View Full Version : DM Help What rule is player suggested strange ideas

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-28, 10:08 PM
Such as setting a opposing boats mast on fire.or chucking
Your dwarf in an attempted massive damage atack

2017-07-28, 10:17 PM
What I think you are asking is strange ideas the players have come up with?

Ok...everyone knows that halflings are useless, they eat up your supplies in no time at all and are always whining about when you can stop for a snack. So when your halfling has eaten all your supplies then the best thing is to eat the halfling. In 2nd edition Halflings were resistant to poisons so to make a good use of the halfling you could feed him poisoned food and send him off to scout the Dragons cave, hoping that he would be eaten by the Dragon. The dragon should then die from the poison or be weakened by it.

2017-07-28, 10:58 PM
I once had a dragonborn barbarian player jump from an airship and land on the big beasty that was attacking a city. Got the killing blow because of crit attack roll plus fall damage.

A few sessions later, a wood elf ranger managed a crit on an animal handling check to temporarily tame a warg they were fighting and used it to attack a group of goblins.

More of smart play versus strange attempt, but in a dungeon the party came across a bunch of suits of armor. They're animated armor, but only activated after a certain trigger. They do the first trigger, and eventually kill the first set of armors. Before they triggered the second half, though, the monk decided to steal all of their weapons they had and push them over before activating the second trigger.