View Full Version : Lionheart's Reign of Winter - Book One: The Snows of Summer

2017-08-04, 07:48 AM
The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town's soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.

As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman's escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood.

He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village

Each of you can make a Diplomacy or Knowledge (local) check to see what rumours you've individually picked up regarding the situation.

The council of Heldren, led by the human Ionnia Teppen, have put out a request for adventurers and fortune-seekers to investigate the ominous goings on. Each of you, for one reason or another, whether intrigued by the news or simply swept up in the excitement of the crowd, have made your way to the Town Hall to find out more.

There are others here beside you, most of them green farmers wielding rusted blades or tools as weapons. It seems that the meeting is yet to convene, and there is an opportunity to discuss what you know, or suspect, before the meeting begins in earnest.

2017-08-04, 08:10 AM

Aevien looked around the Town Hall full of people from the town of Heldren, the area surrounding and others. It had been months since he had been around so many people, like back in Cassomir. It was odd how strange it felt being among so many people. He was a big man taller than the majority, a bear-like wild nature to him. His hands held tightly to his quarter staff, not as a weapon but as a link to the wilderness he now called home. He almost looked human, but his pointed ears gave his mixed heritage away. At his feet moved a stocky cat silently. At first glance it could be mistaken as an odd coloured house cat, but with any attention it was obviously a cub of a bigger cat. Reminiscent of a tiger but with the wrong colouration. Grey-Black stripes on white. It moved nervously, clearly uncomfortable in the crowd, staying as close as it could to it's masters feet, circling in a manner that belied it's wild nature.
The room was crowded, but those near the duo gave them as much space as they could.
He had come based on rumours he had heard of unnatural weather and other things. He waited silently.

2017-08-04, 09:50 AM
Diplomacy [roll0] to see if Habakkuk has been hearing rumors.

Habakkuk Black smiled as he strapped his green greatsword to his back, making sure the handle was in the perfect spot for ease of draw. His time in the army had been short. An ugly encounter with a junior officer had turned into a brawl. The junior officer never had a chance. At his court martial, all Habakkuk could do was laugh when junior had tried to describe a back and forth encounter with his swollen and bruised face. Habakkuk was unmarked.

But now, Gorum had provided another way to prepare for his arrival. This unnatural cold and the bandits in the Border Wood would allow him to flex his muscles a bit. Returning this noblewoman would bring him to the attention of the town council, and they would certainly give him more work.

Tightening the last strap on his armor, Habakkuk walked out of his room and headed to the Town Hall.

It was time to make his presence known...

2017-08-04, 01:26 PM
diplomacy: [roll0]

Cassin was finaly able to move without pain in his side. He arrived in Heldren 2 days ago, but was stuck in bed under the supervision of the local healer. But today he was feeling as good as new, and he manage to convince the old lady that he was ok to attend the town hall meeting.

The man enteres the building. He was not as impressive physicaly as some of the others he saw around. His height was average, and a quick glance at him show a slim build. What stand out, and he caught many people starring at him because of this, was the 2 scars across his face, forming a nearly perfect line.

He smile seeing farmers and their improvised weapon. Speaking to no one in particular, he say:

"Well, seems like my arrival in town is most fortunate. They will need all the help they can get."

Just Helping
2017-08-04, 10:13 PM
As per the OOC thread, Xemne rolled a 27 Diplomacy for knowledge about the rumors.

It was only a matter of time before the Council acted.

Xemne was hardly a stranger to people's thoughts on the matter. Even if she was only a new arrival from a week before the snows had hit, Xemne had at times nary needed to mention the weather before the townsfolk confided in her -- and the ideas some had come up with! It never ceased to amaze how quickly some people would open up. Xemne listened even more intently than usual; mystical or not, cold snaps were bad news for the reagents she might have looked for.

Xemne herself had immediately decided to attend the meeting as it was announced, and made an unhesitating entrance to the crowded hall. Already, a few stood out from the crowd... Literally, in the case if the tall man with the exotic cat (quite the contrast to herself, Xemne supposed). One other voice in particular made itself known near her.

"Well, seems like my arrival in town is most fortunate. They will need all the help they can get."

"Well, alright then. Care to share your thoughts on the matter?" Xemne asked, moving nearer to the oddly confident man.

2017-08-04, 10:54 PM

Aevien's sharp ears picked up the conversations of many around him, but only two really caught his attention.

"Well, seems like my arrival in town is most fortunate. They will need all the help they can get."

"Well, alright then. Care to share your thoughts on the matter?"

He moved towards them, keeping an eye on Ghost, his cat. The man with the scars seemed full of himself, and the woman's response amused him. Aevien moved deliberately towards them, clearly not caring that he was obviously listening to them.

2017-08-05, 12:30 AM
Ah well
Siyalle had arrived in town only a few hours ago, and here she was attending a meeting already.
Ah well. She hadn't really been planning to seriously start going through the local library until tomorrow, so she might as well be here. Maybe she could help. Or at least learn something.
As she looked around, she caught sight of someone with a strangely coloured tiger cub at his heels. A druid? Probably. Maybe she could talk to him about this weather thing?
He seemed to be going somewhere, but Siyalle was not about to let a little thing like that stop her, and trotted up to him with her most charming smile on, and the air of someone who cannot imagine anyone else is less interested in a subject than she is.
"Hi!" She cried out to the quite possibly a druid, "I'm Siyalle! I hear you've been having unnaturally cold weather lately. Is it having an effect on local wildlife? I haven't been in this area much, but I know that..." She babbled on happily about food supplies and hibernation patterns, without giving her victim much chance to interrupt. Or indeed really checking he was paying attention at all - secure in the knowledge that there were few things a druid enjoyed more than discussing the minutiae of the natural world.

2017-08-05, 01:42 AM

A tall, broad shouldered Ulfen entered the room. He had the pale blond hair of his kind with eyes grey as a thunderstorm. His full pack was carried high and light while his leather lamellar showed only light use. The old fashioned, yet fashionable falcata marked the man as some kind of a noble savage, but the great round shield bespiked with the telltale pitting of cold iron made plain he was still very much the savage. As though his appearance were not already the paragon of a northern warrior , a greatclub was slung over his back and short axes of the kind used for throwing hung from his hips.

Vilgeirr had only just arrived in the village of Heldren on his return from the Qadiran border. That the weather had turned was of no consequence to him. It was now just as cold as the summers of his homeland. Still, he had watched the many people moving toward what looked like the southerners version of a hall and he had asked of some of the locals as they approached the building. It seemed his rough look and oddly lilting cadence to his accented speech made him more foreign to the crofters and they moved away from as quickly as they could. He sighed, a wry grin spreading across his face at their hostility. Ah well...

He crossed the threshold and once inside looked about. Surprise registered in the sudden rise of his eyebrows at the sight of someone else of his height and build. It was rare to find anyone who looked to be full grown in the southern lands and it caught Vilgeirr unaware. He nodded to the other man by way of greeting as he took in the assemblage.

2017-08-05, 06:22 AM
Cassin smiled. Always funny, the way people assume he know everything just because he is not affraid to say he will help. He turn to face the woman who just speak to him, and answer her.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I have no idea what is happening here. I'm just saying that with this bunch of farmers armed with shovel and pitchfork, the town will need help if any of the rumors are true. And i'm willing to help."

He pause, smiling more sincerely.

"My name is Cassin by the way. And you are?"

Just Helping
2017-08-05, 01:56 PM
Xemne returned the smile, assured that Cassin was not merely a braggart. For her own part, Xemne figured she would help out, if this did turn out to be that something she could help with -- though whatever caused her affinity for ice magic told her little about any possible culprit, and Xemne's studies, few that they were, had little to do with weather.

"My name is Xemne, pleased to meet you. It seems we might be working together."

She paused for a moment, frowning momentarily. With the amount of time she had spent around the small town, Xemne would have thought she'd see fewer new faces in the meeting today.

"I am a bit surprised I haven't seen you around. Did you just arrive to town?"

2017-08-05, 04:07 PM

Aevien arrives at the two and crouches down scratching the cubs neck. He awaits someone awkwardly for the right time to introduce himself.

2017-08-05, 04:30 PM
"I arrived two days ago, spend this time recovering from my wounds. Thanks to the town healer, i'm ready for whatever come next. So we will work together eh? I can't wait to see..."

Cassin stop and look at the tall man who just walk to them. He watch him pet his cat for a few seconds.

"Hey there. You want to join us? I'm Cassin."

The new comer look a bit weird to Cassin, there was something...bestial about him. Still, he was here, and seem uncomfortable around so many people, probably to help, just like Cassin, and his new acquaintance, Xemne.

2017-08-05, 05:04 PM

Aevien nods and looks to Xemne. "I am Aevien and this is Ghost. We came here because of the strange events." He rises to his full height looking towards Cassin . "What is it that you can't wait to see?"

2017-08-05, 05:29 PM
It took a few seconds to Caissin before he understood what Aevien was talking about. He laugh shortly.

"I can't wait to see our friend here, Xemne, in action. In my few years of travels, i found out that usually, the most inoffensive looking one are the most impressive to see in action. No offence, young lady."

He said the last sentence with joking eyes aimed at Xemne.

2017-08-05, 07:41 PM

"Hi!" She cried out to the quite possibly a druid, "I'm Siyalle! I hear you've been having unnaturally cold weather lately. Is it having an effect on local wildlife? I haven't been in this area much, but I know that..." She babbled on happily about food supplies and hibernation patterns, without giving her victim much chance to interrupt. Or indeed really checking he was paying attention at all - secure in the knowledge that there were few things a druid enjoyed more than discussing the minutiae of the natural world.

Aevien awkwardly smiles at Siyalle. "I do not live here, I came to find answers to ... those questions. He looks less interested in many of those details than she does.

2017-08-06, 12:55 AM
Siyalle frowned.
The large man didn't seem overly interested in what she was saying.
Which was odd because the impact of prolonged cold weather on the growth of small plants was obviously fascinating.
And yet, the large druid seemed more interested in these two new people.
She must, she decided, get to the bottom of this mystery.
Unfortunately, she wasn't entirely sure how to go about doing so, so she drifted awkwardly along the edges of this new group, vaguely hoping to be included.
She was fairly certain that her previous life was incredibly disappointed in her.

2017-08-06, 03:34 AM
- Old Man Dansby claims that someone keeps stealing from his fields. His farm lies closest to the Border Wood, where half his crops have died from an icy frost and the rest have been carried off.

- A farmer's son took ill a few days ago after falling through the ice over Wishbone Creek. The boy said he spotted a white stag in the forest - and heard it talking - then tried to follow it.

- A group of rangers in the Border Wood called the High Sentinels usually keep bandit activity curbed. They're doing a poor job if brigands could attack a well-armed caravan and abduct Lady Argentea.

- Old Man Dansby claims that someone keeps stealing from his fields. His farm lies closest to the Border Wood, where half his crops have died from an icy frost and the rest have been carried off.

- A farmer's son took ill a few days ago after falling through the ice over Wishbone Creek. The boy said he spotted a white stag in the forest - and heard it talking - then tried to follow it.

- A group of rangers in the Border Wood called the High Sentinels usually keep bandit activity curbed. They're doing a poor job if brigands could attack a well-armed caravan and abduct Lady Argentea.

- Locals say a hunter named Dryden Kepp claimed he saw a giant white weasel on the High Ridge in the forest. No one believed him so he went back to trap it and prove them wrong.

- Two weeks ago, Lady Argentea Malassene travelled past Heldren on her way from Oppara to Zimar to meet her betrothed. Rumour has it that the two didn't get along and Lady Argentea caused a scandal by calling off the engagement and returning home.

- Everyone says the weather is unseasonably cold for midsummer - it even snowed in the Border Wood! Most suspect magic is involved, and some fear Qadiran agents played a role in it.

As the hubbub of the meeting continues, everybody seemingly waiting for the councillors to arrive, Habakkuk and Vilgeirr are individually approached by women in fine garb. A third, similarly dressed woman approaches the group of Aevien, Siyalle, Xemne and Cassin.

The women bow slightly before each of you, before speaking in a hushed voice, so as not to draw the attention of the villagers milling around. Greetings. My mistress, Ionnia, has asked to meet with you, privately,
to discuss this matter in more appropriate surroundings. If you would be so kind as to follow me, I will take you to her.

Just Helping
2017-08-06, 03:39 AM
Xemne replied to Aevien's introduction, looking to each of the two in turn. "Nice to meet you, Aevien, Ghost."

"I can't wait to see our friend here, Xemne, in action. In my few years of travels, i found out that usually, the most inoffensive looking one are the most impressive to see in action. No offence, young lady."

"Oh, none taken." Xemne quickly caught his meaning -- there were only so many ways one could impress 'in action' with no armor or weapons. "Hopefully things won't get so heated, of course." She couldn't quite keep the smile off her face from that one.

The casual meeting took an interesting turn when the group was invited to a private meeting. Looking to her two new acquaintances, Xemne was happy to acquiesce.

"Of course, it would not do to keep her waiting. Shall we, gentlemen?"

2017-08-06, 05:26 AM
Cassin was intrigued by this Ionna.

"Sure, let's see what this is all about."

Just before leaving, following the woman, he turn to Siyalee.

"Are you coming with us? The more the merrier, as the say."

Cassin as never seen some one like her... this town was more and more interesting.

2017-08-07, 01:56 AM
"Lead on lady." The northman replied. He followed the finely dressed woman, vaguely interested to discover who the mysterious Ionnia might be and if this might be merely a diversion; if so, what kind?

2017-08-07, 08:53 AM

Aevien nods at the woman in extravagant garb and follows her. He did not understand the complexities of human interactions. He still had a child's view of society.

2017-08-07, 06:54 PM

"You have called upon the right man, as I have answered the summons of Gorum to come and deal with your strange problems. I will gladly lead this expedition.", the big man looked at the others gathered to meet this Ionnia. Only one fighting man among them. But we will succeed, of that I'm sure.

Nodding his head to the big man, Habakkuk follows the woman to his destiny.

2017-08-07, 07:44 PM

Aevien looked at the new man with disdain. More arrogance.

2017-08-08, 02:38 AM
Cassin was intrigued by this Ionna.

"Sure, let's see what this is all about."

Just before leaving, following the woman, he turn to Siyalee.

"Are you coming with us? The more the merrier, as the say."

Cassin as never seen some one like her... this town was more and more interesting.

"Of course!" Siyalle was fairly buzzing with excitement at being included (and paid very little mind to what she might be being included in). As their small group followed the woman, she buzzed around, commenting on possible unintended side-effects of control weather spells, historical incidents of freak weather patterns, and, at one point, a particularly interesting species of moss she found between the castle tiles.
Eventually, she settled on Xemne.
"Are you a wizard?" She asked. "You look magical. I'd be fascinated to compare notes when we have a moment?"

2017-08-08, 05:12 AM
The ladies bow again at your responses, and without another word, turn and weave their way through the sparse crowd, trusting that you will follow.
Their steps lead them to the near end of the hall, to a set of wooden steps leading to a roughly planked mezzanine floor sitting squat between the thatched roof and the top of the door's lintel.

The mezzanine isn't large, forming little more than a balcony beside the stairs to look over the congregation below. A few steps away from the top of the stairs there is a door leading to a small room. As you take the stairs, you notice two other women leading followers of their own to join you.

The first of the women to reach the top of the stairs knocks lightly on the door, and, hearing no sound from within, turns the iron latch and pushes it open.

A small fire lights the room beyond the door, illuminating a simple wooden cot, and a similar chair beside. The bed contains a man, his chest bare save for a swaddling of bloodied bandages and the thick wiry hair of a northman. Another bandage binds his forehead, and dips to cover his right eye. It is stained with blood and yellow sweat; an obvious sign of fever, and the man's sallow locks and beard are lank with more of the same. His good eye is closed, and facing towards the wall.

The figure sitting in the hair couldn't be much more different. Streaks of grey show through the tightly bound dark hair, and a few stray wisps of it float across her forehead. Her features are pinched and severe, and her expression speaks to her concern for her village. Her clothes are plain and practical, in stark contrast to those she sent to locate you.

As you enter the room, she stands, and welcomes you. "Greetings adventurers, and thank you for coming to see me."

"My name is Ionnia, and I am one of the councillors to this village. I asked my handmaids to pick out those among the crowd that looked like they had had some taste of adventure before. This is a serious matter, and I want it resolved as quickly and cleanly as possible, with as little loss of life as can be managed."

"As you no doubt have heard, there has been some strange weather forming in these parts recently. The Border Wood,
so they say, has been subjected to a wintry storm, though midsummer has not long past. Worse still, the Lady Argentea Malassene has been abducted while travelling between Zimar and Oppara. This man" she gestures to the injured man in the bed beside her, "is the only survivor from her expedition."

"I want you, the six of you, to investigate these goings on and, if you can, rescue Lady Argentea and determine the source of the threat in the Border Wood.

"Feel free to ask either myself or Yuln here any questions you might have about the attack, and we'll do the best we can to assist you."

2017-08-08, 12:01 PM
Cassin examined the odd bunch of people that Ionna gathered here while she explained the ins and outs. He will have to work with them for now on. Well, this will have to do, he thought.

When Ionna stop talking, Cassin had a few inquiry. He went ahead and talk first.

"So, i have a few question here. Who exactly is this Lady Argentea? And by who, or what, where you attacked? And as someone who is not from around here, where exactly are this " Border Wood", and what can we expect in there, normaly?"

Just Helping
2017-08-08, 08:29 PM
"Of course!" Siyalle was fairly buzzing with excitement at being included (and paid very little mind to what she might be being included in). As their small group followed the woman, she buzzed around, commenting on possible unintended side-effects of control weather spells, historical incidents of freak weather patterns, and, at one point, a particularly interesting species of moss she found between the castle tiles.

Xemne took a moment to notice the new addition -- frankly, Xemne didn't mind the commentary about all sorts of thin (even if Xemne stopped understanding somewhere right around the mention of 'cumulonimbus'). It's honestly not too far from how I was when my powers first woke up... minus the direct contradictions. And that skin tone of hers, something about that seems familiar as well.

Eventually, she settled on Xemne.
"Are you a wizard?" She asked. "You look magical. I'd be fascinated to compare notes when we have a moment?"

Xemne chuckled. "Why, thank you. I'll be happy to oblige."

It had taken Xemne just a few moments too long to enter into the room, as slight urges to extinguish and spread the flame occurred to her. Thankfully, Xemne was able to shake off the feeling before Ionnia began addressing them, but still felt a bit embarrassed at the slip-up -- even if everyone seemed rather enthusiastic about the meeting.


Her abilities would not help the man heal, but already Xemne could piece together a thing or two from the rumors she had heard. Xemne quietly tried to make sense of the situation, hoping to find whatever niggling hint that might help Ionnia point them in the right direction. In the meantime, it seemed some of the others had already thought of something.

But what is it? I remember there was a white stag in the forest someone tried to chase after...

2017-08-08, 10:02 PM

Aevien listened and awaited the answers although some seemed pointless. He felt not speaking for now was the best choice, he was surprised how odd he felt in society again.

2017-08-09, 03:16 AM
The man in the bed rolls over to help Ionnia answer your questions.

"My name is Yuln Oerstag. I'm an Ulfen mercenary hired by Lady Argentea to protect her caravan as she returned from visiting her fiance in Zimar. I don't know much about her really, she is, or was at any rate, a minor noble and apparently lives in the capital of Oppara. There's no reason I can see why she would be a specific target.

As to who attacked us; We thought they were just bandits at first-outlaws who hide like wolves in the forest. They were no match for us. But then came the cold fey of the north. They appeared among us and the battle turned quickly. My people speak of the winter-touched all the time, but I never expected to meet them this far south."

Ionnia steps in to answer the last; "I believe I can shed some light on the Border Wood. It's normally a relatively peaceful place; though of course it is inhabited by various forest animals that will defend themselves, nothing too dangerous ordinarily. There has historically been some bandit activity, but the High Sentinels have dealt with them handily in the past, so it's come as a bit of a surprise to hear that another group have cropped up.

The northern edge of the Border Wood is about six miles south of here, and it was on this edge that he attack took place, according to Yuln's testimony."

2017-08-09, 07:57 AM

Seeing the severely injured man, Habakkuk steps forward, "Perhaps Gorum will heal you, Northman, since you recieved those wounds in battle. I cannot promise, only try."

Laying hands on the Ulfen man, he begins to beseech Gorum for the healing of wounds. Soon, a glow spreads from his hands to envelop the man.

Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2017-08-09, 07:18 PM

Aevien looks around at all those gathered. "I care not for titles nor in general the randomness violence of life. Creatures that speak words and those that do not all suffer and die, but winter in summer is something else. It speaks of something greater. I think we need to head to the Border Wood and see first hand what is going on.
I am ready to travel now and will be ready when the rest of you are."

2017-08-10, 05:50 AM
As Habakkuk's magic begins to work on the mercenary, he lets out a breath of relief. Though it's not enough to close his wounds fully, it has obviously significantly eased his suffering.

He looks between the cleric and Aevien, and bows his head in shame. "Would that I could go with you,"he says. "My ancestors would ridicule my lack of valour for fleeing rather than fighting to the end. But I faced enemies that even the greatest warriors in the Linnorm Kingdoms have faltered against,
though I think I slew at least one of them before they dragged Lady Argentea away."

2017-08-10, 10:08 AM
"Well, if everyone else is ready to go, i have no further questions."

Caissin wait on the rest of the group to leave.

2017-08-10, 10:07 PM

Habakkuk rises from the bedside, looking around at the others in the room. "If the Ulfen is unable to take us to the site, I will lead us there. Then I will teach these bandits to not steal noblewomen."

Just Helping
2017-08-10, 11:18 PM
Xemne had failed to come up with much questioning from what she had heard. However, the warrior had spoken of winter-touched fey... and that felt a bit more ominous than it should have. Looking to the group, Xemne quickly spoke, remembering something that might help.

"I think I have a possible lead on some of the attackers -- it's on the way to the Border Woods."

Slowing down, hoping to have convinced people to listen, she continued. "Your mention of the winter-touched reminded me of it, Yuln, but there was a farmer near the woods who lost some crops to thieves. We might be able to track our targets from there, instead of wander into their ambush."

She shrugged.

"Also, it's on the way, and shouldn't take much time. The farm is right next to the woods."

2017-08-13, 01:09 AM
The meeting with the lady was not really Siyalle's area: it did not involve any of the four kinds of people (scholars, wizards, druids, and occasionally clerics), nor was it about a subject she was versed in (defined loosely as anything one would be likely to find in a book at least as old as she was). She was not sure how to act in this new environment, and therefore stayed silent.
She took interest only three times - first, when the soldier was healed - cleric's magic was unfamilliar to her, and it had been of particular interest to Alia. The second, when the fey were mentioned. Fey, she did know, and knew well - a happy side-effect of living with druids. She was even working on a minor alteration to one of her spells, so that she could charm them as well as humans. Meeting some would be very helpful, even if they did turn out to be a little unwelcoming. It was probably a misunderstanding.
These first two times, she did not speak. The third, when it became clear that the group was going to the Border wood.
"Oh!" She said, "I need to go with you! The poor woman is bad enough, but do you have any idea how much death a change in the seasons might cause? Crops will fail. Animals will starve. Trees will die. Some people might survive with magical aid, but..." She paused, ""Anyway, it would be awful! A complete waste. And it could have a thousand different causes. Do the fey bring it, or do they simply follow it? Is it magical in origin? I wonder how one would weave such an enchantment. Or maybe it's a natural phenomenon? We have to... to stop it of course."

2017-08-13, 06:14 AM

Aevien smiles oddly at Siyalle. "Of course you are welcome to come."

2017-08-14, 01:10 AM
Vilgeirr had followed the woman to the upper floor and nodded to the village's hetwoman when introduced. Of course, he had seen the Ulfen, but as the man seemed to hiding himself in shame, he ignored him. He listened to the elder's words and when she gestured to the bedridden man, he turned and watched him as much as he listened. He was obviously ashamed at having not only survived his failure, but then he admitted fleeing the battle. At least he didn't further embarrass himself by claiming it was his duty or that he was following orders as the southerners were wont to do.

As the others discussed what was to be done and how best to proceed, Vilgeirr ruminated on what had been said. Finally, he spoke. "What kind of northern fey?"

2017-08-15, 11:44 AM
Looking around at the group gathered around the bed of the northman, Habakkuk saw clearly his god's plan coming together in his head. Gorum's will was for him to lead these misfits so that he grow as a warrior and be prepared to recieve his lord's essence.

As he waited for the injured man to respond to the Ulfen's question, Habakkuk stood, looking each of the group in the eye, "Meet back here in an hour. Gather the necesarry supplies you need for a week in the woods, as we cannot be certain that we will immediately come upon them.
We will leave as soon as we have all reassembled."

With that, he strode out the door without waiting for a response, going to gather his gear quickly and return.

2017-08-15, 06:23 PM

Aevien smirks at Habakkuk. He was amused at the warriors assumptive nature. "If anyone needs help, let me know, as I said I am ready, but could likely use some rations if we are planning on traveling fast. Normally I live off the land." He looks around at the rest of the group.

2017-08-15, 06:52 PM
Cassin raise an eyebrow when the Habakkuk decided to take control. But before he could say anything, the man was gone. He turn toward the rest of the group.

"For my part, i was ready to go when i entered the townhall. Any of you need anything?"

Just manking smalltalk, but i'm ready to move on.

Just Helping
2017-08-15, 08:37 PM
...huh. Xemne had watched as the Gorumite cleric boldly departed before hearing the fallen warrior's answer, having met his stare with curiosity. Oh well. At least he is happy to help, right?

"For my part, i was ready to go when i entered the townhall. Any of you need anything?"

I've only recently arrived, so I should be okay for a week, or at least the better part of one. I can always hunt to make up the difference, but... If I'm missing anything, I can probably get it real quick.
"For my part, I think I have most of what I need packed where I've been staying. I'll have to see if I have everything."

2017-08-16, 10:20 AM
Siyalle was barely paying attention when Habakkuk spoke - she wanted to know if they were going to be told about what type of fey they would face.
But when he made his announcement, there was an instant change. It brought back memories, and when she opened her mouth, it was Dasra who spoke.
"Hey," He said, "Who wants to ditch him, and go now? We'll have a bit less firepower, but on the other hand, he seems really annoying." Dasra grinned, in the manner of one who is not precisely serious, but is getting there.
"I don't have any way of telling how long an hour is, anyway, since I don't carry an hourglass around with me. Any more. And we don't have enough time to swap my spells for more appropriate ones. So um... yeah. Guess I'll stick around with you guys. So um... what brings ye all here? And does anyone have any berries?

2017-08-16, 05:00 PM

Aevien smirks at Siyalle at the idea of leaving without Habakkuk. He liked her attitude. She was different than most people he knew.

"We should likely wait for him, being we have no idea what we are up against, although I have to admit I am tempted."
"Berries we can likely find on the way, at least some. How many of you have tents or the like? I can assure you sleeping in the rain is not pleasant and it is far worse in the snow. Maybe we should even get winter clothes and of course rations."
"I have a shelter, but not for us all."

2017-08-16, 05:20 PM
Cassin think about his gear for a few seconds. Aevien made a few good points.

" I have some food, and i'm pretty good at finding some in the wild if needed. Equipped for cold too. But i have no tent, and you make a good point about it's utility, Aevien. Maybe i should get one."

2017-08-16, 10:01 PM
Habakkuk returns to his room, completely unaware of the bonding moment he had created. After gathering his supplies, he returns to the agreed upon location in just under half an hour.

2017-08-17, 04:24 AM
"I don't have a tent. I um... I'm not actually strong enough to carry one. I've slept in rain and snow before, though. Bloody druids."

2017-08-17, 06:43 AM

Aevien nods at Siyalle. "You can stay in mine if you wish, at least if the weather is inclement."
"I am going to go buy some rations and warmer cloths, if anyone wishes to come with me I would be happy to help them."

Aevien will head out after other have reacted. He will buy some rations, winter clothes and a heavy blanket and if he feels he cannot forage some berries easily he will buy some for Siyalle.

2017-08-17, 07:27 AM
As he awaited a response from Oerstag, the viking murmured to the others, "I have never known it to be cold here. Even in the depths of your winter it is nearly as a summer day in my homeland. I have a bedroll, but no tent or winter clothing although I can certainly carry more if need be."

2017-08-17, 04:32 PM
"Let's go shopping then!"

Cassin head out with the others to buy some supply for the road.

Just Helping
2017-08-28, 10:15 PM
Xemne considered what Aevien said. "I know that I do not have a tent; the cold in the snows was never an issue for me. I think I'll look for one in case this snow storm does anything else."

2017-08-29, 05:24 AM
As you gather for to peruse the markets of the town, the wounded Ulfen's description of the fey echoes in your heads. "I don't know what they're called. In the north we know them only as the winter-touched. Fey creatures who have sworn themselves to the White Witches of Irrisen, those who stole our lands fom us during the Winter War. Tiny sprites no taller than the length of a man's forearm. But don't be fooled by their small stature. Legends say they have taken a sliver of ice into their hearts, and their touch bears the harsh bite of winter.

I know it's feeble, but wanted to answer the question without going backwards from where you are now.

The town isn't large, and only boasts three buildings that could be considered shops, as well as the obligatory tavern. All of these are easily found from the entrance to the town hall, as all face on to the central village square; dominated by a large statue of a woman, known only as 'The Lady'

Clockwise from the town hall, the hanging signs list the names of the shops as
- Isker's Smithy - from the looks of the outside, here you could purchase the standard array of weapons, armour and tools necessary to a town of this size (simple weapons and ammunition, light armour, wooden shields and most tools)
- General Store - This shop deals in the standard odds and ends required by everyone. Here's the place to come for rope, tents and other generic adventuring equipment, as well as food. A number of cold weather outfits hang outside the window, where a halfling is industriously modifying their price. (12gp instead of the standard 8, due to the unexpected demand. 5 available)
- Willowbark Apothecary - Fresh herbs and spices hang around the lintel of this store. Though it's doubtful a village of this size will have anyone capable of crafting any potions of real power, alchemist's fire and the like should be easy enough to come by.

The last building against the square is a temple to Erastil, and here it may be possible to purchase some divine aid, if required.

2017-08-30, 03:05 AM
The viking turned to the others, "You will need to arm yourselves with cold iron.
Even if it is a simple dagger, cold iron will mean the difference between victory and death when facing off against the fey."

2017-08-30, 04:56 AM

Aevien nods in agreement with the Ulfen and looks for cold iron weapons.

2017-08-30, 07:19 AM
Cassin was a bit lost in is thought and jump a bit when Vilgeirr spoke. He didnt even realize he had grab the hex nail from his pocket.

"Let's look for cold iron weapon then. But i'll be happily surprise if we found some in a small dorp like this one. Anyone else need a tent? We could buy a bigger one and share it, it would cost less and be easier to carry."

Cassin continuetoward the smithy, still thinking about what the wounded warrior said: these creatures are working for witches.

2017-09-04, 12:35 AM
The Ulfen responds, "Eldri kona, can your people loan us the use of some gear to help you?"