View Full Version : My DM just gave me a Ring of the Grammarian. Let's have some fun with this.

2017-07-29, 10:35 PM
So, my DM just introduced our group of fledgling adventurers to his world's equivalent of Fantasy Costco, and I was able to purchase a Ring of the Grammarian. This is the exact description of the Ring that was given to me (because, when dealing with any item such as this, exact text is important):

"The wearer of this ring can, once a day, alter one letter on a spell's title to alter the spell being cast for a different effect:

Cause Fear becomes Cause Bear.

The effect of these altered spells are determined by the DM, but with the caster's intentions taken into account."

So my DM was smart enough to give himself an out clause, but I think there's still a lot of potential here for shenanigans. I'd like to solicit the Playground's advice on how I can best utilize this.

A few qualifiers:

Confirmed with the DM that I am able to alter spells cast by others
Confirmed with the DM I am able to change a letter and also move that letter's position in the spell title. Ex, could change an 's' at the end of a spell title to an 'e' somewhere else.
Have not yet received confirmation on whether I am able to add or remove a letter to a spell title
DM is considering allowing two letters to be changed.
Currently, I am playing an Unearthed Arcana Favored Soul, so I have access to both the Sorcerer and Cleric spell lists, and would like to optimize around that - however, as I AM able to affect other spells, there is also a bard, artificer, and psion in the party. Have not yet confirmed with DM whether I am able to affect psionics (although I suspect the answer will be no).

P.S. I know this magic item has been discussed in other threads and other forums (it's apparently (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/5gvasj/my_gm_created_the_ring_of_the_grammarian_allowing/) quite (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAdventureZone/comments/567nyk/possible_uses_for_the_ring_of_the_grammarian/) popular (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAdventureZone/comments/57i1yz/spoilers_ring_of_grammarian_ideas/)), but I've not seen it discussed here, and I've not been able to find a thread that I was able to confirm was specifically for 5e.

2017-07-29, 11:01 PM
Adding plural helps a lot: FireballS (AidS might be a little too dark...)

Also Haste can become CHaste! Target can't engage in intercourse!

Phantasmal FArce might be fun too...


Enemies using a bunch of swords? Flame Blade becomes lame BladeS!

Darkvision is now Dankvision (or Barkvision...to see dogs?)

Healing Word becomes Healing Lord or Dealing Word

Fun Item, might use it in my funsies campaign now

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-29, 11:26 PM
Vicous cockery
Came blade
Name blade
Wayne blade
Pure wounds.
Heather fall

2017-07-29, 11:30 PM
Light ----> Fight

Blade Ward --- Blade Tard

Fire Bolt --- Hire Bolt --- You are now employed sir!

Bane --- Bone ....have fun with that one

Beast Bond --- Beast Bono ....Music for everyone

Goodberry --- Hoodberry --- Lets get crunk

Aid -- Aids

Gust of Wind -- Lust of Wind

Rope Trick --- Hope Trick

Rope Trick --- Mope Trick

Rope Trick --- Dope Trick...probably more here

Dispel Magic --- Mispel Magic ---This is funny to me....for hopefully obvious reasons

Plane Shift -- Plane Shaft ....to quote the spiderman movie.... "YOU AINT GOING NOWHERE"

Wish --- Fish

Wish --- Wisp

Time Stop --- Time Shop

Time Stop --- Mime Stop

Gate -- Late

Okay im done for now....

2017-07-29, 11:54 PM
Anyone else thinking about the uses for an Aura of Wife? Paste, Waste, or Hates? Fry, Bear, Fair, or Massage? Actually, Aura of Wife + Massage sounds like something I could use...

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-30, 12:12 AM
Clown kill
Rhyme stop
Crime stop
Wine stop
I gotta stop i gotta million of em

2017-07-30, 12:30 AM
@Sariel Vailo: you seem to misunderstand the way the ring works. It doesn't allow you to use any homophone or otherwise similar sounding word. It let's you change one letter. (Or else I'm misunderstanding it.)

Armor of Agathas: old lady meat shields
Day of Enfeeblement: as Ray of Enfeeblement, but range is touch, and duration is one day
Protection from Poisson: shark-be-gone
Tasha's Hideous Slaughter: use your imagination

2017-07-30, 01:23 AM
Heres some more

Fog Cloud --- Dog Cloud

Jump --- Hump

Magic Missile --- Tragic Missile

Hex --- Sex

Sleep ---- Bleep --- Censorship at its finest --- Fake news

Thunderous Smite ----- Thunderous shi_te .....Run ...run far away

Find Traps --- Find Craps .....Rangers could track better maybe?

See Invisibility --- Bee invisibility ---- The most dangerous of the bugs

Meld into Stone ---- Meld into Stoner ---- THC anyone?

Sending --- Pending ......It will get there eventually

Ice Storm ---- Lice Storm.....Itches

Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound --- Mordenkainen's Faithful Mound --- It will be there when you come back

Dominate Beast --- Dominate Feast .....Competitive Eating time

Commune --- Commute -- Turns a 5 mile journey into a 60 mile journey and now you are employed

Destructive Wave --- Destructive Save --- Worse than a 1

Teleport --- Teleporn ....Your party may want to knock

Maze --- Maize or Taze ---- Corn or pain...you choose

Fly --- Try ....2 letters swapped out.....kinda cheating with the OP.....but imagine a person on a roof....I can fly....nope, but good try.

Slow --- Plow

Create Food and Water --- Create Dood and Water --- your new best workout buddy who encourages you.

Conjure Fey --- Conjure Rey -- May the force be with you and your new Jedi Friend

Legend Lore --- Legend Whore --- A prostitute of mythic proportions

2017-07-30, 01:25 AM
@Sariel Vailo: you seem to misunderstand the way the ring works. It doesn't allow you to use any homophone or otherwise similar sounding word. It let's you change one letter. (Or else I'm misunderstanding it.)

Armor of Agathas: old lady meat shields
Day of Enfeeblement: as Ray of Enfeeblement, but range is touch, and duration is one day
Protection from Poisson: shark-be-gone
Tasha's Hideous Slaughter: use your imagination

Yea he used the addendum of OP that said he "May be able to replace two letters, and combined it with also the part where he may be able to add a letter instead....he went a bit overboard but he had fun, so let it be =)

2017-07-30, 01:27 AM
Major Delusion.

Surprised no one mentioned that one yet.

2017-07-30, 01:40 AM
Major Delusion.

Surprised no one mentioned that one yet.

Well, its one of those stretch ones, because to the rules, we are technically not supposed to do 2 letter replacements....because his DM has not approved it.

Also, adding letters....isnt for sure allowed either yet....

So a lot of the posts, including mine up top have done a few of them, the majority of the responses needed to be just replacing 1 letter

2017-07-30, 01:51 AM
His DM is considering allowing replacing two letters.

In my world, that means we need to provide OP with reasons to convince his DM to allow just that. :smalltongue:

2017-07-30, 02:03 AM

Replaces two. Am I missing something obvious here?

2017-07-30, 02:08 AM

Replaces two. Am I missing something obvious here?

Nope I am just a dumbass ill delete the responses to clear up the post

2017-07-30, 07:58 AM
Was this the result of #letdavehavethething because that's awesome and shame on you if you don't cast Goodbarry to summon Barry Bluejeans.

2017-07-30, 08:18 AM
Wish -> Wash - turn a Ninth level spell into prestidigition
Hex -> Rex - summon T-Rex
Hex -> hem - instantly tailors you pants
Booming blade -> Zooming blade turns you weapon into a flying ranged weapon
Booning blade -> actually helps someone when you stab them
Booping blade - instead of stabbing them it boops them on the nose
Heating word - causing someone to be uncomfortably hot
Heaping word- all creatures in a 30ft radius must use their movement to dog pile in the center of the spell

2017-07-30, 10:35 AM
Remove Purse - for the more eccentric thief.
Lightning Boat - because oceans are rather large.
Misty Stop - "How can we possibly stop this light mist?!".
Silent Mage - because wizards tend to go on a bit.

I'm sure there are countless others, but those are just a few off the top of my head. Oh, actually, there's one more:

Colour Spray. :smallwink:

2017-07-30, 11:37 AM
Heat Metal becomes Meat Metal

2017-07-30, 11:50 AM
Make Hand
Shucking Grasp
True Stroke

2017-07-30, 12:50 PM
Play as Karl Marx: Force Wage

2017-07-30, 01:19 PM
Catapult becomes ratapult, or hat, or bat, etc. Seems pretty fun for shenanigans.

2017-07-30, 01:33 PM
Dartvision: shoot Darts from your eyes as a bonus action.

Miner Illusion
Minor Allusion
Cold Person/Monster
Bold Person/Monster
Chromatic Orc
Power Word Stub (as in toe)
Wall of Wire
Raise Head

2017-07-30, 02:06 PM
Play as Karl Marx: Force Wage

Force rage - tick everyone off
Force page - summon a page
Force mage - does bad things to magic users
Force sage - make the enematic wise man be clear and spill his guts

2017-07-30, 02:22 PM
Poor mans wish : hex -> hax

Wish > Fish (not very helpful I guess :D)

2017-07-30, 02:28 PM
Firebull (Fireball)
Dancing Tights (Dancing Lights)
Mage Land (Mage Hand)
Massage (Message)
Sending (Mending) (cantrip into third level spell isn't too shabby)
Poisson Spray (Poison Spray)
Shocking Grass (Shocking Grasp)
Turning Hands (Burning Hands)
Harm Person (Charm Person, if you end up being able to take out letters)
Chromatic Ore (Chromatic Orb)
False Wife (False Life)
False Line (False Life)
Dog Cloud (Fog Cloud)
Bitch Bolt (Witch Bolt)
Slur (Blur)
Mold Person (Hold Person)
Slaw (As in coleslaw, Slow)
Stoneshin (Stoneskin)
Power Word Till (Power Word Kill)

2017-07-30, 02:56 PM
Poor mans wish : hex -> hax

Wish > Fish (not very helpful I guess :D)

As a 9th level spell it's a really, really big fish.

Blue Duke
2017-07-30, 02:59 PM
Itch Bolt (if you can remove a letter)
Ditch Bolt - digs a trench between you and the target in a line
Hex - Tex every ones got guns and cowboy hats for a short duration -yeehaw partners !
Dancing lights - Dancing Wights because Undead want to party
Disguise Self - Disguise Elfs Aoe Disguse but only for elves.
Feather Fall - Feather Wall its a very comfy wall that may or may not impede movement
Feather Fall - Leather Fall COWS RAIN FROM THE SKY !
Inflict Wounds - Inflict Hounds DOGS ! DOGS UPPON YOUR HOUSE !
Longstrider - LongsPider oh god why would you do this !
Cloud of Daggers - Cloud of Laggers BEER !
Dust Devil - Dust Nevil well nevil is very dusty
Beacon of Hope - Beacon of Nope: the Enemy is geting the heck out of here !
Ray of Frost - Day of Frost it either snows all day or one person gets chily attitudes from people all day
Ice Knife - Mice Knife squeek squeek the enemies smallest weapon turns into a mouse
Ice Knife- Nice Knife or your rogues dagger looks real fancy
Wrathful Smite - Wrathful SmiLe you know what you did and you know whats going to happen to you.
Branding smite - Branding Spite 'idiot' or something similar is burned into the targets body some where - can you say moral penalty ?
Find Traps - Find Fraps whose thirsty ?
Find Traps - Find Craps who wants to gamble ?!
Animate Dead - Animate Lead
Blink - Slink a bonus to persuade....but your mother wouldnt let you go out in that outfit
Haste - Waste no spell for you!
Smite - Spite it does the opposite of what you or the target wants....and it does it VERY snarkily.

if you can add two or change one and add one

Hex - Flex (minor bonus to targets strength....or strength bonus inplace of charisma for one person for a limited duration ?)
Leomund's tiny Hut - Leomunds Tiny Mutt weiner dogs, poodles or others tiny hounds !
Vicious Mockery - Vicious Cookery thats one powerful frying pan bro
Thunder Wave - Blunder Wave EVERY BODY HAS DISADVANTAGE !
Arcane Eye - Arcane Pie the Pie isnt a lie

this is WAY way too much fun.

2017-07-30, 03:10 PM
Tasha's Hideous Daughter is always my favorite of these.

2017-07-30, 03:52 PM
Compelled Deal (upstage Asmodeus)
Compelled Deil (control devils that sound like Sean Connery)
Compelled Dele (edit text)
Compelled Deli (get your order right the first time)
Compelled Dell (rearrange woodlands)
Compelled Dels (edit certain mathematical texts)
Compelled Diel (advance the clock 24 hours, do not collect $200)
Compelled Dual (rearrange polygons)
Compelled Dude (informal version of suggestion)
Compelled Dues (useful for Cartel employees)
Compelled Duet (acquire accompaniment, or rearrange musical productions on-the-fly)
Compelled Duke (niche version of suggestion, or acquire a noble title)
Compelled Dune (move sand around)
Compelled Dupe (useful for social engineering)
Compelled Fuel (useful for both literal and metaphorical applications)
Compelled Suel (useful in Greyhawk)
Compelleds Due (require delivery of suggestion victims)
If punctuation is allowed in addition to a letter change, these are (arguably) possible:

Compelled's Due (justice for suggestion victim)
Compelleds' Due (mass version of Compelled's Due)
Or, if two changes are allowed:

Completed Duel (dispels Compelled Duel)
Pommelled Duel (makes a duel take much longer by limiting weapon choices)
Compiled Duels (useful for research)
Propelled Duel (make a single duel more interesting)
Impelled Duels (make duels more interesting)

Compelled Ague (disables enemies or inserts pronunciation cue)
Compelled Aide (gain a servant)
Compelled Auld (ages the target?)
Compelled Axel (useful on figure skaters, more useful on non-figure-skaters)
Compelled Bell (useful for making (or stopping) lots of noise)
Compelled Belt (useful against enemies with saggy pants)
Compelled Bide (make someone wait)
Compelled Bull (useful in rodeos)
Compelled Caul (give the target stomach cramps, mess with certain headgear)
Compelled Ceil (get assistance roofing)
Compelled Cell (cause cancer, control terrorist groups, create wireless coverage)
Compelled Celt (useful in ancient Europe)
Compelled Clue (frequently useful, particularly if "the universe" or "the DM" are valid targets)
Compelled Code (deal with recalcitrant programmers, retrieve passcodes, enforce uniforms, command pirates?, scramble text?)
Compelled Cube (deal with recalcitrant sous chefs, incapacitate foe with simple mathematics, obtain a cube)
Compelled Cues (useful if you forget your lines)
Compelled Cuke (obtain or control a cucumber)
Compelled Cull (very evil)
Compelled Cult (very useful, especially in HotDQ (and approximately 90% of other published adventures))
Compelled Cure (very useful)
Compelled Curl (make an opponent prone, force target to play a winter sport, incapacitate foe with higher mathematics)
Compelled Dame (see Compelled Duke)
Compelled Dare (useful at teenage parties?)
Compelled Daub (very messy)
Compelled Daze (incapacitate target, would be better in 3.5)
Compelled Dead (useful for making a corpse appear to be undead?)
Compelled Dean (useful in academia)
Compelled Debt (more useful against more-responsible or more-honorable foes)
Compelled Deck (useful for remodeling a house or starting bar fights)
Compelled Deco (inflict hideous pain and injury on target)
Compelled Deed (first level version of Geas)
Compelled Deep (control the ocean)
Compelled Deer (control certain ruminants)
Compelled DEET (repel insects and/or contaminate environments)
Compelled Deke (make the target lure an opponent out of position)
Compelled Deme (useful in Greece, or when dealing with isolated populations)
Compelled Demo (control large swaths of the population at once, try out a new product)
Compelled Demy (control certain publishing decisions)
Compelled Dene (control certain American Indians or geographical features)
Compelled Dens (useful when remodeling a residence or when corrupting a society)
Compelled Dent (useful for causing (or correcting?) minor vandalism)
Compelled Derm (control the target's skin)
Compelled Desk (animate or rearrange certain furniture)
Compelled Deva (control certain Angels)
Compelled Devs (force a bug to be patched, or a sequel to be released)
Compelled Dice (win at D&D or gambling)
Compelled Diet (make target eat less, control the legislature of certain governments)
Compelled Dill (useful when cooking)
Compelled Dime (beggers' best friend)
Compelled Dive (useful near water, particularly shallow water)
Compelled Doer (useful against Type A personalities)
Compelled Does (more specific than Compelled Deer)
Compelled Doge (useful in Venice)
Compelled Dole (useful for obtaining government benefits)
Compelled Doll (animate certain children's toys, fight back against voodoo)
Compelled Dolt (niche version of suggestion)
Compelled Dome (influence certain architectural decisions, control certain stadiums)
Compelled Dope (obtain certain illegal substances, see Compelled Dolt, obtain intel)
Compelled Dose (make target fall off the wagon or overdose)
Compelled Dove (control certain birds or hippies, influence certain religions)
Compelled Doze (see Sleep)
Compelled Dree (boost target's endurance or willpower in certain circumstances)
Compelled Drek (control trash?)
Compelled Drug (get someone's stash?)
Compelled Drum (start or stop a beat)
Compelled Dubs (direct unskilled workers)
Compelled Duck (useful when dealing with certain waterfowl)
Compelled Duct (influence certain architectural decisions, see Earth Lock from 3.5 for other ideas)
Compelled Duds (very useful when dealing with explosive ordinance)
Compelled Duff (deal with monsters created by gastronomically-inclined DMs)
Compelled Duma (control Russia)
Compelled Dump (animate trash heaps?)
Compelled Dung (messy)
Compelled Dunk (very wet)
Compelled Duos (play matchmaker)
Compelled Duro (useful in Star Wars)
Compelled Dusk (advance time to sunset, do not collect $200)
Compelled Dust (make enemies sneeze, conceal footprints)
Compelled Duty (useful for military officers)
Compelled Dyes (useful in manufacturing clothing)
Compelled Earl (see Compelled Duke)
Compelled Eels (shrieking variety preferred)
Compelled Elks (on-demand stampede or mounts)
Compelled Evil (use on the highly creative, or on Paladins)
Compelled Flue (useful when cooking indoors, may damage structures)
Compelled Foul (useful in refereed sports)
Compelled Fuse (early detonations)
Compelled Gels (works on the cubical, carnivorous variety)
Compelled Glue (hideously evil spell when used on horses)
Compelled Gulf (strain relationships, or rearrange coastlines)
Compelled Gull (see Compelled Duck)
Compelled Heal (substitute for a healing spell?, otherwise useful on doctors)
Compelled Heel (useful when showing dogs)
Compelled Hell (make someone miserable, or control the lower planes)
Compelled Helm (control boats)
Compelled Helo (control helicopters)
Compelled Help (always useful)
Compelled Hide (for use on Elan)
Compelled Hues (decorators' delight)
Compelled Hurl (messy)
Compelled Idea (use in the bathtub)
Compelled Idle (use on enemy pilots for best effect)
Compelled Idol (command entire religions)
Compelled Juke (require target to bob and weave)
Compelled Kelp (useful in aquatic adventures)
Compelled Luge (useful on mountains)
Compelled Lure (useful if you run out of bait when fishing)
Compelled Lute (acquire an instrument)
Compelled Meal (useful when hungry)
Compelled Meld (useful on Vulcans)
Compelled Melt (useful in winter conditions)
Compelled Mewl (useful for gloating)
Compelled Mule (required spell for mountaineering)
Compelled Muse (break writers' block)
Compelled Odes (acquire your own chorus)
Compelled Pulp (require a style change from an author)
Compelled Real (useful in mathematics)
Compelled Reel (start a song)
Compelled Rube (see Compelled Dupe)
Compelled Seal (most useful in Wheel of Time)
Compelled Suet (horrifically evil spell against birds)
Compelled Sulk (emotional manipulation, would be redundant on teenagers)
Compelled Tune (force target to sing)
Compelled Ukes (start a band)
Compelled Ulna (unusually-specific body control)
Compelled Urge (limitless possibilities, works best against targets with weak self-control)
Compelled User (niche version of suggestion, most useful in Tron)
Compelled Weal (create a bruise, or the ultimate good luck spell)
Compelled Weld (useful in metalworking)
Compelled Welt (create a bruise)
Compelled Yell (rile a crowd)
Compelled Yelp (force good or bad reviews)
Compelled Yule (force a celebration, or advance calendar to Christmas (do not collect $200))
Compelled Zeal ("inspire" followers)

2017-07-30, 04:03 PM
If we remove an "S" and rearrange some letters, we can achieve the glorious...

Power Word: Nut

Lots of uses for that one. :P

2017-07-30, 04:17 PM
Power Word Stud
Finger or Death

2017-07-30, 04:37 PM
The slamminest Summon spell: Summon Monstar.

More potentially useful ones:

Heat Metal --> Eat Metals

Hail of Thorns --> Jail of Thorns

Warding Bond --> Warding Bind

Hallow --> Fallow

Harm --> Farm

(Just in case you need to either curse or bless land)

Horrid Wilting --> Horrid Tilting

Blade Ward --> Blade Word (Like an improved Cutting Words. Or with two letters and adding another, Blade Works!)

Cone of Cold --> Cone of Mold

Control Winds --> Control Wands

Mage Armor--> Rage Armor (or Cage Armor)

Major Image --> Major Imago (summon a giant insect!)

Plane Shift --> Plant Shift

2017-07-30, 05:45 PM
Jump > Hump- Could be useful
Phantom Steed > Phantom Steve- Who is he?
Shatter > Shatner- What will.... He say or do... I don't.... Even know... Where to begin...
Dispel Magic > Gospel Magic
Hunger of Hadar > Hunger of HODOR
Magic Circle > Magic Circlet
Remove Curse > Remove Purse- Great for getting party funds
Death Ward > Death Wart- A metaphorical ticking time bomb...
Dominate Beast > Dominate Yeast- Become the best baker in the entire world
Elemental Bane > Elemental Plane- You either have an aircraft made of fire, earth, water, and air or you create your own elemental plane of existence, either way seems fun
Giant Insect > Giant Incest- The ultimate crowd control power, albeit very circumstantial
Stone Shape > Bone Shape- A power i've always wanted for a necromancer, reshape bone into armor or weapons with but a thought. Or walls. Or traps. Or whatever.
Wall of Ice > Wall of Dice- Just keep rolling until you want to stop...
Light > Wisht- The chinese knockoff of the wish spell. You don't quiiite get what you want, always lower quality.
Goodberry > Godberry- What happens if you eat it??
Ice Knife > Lice Knife- Oh yes.
Darkness > Dorkness- Turn that guy into an unpopular loser
Crown of Madness > Crown of Sadness- I imagine the scene from hitchiker's guide where the depressed robot used the point of view gun
Scorching Ray > Scorching Day- You do NOT want to go outside
Hold Person > Mold Person- Reshape them permanently however you want. Fun
Meld into Stone > Meld Into Store- That teach that shopkeeper who won't give you a discount
Sending > Rending
Control Water > Control Waiter- Make sure you never go without refills again
Aura of Life > Aura of Lies- opposite of zone of truth

2017-07-30, 06:29 PM
You may find this informative http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?490487-The-Book-of-1234-Misspellings-Ultimate-Guide-to-the-Dyslexomancer&p=20907955

2017-07-30, 07:49 PM
I haven't read every response, so my apologies if any of these are repeats:

Musty Step
Misty Strep

Gall Lightning
Call Lightening
Call Lighting
Cell Lightning
Cull Lightning
Ball Lightning
Wall Lightning
Mall Lightning

Thunder Wade


Healing Ford
Sealing Word

Viscous Mockery

Page Hand
Sage Hand
Mage Sand
Mage Wand
Rage Hand
Mage Band
Mage Land
Made Hand
Wage Hand

Leomund's Tiny Hat

Rope Track
Ripe Trick
Rose Trick
Rope Truck
Rope Tick
Rope Brick


Produce Frame
Produce Fame
Product Flame
Produce Blame

Mordenkainen's Word
Mordenkainen's Sward (it's a real word!)

Mordenkainen's Faithful Sound

Expeditious Retread

Bigsby's Band
Bigsby's Sand
Bigsby's Wand

Tenser's Floating Dusk
Tenser's Floating Diss

Beat Metal
Seat Metal
Meat Metal
Heat Petal

Unsent Servant


Faerie File
Faerie Mire
Faerie Tire
Faerie Wire

Wall of Tone (Alas, the Loudness War has reached even D&D bards...)
Ball of Stone
Pall of Stone
Call of Stone
Mall of Stone
Walt of Stone (Creates a marble statue of someone named Walt)

Power Word: Seal
Power Word: Deal
Power Word: Meal

Power Word: Stan
Power Word: Stu
Power Word: Stung

Power Word: Bill
Power Word: Sill
Power Word: Fill
Power Word: Mill
Power Word: Pill
Power Word: Till
Power Word: Gill
Power Word: Krill
Power Word: Skill
Power Word: Kilt

Gato (Spanish for "cat")

Planar Birding

Arcane Aye
Arcane Ewe
Arcane Lye

Farm (Harm)


Guards and Bards
Guards and Words
Guards and Lards
Guards and Cards


Pass Without Brace

Anti-Lice Shell
Anti-Wife Shell
Anti-Like Shell
Anti-Life Hell
Anti-Life Spell
Anti-Life Smell

Pure Wounds
Cure Sounds
Cure Hounds
Cure Pounds
Care Wounds
Sure Wounds

Hanger of Hadar

Inflict Hounds
Inflict Pounds
Inflict Mounds
Inflict Sounds

2017-07-30, 09:15 PM
Tasha's Hideous Daughter is always my favorite of these.

An excellent choice;

I'm also rather fond of "Speak with Pants"

2017-07-30, 09:49 PM
Firebull (Fireball)
Dancing Tights (Dancing Lights)
Mage Land (Mage Hand)
Massage (Message)
Sending (Mending) (cantrip into third level spell isn't too shabby)
Poisson Spray (Poison Spray)
Shocking Grass (Shocking Grasp)
Turning Hands (Burning Hands)
Harm Person (Charm Person, if you end up being able to take out letters)
Chromatic Ore (Chromatic Orb)
False Wife (False Life)
False Line (False Life)
Dog Cloud (Fog Cloud)
Bitch Bolt (Witch Bolt)
Slur (Blur)
Mold Person (Hold Person)
Slaw (As in coleslaw, Slow)
Stoneshin (Stoneskin)
Power Word Till (Power Word Kill)

Thank you for actually putting the names of the spells you are changing, sometimes I cant figure it out even with only a letter changed

2017-07-31, 10:34 AM
I love these replies, and perhaps this thread needs to be a sticky at the top.

My only offering is "Finder of Death" which means:

(1) that you can locate the Grim Reaper. (And perhaps the Deck of Many things that he's hiding in)

Skull: You summon an avatar of death—a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe.
(2) The caster finds that which will kill him/her.

2017-07-31, 01:10 PM
Tasha's Hideous Daughter is always my favorite of these.

I don't know, sure, she's a vampire, but she doesn't look hideous to me...

Not even in her older incarnation:
Or the very original:

2017-07-31, 01:14 PM



As long as you maintain Concentration, you rain down bears.

2017-07-31, 01:17 PM



As long as you maintain Concentration, you rain down bears.

I wouldn't recommend mooning bears.

2017-07-31, 01:30 PM
Lvl 0 Cleric: Sacred Flame -> Sacred Blame (Great for all kinds of social situations!)
Lvl 1: Cleric: Bane -> Band (Another social situation spell, but sorta niche)
Lvl 2 Cleric: Continual Flame -> Continual Blame (You know what you did)
Lvl 3 Cleric: Sending -> Bending (No prison bars will hold me!)
Lvl 4 Cleric: Death Ward -> Death Bard (For when you need to kill that enemy bard in 1 hit)

and...the cream of the crop...

Lvl 5 Cleric: Insect Plague -> Incest Plague (The bane of civilization)

2017-07-31, 01:35 PM
Moon bears are like the wimpiest bears, though. Largely herbivorous, and smaller than American Black Bears.

2017-07-31, 01:36 PM
While I saw similar ones, I don't think this specific one has been said. So...

Want to lie and do bad things, but you are bad at it and don't want to get in trouble? Look no further than your cantrips for the amazing Blame Ward (from Blade Ward). Who did it? I don't know, but it clearly wasn't you.

2017-07-31, 01:40 PM
spiderwall - good way to stop a few friends of mine
feather ball - distract cats?
cone of gold - $$$
mireball - bog them down in swamp sludge
firebawl - tears of flame

2017-07-31, 01:43 PM

Hold Person->Bold Person
Hold Person->Cold Person
Hold Person->Fold Person
Hold Person->Gold Person
Hold Person->Mold Person
Hold Person->oold Person //very old!
Hold Person->Sold Person
Hold Person->Told Person
You can also change Person to Parson

2017-07-31, 02:04 PM

Hold Person->Bold Person
Hold Person->Cold Person
Hold Person->Fold Person
Hold Person->Gold Person
Hold Person->Mold Person
Hold Person->oold Person //very old!
Hold Person->Sold Person
Hold Person->Told Person
You can also change Person to Parson

(Ye) Olde Person
Old Persons
Old Persona

2017-07-31, 04:46 PM
Make Whole has some uses.

Make whale for example. Or make hole (if deleating a letter is okay)

And of course, the 18+ version, where you change the l to an r...

2021-03-03, 01:50 PM
Oh yes, so many wonderful options, including but not limited to:
Arcane ****
False Wife
Remove Purse
Chromatic Orc
Plane ****
Shocking Grass
Fire Bull
Bitch Bolt
Praise the Dead
Mage Band

Ah, I await with eager anticipation the day a dm makes the brutal mistake of giving me one of these

2021-03-03, 01:53 PM
The Mod on the Silver Mountain: Even such a ring cannot prevent neckromancy.