View Full Version : Need A Cruel Signature Weapon

2017-08-05, 12:19 PM
My next game session is tonight and I realized the bad guys don’t have anything memorable in the way of weapons. I’m looking for something that’s vicious beyond what’s required for ordinary combat, something with a bit of vile flair.

This would need to be suitable for a Small race, and since the combatants will be low-level the weapons can’t be too pricey. Any suggestions? All official Paizo material is on the table, and I’ll also consider 3.5 and Dragon material.

2017-08-05, 12:28 PM
Robe any color small sized does not change to fit user magic

Has 4 needles touch attack max 20 feet needles come back daily

Each needle does 1 point of damage on a hit

Then 1 point of damage each round after that until removed DC 15 heal check

2017-08-05, 12:41 PM
My next game session is tonight and I realized the bad guys don’t have anything memorable in the way of weapons. I’m looking for something that’s vicious beyond what’s required for ordinary combat, something with a bit of vile flair.

This would need to be suitable for a Small race, and since the combatants will be low-level the weapons can’t be too pricey. Any suggestions? All official Paizo material is on the table, and I’ll also consider 3.5 and Dragon material.

For a torturer's flair, you could always go with the old standbys of whips, scorpion whips, cats-o-nine-tails, etc. This isn't official, but it shouldn't be especially unbalanced if you could make versions of some of these weapons that don't normally damage armored opponents inflict normal damage regardless by flavoring them with barbs and hooks and such.

If you're more interested in weapons that look exotic and menacing, there's a pretty decent selection of exotic weapons that could fit that bill, ranging from the double-pronged rhoka to the frankly odd barbazu's beard.

If, on the other hand, you wanted weapons that can leave more of a mark than their appearance might imply, poison is always a good strategy, or you could use alchemical concoctions or offensive potions via weapons like the syringe spear or flask launcher.

And then if you're looking for the just plain disgusting, there's always splash weapons like ghast retch flasks and the stingchuck (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/weapon-descriptions/stingchuck/).

It's hard to recommend magic weapons without knowing what sort of gp limit you want to apply here.

2017-08-05, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by denthor
Robe any color small sized does not change to fit user magic

I can’t work out what you’re saying here. What’s the name of the item, and where is it from?

Originally Posted by Ellrin
It's hard to recommend magic weapons without knowing what sort of gp limit you want to apply here.

I should’ve specified I’m mainly looking for mundane, not magical, since price is a factor here.

Originally Posted by Ellrin
And then if you're looking for the just plain disgusting, there's always splash weapons like ghast retch flasks and the stingchuck.

The stingchuck is just perfect, thanks. Exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Do you happen to know what the splash effect range is? I'm not seeing it in the weapon description. Unless this is a standard radius?


2017-08-05, 12:59 PM
Size-down an Orc Doubleaxe to medium size, and you have a d6/d6 double weapon. Requires Exotic Weapon Proficiency (medium doubleaxe) and Two-Weapon Fighting though, and even then you're rolling two attacks at -2 to hit.

2017-08-05, 01:01 PM
Cruel? Well, to begin with, I would scrap the idea of getting a new weapon, or something that differentiates him. It is not the weapon that brings the cruel nature, but it is the wielder. Think about it like this,
a longsword doesn't seem too cruel but when you start to strike down your enemy in spots that would not be immediately fatal and cut off his limbs first, then cut his achilles tendon and make them fear for their lives making them attempt to escape crawling and you follow them slowly but surely to their inevitable death. Now that is cruel.

It is not about the weapon, but the creativity with which you use it.

2017-08-05, 01:03 PM
Spiked Chains are always good. I mean, its a freakin chain with blades sticking off of it.

2017-08-05, 01:03 PM
Dire flails: cruel to the victim, cruel to the user, and cruel to the player for trying to imagine a way in which such a weapon could possibly be usable, let alone useful.

2017-08-05, 01:05 PM
I can’t work out what you’re saying here. What’s the name of the item, and where is it from?

I should’ve specified I’m mainly looking for mundane, not magical, since price is a factor here.

The stingchuck is just perfect, thanks. Exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Do you happen to know what the splash effect range is? I'm not seeing it in the weapon description. Unless this is a standard radius?


Unless otherwise specified, a splash weapon's radius is 5' out from the square of impact.

2017-08-05, 01:14 PM
Maybe reimagine barbed arrows as daggers? I'm not the most sure what a blade would look like that designed to get stuck in an opponent, but I think something harshly serrated would do the trick.

2017-08-05, 01:54 PM
The Flensing Strike feat from Eberron Campaign Setting, page 53 requires the use of a Kama. It "has taught you to cut your opponent's skin in a very painful way."

To use the feat, you take a full round action to make a melee attack with your Kama. If the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 Character level+Wisdom Modifier), they take a -4 to all attack rolls, saves, and checks for the next minute due to the pain. By dual-wielding Kamas, you increase the DC by 2.

2017-08-05, 02:52 PM

2017-08-05, 02:59 PM
Winter's Fang

Rapier +1 (Total +3 Enchantment)

A Frosted Cruel Rapier with the following ability:

As a standard action, after already wounding a target with the frost effect of the weapon, the wielder can force a Will save (DC 14). On a failed save the target feels the ice from the wound spread throughout his veins simulating the cold reach of death causing the subject to become shaken.

Every round the shaken creature can make a Fort Save DC 13 to warm back up the body and remove the chilling fear effect.

In Effect the creature wielding the rapier strikes a target. As long as the frost effect damages them, ice forms in the wound. As an action, the wielder can spread the ice through the target up through the wound. Chilling them and simulating the feeling of dying. Thus on a failed save the target takes the shaken condition.

Then the wielder of Winters Fang can hit them again, if they are shaken, the cruel ability comes into play, furthering their condition and making them shaken and sickened. A vicious evil weapon.

2017-08-05, 03:05 PM
Good ol' barbed arrows, stick in you when they hit you, penalties while they're stuck in you because of pain/awkwardness, action to pull them out and causes yourself damage. Removing them without damage requires time and a heal check, cannot reasonably be done in combat.

mabriss lethe
2017-08-05, 05:51 PM
Judicious abuse of blister oil, maybe? roach paste? Cover your opponents in festering sores packed full of disease before moving in for the kill.

2017-08-05, 06:08 PM
Rutterkin Snaptongs (Fiendish Codex I, p51) are grab-claws on a pole. Start a free grapple with no AoO, do continuous 1d10 +str damage. And they're completely mundane.

2017-08-06, 12:55 PM
If magic is allowed, then perhaps a spear based on Gae Bolg, the spear used by Cu Chulain in Irish mythology. Killing people by essentially tearing them apart with thorns from the inside seems pretty cruel.

2017-08-06, 08:04 PM
I know your game has come in gone

Most magic items rings for example fit from hobbit to giant they change size. That magic item was in an Egyptian game played 3 years ago forgot the name of the adventure but was path finder based.

2017-08-06, 08:48 PM
If magic is allowed, then perhaps a spear based on Gae Bolg, the spear used by Cu Chulain in Irish mythology. Killing people by essentially tearing them apart with thorns from the inside seems pretty cruel.

Isn't there an enhancement called Flesh Grinding or something? Where the weapon remains in the target and keeps doing damage for a few turns? +1 Flesh Grinding Shortspear would be a great Gae Bolg.

2017-08-06, 10:54 PM
Harpoon from Stormwrack. You throw it at someone, and if it hits, they make a reflex save which is based on the damage dealt (+10 if I recall correctly) or it gets stuck in them. There's a rope attached to it, so you could drag them in or drag them along the ground. Removing it is a full round action that deals the same amount of damage as it did going in.

Now throw multiple at them...

2017-08-06, 11:04 PM
Harpoon from Stormwrack. You throw it at someone, and if it hits, they make a reflex save which is based on the damage dealt (+10 if I recall correctly) or it gets stuck in them. There's a rope attached to it, so you could drag them in or drag them along the ground. Removing it is a full round action that deals the same amount of damage as it did going in.

Now throw multiple at them...

Take the ranged pin feat!

Another idea is to give all of the bad guys Viper Scourges +1. Deal a ton of Con damage whenever the PCs roll a 1.