View Full Version : Burn spell for spell-like use

2017-08-04, 06:46 PM
Is there a feat or class combination that would allow someone to gain an additional use of a spell-like ability by burning a spell?

For example, Mumbo the mage has magic missile as a spell-like, but Mumbo doesn't manage his abilities well, so he ran out of daily uses! Could Mumbo possibly trade his prepared Cloudkill for an extra use of the much needed magic missile?

This need not be an optimized ability, the example is exactly what I intend to do.

2017-08-05, 01:35 AM
As far as I am aware, no such ability exists (in 3.5 anyway, not sure about PF).

2017-08-05, 01:53 AM
Pathfinder has the spell Recharge Innate Magic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/recharge-innate-magic/) which recovers one use of each 0-level and 1st level racial spell-like ability.

The Fey Magic trait available to many races allows you to gain that as a 1st level spell-like ability, but only usable when in a certain terrain type. So whenever you use it, you regain one use of every 0-level and 1st level racial spell-like ability, including Recharge Innate Magic itself. For example, a Gnome can get Pyromaniac and Fey Magic to be able to use Produce Flame and a few 0-level spell-like abilities an unlimited number of times each day.

2017-08-05, 10:45 AM
I feel like there is at least one PrC that gives specific SLAs and allows you to lose spell slots to gain additional uses of the specific SLAs that the PrC gives you, but there are several issues with that. First, that's very specific, and you seem to be looking for a general ability. Second, I have no idea what that PrC actually is. Third, the fact that I can't remember what it is makes me feel worried that I'm either misremembering a critical detail or conflating multiple unrelated abilities, so I don't feel very confident in my answer.

This isn't what you asked for, but the Nosomatic Chirurgeon (Dragonmarked, pg. 114) can lose either a use of a SLA or a spell slot to spontaneously cast an inflict spell, which is a very rare example of using a SLA to fuel a spell. I cannot find any specific examples of going the other way, though. As I said, I feel like one exists, but I cannot prove it.

mabriss lethe
2017-08-05, 12:37 PM
If there is something like that in 3.5 it's probably buried somewhere in the Eberron material, and probably deals directly with dragonmarks.

2017-08-05, 06:30 PM
Alamanther's Return (MoF) is a 9th level Sor/Wiz spell that allows you to duplicate the effects of any one spell or spell-like ability you've seen of 8th level or less.

2017-08-05, 08:38 PM
Ah I forgot that I put this thread up, sorry guys.

As I said, I feel like one exists, but I cannot prove it.

I also feel like there HAS to be something out there, but I cant for the life of me find it.

Well, another way to go about what I'm planning is just to avoid spell-likes entirely.
Normally you can prepare a lower level spell in a higher level slot, like using an 8th level slot for Magic Missile.
But is there any way to get a bit more efficiency out of a trade like this?

For example, I know of at least two mechanics that let you trade low level slots for high level ones (versatile spellcaster, Ur-Priest level 6 ability), but are there any that let you do the opposite trade?


A third way is to forget about spells entirely. Is there a way to recharge spell-likes by making a sacrifice of sorts? For example: "Take 1 WIS damage per level of the ability to regain a daily charge."

Jay R
2017-08-05, 08:43 PM
Is there a feat or class combination that would allow someone to gain an additional use of a spell-like ability by burning a spell?

For example, Mumbo the mage has magic missile as a spell-like, but Mumbo doesn't manage his abilities well, so he ran out of daily uses! Could Mumbo possibly trade his prepared Cloudkill for an extra use of the much needed magic missile?

This need not be an optimized ability, the example is exactly what I intend to do.

The added emphasis above is why I hope that the ability does not exist. Its purpose is to prevent the challenge of learning to play the character well.

2017-08-05, 09:02 PM
The added emphasis above is why I hope that the ability does not exist. Its purpose is to prevent the challenge of learning to play the character well.

Alas, poor Mumbo the Mis-Managing Mage, he gets the flak, when the real one behind the question is his brother, Pumbo the Powergaming ... Person. I ran out of ideas for that.

But really, the example given was not my intended use for the feature.
One of my character concepts has a once a day ability that I would like to focus this character around.

Jay R
2017-08-05, 09:05 PM
Alas, poor Mumbo the Mis-Managing Mage, he gets the flak, when the real one behind the question is his brother, Pumbo the Powergaming ... Person. I ran out of ideas for that.

But really, the example given was not my intended use for the feature.
One of my character concepts has a once a day ability that I would like to focus this character around.

Oh. In that case, tell us what the ability is, and we may be able to find a way to have it more often.

2017-08-05, 09:54 PM
Oh. In that case, tell us what the ability is, and we may be able to find a way to have it more often.

Well, a friend of mine wanted me to make a monk character that takes the prestige class Force Missile Mage from Dragon Compendium.

To go a little further, i sorta wanted to do this without casting spells, and to suffice with only spell-likes or supernaturals.

I think it could be argued, based on the definition of "cast" that one can qualify without having a spell casting class, though it would be rather... ridiculous. But so is a monk that specializes in magic missile.

There are plenty of ways to get magic missile as a spell like,
The original plan was to undergo the Draconic Right of Passage as a kobold, which probably wont pan out, because then the spell-like given is cast as a level 1 sorcerer.
But then again, i COULD still take it, cause there are no downsides, it's just that I cant focus the build on it.

Jay R
2017-08-06, 02:59 PM
I think you may be right. You can't focus the build on it.

To focus the build on something, you choose something out of the list of things you have mechanics for.

2017-08-06, 06:53 PM
Well, a friend of mine wanted me to make a monk character that takes the prestige class Force Missile Mage from Dragon Compendium.

To go a little further, i sorta wanted to do this without casting spells, and to suffice with only spell-likes or supernaturals.

I think it could be argued, based on the definition of "cast" that one can qualify without having a spell casting class, though it would be rather... ridiculous. But so is a monk that specializes in magic missile.

There are plenty of ways to get magic missile as a spell like,
The original plan was to undergo the Draconic Right of Passage as a kobold, which probably wont pan out, because then the spell-like given is cast as a level 1 sorcerer.
But then again, i COULD still take it, cause there are no downsides, it's just that I cant focus the build on it.

Brother, I kinda got you, but the dm needs to be a little lenient about what counts as innate.


2017-08-06, 10:46 PM
Wait, isn't this Spellthief's whole schtick? Where you steal your own spell/SLA temporarily to give yourself infinite uses of another SLA?

Easier to do with spells because you can just take the Primal Scholar PrC in Secrets of Xen'drik and use the Ancient Secret: Secret of Power.