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2017-08-04, 01:41 PM
My group of players are a little light on magic items and I'd like some ideas for treasure they can use. They're level 4, gestalt, and there's usually only 3 players at the table.

1) Crusader // Divine Bard - uses song of the white raven for swift inspire courage. Has a horn of goodness and full plate armor

2) Druid // Cleric - he's a dedicated summoner without any real gear.

3) Factotum // Warblade - is aiming for a crit fisher build with kukris. Has an Amulet of Health +2 but also has 2 Con drain

4) Warblade // Sorcerer - uses the spell fist of stone and starts amacking things with his hammer

5) Warblade // Fighter - uses spirited charge with a lance to do triple damage

Mike Miller
2017-08-04, 07:09 PM
My group of players are a little light on magic items and I'd like some ideas for treasure they can use. They're level 4, gestalt, and there's usually only 3 players at the table.

1) Crusader // Divine Bard - uses song of the white raven for swift inspire courage. Has a horn of goodness and full plate armor

2) Druid // Cleric - he's a dedicated summoner without any real gear.

3) Factotum // Warblade - is aiming for a crit fisher build with kukris. Has an Amulet of Health +2 but also has 2 Con drain

4) Warblade // Sorcerer - uses the spell fist of stone and starts amacking things with his hammer

5) Warblade // Fighter - uses spirited charge with a lance to do triple damage

Well I'm not sure where to start. The obligatory "what power level do you want" seems to strike first. However, giving the PCs gold to spend on items THEY want is typically the best, instead of guessing what they want. However, as DM, I like to give things that are useful to the party and let them figure out how to use it best (or really however they want to use it) in addition to gold they can spend on what they WANT.

An easy thing to do is simply upgrade what they have. If you want to give them magical gear and they have mundane armor / weapons, then give them a magical version of what they have. +1 full plate, +1 hammer, etc. Or step it up if you want more power from them. +2 keen holy kukri...+3 vicious warhammer. +1 flaming burst lance...etc. What kind of campaign is it? Do they fight a lot of one type of enemy? +1 bane whatever would help out a lot.

If you have a lot of undead, a phylactery of undead turning would be good for the cleric. Rings of protection, cloaks of resistance...Any stat boosting item is appreciated for appropriate stats. Pearls of power are always good for casters. Ioun stones are good for all. Boots of speed are always useful. You could also think about what is coming ahead and give them a wand that will help them at some point, it doesn't need to have 50 charges, either. For example, if they are going into some cave or extensive underground complex that is under a constant magical darkness effect that they wouldn't have the resources to get through with their light spells alone, give them a wand some X charges on it. They won't know at the time the value of the wand, but when they reach the place they'll be glad they have it.

This is all out of the DMG, too. I haven't even mentioned the MIC.

2017-08-05, 02:21 AM
A medallion of valour for the crusader would be good. I think it's worth about 1400-1500gp, is activatable 3/day to give your next inspire courage a +1 bonus. It does use a swift action to activate, so he wouldn't be able to activate it and song of the white raven in the same round, he would need to use a standard action to activate his inspire courage, but it's a nice little trade-off, choosing between an extra +1, or attacking in the first round.

Keep in mind that after the first round, maintaining inspire courage requires no action, as it doesn't require concentration.

Another good item you can put side by side with the medallion of courage is a countersong charm, I believe it's like 400-600gp, and allows you to use countersong 1/day as an immediate action. Definitely a nice little item if he didn't trade away countersong for an ACF.

2017-08-05, 02:31 AM
A bag of holding type 1, a figurine of wondrous power (silver raven), a headband of intellect +2, amulet of mighty fists +1, and pipes of haunting. Random roll.