View Full Version : The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep [IC]

Shades of Gray
2017-07-31, 12:24 AM
City of Karolinstadt, Dawn

Karolinstadt is a large city of wood and stone, known, appropriately, for its woodworking and masonry. It is the Ducal capital of Freissenheim, a region at the very western edge of the Kingdom and the continent. The western woods seem to stretch on forever, before finally eventually reaching sheer cliffs too high to justify settling. Freissenheim is as backwoods as backwoods can get, leaving it to be ignored by most of the kingdom save for the Royal Commission. Duke Pietr still tries to run a tight ship, so it's no surprise that he pestered the Royal Commission into sending a large investigative expedition to Lumberford at the earliest sign of issue.

Chief Inspector Adalbert of the Royal Commission is a no-nonsense man. He stands at the Western gate of the city at precisely the time he said he would be. He is dressed in an impressive-looking dark red uniform, his graying hair slicked back and his impressive moustache nearly covering his top lip entirely. As the sun rises and the locals begin to groggily begin their day, Adalbert is already fully alert. Next to him, a much younger and much more tired individual carries several large books. Adalbert brushes off any attempt at conversation until you each arrive, at which point he begins in a formal voice. "Very well, I believe this is everyone in attendance. All well and proper. As you each know, Royal Protector Ivan of Lumberford is reporting an increased amount of strange incidences... However unfortunately infrequent those reports may be... especially considering the town's normally commendable track record when it comes to avoiding the mischievous miscreancy of those contemptuous creatures that dwell within our kingdom." Indeed, Lumberford has had so few incidences that one might, on paper, confuse it for one of the relatively natureless areas at the centre of Heiligast.

Adalbert gestures towards the books the young man is carrying. "Everything we know is contained in these reports from Royal Protector Ivan. The man's had his post for a number of decades. This comes with a certain... decline in the specificity and regularity of reports. It's tough to issue him reprimands, given the region's difficult geography." Adalbert is speaking specifically about the difficulty of travel between Karolinstadt and Lumberford. Travelling between the two is a two-day hike, with several inclines, river crossings, and areas of rocky terrain separating them. Because of this, horses are little help and bringing a cart along is impossible. Lumberford is mostly self-sufficient in terms of supplies, and it offers a one-way contribution to the kingdom according to their namesake; the citizens of Lumberford chop wood and send it downriver to Karolinstadt on barges.

The assistant begins to put the books in a large satchel. "You are to meet with Royal Protector Ivan once you have reached Lumberfood. See what new issues ail the village, and at the very least deliver to him a strong admonishment on my behalf," Adalbert puts an envelope into the satchel, "encouraging him to be more dutiful in his role." The assistant hands the satchel to Jophine. "If anything of grave concern arises, you can quickly send a message by the river. It will take about a day for us to receive the message, and another two for any assistance to arrive. Be safe, and make the Royal Commission proud." With that, Adalbert and his assistant put their fists over their chests and nods, the latter with far less conviction and enthusiasm, and the two depart. This leaves you at the Gate, with no horses and no entertainment other than the five others of varying acquaintance. The tall buildings of Karolingradt cast long shadows over you as the sun begins to rise in the east. Follow the river, talk to Ivan, report back, don't die.

Karolinstadt is barely a home to you. A good portion of your original village emigrated and the population could no longer support having two protectors. Because of your lack of seniority, you were re-stationed to Karolingradt just over two years ago. Being one of the protectors of a large city meant fewer day-to-day fey disturbances, but meant that you could be travelling greater distances to areas so remote that they could not sustain having even one protector. You rarely even get a chance to sleep in the city itself or interact with other Commissioners. The long days of travelling go by slowly, but you had your first taste of excitement four months ago. The village of Aach had been brazenly attacked by a large number of goblins, and even the Knights of the Yew Branch had been called in help the Royal Commission clear out the settlement. You recognize one of these brave knights, the strange pale man with antlers, as your companions. You had been commended for your service, but quickly returned to the same old beat. Despite the presence of two investigators, with whom you've barely become acquainted, this trip seems to be no different...

Karolinstadt... the latest in a long list of areas you had been posted. A few years of promotions, side-motions, downsizing, and reconfigurations have lead you here. You've been here barely six months. You'd become well acquainted with Investigator Syrel during this time. Adalbert himself insisted quite forcefully that you get out of the libraries and go on an expedition. You were surprised that such a mission even warranted two investigators, let alone a man of the church, a protector, and these two... others. The woman you vaguely recognize from your time at the Royal Capital. There's also a man, a striking pale man with, are those antlers?

Your first real mission is upon you. Years of tutors and personal study have prepared you for this. After begging to get out into the world, and realizing that trying to treat you like your three sisters would be futile, your family relented and arranged for you to be part of a routine expedition. They've each set realistic expectations for the banality of this mission, but still you jumped at the opportunity as a springboard to bigger and better things. Still, if the mission is supposedly no big deal, why send so many? Two investigators and a protector from the Commission itself? Still, you're surprised to see some familiar faces. Your old friend from the Mortimer family is present, as well as that antlered fellow who had caused quite the stir at the last Royal Gala.

The White King protect you, you couldn't help think as you saw those who you would be travelling with. Being called into Karolingrad on official business due to your position in the church made sense. But why was Regina here? She was a civilian. A noble, but still a civilian. You were not able to attend the most recent Royal Gala, but you had heard the stories of the antlered one. You're not sure if the Welverlings' little publicity stunt had backfired or not; they were certainly the talk of the Kingdom, but not always positively so. Still, if Chief Inspector Adalbert deemed him necessary, then there would be no protests (at least in his presence). Six people on an expedition was certainly more than normal, especially given these people's qualifications.

You were used to people having double-takes, walking faster, or crossing the street when in your presence. Even here in the countryside people weren't accustomed to seeing something somewhat from the fey world. What you weren't used to was members of the Royal Commission here going through painful lengths to treat you with respect. Not due to your noble status, newly-found as it was, but instead on order of Adalbert himself. The enforced respect seemed to come across as even more insulting, somehow. As you approach the gate you spot some familiar faces. Lady Westin is present, having met her at the Gala. You also recognize the symbol of the Mortimer family, right next to the symbol of the White King, on another man.
The protector is also very familiar to you, having fought beside him four months ago as the Order of the Yew Branch and the Royal Commission had helped liberate the village of Aach from goblins. What an interesting group of people, and surprisingly large in number.

Assigning a second investigator to an investigation was not too uncommon, but usually the result of much stronger evidence of danger. Still, knowing Ms. Dustwallow as you do, it's not too hard to wonder why she might have been ordered away from the Royal Commission's headquarters. Typically an expedition would contain mostly hired muscle or local guards. Two investigators, a protector, a knight (an antlered one at that), a priest (of The White King, joy), and a mage? Something must be going on, but you surmise that additional precautions were necessary due to the possibility of two bodies worth of noble blood potentially being on the line.

2017-07-31, 09:20 AM
Cassius waits attentively until Adalbert finishes his brief and departs before turning to the others gathered in front of the gate. He looks at each in turn, clearly deciding where he should begin with introductions before relaxing and turning toward Sabir, hand extended.

"Good to cross roads with you again Sabir. I'm not one to put much stock in chance or fate but we certainly seem to encounter one another a fair bit." He cracks a brief grin then faces everyone else."Greetings to you all. I am Cassius Shaw, a protector of the royal commission. I've heard of several of you (his eyes turn toward Jophine and Robbard), but I had not had the priviledge of meeting you in person."

Cassius will extend a handshake to the men of the party and offer respectful nod to women. Then with a shoulder roll and some other stretches he settles his gear and armor more comfortably and waits for the others to either continue introductions or begin travel.

2017-07-31, 12:07 PM
Syrel stifles a yawn and leans against a nearby wall. A genuine, if slightly crooked, smile crosses his face as he regards his newest compatriots.

"Well met, kids and my honorable fellow geriatric," He gestures warmly toward Robband, "We've got ourselves a job to do."

"Miss Dustwallow, think you can read through that bag of bricks along the road? Seems to me that we'd best be quick on our way. No doubt we can get more acquainted with the others on the road, seeing as we'll be on foot. Care to walk with me for a bit, Cassius? It would be good to have local experience to draw on."

Syrel pauses for a moment, noticing his own haste.

"Unless, of course, someone has obligations to get to prior to our leaving or points of interest best said immediately?"

2017-07-31, 01:07 PM
Robband bows respectfully and makes the sign of the White King as Adalbert and his assistant depart. In truth, there was much in the Chief Inspector's report that worried him. And then there was the question of his present company as well - surely it wasn't normal to have two investigators and a protector on a mission as simple as this?

Lost in his thoughts, Robband fails to notice for a few seconds that Cassius is extending a handshake to him.

"Oh! Yes... indeed, it is good to make your acquaintance, Protector Cassius", he says a little hurriedly, shaking Cassius' hand.

"I am Robband Mortimer, holy servant of the White King. On behalf of my superiors I would like to extend my thanks to the Royal Commission for allowing me to accompany you all on this expedition," he continues, nodding respectfully to the two investigators.

Turning towards Sabir, Robband opens his mouth as if to speak but clearly struggles to find the words, instead settling for a polite nod before striking up a conversation with Regina.

"Lady Regina, truly it is an unexpected joy to see you after so long a time! May I assume from your presence here that you continue to excel in your studies?"


"Well met, kids and my honorable fellow geriatric," He gestures warmly toward Robband,
[snip]Robband looks briefly shocked, but allows himself a slight smile as he realises Syrel means no disrespect.

"By all means, let us make a start on our journey. If protector Ivan requires our assistance, then we had best not delay."

2017-07-31, 02:02 PM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine is up early on the day of departure. She was shocked when the note had arrived the night before. You presence is required in Lumberford. You will be along to chronicle the journey. Good ridd luck on your journey. She had wondered what the crossed out section was about until she realized the next morning that they'd be traveling afoot. Her superior obviously thought they'd be riding and wished her well on it, but changed at the last moment.

As Chief Inspector Adelbert (what kind of name is Adelbert, anyway? Where did he come from? Has he always had that mustache? It looks amazing on him, and the trim of his uniform is so handsome when contrasted with the almost silver in his hair.) began, Jophine, as always, paid rapt attention. On several occasions, she attempted to interrupt the Chief Inspector, but he rolled right over her attempts to ask questions. People always did that to her, so she was used to it. She'd save the questions for the end.

Before she knows it, a satchel is shoved in her arms and Adelbert and the cute young man with him are gone before she even realizes he's done speaking. "Well," she mutters to herself. "Isn't that a fine way to start." Jophine watches them leave for a few moments before turning around to look at the group she is now with. Quite a group had been gathered. She does some mental math and wonders if there isn't more to the story than just a quick investigation.

Jophine perks up when Syrel addresses her. "Oh, hi Syrel!. It's great to see someone along who I know." She adjusts the satchel on her shoulder and silently wonders if Syrel isn't correct in assuming that it was full of bricks. She opens the flap and looks inside before letting it fall closed again. "Well, I was hoping to get started on my own journal, but I can work through these on our way as well. It'll be tough to walk and read at the same time, but as long as...oh! You mean like...when we camp and stuff, right? I've read about making camp, and I think I knew a few places along the path that will make for great campsites. Unfortunately, three of them are all within a half-hour walk of each other, so I'm not sure that those will be as useful."

She looks at the others, some of whom she had seen around before, and a few brand new faces. Her gaze falls on Sabir for a few moments. Strikingly handsome, and extras to boot. Hmmm. What could those be used for, she wonders.

"So much nobility along," she muses aloud. "Certainly a curious expedition." She then speaks a little louder. "Hi guys!. I'm Jophine. My friends call me Jo...or Joph...or Jophine." Her eyes roll up a bit and her mouth puckers in thought. "So do people who don't like me, actually."

2017-07-31, 03:34 PM
Sabir takes in the whole group that he would be reporting to. How exciting this all was! A new job, a way to help out with word and sword and shield... he just had to hope he would do well. It was so hard to chose whom to talk to first. Would they like him? Would they find him curious? Would they want him far from them? Giving a mental nod to himself, Sabir vows to not make them regret his presence, Fey meddling with his blood or not.

His musings get interrupted when one of the men speaks to him and reaches out a hand and... is that... "Cassius!" Sabir's face erupts into the brightest smile."It seems the fates smile on me once again, how lovely to have such a fine traveling companion along! I hope you and your loved ones are well."

Still smiling widely, Sabir takes in the rest of the group, almost missing what was spoken about when his gaze gets caught by the man leaning against a near wall, smile faltering. There was... something about him. For the blink of an eye, there was a shadow about him, a haze, something that smelled like deep, moonless nights and dew on poisonous plants. A shiver ran down Sabir's back. Then he blinked and it was gone, the man just a normal, charming fellow again.

Sabir knew the feeling. I am so sorry, nameless friend. They touched you too, didn't they? A secret that is best kept quiet. He wore their touch outside his body for all the world to see, he wouldn't want another to be facing the same dislike, the same looks and whispers.

Robband snaps him out of his sad musings with well placed words. As he turns to Sabir, the latter opens his mouth in joy for a reply, but there is only awkward silence between them for a moment and the holy servant turns away before Sabir can bridge the pause with a hello. Well then. Closing his mouth, the Tiefling lets his shoulders drop. Maybe there would be another moment to make a first... second..? impression.

He nearly jumps out of his skin when Jophine takes up the word, not having seen her for a moment out of his peripheral vision and immediately the smile is back. This woman was much easier to talk to than the other royal members that had gathered in this spot. "You're a royal," he mentally reminds himself, but... the idea just wouldn't stick, even after years. Sword or not, he would never want to forget the feeling of freshly grown carrots ripped from rich, dark soil with his bare hands.

With a bow, he addresses the whole group. "I am Sabir Co-..." Royal. Royal! "I- I mean, I am Sabir of House Welvering. I will do my best to serve and protect this venture. Do not hesitate to ask me for help." He pauses, blinks. "Actually, it is I that might need help. The clasps on my right side are terribly hard to close with my left. I mean... uh, what I'm trying to say is, I am ready to go wherever the leaders of this group wish to go." To underline his words, he pats the satchel slung over his back.

Then he turns to Jophine with a great amount of excitement radiating off him. "You seem to know a lot of things! So, what would you favor to be called then?"

2017-07-31, 04:10 PM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

The amazing man with the...growths (?) antlers (?)(she'd heard of half-orc, but not half-elk)...on his head turns and addresses Jophine. She opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. That's strange. Something was always on the tip of her tongue. She closes her mouth and thinks for a moment. "Nobody's every asked me that before. I believe I like Jo. Or, really, Joph would be fine as well. Though, Jophine was what my parents always called me. They may be upset if I purposely chose another name. So....Jo, Joph, or Jophine will be fine. That's so kind of you to ask!."

2017-07-31, 04:42 PM
Regina had a giant grin on her face and was practically vibrating with excitement. She was out in public in trousers. Trousers! And a very smart looking jacket with pockets for all sorts of things. And she was carrying her own pack. If her sister Esme could see Regina now she'd just die. She had gotten to the gate several minutes early and tried several times to engage Adalbert in conversation despite his deflections, but when the conversation started she forced herself to focus and listened carefully. A hike to some place called Lumberford and some tedious business involving a reprimand of some kind seemed to be the thrust of the mission, but with the tantalizing hope that something worth studying was going to be there.

But introductions first.

She returned Cassius's nod and says "Regina Westin, how do you do?" before hearing Robban greet her and turning to him with a grin. "Robbie! It's nice to see you! The priesthood suits you. And my studies have gone on quite well." she said, before leaning down to speak quietly, as if sharing a secret. "I've even learned some magic suitable for combat! Isn't that exciting?"

Keeping an ear out for his reply she turns to the rest of the group, greeting Syrel the same as Cassius and then turning to Sabir. "It's nice to see you again Sir Sabir. I hope you weren't treated too terribly at the Gala. Fathers and older brothers can be such a bother can't they?" she said to him, referring to the interest her little sister and her peers had shown in him, and the not exactly welcoming reaction it had generated. Regina was quite sympathetic being an odd duck herself.

Finally she turned to Josephine. "I would be happy to assist you with those ledgers my dear. And I advise strongly against reading and walking. I don't know how many times I've fallen or twisted and ankle doing it. And that was in a very well groomed park." Regina said to her with a smile.

2017-07-31, 05:13 PM
"Well Ms. Jophine I've always found my parents judgement to be accurate where names were concerned if you don't mind my addressing you as such."
Cassius gives the young woman a chance turn back his direction, who would have thought Sabir would find someone who finds his unique features interesting in place of frightening? Good on him then, heritage be damned but Sabir had the makings of a fine knight and deserves to judged on his efforts rather than appearance.
After another glance around the group Cassius finally notes that this is a rather large and diverse group for what Adalbert presented as a 'checkup' patrol. Hmmm, plenty of time to puzzle through that on the trip. Ah, yes, Syrel had asked for a word about the surrounding area.
"Certainly I can spare a moment to provide some details on the terrain of the region, but my travels have been rather extensive and I don't remember all of Karolinstadt's environs so we'd best keep our wits about us on the way to Lumberford. However I do recall that the path twists and turns to be impassable by carts, the river is a quick way back from the town but not suitable for traveling to it. It would seem to be somewhat mountainous as well, so long as we travel as one we should encounter little trouble."
Cassius returns his attention toward Jophine,
"That satchel was full of books yes? Do want a hand carrying them, they are rather heavy are they not?"

2017-07-31, 05:47 PM
Robband can't help but chuckle at Regina's enthusiasm. "Goodness, combat magic! Well, in that case, woe betide the fiend foolish enough to cross your path! Although do make sure that you take care though. I should hate to have to be the one who had to explain to your brothers that you'd been spirited away by the creatures of the woods." Robband makes the comment in jest, but a look of worry swiftly flickers across his face. No, he certainly would not want to have to explain to one of the most powerful families in the land that Lady Regina had gone missing on his watch...

Shaking off the thought, Robband regains his composure only to find himself face to face with Sabir. Immediately the situation becomes awkward again, although Robband at least manages to say something to the knight this time. "Ah, Sir Sabir... I have heard of you, of course... It is certainly a most interesting situation that you... that is to say, it is after all not every day that... Robband trails off, desperately seeking some safe topic of conversation.

"I trust Lady Welvering is well?", he manages at last.

2017-07-31, 06:11 PM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine answers Cassius' inquiry. "No, they're fine. Fine. It's just books. And an envelope." Jo adjusts the satchel on her shoulder again, trying to keep it from digging in to her clavicle. Then pulls the strap forward to adjust the weight. Finally, she shifts it over to the other shoulder. She thinks for a few moments. She looks down at the satchel. It was hanging just barely above the ground, thanks mostly to her 5' 4" stature. "Well," she amends her previous statement. "I wouldn't want to drag it in the dirt, you know. It's not 'cuz it's heavy at all. Right?"

2017-07-31, 09:55 PM
Cassius cannot keep a wry grin off his face at Jophine's antics but understands (at least he thinks he does) that such acting comes from not wanting to be seen as weak in the eyes of others. Cassius withdraws his outstretched hand and adjusts the straps on his own gear before continuing in a quieter tone to avoid drawing too much attention from the rest of the group.
"I'll not force you to relinquish what was given to you to carry, just don't be afraid to request help if you require it. In my travels I have found that there are few burdens too heavy to not be shared with comrades."
Turning back toward the group as a whole Cassius takes stock of those gathered, Robbard the Priest, Sabir the Knight, Regina the Noble, Syrel the Old Man, Jophine or Jo.... or Joph, whichever she prefers as the Chronicler. With luck whatever trials Lumberford faces are more mundane then otherwordly but time would tell. With one last look at the spires of Karolinstadt and a whispered blessing of welfare for his family far away, Cassius turns toward the road to Lumberford.
"Our path looks to be a long one, shall we continue our small talk on the road? If no one has any objections I believe it prudent to begin our hike before the sun gets too high in the sky."
Cassius straightens and does a last few stretches, making sure his blade and shield are close to hand if he needs them though he hopes the trail proves quiet enough he won't need them.

2017-07-31, 10:32 PM
"Well, I was hoping to get started on my own journal, but I can work through these on our way as well. It'll be tough to walk and read at the same time, but as long as...oh! You mean like...when we camp and stuff, right? I've read about making camp, and I think I knew a few places along the path that will make for great campsites. Unfortunately, three of them are all within a half-hour walk of each other, so I'm not sure that those will be as useful."

Syrel raises his hands in conciliation.

"Don't let my request impede your real work." Shrugging, he shoots her a grin, "I'm hardly in a position to be giving orders. Just been around the block a few times. You've got yourself some unique proclivities, and I can see you getting some real use out of them once you've got some experience under your belt."

Turning away from Jophine, Syrel catches the strange, ethereal eyes of the fey-touched knight on him. Not letting his smile slip, he deftly avoids eye contact, a skill he's spent many years perfecting.

He finds himself grateful when Cassius replies to his earlier inquiry.

"Certainly I can spare a moment to provide some details on the terrain of the region, but my travels have been rather extensive and I don't remember all of Karolinstadt's environs so we'd best keep our wits about us on the way to Lumberford. However I do recall that the path twists and turns to be impassable by carts, the river is a quick way back from the town but not suitable for traveling to it. It would seem to be somewhat mountainous as well, so long as we travel as one we should encounter little trouble."

Nodding thoughtfully at the report, Syrel claps the younger fighter on the shoulder, "I'll be glad to have you along, regardless. Reckon that yours is just the knowledge what we need to keep everyone safe.

After spending a few minutes adjusting his gear and tightening straps, Syrel eases into the background, enjoying listening to the interplay of the group and taking stock of his options in dealing with each of them. It is not the man of the cloth, Robband, who disturbs him most, which would be sensible, but that antlered kid with the royal title.

2017-08-01, 12:05 AM
Sabir laughs lightly and nods at Jophine. "If there are many names, one might be a favorite and I wouldn't want to use something just for simplicities' sake. Jophine it is then. And like Cassius said, do not hesitate to ask to share the burden. I am used to carrying things around." He shrugs lightly with one shoulder.

Smiling friendly at Regina, there is a high amount of confusion in his gaze, but trying to be nice, he answers "Lady Westin, it is a pleasure to travel with you. The Gala was..." not nice, not really, he had felt like a mouse in a cage of cats, "...perfectly decent. Fathers... and... brothers... uh, yes, indeed." What was it about fathers and older brothers? He didn't have a brother. At least none he had grown up with. And his own father was a wonderful man. Strange, it must be a royal thing.

Turning back to Robband Sabir brightens tentatively, one hand scratching the skin behind his ear. Men of the faith are always... peculiar at best around him. It is an effort at least, right? "Oh, her health is perfectly fine, stubborn like a mule, that one." Realizing how offensive that must come across, Sabir hastily corrects his course. "I mean, not that she is one, it's just... she's very... stubborn and healthy and... ehm... Lady Welvering is quite well," he just ends simply, deflating again. "Thank you for asking." By the roots of trees, the faithful made him nervous.

Ready to walk whenever, he settles beside the group on the other end from Cassius to create a protective cone around those they were to protect, glancing around and not shy to spare a smile to anyone who turns his way.

2017-08-01, 09:44 AM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine responds to Syrel, "No, no. Really. I do think we should read the books," she says, patting the stupidly heavy books in the satchel. What was that paper made out of anyway? "You know...be ready for whatever situation is going on in Lumberford. I once read about an Inquisitor who preferred to go in without preparing, thinking that it would leave his mind more open to the situation." Her tone slows and saddens just a little. "He ended up with an open mind, all right. Opened by an axe. I don't mind the reading, especially since there may be something that helps us." Jophine shifts the satchel back to her left shoulder and brings her right shoulder up to her cheek, stretching her shoulder muscles to relieve the pain.

Unique proclivities, Jo wonders to herself. What is that supposed to mean? I'm no different than anyone else out here. Her eyes fall once again upon Sabir's interesting horns. Mostly.

Jophine nods her head at Sabir's offer to carry her satchel. "Thank you. I...I think I'm okay. I'm used to carrying books. I spend a lot of time in the library. They only let you take so many out a time, though. It's not like I'm going to steal them. I've always brought them back. You have to check them out, so they always know who has them. I wonder," she says thoughtfully. "How many books are there? Do you think they've ever been counted? Maybe I should recommend that get done when we return.

Jophine pulls out her mini-journal (one of three), and uses a small piece of writing charcoal to make a note in her journal, causing the satchel to slip and fall to the ground. She frowns at the satchel as if it is misbehaving, but finishes her note in the journal prior to packing everything back up and heaving the satchel back up on to her left shoulder. "There. Now I won't forget. It could be important. If only there's a way to know how many books are in the world...we could compare against how many we have and see if we have every book. That's brilliant, right?" At this point, Jophine isn't even certain who she's talking to anymore. Mostly herself.

She shifts the satchel back to her right shoulder, wishing the journey was over already. "Five days?" She walks over to Sabir. "I'll take you up on that offer, Sir Sabir," she says as she offers the satchel to the knight. "You know. Just...just for a bit."

2017-08-01, 11:02 AM
Regina give Robband a pat on the shoulder ”I wouldn’t worry too much about that Robband. I can take care of myself. And we’re going to a logging town not the beating black heart of faerie country.” she said, probably sounding a little less reassuring than she had meant.

She then turned to Sabir and give a little giggle at his extremely charitable description of the Gala. ”Perfectly decent? Well it’s nice of you to say so. I’ll make sure to give my father a glowing impression of your character next time my sister’s eye wanders over you.” she says and then watches as he stumbles over his report of Lady Welvering’s health and giggled again, walking next to him and nudging him with her elbow. “Don’t worry Sir Sabir. Robbie and I won’t mention any resemblance between Lady Welvering and a mule you may have mentioned, as accurate as it may be.” she said and gave the knight a wink.

Regina turned and glanced about an looked back to her conversational partners. ”It looks like our companions are just about ready to go, we should be as well.” she said. She gave the straps on her pack a couple of quick tugs to make sure they were tight and then walked up to Cassius and said, ”You are most assuredly correct. I am ready to go when you are.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-02, 07:41 AM
The Westlichwald

Having thoroughly checked your belongings and made your necessary introductions, the six of you set out for Lumberford. Upon Jophine's recommendation, you head south-west until you hit the Holzenfluss, the massive river travelling from Lumberford to Karolinstadt. Many small settlements are built on various rivers that all join up with the Holzenfluss, and it's through this river that Karolinstadt receives wood and other important supplies. Travelling along this river will lead you in the right direction until it's time to follow the Lumberford River right to the village itself. A few barges pass by you as you walk along the riverbed, most carrying lumber while a few contain heaps of brightly coloured flowers. The rafts all vary in sizes, each carrying different flags or icons in addition to Heiligastian symbols. The forest, save for the rushing river, is supremely quiet. Beside for some glittering silver fish in the river and the occasional raven or crow, you spot little wildlife as you travel.

Just before noon, something catches Robband's trained eyes. A few long troughs carve through the mud on the other side of the Holzenfluss. They travel between thick bushes to the riverbed, suggesting something (or multiple somethings) has been either dragged into or pulled from the water at this random stretch of the Holzenfluss. The current is strong, but the river here is shallow enough to wade through with little issue as long as one moves slowly.

2017-08-02, 08:04 AM
"Curious...", Robband remarks, as he gazes across the river.

"We are not, I suppose, near any villages or other settlements at present?", he says aloud, addressing the party as a whole, "Only it appears that somebody has been landing rafts or something similar upon the far bank."

2017-08-02, 08:51 AM
Syrel pauses in his tracks, slowly scanning the forest in all directions, looking for signs of civilization.

"Can't say I know where the nearest town might be, but this spot doesn't strike me as the most reputable raft landing. Suppose someone might be sending their own goods from here or they might be intercepting others' barges..." He thinks for a moment, speaking almost to himself, "But who steals trees in a forest?"

2017-08-02, 09:21 AM

Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

After just a few hours, Jophine had already walked further than she ever had walked a one time. Thankfully, the Commission had supplied some good quality boots. "It's weird. You know, my feet don't even hurt at all. Yet. I'll bet by the time we're camping tonight....we are going to camp at night, right? I don't think I could walk straight there. Well, none of us can walk [I][straight/I] there. We kind of have to follow the path..." Her chatter continues on throughout the morning as she points out local flora and fauna to anyone polite enough to listen, as well as tidbits of history about the surrounding area.

When they stumble upon their strange finding, Jo finally stops talking. Her eyes narrow in thought as she analyzes the scene. "Smugglers?" she mumbles to herself. "We're hours away from any village, but this is one of the last areas where the barges will pass through. "

2017-08-02, 10:15 AM
Cassius walks near the head of the group as they set forth upon Jophine's suggested path. Nothing seems out of place, the sounds of the river gurgling along offers some comforting background and running commentary from Jo reminds Cassius of his family back home during a feastday. And yet the forest itself feels too quiet, something is amiss. When group comes to the odd divets and the others note their observations Cassius rests his hand on his sword scabbard and checks for footprints or other signs to confirm his suspicions.
"This bend was indeed used by smugglers and bandits but the Protectors broke up the ring a while ago and nothing has been reported since. We'd best keep an eye out, it is unlikely their hideout is far from here and desperate men are difficult to negotiate with."
Cassius rubs at his jaw, his face giving away that he is deep in thought. After a minute or two he continues,
"I do not like what their restarting their practice mere hours from the city entails, there are no settlements in the area so it would be difficult to earn anything from stolen goods by my thinking. If we can locate some other tracks and determine where they've made camp we can see if we can put a stop to this, otherwise we can return later with additional aid."

Shades of Gray
2017-08-02, 10:26 AM
No evidence of tracks on your side of the river can be seen, though you assume that they might be present at the other side of the river (likely next to where the dragging occurred).

2017-08-02, 10:58 AM
"Cassius, you said the Protectors in this region had bust a smuggling ring here. Do you happen to know what it was they were smuggling or where they'd holed up? May well be that our potential new band of ruffians have taken up shop in the same place."

Pulling from the weird power within, Syrel cautiously approaches the water's edge, ready to defend himself and his comrades at the first sign of ambush. It's not likely that the hypothetical smugglers have staked out the area and he doubts they'd leave a guard, but preparing for the worst is a habit that's saved many a skin before. He inspects the area, looking for bluffs, large rocks or plants, or any other form of concealment large enough for a man as well as signs of a bridge or other crossing.

"If it weren't for the time constraint, I'd say we could plan a stakeout right here. As it is, I agree, we should look for tracks and come back if we can't find their camp in the next hour or so."

- Readying an Eldritch Blast
- Inspecting the area across the water, but not crossing just yet
- Also inspecting for signs of the path, whether the trail goes through the water or if there was at one time a bridge

DM Question:
- How wide is the river at this point?

Shades of Gray
2017-08-02, 11:36 AM
- Readying an Eldritch Blast
- Inspecting the area across the water, but not crossing just yet
- Also inspecting for signs of the path, whether the trail goes through the water or if there was at one time a bridge

DM Question:
- How wide is the river at this point?

There's no path per se; land travel along the river is very infrequent. People typically travel on the side of the river that results in the fewest crossings. There is no sign of a bridge at this particular crossing; any such bridges would have to be tall so as to let barges through and so they are few and far between.

Make an investigation roll on the OOC thread.

The river is 20 feet wide, meaning that one cannot cross it in one round (difficult terrain).

2017-08-02, 11:50 AM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks across the river, measuring the distance between this side and that. Her boots were certainly waterproof, but what would happen when the water level exceeded the level of her boots, she would be soaked. She hated soggy boots. I wonder if they make thigh-high traveling boots... she thinks to herself as she continues to assess the group's new problem. "So who wants to cross and check that out?"

2017-08-02, 12:25 PM
Removing his backpack, Cassius sets it down the riverbank: No sense getting it wet, he muses to himself:Rifling through it briefly he removes some rope and his grappling hook and with practiced ease ties the two together. He then hunts for a tree close to the riverside that looks sturdy and secures one end of the rope to it.
"I will wade across and anchor the hook as a guideline for any who wish to follow, I would suggest one or two us remain on this side of the river however to give some cover to those crossing."He looks to Regina."Ms. Westin, I believe I overheard you mention you were a student of magic? Will you keep an eye on the treeline as I ford the river?
Facing back toward the river he readies his shield in one hand and grips the lengths of rope in the other and begins wading, the current dragging at his armor slow his pace but barring unforseen circumstance he makes steady progress.

2017-08-02, 12:55 PM
This whole hiking with your own gear thing was not agreeing with Regina quite as well as she had hoped, as anyone who looked back to see her struggling to keep up could tell. She didn't complain, to whine would be unseemly and she certainly didn't want it getting back to her father that she had complained the entire time. She was Going Out On Adventures and Making Her Own Way, and even if she wasn't having a good time right now she wasn't about to spoil it for the future. Still, it was a relief when everyone stopped to look at...whatever it was as it gave Regina a chance to take a big swing of her waterskin and a couple of deep breaths before glancing around to see what everyone was talking about.

Having had a drink and a chance to catch her breath she looked and finally saw the odd markings on the other side of the river. She hears Syrel ask who steals trees in a forest and muses on the question before saying, "Someone who doesn't have an axe." to nobody, because he has already gone ahead.

After a moment of consideration and remembering what she has read about the area she concludes 2 things: 1) The others are of course correct that it bears looking into and 2) That there is no point in anyone getting wet if they don't have to.

"Mister Shaw I can do much better than that." she says, placing her hand upon Cassius's shoulder to stop him before he gets more than his boots wet. "If you will pause a moment let me see if I can't spare you the effort."

Taking a step back Regina holds her arm out at a crook like a falconer and says in a crisp clear voice Venio Uwilla causing a small brown owl to appear on her arm. She smiled at it and scratches its head and asks it Did you have a nice nap Uwilla? I have a little something for you to do. she says. The woman and bird stare at each other for a minute as Regina relays the particulars of the situation and then Uwilla flies off to search the other side of the river. She turns back to Cassius. Let's see what Uwilla can find before we go do something rash.

Bringing my familiar out of her pocket and sending her to search. She has +3 and advantage on sight based rolls.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-02, 01:17 PM
Syrel notices that based on the reeds being flattened against the ground along the riverbed, away from the water, it's likely that something was dragged out of the river rather than into it. Turning his attention to the trees on his own side of the river, Syrel can also see that several grooves of varying heights and depths have been notched into a large and sturdy tree, perhaps to make it easier to attach rope or a net. The bark in some of these grooves is noticeably scraped up, while the bark on the pristine grooves seems to be in perfect condition.

Regina, briefly looking through the owl's senses, sees that there are four or so sets of footprints in the mud, two sets on each side of the troughs. The troughs lead directly to the bushes. Within the bushes, Uwilla sees an 8ft. by 8ft. barge, similar to those that have been travelling past throughout the day. Unlike other barges, a burlap tarp lies over the goods, kept in place with nails, obscuring and/or protecting its contents. There looks to be several nails missing, which Uwilla notices glinting faintly in the mud. Beyond the embankment, the ground transitions from mud to standard soil and tree roots. Therefore no more footprints can be seen.

Once again assuming people share relevant information with the party unless it's something that they might like to keep secret. Just to keep things flowing and to cut down on the number of posts required.

2017-08-02, 02:08 PM
At Regina's answer Cassius stops just short of the water.
Well, the current would have been trying. He thought as he returned from rivers edge to see the owl wing across.
"Can you determine whether the tracks are human or not Regina? And Syrel is correct, we are on a timeline. I would prefer to settle this matter of river raiders now as tracking them later could prove more difficult, or we continue to Lumberford and report on the issue there. What does everyone else think?"

2017-08-02, 03:45 PM
After staring off into space for a while as she shares her sight with Uwilla, Regina relays the information she learns with her companions. "I will admit that I hoped to find nothing, but it appears that we will need to get wet if we wish to resolve this. Those look like boot prints to me so I suspect we have river pirates. she said.

At Cassius posed the question Regina was already sending Uwille back up to keep her eyes peeled for any danger. "I will defer to you opinion, Mr. Shaw. If you believe this to be a problem we are in position to solve than I am all for it." she said, hoping she sounded more confidant than she was. Regina didn't really want to get soaking wet chasing after some smelly river pirates but it was what she'd signed up for isn't it? If she had wanted to be safe and dry she would have stayed home. "So if you wish to cross, I will keep an eye on your treeline and set anyone who wishes to do you ill on fire."

2017-08-02, 04:02 PM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

There has to be some way to do this without getting all wet, Jophine thinks as the others discuss crossing the river. "Are we certain this is within our purview? We have been tasked with a problem in Lumberford. This smuggling operation isn't going anywhere. We can alert the Commission once we have arrived in our intended destination of Lumberford." She emphasizes the final word, as if saying it a little louder and with meaning would cause it to carry more weight.

2017-08-02, 04:53 PM
Sabir, who likes to listen more than he enjoys talking, was having a fine time listening to Jophine telling him (well, them) all about the area as he carried her book bag on his shield side. And although he understood only half of what she said and probably forgot a quarter of that again as soon as it made it from ear to brain, it was wonderful entertainment and he nearly forgot to take in the area around him. It was such lovely nature, but he always got distracted so easily...

As Cassius took the front, Sabir made sure to be the rear guard, carefully timing his steps with Regina's. He could see she was struggling with the long walk and didn't want her to feel rushed or mocked by not being able to keep up as well with the others, so he took more small pauses for himself than necessary along with her, putting the bag down to rest his shoulder and making a show of loosening it as if he was grateful for the moment to catch his breath.

He tried to get a few words out of Syrel, but there was a hesitancy to the other man's words. In due time then, Sabir told himself, opting to give his traveling companion space.

As the talk about the smugglers and the barges and crossing the river began, Sabir looked from one person speaking to the other, not quite sure what the best option was. He really didn't understand the whole concept of smuggling. How it worked, yes, he wasn't that slow, but he could not understand the mindset those people had that believed it was worth to break the law for coins. If they had trouble supplying themselves, why not become farmers or fishers or asking their neighbors...?

"Whatever you decide on, I am yours to command," he says at the others, but mostly in Robband's direction. "Are these smugglers very dangerous? I don't like the idea that the people of either Karolinstadt or Lumberford are in danger from them if they are. And if we decide to deal with the smugglers, I can either stay behind and guard this side or help with the crossing."

2017-08-02, 05:12 PM
"Where lawlessness is allowed to flourish, wickedness soon follows. If we can deal with these river bandits swiftly, then we have a duty to do so." Robband speaks solemnly, though with a hint of reluctance in his voice - like much of the party, he has no particular desire to personally go wading through the river if he can avoid it. Having spotted the boat marks in the first place, however, he feels that he cannot recommend simply walking away from the situation.

Removing his backpack and carefully placing it to one side, Robband walks down to the waters' edge beside Cassius, and probes the water with his staff in an attempt to get a sense of the depth of the water and the firmness of the riverbed. "Protector Cassius, if you are prepared to wade across first, then I will follow after you after the guiderope is secured. May the White King guide your steps". He places his hand upon Cassius' shoulder as he says the last part, imparting the holy blessing.

Casting Guidance cantrip on Cassius. While the spell is active (1 minute, 1-use, concentration) Cassius may roll a D4 and add it to any ability check that might be needed.

2017-08-03, 09:49 AM
Gazing across the river, Cassius is torn. Jophine has raised the point he was pointedly ignoring in the back of his mind, indeed they have been tasked with prioritizing Lumberford.
Adalbert had said that messages could also be sent via the river, perhaps siding with Jophine in this instance was the better option long term. There is still more than a full day of travel ahead afterall.His musings complete Cassius clears his throat as if the next words he utters he finds difficult.
"I am in agreement with Jophine, she is right. If not for the urgency of our assigned task I would cross without a second thought. We will send Adalbert the location of this sight after reaching Lumberford, the militia in Karolinstadt will be better able to search the area then the six of us."The last is said quietly, as if to convince himself of the decision. Replacing the hook and rope and picking up his backpack he turns from the rivers edge and readies himself to continue travelling toward Lumberford.
Today you are lucky that other business is more pressing brigands, Cassius muses to himself, but if Adalbert doesn't oust you it will be only a matter of time before I do.He pauses in order to adress Robbard,
"It would appear that in this one instance our duty to aid Lumberford should come first as Ms. Jophine was right to remind us. However if we are unable to get a message through to Karolinstadt would you care to go sightseeing along the river's far side on the return trip?"
The last is said with a with a grin perking one corner of his mouth, here was a priest with some gusto and that boded well for the future.

2017-08-03, 10:16 AM
Syrel places his weight on a nearby tree, staring intently at the river for a moment. An idea comes to him as he watches the water flow.

"Y'know, it occurs to me that we haven't got to wait until we've reached Lumberford to send a message. Why don't we send our own small raft from right here? We'll hit our destination in good time and Adalbert will be on the up n' up by the time we get there."

It's a better solution, he muses to himself, than having wet pants for the rest of the trip.

2017-08-03, 10:35 AM
Robband appears surprised by Cassius' change of heart, but recognises the wisdom in his words. "Very well," he says simply, indicating his assent with a brief nod. "If these scoundrels are not already dealt with by the time of our return, then I shall be only to glad to lend you my assistance in dealing with the matter."

"Besides, it is not as if our task in Lumberford will occupy us for too long," he adds, turning away from the water and retrieving his things. "The smugglers are unlikely to change their route before we can send a message out to Karolinstadt or return ourselves."

2017-08-03, 10:39 AM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Also, that trail could be any number of days old." She ponders a moment, considering how obvious the trail was with no signs of trying to hide it. "Or a trap."

2017-08-03, 10:52 AM
Was it possible to be relived and disappointed at the same time? Regina was pretty sure it was, considering she felt both at the moment that it seemed they weren't going to track down some river pirates and be Heroes of the Realm. That would have to wait until Lumberford it seemed, but she wasn't upset about not needing to wade through the river. "I suppose we shall have to pass through on our way back, as you say Mr. Shaw. In the meantime I believe we need to write a letter." she said, slipping her pack off and pulling out some paper and ink.

After pulling out her spellbook to use as a writing desk Regina sits down on the ground and starts writing a formal introduction to the letter. She asks the assembled to help her spell out the particulars of the situation to put in, and once all present are happy with the letter she sprinkles on a pinch of dirt to help it dry and folds it neatly before sealing it and addressing it to Chief Inspector Adalbert. That done she stands and glances at the river and the passing barges, and then back to the group. "So how do we send it, exactly? Do we slip it onto a passing barge? Or should I have Uwilla fly it back to town?"

2017-08-03, 12:02 PM
"Miss Westin, while your feathered friend would undoubtedly do a fantastic job, I'd reckon we'd be better served with them close at hand."

Gathering nearby wood of the appropriate size, shape, and condition to act as the slats of a small raft, Syrel places the supplies into a neat pile. He slides his pack around to the side, delving into the pockets to access his carpentry tools.

"Shouldn't be too long before I've got a serviceable raft, especially when the cargo is just a letter."

- Syrel will attempt to collect branches and supplies from the area
- Following that, he will use his tools and carpentry skills to construct a raft with the following qualities:
---- Large enough to be seen from the shore in Karolinstadt
---- Small enough to avoid interception along the way
---- Contains a compartment to protect the letter to Adalbert

I'll go ahead and make any rolls I need to on the OOC thread

Shades of Gray
2017-08-03, 12:56 PM
The Westlichwald

Having made a suitable warning message, and crafted a makeshift raft from the nearby materials, the letter is sent and the expedition continues upriver. The mysterious raft would have to wait.

Almost an hour later, rustling bushes are heard and a group of five humans practically fall before your feet. They wear thick and heavy clothes, appropriate for travelling at night and during frigid autumn mornings. They look weathered; one wears an eyepatch, the arm of another ends at the elbow, another is nearly as pale as Sabir without the antlers to justify it. They all wear large backpacks, carrying short spears and sacks. The woodsmen look up at you with frightened and panicked expressions, which change slightly once they realize you are also human. Further relief sets in as the strangers see the insignia of both the Royal Commission and the robes of a priest of The White King.

"Oh thank The White, you have to help us!" The one with the eyepatch pleads frantically, pointing in the direction they fled from. "They're after us. They broke the treaty and attacked!" You notice that some of them are wounded, with small cuts and grazes. The pale one has an arrow painfully sticking into his side.

The treaty they speak of refers to the age-old agreement, since the time of The Green One, that the fey and human worlds are not to come into conflict. Strict noninterference into each others affairs is required. Offenders are to be prosecuted by their own kind if possible, though those they have offended are free to attack or exact punishment depending on the significance of their crime.

2017-08-03, 01:29 PM
Cassius moves to place himself between the men and the direction they came from, shield readied and hand on sword but not drawing. His eyes search the trees for signs of the pursuers.
"Robbard can you check on their injuries? Sabir, be on guard but don't attack first. Regina and Syrel will you two stay to the rear for backup? And Jophine do recall the word of treaty and speak the fey tongue? I understand that if these men are guilty the fey may be within their right to attack but now that we are present can we can we claim the right judge them?
Cassius glances at each of his comrades in turn as he addresses them before finishing his own preparations by donning his helm.

2017-08-03, 01:40 PM
Making the sign of the White King, Robband moves forward to inspect the woodsmen's injuries and see whether they warrant any healing magic. As he works, he addresses the men directly. "Now then, you must tell us exactly what has happened here. Speak quickly, but spare no detail - it is vital that we should know as much as possible before your pursuers arrive."

Shades of Gray
2017-08-03, 01:56 PM
None of the injuries require serious medical attention save for the arrow wound, which is seriously bleeding. The pale man clutches the wound in pain.

The man with an eyepatch explains the situation as the five strangers position themselves behind the expeditionaries. "We're foragers. We were out picking fruit, nuts, 'shrooms. Alluva sudden arrows start flying. Lots of shouting at us in a language none of us understand." To demonstrate the truth of his account, the eyepatched man grabs one of the sacks and opens it, showing that it is indeed full of mushrooms and nuts. "We know the rules; we wasn't taking anything we wasn't supposed to."

2017-08-03, 01:58 PM
Regina was still struggling to keep pace as the group marched, letting Uwilla get some exercise flying abobe. Once again grateful for the rest, if not the circumstances. She watched the men carefully and replied "As you wish Mr. Shaw." to Cassius's request and looked around, keeping her eyes peeled and letting her owl know to do the same.

2017-08-03, 02:08 PM
"Be my pleasure, Cassius. Got to say, though, if you're expecting to parley, then you might be disappointed. I've yet to hear of any fair folk possessed of mercy. I suggest we get ourselves in a circle around these folks, just in case. Sabir, mind positioning yourself to face the opposite direction from Mister Shaw so we can get shields on both our sides?"

Pushing into the energies coursing deep inside, Syrel takes stock of the area and begins covering the party. His fingertips tingle as the far-too-familiar powers manifest...

- Syrel will inspect the surrounding terrain for tactical advantages
- Ready Eldritch Blast with a trigger of enemies clearly attacking

Shades of Gray
2017-08-03, 02:41 PM
Overview of the area

The river is fifteen feet wide at this point. The banks of the river slope up into hills. Roughly forty feet away from the water, untamed bushes and towering deciduous trees are in greater density, though there are a few bushes at the bottom of the hill. The most advantageous defensive locations would likely be among the bushes and trees, though that is in the direction that the foragers were fleeing from with great urgency.

2017-08-03, 03:01 PM
Jophine Duskwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

The sudden rush of events startles Jophine into silence. Suddenly there are a few more people around, claiming they've been attacked??? What? Attacked? Smugglers....bandits...what is becoming of this place?? Cassius starts barking out orders and Jophine is roused from her thoughts. "Umm.....the treaty....right!" Jo closes her eyes and attempt to recite parts of the treaty relevant to fey incursions and attacks as well as who may legally retaliate.

Her eyes are still shut when she begins to recite from rote:
"These are the Lords as they're set out to be,
The White King, Lord of Purity.
The Red God sings in war and bloody things,
Upon his death, came Karolina...."

Her face turns pale as she realizes she's recalling the wrong texts...She clenches her eyelids as tight together as she can and thinks, scared that they will be attacked at any minute. The adrenaline is causing her heart to pound in her ears, and she can barely think of anything else.

She finally opens her eyes, panic showing in them to anyone looking at her as she stands in frozen silence.

2017-08-03, 03:01 PM
Robband nods in acknowledgement at the man's tale - his words had the ring of truth about them, certainly.

Turning his attention back to the pale man, Robband frowns. Naturally, he had some rudimentary healing skills, but they were not his specialism, and he dare not try to remove the arrow under these chaotic conditions. Taking out his water flask, he washes around the wound as best he can. Then, turning to the forager who spoke up, he instructs him to tear off strips of cloth and apply pressure around the wound, but taking care not to push the arrow in further. "Alert me at once if he loses consciousness or his condition otherwise worsens - his life may depend on it. Once we have dealt with the immediate threat I will see what we can do about that arrow."

Robband then joins the rest of the party in looking out for the pursuers.

2017-08-03, 04:21 PM
Sabir grimaces slightly at the happening and goes as far as to duck his head when he hears that the Fey are involved. Of course they would. Someone probably touched the mushroom of luck or whatever out of accident and started a blood war or two... who knew what it was with these beings. No. No hanging shoulders, no hiding. He was human and he would not show cowardice in the face of danger, even if it was those who had cursed him. Bring the light, he thought, then mumbled to himself "be the light," as he carefully sat down the book bag and readied his shield and sword.

"I speak their tongue," he then admitted, shoulders straight, body positioned to cover the flank Cassius didn't. "I can translate if they come and if they speak."

The foliage was thick and everything was green... Sabir trained his eyes to catch anything that had no part being here. Anything that meant harm to them.

"Do you have an inkling how many attacked you?" Sabir asks over his shoulder at the man Robband is tending to.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-03, 05:21 PM
"We didn't see them. There must have been at least three of them based on the arrows."

A loud voice suddenly booms from beyond the trees and bushes, speaking a language that none save for Sabir is familiar with. As the words ring, the leaves rustle slightly and the aroma of fresh thyme fills the wind.

Ná chosaint na arrachtaigh, na dúnmharfóirí, iad siúd Lucht Briste den Chonradh. Seas leataobh ionas gur féidir a gcuid coireanna a bronntar go cuí

Sabir roughly translates the voice to the rest of the party, "Do not protect those monsters, those murderers, those Treaty-Breakers. Stand aside so that their transgressions may be rewarded appropriately".

"I'm telling you, we did nothing wrong!" Eyepatch protests.

2017-08-03, 09:36 PM
Syrel addresses the foragers directly as he attempts to scan the surroundings to pinpoint the fey, "I'm going to put this real simple, boys. If you got any more pertinent information, now's the time to spill it."

Persuasion check?

Shades of Gray
2017-08-03, 10:12 PM
"That is everything we know, honest! One minute we're out picking shrooms, the next we're being fired upon by these filthy fey!" Eyepatch shouts to Syrel, holding a torn piece of cloth over his companion's wounds. "We ain't murders! We ain't even hunters!"

2017-08-04, 12:38 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks around, uncertain of what to do. Her sword training was minimal, all of her tutors calling her all but worthless. The staff she carried was mostly for show, or to use as a walking stick. She nervously shifts a little closer to Cassius, almost bumping into him while her eyes are searching around for the mysterious fey. "Sorry...

2017-08-04, 09:13 AM
Cassius was finding this situation more and more disagreeable, he could not quite put his finger on it but he was certain these men had done something wrong, death was probably a bit harsh for a punishment but a group of scraggly men armed with spears in the middle of woods hours or more from any settlement and being attacked because they were gathering mushrooms and nuts was more than difficult to fully believe. Without turning around he speaks in a commanding tone to them,
"What settlement are you folks from? Your group is fairly far from any township, its possible you strayed somewhere you weren't supposed to."Noticing Jophine nervously coming closer, Cassius gently guides her behind him with his free hand into a better spot to guard her with his shield if she comes under attack. Though he is not feeling the calmest himself presently it would not due to let the others know of it with several of them seemingly looking to him for guidance, in the most even voice he can muster he continues,
"There is no need to worry Jophine, my shield is your shield, and as we long as work together I have faith we will overcome this and future obstacles."Then, calling out to whatever may be in the forest,
"Fey folk! We cannot allow you to continue your attack on these men, they are in our custody now and if you detail your side of the story and what you consider their transgressions to be I'm certain we can reach a solution that both parties can accept."
Cassius remains in his readied stance, he takes Syrel at his word that the fey typically aren't the type to negotiate but he would at least make the attempt. If things went south here Cassius felt that the trip to Lumberford would be significantly more challenging if their was on the fey's blacklist.

If any attack targets Jophine, Cassius will spend a reaction to Shield Guard her, (disadvantage to attacker)

2017-08-04, 09:22 AM
It was hardly the time for the foragers to lie. Syrel could see them having broken some minor law in ignorance. His hopes were not high, but there was only one way about it...

"Sabir, if they don't understand Common, do you think you can get more information out of these fey for us?" He asked with no small amount of hesitancy. If anyone discovered that he too knew the language of the forest, there might be questions. It wouldn't do. He continued, explaining for the benefit of the foragers, "Cassius is right. If we aim to avoid more bloodshed, we're going to have to clear up what their accusations actually are."

Seeing Jophine shuffle out of the corner of his eye, he realizes that she likely feels out of her element here. Speaking softly, he encourages her, "We're all going to get out of this just fine, don't worry. We just got to be cautious, attentive, and thoughtful in our actions and words."

"After all, if they were Unseelie, we'd likely be strung up by now," He mutters under his breath.

Edit: Ninja'd

2017-08-04, 09:34 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks back and forth between the two men attempting to give her some comfort. She merely nods her head minutely and continues to look around nervously.

2017-08-04, 11:53 AM
While Regina knew that they were hardly in the High Court right now, she found the issue at had frustratingly vague. She had heard more coherent accusations coming from her sisters when they were arguing over certain novels their parents would disapprove of without actually saying aloud what they were talking about. Still, at least the voice had given her an idea where to look and so with a mental command she sent Uwilla to search that way as quietly as she could.

She gave the men a look over again and frowned. The one with the arrow in him really did look in a bad way, but she was more willing to be live that the only crime they were guilty of is ignorance.

"Did I hear correctly that these men are supposed to be murderers? Who is it they are supposed to have murdered, exactly?"

2017-08-04, 11:58 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine doesn't move, but seeing as how she is almost physically unable to remain silent, she begins speaking in a low tone. Her fear comes through in her speech patterns. "Find...uhm...Ask for, uh, proof. Get their evi..evidence. At..at least get them t...t...to show themselves. You know? C..C..come out from hiding. Ifff th..th..they're so sure of th..themselves....th..th..then they have nothing to fear, right?"

Shades of Gray
2017-08-04, 12:31 PM
The voices become quieter, mumbling Sylvan to each other. They sound agitated, even argumentative. As voices rise slightly the leaves rustle slightly.

"Very well, we may be making parsley." One voice rings out in heavily broken common in a strange accent. The bushes that the foragers had fell out of begin to part, revealing not three fey as expected but instead three elves with bright red hair. They are dressed in makeshift clothes of bark, moss, and large leaves. They walk barefoot, and clumps of small berries hang from their ears. Two wield longbows, while the one in the centre simply carries a walking-stick. It is a few seconds before you realize they meant "parley".

Uwilla spots three more similar elves hidden in brush further within the forest as well as one in the trees. Two have spears, the one in the tree is another archer. Their bodies are painted in greens and browns to blend in with the foliage. The archer has his aim trained upon the group.

"Scaradh do airm agus ar ár gcumas chun srian a chur ar an arrachtaigh" Walking-Stick declares as he gestures towards the group.

"We will commanderate you to have putted away your weapons and that we may put restrainments on the murderers-" one of the archers translates.

"Creidim nach bhfuil siad focal sin" the other archer interjects, tapping the man on the shoulder forcefully.

"Yes, yes. I will forgottened that you have a not-same word for the crime in your way of mouthspeech. Thieverers, we meant thieverers. They have deserca-... desecrated the grand faerie ring. Murder- I mean thievered what dostn't belonging to them."

"No way, we've been doing this for years. You don't last long as long as we did by stealing from the fey! Do you think we're dumb enough to pick mushrooms from a faerie ring?" Eyepatch replies in frustration.

"You are looked plentiful dumb to attempting that!" The elf snaps, raising his voice. The nearby trees and bushes begin to rustle violently.

2017-08-04, 12:54 PM
Robband can scarcely believe his ears. The charge had dropped from allegations of murder to the theft of a few mushrooms. Surely it was ridiculous, outrageous even for these elves to threaten violence over such a matter!

He is about to say as much when the trees and bushes start rustling violently, and he checks himself. They were all still potentially in great danger here. Scanning the undergrowth, he tried to look for the source of the noise - is it just further elves, or is there something else out there also?

"If the charge is theft, then surely this matter can easily be resolved by restoring what was taken." He speaks slowly, his remarks addressed as much to the foragers as to the elves.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-04, 01:06 PM
"Are that how man-laws work? They simply return what they made of a thievering? All peoples walking away happy after that? A necessary for punishing!" the archer declares in frustration. "We will demanderate that we make receiving pound of fish!'

More Sylvan whispers from Walking-Stick.

"Pound of flesh!"

Further whispers.

"From each!"

2017-08-04, 01:41 PM
Syrel watches the elves carefully, sizing up the situation and making sure not to break from the formation or show signs of hostility. Fey laws are strict and don't follow the same logic as those of humans, so he feels little shock that simple recompense would be inadequate. But there might be a way to work things out now...

"Alright," he speaks in Common to the elves, "You need payment for the theft. That's fair. Flesh ain't the only thing you can take from these boys, though. You want a piece of them, sure. How about we shave them and you take their hair? They got enough of it to cover fifty mushrooms. You want we can give back the arrow you stuck into the poor sap laying there on the ground. Offering of blood and an offering of body, eh? And on top of that, they'll give back the mushrooms."

Muscles tensed, Syrel prays inwardly that his tactic follows the fey logic well enough to satisfy them... and that none of the foragers is vain enough to make a ruckus, though the show of personal valuation may not be so bad either.

2017-08-05, 04:34 PM
Sabir takes in the scene, wary, but he really did not wish to spill blood. They might look like elves, but the way they spoke the Sylvan tongue... he didn't fully know if they weren't court people after all. Whatever Fae court it may be.

"The spilling of blood meant in harm is never good in old woods, you of the roots and leaves of trees should know," he says in Sylvan, but he tries to do so gently. As a gesture of goodwill, he sheats his sword, though leaves the hand on the handle. "We have not come to seek out death and neither have these men. Blood always calls out for more blood. Accept my friend's offer of repayment and the mushrooms as our willingness to settle and go our way. There is wisdom in learning a lesson, but for that, men need to walk and live."

Taking a step to the side to cover the rest of the group along with Cassius, Sabir keeps translating Sylvan words for the group whenever the foreign elf does not properly, in the hope it would not lead to more misunderstandings of treaties and such. Words and things he had little knowledge of... but there was something in him that sometimes just knew more than ink could put on paper, and fighting a needless fight in such a place was what always gave him pause.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-05, 09:48 PM
The elves look at each other, worldlessly debating the issue through eyebrow movements, craning of their necks, and small grunts.

"Your words are as full of sense as your stomach fat, friend of the fey. Nobody needs deaths." it is unclear whether the elf refers to Sabir or Syrel. You assume either way that this is a compliment (to your intelligence at any rate), given fey standards of beauty "But the mushrooms are no good any more. We cannot just be putted them back for the cause of they are having lost of their magick. Years it will take to fixed! We demanderate... five and five decades of servitudiousness for the ugly-face-one. The others having freedom to leaving" the elf does not specify to whom he is referring, leading to a series of conspiratorial looks and finger-pointing from the foragers.

Walking-Stick pokes the elf in the side impatiently. "nach bhfuil an méid comhaontaithe wr ar!"

"Uuuuugh if we musts. I am being tell we must prove that the murdering thieverers knew they were doinged wrong." He points at them one by one, addressing them in an accusatory tone. "That one is hidinging a yellow cat's eye! Ridiculed a Redcap he has! This one is of having pale fish- flesh! Bullied a Boggle he had! Missing a hand, tickled a toadstool!, Poop is bright orange, slept with a satyr! Transmogrificated into a girl, back-talked a badger spirit! All having wronged us before!" Clearly not all of these crimes and punishment were public knowledge, as the foragers avoid eye contact with each other out of embarrassment. As their afflictions are listed the woods shake. The foragers make no effort to deny these previous crimes. "We are expecteds to accepting this was accident? With their history?"

"Come, come. Puttinged away weapons, tying hands up, follow! Follow! We showing you the Faerie Ring! When you are seeing ring you will be knoweding they do in-tents-shun-ally! Faerie Ring not hard to miss! Warnings there! Common knowledge! The nearby bushes retract entirely into the ground as the elf points toward the newly-made path. The foragers look confused, but drop their spears into a pile out of fear.

2017-08-05, 11:27 PM
Syrel shakes his head, cocking an eyebrow at the foragers, "When I said pertinent, I damn well meant it, you know. You rather see yourselves dead than embarrassed?"

Slipping his spear from the sling over his shoulder, he places it in the pile of weapons and prepares to leave with the party. Assuming nothing interfered with his magic, he felt reasonably safe despite the lack of his primary armament.

2017-08-06, 03:25 AM
Robband isn't certain he understands half of what the men are alleged to have done, but feels certain that he ought to be disgusted with all of them. Throwing a fierce glance at the hapless foragers for having tried to hide their past sins - whatever exactly it is they were - he turns to the rest of the party.

"Let us go and see what evidence they have against these men. It may well be that this is a simple case after all."

"Although, if they wish to bind our hands as well as those of these men, then we would do well to seek some means of security for our agreement before proceeding." He frowns a little as he says this, not relishing the prospect of being wholly at the mercy of the fey.

2017-08-06, 09:21 AM
The long list of absurd acts and equally dubious punishments left Cassius feeling unsure of what to say or where to look so instead settled for taking a step away from foragers of unsound moral standing.
"Very well," Cassius answered the elves in a steady voice despite his being leery of following a path that elves just caused to be there by talking to shrubbery.
"After we see the proof you have to present we can discuss a more suitable punishment than arbitrary changes to these poor fellows' anatomy." Cassius cannot keep a small chuckle from escaping at the thought of what these foragers have been through, multiple times at that, he would have thought experiencing a fey curse would lend a certain gravitas to conducting business within the trees but the foragers seemed to be on the path another set random ailments. Well, the day wanes on he ruminates to himself, may as well start following so we can resolve this and continue to Lumberford.

2017-08-06, 11:37 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine released a breath she hadn't even known she was holding. It looked like they wouldn't have to fight the fey, or elves...whatever, after all. Her fear was replaced by a small amount of excitement. A real faerie ring! I'm going to get to see a real faerie ring. She made a mental note to herself to start working on learning the Sylvan language. She makes sure the satchel is secure before heading out with the group to inspect the faerie ring.

2017-08-07, 11:26 AM
It was never simple or easy with the Fae Regina had read in On The Right and Utmost Proper Association with Creatures of Otherworldly and Faire Natures (Vol. 3)and she was rapidly learning the truth of both that statement and the chapters worth of seeming nonsense that followed. She wished she had paid more attention now. But in any case she lacked a weapon to stow, she hardly had anywhere to put her staff and wasn't about to leave it lying around, so she was as ready as ever to be led to the circle. "We might as well take a look. Perhaps we might find that there is something to be done after all." she said.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-07, 08:43 PM
Faerie Ring, Somewhere in the Westlichwald

The foragers present their wrists, which the elves bind with rough-looking rope. The archer who had yet to speak grabs several of their mushroom-sacks with each of his balled-up fists, holding a surprising amount of weight for his slender frame. Silently, the three elves begin along the new path, with the three elves who had previously been hiding taking up the rear of the group to deter any runaways. One of these elves grabs all of the spears that were thrown into the pile, bundling them together. Walking-Stick walks at the front, and with every tap of his stick upon the ground, branches bend exaggeratedly upwards, hanging several feet above the heads of each of the travelers before returning to their original position after the last had passed. Walking-Stick and the translator whisper to each other as the group walks.

Time passes slowly and wordlessly until the elves, foragers, and the commission all arrive at a large clearing in the middle of the woods. In the centre of the clearing is a ring of pale purple mushrooms, roughly 30 feet in diameter. The grass in the centre of this ring is a deeper green than the rest of the woods. In five parts of the ring, a mushroom appears to be missing. Hanging from several branches in the area are numerous human skeletons, each facing outward. Some skulls rest on pikes, also facing outward. The translator glares at the foragers as he gestures towards the Ring and its obvious warnings.

"We've never even been here before!" The eyepatched forager protests. As if on cue, the archer dumps out one of the sacks, revealing numerous mushrooms including five of the same pale purple mushrooms that make up the Faerie Ring.
"The Ascocorynes only grow in Faerie Rings, you Ugly Ape-Man." the translator says in frustration.
"We aren't stupid! We would have seen these warnings and the giant mysterious ring! There's no way any of us would've come here and taken these mushrooms, swear on the life of my mum!"

To compound the issue, Walking-Stick uses his namesake to pick up a piece of dark green fabric from the ground, obviously torn and soaked in blood. It clearly matches the pale man who had been shot by the arrow. For the first time, he speaks in perfect common, solemnly and with a twinge of frustration. "This is where we found you, humans."

He taps the walking-stick against the ground, and several boot-print shaped indentations in the earth begin to glow pale-green. The paths walk randomly around the ring, before all coalescing into a frantic group and running in the direction of the river. The soles of the foragers' boots begin to glow as well. "The Faerie Rings stand as a means to allow peace between the Seelie court, whom we serve, and those who have been wronging us since before humans walked these woods. It is places like these that the courts can meet in good faith. Even you humans do not want another war between the courts; countless settlements would be caught in the crossfire."

The foragers are visibly shaken, afraid of what is to come. Eyepatch begins to tear up, bright green tears coming underneath his eyepatch. They look at the Royal Commission and plead.
"I'm telling you, we didn't see this! See any of it! Somehow! I don't know! You can't let them enslave us!" You've seen these foragers trying to hide information before. They aren't good enough actors to lie about this.

2017-08-07, 08:55 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine ponders the situation, then looks to the elves. "Speak truly, servants of the Seelie. Was the Ring obscured by fae magics, or some other means in order to trick the humans?"

Insight roll: [roll0]

Oops...forgot to post the result: It's a 4.

2017-08-08, 08:58 AM
While Jophine concentrates on the fey, Syrel turns to the foragers, crossing his arms.

"Right then, what did you see when you were here? Be as descriptive as you can, because right now the evidence is stacked against you. You got mushrooms from the scene in your bag, boot prints been left all about, and motives for the lot of you to want some revenge."

On a whim, he turns to the conversation between Jophine and the elves for a moment, "Actually, speaking of magic and illusions... Any chance there might be a third party acting in bad faith? Agents of the Unseelie maybe itching for a fight?"

In case they're needed:

Persuasion: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]

Edit: Got a 19 and an 18.

2017-08-08, 10:33 AM
Well, thought Cassius, this situation has turned serious quite swiftly. He had no idea that the faerie rings served such an important purpose and what damage to them might mean. A war between otherwordly beings was definitely something better avoided and the actions of Syrel and Jophine reflected that. It seemed that these two could handle the politicking aspect of this encounter so Cassius turned his attention elsewhere. Though he doubted he would spot anything of import if magic was involved he nonetheless decided to walk the outskirts of the ring and see if he could notice anything odd or seemingly out of place with where the warnings were set or it they were hidden depending on how one approached the ring. Then, seeing as their escorts appear elvish, he attempts a question to one of the archers in the elvish dialect he learned in an auxiliary course during his commission training:
"Though I wish we could have met under a less tense atmosphere I am pleased to meet a representative of court.
My name is Cassius Shaw and if do not mind might I ask you a few questions?" He pauses briefly waiting to see if the elf responds or not before continuing."Do humans cross this way often or even this group of foragers in particular?Without possessing some guidance what are the chances of one of my kind stumbling upon this location?"Cassius keeps his focus on the elf after he finishes his questions, trying to discern if the archer is attempting to obfuscate his answers or if the elf even understands what he is saying.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-08, 02:51 PM
Jophine ponders the situation, then looks to the elves. "Speak truly, servants of the Seelie. Was the Ring obscured by fae magics, or some other means in order to trick the humans?"

"It is possible, loud one. I do not suppose any of your kind could identify the presence or remnants of any such illusions or enchantments?" Walking-Stick answers, stroking his chin as he surveys the clearing.

While Jophine concentrates on the fey, Syrel turns to the foragers, crossing his arms.

"Right then, what did you see when you were here? Be as descriptive as you can, because right now the evidence is stacked against you. You got mushrooms from the scene in your bag, boot prints been left all about, and motives for the lot of you to want some revenge."

"Well the five of us came across this clearing, but none of these skulls, corpses, anything was here. There were a couple of shrooms in the middle, but they were just some Ladies' Ears and Pale Fingers. None of us picked anything purple. Then as we were leaving the clearing the elves opened fire and chased us."

On a whim, he turns to the conversation between Jophine and the elves for a moment, "Actually, speaking of magic and illusions... Any chance there might be a third party acting in bad faith? Agents of the Unseelie maybe itching for a fight?"

"The Seelie Court holds greater sway over this region of the Westlichwald. It would be suicidal for the Unseelie to goad anyone into disrupting the ring. And anyone from our own court would risk death if they were discovered. And if anyone wanted some humans dead, they need not have destroyed the ring in doing so." Walking-Stick appears to be speaking the truth and not withholding any information.

"Though I wish we could have met under a less tense atmosphere I am pleased to meet a representative of court.
My name is Cassius Shaw and if do not mind might I ask you a few questions?" He pauses briefly waiting to see if the elf responds or not before continuing."Do humans cross this way often or even this group of foragers in particular?Without possessing some guidance what are the chances of one of my kind stumbling upon this location?"Cassius keeps his focus on the elf after he finishes his questions, trying to discern if the archer is attempting to obfuscate his answers or if the elf even understands what he is saying.

The elf looks at him confusedly, before beginning to speak in... surprisingly broken elvish. "On occasionally... Little reason come here. All turn away from warnings. Only intruders usually animals we turn away." The elf seems awkward in his responses. "Maybe see... One or two group humans in year. Decades since approached ring."

2017-08-08, 03:12 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Encouraged by not being beaten to death or magicked away by this point, Jophine begins to relax a little bit and replies to walking stick. "Hmm. Personally, I don't know of anything that will do that," she says as she strokes her chin in thought, unconsciously imitating the elf. "But we do seem to have a few others here in the group who use magic, so there may be the possibility that someone can do that. I don't know for sure though..." She pauses as a thought finally makes its way from the back of her mind to the front. "Loud one? What's that supposed to mean anyway? I'm hardly every loud. I try to be very studious and silent.
Most people will say that I'm very book-learned if you ask them. Can I be...the Smart One or Pretty One? Oh...how rude of me. You probably call me that because you don't know my designation."

Jo holds her hand out in human tradition to greet the elf. "My name is Jophine. Jophine Dustwallow. You can call me Jo...or Joph if you like. All these guys," she says as she waves toward the rest of her party, "just call me Jophine...so, you know. What ever. I'm easy." She suddenly realizes that maybe wild elves don't shake hands and awkwardly lowers her hand.

"That seems like it would be more in your bailiwick," she says as she contemplates the circle. She waves her free hand vaguely, jazz-handsing her fingers to appear mystical. "You know...charms, illusions...that sort of thing?"

2017-08-08, 04:00 PM
Robband shudders visibly at the sight of the skeletons surrounding the faerie ring. He knew such displays served a purpose, but it was still difficult to hide his displeasure at the disrespect shown to the dead.

“An illusion was certainly explain the situation”, he remarks, turning his attention to the matter at hand. “Unfortunately, I have no magical means prepared by which such spells could be detected. But whoever cast such an illusion may well have left some other traces of their presence…”

Perception check to see if there are any signs that somebody else had visited the ring, apart from the foragers.
Wisdom (Perception): [roll0]

EDIT: Ha! Rolled a 6 :p

2017-08-08, 11:27 PM
"I also do not have this kind of magic prepared. It would take time and meditation for me to change what I have focused on for the day..." Sabir says, saddened. Still, he takes a moment to close his eyes and breathe in the air and feel out the area with more of his senses. Just to make sure there is no third otherworldly party potentionally involved. Then he takes a look at the ring of mushrooms with a tilted head.
How uncomfortable this sight made him. Was it his blood? Or was it the fact that his brother could have vanished into one of these places?

One use of Divine Sense (I know it doesn't work on Fey, but hey, let's make sure no Fiends, Celestials or Undead are around).

Throwing around some rolls for luck:
Nature [roll0] 9
Perception [roll1] 16

Shades of Gray
2017-08-09, 07:53 AM
Jo holds her hand out in human tradition to greet the elf. "My name is Jophine. Jophine Dustwallow. You can call me Jo...or Joph if you like. All these guys," she says as she waves toward the rest of her party, "just call me Jophine...so, you know. What ever. I'm easy." She suddenly realizes that maybe wild elves don't shake hands and awkwardly lowers her hand.

"That seems like it would be more in your bailiwick," she says as she contemplates the circle. She waves her free hand vaguely, jazz-handsing her fingers to appear mystical. "You know...charms, illusions...that sort of thing?"

"We... do not typically use names. Loud one will suffice." Walking-Stick says with a slight frown. "Regardless, my people can try to determine if there has been foul play, but it is a long-shot. These magicks don't tend to linger, and they would be clouded by the magic emanating from the Ring."

Robband, Regina, and Sabir

The three survey the circle, looking for signs of anything quite frankly. Faerie Rings are foreign to you all, but you note how the five mushrooms taken are perfectly evenly spread about the circle. You notice another set of footprints coming towards the ring. Not quite as fresh as the foragers, originating from a different edge of the clearing. They didn't seem to be wearing any shoes. At the edge of the clearing the trail goes cold, the footprints seem to disappear into nothingness.

_/ _/ _/

A rustling is heard from some nearby bushes. "Oh my my." A woman's voice calls out in Sylvan. The non-Sylvan speakers will note that on the one hand they recognize it as the Sylvan language... but on the other hand they seem to understand it perfectly. "Did I hear that right? The Faerie Ring has been destroyed on your watch, Earl?" Emerging from the woods is a thin woman carried by dozens of small pointy-eared inky-black humanoids trailing a viscous and shimmering oily sludge. She sits on the creatures as if sitting on a throne. Others of these creatures carry numerous accessories, such as swords, chests, lanterns, birdcages, and scrolls. The woman's long hair is dark and glossy, staying perfectly in place as if treated with an adhesive. The black grease glides effortlessly off of her sheer white gown. Dangling from her neck are numerous chunks of amber, small insects encased within. "It seems like if you spent less time playing dress-up and more time guarding the Ring you wouldn't be in this mess." The small creatures chuckle cruelly.

The elves look uncomfortable for a moment, before exploding in puffs of green smoke and pale yellow pollen. Standing in their places are similarly dressed humanoids, standing nine feet tall with big ears and large flat noses. They are each exceptionally long-limbed and their skin is a stony gray. Their red hair has been replaced with coarse orange-red shrubbery. Walking-Stick's steps forward, bristly foliage extending from his chin, ears, and scalp at dramatic angles. Despite the woman's accusations, he demonstrates considerable composure and politeness. "Ah, Viscountess. It is a pleasure to receive your presence."

"Spare me the pleasantries, Earl. Can you humans and..." she surveys the non-fey in the area, pausing momentarily as she eyes Sabir "miscellaneous beings explain to me why you are still standing? Has the Earl's skills at execution lagged as far behind as his talent for guarding priceless Fey sites?" The Earl is silent, and doesn't react to the woman's slight. The small creatures all laugh gleefully.

Regina recognizes the little black creatures as being called "Boggles" and presumes they belong to the Unseelie Court.
The incredibly tall creatures who had been masquerading as elves this whole time are Firbolgs, tall nature protectors from the Seelie Court. They are exceptionally strong, with the power to disguise themselves, perform minor druidic magic, and turn invisible briefly.
Jophine recognizes the little black creatures as Boggles of the Unseelie Court. They are known to secrete slippery or sticky black ink and have the power to teleport themselves and objects small distances.
The incredibly tall creatures who had been masquerading as elves this whole time are Firbolgs, tall nature protectors from the Seelie Court. They are exceptionally strong, with the power to disguise themselves, perform minor druidic magic, and turn invisible briefly.
The tall creatures who had been previously masquerading as elves seem to be of the Seelie court, and the name "Firbolg" comes to mind.

2017-08-09, 09:55 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine considers this new arrival for a few moments. She somehow understood the words the faerie was speaking...though she was uncertain how, exactly. Some new type of magic? There was so much about the fae that she didn't understand. She would have to make time for that when....if, at this point...they reached Lumberford. She watches the exchange between the fae, swiveling her head back and forth as if watching a smashball tournament. During pauses in the conversation, she takes time to study the small creatures supporting the...viscountess? Interesting that there were ranks in the faerie world that seemed to match those of their own world. Faerie was much older...which came first, she wondered. Did they model after us, or did we model after them. This hardly seemed the time to ask, and her fingers itched to pull out her journal and take some notes, but knew that the smallest of actions could be offensive to the fae.

"I hardly claim to know everything. Others have said it though. They call me Miss Know-It-All back at school, even." She looks to her group before continuing. "You guys don't have to call me that. Just keep with whatever you're doing. I don't think it's a real title or anything." She turns back and faces the faeries again. "Mr. Walking-stick, I wonder why it is you felt that you had to hide your true appearance from us."

Assuming that the others would have shared the information about the footprints.

Jophine looks at the footprints and looks at the boggles, comparing if she thought they could be the culprits.

Comparing: [roll0] ANOTHER. FREAKING. ONE!!!! (Add 4 if it would be Arcana or Nature instead).

She frowns. Nothing was adding up. If nothing added up, you knew it had to be the fae. But what could they prove? "It is quite the coincidence that you happen to be right here as we are discussing what to do, Viscountess."

2017-08-09, 01:03 PM
Upon the appearance of the new procession, Syrel backs into a defensive stance. As the Viscountess speaks with the Firbolgs, the real conflict in this situation becomes clear. This isn't a crime scene, after all. This is politics, and fey politics at that.

The Viscountess is less amicable than the first group of fey, but it wouldn't be a good idea to antagonize her. Syrel speaks to her in Common, careful to be exact and proper in his wording, "We are members of the Royal Commission assigned to operate in this region, ma'am. The currently bound humans are suspected of having disturbed the ring, potentially by accident. Their testimony and the presence of older bare footprints near the ring suggest trickery. I suspect, Viscountess, that you are as interested in finding the truth as the rest of us, rather than metering out unsupported accusations and punishments. You are of the Fair Folk, no?"

"After all," He says in a friendly aside directed at Walking Stick, "I reckon everyone is a mite confused and dismayed at this whole affair."

2017-08-09, 02:42 PM
Regina tried not to look surprised when the second set of elves appeared, though she had been. She kept herself composed and her head held high as she walked, and did her best not to cringe away from the grisly warnings as the group approached the ring. Once there she went about inspecting it, letting the others do the talking for the time being. She noted the pattern of the missing mushrooms, inspecting one and pondering if a simple mending spell would solve it.

The appearance of yet more new arrivals startled her. A slight frown came to her lips as she identified the Boggles. Unseelie fae, whatever the elves that turned out to not be elves all of a sudden were. At least that explained why they weren't speaking Elvish. This was getting all too confusing and Regina was getting ready to throw her hands up in despair when the words "Earl" and "Vicountess" penetrated Regina's thoughts. Faire Rings and the Treaty were things she had yet to learn enough about, but embarrassing ones political rivals was something she understood perfectly. She glanced back at the foragers and saw a perfect pack of scapegoats and/or patsies. She looked at the smile on the Vicountess's face and the practiced composure on the Earl's and began to get an inkling of exactly what was happening.

Regina put her best smile on and walked up next to Syrel to address the assembled Fae. "Surely despite the unfortunate condition of the ring, it is only meet to observe the traditions around it at this time and talk to determine the proper course of action. My Lord, My Lady, may I interest either of you in some tea?"

Is the Vicountess wearing shoes?

Shades of Gray
2017-08-09, 03:34 PM
The Earl looks at Jophine and simply says "We find that humans show far more kindness to other mortals than to our own kind."

Responding to Jophine's query about the convenience of it all. "Lest they be empty, allegations need legs to stand on, and insinuations need sinew behind them. Regardless, Investigator, I was alerted when the Faerie Ring was besmirched."

"You see, our courts are jointly responsible for the maintenance of the Ring. The Viscountess of Amber Sleep watches it every night..."
...While the Earl of Bristlebrush watches it during the day. If the Ring is disrupted on one of our watches, the other can feel it, as I did when I was so rudely awoken just now. The Viscountess yawns and stretches to drive her point home, taking little effort to hide the artificiality of this gesture.

At the wizard's suggestion of tea, both the Earl and the Viscountess turn toward her. The Earl has a big grin on his face, while the Viscountess seems agitated.

"While it's true that the ring is broken, the principles it stands for are surely to be honoured? Whoever wishes to drink may do so. I admit it has been quite some time since we had humans drinking tea in our circle." The Earl points out bemusedly, verging on smugness. The Viscountess responds by sighing in exasperation and snapping her fingers to get her servants attention. The slimy creatures immediately stand her up, affixing slippers to her feet moments before they would touch the earth. Two Boggles pull a chest out thin air, placing it on a makeshift table of their Boggle brethren. They open the chest to reveal dozens of wooden goblets. The Earl reaches into the Faerie Ring with his massive limbs, grabbing clumps of the dark green grass and crushing them in his hand. He pours a small amount of green dust from his hand into each of the goblets.

The Viscountess begrudgingly pulls a chunk of amber off of her necklace, and it turns to steaming-hot syrup in her hands. The fly that had been previously encased within it flies away excitedly. The Earl gestures towards Regina, as if to see if she had anything to add to the mixture. Whether she adds anything or not, the Earl will dole out goblets to whoever approaches, starting with the Viscountess followed by the Firbolgs. The Viscountess unceremoniously dumps a few goblets into the chest, letting the Boggles crowd around and bully each other to drink the tea with their hands. After the fey, tea is then offered to Sabir first, followed by Regina and Robband and then the rest of the humans, even the foragers. It seems like they have some sort of knowledge and respect for noble lineage.

"This whole theatre is a waste of my too-precious time, Investigator." The Viscountess explains to Syrel after receiving the tea. "What he does to this fetid fellowship of filthy fungus-filchers scarcely concerns me. Set them free, separate their heads from their shoulders, turn them into trees, give them a pile of gold for all I care. That is between the Seelie Court and the Kingdom. How the Ring was destroyed can be investigated later. The only truth I care about, and it is a truth as indisputable as they come, is that the Faerie Ring was destroyed on the Earl's watch. And for that he and his court must pay." An over-excited Boggle carrying a sword inches closer to the Viscountess, offering it to her to exact the punishment. She dismisses the impetuous boggle with a wave of her hand, shaking her head. The sword poofs out of existence. She then turns back to Syrel. "Sorry, you must know how hard it is to keep a hold on your children. They just get away from you, now don't they?" the Viscountess asks Syrel rhetorically with a knowing smirk.

2017-08-09, 04:42 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks confused at the Viscountess' response to her. "Insinuation? I'm not...I merely said it was convenient. Especially since I now know that you were the other person in charge of guarding it." Her face remains puzzled at the accusation as the Unseelie royalty turns to move on to others.

Her bewilderment falls away to amazement as she watches the strange woman turn her amber jewel into a liquid.

2017-08-09, 05:48 PM
Syrel responds to the Viscountess first, his mouth still held in a lopsided grin not shared by his eyes. Voice cool, he replies, "As in all things, Viscountess, it helps to look forward to restitution, rather than to dwell on past injuries. Most especially when leads begin presenting themselves." After a sip of tea, his smile is back in full force along with his usual tone. Kneeling cautiously and keeping his distance, he watches one of the small oily creatures, "Speaking of, it strikes me that these... Boggle children of yours have some curious powers. Powers what could be mighty useful for mischief. I can imagine they keep you very busy, making sure they don't cause problems, eh? Couldn't know myself, but I reckon it'd be real unfortunate for the Unseelie Court to lose their standing by way of one of these fellows getting ideas."

"Earl Bristlebrush," Syrel turns to Walking Stick, "I've been getting to wondering about the state of the ring come this morning. Did you or yours notice anything odd? The empty spaces left by them missing mushrooms look meaningful but I can't make any connections offhand."

Shades of Gray
2017-08-10, 11:03 AM
"I must admit that these little fellows can get up to all sorts of... mischief, as you term it. However the nice thing about Boggles is that they lack the capacity to form anything close to an idea. Their other benefit is that they tend to leave a trail; they just can't help themselves." The Viscountess gestures towards the thick oily liquid pooling from beneath the creatures, she then waves her hand toward the Ring itself, highlighting the lack of any such substance. She then raises a hand, as if delivering an oath. "I swear that neither my servants nor the Viscountess and the Court that they serve had any role in disrupting the Ring or causing the humans to do so." The Faerie Ring glows for a moment, pulsing weakly. The Earl nods to confirm her story. "Well, Earl, it's good to know that the Ring that you allowed to be sullied still managed to confirm when the truth is spoken."

The Earl turns his attention to the Faerie Ring with a sad expression. Touching a blank spot where a mushroom once stood, the Ring glows faintly once more. "Curious... You see, the mushrooms form a pattern around the ring. They might look the same to you humans, but each one has its own properties. The five that have been taken, if I'm not mistaken, could be used to reverse Fey curses. Certainly provides motive... But these men would have no clue which mushrooms to pick without someone from our world highlighting them." The Earl notes, using one hand to keep his prodigious facial hair out of the way of the tea he was drinking. He too takes an oath. "To my knowledge, the Seelie Court has had no role in disrupting the Ring or leading others to do so." The other Firbolgs repeat the oath, the ring pulsing once more for each.

Those who drink the tea note that the mixture is incredibly sweet and warm. The Firbolgs, meanwhile seem to have relaxed considerably as they drink, while the Boggles who've managed to win a taste of the sweet liquid begin stumbling around, almost drunk.

2017-08-10, 01:07 PM
Cassius is fairly surprised when the elves turn out to be firbolgs and the Viscountess joins with what looks to him like walking swamp goop. The politics behind this situation are rapidly progressing beyond his ken, but he does understand that when someone with a title offers you tea, you drink it. Taking a sip he tries to just remain abreast of what the current topic is they are discussing. The Viscountess' remarks toward Syrel seem oddly specific but he chalks that up to fae whimsy. Cassius silently agrees with Syrel that the ring was definitely tampered with but he has nothing to add at this time, that the foragers did it under some of kind of compulsion seems the most likely situation.

2017-08-10, 01:25 PM
Regina bites her lip a little as she is offered the goblets, realizing that she didn't actually have any tea or any proper flavorings on her. She had planned to make do with 'apprentice tea' which was just water flavored with a basic enchantment. Certainly that wouldn't do in most cases but wanting to contribute she smiled a bit sheepishly and waved her hands, speaking the words to add a faint flavor of her favorite tea to the goblets and hoping pass muster. Once the tea was brewed she accepted the goblet with a formal "Why thank you My Lord."

Regina listened while she held her goblet, smelling it and occasionally switching which hand its in but never quite getting around to actually drinking any. At the oaths from each of the courtiers and the apparent acknowledgement of the truth from the ring she asks "So if these men wouldn't know what mushrooms to pick, and no faire helped them, who else would? And why would the want them?"

2017-08-10, 03:25 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine's eyes almost swelled out of her head when the mushrooms began to glow. She moves her hand up to her forehead as her thoughts race. "What a wonderful tool! How amazing is that? Does it work for humans?" She approaches the faerie ring, careful to remain outside of it. "I swear upon my ancestors that my name is Jophine Antwella Dustwallow." Her eyes squint a little as she watches to see any reaction from the mushrooms.

2017-08-10, 04:31 PM
"Remarkable..." Robband says quietly, witnessing the Viscountess' demonstration of the faerie ring's powers. In truth, Robband was feeling more than a little disorientated by the rapid turn of events, not least the impromptu tea ceremony - and he was not entirely confident that the strangely sweet tea was not having an effect upon him. Still, at the mention of the nature of the mushrooms' uses he snaps back to attention.

"I agree, these simple woodsmen hardly seem likely to know the finer points of Fey magic. However, there are surely others who would be as keen, if not more so, to reverse the magic of your kind. Are there any creatures in these woods who are currently the subject of a curse, and who might therefore have orchestrated this deed?"

Shades of Gray
2017-08-11, 07:57 AM
When Jophine gives her name, the ring indeed pulses. The Viscountess looks at her impatiently, as if to say that it was a waste of the Ring's power.

The Earl and Viscountess wrack their brains for a couple of moments as they ponder who would have an issue with the Faerie Ring.

"Even the Fey who belong to neither court benefit from the Ring, it's what keeps them safe. A war between the two courts would cause a lot of collateral damage from which nobody would emerge better than they had started. It is unlikely to be the work of any fey."

"Very few humans, if any, would know about the properties of the mushrooms that were taken. So they must either have been well-researched or extorted the information from a fey they had leverage on." The Viscountess adds, finishing her tea and handing the goblet to a Boggle who begins to gnaw on it.

"Still, most fey curses dissipate after a while." The Earl notes. The foragers all look at each other excitedly. "A long while. The foragers look disappointed once more.

Someone researched enough to know about the cure would also know that they would not need to go through all the trouble. The curse would have to either be permanent, or particularly nasty.

The Viscountess and the Earl each raise their hands once more.
"At this time I cannot think of anyone the Seelie Court would have cursed to warrant going to such lengths." "To my knowledge, the Unseelie Court has not issued any permanent or debilitating curses." The ring pulses after each of these statements.

"Very well, humans. I've been more than patient. It is not your business to police our world. The murderers are free to go, but after today if they even step near the Ring they should expect to start pissing out of their ears." The Viscountess warns vindictively, leaving the foragers to be excited about their escape but confused as to whether or not the threat of this curse was genuine. The Earl does nothing to assuage their concerns.

"If you happen upon anyone who would have been so cursed as to motivate them to risk such a dangerous mission, we hereby authorize you to deal with them to the full extent of the laws of either of our kind, and inform us of your doing so." The Earl declares with less warmth than usual, standing up perfectly straight. "If we find whoever did this, we will endeavour to bring them to the nearby human settlement of Weisskonig Parish to face judgement. If our investigation reveals how it came to be that the foragers were beguiled or tricked, we will send a messenger to inform your commission."

"And if it somehow was a fey who sold us out to the humans, we will deal with them accordingly." The Viscountess cracks her first genuine smile as the Boggles nod at each other conspiratorially. They seem to be excited to exact this punishment.

With all that being said, the Earl and the Viscountess offer no more wisdom and their body language suggests that the humans are welcome, even encouraged to leave. They seem to be waiting for the humans to leave before they discuss further matters. The tea suddenly stops tasting as sweet.

This settlement is familiar to you. Long ago, a group of humans worshiping the White King set up numerous settlements to pursue their faith undisturbed and untempted by the rest of the kingdom. Their citizens are known to live pious and modest lives, ultra-orthodox even by the standards of the clergy of the White King. Weisskonig is one of the earliest of these settlements, and due to their status as a religious settlement they have very little contact with the rest of the kingdom, having no official protector and not being responsible for contributing economically. Despite these peculiarities, it certainly seems like a good as place as any to try any criminal in the human courts.

2017-08-11, 08:48 AM
Grunting quietly, Syrel pushes himself up from his crouch and watches the final deliberations between the fey courts. It's obvious that they are ready for the Commission to move on.

"Earl, Viscountess, thank you for your time and, er..." He hesitates a moment, trying to find the right word; one which fits with his knowledge and experience of the fey. After a second that feels like an hour, he settles on a safe bet, "Your generosity. We'll be sure to keep an eye out for such a malcontent. I can guarantee that none of us is keen to see anything like this happen again."

Addressing the rest of the party, he makes the suggestion, "Suppose we should get back on the road, folks? I gather that we've seen all what we need here and Lumberford is waiting."

2017-08-11, 09:28 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Something seemed not quite right about the encounter with the fae, but her limited exposure to them made Jophine the unlikely choice of figuring it out. "Did you guys see the way those mushrooms glowed to reveal the truth? That seems like something we should be using in our courts, don't you think? Think of all the trouble that could be saved by knowing...instantly...if someone on trial was speaking truly, and we wouldn't have to expend our magic. A truth circle...hmmm...." Jophine makes a mental note to write that in her journal when they stopped to make camp so that she would remember that.

"The fae are immortal, right? Or darn near immortal," she says to nobody in particular as they return to the bank of the river. especially when you compare their lifespans against ours. So that must give them a unique way of dealing with problems. I mean...what does it matter if it takes 20 minutes or 20 years to bring someone to justice. It probably seems like the same amount of time has elapsed to them." She pauses to take a breath, and it looks like she's actually considering what her next words will be.

"What if this is the beginnings of a plot that won't come to fruition for weeks? Months? Years? How would we even know to tie the events together? By then, the mushrooms could be fully regrown, and the stolen ones...hey! She stops speaking as a thought actually registers in her head. She turns toward the villagers.

"Did you know that the mushrooms you took could be used to end a faerie curse? The expressions on ALL of your faces make me think you did know that."

2017-08-13, 12:18 AM
Regina smiles, returning her goblet and giving a faux-curtsy as she is not currently wearing any skirts. My Lord, My Lady, you have been most gracious hosts. I thank you for your hospitality." she says before she departs. Once the group is moving she walks at a brisk pace, as if in a hurry to put distance between herself and the courtiers. Once a suitable distance is achieved she slows down a bit, but she still issues a silent command to Uwilla to keep an eye out behind the group.

As Regina walks she wipes her brow gently with a hankercheif as she listens to Jophine. At her mention of using similar methods as the faire ring in human courts she shakes her head at the girl and says, "A nice idea, but you'd never get anyone to do it. The Noble houses, in particular, wouldn't stand for it." she says, letting the rest of Jophine's thoughts go unchallenged.

The next time the group stops for a break, Regina pulls out a pen and paper, writing some hasty notes about the encounter including the names of the courtiers for a letter to her family to be written later. She also writes a note to herself to buy a mobile tea set and some tea at the first opportunity. Clearly chances to entertain were not going to be as scarce as she previously imagined.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-13, 10:18 PM
"Our courts have no use for the mushrooms that were taken. You may keep them for the trouble we have caused you." The Earl says, much to the relief of the foragers. The Viscountess does not seem to agree with the Earl's generosity, but says nothing. "You have but only to eat them to remove your ailments..." Most of the foragers immediately dig in, recoiling and gagging. "...I'd recommend drowning out the flavour though." Some power through the taste, while others resolve to finish their mushrooms later.

As the humans leave the vicinity of the Faerie Ring, the foragers thank the Commission profusely before heading off back in another direction. The Firbolgs return all of the stolen spears.

The rest of the Commission's journey today goes by with no incidents. More barges float past, and the surrounding woods become more and more untamed. It begins to get dark, and Jophine's study's indicate that a nearby clearing would be an ideal place to rest for the night.

Check OOC thread for what is needed from you

2017-08-14, 06:31 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

As the group heads along the river, Joph speaks up (of course). "So, that was a really weird encounter, don't you guys think? It's starting to get dark, I know a place just up ahead here that we can camp." As she's walking, she pulls the map out of one of her pouches, unrolls part of it and tries pointing at the spot. As she does, the map unrolls and she has to stop and try to roll it back up, shooting embarrassed looks at the rest of the group as she does. Eventually, she finally is able to lead the group to the clearing and helps the others set up camp.

"I need to get some of these journals read, so I don't mind taking the first watch to get as much use out of the natural light as I can before it gets dark. Especially with the trees here. Obviously, the trees are going to make it darker, so I want to be able see. Master Barton has to use a device he had commissioned called a Hawk's Eye to read because his vision has gotten so bad. He says it's from reading in the dark, so be careful."

As long as nobody has any opposition, she'll sit and read during her watch.

Perception: [roll0]
Disadvantage if needed because she's reading: [roll1]

EDIT: I...just....I...Get with it, Jophine.

2017-08-14, 08:10 PM
Cassius steps up to head the group as they follow Jophine's guidance along the river toward a suitable camping site.
"Indeed that entire series of events was quite unusual, at least for a first time dealing with the fey in person, who's to say all such meetings we may have will unfold the same."
As they approach the the clearing Cassius gives it a quick once over and begins clearing away fallen branches and debris to make room for a campfire and the parties packs and sleeping gear. That task completed and once everyone is settled in he paces a short way from the campfire and begin performing some light cardio routines. He pauses when Jophine mentions this 'Hawk's Eye'.
"Would one of those devices work for needlework? My wife does some work as a tailor and embroider and always complains that its hard on her eyes. I imagine it would brighten her day if I could return from travel with a gift for once instead of just scars and laundry!"
The last is said with a laugh and bright smile as Cassius remembers the scolding he receives every time he comes home.

Perception for pre-breakfast watch:1d20+1
I give up on trying to make this dice roller work, every time I type the code it fails to work anymore.

2017-08-15, 03:02 PM
"It was certainly a most disturbing encounter" Robband says, frowning at the memory. In truth, Robband had been very glad to part ways with both the fey and the foragers. The whole episode had been most unnerving, and he had an uneasy feeling that they had only understood part of what had been going on. "We would do well to be on our guard tonight. Who knows what else may be hiding in these woods."

As the others set up camp, he withdraws a short distance. Finding a suitable spot, Robband takes a few candles out of his backpack and sets them in the ground in a small circle around him. Lighting exactly half of them, he stands with his head bowed and clears his mind of all worldly concerns and distractions. After a few minutes, he begins to recite the Litany of the Unbroken Vigil in a slow, deep monotone. He was of course far from cloister and graveyard out here in the woods, but he finds comfort in the familiar words nonetheless:

"Be with me, my King, in the darkness/
Guard against those/
Who would disturb the endless rest/
Of those long departed."

"Be with me, my King, in the silence/
Watch against those/
Who would substitute cruel mockery/
For your gift of life."

"Be with me, my King, in the shadows/
Shield me from those/
Who would flinch from the sunlight/
Cloaking their sins in the night."

"Be with me, my King, in my vigil/
Strengthen your servant/
That I may watch over the graves/
And keep your holy peace."

Robband uses his Eyes of the Grave feature, learning of any nearby undead that may be stalking the area.
The ritual complete, Robband extinguishes and gathers up the candles, before returning to the others.

2017-08-16, 02:35 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks thoughtfully at Cassius as he asks his question. She mimes holding something up to her face. "I...suppose so. You'd have to craft a way to hold it, though. Master Barton only uses it for reading, so he has a free hand. If your wife knits or crochets...or even weaves, she'd want to be able to use both hands." As she speaks, Jophine continues miming the different actions. "That's really a brilliant idea, actually. I'll have to ask him where he got that from."

2017-08-17, 01:25 PM
Upon arriving at the camping site Regina set down her gear and pulled out her spellbook. With her book in one hand and her wand in the other, she spends a few minutes intoing words and and tracing arcane figures into the air. When she is finished there is a slight puff and shimmer in the air in front of her, and at her command her bedroll and supplies started setting themselves up after which nearby wood started to stack itself neatly in a pile near wherever the fire pit was. With her incantations done and the wood minding itself Regina stood next to Jophine and asked, "Do you want a hand with those dear? I'm certain I can get through one or two before nightfall."

Regina [roll0]
Uwilla [roll1] Advantage [roll2]

2017-08-18, 08:24 AM
Upon parting ways with the foragers and the fey courts, Syrel finds talking difficult, despite himself. Embroiled in his own thoughts, he walks alongside the rest of the Commission without paying much mind to the intermittent conversations around him. It is only Jophine pointing out the nearby clearing that finally breaks him from his ruminations.

Normally, he would find the sound of prayer either a mild sort of charming or just prattle, but tonight, after what he'd seen, the voice of the priest on the far side of the clearing is a truly soothing respite from the stark realities of the day, though he can't clearly make out the words. He recalls the way the firbolg elder had talked of some possible actor interested in starting a war between the fey courts or the kingdom itself, and of the cutting words of the Viscountess with regard to his family. It shouldn't have surprised him that she would have that knowledge, but it was disconcerting still. As he puts the finishing touches on his sleeping arrangements for the night, the prayer comes to an end. Sitting with his back to a nearby tree, Syrel closes his eyes. Everything was getting complicated, and they hadn't yet even reached Lumberford.

It's going to be one of those missions, he contemplates sourly.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-19, 02:41 PM
You pay apt attention to the journals as it begins to become dark outside. Ivan's earliest journals were chock full of details, but the quality of the reports begins to decline dramatically. Lumberford truly is a sleepy little town. Whereas he would earlier describe incidents in serious detail, Ivan switched to small paragraphs, then point form, then simply writing down the name of the incident and attaching a year.

Stolen/Spoiled Food: 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047 1048, 1051, 1055, 1059, 1062, 1066, 1069, 1073, 1075(2). 1076 (4)
Property Damage: 1036-1048, 1050, 1052, 1054, 1056, 1058, 1060, 1062, 1064, 1066, 1068, 1070, 1072, 1074, 1076 (3)
Curses: 1037, 1048 (2), 1060, 1072, 1076
Missing Child (Recovered): 1032, 1034, 1040, 1044, 1048 (2), 1056, 1064, 1072
Missing Child (Lost): 1035, 1047, 1048, 1065

In the last two years however, a different set of handwriting starts to appear. The reports have begun being co-signed by Reiner Klein, Apprentice Protector. While Ivan's reports still exist, Reiner has attached his own accounts of events in greater detail. Many minor incidents don't appear in Ivan's reports at all, but exist within Reiner's. It seems that more food has gone missing and more structures within the village have faced issues within the last year (1075-1076). In your dreams you sort through these pages, looking for connections or patterns.
Not much eventful happens during your watch. Some deer comes close to the camp and regard you, their eyes appearing glassy as they reflect the light of the campfire, before going along their way. Towards the end of your shift you start to feel a bit ill, going to sleep but not before waking up Robband for his own shift. As you remember what the Viscountess said about you, your dreams are uncomfortable and you wake up and go back to sleep sporadically.
Your trained eyes look out throughout the night. The animals are unusually active at such a late hour. They seem to be watching your group intently, but by your measure they are just unused to human presence. Gazing at the stars, you see that the White King's own constellation is almost at the top of the sky. Back home you would be preparing for the White Solstice, marking the beginning of summer. You hope to yourself that this business in Lumberford will be done soon, so you may observe the Solstice with your friends. You dream of last year's White Solstice, a time for contemplation and light festivities.

Uwilla proves attentive enough for the both of you. Other owls seem to avoid your familiar, feeling as if something is wrong. You're unused to such a rugged way of living, out here in the wilds. The animals seem to take notice of this fact, looking at you and your owl curiously. In your mind you remember the minstrels playing songs until all hours of the night, either disturbing your sleep or your study. Out here however, you seem to miss the noise. Anything to get away from the eerie quiet. You dream of your siblings, all safe by the hearth of their homes.
As you sleep you dreamt of being back home with your wife. You were no stranger to uncomfortable outdoor living, though this is a bit more out of the way than what is typical. You lucked out by taking the last shift, you get to watch the beautiful sunrise. While the orange and pink light is obscured by the trees, you can observe the changes in the sky itself. By now the watchful animals your companions mentioned have scattered, now bored with the party. As the first barges pass by you begin to make breakfast for the rest of the group.

The group has breakfast and begins to continue on their way to Lumberford. About an hour after they woke up, they hear a strange noise from across the river. The unmistakeable sound of the the earth moving and bending wood is heard, as a tall tree comes crashing down towards them. Most of the group manages to step out of the way, however Cassius finds himself trapped underneath a large branch. Jophine fares much worse, as the the bulk of the tree itself has landed on her leg.

Across the river, ten feet from the shore, is a large and fat shirtless humanoid, with a protruding jaw and powerful limbs. It carries a large tree branch, and seems to be the one who pushed the tree over. "No! You wasn't s'pose'ta git outta da way!" It shouts in frustration.

Behind where you had been walking, a pair of tall humanoids emerge from the bushes with large tasks and greyish skin. Orcs, clad in crude hides and carrying throwing spears. They aren't quite within reach of these weapons yet. "Kill dem!" One of them shouts.

Cassius takes 3 damage and has to make a DC10 str check as a move action to get out from underneath the branch.

Jophine takes 7 damage, has to make a DC 10 str check as a move action to get out from underneath the tree, and her speed is halved due to her leg injury

The river is 15 feet wide at this point, and requires twice the normal amount of movement to cross. The terrain is similar to where the group encountered the Fairy Ring, with sparse bushes around the banks (no terrain benefits/penalities) and trees 30ft. away from the shores. The tree that was felled is large and sturdy enough to allow crossing of the river with no balance checks, though getting attacked while on top of the log will risk being sent plummeting into the water.


Regina: 20
Jophine: 19
Robband: 18
Ogre: 13
Cassius: 11
Syrel: 6
Orcs: 4
Sabir: 1

2017-08-19, 06:22 PM
"What in heaven's name...?" Robband gasps, as the tree comes crashing down upon them.

"It's an ambush! The White King save us!" The priest clutches his staff as he shouts, and his words take on a strangely echoing edge. The effect is subtle, but an observer might note that the sunlight seems to shine brighter for a brief moment.

Rushing to Cassius' side, Robband crouches down and whispers a quick blessing for the trapped warrior.

Bonus Action: Robband casts Shillelagh on his quarterstaff, making it awesome. Duration 1 minute [round 1 of 10]

Action: Robband casts Guidance on Cassius, allowing him to add a D4 to one ability check. Duration 1 minute, concentration, until used. [round 1 of 10, maintaining concentration]

Movement: Robband remains close to the fallen tree, if possible using it to take cover from the approaching orcs.

2017-08-19, 09:12 PM
Jumping back away from the falling tree, Regina barely has any time to fret over Cassius and Jophine before the orcs and the big, ugly...ogre? troll? whatever... show themselves. "Oh! I will be back to help in a moment! There are unwelcome visitors to contend with! she says before turing to face the orcs.

Pulling out her wand, she turns to the approaching orcs with a frown. She traces a pattern in the air and intones "Bonum Nocte!" to send a wave of enchantment in their direction and hopefully sorting them out until other matters are dealt with.

Movement - Moving close to the tree in case I need to help next round.Drawing my wand as part of my Move.
Standard - Casting Sleep at the Orcs. I affect 5d8hp worth of creatures with no save.


Shades of Gray
2017-08-21, 06:41 PM
Regina's spell knocks one of the Orcs unconscious. It stumbles for a few steps before passing out on the ground. The other Orc doesn't seem to notice his incapacitated companion.

The Ogre picks up a thick branch and a head-sized stone before stepping on the felled tree, running as fast at its trunk-like legs will carry it; nearly all the way across the log, ten feet from the shore. It throws the stone at Regina with terrifying force. Cassius' reaches out with his shield, but is unable to stop it from impacting the wizard in her chest. "We's gunna crush ye!"

Regina takes 11 points of damage from the thrown rock :smalleek:. Using either of her portent rolls wouldn't avoid the attack.

I skipped Jophine due to two days of inactivity and the fact that none of her spells or actions could conceivably changed the Ogre's turn; she can take her turn now, during this next batch of characters.

Waiting on Jophine, Cassius, and Syrel to continue.

2017-08-21, 09:12 PM
Cassius barely has time to notice the movement before the tree covers him and Jophine and, heartened by Robbard's prayer, he slips free without any trouble and immediately jumps the tree to put himself closer to Jophine and get the tree between him and the orcs. Glancing down at his few scrapes he notes Jophine's leg is at a bad angle but he doesn't see any bone, hopefully she isn't too bad off.
"Thanks for the assistance Robbard but Jo looks to be in bad shape, I'll give you some cover while you tend to her!"
Noting the ogre race across the river, Cassius grits his teeth a bit, that one could be a problem but hopefully the river would slow it. Regina's incantation triggers in the direction of the orcs and he hopes whatever spell it was works like....well, magic. Having surveyed the current situation Cassius speaks in a steady, authoritative tone while drawing shield and sword.
"Just power through the pain Jophine, we will have you loose in short order. Regina, can you stand close to my left; I may be able to foil the orcs' aim. Robbard, same goes to you on the right. Syrel, Sabir I trust you can find the right spot for yourselves. It would be my preference to soften up the ogre before it crosses the river and as long as we keep a defensive formation we should be able to deal with the orcs."
As he finishes talking the ogre hurls its rock sooner and faster then he predicted directly into Regina. He thinks he heard a rib or two snap.
"Robbard new plan! Regina could use a dose of healing, I'll hold off the ogre till you deal with the other orc."
Advancing on the ogre Cassius delivers a measured thrust toward the beast's chest to draw the creature's attention.

As seen in the OOC thread, Cassius aces the ancient art of tree extrication (Movement)
He will then move to engage the ogre(Dash Action)
If Regina,Jophine, or Robbard if he ends up adjacent to Cassius, is attacked he will spend his reaction to Shield Guard one of them, Regina priority, to impose disadvantage to one enemy attack.

2017-08-22, 10:46 AM
The sudden crash of the tree trunk surprised Syrel, causing him to jump back. Cassius and Jophine had been partially caught beneath the branches, but by the time he'd gotten his wits about him, Robband had helped Cassius up and Regina had already put one of the orcs across the river to sleep. The show of competence from his team impressed Syrel as he scanned the scene for an opening.

And there it was.

The first step would be to take, or make, every possible advantage. Quickly speaking words of power and binding from some dark place in the corners of his consciousness, he utters an unearthly curse directed at the ogre. A fall from the toppled tree trunk would merely slow it down, but that may well be enough. Still standing behind Cassius and Robband, he takes aim at the massive creature and directs eldritch power from the tips of his fingers.

"You smell like you need a bath, friend. Why don't you sit down?"

Syrel will move only so far as to stay out of the way of the rest of the party. He will cast Hex (Dexterity) on the ogre and then fire his Agonizing Eldritch Blast at it.

Movement: 0 ft. (Will spend movement to get out of the way of the party if needed)
Bonus Action: Cast Hex at the ogre, causing Syrel's attacks to do 1d6 extra necrotic damage and the ogre to have disadvantage on all dexterity ability checks while the spell is concentrated upon
Attack Action: Cast Eldritch Blast with the Agonizing Blast invocation applied, adding Syrel's +3 Charisma bonus to the damage roll
Ranged Spell Attack for Eldritch Blast: [roll0]

Concentration: Hex (Dexterity) on ogre

Shades of Gray
2017-08-22, 04:54 PM
Jophine manages to pull herself out from under the tree and limps towards the treeline. She pulls out her crossbow and takes aim at the approaching orc, hitting it square in the chest. "Mr. Shaw! In my studies I've found that when facing a large opponent you should aim for the legs!"

Syrel's hex rings true as the ogre is sent toppling off of the fallen tree, leaving it knee deep in the current and less than amused.

The orc runs through the water with incredible speed, throwing a javelin at the warlock who had just knocked over his companion.

Sabir rushes to meet the Orc in hand-to-hand combat. He raises a hand, placing a hex upon the orc before striking at him with his longsword, creating a gash across the creature's chest. The creature looks much worse for wear.

Two more orcs emerge running from the bushes further downriver (60 ft. away), on the same side as the commission. They carry clubs. "For our Master!" one shouts.

Jophine shoots the Orc. As a bonus action she uses her bardic inspiration, allowing Cassius to add 1d6 to an attack roll or saving throw some time in the next minute.

The Ogre fails his dexterity save due to the curse, and falls into the water.

The Orc uses his bonus action to make another move to cross the river in one go (orc racial ability) and strikes Syrel with his javelin.

Sabir stabs an orc while casting hex on it.

Waiting on Jophine, Robband, and Regina.

Combat/Damage Summary

Cassius: 21/24
Jophine: 9/16
Syrel: 12/19
Regina: 5/16

Ogre: 15 damage taken, in the water
Orc 1: 11 damage taken, bloodied (under half health)
Orc 2: 0 damage taken, Asleep
Orc 3: 0 damage taken, 60 ft. away
Orc 4: 0 damage taken, 60 ft. away

2017-08-22, 07:36 PM
Being focused on casting her spell on the orcs, Regina never even saw the rock coming. It slammed into her chest as she finished the spell and knocked her on her knees. The young noble stood up, gasping for breath and shifted closer to Cassius. "Good advice Mr. Shaw I will try and remember it." Regina gasped out as she regained her feet.

One Orc has succumbed to her spell, but distressingly two more had arrived. Having been given no explicit orders from Cassius, Regina decides that the Ogre is the most dire threat to life and limb and begins another incantation, pointing her staff at it and calling out magicae telum

Move Action - Move behind Cassius for protection. Try not to cry.
Standard - Cast Magic Missile and a withering glance at the Ogre

As noted elsewhere, Regina will Shield her next incoming attack if she needs to.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-23, 07:23 PM
Regina's spell strikes the Ogre on the side of the head, leaving a nasty impact. It seems to get angrier.

Robband rushes over to the already damaged Orc, shouting a prayer to the White King as he swings his staff at the creature, who steps back out of the way.

The Ogre, furious, stands up and grabs Cassius by the collar, pulling him into the water with him. "Git down 'ere!"

Cassius has been grappled by the Ogre. He can't move.

Waiting on Jophine, Cassius, and Syrel.

Combat/Damage Summary

Cassius: 21/24
Jophine: 9/16
Syrel: 12/19
Regina: 5/16

Ogre: 25 damage taken, in the water
Orc 1: 11 damage taken, bloodied (under half health)
Orc 2: 0 damage taken, Asleep
Orc 3: 0 damage taken, 60 ft. away
Orc 4: 0 damage taken, 60 ft. away

2017-08-24, 01:04 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Sorry, sorry, sorry. There was actually NO internet availability where I was, and I ended up being gone much longer than I planned.

Jophine sits on the ground, her leg throbbing in pain. She sees some of the others in just as bad of shape...so worse. As she analyzes the scene, her thoughts begin to race again. You don't belong here. The library is so much safer. You've been pretty worthless so far. You're not even able to recall information about some of the most important things in the realm. She makes her way to her feet and suddenly yells, SHUT UP! It's uncertain if she's talking to herself, the ogre, or maybe someone else.

Jo pulls out her focus and points it at the two newcomers and begins to chant,
"You're done hurting us all,
Orcs, ogres, enemies all.
Heavy sleep, eyelids closed. Slumber fall."

Cast sleep on the two new orcs. (Range 90 feet)
Affects [roll0] HP worth of creatures.

Yeah...so the Joph just keeps moving along with those cruddy rolls.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-24, 01:23 PM
One of the approaching Orcs, like his ally across the river, also falls asleep in his tracks.

That was VERY close to not working

2017-08-24, 01:28 PM
As the ogre takes the hit and topples into the water, Syrel grins with wild satisfaction. The burst of power felt good. However, it was only a second later that the javelin, flying in from an orc he'd not seen approaching, caught his arm, spinning him in a half circle. With a grunt of pain, he grits his teeth and keeps his mind set on maintaining the hex he'd laid upon the ogre.

Gripping his shoulder, he moves back from his position, attempting to put the tree between himself and as many orcs as possible while still able to see the ogre. If he could distract it enough, it may let go of Cassius. Unfortunately, the most effective strategy that comes to mind is to just keep hitting it...

He raises his hand to fire yet another jolt of eldritch power.

Syrel will move to get as much cover as possible from the approaching orcs while still in view of the ogre. He will then fire his Agonizing Eldritch Blast at the ogre yet again.

Movement: 5-10 ft. (Whatever it takes to get into a bit more cover)
Attack Action: Cast Eldritch Blast with the Agonizing Blast invocation applied, adding Syrel's +3 Charisma bonus to the damage roll
Ranged Spell Attack for Eldritch Blast: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast Damage: [roll1] force + (Hex Damage)[roll2] necrotic damage

Concentration: Hex (Dexterity) on ogre

2017-08-24, 11:58 PM
Well,thought Cassius as the ogre pulled him down into the water, I guess I got its attention. And being wet beats getting hit by that club. Seeing that the orcs seem fairly contained Cassius gives his blade a small flourish before hewing at the ogre's leg. Hopefully this slows it down a little.

Cassius will elect to remain in the water and engage the ogre.
Longsword Attack: [roll0]
Longsword Damage: [roll1]

The weapon bites deep into the beast's leg and Cassius brings his shield up to catch some of the spatter as he rips the blade free to prepare for another strike, the water beginning to turn a dull red around him.
"You chose poorly creature, you'll find we are quite different than the peasants you usually prey upon."

2017-08-25, 12:22 AM
Night patrol was a welcome chore for Jangles, the ranger of Gronnheim. Stretch the limbs, see the stars, and be home in time for breakfast. Not too shabby, the halfling thought as he walked past an oak tree's stump he had turned into a landmark years ago. Jangles squeezed the last of the wine out of the skin he carried and looked up at the moon. Maybe he would call the patrol off early, and get a few winks.

Crash! A war cry! The sounds of battle!

Okay, I'm awake. Jangles took off at a sprint towards the source of the noise. A felled tree, no doubt, which perhaps the loggers will be happy for. Saving effort was a lifestyle for Jangles, and he always wanted the people of Lumberford to be happy. Especially Alicia Grey, the cute lumberjack who wore the blue flannel, and had arms like a great pair of... Perhaps, Jangles thought, he has had his fair share of wine tonight. Focus, focus.

Jangles found the clearing and made a quick survey of the battle from behind a bush. Despite having situated himself behind the adventurers it was not hard for Jangles to spot the ogre, the big bastard, and rule of thumb is to take out the big guy first. Jangles loads his crossbow and takes a shot at the ogre.


Shades of Gray
2017-08-25, 12:49 AM
Syrel and Cassius both manage to hit the ogre, leaving it bruised and bleeding but still standing.

The mysterious new halfling makes quite the entrance... but manages to miss the ogre entirely

The injured orc swings at Sabir, while the other orc, the only one to still be awake, sprints at Robband and strikes with his club. Both hit their targets with resounding thuds.

Sabir retaliates, stepping to the side of the injured Orc to flank him. He manages to down the Orc with a well-placed stab with his longsword, before pointing at the healthy Orc. "The Knights of the Yew mark you next!"

Sabir takes 6 damage. Robband takes 5.

Sabir slays the injured orc, spending his bonus action to move the hex (str) to the next Orc.

Waiting on: Regina, Jophine, Robband

Combat Summary:

Cassius: 21/24
Jophine: 9/16
Syrel: 12/19
Regina: 5/16
Robband: 12/17
Sabir: 14/20
Jangles: 16/16

Ogre: 50 damage taken, bloodied, in the water
Orc 1: Slain!
Orc 2: 0 damage taken, Asleep across the river
Orc 3: 0 damage taken, Asleep 60 ft. away
Orc 4: 0 damage taken, next to Robband

Regina: 20
Jophine: 19
Robband: 18
Ogre: 13
Cassius: 11
Jangles: 8
Syrel: 6
Orcs: 4
Sabir: 1

2017-08-25, 01:38 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine had hoped for more, but putting one orc to sleep was quite the accomplishment. She'd put lots of people to sleep in the past, but it was hardly ever when she'd meant to. That was an improvement over the Library already. She looks around at the group. She was worried about Cassius, but she didn't think she could do anything to help him much at this point. Maybe...maybe she should do something to help Regina.

She moves over to her friend. At least...she hoped Regina thought of her as a friend, but they really never saw each other anywhere aside from the Library. Social functions were always awkward for Jophine, so she avoided most of the biggest soirees around town. "Hi, milady. It's really been an interesting day, don't you think? Well...this is the second day, technically, but it's all been within a 24 hour span, so it really does qualify as one day, don't you think?" As she rambles on, Jophine has been examining Regina, attempting to recall the medical texts written by a few of the scholars. She reaches out and touches the other woman's head.

"It looks like he got you right here on the temporosquamous suture line," she says as she traces the side of Regina's head. "If there's damage there, it may mean that you can't understand what I'm saying. It's a speech center, as far as the masters can tell. Don't you think that's interesting? The brain is such a mystery to us. Like...where do we store our magic? Is it somewhere in the brain? If it is, then why are some sorcerers so dumb? You'd think they would have to be smart as well if magic were stored in the brain." After a moment, it suddenly dawns on Jophine that if Regina is, in fact, suffering from trauma to that area that she wouldn't understand anything she was saying. She reaches up to the side of her head where the ogre had struck her with the rock. She chants again, the rhythms slightly different than her previous incantation, and the words definitely different.

"Mean ogre, full of hate,
attempting to seal this woman's fate.
Regina's my friend I think, whom you shall not end,
Rise, so you may defend."

For [roll0] hit points.

2017-08-25, 11:53 AM
That horrible Ogre still wasn't dead! Cassius was bravely staring down the beast, which has rudley refused to die when Regina cast magic on it. Regina hardly had time to think before out of nowhere Jophine was up next to her and chattering away at her usual blistering pace.

"It has been quite the adventure!" Regina found herself saying as Jophine started to trace her fingers along Regina's head, "But the rock hit me in the chest dear, not the head."

But soon that didn't matter. A brief poem later and giant rock induced bruise and likely cracked ribs started to feel much better. With a sigh of releif she said "Oh thank you. But we ought to help Me. Shaw before that...thing hits him too hard., after which she raised her staff and said [I]"Ignium!" sending a bolt of fire steaking toward the Ogre.

Staying put for now.


2017-08-25, 01:56 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine frowned at Regina and looked at her again. She looks at her head again, then reaches out and touches Regina's chest, pushing on her ribs. "Are you sure? I thought..hmm. Maybe you were hit so hard, you think...maybe I was hit harder by the tree than I think I was." Jophine begins pressing on her own head to see if she had been hit in the head even though she thought she had been hit in the leg. "Oh! Cassius, right!" She turns and views the scene unfolding across the river.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-25, 02:04 PM
The location of Regina's wound notwithstanding, the firebolt strikes the Ogre in the chest, knocking it unconscious and into the river. It releases it's grip on Cassius, who ends up swallowing a mouthful of river water but is otherwise okay.

2017-08-26, 02:22 AM
The orc's club had been painful, but at the sound of the ogre crashing into the river, Robband allows himself a small smile. Regina certainly hadn't been kidding earlier when saying she'd learned a few combat spells. With the ogre out of the way, it was time to deal with his assailant.

"You DARE to strike a priest of the White King? Do not think that you can escape my Lord's wrath, foul fiend", he shouts as he strikes at the orc again, "For as it is written, the wicked all shall be brought before the King's justice!"

Attacking the orc next to Robband with his Shillelagh-powered staff:
Attacking for [roll0] to deal [roll1] bludgeoning damage.

2017-08-26, 02:28 AM
Rolling for extra damage: [roll0]

Oh, and Shillelagh is at 3 turns/10 I believe.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-27, 03:27 PM
Robband manages to down the Orc in a single swing, sending him face-first into the mud with a fractured skull. With the ogre downed, and two orcs peacefully asleep on either side of the river for the next minute, a sense of calm descends upon the group as water laps against the side of the downed log and heavy guttural snoring punctuates the cool morning air.

2017-08-27, 03:50 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks around the area. "Well...that went...ummm..." She pauses as she attempts to work some moisture back into her mouth. "I think that went....I think I need to sit down." She makes her way to a dry piece of ground and has a seat, steadying herself as she walks.

2017-08-28, 08:54 AM
Syrel breathes deeply, resting his hand against the fallen tree trunk beside him. The woods are dangerous, but that was a strange situation even with that taken into account... and just what did that orc mean by "our master"?

It is at that moment that Syrel notices the snores punctuating the sudden silence. With a sigh, he takes off for the nearest orc, preparing a length of rope with which to secure the creature before it wakes up. As he makes his way there, he shouts back to the party, "Might well be a good idea to tie both of these orcs up before they wake!"

2017-08-28, 10:39 AM
"Indeed, one of them mentioned a 'master' so questioning them would be of merit."Turning toward where the crossbow bolt came from, Cassius addresses the unseen firer."We appreciate the aid but perhaps you would like to introduce yourself? So far our travel has been exciting enough and for one wish to know your intents."

2017-08-28, 12:34 PM
Regina turns to Jophine and nods, "I am with you dear, a little rest would do me a wonder." she says, waving a hand and speaking a few words to make a short bench, just big enough for two, appear in front of her. Regina takes a seat and pats the empty section next to her, "But there is no need for you to sit on the ground unless that is your wish."

At the mention of the still living orcs and the need to tie them up Regina frowned, feeling foolish for forgetting about them so quickly. "I do not have any rope to offer, but if we wish to subdue them we ought to make haste. Enchanted sleep does not last long."

2017-08-28, 01:01 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine smiles wanly at Regina as she invites her to sit next to her. Still feeling shaken from the sudden outburst of violence, she doesn't trust herself to get up and make her way there. "I'm...I'm okay right here. Thanks. She looks at the bench which was just conjured and gets confused when Regina states she doesn't have any rope. She waggles her fingers in the generic sign for mysterious magic and adds, "Can't you just...'whoosh' some rope up?"

2017-08-28, 05:04 PM
I'm assuming here that the two downed orcs are dead rather than just unconscious - will edit otherwise.
With the fighting over, Robband closes his eyes for a moment to calm himself and collect his thoughts. Then, muttering prayers to the White King, he kneels down first next to the orc he felled, and then next to the one slain by Sabir, and attempts to make the bodies decent as far as possible. His efforts and prayers are not for the orcs' souls - surely long beyond redemption - but for the holy forces of life and death themselves. As he works, he pays close attention for any clues as to the orcs' identity or purpose.
Checking the bodies for any clues (markings/items etc.) as to their identity or purpose, or any other points of note:
Wisdom (Perception): [roll0]

EDIT: aaand the dice roller is back on form! :smalltongue:

Having completed his task, Robband echoes Cassius's question: "Yes, come forward stranger! It would be well to know the identity of the one who came to our aid."

2017-08-28, 05:50 PM
Jangles winces as he watches the orc fall in a single hit. If there was anything to be said about size advantage, Jangles would never admit it. Still, he was impressed. Listening in to the plans of the humans, Jangles shouts from across the bush, "Travelling rope merchant! Getcher rope, right here, getcher rope!" Emerging from the brush with a wry grin on his face, he gives a little bow to the assembled party. "Heyo commission, it's ever so lovely to have you in my neck of the woods, ever so lovely. Call me Jangles, I'm the ranger of Gronnheim. Why don'cha pack up yer little camp and come with me? I can take you to the safety and warmth of my fair village, yessirs, yes ma'ams. I can guarantee you a cozy cot somewhere in Gronnheim, or the name of the Dalter family ain't good nowhere." With that, Jangles pulls a coil of hemp rope from his pack. "Bring yer new friends too, aye? I can't guarantee them a cot, but I'm sure them brutes would love to get their faces outta the mud."

2017-08-28, 06:14 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks at Regina when the voice calls out that he is a rope merchant. Her eyebrows pop up almost into her hairline as she turns to the wizard. "What are the chances?" Once the voice steps out of the woods and actually introduces himself, she turns back to Regina. "Please don't tell anyone I said that," she implores her. "I..I didn't really believe he was a rope merchant. I mean...really...what would a rope merchant be doing hiding in the trees? It's not like they harvest rope from....wait...where do they get rope from? I know it doesn't grow on trees, per se...but I think it's made out of a plant, right? Kinda?"

Having something to finally distract her, Jophine is finally able to stand and walk around without feeling too lightheaded. Hi, Jangles. I've seen your name before in the registers. Gronnheim is nearby? I must have gotten really turned around. Jo's face scrunches in thought for a moment. Which is weird because I'm usually really good at knowing where things are. She slowly spins in place a few times, appearing to try to get her bearings. Finally she shakes her head and turns back to Jangles. I'm glad you came by. We're on our way to Lumberford." She looks hopefully toward the other party members. "A bed would be nice for the night, however."

2017-08-29, 09:31 AM
It takes him a moment to drag the orc back to the group, but Syrel reconvenes just a minute or so after Jangles emerges from the trees. Wiping his hands on a spare corner of cloth, he introduces himself to the local protector.

"Well, I'll be dipped. Good to meet you, Mister Dalter. Name's Syrel Farfield, Commission Investigator, along with Miss Dustwallow here. There's Robband... he's the holy man busy with the downed orcs. Regina is our resident wizard sitting on the bench, and Cassius our muscle. He's the kid with all the weapons strapped on." Syrel extends his hand to the halfling, "Oh, and the pale antlered fellow over there is Sabir."

Holding his chin, he takes stock of the situation. A real bed does sound very nice and it would be good to have more than ropes and trees to restrain the orcs while gathering information.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-29, 02:59 PM
The commission ties up the two orcs, bringing them to their side of the river using the downed tree as a bridge. They begin to wake up, struggling against their restraints and offering numerous Orcish curse words to their new captors.

"Let us go or Master will smash you to pieces!"

2017-08-29, 03:11 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine watches the orc ramble on in orcish for a little bit. After being certain that her isn't going to suddenly break free of his bindings, she walks over and studies him closely. She chants lightly while focusing on the orc.

The color, the color, the color of your skin don't matter to me
As long, as long, as long as we can live in harmony;
I kinda, I kinda, I kinda like to ask you stuff
And I could, and I could, and I could make sure you aren't speaking a bluff.

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

Cast Charm Person: DC 13

Shades of Gray
2017-08-29, 03:19 PM
"Shut up child! Master will tear out your throat and swallow your tongue whole; see how you sing then!" The Orc spits at Jophine, cursing his inability to cover his ears in his current state.

2017-08-29, 05:23 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine frowns at the orc. "That," she says very matter-of-factly, "was rude. Your mother would be ashamed if she knew you were out here spitting on people like that." She shakes her head. "I think you just need someone in your life to show you a little more love. It's really not that hard to be nice to people, you know. You don't have to be a typical orc, showing how tough you are. You don't have to be tough to get through life. Sometimes it's better to just make friends and count on each other."

Jophine looks back to Regina. "I don't suppose you could move that bench over here? I'd like to sit and talk to...." She turns back to the orc. "What's your name, anyway?"

2017-08-30, 10:10 PM
Jangles will lean himself on the side of the orc opposite to Jophine, jumping up on Regina's bench and leaning an elbow on the orc's shoulder. "Now look, tusk. I'm the sheriff around these parts, and I'm just letting you know that yer wearin' the same rope I use to hang sheep thieves. As well, I'm only a hair uncertain that attacking commission officers *isn't* punished by death. So why don'cha loosen those lips a little for us and tell us about yer master?"

2017-08-31, 12:39 AM
Regina leaned in toward Jophine and said in a low voice."Not to worry dear, Esme is the family gossip not me." before sitting up straight to regard the newcomer. Jophine and Syrel seem to know him, and the idea of sleeping in a bed, or at least a cot, for the night was quite appealing. But still hurting from the fight she let the others do the talking for now. Regina had no desire to get anywhere near the orcs, let alone interrogate one.

At Jophine's request Regina will smile and say "Of course." and stand, giving herself a stretch before letting the bench wink out of existence and reappear next to the orc where Jangles hop on it.

Shades of Gray
2017-08-31, 10:36 AM
"Name is Jurek, and other orc is Kuba. And Master is The Green One. Yesterday he came to us directly, told us treaty is weakening. He was strong, powerful. Cape of owl feathers, ram's horns on head, beard of flame." The other orc, Kuba, looks puzzled, as if he had not seen all of these traits. "Pendulum is shifting. In time you'll be begging Green One for our protection, and we will say no." The Orc leers at the assembled humans, before turning to Jangles. "Humans do not care for us. Moment we get power, they swat us back down. But Kingdom is crumbling. Green One's reckoning comes soon."

As the interrogation continues, you notice another raft is approaching far upstream. It carries lumber, however the tree is still blocking the river. It will take a few sets of hands to move the tree out of the way.

2017-08-31, 04:23 PM
"Do not speak such blasphemy!" Robband snaps at Jurek, "The Green One grows the kingdom and watches over Heiligast, as indeed do all the gods. Clearly, you have fallen for the ravings of some charlatan." Robband says the words a little too fiercely, as if betraying a lack of confidence. No matter how unlikely the source, talk of the kingdom crumbling and the loss of divine favour worried him, and he had no wish to dwell to long on the subject.

Looking away, the priest spots the raft coming down the river. "We should remove the fallen tree before leaving this place. We might have to rely on river rafts to send a message back to Karolinstadt once we arrive at Lumberford."

2017-08-31, 10:25 PM
At Robbard's words Cassius motions to Sabir and moves toward the fallen tree to assist with getting it clear of the river. This mention of gods had him a little leery, and getting to the bottom of mystical appearances certainly fell within the purview of wizards and clerics.
"I've no knowledge of theological pursuits but to my reckoning that description does not match the pictures of the Green One that I have seen. Once we get this log out of the river I agree with continuing to Jangles' village to rest a short while before continuing to Lumberford."
That said he turns his attention back to moving the log.


2017-08-31, 11:44 PM
Jangles will spit on his hands, briefly consider spitting on Cassius's hands, and then start to push the tree as well.

strength [/roll 1d20+1]

2017-09-01, 09:56 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine listens to the heated exchange between the orcs and Robband. The Green One believes the pact is weakening? He's the one who formed the pact, so if anyone would know it would be him...but why turn against the nation he should be helping?" Something wasn't adding up. "Kuba? Is this true? Is there anything else you want to add? She turns and addresses Jurek. "And you just hush and let him speak, or I'll gag you."

Persuasion for Kuba: [roll0]
Intimidation of Jurek if needed: [roll1]

Shades of Gray
2017-09-01, 11:07 AM
Jurek obeys Jophine's order, quietly seething as Kuba begins to speak hesitantly. "Green One appeared to me too, but he had eight eyes, beetle's shell, and was size of big tree. But he told me the same things he told Jurek! Even sent us avatar to protect us!" Kuba gestures towards the fallen ogre.

The burly men, and the halfling, manage to drag the tree out of the water to allow rafts to pass through.

2017-09-01, 11:48 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine nods her head thoughtfully as she pulls out her journal. She mutters things as she scribbles in her book. "Green one. Appears different....owl feathers...bug eyes to someone else." She looks at orcs, then to the dead ogre, then back to the orcs. "Sooo...how are you guys feeling about this Green One now that your protector went down so easily?" She asks the question extremely clinically, no sign of mocking or sarcasm in her voice at all.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-03, 08:37 PM
The orcs are silent for a while after Jophine poses the question. Finally, after a while, Jurek speaks up. "Perhaps Green One underestimated who would be here. But this is just the beginning. Things are changing. You will not keep winning for long."

Rustling bushes can be heard, and numerous animals timidly emerge from the forest a fair distance away. Elk, squirrels, birds, etc. They all look at the commission with glazed-over expressions, and if someone attempts to make eye contact they will turn and walk away before resuming their watch moments later. They seem to have followed the group from their earlier campsite, and make no effort to engage with the commission in any way.

2017-09-04, 12:05 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine, for the second time that day, is struck speechless. She watches the animals for a few moments then attempts to move closer. When the small animals retreat, she returns to the group. She continues watching the animals for a bit. "Okaaaaaayyyy...." she is finally able to say. "Anyone else find this creepy in the slightest?"

2017-09-05, 12:16 AM
Jangles stops leaning on Jurek, pulls a lamp out of his bag, and scans the bushes and trees for wildlife. He stands still like a mouse, his darting eyes spotting the animals and watching them back away. Jangles only had a hunch that something was amiss in the forest, but after spotting the same elk twice Jangles takes a look back to the orcish captives. "Hey, bud" Jangles approaches Jurek slowly, walking as if he intended to be as quiet as possible. "Now, that big fella that we sent into the river, he was your protector that you were talking about, right?"

Jangles stays otherwise reserved, his eyes to the trees at all times. If any of the other PCs ask Jangles for his opinion, he suggests deciding what to do with the captives first, and then moving to Gronnheim as soon as possible, and lighting some extra torches to avoid mishaps.

2017-09-05, 09:20 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

At Jangles' recommendation to start lighting extra torches, Jophine practically dumps out her pack searching for torches. "Great idea. Light. Let's get extra light. These animals are freaking me out. I haven't seen animals act like this before. Granted, I don't get out of the library or my house very much, so this is all kind of new to me, but I'm pretty sure that little animals...or the big ones...are supposed to be acting like this. Are they zombies? Are they being controlled? I DON'T KNOW AND I DON"T LIKE IT." She stops talking, but continues breathing heavily as she fumbles with her torches, trying to light one after the other and sticking them in the ground. "Take the torches, guys. Jangles said we should have extra torches, and I think it's a great idea. Take a torch. Gronnheim. Let's go to Gronnheim. It's not too far away, and I'm sure there are no creepy ass animals staring at us. We'll go get some rest and pretend this was all a dream. Not that I'm going to be able to sleep after this anyway. Come on...this was supposed to be an easy mission to Lumberford, and here we are...right in the middle of some whacky fae crap. Just my luck."

Joph pauses a moment and looks around. "Okay," she says, and looks like she's trying to pull herself together. "Gronnheim."

2017-09-05, 10:37 AM
Fae, orcs and now oddly behaving animals, Cassius agreed wholeheartedly with Jophine.
"I agree with Jophine and Jangles, let us head to Gronnheim to rest and consider the best method of continuing on to Lumberford."
Leaning down, he takes up a torch and giving the animals a wary look turns to Jangles.
"After you Mister Jangles, as for the orcs, if we don't think they will provide any other information I recommend freeing them and making sure they don't follow us. Someone or something calling itself the Green One compelled them to attack us and the grievances of their tribe toward the Empire will be better handled by other emissaries."

2017-09-05, 11:58 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

"Right? You heard him. Let's get going. You don't really think it's the Green One do you? Like the Green One Green One? Just someone calling himself the Green One, right? Right? The Green One wouldn't really turn against us, would He? He spent his left defending us. And more than his life, I guess. It's not really him. It can't be."

2017-09-05, 01:57 PM
Syrel spends the interrogation sitting back, ruminating quietly. Jophine's strategy is all too chummy and cordial for his current mood. It's when the animal legion appears to stare at the Commission that he realizes what has gotten him on edge. He stands as the conversation shifts.

"Gronnheim it is. Jophine, good job with the interrogation. You've the makings of a solid investigator. I'll send the orcs off and make sure they stay well away," He says, staring directly at the bound creatures.

He pulls them up and leads them about fifteen to twenty feet from the party, staying well within a safe distance, but far enough to avoid being overheard. With a flourish, he conjures the image of two loaded crossbows aimed at the orcs' heads, floating behind and above his shoulders. For the minute that the illusion lasts, he drives fear directly into their hearts, drawing on the strange fey magic within his blood.

"Now, listen here and listen real well. I don't know and I don't bloody well care what it was that you saw that made you think it was a good idea to attack us. But I'm going to let you in on something. That wasn't no god you saw and your alleged avatar is sitting dead in the water. My patience is real thin at the moment. We see you behind us and you'll be able to confirm the Green One's identity in person. That goes for you and any other orcs, so you'd best do a good job warning your fellows. So I suggest you get on home. Right. Now."

Syrel will cast Minor Illusion to create the images of the crossbows twelve feet from the ground, ten feet behind his shoulders. He will then use his Fey Presence class feature, causing the orcs to make a wisdom save versus his spell save DC of 13.

Just in case:
Intimidation: [roll0]

2017-09-05, 04:32 PM
Robband gratefully takes one of the torches from Jophine. The appearance of dozens of watching woodland animals just moments after he'd dismissed the idea of the Green One's wrath did not set well with him at all. "Yes, yes, let's get to Gronnheim as quickly as possible... that is, *ahem*, we have matters too important to attend to for us to stand around bickering with orcs who think that an ogre is an avatar of the Gods' will. Let us delay no further."

Noticing for the first time that Jophine seems seriously shaken by events, Robband turns to reassure her. Despite his own doubts, he speaks in a calm but kindly tone: "Do not allow their words to frighten you. It is true that the favour of the Gods is never to be taken for granted... but I hardly think that if the Green One were to make his displeasure known he would choose such crude instruments for his design, do you? And in any case, remember that whatever else as a servant of the kingdom you are under the holy protection of the White King, whose justice reigns over all creation. You shall not come to any harm out here in these woods, I am certain."

Shades of Gray
2017-09-06, 02:48 PM
Jurek and Kuba nod their agreement, and wander off with their heads held low. They're silent, glancing occasionally at their fallen orc allies and the corpse of their avatar. As the commission lights their torches, the animals step even further back, but still follows them for a time. As you get far away, you swear you can almost see some deer pulling the ogre's corpse back into the forest. As the group gets closer to Gronnheim, the large animals stop following the commission. Followed by the smaller animals, the birds, and so on. They look almost fearful as they disappear from view. As the group goes deeper into the woods the mist begins to thicken; curious given the time of day. Eventually the cause of the animals' fear becomes all too clear. Ahead, a creature lies writhing on the ground. It appears to be human in stature, yet it is covered in patchy swathes of thick, coarse, black fur. It switches between whimpering and screaming, and upon the approach of the commission it attempts to drag itself off the beaten path and deeper in into the woods. It seems to be trailing blood.

2017-09-06, 03:22 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine give Robband a wan smile as he attempts to comfort her, but she does cheer up slightly as they get on the road and leave the battle scene behind them. She remains quiet as she watches the animals' behaviors. Something to write about, for sure. Maybe the beginnings of a pleasure book...she did like to read the non-learning materials on occasion. Maybe write a scary one with creepy-as-hell animals.

She is finally returning to herself and beginning to talk more as they come across the writhing creature. "Oh come on! she exclaims, obviously frustrated. "We haven't even got to our assignment yet! Is it always this way out here? I'm ready to go back to the library." As she says this, she marches up to the figure to get a closer look.

"Hello. We're with the Commission. Can we help?"

Not sure what type of roll you want to identify what's going on, so here's a naked d20 and I'll let you apply any modifiers. [roll0]

EDIT: I didn't expect anything else. That's my Jo.

2017-09-06, 03:44 PM
Regina assisted with the log and wherever else she could, banishing her stool when it was no longer useful and following along with the crowd. She kept Uwilla close, and as the fig settled in she had her owl perched on her shoulder both to protect her and to have her sharp eyes help Regina keep her footing. She kept her distance from the prisoners and her staff at the ready. The animals were acting weird and Regina was unsettled.

She looks up at the hairy creature and hearing Jophine's sentiments about their adventures thus far she can't help but agree. "Indeed. I had been under the impression that encounters such as this were quite rare. We seem to stumble across trouble around every bend. I worry that Lumberford might not be the simple errand it seemed to be only yesterday." said Regina, a slight frown on her face. Her adventures didn't seem as fun anymore, somehow.

2017-09-07, 09:24 AM
As the Commission enter the mists and the forest seems to close around him, Syrel gets a distinct feeling of unease. Watching the animals back off, despite their earlier actions, makes the situation even more unnerving rather than less.

And then he heard the screaming...

Reaching an arm out toward Jophine, he cautions her, "Careful you don't get too close before we suss out what this is. Anyone what has healing magic, this may be the perfect time to practice your craft. Let's not go right on touching the poor blighter, though. May well bite or something."

2017-09-07, 10:22 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine's face scrunches in confusion as she listens to Syrel's warning. "Well, I have healing magic, but I have to touch her..." She looks uncertainly at the form on the ground before her for a moment then adds, "Him? It really is hard to tell through all the hair, you know. Anyway...I have to touch him or her for the magic to work."

Shades of Gray
2017-09-07, 01:53 PM
The figure begins to move away with greater urgency when Jophine speaks to it, shuffling itself up into an awkward gait/gallop. It stumbles between trees, wincing and moaning in pain as it goes. Its sounds become more animalistic and wild.

2017-09-07, 03:40 PM
Robband looks on warily as the creature's howling grows more animalistic.

"I could perhaps heal this... thing, without getting too close. If we think that such a course of action would be wise."

2017-09-07, 05:28 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

As the figure starts to move away faster, Joph raises her hands up into "I didn't touch it" position. She watches the creature closely, her analytical curiosity overcoming her feat at this point.

Is it changing from one form to another or is it injured at all that is visible?

Investigation? [roll0]

Shades of Gray
2017-09-08, 09:48 AM
As the group warily approaches the fleeing figure, crushed leaves and snapping branches can be heard from behind. Four enormous (unusually so) wolves come crashing and weaving between the trees. One runs past the commission, possibly chasing the bizarre creature, while the other three snarl and bare down on the party roughly 30 feet away.


2017-09-08, 12:49 PM
This stretch of forest was becoming far too exciting was the thought that crossed Cassius' mind as the wolves broke from the underbrush. Mush as he wanted to defend the injured creature if wolves were after it the safety of his group had to take priority. Stepping forward to engage the wolves he glances behind him to make sure that most of the party is eclipsed from the wolves by him. Readying his shield should a nearby ally be attacked, Cassius delivers an overhand swing at the nearest wolf.
Attack:[roll0] Damage:[roll1]

Blade glittering in the torchlight he delivers a solid blow and accompanies it with a battle-cry in an effort to scare off the wolves.
Cassius moves up 30ft and attacks a wolf as above, should any allies be close enough he will disadvantage the first attack against them with priority from Regina and Jophine.

"Stick together and avoid getting surrounded, wolves will use pack tactics to try and drag you down!"

2017-09-08, 08:43 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine frowns at the...creature(?) as it attempts to scurry away. "Be careful of the blood trail here...it's kind of..AAAAA!" She screams as the wolves come pouring out of the woods. She freezes as things happen quickly around her, one wolf cutting right past her on its way to the other creature. She crowds herself against Cassius for protection as the beast zooms by her.

She's too intimidated and panicked to take an action. She'll hold her action and use a cure wounds if one of the Commission goes down before her next turn.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-09, 10:24 AM
Cassius manages to create a nasty gash across the large beast's arm, prompting it to snarl and retaliate in kind by lashing out with a massive bite. Luckily, Cassius' chainmail manages to catch the force of its teeth.

The second wolf moves around the pair and attempts to bite Jophine, but Cassius manages to give the creature's muzzles a quick bash with his shield to ward off the attack.

Sensing small prey, the third wolf moves around and past the two, pouncing upon Jangles. Jangles just barely manages to leap and roll out of its path.

The fourth wolf continues to chase the shambling creature, getting ever closer but struggling to make its way through the woods due to its great size.

TL;DR wolves are bat at biting people.

Party's turn, including those who just went (we'll alternate good guys and bad guys from here on in)

2017-09-09, 04:51 PM
Protect your neck, hit the deck. The old mantra did Jangles some good tonight, evidenced by the wolf that sailed mere hairs above the halfling's head. Spitting out a bit of dirt, Jangles figured this would be a convenient time to plant his palm on the ground and mutter a few words of power he retained from the academy. "Green one, let my thorns... your thorns... take root, and your... my enemies take flight!." I sure hope I got that right. Getting to his feet, Jangles looked down the sight of his crossbow which he aimed at the wolf that was pursuing the injured beast. Twang, went the crossbow. Zip, went the bolt.

Bonus action, cast Ensnaring Strike and concentrate on it. Hand crossbow attack on the wolf chasing the injured beast.
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2017-09-09, 05:00 PM
The wolves are upon the Commission before Syrel has a chance to collect himself. After seeing one pounce at the halfling scout they'd just picked up, he manages to shake himself out of his funk. Leaping back, he takes aim at the wolf attacking Cassius and Jophine, though he felt poorly about leaving the fleeing figure to fend for themselves. Whatever it was, letting it get eaten by wolves was hardly the way to go about this. Caution made sense. Condemning it to death by way of negligence would just be rude.

He calls back to them, "Jangles, how's our new friend holding up there? I can't hardly see them nor the wolf."

Syrel will leave the wolf next to him alone and possibly provoke an opportunity attack by moving fifteen feet away (on the far side from Cassius and Jophine) such as to give a melee character room to close on it. He will then fire an Agonizing Eldritch Blast at one of the wolves attacking Cassius and Jophine.

Movement: 15 ft. (May provoke AoO)
Attack Action: Cast Eldritch Blast with the Agonizing Blast invocation applied, adding Syrel's +3 Charisma bonus to the damage roll
Ranged Spell Attack for Eldritch Blast: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast Damage: [roll1]
Critical Hit Damage: In OOC thread

EDIT: CRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Also misread Shades' OOC thread post. Targeting one of the wolves around Cassius and Jophine instead of the one in the woods.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-09, 05:43 PM
The wolf bites Jangles' shoulder, its teeth hitting a major artery and crunching bone. Still, Jangles manages to pull himself out of its clutches and fire at one of the wolves. Roots erupt from the earth to restrain it, but it manages to pull itself out of the thorny situation.

Syrel's magic strikes one of the wolves on the side of the head, sending it reeling to the ground.

The wolf crits Jangles for 13 piercing damage.

Jangles shoots the wolf for 5 damage, it passes its strength check to avoid being restrained.

Other wolf takes 15 force damage from Syrel's critical. It is now bloodied.

Waiting on Jophine, Robband, Regina, and Cassius.

Wolf1: Deceased
Wolf2: 19 damage taken, bloodied (harassing Jo and Cassius)
Wolf3: 6 damage taken (engaged with Jangles and Robband)
Wolf4: 5 damage taken (entangled)

2017-09-09, 06:09 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine watches the action unfold. She sees Jangles shoot his crossbow at the wolf. "Oh! I can do that....or...at least, I've seen it done a few times. Jophine pulls the crossbow out of its sling and looks at it. "Uhh...let's see. The guard I shot said always point it towards the ground. Foot goes in the claw...pull back string with both hands...uuhhhnnnn...there. She places the bolt in the crossbow, straightens it along the site, then points it toward the closest wolf.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Surprisingly, the bolt strikes exactly where she was aiming. She turns toward Cassius and squeals, "Did you see that? I got it, I got it!!!"

2017-09-10, 01:09 AM
Though Jophine crowding his back made manuevering difficult Cassius still managed to give one of wolves more armor to chew on then skin and deliver a rap to other his shield to protect the young woman.
"Nice shot! I hope my daughter is half as excited as you are when I teach her to shoot."
Cassius winces internly as he catches Jangles' injury out of the corner of his eye but with Robbard and the others with him he should be aright. Turning his attention back to wolves in front he takes another sweeping strike and the wolf nipping at Jophine.
"Just keep calm and reload, I've got your back and others are alright, in any fight it's best to keep your wits about you."
Though she seemed a little more settled Cassius hoped his words would keep her that way, clearly all these interruptions to this journey was taking its toll.
Shielding Jo if she is attacked again.

2017-09-10, 05:58 AM
"Cower, ye unjust! For like the shepherd in the hills, the White King shall drive out the wolves!

It was perhaps a more literal interpretation of scripture than was usually followed, Robband reflected as he struck at the nearest wolf with his staff, but it seemed fitting for their current circumstances.

Bonus Action: Robband casts Shillelagh on his quarterstaff. [duration 1 minute - 10 turns]

Movement: Moves to be able attack the wolf attacking Jangles.

Action: Attacking the wolf for [roll0], to do [roll1] bludgeoning damage.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-10, 11:41 AM
Cassius manages to down one of the wolves he is engaged with.

Jophine, surprisingly, manages to navigate the use of a crossbow and hits the wolf in the neck; blood begins to spray everywhere.

Robband catches the wolf in the back of the head with his staff.


1 wolf drops. Cassius and Jophine hurt the other wolf.

Robband smashes a wolf.

Waiting on Regina. 24 hours until next update.

Wolf1: Deceased
Wolf2: 19 damage taken, bloodied (harassing Jo and Cassius)
Wolf3: 6 damage taken (engaged with Jangles and Robband)
Wolf4: 5 damage taken (50 feet from party, 30 feet from Jangles)

2017-09-11, 12:44 PM
Wolves! And they are everywhere it seemed. Standing there indecisivly while her companions leap into action she sees several of the beasts taken on by her fellows and one going after the hairy creature.

"Get it together!" she hissed to herself. She had to make a choice fast so she chose to help her friends. The hairy thing was going to have to wait. Raising her staff, she points it at the wounded wolf, calling out "Magicae Telum" to try and finish it off and then turning to give chase after the wolf that ran past.

Standard Action: Casting Magic Missile at Wolf2


Move: Moving 30ft toward Wolf4

Shades of Gray
2017-09-11, 06:36 PM
Regina's spell means that the wolf facing off against Cassius and Jophine slams to the ground in a heap of blood and fur.

His pursuit undeterred by a vine-sprouting arrow, the wolf continues deep into the woods and out of sight.

Meanwhile, having not appreciated the staff-wielding priests's attack, the remaining wolf retaliates. Its claws tear at his cloak, but don't penetrate his armor.


One wolf remains fighting the party, having taken 6 damage. It's standing next to Robband and Jangles

The other wolf is in the woods somewhere

Waiting on everyone

2017-09-11, 10:04 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks around. "Where did the helpless creature go? Did the wolf go after it?" She places her foot in the claw of her crossbow, draws the string back, and sets off in the direction she believes the writhing creature went. Her complexion is quite pale compared to it's normal color, and she appears to be moving completely on instinct at this point. Having someone to save seems to be the only thing keeping her from crumpling over at this point. "Pretty sure it went this way. Anyone want to help?"

Would Keen Mind help in her remembering which way to go? If not, perception: [roll0]

2017-09-12, 10:01 AM
With just the one wolf remaining, Cassius takes a quick look around at the rest of the party. Everyone looks alright with the exception of Jangles but with the members near by that wolf should not pose too much of a threat, he was more concerned about letting their scholar run off without protection and the days events looked to be catching up with her.
"I will give chase as well but go on ahead, I can catch up once things here are dealt with."
So saying he rushes the wolf snarling at Robbard and delivers a quick thrust at the beast, shield raised to interfere with its attacks.

Cassius will move next to Robbard and attack the wolf:Attack:[roll0] Damage:[roll1]
he will use his reaction to shield Robbard if the wolf targets him.

2017-09-12, 04:26 PM
"Do not worry about this beast here -we can deal with it." Robband calls out to Jophine as he strikes at the wolf again."Take the others with you and find the last wolf - but do not let yourself get separated in the woods!"

Action: melee attack against the wolf attacking him, [roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage.

Active spells: Shillelagh [turn 2/10]

EDIT: urgh :smallannoyed:

2017-09-12, 05:55 PM
Shaking and panting, Jangles lowers his crossbow and delicately touches his fingers to his wound. Feeling the warm ooze of blood, he walks into the overgrowth. Pain would shoot through the ragged gash with every movement of the halfling's shoulder and neck, pain that far surpassed the effects of adrenaline. His fingers shaking too much to load another bolt, he hatches another plan instead. Jangles is not sure how long this would take, but he trusts the dual purpose of his ensnaring strike to aid him in tracking the wolf and the party: While the vines could not hold down the beast, the trail of shredded vegetation should provide a suitable trail to follow. He wades into the overgrowth scanning for the one remedy he knows for a situation like this: A single sprig of mistletoe.

Ignoring difficult terrain with Natural Explorer, searching for a spell component. Survival check [roll0]

2017-09-13, 09:25 AM
Moving quickly, Syrel takes up position next to Jophine as they, and the halfling, enter the woods. He walks carefully, keeping an eye out for any signs of where the beast and the wolf might have gone.

Syrel will move his normal movement speed to enter the woods alongside Jophine. He will use his action to make a perception (or survival) check to follow the wolf.

Movement: 30 ft. (May provoke AoO)
Action: Perception/Survival roll: [roll0]

Shades of Gray
2017-09-13, 02:04 PM
Jangles manages to find the reagent he was looking for; unfortunately he didn't realize that it was surrounded by poison ivy.

Cassius catches the Wolf in the shoulder, drawing its attention away from the rest of the party.

Syrel and Jophine are able to locate the wolf's trail; the massive beast can't have gone far in the thick woods.

The group can easily track the wolf; as of yet the wolf and its target still remain out of view for this round.

Waiting on Regina, updating tomorrow at noon.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-17, 12:09 PM
The Commission manages to dispatch the large wolf and trace the other wolf through the woods to the edge of a large ravine. At the bottom of the ravine, the wolf is tearing into the figure from earlier, who is doing its best to stop the creature from mauling it.

The wolf is 40 feet away from the edge of the ravine. The ravine is rather steep; one must make a dexterity check to move faster than half speed down the slope.

Robband and Cassius will be 30 feet away from the ravine's edge, while the rest of the party is right there.

2017-09-18, 07:58 AM
Syrel catches up to the wolf at the bottom of a cliff, kicking himself for not catching it before it went for the strange figure. He begins to make his way down the side of the ravine, feet turned to the side and one hand held out to steady himself.

"Hold on! We're on our way!" He shouts down as he aims carefully for the wolf's flank.

Syrel will move at half speed down the cliff, firing an Agonizing Eldritch Blast at the wolf as he goes.

Movement: 30 ft. (15 ft. due to difficult terrain)
Attack Action: Cast Eldritch Blast with the Agonizing Blast invocation applied, adding Syrel's +3 Charisma bonus to the damage roll
Ranged Spell Attack for Eldritch Blast: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast Damage: [roll1]

2017-09-18, 11:44 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks dubiously at the embankment in front of her, and even moreso when she sees how slowly Syrel has to navigate it. She brings up her already-loaded crossbow and takes a shot at the wolf.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2017-09-18, 03:08 PM
Robband rushes to the edge of the ravine and, seeing the helpless creature from earlier, raises his staff into the sky and cries out a prayer of healing.

Then, pointing his staff at the remaining wolf, Robband calls down the White King's wrath upon the foul creature.

Movement: Robband moves to the edge of the ravine.

Bonus Action: cast Healing Word on the hunted creature, healing [roll0] HP.

Action: cast Sacred Flame on the remaining wolf. Target must make a 13 DC Dex Save or take [rolling in OOC] radiant damage.

2017-09-18, 06:01 PM
As the wolf falls and Robbard runs after the rest of group Cassius follows him to the ravine. His gaze settles on the hapless creature and wolf at the bottom, with Syrel already part way down Cassius takes a breath and begins descending himself, shield dragging at the cliff face to control his his momentum. Calling out to the figure:
"Hold on just a bit longer, we are here to help you!"

Cassius' actions are spent moving to the edge, then taking a Dash action to move at half speed down the cliff.

2017-09-19, 04:20 PM
Jangles sits down directly in the patch of poison ivy, concentrates on spellcasting until the unripe mistletoe berries grow five times in size, and then begins to toss the berries in his mouth one by one.

Cast Goodberry, eating one takes an entire action, so heal a mere one hit point.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-20, 12:51 PM
After a flurry of spells and ranged weapons, the wolf is knocked off of the mysterious creature. It flees into the woods, battered and bleeding.

The bleeding figure seems to be almost entirely covered with fur at this point. Seemingly ungrateful for the healing, it once again resumes limping away from the Commission. It's body appears to be human, or at least was human at one point, but it now looks malformed. Catching up with the being should be trivial.

2017-09-20, 01:30 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine starts down into the ravine, looks around worriedly for additional wolves, and stops. She says to Syrel and Cassius, "Keep going..I'll...I'll watch your back." She loads another bolt into her crossbow. She was pretty proud of her performance so far, having only really seen them used before. She looks toward Jangles, "Hey, Guide! Want to come....guide us or is it a guild-mandated break?"

2017-09-20, 10:37 PM
Jangles walks to the party, the swagger in his step compromised by his urge to scratch at all of his limbs at the same time. He says between a mouthful of berries, nodding and gesturing an empty hand at Jophine, "That's a good idea, there. Let's go to town, get us a meal that's hot, a cot, and perhaps a shot." Touching a hand to his neck wound, Jangles grits his teeth through the next few words: "As for Fluffy, we can take him along. I'd prefer if he was declawed first. You know, I was thinkin' about removing everything sharp from the town. New bylaw, y'know? Safer that way. Keeps the peace." Jangles wipes blood off his fingers with his cloak.

2017-09-24, 01:56 AM
Glancing at Jangles, Robband considers that it might have been prudent to have healed the Halfling first before the strange creature. Still, it was not to be helped now - and their guide seemed to have the matter in hand.

"Come, let us investigate the creature we appear to have saved. The sooner we can work out what is going on here, the sooner we can continue on to Gronnheim, and then to Lumberford."

Glancing down at the ravine, Robband mutters a small prayer and carefully descends to join the rest of the party.

Shades of Gray
2017-09-26, 01:22 PM
The creature looks up at you pitifully. As it speaks, you notice its teeth are all sharp. "Go... go away. She'll get you too. St-Stay away from L-Lumberford." It struggles to speak through its pain. "Don't m-mess with B-ba-b-baba-ba-b-b-b-ba" as it tries to speak a name, the creature's tongue swells and turns a bright purple.

2017-09-26, 03:40 PM
Cassius is almost unfazed as the creature's tongue swells and it begins to stutter but he still takes a quick step back and holds out his arm to prevent anyone else of the group from getting to close.
"You need not speak if it will cause some sort of curse to befall you, if you will be alright from this point on we will go our separate ways."
Cassius takes a look back toward the group, hoping to convey through expression and eye bobs that perhaps just letting this particular issue be and regrouping their thoughts and encounters in what is seeming the relative safety of Jangles village would be the discretion portion attached to the parties previous bouts of valor.

2017-09-26, 07:27 PM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Joph looks at Cassius. "What? There must be something we can do...a priest...can't we take them to temple...several priests working together or something?"

2017-09-29, 04:08 PM
Robband frowns as he ponders Jophine's question. Curses were never his strong point - at least not this sort anyway. "The power of the Gods is unlimited of course, but to channel that towards a specific goal... I mean, if, it were the high priests themselves then maybe... that is, if it were a simple curse...?"

Searching his memories of his training, he tries to recall any information that may be of use:
Rolling Intelligence (Religion) to try to judge whether divine magic could be of any help in this case: [roll0]

Shades of Gray
2017-10-01, 02:54 PM
The creature looks at Jangles pleadingly, gesturing with his neck in the direction of the village of Gronnheim. "Gph-glplp-grrlp-grplp-grolp-grlp-gro-gronlpph" it stumbles over its tongue.

Robband reasons out that Gronnheim and Lumberford are each very unlikely to have a priest powerful enough to remove or suppress a fey curse. Perhaps Weisskonig Parish (the abbey near the Faerie Ring mentioned by the Earl) and definitely Karolinstadt would have such a priest.

2017-10-01, 07:38 PM
Syrel watches the creature with interest. After thinking for several seconds, he sets forth an idea, "We can't carry them all the way back to Karolinstadt and the parish is in the other direction... Mayhaps we find someone to take care of them in Gronnheim what til we've done our business in Lumberford? Then we get them some real help on the way back."

2017-10-05, 10:42 AM
Jophine Dustwallow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1282613)
Second level Bard

Jophine looks dubiously at the creature. "What if there's nobody there who can tend to them? What if they get sicker...or worse, finish changing into an animal and hurt some of the villagers?" She turns to their newest companion. "It's your village, Jangles, and your area. What do you think?"