does it say about someone when they think they need protection from a servant of the Shining One?"

To be fair, Elytra whispers back, You might be an imposter or something. And some of Pelor's more... I don't want to say devout. Zealous? Crazy? Believers can be quite dangerous to those who don't meet their rather exacting standard of holiness.

2017-07-28, 09:39 PM
To be fair, Elytra whispers back, You might be an imposter or something. And some of Pelor's more... I don't want to say devout. Zealous? Crazy? Believers can be quite dangerous to those who don't meet their rather exacting standard of holiness.

"Well certainly I could be a fake, but even if I am, that doesn't make taking my holy symbol away make any more sense. If I'm an imposter, it's useless!" Bjorn replies loudly, chuckling. "As for being dangerous, well, if a true Servant of Pelor is dangerous to you, you've done some bad ****." Noticing some peoples' surprise at his use of profanity, Bjorn laughs heartily. "What? I'm a priest, not a saint. I also like drinking and women!"

2017-07-28, 09:46 PM
Elytra blushes a little, but smiles. She's unused to such bawdy behavior, but finds it fun rather than anything else.

2017-07-28, 09:53 PM
"Well certainly I could be a fake, but even if I am, that doesn't make taking my holy symbol away make any more sense. If I'm an imposter, it's useless!" Bjorn replies loudly, chuckling. "As for being dangerous, well, if a true Servant of Pelor is dangerous to you, you've done some bad ****." Noticing some peoples' surprise at his use of profanity, Bjorn laughs heartily. "What? I'm a priest, not a saint. I also like drinking and women!"

"Blackwells of generations past used to be necromancers. Every few years we get a visit from a priest of Pelor that hasn't gotten the memo that what happened to their grandparents aren't who the Blackwells are anymore." Laura replies.

2017-07-29, 12:31 AM
"Blackwells of generations past used to be necromancers. Every few years we get a visit from a priest of Pelor that hasn't gotten the memo that what happened to their grandparents aren't who the Blackwells are anymore." Laura replies.

"Well by all means, lets go see what the scions of necromancers need from us." Bjorn winks at the guards and motions forwards.

2017-07-29, 11:40 PM
After all of you surrender all or most of your weapons, components and focuses, it is a relatively short walk to Lady Blackwell's first floor office. The furniture in the first floor of the house is fancier then most of the rest of the town. However it is slightly dusty, and seems like it is used infrequently, if at all.

Entering the office, right now to put it mildly it is a wreck, Lady Blackwell's eyes are puffy presumably from crying, and she seems a bit distant, the sort where it looks as if she hasn't slept well in a few days. Books, and notes are pulled from the shelves that line the right and left wall, and the entire desk is covered in loose sheets of paper.

"Oh, happy days. You're here. How soon can you save her?" Lady Blackwell responds desperately.

2017-07-29, 11:45 PM
The cat stealthily strolls inside the office, not knowing that a paranoid warlock with a permanent Detect Magic spell was part of the rescue party.

Stealth: [roll0]

2017-07-30, 09:52 AM
"Oh, happy days. You're here. How soon can you save her?" Lady Blackwell responds desperately.

I'm ready to go as soon as possible. That being said, Elytra says, Any information you can give us that might help would, well, help.

2017-07-30, 10:59 AM
I'm ready to go as soon as possible. That being said, Elytra says, Any information you can give us that might help would, well, help.

"As soon as you give us all the information you have on her disappearance and captors, we can get on the way my lady" Bjorn agrees. "Do not worry, the Light of Pelor shines even in the darkest of places. We will find your daughter."

2017-07-30, 09:36 PM
Elymas just stays in the back of the room and tries not to look aggressive, though his left wingtip starts twitching with irritation when it became apparent their briefing will be administered by someone who is emotionally incoherent. Hopefully they'll have a chance to speak with someone less likely to omit important details.

o0O(Wait, that cat, what is that magic on it? Too many auras in here, hard to pick out. Did anyone outside have a cat familiar? I don't think so. Can't make a move right now, I'll just have to keep an eye on the thing.)

I'll just leave the matter with that thought bubble rather than try to out our resident shapeshifter. P.S. by definition it is not paranoia if a person's precautions actually catch something that would otherwise have slipped through. :smallbiggrin: Oh, out of character I know the shapeshifted cat is not a threat, but anyone of hostile intent could have used the same trick to get in here. The D&D world kills the unprepared swiftly.

2017-07-31, 02:46 PM
Kriv moves to comfort Lady Blackwell. "Milady, you know me. You know what I'm capable of. We'll find her. The others are right,
though. We need as much information as you have. Maybe one of your aides can get it to us so you can grieve?"

2017-08-02, 08:05 PM
Lady Blackwell does notice the cat. "Whose ever familiar that is, please control it before it starts tearing up my books and ledgers." She says warily.

"A pack of ten to fifteen goblins came from the east ten days ago." Lady Blackwell started steepling her hands. "Before the town guards could be mustered, they swept in, overwhelmed the manor guards and took my only daughter. Some scouting has revealed a series of caves about an hour's ride from here, we believe that they took my daughter there and are either holding her hostage, or plan to kill her in some ritual."

"We are worried that a rescue will anger the goblins, but without a ransom note or anything, I don't feel we have much of a choice."

"I do not believe the group has any spellcasters." She adds after a moments thought.

2017-08-02, 08:36 PM
Uh oh, busted. Oh well, in for a copper piece, in for a platinum.

Zara stretches out and approaches Lady Blackwell. She starts rubbing herself against the Lady's legs, and shoves her face into her hand.

2017-08-02, 08:42 PM
"No chance of it being a random kidnapping then. May we speak to some of those who scouted the area?"

o0O(Hmm, this could get ugly fast)

2017-08-02, 08:46 PM
Uh oh, busted. Oh well, in for a copper piece, in for a platinum.

Zara stretches out and approaches Lady Blackwell. She starts rubbing herself against the Lady's legs, and shoves her face into her hand.

[Give me a persuasion check]

"No chance of it being a random kidnapping then. May we speak to some of those who scouted the area?"

o0O(Hmm, this could get ugly fast)

"Yes. I'll call them up here, or would you rather talk to them alone?" She asks.

Armored Walrus
2017-08-02, 09:12 PM
"Overwhelmed by goblins... one might think to question your guards. Or at least question their spears," Khoridai mutters wryly.

2017-08-02, 09:13 PM
Whichever you would prefer, Elytra responds.

2017-08-02, 09:45 PM
Meow. Meow? Purrrr...

Persuasion: [roll0]

2017-08-02, 09:50 PM
"Overwhelmed by goblins... one might think to question your guards. Or at least question their spears," Khoridai mutters wryly.

"Goblins are sneaky little bastards." Lady Blackwell explains.

Whichever you would prefer, Elytra responds.

"I'm good with whichever."

Meow. Meow? Purrrr...

Persuasion: [roll0]

"Somebody control your cat, please." She says jumping back from the cat.

2017-08-02, 11:02 PM
"Here Kitty" Bjorn calls the cat over, mildly suspicious at the idea of an unknown familiar walking around while they are getting information on a mission.

I will observe the way the cat acts and if it comes over to me, pick it up and check it out. I checked the OOC thread for what I know about your character, and it said you love your animals. Is that to the extent that this might make me think of you?
Also, making an Insight roll so if the DM thinks its applicable here we can move along without me needing to post again. If not disregard.

2017-08-02, 11:27 PM
"I'm good with whichever."

"Then let us hear from them in here."

.oO(She is certainly behaving oddly. Is there more to this story?)

2017-08-04, 11:11 PM
"Here Kitty" Bjorn calls the cat over, mildly suspicious at the idea of an unknown familiar walking around while they are getting information on a mission.

I will observe the way the cat acts and if it comes over to me, pick it up and check it out. I checked the OOC thread for what I know about your character, and it said you love your animals. Is that to the extent that this might make me think of you?
Also, making an Insight roll so if the DM thinks its applicable here we can move along without me needing to post again. If not disregard.

Rebuffed by the lady of the house, Zara slowly slinks her way to Bjorn. Maybe he is more receptive to feline wiles. Of course, she has to act like a real cat, and proceed with a great degree of haughtiness and caution.

2017-08-05, 12:37 AM
[Zerg, roll a performance check]

It is only a couple of minutes, where Lady Blackwell calls a guard and asks them to get the scouts.

About fifteen minutes past, before the scouts return with a parchment-ed roll.

"We have a detailed map of the pathways to the east, and the caves where we believe the goblins are hiding." The older one remarks.

"Do you require any more information?"

2017-08-05, 12:40 AM
Mew? Mew?

Performance: [roll0]

2017-08-05, 12:56 AM
"General tactics, possible traps maybe...hmm..." Jung says, trying to think of what information might be important.

2017-08-05, 01:41 AM
"General tactics, possible traps maybe...hmm..." Jung says, trying to think of what information might be important.

"Well they are goblins, they like to fight by ambush if possible. As for traps, we don't know. Any who went into the caves never made it back." The elder scout reports.

Armored Walrus
2017-08-05, 08:41 AM
"How many went into the caves, and did they go together or singly?"

2017-08-05, 09:25 AM
"I would also know if there are any signs of other creatures in this area. I am particularly concerned by the apparent precision of the raid that took the child. I have not known goblins to use such, but if for instance some of their more militaristic cousins, hobgoblins, are leading their efforts, they're a much greater threat."

2017-08-05, 10:38 AM
Thank you, for the information, Elytra says while looking over the maps. She examines them closely, trying to see if there's any particular way they could use the terrain to their advantage.

2017-08-05, 01:35 PM
"How many went into the caves, and did they go together or singly?"

"Five, and at the same time." The elder guard replies.

"I would also know if there are any signs of other creatures in this area. I am particularly concerned by the apparent precision of the raid that took the child. I have not known goblins to use such, but if for instance some of their more militaristic cousins, hobgoblins, are leading their efforts, they're a much greater threat."

"We wouldn't know of that." The younger scout admits. "There has been an increase in wolf attacks along the border farms though."

Thank you, for the information, Elytra says while looking over the maps. She examines them closely, trying to see if there's any particular way they could use the terrain to their advantage.

[Give me an Int check.]

2017-08-05, 01:48 PM
Mew? Mew?

Performance: [roll0]

Bjorn picks up the cat, looks at it suspiciously, walks over to the window and tosses it out.

A few things.

I am operating under the assumption that we are not so high the cat would be injured (I think we're on the second floor, I've seen cats drop 4-5 stories and actually be ok), if I am wrong and we are higher than that I will not toss the cat out the window.

I think given that I'm a little suspicious and you failed to beat my insight check, this is likely what I would do IC.

Also, OOC, I think this allows you to safely exit this scenario without getting caught as your character and causing drama that would derail things.

2017-08-05, 04:34 PM

Fingers crossed.

2017-08-05, 07:11 PM

Fingers crossed.

You're pretty sure you see some hills and inclines that would allow you to sneak up on any goblins that may be guarding the cave.

2017-08-05, 07:13 PM
You're pretty sure you see some hills and inclines that would allow you to sneak up on any goblins that may be guarding the cave.

Elytra points to the map. If we go up here, we should be able to sneak up on the guards. I've got a decent hand at sneaking, but if anyone here knows spells to enhance our stealth, that can help.

2017-08-05, 07:34 PM
Elytra points to the map. If we go up here, we should be able to sneak up on the guards. I've got a decent hand at sneaking, but if anyone here knows spells to enhance our stealth, that can help.

Bjorn looks down at himself and chuckles.

"While I'm pretty light on me feet for a dwarf, sneaking is on exactly in my wheelhouse."

2017-08-05, 08:44 PM
Elymas speaks up, "I can provide illusory cover should such prove needful, but I am afraid a quiet approach is not my forte either."

2017-08-06, 01:24 AM
Bjorn picks up the cat, looks at it suspiciously, walks over to the window and tosses it out.

A few things.

I am operating under the assumption that we are not so high the cat would be injured (I think we're on the second floor, I've seen cats drop 4-5 stories and actually be ok), if I am wrong and we are higher than that I will not toss the cat out the window.

I think given that I'm a little suspicious and you failed to beat my insight check, this is likely what I would do IC.

Also, OOC, I think this allows you to safely exit this scenario without getting caught as your character and causing drama that would derail things.

Zara allows herself to be picked up, but as Bjorn walks towards the window, immediately realizes what he's up to. The transformed druid activates her claws, and gives Bjorn a swipe across his arm.


To hit: [roll0]
Damage: 1

Having thusly staved off bodily harm, she allows herself to relax a bit. But she's not out of the woods yet. Perhaps, the best course of action is to come clean.

Dropping the wild shape, the house cat suddenly transforms into a svelte halfling!

Man, I thought I was acting reeeeeeally good, but you saw through me! Zara Gathergourd, halfling druid, at your service!

Bjorn hears an accusatory voice in his head, "You're a meanie!" It seems to be the halfling's voice, but her lips didn't move.

Zara puts up her hands after dropping her scimitar and druidic quarterstaff focus on the ground.

"I'm an expert in sneaking! I'll be able to prepare this really good sneaking spell that'll blow your socks off! Just give me a few hours!" she pipes up, referring to the spell "Pass without Trace".

2017-08-06, 02:25 PM
Bjorn ignores the cat trying to futilely scratch through his chainmail (AC 18).

When the cat in his hands suddenly turns into a halfling, he curses and reaches for his warhammer, dropping the halfling on the floor, before remembering he gave up his weapons upon entering. He grabs his holy symbol and prepares to cast a spell, but hesitates as the halfling drops her weapons and begins to speak.

"Perhaps this was not the best plan for gaining trust if you want to accompany us." Bjorn then turns to the captain of the guard. "If this is the level of security you provide, don't expect me to give up my weapons again."

2017-08-06, 03:03 PM
"Guards. Guards." Lady Blackwell calls up panicking at the sudden appearance of the halfling, even as she drops her weapons.

2017-08-06, 03:22 PM
"Peace madame, had she meant harm she could have caused it already. This was perhaps not the wisest way to introduce herself, but I doubt she intended anything save to join us."

Diplomacy roll

2017-08-06, 03:31 PM
"Peace madame, had she meant harm she could have caused it already. This was perhaps not the wisest way to introduce herself, but I doubt she intended anything save to join us."

Diplomacy roll

Lady Blackwell does seem to calm down slightly. "False alarm!" She calls out.

"What were you thinking?" She seethes angrily.

Armored Walrus
2017-08-06, 03:40 PM
Khorida glances at the halfling and winks, "Indeed, what were you thinking? It's obvious the best way to sneak past the lady's guards is to pose as a goblin."

2017-08-06, 08:16 PM
"Um. I thought a practical demonstration of what I can do is... more appropriate?" The small Halfling says in a very small voice.

2017-08-06, 08:22 PM
"Um. I thought a practical demonstration of what I can do is... more appropriate?" The small Halfling says in a very small voice.

Then you come in openly, say "By the way, I can turn into a cat!" and show us! Elytra says, a touch angrily.

2017-08-06, 09:52 PM
Silas is staring a bit at the halfling, then shakes his head and turns back to Lady Blackwell. "Might I make a suggestion? This distraction isn't needed. Lets get back to the matter at hand. Is there anything else we need to know?"

2017-08-06, 11:09 PM
"I believe that is everything. Just.... She's my only daughter.... Please be careful with her." Lady Blackwell says sadly.

"If the goblins want to deal, or anything, please do so." She adds pleadingly.

2017-08-07, 12:18 AM
"I believe that is everything. Just.... She's my only daughter.... Please be careful with her." Lady Blackwell says sadly.

"If the goblins want to deal, or anything, please do so." She adds pleadingly.

"We'll see to her safety m'lady, don't you worry. Lets get those maps and leave the Lady Blackwell to herself. I'd appreciate it if the scout would walk with us for a while as we leave, in case anyone thinks of additional questions."

Bjorn the looks at the halfling as they turn away from Lady Blackwell and fixes her with a stern look. He tries to maintain his composure but breaks into a smile and then bursts into laughter.

"Damn cat turned into a halfling in my arms" he laughs, giving Zara an exceptionally hearty slap on the back (Str 16).

2017-08-07, 09:49 AM
Kriv looks at the map for a few moments then considers each of the people gathered in the room. He snorts a small puff of smoke from his nostrils prior to beginning to speak. "It may be that you're not the stealthy types. It may be that we're going to be detected before we're within a hundred yards of the entrance. It won't matter. We're going after the girl, and this method is much better than walking to the cave in the open. Anyone who wants out should leave now, otherwise gather your gear and I say we get out there," he glances toward the tearful woman before continuing, "before too much more time has passed."

2017-08-07, 10:11 AM
Kriv looks at the map for a few moments then considers each of the people gathered in the room. He snorts a small puff of smoke from his nostrils prior to beginning to speak. "It may be that you're not the stealthy types. It may be that we're going to be detected before we're within a hundred yards of the entrance. It won't matter. We're going after the girl, and this method is much better than walking to the cave in the open. Anyone who wants out should leave now, otherwise gather your gear and I say we get out there," he glances toward the tearful woman before continuing, "before too much more time has passed."

"Nobody said they wanted out, or that it was a bad plan. But if we got there and I hadn't let you know I wasn't particularly sneaky when that was the plan as known to everybody, it would be pretty stupid of me, don't you think? Communicating our strengths and weaknesses is an important part of working together, no need to get huffy. I agree we should get on the road immediately."

2017-08-07, 11:30 AM
Kriv looks at Bjorn and grins a toothy smile. "You're yet to see huffy, hatchling. You'll know when I get huffy." He turns to the group and continues. "Everybody gear up. Meet at the gate in one hour?"

Armored Walrus
2017-08-07, 11:35 AM
Khoridai shoulders his pack and his instruments, "I'm ready now, if the rest of you are. If not, I'll see you at the gate."

With that, the bard walks out of the room.

2017-08-07, 12:00 PM
"I have my own equipment on hand, but given the nature of our destination I rather suggest that we bring climbing gear. I will go ahead and purchase a set to carry, but I should not be the only one."

2017-08-07, 09:07 PM
Kriv looks at Bjorn and grins a toothy smile. "You're yet to see huffy, hatchling. You'll know when I get huffy." He turns to the group and continues. "Everybody gear up. Meet at the gate in one hour?"

Bjorn looks at the Dragonborn quizzically for a moment, then leans in and speaks in an even tone of voice, pitched low for only Kriv to hear.

"Let me make this very clear. You may think you're hot stuff, but you haven't built the capital with me to get away with being dismissive or rude. So how's about you don't call me hatchling, I don't call you lizard breath, and we can all be friends. Nobody here is your subordinate. We're likely going into battle together, so try not to get off on the wrong foot."

2017-08-08, 12:06 PM
If nothing else comes up, Elymas will depart, purchase a Climber's Kit as stated, and report to the gate where everyone was to gather.

Lets not let this stall out so early on. Its a new game people, show some enthusiasm!

2017-08-08, 08:10 PM
Elytra moves out as well, talking tactics as best she can with the rest of the group.

I have a lot of spells available. Check my sheet for the exact list. And, of course, this gives us the excuse to look at each other's sheets and know our capabilities.

2017-08-08, 08:43 PM
A very subdued halfling, looking far smaller than she normally should, accompanies the rest of the group to track the goblins.

How did it go wrong? Her disguise was absolutely perfect! A house cat should fit into a house, shouldn't it? After all, did her brother Zack not regale her with tales about how he infiltrated the Cult of the Dragon disguised as an ordinary lizard?

2017-08-08, 09:31 PM
Elymas double checks his gear, and finds places for the kit he purchased. he's learned never to take such things for granted, his life has depended on the items he has on hand too often.

My list is pretty short, Eldritch blast, Minor Illusion, Hex, Arms of Hadar, Mirror Image, and Hold Person. Its warlock casting, so its only 2 L2 slots, but they refresh on a short rest. Also Detect Magic at will via an invocation.

Real strength is martial, his wings will get him exactly where he's needed, and 1d8+8 damage is rather impressive at low levels, guaranteed one hit kill of most things we're liable to face for now.

So yeah, expect him to cast one, maybe two spells per combat, and spend the rest of it in melee.

2017-08-08, 09:55 PM
Kriv listens to Bjorn for a moment, rolls his eyes and begins to walk away. He didn't have time to measure his peeing...or whatever it was the humans did to show dominance...it was something like that, he had heard.

"See you guys in an hour."

Gather his gear, which he had no reason to bring with him, purchase some climbing gear because....great idea.

2017-08-08, 10:59 PM
"ach well, some people are just rude"

Bjorn heads out, chuckling at the idea of being called a hatchling by someone whose birth is predated by his last haircut.

I will also pick p some climbing gear before meeting at the gate, as its a good idea as everyone has already pointed out.

2017-08-10, 03:14 PM
After an hour or so, the party started leaving the town. Marching, the party passed an occasional farm, where the parents nodded grimly to them as kids told half heard snippets of possible future exploits.

What order are you leaving the town in, and what are you talking about?

2017-08-10, 03:32 PM
Elymas is flexible, but would incline towards taking up a position as rearguard. Aside from his preference for relative privacy, Someone who can take a hit needs to be in that position (at least, as in this case, the front is covered), and he is mobile enough to quickly get to the front if need be.

He's more likely to observe the others get to know each other than chat at present. But that may change if addressed directly or the conversation shifts to a topic related to the mission.

Perception: [roll0]

EDIT: first roll of the game is a nat 20, nice.

2017-08-10, 03:45 PM
Kriv is willing to take the lead, or act as a scout if the group so decides one is needed. He always expects trouble, even when he is somewhere he should consider safe. His battleaxe is close at hand as they travel, and Karima perches on his pauldron to assist him in keeping watch. "Once we get to this cave, I suggest we watch it for a few hours, see if we can determine guard patterns and count how many creatures may be in there. Once we decide to attack, I think the best way will be for the more skilled casters among us give some cover fire while those of us with armor bust open the way." He pauses, considering his plan. "We'll know more once we get there of course, and look at the area."

2017-08-10, 04:37 PM
"I'm probably most useful supporting the front line with healing. As for marching order I doubt it matters much til we get to the hills near the caves, once we do I should probably be near the front, but not the most forward as I'm not a great scout."

2017-08-10, 07:25 PM
The subdued Halfling scarcely paid much attention to her surroundings. What is certain is that she was neither leading nor bringing up the rear.

2017-08-10, 10:30 PM
Elytra tries to find a spot near the middle, but will bring up the rear if no one else does.

Armored Walrus
2017-08-11, 06:47 AM
Khoridai takes up position behind Kriv, but near enough to carry a conversation with him.

2017-08-13, 03:10 AM
Evangeline is happy just about anywhere, though with no armour she would prefer to be a little more central. She also remarks on what a lovely day it is and sings a happy tune as the party is walking

2017-08-14, 07:07 AM
Carnotite is near the back, off to one side. He's not much for talking, instead just looking around at the countryside contentedly.

2017-08-14, 04:48 PM
It is not long, before you all hear snarling.

4, four legged beast the size of horses, looking like over sized fearl dogs, with pin-prints of red for eyes snarl at you from the nearby treeline.

Wolf season has come in giant size this year apparently.

Please roll initiative checks.

[Map in roll 20 has been updated.]

2017-08-14, 05:34 PM
"They'll try to separate us from each other, don't let them. I'm covering left."

I move up to stand on the left flank of the group, and cast Hex on the wolf menacing that side. I then follow it up with Eldritch blast

Rolled in roll20, results, 18 initiative, 18 to hit, 11 damage

2017-08-14, 09:27 PM
Meep, Elytra lets out, seeing the enormous wolf. Her legs quiver a little, but she steels herself.

[roll0] init

2017-08-14, 10:01 PM
Bjorn hefts his hammer and prepares for battle:


2017-08-15, 03:44 AM
"Huh? Wolf? Where..."



Initiative: [roll0]

Action: Cast Speak with Animals

Speak with the Alpha Wolf: Please, Mr. Wolf, could you leave us alone? Please? I know you're hungry, but my companions are really strong!
Possible Animal Handling: [roll1]

2017-08-15, 08:59 AM
Drishtiashtardon Krivlasar stood and faced the wolves. He held his hand out and the air began to condense. In just a few moments, the fog coalesces into a battleaxe, glistening with the dew from the remaining moisture. He turns and glances at the halfling who seems to have suddenly lost her mind. Kriv places himself between his party and the wolves, the adrenaline of combat pulsing through his veins for the first time months. He sets himself, ready to defend should the wolves attack.

Take the dodge action: When you take the Dodge action, you focus entirely on avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage.

2017-08-16, 06:20 AM
Carnotite locks his hands together and pushes them away from his chest to crack his knuckles, preparing to manipulate the arcane fields of power around him.

Just fluff, I was bored of waiting. :P

2017-08-17, 05:24 PM
Before Zara can even speak, as Kriv starts fighting defensively, one of the wolfs breaks from the light foliage, snarling as it lunges at Elytra.

Str save if necessary [roll2]

Taking a nasty gash out of Elytra's side, she manages to keep her feet as the wolf tries to pull her to the ground.

Zara, Elymas, and Elytra. It is your turn. Do any of you need the map?

If you posted actions, and they haven't changed please confirm in the OOC thread.

2017-08-17, 08:20 PM
Map needed!

Elytra yelps in pain and shock, but readies a blast of shocking energy in her hand. She attempts to slap the wolf with it, and, if successful, will back the hell away.

[roll1] Electric damage

2017-08-17, 08:41 PM
Elymas's ray flies through the air blasting one of the dire wolves. The ray seems to shift in form following the dire wolf as a smokey black aura that trails back to the warlock.

Elytra reaches out and grasps the dire wolf. It snarls defiantly as the weak electricity bristles it's fur.

Zara's words in the middle of combat and the lack of presented food, fails to sway the wolves.

The wolf to your left, charges forward and attempts to bite at Elytra, as the other wolf on the right, targets the lightly armored bard with you.

However, both wolves miss their targets.

It is Khor, Carn, and Bjorn's turn.

Left wolf

Str save if necessary [roll2]

Right wolf
Str save if necessary [roll5]

Armored Walrus
2017-08-17, 09:55 PM
Khoridai speaks a word of power and the wolves nearest him are showered in glittering gold confetti, then he draws his rapier and prepares to attack.

Casting Faerie Fire so I hit the two wolves engaged with me but no one in the party (freehanded a little blob where I'm centering the cube) DC 13 Dex save for the wolves: [roll0] [roll1] (ignore those if you want to roll them, DM, but thought I'd save time if you're amenable to it) (on failure they are limned in golden light and attacks against them are at advantage)

2017-08-18, 12:36 AM
Carnotite displays his spellbook, gestures briefly and mutters a word. Magic condenses and coalesces, settling on Elytra, Kriv and Khoridai and imbuing them with the blessing of Aureon.

Bless on Elytra, Kriv and Khoridai.

2017-08-18, 08:34 PM
"Oh, I don't like hurting doggies..."


2017-08-19, 06:37 PM
One of the wolves manages to avoid the faerie fire but the southern one is coated in the stuff, a beacon for all that wish to attack it.

Elytra, Kriv, and Khordai are coated with a golden aura as Carnotite speaks his words of power. They feel. As if the aura is guiding their actions somehow.

An additional dire wolf unseen by you, bursts from the foliage snarling as it bears down on Evangline. It snaps at her leg, leaving a nasty gash as it drags her to the ground.

Evangline it is your turn.

Attack [roll0]
Advantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Str save if necessary [roll3]

2017-08-20, 07:25 AM
"Owww... A little help someone?"

Evangeline summons a shield of magic to try and keep the jaws of the wolf from doing her further damage and touches her leg, sending healing magic coursing into the wound.

Sorcery Points 3/3
Level 1 2/4 spells left
Cast Shield of Faith (+2 to AC) Conc. 10 minutes

Cure Wounds 1d8+4

2017-08-21, 10:19 AM
Bjorn speaks a single word of power, summoning Pelor's glowing radiance to heal Elytra's wound. He then lifts his hammer over his head and brings it crashing down on the closest wolf.

Healing Word bonus action [roll0]

Attack roll [roll1]

Damage roll [roll2]

2017-08-21, 10:37 AM
Thanks Bjorn! Elytra calls over, feeling much invigorated.

2017-08-21, 09:44 PM
Evengline's purple ward appears around her. However she doesn't seem to have the time to cast a healing spell.

Bjorn brings his hammer down on the wolf, as his healing spell energizes Elytra. The wolf winces a little when struck but it is not seriously wounded.

The Last wolf doesn't pick a target, instead it dashes forward, circling around the group to prevent escape from the rear.

Kriv. It is your turn. What do you do?

2017-08-24, 01:47 AM
The first wolf seeing it's target flee before it, focuses on the lightly armored Goliath in front of it, gashing at his arm and attempting to bring him down.

A nasty wound in Khor's arm is the only result however, thanks to the blessings of Aueron.

It is Zara, Elymas, and Elytra's turn.


Damage [roll2]
Str save if necessary [roll3] [roll4] (Jack of all trades does not apply to saves.)

2017-08-24, 02:42 AM
"Yip yip, growl arf woof grrrr!" (Don't say I didn't warn you)

With a wave of her fingers, the halfling conjures up a swarm of ticks to feast on the most heavily-bleeding wolf!

Infestation (cantrip). Wolf must succeed on DC 14 CON Save and take [roll0] piercing damage. In addition, it must move 5 feet [roll1].

1=N, 2=NE, 3=E, 4=SE, 5=S, 6=SW, 7=W, 8=NW

2017-08-24, 08:07 AM
Elymas sets his shield and swings hard at the hexed wolf beside him.

Sword damage[roll1] (4 points of this is necrotic)

2017-08-24, 08:52 PM
Elytra preps another shock, grabbing for a near wolf but just barely missing.

[roll0] Hit roll for Firebolt
[roll1] for damage

2017-08-24, 10:27 PM
The dire wolf howls in pain as the fleas bite at it's ancient fur. However it cannot move in the direction the fleas seem to be directing it. As the sword impacts it's flesh, a flash of dark energy courses in it's wounds increasing the blood flow from the harried and injured wolf.

However Eleytra's shocking grasp goes wide, whiffing over the dire wolf's head.

That same Direwolf, attempts to bite into the prone Eva's midsection. Eva has a nasty chunk taken off her belly. The other mobile direwolf attempts to bring Khor to the ground as well, but the other direwolf misses.

It is Khor, Carn, and Bjorn's turn

Direwolf 1 (Eva)

Direwolf 2 (Khor)

Str save if necessary [roll6] + [roll7]
Con save if necessary [roll8] + [roll9]

2017-08-24, 10:51 PM
Seeing Eva being harried on the ground, Bjorn once again calls upon his God's healing power. He then maneuvers around to flank the nearest wolf and brings his hammer around in an underhanded blow, smashing it in the ribs.

Healing word on Eva [roll0]

Attack roll [roll1]

Advantage from flanking? [roll2]

damage roll if I hit [roll3]

2017-08-25, 01:42 AM
Kriv frowns. He hated unnecessary killing, and the wolves were only acting on their nature. Something had them stirred up. Well, there was nothing for that at this point.

He adjusts his grip on his battle axe and takes a swing at the wolf closest to him, immediately to his east.
Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2017-08-25, 02:30 AM
Carnotite, still focusing on maintaining Aureon's blessing, copies Elytra, speaking a few disconnected syllables, flicking a tiny point of light towards the injured wolf and hoping to finish it off.

A cast of Fire Bolt on the wolf on the other side of Elytra
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage on hit: [roll1]

2017-08-27, 08:22 PM
As Bjorn's healing magic courses through Eva, the wolf snarls defiantly as the force of the blow is softened by the fur of the wolf preventing any bone breakage.

Kriv takes his axe and sends it into the wolf on his side, the wolf rolls with the blow dispersing the force, but the blow still cuts into the wolf's flesh.

However Carn's firebolt clearly goes wide going off into the distance in the sky before fizzling off.

The wolf flanked by Bjorn and Ely snarls as it attempt to bite on Eva's head. Chomping down hard, blood starts to mat Eva's long blonde hair.

It is Eva's turn.


Armored Walrus
2017-08-28, 05:51 PM
Khoridai glances at the struggling assimar, "Not a very angelic way to die" he comments, helpfully, but the arcane magic in his words wraps around Evangeline, buoying her for the fight. He then stabs with his rapier at the wolf that Kriv is engaging.

"Oi, let's finish this one quickly so we can focus on this other one that's easier to hit, eh?"

Healing word on Evangeline for [roll0] Attacking the topmost wolf with Kriv; attack: [roll1] damage: [roll2] crit?: [roll3]

2017-08-28, 07:10 PM
"Thank you kind sir"says Eva, standing up and facing the wolf in front of her.
"Sorry about this, but you left me no choice" she turns to glance at the other wolf "Lets deal with this quickly then. I do not want you to suffer"

Spending 1 sorcery point to twin spell to wolf in front of me and other wolf
Casting Guiding Bolt. If the first wolf is within 5 feet of me (Which I assume it is) I cast with disadvantage

Attack disadv.[roll1]

On a hit targets are left with a glowing mark that grants adv to next attack on them
Spell slots 1st level 1/4 2nd level 1/1
Sorcery points 2/3

2017-08-28, 10:57 PM
Khor's springs forward with the rapier, but it's narrow point is deflected by the coarse fur of the wolf.

As Eva shoots out two bolt of yellow energy the hexed wolf falls to the ground bleeding out. The other wolf however stands firm against the attack, but it looks really injured as blood starts to coat it's fur.

The last wolf attempts to avenge it's packmate, whipping around it tears snarling at Eva as it attempts to bite her. Tearing out massive chunks of flesh as Eva passes out on the ground, blood rapidly pooling out from her.

It is Kriv's turn.


2017-08-29, 01:30 AM
Kriv shouts to the others as he leaps toward the wolf, axe coming down overhead. "Somebody help her!"

Attack roll: [roll0] for [roll1]

Edit: This is starting to get frustrating.

2017-08-29, 02:29 AM
Kriv leaps into the air however his aim is off, and his axe merely impacts the ground instead of the wolf beside him.

The glowing wolf next to him, snarls as it attempts to take a bite out of Khor.

It is Zara's, Elymas's and Elytra's turn.

Khor goes down as the wolf bites down on his ankle, but he manages to retain his spell.

Str save if necessary [roll3]+[roll4]
Con save if necessary [roll5]+[roll6]

2017-08-29, 02:53 AM
Sadly shaking her head, Zara swipes her scimitar at the heavily-bloodied dire wolf, intending a mercy kill.

Hit: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1]. Crit: [roll2]

Her inexperience with melee combat immediately manifests in the blade hitting naught but air.

2017-08-29, 03:25 AM
Noticing that Evangeline has crumpled to the ground, the mousy halfling immediately invokes the healing power of the summer court to resuscitate her.

Balm of the Summer Court. Bonus Action to heal by [roll0]. Recipient gains 1 temporary hp and +6 feet speed for the next minute.

2017-08-29, 05:14 AM
Elymas transfers his spell to the badly wounded wolf beside him, then swings with his darkened axe.

[roll0], [roll1] (if GB is still up)
P.S. Zergrinch, you would have advantage to attack the dying wolf from an adjacent square. (it is both helpless and prone) So you can roll to hit again

2017-08-29, 08:40 PM
Elytra folds her hands together, summoning three bolts of pure magical energy. Two of them dart towards the most heavily injured wolf, the third to the slightly injured one. She just hopes she made the right decision.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2] Damage. Unavoidable. (Unless you're a helmed horror.)

2017-08-30, 12:10 AM
Zerg's attack kills the wolf crumpling to the ground as her sword falls into the creature's neck severing arteries.

Elymas's axe misses the other wolf adjacent to him. (Feel free to target your hex as you wish whenever)

Elytra on a moment's reflex directs the three missile into the slightly injured dire wolf. It snarls as the three magical missiles hit into it.

The injured wolf snarls as it lunges at Khor, eager for fresh meat. It tears into Khor's body as Khor passes out his blood starting to heavily stain the ground.

It is Khor's, Carn, Bjorn's, and Eva's turn now. Khor unless someone heals you roll a death saving throw, and you lose concentration on Faerie fire.

Khor's con save if necessary [roll3] + [roll4]

2017-08-30, 01:24 AM
Bjorn drops his warhammer into his beltloop and grabs his holy symbol, lifting it towards the sun. The symbol begins to glow and 2 rays of light streak out towards Khor and Eva.

Channel Divinity: Preserve life to heal 15 points of damage divided as I see fit. 10 points goes to Khor and 5 points to Eva.

I can't heal anyone past half health with that so if the points need to be shifted about a bit let me know, I don't know people's exact HP totals but I think they are hurt enough for those values to work. I am pretty sure the HP value on Khor's sheet is wrong, but in that case I'm not sure if you're using that incorrect value to say he's down, there's no way he only has 16 hp max with a con of 16.

2017-08-30, 02:58 PM
Carnotite whirls, incorporating the movement into his casting and directing his brief enunciation at the wolf that took down Khor. Frost spreads across a portion of the wolf's fur, and Carnotite hopes that the sudden cold will either numb the wolf or draw its attention off Khor.

Frostbite on the damaged wolf, doing [roll0] damage. Wolf has to make DC 13 Con save.

2017-08-30, 07:39 PM
Evageline, who is bloody and sore and kinda upset, turns her attention to the last wolf. Standing, she calles upon the celestial bodies that fuel her magic and brings down a bolt of holy fire upon the beast, simultaneously bringing some healing magics to her wounds.

Wolf must make DC 14 dex save

Level 2 Healing word [roll1]

Armored Walrus
2017-08-30, 10:19 PM
Khoridai is taken by surprise by the wolf's savage attack, but he turns his fall into a roll and tumbles away, out of its immediate reach. He springs to his feet, brushes himself off a bit. He refocuses, strikes a discordant series of chords on his lyre, and spits a series of insults at the wolf engaged with Kriv.

"You pestilent, foul-breathed cur! I've seen spavined, toothless street mutts with more fight in them than you!

Using my Tumbling Fool feature to disengage as a bonus action, casting Vicious Mockery at the wolf Kriv and I have been attacking, Dex Save vs DC13: [roll0] or take [roll1] damage and disadvantage on its next attack. If I'm not missing anything, after the attack against me and the heal from Bjorn I'm at 12 hps. Sheet updated.

2017-08-30, 10:51 PM
Bjorn's healing courses through Khordai and Eva.

However the wolf manages to resist Carn's saving.

The other wolf is hit true by the flames, as Eva's wounds start healing up under her own power.

Khor's mockery causes the wolf in question to whimper sadly as it considers Khor's insulting tone. (Note it's a wis save, not a dex save, but the wolf failed anyway)

The healthy dire wolf attempt to bite down on Eva snarling as it tries to feed on the healing flesh of Eva. Eva is heavily wounded by the bite, but remains conscious.

It is Kriv's turn.


2017-09-01, 10:02 AM
Kriv frowns, frustrated with his inability to hit anything. He takes a deep breath and centers himself, running through mental calming exercises taught to him since he was recently hatched. He shifts his grip on his bonded axe and takes another powerful swing at the wolf next to him.

Attacking the injured wolf to Kriv's east on the map: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2017-09-02, 12:00 AM
The dire wolf whimpers as Kriv's axe strikes the front left leg of the wolf giving it a nasty bleeding gash on the side.

Another of the direwolf enters the opening you have created to bite at Eva snarling as it joins it's packmate in trying to rend her flesh. Snapping on to her head it tries to shake her back and forth like smaller captured prey.

It is Zara, Elymas, and Eleytra's turn.


2017-09-02, 12:15 AM
Elymas turns and swings at the wolf beside him, fell magic working to ensure his blows strike deep

Hex and attack the wolf south of me
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2017-09-02, 01:04 AM
Zara shakes her head after Evangeline swoons yet again from the wolf's love tap. Oh well, might as well clear out the remaining wolves and ensure no wolf drags the woman away! Who knew that wolves would be such a pain to handle?

Action: Scimitar vs adjacent wolf. To hit: [roll0]. Advantage roll: [roll1]. Hit: [roll2]. Crit: [roll3]

Bonus Action: Balm of the Summer Court. Heal Evangeline by [roll4]. Recipient also gains 1 temporary hp and +6 feet speed for the next minute.

2017-09-02, 01:11 PM
Elytra, not seeing much use for a Thunderwave, ensconces her hand in lightning, then reaches out to touch her nearby wolf.


2017-09-02, 02:48 PM
Elymas's hex is swiftly targeted onto the wolf, and the weapon causes a slash and flash of dark energy.

Eva is swiftly healed slightly, as Zara's sword cuts the healthy wolf across the face deeply, it howls in pain as it stays on his feet.

Eleytra manages to catch her wolf by the fur, it winces as the electrical charge rips across his body.

The whimpering wolf tries to build up it's confidence as it bites at Khor, it's encouraging packmate managing to at least counteract Khor's mockery. Khor goes down at the wolf bites hard on his acheillis tendon. His faerie fire spell ending.

It is Khor's, Carn, Bjorn, and Eva's turn


2017-09-02, 03:02 PM
Bjorn growls in frustration as the wolf moves next to him, the risk of being knocked over and made useless too great to disengage from it. Pulling his hammer from his belt, he thrusts it forward into the wolf's face like a spea, hoping to finally knock it senseless. He then shouts over to the beleaguered Eva.

"Try to disengage through the opening between Khor and Elymas, we can finish these."

Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage [roll1] if crit add [roll2]

Eva if you take the disengage action you can safely get out to the NE and we can finish these off, need to try to conserve healing in case we get into another fight.

edit: I didn't realize Khor was down, if its ok I'd also like to use my bonus action to heal him with Healing Word. I can't do rolls in an edit unfortunately so I'm gonna need to double post.

2017-09-02, 04:41 PM
bonus action healing word on Khor [roll0]

2017-09-02, 07:55 PM
Carnotite ducks backwards while trying to remember anything he knows about wolves, in case he could help his allies' strategies.

Dodge action, 5 feet moved backwards and Nature check [roll0].

Armored Walrus
2017-09-02, 10:53 PM
Khoridai staggers back to his feet, shooting a thankful glance at Bjorn yet again. "For crying out loud, Kriv, I thought you were a fighter! Give them hell!" he yells, trying to motivate the shiny lizard.

"As for you, my furry friend..." he lunges forward, driving his rapier at his foe.

d6 inspiration die to Kriv, attack against the northernmost wolf. [roll0] bless [roll1] damage [roll2]

2017-09-04, 08:29 PM
Although Bjorn's hammer misses, his healing shines through as Khor's wounds heal up.

Cjorn doesn't recall any significant weaknesses that the wolves have at the moment.

Khor's rapier strikes true driving in the chest of the direwolf, although it's still standing it seems on his last legs.

The hexed wolf strikes at Eleytra, the black smoke of the hex surrounding his gaping maw as it tries to take a bite of Eleytra. However the black smoke obscures it's vision and it misses entirely.

It is Kriv's turn.

Str save if necessary [roll3] [roll4]

2017-09-04, 09:19 PM
Kriv sighs. He hadn't realized his combat skills had degraded so far in his few months of retirement. Khoridai reminds him of this fact and encourages him. He brings his axe down again towards the same wolf.

Got a new computer and have been having trouble getting into Roll20 since then, but I think the same wolf is still up to attack...

[roll0] plus inspiration [roll1] for [roll2] damage

2017-09-04, 10:22 PM
As Kriv's axe swings it catches the wolf in the skull splitting it in two as the wolf crumples to the trail floor.

The other wolf attempts to bite Eva a large gash out of her side. Eva starts bleeding out onto the forest floor.

It is everyone but Kriv's turn.


2017-09-04, 10:30 PM
Sensing more than seeing Evangeline crumple beside him, Elymas strikes out once more. Need to end this fast

Hitting hexed target to his south. [roll0] (actually 15) [roll1] (actually 6) [roll2]

2017-09-05, 03:49 AM
Frustrated by his inability to remember any weaknesses about the wolves, Carnotite settles for repeating the numbing spell on the wolf north of him again to keep them from attacking the other party members while they're busy taking down the more injured one.

Frostbite again. [roll0] cold damage, same save.

Armored Walrus
2017-09-05, 07:48 AM
Khoridai begins chanting an ancient psalm about a glorious battle between angels and devils, directing the magical energy of his words toward the fallen Evangeline, then plunges his rapier into the wolf in front of him yet again.

Healing Word on Evangeline [roll0] health regained. Attacking wolf [roll1] damage [roll2]

2017-09-05, 08:53 AM
Evangeline is going to crawl away (using disengage) and hide somewhere on the edge of battle, keeping an eye out for any more wolves approaching.
passive perception is 14

2017-09-06, 08:44 PM
Bjorn strikes the closest wolf.
hey my computer died so I'm trying to do this on my phone so I will be somewhat less descriptive, hopefully the rolls will work
attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-09-06, 09:10 PM
Zara sees little point in dragging out the encounter, and tries her best to mercy-kill the clearly-suffering wolf adjacent to her.

Action: Scimitar vs. adjacent wolf. To hit: [roll0]. Hit: [roll1]. Crit: [roll2]

2017-09-06, 11:03 PM
Elymas's blade cuts across the wolf's skin. It stands, although clearly on it's last legs.

Carn's spell has no effect on the wolf, as it manages to crunch the ice that forms on the bottom of it's paw effortlessly.

Khor's words rejuvenate Eva's soul, as it's rapier digs deep into the Wolf's shoulder muscle.

Carissa doesn't see any additional wolves.

Bjorn's hammer strike completely misses dealing no damage to the wolf.

Zara's strike however hits, bringing the wolf to it's last legs, as she cuts across it's face.

The dark shadowed wolf attempts to take a large bite out of Elytra. Elytra gets a bite taken out of her arm, but manages to stand firm.

It is Kriv's turn.


2017-09-07, 10:45 AM
Kriv steps up to the next wolf and swings his axe. Having connected once, he was finally starting to feel better about working the kinks out of his joints.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]

I've been having trouble logging in to Roll20 since I got my new computer, which is weird. It's a new gaming computer with a solid state drive, so I don't know if that's got something to do with it, but it just won't load Roll20. I'll keep trying to figure it out.

2017-09-07, 12:06 PM
The wolf winces as Kriv's axe slashes across it.

However it is still alive, and it attempts to bite at Eleytra snarling as it haphazardly lunges through the air. It grabs onto her leg and bites nailing an artery as Eleytra passes out.

Str save [roll3]+[roll4]

2017-09-07, 12:18 PM
Elymas keeps swinging, glad the end of this mess seems to be in sight.

They really like going for the squishies in the group don't they?
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Armored Walrus
2017-09-09, 02:34 PM
Khoridai sighs and once again directs the healing energy of his words toward his fallen companion, then stabs once more at the wolf in front of him.

Healing word on Elytra for [roll0] healing. Attack [roll1] damage [roll2]

2017-09-09, 03:04 PM
And with that the last dire wolf falls.

What do you do now?

2017-09-09, 06:14 PM
As the last wolf falls, Kriv takes a step toward the bodies and lets out a very draconic roar. He looks around at the other party members, somewhat abashed. "My apologies, my friends. This is exactly the reason I am here...I hadn't realized my skills had faded so dramatically in the months since my retirement from the guard. I won't fail you again."

Armored Walrus
2017-09-09, 06:33 PM
Khoridai eyes the wolf carcasses, "Well, none of them got away with a noble's daughter, so I'd say you can't be too far off from the current caliber of guardsmen."

He walks a bit away from the blood smell, and arms sweat from his great forehead.

"I could do with a breather; how about the rest of you?"

He then sits in the grass and begins to play a soothing melody on his lyre.

If we are resting, that's my Song of Rest, 1d6 extra healing for anyone who uses a hit die to heal. If anyone objects to resting, he'll get back up and stop playing, and go along with the group. If we are resting, here's my hit die roll: [roll0] song of rest [roll1]

2017-09-09, 07:18 PM
"I'm fine, they largely ignored me, in spite of the wounds I gave. Let us get away from the blood before resting. Shall we?"

2017-09-09, 08:27 PM
Not wanting to waste any of nature's bounty, Zara tries to recover usable things from the biggest dire wolf. The pelt, definitely. And probably the bladder as well.

Harvesting a wolf: [roll0]

2017-09-09, 11:27 PM
Carnotite walks a little off the road, letting his arms fall to his sides, dropping his concentration on the spell and settling back against a tree. He closes his eyes and listens to the music.

2017-09-10, 11:48 AM
I... I could use a break, Elytra says. And a hug. I've never really seen a fight before.

2017-09-10, 11:47 PM
"I'm fine myself, but i used up a good chunk of my divine energy for the day. I kin maybe keep us up through one more fight like that."

Bjorn them throws a friendly arm around Elytra's shoulders. "No worries, yeh did fine for yer first battle" he says encouragingly.

sorry, i don't seem to be able to do colored text on my phone and my computer is still a brick

2017-09-11, 05:56 PM
Evangaline sighs in relief before dropping to the ground.

"Goodness that was a trial. What riled those poor creatures so to want our blood so badly. And now my clothes are torn and bloodied. Well I can do something about one of those"

Evangeline will use Prestidigitation to clean her clothes and then settles down to drink some water and listen to the bards music.

"What a soothing tune"

Spell slots 1st level 1/4 2nd level 1/1
Sorcery points 2/3

Using hit die to heal [roll0]
song of rest [roll1]

2017-09-14, 04:01 AM
Zara would give Elytra a hug, the poor dear, but seeing as how her hands are bloodied with blood and ichor from a fresh dire wolf corpse, she thinks better of it. It might freak her out even more.

2017-09-15, 09:19 PM
Elytra breathes in and out, ragged at first, but growing steadier.

I'm okay... I'm okay.


2017-09-15, 09:46 PM
Kriv chuckles and looks down at Elytra. "I certainly hope so, lass. We're just getting started."

2017-09-15, 09:46 PM
So you head out for alittle bit further. As you get close to the caves where the Younger Lady Blackwell is being held, do you all go charging in at once? Do you intend to scout out for a little more info?

2017-09-15, 10:01 PM
"Let us scout before moving in, though I would suggest that people other than myself do so. Such action is unfortunately far from my expertise."

If you are not too worried about me being spotted, I could take to the skies and survey the area in general." He flexes his wings a bit to emphasize this. "But I think it is safe to say that I will be spotted if others are watching at all."

2017-09-15, 10:17 PM
Zara finishes up on her wolf harvest. Did she get anything usable?

2017-09-15, 11:05 PM
Kriv thinks for a bit. "I'll set up where I can see the entrance. Keep an eye on their comings and goings...if there are any. See if I can get a sense for how many there are."

2017-09-15, 11:16 PM
Zara finishes up on her wolf harvest. Did she get anything usable?

You get most of one of a fur set, but the rest are wasted.

Armored Walrus
2017-09-16, 07:48 AM
"Hold a moment, Kriv. This will help you."

Khoridai plays a nimble-sounding tune on his lyre, then utters a few arcane words and lays a hand on Kriv.

"Even goblins have eyes, take care they don't set any of them on you."

Casting Enhance Ability (Cat's Grace) on Kriv for his stakeout. Kriv, you now have advantage on Dex checks.

2017-09-16, 11:26 AM
Elytra comes over to Kriv, and says Be safe.

2017-09-17, 11:58 PM
So those stealthing. I need stealth and perception checks please.

2017-09-18, 01:14 AM
Zara stuffs the pelt into her pack, and waits with the rest of the party for the results of the scouting.

2017-09-18, 11:41 AM
Carnotite also goes to Kriv, touching him gently and laying a minor blessing on him. "This spell will also help you with your surveillance of their home. Be warned, however: its power is rather inferior, and can only be used once."

Guidance on Kriv.

2017-09-20, 08:08 PM
"I too can give Guidance to those that wish it. Though as Carnotite said it is but a small amount of power and it lasts for but a short time."

Evangeline will cast Guidance on whoever else would like to go scout/stealth.

2017-09-20, 11:25 PM
Kriv you see four goblins outside a cave entrance. Two of them seem to be playing a game involving a game of dice, one seems to have a horn of some kind, and the other their leader. The leader is walking between the goblins with far more grace then the other goblins are showing.

How long do you intend to spy for?

2017-09-20, 11:34 PM
Kriv spends about ten minutes watching the cave entrance. If nothing comes up, he moves back toward the others. "Four at the cave mouth. Not real alert. I'd have drummed them right out of my unit." He shakes his head in disbelief that these four could possibly be guards. "Plan? Rush them? I'm willing to lead the charge."

2017-09-20, 11:55 PM
"Let's lure them out and ambush them. Anyone here can create a minor illusion of a little boy crying for his mommy, or something goblins might want to capture?"

2017-09-21, 12:03 AM
"I could make the image of such a child, or the sound of crying, but not both at once. If another is likewise capable, we could combine efforts?"

2017-09-21, 12:23 AM
"We just need sound to lure them out. Once they are out of the cave, we can ambush them."

2017-09-21, 12:37 AM
Kriv frowns. "Not thrilled about fightin' all of them at the same time. When we hit a bandit den, we take out the guards first. That'll take care of half their group...or so...before they even know we're here. That's my suggestion."

Armored Walrus
2017-09-21, 07:12 AM
Khoridai rumbles, "That horn concerns me. That one will need to die fast."

2017-09-22, 11:49 AM
I believe I could drop most of them if we do get them out. Please try to stay back until I have cast it so you don't get caught in it too.

Readying an action to cast Sleep when they come out of the cave.

2017-09-22, 02:19 PM
Kriv nods his head as the hamster turns in his head. "Then how about I meander up to the cave. As they come out, cast your spell.
Whoever is still left awake, the ranged fighters can take down. Center your spell on the one with the horn."

2017-09-22, 10:12 PM
Elymas massages his neck, popping one of the vertebrae, then says, "I have your back Kriv, let us do this." Elymas will follow the warrior, a few paces behind.

Readied action to Eldritch Blast the hornblower or the next most likely target still standing after sleep spell goes off.
Init [roll0]
EB tohit [roll1]
EB damage [roll2]

2017-09-22, 10:31 PM
Everyone roll stealth checks and init's please.

Armored Walrus
2017-09-27, 09:09 AM
Stealth 120+4 Init [roll0]

2017-09-27, 11:41 AM

2017-09-27, 12:09 PM
initiative: [roll0]
stealth: [roll1]

2017-09-29, 10:43 AM
Zara Gathergourd

Stealth: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

2017-10-04, 12:07 PM
Unfortunately two of the goblins make notice of your party, calling out they alert the creatures one of which moves to the right and fires a crossbow bolt at Carn.

One goblin that you didn't see before bursts from the cave, firing as well at Carn.

It is Zara's, Elymas, Kriv's and Carn's turn.

Con save if necessary [roll2]

Con save if necessary [roll5]

Carn is shot in the head by one bolt for 17 points of damage, as the other tears into his arm for 4 points of damage. However he maintains concentration on his spell.

2017-10-04, 01:51 PM
Carnotite fires the spell off, before staggering back and dives - well, falls over - for cover behind one of the trees.

Prone and either half or three-quarters cover. That was most of my hit points. Hopefully the Sleep worked.

2017-10-04, 02:52 PM
Elymas casts Hex and throws a bolt of eldritch force at the horn carrier. Then he starts running forward, using his wings to hop him over any troublesome terrain.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2017-10-04, 05:15 PM
Kriv rushes forward, pulling a handaxe from it's loop as he does. He throws it towards the goblin just ahead of him.

Throwing the hand axe: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2017-10-04, 09:17 PM
"Get over here!" Zara barks at the goblin, as a thorny whip materializes from her hand towards one of the goblins who shot Carn.

Thorn Whip: [roll0] vs. AC. On hit, [roll1] piercing damage and goblin gets pulled 10 feet closer.

2017-10-05, 11:27 AM
Carn's spell causes one of the goblins to pass out. Falling to the ground in slumber.

Elymas's eldritch blast kills another goblin ripping it through the torso.

Kriv's axe goes wide missing the goblin entirely.

Zara moves up and whips the goblin as it gets dragged towards the group. The goblin is bloodied by the attack.

The boss barks in order in goblin.

"Get the horn!"

Before coming with a flurry of blades on Kriv.




The first swing goes wide, but the second and the third are a head shot, and a stab to the Achilles tendon. Critting for 7 damage, and 5 respectively.

It is Bjorn and Elytra's turn

2017-10-07, 04:52 PM
A second goblin bursts from the cave, and grabs the dead goblin's horn. It blows into it, alerting the sounds for all to hear.

It is Khordai's and Evangeline's turn, what do you two do?

Armored Walrus
2017-10-07, 05:00 PM
Khoridai loudly makes a noise like the popping of a champagne cork, while focusing his attention on a spot in the midst of three of the goblins. Purple dust explodes outward from that point, threatening to cover each of them. Seeing his effect take place, he begins to move to his right, and shouts encouragement to Kriv, "Yep, perfect time for a nap, soldier. They're just goblins after all!"

Casting Faerie Fire centered at the red dot, should cause the boss and two goblins to have to save. Moving to where my token is placed, bonus action to inspire Kriv.

2017-10-09, 03:23 PM
Elytra takes aim at the head honcho, and fires out a bolt of intense heat.


2017-10-09, 04:08 PM
Evangeline, keeping well back from the goblins at large, whispers a prayer to the celestial plane and brings down a bolt of flame-like radiance on the goblin next to Kriv.

DC 14 DEX Save or take [roll0] damage

2017-10-09, 04:21 PM
Khordai's cat's grace ends on Kriv, as his faerie fire bursts into effect. The regular goblin becomes illuminated by Khor's spell. But the leader manages to avoid the dazzling sparks.

Only to be impacted by Elytra's spell, causing a minor singe to his armor and a small burning sensation of damage.

Eva's prayer is answered, but the goblin looks up into the sky in a panic, avoiding the fireburst appearing above his head by lunging to the side.

One goblin continues sleeping peacefully, as the other goblin takes a shot at Khor with it's crossbow hoping to break his spell. Khor's spell fizzles as the bolt impacts him in the chest. The last one moving right now ducks around Kriv slashing at him from behind.

It is Zara, Elymas, Kriv, and Carn's turn.

Goblin to Khor
Khor's con save if necessary [roll2] Jack of all trades does not apply to saves.

Goblin to Kriv

Khor takes 5 damage, and his concentration breaks. Kriv takes no damage.

2017-10-09, 04:58 PM
Elymas shifts his hex and takes a swing at the wounded goblin beside him, then if it falls, moves to flank the leader in front of Kriv.

[roll1] (+5 damage from hex, rolled in roll20)

2017-10-09, 10:33 PM
Zara repeats her last attack against the goblin that shot Khor.

Thorn Whip: [roll0] vs. AC. On hit, [roll1] piercing damage and goblin gets pulled 10 feet closer.

2017-10-09, 10:35 PM
Critical hit! Additional [roll0] damage.

2017-10-10, 10:21 AM
Kriv takes a huge swing with his battle axe at the creature directly in front of him.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-10-11, 02:27 PM
Carnotite casts the frost spell at the nearest goblin to try and stop him backstabbing Kriv.

Frostbite on the goblin behind Kriv. [roll0] cold damage, DC 13.

2017-10-11, 09:38 PM
Elymas's axe, cleaves the goblin's skull in twain, as Zara's whip wraps around another goblin's neck and yanks it closer.

However Kriv's axe goes wide, being deflected off the goblin's armor, but Carn's spell strikes true, freezing the goblin's finger.

The boss retaliates with a flurry of blades on Elymas. Attempting to find chinks in his armor, however it is deflected each time.

It is Bjorn and Elytra's turn.

Goblin boss.

Con save if necessary [roll2]

Con save if necessary [roll5]

Con save if necessary [roll8]

2017-10-13, 09:16 PM
Elytra looks around, wishing she knew more combat capable spells, and settles for another potshot at the head honcho.


Don't flarp me, dice.

2017-10-13, 10:58 PM
The boss screams in pain, as a fireblast impacts it's helm, the metal starting to glow with the faintest trace of red, as Eleytra's spell hit.

The goblin that blew the horn, runs over and shakes the sleeping goblin awake.

It is Khordai's and Evageline's turn.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-13, 11:14 PM
Khoridai lunges up to the goblin bowman and stabs at him with his rapier.

Attac [roll0] damage [roll1] crit? [roll2]

2017-10-16, 05:39 PM
Khor stabs the goblin in the eye with the rapier, the goblin screams in agony as it collapses to the ground, dead.

The goblin takes a shot at Elymas hoping to ruin his concentration. The bolt hits Elymas in the shoulder and the shock, minor though it is causes his hex to fizzle.

It is Zara, Elymas, Kriv, and Carn's turn.

Con save if necessary [roll2]

2017-10-16, 06:20 PM
Elymas winces as he falters in his focus on his spell. Shifting again to flank the nearby goblin with Kriv, Elymas strikes out at the same.

Second roll in case flanking rules are in effect
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2017-10-16, 08:39 PM
Zara casts around for the most heavily-damaged goblin, and unleashes yet another thorny whip to drag the unwitting victim closer.

Thorn Whip: [roll0]. Hit: [roll1] and get pulled closer by 10 feet. Crit: [roll2].

2017-10-17, 11:28 AM
Carnotite realises he can't aim the fire spell well in his position, and repeats the frost spell as best he can at the goblin next to Kriv.

Frostbite (again) at the damaged goblin: [roll0] cold damage.

2017-10-18, 08:56 PM
Elymas's axe cuts through the goblin's armor cutting it across the back, a narrow but painful cut, the goblin winces.

Zara's whip ties across the goblin's ankle pulling it towards her, as the thorns dig into it's flesh.

Carn's spell takes hold, the goblin's skin turning blue for a moment as it shivers.

The boss proceeds to rush away from Kriv. (Kriv gets an opportunity attack should he wish.) to lash out at Eva's with it's curved sword and pointed dagger.

It is Bjorn and Eleytra's turn

Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

Evagenline takes 5 points of damage, and then critted for 11 points of damage.

2017-10-19, 07:30 PM
Seeing her companion downed, Elytra says No! and raises her hand, golden energy suffusing it. She casts her hand out, sending a gentle radiance to heal and provide succor.

Healing Word, for [roll0] HP.

2017-10-19, 07:46 PM
(Note, Fishybugs will likely be leaving us, so I rolled Kriv's attack for last turn, and his AoO. Both missed)

As Eleytra casts, Evangeline returns to consciousness to see the goblin boss looming over her.

Fangrir mutters a prayer to Berronar, intoning a few clear words requesting of divine aid. (Carn, Eleytra, and Eva gain the benefits of aid)

The goblin that was put to sleep, proceeds to rush over and pull out his crossbow firing at the lady that healed the unconscious girl. You hear some words in goblinoid.

"We've got a healer!"

However his bolt strikes into a tree, instead of Eleytra. It is Khor and Eva's turn.

Attack 1


Armored Walrus
2017-10-19, 09:14 PM
Khoridai surges up to get in the face of one of the bow-goblins and brandishes his rapier.

Attack w rapier [roll0] damage [roll1] crit?[roll2]

2017-10-21, 07:59 PM
Khordai's rapier misses wildly stabbing it's point over the goblin's head.

The goblin responds by swinging it's scimitar in a deadly dance towards Khor's torso. The blade sinks into Khor's flesh, but he seems to stay strong in the face of the blade.

It is Zara's, Elymas's, and Carn's turn. Kriv goes and flanks the goblin with Khor, hitting it, and severely wounding it, with a chop to the shoulder.


2017-10-21, 08:13 PM
Elymas steps up and attemps to finish the wounded bowman before him before it can cause more problems.

[roll0] [roll1]

2017-10-22, 08:13 PM
Zara continues to dance around the battlefield, looking for opportunities to snag the most heavily-injured goblin and finish it off!

Thorn Whip: [roll0]. Hit: [roll1] and get pulled closer by 10 feet. Crit: [roll2]

2017-10-23, 05:44 AM
That goblin is getting too close for comfort, so Carnotite pushes himself up and jabs a white-hot ball of light at his face and backs away a little.

Firebolt:[roll0] to hit and [roll1] fire damage on hit.

2017-10-24, 02:00 AM
Elymas's axe moves towards the goblin, but a sudden jump to the right leaves him only hitting in air.

Zara's whip flies towards the goblin but her allies in the area makes it hard to aim. She can't snag a goblin this time.

However Carn's spell strikes true, although it's more like a shower of sparks then any bolt of fire, it impacts the goblin right in the shoulder.

The goblin boss starts attacking Eva. Trying to bring it's sword and dagger against her. (Attack 3 will be against Eleytra, if Eva goes down on the second attack.) Eva goes down again, and Eleytra feels the vitality drain away temporarily.

It is Eleytra and Fangrir's turn.

Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

2017-10-25, 12:56 AM
Fangir Silverbeard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333137)

Noticing his ally being about to fall, Fangir raises his shield and start praying for his godess "Berronar, protect this fellow companion in this dire time, help him fight once more against those evil creatures: Wunden heilen." a silvery light start emaning from the holy symbol in Fangir shield going into his hand as it's start getting to Eva's body it start closing its wounds.

Action: Casting Cure Wounds using a level 2 slot: [roll0] (2+2 from Disciple of Life, and +4 from Wis Mod)

2017-10-28, 03:24 PM
Fangir's healing magic courses through Eva healing her back up to her normal full.

One of the living goblins rushes Khordai with it's scimitar, swinging for his thigh in a deadly arc. But in it's eagerness it missed horribly.

It is Khordai and Eva's turn.

Attack [roll0]

Armored Walrus
2017-10-28, 07:22 PM
Khoridai stabs his rapier into the goblin between him and Kriv.

Attack advantage? [roll1d20+4 damage [roll1] crit? [roll2]

2017-10-31, 08:50 PM
Khordai's raiper swing kills the goblin as it starts pooling out it's blood.

It is Zara's Elymas, and Carnoite's turn.

2017-10-31, 09:12 PM
Hoping to finish this quickly, Elymas steps up to the last bowman, swinging hard.

[roll0] [roll1]

2017-11-01, 12:29 AM
Zara lashes out at the archer as well!

Thorn Whip: [roll0] vs. AC. On hit, [roll1] piercing damage and goblin gets pulled 10 feet closer. Additional [roll2] on a crit.

2017-11-04, 10:46 PM
The goblin howls in pain as Elymas's axe comes down on the goblin, severely wounding it. However Zara's whip fails to snare any of it's limbs, and the goblin avoids the lash.

However their leader attacks Eva in a flurry of blows sending sword and dagger down at her.

It is Fangir, and Eleytra's turn.

Attack [roll0] [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Attack [roll3] [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Attack [roll6] [roll7]
Damage [roll8]

Eva is critted once, and hit twice more for a total of 23 damage.

2017-11-10, 04:49 PM
Fangir Silverbeard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333137)

"Once again give your light to restore my companion injuries, Wunden heilen." Fangir raises his shield and uses it to heal his companion.

Action: Casting Cure Wounds using a level 1 slot: [roll0]

2017-11-10, 05:01 PM
Fangrir's last use of divine magic heals Eva's wounds slightly

The goblin takes a swing at Khor as he looks at the boss worriedly but his fear makes him inaccurate wiffing wildly.

It is Khor, Eva, Grace, Zara, Elymas, and Carn's turn.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Armored Walrus
2017-11-11, 01:01 AM
Khoridai skewers the last remaining archer.

[roll0] advantage? [roll1] damage [roll2] crit? [roll3]

2017-11-11, 01:09 AM
Elymas moves to strike the archer as well, but if Khoridai downs it first, he will instead turn to start moving towards the boss, launching a bolt of magical force towards the same.

Axe[roll0] [roll1]
Eldritch blast[roll2] [roll3]

2017-11-17, 08:32 PM
The goblin collapses to the ground dead as Khor's rapier pierces it one last time.

Elymas blasts raw arcane energy into the boss goblin.

The boss looking somewhat injured now knows a losing fight, and starts to back off avoiding reaction attacks with cunning, but not before stabbing Eva on the ground. Are you going to try to give chase?

It is everyone's turn.

Eva takes 14 points of damage, and is dying.

Attack 1 [roll0] [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll3] [roll4]

Attack 3 [roll6] [roll7]

2017-11-17, 09:03 PM
Zara tries to resuscitate Eva while also snare the goblin with her thorny hands.

Bonus Action: Balm of the Summer Court, to heal Eva for [roll0]. Gains 1 THP and +1 speed for 1 minute.
Action: Thorn Whip. [roll1]. Hit: [roll2] and bring goblin 10 feet closer to Zara. Crit: [roll3].

OOC: Anyone else yet to move, try to get Eva out of the goblin's range. At 1 HP, it's not hard to outright kill her.

2017-11-17, 09:10 PM
"Someone help Eva."

Elymas launches a bolt of force after the fleeing boss, and more if he is still in range at that point, but he won't chase far.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

2017-11-17, 09:10 PM
For the hundredth time, Grace wished her sense of direction was better. These goblins had to be somewhere-

And then she found them. Even now, the Goblins were causing trouble and Grace had sone nothing. This would not stand. She gave chase! "Get back here! Stand and fight"!

Using the Champion's Challenge Channel Divinity to stop the goblin from running. Wisdom Save DC 15.

Oh, and hi everyone! I'm here too!

2017-11-22, 10:05 PM
The whip brings the leader closer to Zara.

Elymas's bolt of force hits the creature in the upper shoulder, wincing it's arm starts to quiver as it holds the sword.

The creature responds to Grace's call to arms.

In probably the worst way, it runs over to Eva. (Disengaging from Zara) And starts swinging at the prone Eva.

Attack 1
[roll0] [roll1]

Attack 2
[roll3] [roll4]

Attack 3
[roll6] [roll7]

Eva has 2 death saving throw fails, but miraculously is not actually dead yet.

It is everyone's turn, what do you do?

2017-11-22, 10:19 PM
Elymas charges in, firing another bolt of force at the cowardly goblin.

[roll0] [roll1]
Eva just got healed by Zara. Up to only 1 hp, but its enough to get her conscious for a brief moment. After getting hit once this round, she would be down again at 0, but with no failed death saving throws rather than 2. Poor girl must have a "stab me" sign on her back.

2017-11-22, 11:42 PM
Zara wags a stubby finger at the goblin.

You coward! Pick on someone who can fight!

Bonus Action: Balm of the Summer Court, to heal Eva for [roll0]. Gains 1 THP and +1 speed for 1 minute.
Action: Thorn Whip. [roll1]. Hit: [roll2] and bring goblin 10 feet closer to Zara. Crit: [roll3].

2017-11-23, 03:17 PM
If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Grace ran after the goblin and lashed out at the fiend.

Main Attack:


And Bonus Attack:


FYI, on the off chance Grace depletes the rest of his HP, she will opt to knock him out so we can interrogate him.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-26, 12:12 AM
Khoridai launches into a sprint and attacks the goblin with his rapier.

Bonus action dash, attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2017-11-29, 07:59 AM
Fangir Silverbeard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333137)

Fangir raises his Warhammer attacking the closest enemy with it, out of divine power for today to do something else than fighting.

Damage:[roll1] blud