View Full Version : Help me pick a deity for my Cleric?

2017-07-29, 12:07 PM
Hi all,

I'm going to be playing in a game tonight (first in years) and I'm making a Hill Dwarf Life Domain Cleric. This is the first game my friend has DM'd and he's making the world as we go, this he said to just lift a God from wherever.

Could someone suggest some deities? I was looking through the dwarf pantheon and was considering Berronar Truesilver (makes sense for healing) or Marthammor Duin (makes sense for adventuring). I would love some advice.

Any other tips about playing a Cleric or dwarf would be super helpful since I've never done either. Also, one thing I'm not clear on is where Hill Dwarves live. On hills? In hills?

Thanks for the help!

2017-07-29, 12:48 PM
I played a hill dwarf life cleric, I choose Sune.

2017-07-29, 01:24 PM
Hill Dwarves live where ever you say they live. None of my 3 Hill Dwarf toons have come from a mountain, mine, or hilly area (woods, large city, coastal town).

2017-07-29, 01:39 PM
this he said to just lift a God from wherever.

I will recommend you do something unusual: pick Allah. Your Hill dwarf went into a cave, and had a profound revelation from an archangel. Changed his life. Obviously, this is a new faith/religion in this game world, and it will be an uphill effort to both grow as a cleric and bring new people in the game world into into worship of Allah.

I realize that not every table has the maturity and open mindedness to try something like this. Discuss this with your DM, and your fellow players, and see if this will fit.

You aren't just a cleric, you are (in this world) the Prophet. (Just don't name the dwarf Mohammed, that's probably taking things too far in terms of potential social friction).

(Back in the late 70's a friend of mine played a djinn PC that our DM home brewed, and he became a cleric. Let's just say that he borrowed heavily from both "the Arabian Nights" and the five pillars of Islam for the character. It worked well enough, and it was interesting to see how both he and the paladin took great pains to make their donations/alms with treasure ... ).

2017-07-29, 03:05 PM
this he said to just lift a God from wherever.

I will recommend you do something unusual: pick Allah. Your Hill dwarf went into a cave, and had a profound revelation from an archangel. Changed his life. Obviously, this is a new faith/religion in this game world, and it will be an uphill effort to both grow as a cleric and bring new people in the game world into into worship of Allah.

I realize that not every table has the maturity and open mindedness to try something like this. Discuss this with your DM, and your fellow players, and see if this will fit.

You aren't just a cleric, you are (in this world) the Prophet. (Just don't name the dwarf Mohammed, that's probably taking things too far in terms of potential social friction).

(Back in the late 70's a friend of mine played a djinn PC that our DM home brewed, and he became a cleric. Let's just say that he borrowed heavily from both "the Arabian Nights" and the five pillars of Islam for the character. It worked well enough, and it was interesting to see how both he and the paladin took great pains to make their donations/alms with treasure ... ).

VERY cool idea! Thanks for the suggestion!

2017-07-29, 03:38 PM
If it is a "new" religion you can name the diety anything you like.

2017-07-29, 08:27 PM
In the classic Dwarf pantheon, Sharindlar is most aligned with God(dess) of Life