View Full Version : Pathfinder Sin mage: Pride, shadowcaster, looking for ideas

2017-07-31, 12:28 PM
So, me and my group are about to start playing way of the wicked, all i know about it is that i start in prison without anything and at lvl 1.
Mi group consist as far as i know is gonna consist of a ranger/warpriest (archer striker) and a anti-paladin (tank)
25 point buy
After thinking for a bit i want to try and play a wizard revolving around illusions and shadows. So shadowcaster kind of jumped to the front of my choices.
I also have been interested in making a Sin Mage.
Now my questions. Would you think a sin mage specializing in pride it's worth playing or it's too gimped? It fully bans conjuration and transmutation the most powerful schools in the game. How would you play it to make up for it?
What i had in mind (nothing that actually requires the sin mage archetype for the moment) it's getting the resilient illusion and observant illusion asap. Solid shadow when i get to the point of casting shadow spells, and the spell focus and greater spell focus on illusion.
What are your toughs on this? Would you do it this way or a totally different way? Why? Hell maybe shadow sorcerer would be best, i'm open to suggestion, just describing where am i now.
