View Full Version : Board font?

2017-08-04, 10:04 PM
What font is the forum displays (thread titles, etc.) defaulting to?

I am transitioning from XP on a nice CRT to an LED monitor (vertical for reading). It seems that the default for text is pencil-thin fonts that are low-contrast on a white background and thus eye-straining to read.

I can fix this by zooming in until the fonts have actual thickness, but then everything is large and the formatting is all messed up. I just want to have normal-thickness letters back, like I have on the XP box that's running on the other side of my desk right now.

There's a "style chooser" at the bottom of the forum pages, but I don't see a way to set up a custom style that would specify a thicker-bodied font.

This may be a Win7 specific issue. I know I had to fight with my work laptop for about half a day when I got it to keep it from having fuzzy text (Cleartype - and when I turn cleartype off on the LED monitor, the letters stop being fuzzy, but get even thinner!).

2017-08-05, 08:00 AM
It's Verdana.

Verdana (with font tags)
Verdana (without font tags)

2017-08-05, 08:54 PM
Thanks. Now I just need to find a Verdana bold or something to replace the default with...

2017-08-06, 03:21 AM
Strange, since it shouldn't look like what you described, even in the largest most widescreen monitor I've seen.

Rather than meddling with the forum's font, I'd recommend you fiddling with your computer's resolution, since it seems to be the problem. I know in windows 10 there's a sort of "resolution calibration" thing you need to do to make text sharper.

2017-08-06, 04:04 AM
LED monitor (vertical for reading)

This could be your problem. Modern screens are not really designed to be viewed on their side like that. Check your viewing angle.


The forum doesn't have a "font" per se, but instead lists a bunch of fonts and a font-family as backup. Exactly what these fonts are depends on which element is being displayed.

e.g. The text in the body of a post is "font: 13px Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif;", while the titles are "font-size: 13px; font-family: Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif".

2017-08-06, 07:28 AM
This could be your problem. Modern screens are not really designed to be viewed on their side like that. Check your viewing angle.

I purchased an Asus monitor that's designed to rotate 90*. The hardware should support it (although Cleartype, which is off, may not).

2017-08-06, 08:00 AM
I purchased an Asus monitor that's designed to rotate 90*. The hardware should support it (although Cleartype, which is off, may not).

LCD monitors (which LED monitors are, it just uses LED backlighting instead of fluoros) are designed to be viewed at particular angles. Depending on the type of LCD, the horizontal viewing angle can be quite small to fairly large. But, the vertical viewing angle is usually much worse. Graphic artists have a lot of problems with LCD monitors, as just by moving your head up and down a few centimetres, you change the entire colour balance, making it impossible to properly colour balance an LCD monitor for someone who needs precision colours.

It doesn't matter if you can rotate the monitor, the technology is not designed for it. You would need to get an LCD monitor cut originally in portrait mode to be of the same quality as an LCD monitor using the same technology before rotation.

2017-08-06, 08:06 AM
Swordsage'd. I tested this after running an errand, and the new PC is much more comfortable on landscape. Thanks for helping ID the problem!

Now I have two rotatable LED monitors that are fairly useless :(