View Full Version : 2 player board games

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-05, 02:46 PM
My girlfriend and I are looking for a game that's fun for two players to play. I'm reasonably aware of stuff like chess, checkers and so on.

Does anything worth paying for even exist?

And clearly it's fine if the game also works with more players. We're just looking for an alternative to being hypnotized by tv or computer games =)

2017-08-05, 03:15 PM
I've had lots of fun with the Settlers of Catan card game (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/278/catan-card-game) and Starship Catan (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2338/starship-catan). Both are two-players card-based games which center around gathering resources, trading and spending them wisely. Starship has the added bonus of the cool game boards. Your board is a spaceship to which you attach the improvements you buy (extra guns, engines, etc).

My wife and I have spent a lot of time on both of these.

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-05, 03:25 PM
Nice - thanks. I had a feeling already that card games were a likely direction to be looking. I saw .. um, memory, don't fail me now ... Lost Cities? Recommended elsewhere.

Another thing we're interested in is ... like, computer-board-games. We play Hearthstone already, so other games in a similar vein might be interesting. One reason being that my deck is way better than hers, so getting back to equal footing is something she might like =)

2017-08-05, 03:55 PM
I always found Yu-Gi-Oh to be fun, but I can't think of a computer game version. (Consoles but not PC)

2017-08-05, 04:05 PM
There are tons. Lemme run through a few.

The Pocket Battles (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/4563/pocket-battles) series: the tactics and army-building of minis wargaming, but packed into a tiny box and a sub-60 minute game time. I'd honestly call it the Hearthstone of wargaming. Very, very good, and there's a lot of interesting choices to be made.

Yomi (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/84838/yomi-second-edition): my personal favorite head-to-head game. It's like Streetfighter, but packed into decks of cards. As you learn the game, it gets very very mindgamey, and there's a great learning curve to mastering a particular character. Also has a Steam version (http://store.steampowered.com/app/287960/Yomi/) that's cheaper albeit not cool and physical ($15 for the base game, $15 for the 10 expansion characters, versus $10 for a physical character deck).

Codex (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/215437/codex-card-time-strategy-core-set): everything I like about CCGs, minus the stuff I don't like, plus some interesting new wrinkles that add up to a very thinky and meaty take on Magic-style games. No need to collect cards.

Epic (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/175621/epic-card-game): Magic in a box, but without the element of having to collect cards. Interesting decision to cut out mana almost entirely, too--leads to a very differently-paced game that's flashy from the get-go instead of slowly building up.

Innovation (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/63888/innovation): Combo-tastic game with a civilization-building theme and a lot of options for play. You build up a board of different technologies, and it's heavily about resource management and deciding when to override a technology with a later one (since every technology has a different unique ability).

Lost Cities, as you mentioned, is also very good as a two-player game. There's also loads more I didn't cover here, so let me know if you're interested in hearing more recs!

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-06, 01:52 AM
There are tons. Lemme run through a few.

The Pocket Battles (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/4563/pocket-battles) series: the tactics and army-building of minis wargaming, but packed into a tiny box and a sub-60 minute game time. I'd honestly call it the Hearthstone of wargaming. Very, very good, and there's a lot of interesting choices to be made.

Yomi (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/84838/yomi-second-edition): my personal favorite head-to-head game. It's like Streetfighter, but packed into decks of cards. As you learn the game, it gets very very mindgamey, and there's a great learning curve to mastering a particular character. Also has a Steam version (http://store.steampowered.com/app/287960/Yomi/) that's cheaper albeit not cool and physical ($15 for the base game, $15 for the 10 expansion characters, versus $10 for a physical character deck).

Codex (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/215437/codex-card-time-strategy-core-set): everything I like about CCGs, minus the stuff I don't like, plus some interesting new wrinkles that add up to a very thinky and meaty take on Magic-style games. No need to collect cards.

Epic (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/175621/epic-card-game): Magic in a box, but without the element of having to collect cards. Interesting decision to cut out mana almost entirely, too--leads to a very differently-paced game that's flashy from the get-go instead of slowly building up.

Innovation (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/63888/innovation): Combo-tastic game with a civilization-building theme and a lot of options for play. You build up a board of different technologies, and it's heavily about resource management and deciding when to override a technology with a later one (since every technology has a different unique ability).

Lost Cities, as you mentioned, is also very good as a two-player game. There's also loads more I didn't cover here, so let me know if you're interested in hearing more recs!

Is Pocket Battles ... um ... girl friendly? I sounds super cool, but my girlfriend is vaguely hostile towards strategy =)

Yomi sounds like an idea for a computer game I had - I'll have to check it out.

Codex might be just the ticket. I'll check all of them out. And if you have more recommendations, don't hold back: Lay'em on me =D

2017-08-06, 03:51 AM
Gloom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloom_(card_game)). 2 - 4 player card game in which you try to make your family as miserable as possible, before getting them killed in various hilarious ways, and trying to keep enemy families as happy as possible before they die. Gloomy, as the name says, but fun. Works pretty well as a two-player game.

It's about a size of two normal card decks, so easily portable as a bonus.

2017-08-06, 03:56 AM
Any of the variants of Fluxx (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluxx) maybe?

2017-08-06, 06:45 AM
Star Realm is one of the best Deckbuilding game around. Its app is free if you want to just dip your toe in it to taste it. But nultiplayer is payable

2017-08-06, 11:35 AM
Good suggestions so far!

I like Ticket to Ride (among others).

2017-08-06, 11:45 AM
Neuroshima Hex! is an awesome game for 2-4 players, set in a post-apocalyptic universe. Base game features four factions - the heavy, immobile artillery of a Skynet-like robot entity, Moloch, a mobile and disruptive army of melee skirmisher wasteland vagabonds known as Hegemony, a mutant menace that relies on striking first, called Borgo, and finally the last standing army of humanity, known as the Outpost, who rely on ranged fire, mobility, and guerilla tactics. You can buy new factions (like Vegas and New YorK) that have their own new fundamentals or even entire gimmicks on top of the base game, but the base game alone is really good on its own. It's a way better game than the RPG system created on the same property. :smalltongue:

2017-08-06, 03:41 PM
Warhammer 40k?

Alternatively, if you enjoy having your money, Android Netrunner? Possibly Cthulhu Wars?

Lord Ruby34
2017-08-06, 07:06 PM
The Duke (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/36235/duke) is a pretty good chess like game, if that's something you already enjoy.

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-07, 04:15 AM
So many good suggestions. I need to find a way to try some of these out, before I chose what to buy. Luckily, there is a local board-game-café-place.

How about computer games? We had a lot of fun with Trine. Are there others, that are actually good for two players?

Non-zombie games, though. My girlfriend is afraid of zombies =)

2017-08-07, 04:25 AM
Magicka? It's a game about wizards blowing each other up hilariously casting spells

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-07, 04:52 AM
Magicka? It's a game about wizards blowing each other up hilariously casting spells

Considered it - but isn't it mostly 4-player?

2017-08-07, 05:18 AM
How about computer games? We had a lot of fun with Trine.
Rayman Origins or Rayman Legends - colourful platformers that lend themselves greatly to co-op gameplay. Legends is formally an update of Origins, but is also more expensive, whereas I snabbed Origins a long time ago for like 3 bucks.
Alien Swarm is a free game for up to 4 people that is about exploring a base and clearing it out of aliens. Like Left 4 Dead, but with xenomorphs. It's free and recently had a new expansion pack.
Sven Co-op is a free way to play Half-Life 1 together, along with a ton of mods for that game.
Serious Sam games if you want to just move around and mow everything down together. When there's a sale on Serious Sam Classics: Revolution on Steam is actually sold as a bundle with the first two games that still hold up very well, and on a sale, it costs like 0,99$.
Diablo 3 is not nominally my favourite Diablo game, but it works pretty well as an introduction to the top-down hack'n'slash, as it is colorful, pretty, the combat looks slick, and it's generally just a perfect game to turn on for like 30 minutes or an hour and just murder units and fall into the addiction of getting new stuff. Steep pricing though. I would also say Path of Exile is a free game of this kind that gets a lot of acclaim, but I find it kinda slow and it's also very complicated.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara is a bundle of oldschool classic Capcom beat 'em ups based on, well, Dungeons & Dragons. Think Double Dragon that lets you cast spells. It's quite unique and very fun to play, worth a playthrough or two.

2017-08-07, 11:57 AM
Lovers in Dangerous Space Time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwfRYGVADL0), maybe?. It can be really fun game for two, at least in small dozes. Don't let the weird name deter you.

2017-08-07, 01:10 PM
Tak (http://www.coolstuffinc.com/p/230609) is an excellent two player game - the rules are relatively simple (roughly on par with checkers), and it's a fairly deep game with a lot of strategy to it. If you're looking for simpler games Empire Engine (http://www.coolstuffinc.com/p/205842) and Mintworks (http://www.coolstuffinc.com/p/239543) are both excellent. Empire Engine is a micro-strategy game centered around simultaneous double-blind actions, where you're working from a restricted move set and can see part of what other players are doing. It's fairly quick to learn, works for 2-4 players, and is fast to play. Mintworks is an incredibly minimalist worker placement game: it takes about twenty minutes to play (including setup), has some variety, and is essentially a good introduction into that genre of board games. They're also both really cheap, and buying both costs less than buying the typical board game.

EDIT: I just reread the thread, and realized that nobody had mentioned Dominion (http://www.coolstuffinc.com/p/138518). It's one of the games that really got deck builders started as a genre, and it still holds up. It also works well with two players, although I prefer to play it with at least three.

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-07, 01:23 PM
As a huge fan of Patrick Rothfuss, Tak is something I've obviously considered. And since my girlfriend is reading the books, eventually I'll be able to convince her to give it a go, I feel.

Mintworks looks interesting. What is 'the worker placement genre'?

2017-08-07, 01:33 PM
My girlfriend and I are looking for a game that's fun for two players to play. I'm reasonably aware of stuff like chess, checkers and so on.

Does anything worth paying for even exist?

And clearly it's fine if the game also works with more players. We're just looking for an alternative to being hypnotized by tv or computer games =)

Board Game Geek games exactly for 2 players: https://boardgamegeek.com/search/boardgame?sort=rank&advsearch=1&q=&include%5Bdesignerid%5D=&include%5Bpublisherid%5D=&geekitemname=&range%5Byearpublished%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Byearpublished%5D%5Bmax%5D=&range%5Bminage%5D%5Bmax%5D=&range%5Bnumvoters%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Bnumweights%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Bminplayers%5D%5Bmax%5D=2&range%5Bmaxplayers%5D%5Bmin%5D=2&range%5Bleastplaytime%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Bplaytime%5D%5Bmax%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgrating%5D%5Bmin%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgrating%5D%5Bmax%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgweight%5D%5Bmin%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgweight%5D%5Bmax%5D=&colfiltertype=&searchuser=&playerrangetype=exclusive&B1=Submit

Board Game Geek Games that can be played by 2 players: https://boardgamegeek.com/search/boardgame?sort=rank&advsearch=1&q=&include%5Bdesignerid%5D=&include%5Bpublisherid%5D=&geekitemname=&range%5Byearpublished%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Byearpublished%5D%5Bmax%5D=&range%5Bminage%5D%5Bmax%5D=&range%5Bnumvoters%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Bnumweights%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Bminplayers%5D%5Bmax%5D=2&range%5Bmaxplayers%5D%5Bmin%5D=2&range%5Bleastplaytime%5D%5Bmin%5D=&range%5Bplaytime%5D%5Bmax%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgrating%5D%5Bmin%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgrating%5D%5Bmax%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgweight%5D%5Bmin%5D=&floatrange%5Bavgweight%5D%5Bmax%5D=&colfiltertype=&searchuser=&playerrangetype=normal&B1=Submit

The Hellbug
2017-08-07, 04:27 PM
I actually recently spent a weekend with a friend and got to try out a couple that could potentially be up your alley:

7 Wonders Duels is a drafting game for 2 players, based on the more-than-two-players-please 7 Wonders. Basically, you and your opponent take turns building stuff out of a center pool, some of which is revealed only as other buildings are built. I thought it played a lot more cleanly than regular 7 wonders.

May not be up your alley, but I really enjoyed Battlecon: War of Indines (or one of its stand-alone expansions). Think board game version of a fighting game: you each choose a character and each round play a combination of a base attack (which are pretty much shared among all fighters) and a style (which are unique to each fighter) to try to beat your opponent into submission. Very mind-game-y, lots of replay value in the large number of characters and modes (though I only played the regular 1v1).

2017-08-07, 04:38 PM
As a huge fan of Patrick Rothfuss, Tak is something I've obviously considered. And since my girlfriend is reading the books, eventually I'll be able to convince her to give it a go, I feel.

Mintworks looks interesting. What is 'the worker placement genre'?

Worker Placement games generally give you a number of tokens representing laborers, influence, or some other abstract thing depending on the game. You place them on various spots on the game board to claim a benefit from the spot. Typically, you will take turns with the other player(s), and any given spot can only be 'worked' by a limited number of tokens per turn so you can shut the other players out of using a given spot if you place on it first. The basic strategy of these games usually relies on deciding which kind of resources you need to achieve your goal and what your priority for getting them is versus the risk of another player either valuing that spot higher or deliberately placing there first to block your strategy.

I don't have many suggestions for two-player games, but check out tablefortwoshow.com; it's a video review series with a special focus on two-player games and how well other games play with only 2 players.

2017-08-07, 08:07 PM
Lovers in Dangerous Space Time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwfRYGVADL0), maybe?. It can be really fun game for two, at least in small dozes. Don't let the weird name deter you.
Thanks for posting this!

For video games I'd suggest Castle Crashers. A bit immature but I love it.

2017-08-07, 10:15 PM
The Duke (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/36235/duke) is a pretty good chess like game, if that's something you already enjoy.
Immensely seconded. It's got a great bit of brain-bendyness.

Considered it - but isn't it mostly 4-player?
1-4 players are all mostly playing out the same. The more players you have, the more chaos happens. 2 players works just fine.

2017-08-08, 10:00 AM
As a huge fan of Patrick Rothfuss, Tak is something I've obviously considered. And since my girlfriend is reading the books, eventually I'll be able to convince her to give it a go, I feel.

Tak is more than good enough to stand on its own without the book coming up in any way, but if you like the book that much it's another reason to get it. There's also a few versions - you can buy a nice wooden Tak board and the pieces seperately instead of getting the box set with a cardboard board.

2017-08-09, 12:34 AM
Carcassonne (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/822/carcassonne)
Puerto Rico (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3076/puerto-rico)
Citadels (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/478/citadels)
The Scepter of Zavandor (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/13884/scepter-zavandor)

If your willing to try some card games:

Bang! (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3955/bang)
San Juan (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/8217/san-juan)
Outpost (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1491/outpost)

2017-08-09, 07:05 AM
Of the games I recognize there, Carcassonne is the only one I would recommend for 2 players. Bang! flat-out doesn't work at 2 players, and Citadels isn't very good with just 2 players. Citadels and Puerto Rico fall victim to the same problem of having very little action going on each turn with only 2 players.

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-09, 11:34 AM
Of the games I recognize there, Carcassonne is the only one I would recommend for 2 players. Bang! flat-out doesn't work at 2 players, and Citadels isn't very good with just 2 players. Citadels and Puerto Rico fall victim to the same problem of having very little action going on each turn with only 2 players.

Ok - valuable insight, I guess =)

Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. What I need to do is go to the local gaming store, and see what they actually have out of all the recommendations. Then talk to the guy, hear what he feels works for 2 players. Or if he has some entirely different suggestions.

Then buy.

But I really appreciate all the input. Thanks all =D

2017-08-09, 12:53 PM
Of the games I recognize there, Carcassonne is the only one I would recommend for 2 players. Bang! flat-out doesn't work at 2 players, and Citadels isn't very good with just 2 players. Citadels and Puerto Rico fall victim to the same problem of having very little action going on each turn with only 2 players.

Puerto Rico also doesn't have set up instructions for 2 players, while having player dependant set up. It's clearly made for 3-5 only.

2017-08-09, 05:45 PM
My wife and I have very much enjoyed playing Jaipur (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/54043/jaipur)

2017-08-09, 06:53 PM
I want to second Jaipur. It's a fantastic trading game that is a breeze to play.

Additionally, I want to nominate Castle Panic, if you like cooperative games. It's a multiplayer tower defense game where each draw of new monsters is tense, because you don't know if something's going to come through and ruin the plan you had laid out, or if something will open up a new avenue for you to hold off defeat.

I've also found success with Boss Monster. You build your lair out of 5 rooms, replacing them and upgrading them as the game goes, and trying to defeat more heroes than the other Bosses (players)

Edit: Skipped the parameters of the discussion. Other two games are competitive though

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-10, 08:22 AM
Um ... my girlfriend has stated clearly that she wants to beat me - no co-exist peacefully with me. So co-op games seem to be off the menu.


2017-08-10, 11:45 AM

What's that for? What's the risk of getting beaten by a girl? What are you, some casual? :smallamused:


:smallbiggrin: That's great, because I just found this infographic (http://imgur.com/a/8fA0d) I saved a long time ago from /tg/!

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-10, 03:18 PM
Heh - nice infographic =)

2017-08-11, 07:02 AM
I really enjoy Dungeon Lords (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/45315/dungeon-lords)1 two-player; it's a game that's designed, specifically, for four players but the two player variant gives you a lot more control over the game, being able to "force" positions and outguess/maneuver your opponent to a much greater degree than in a three or four player game. It's a worker placement/resource management game where you play the bad guy (and the rulebook is most amusing!).

Netrunner (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/124742/android-netrunner)1, if it hasn't already been mentioned, is also great for two players; my girlfriend and I regularly play one another, taking turns at Corp and Runner. The learning curve is shallow, but the one for mastery can get pretty steep. Just be careful not to blow your (RL) bank-balance buying expansions if you get hooked! Netrunner still enjoys an active wider theatre; you can find tournaments running country wide as well as locally.

If you're at all historically minded, any of the Command and Colours games; Battlecry (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/551/battle-cry)1, Memoir 44 (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/10630/memoir-44)1, Ancients (there are more!) are great two-player games; it's a wargame in a box, plays in an hour or so (I've never played a game that went longer than two), easy rules, satisfying resolution and a heap of scenarios to play.

1[Links to Board Game Geek]

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-11, 07:20 AM
I went to the store yesterday - and Memoir '44 was one of the ones the guy recommended. We did not, however, wind up buying anything. Not just yet. We will tho. But for now, I think we're winding up with Armello. At least, I think so. Then we'll go more physical in the near future =)

2017-09-01, 05:12 PM
If you're looking for something in-depth, Twilight Struggle is a two-player game about the Cold War. One player plays the United States, the other plays the USSR.

Bit of warning, though; It's a very long and very complicated game.

2017-09-01, 07:46 PM
I've been playing Star Realms a bit recently, and can vouch for it. It's a competitive deck builder involving making war fleets of space ships and blowing up the other fleet.

Kaptin Keen
2017-09-02, 12:08 AM
If you're looking for something in-depth, Twilight Struggle is a two-player game about the Cold War. One player plays the United States, the other plays the USSR.

Bit of warning, though; It's a very long and very complicated game.

A guy at the store recommended various 'easy to get into' games. When I asked for an example of the opposite, Twilight Struggle was what he picked =)

2017-09-02, 05:38 PM
A guy at the store recommended various 'easy to get into' games. When I asked for an example of the opposite, Twilight Struggle was what he picked =)

Well to be fair, he wasn't yanking your chain. Twilight Struggle's name might be referring to the night it takes to get through the rulebook. :smalltongue:

2017-09-03, 10:44 AM
Well to be fair, he wasn't yanking your chain. Twilight Struggle's name might be referring to the night it takes to get through the rulebook. :smalltongue:

That's not entirely accurate; Twilight Struggle has remarkably simple rules, really. It's the depth of the game and the strategies involved that put it up there on the complexity scale. That and knowing the cards/events and their effectd that are likely to come out in the different stages of the game. It's a game that really rewards playing it more than once because on your first play-through, unless you sit down and read every card before playing, you're simply not going to know what's coming up (and therefore not be able to compensate for those events appropriately for whatever strategy you're following).

TS is very "user friendly", it's just a long game that takes a serious amount of (time) investment to get good at it.

2017-09-03, 01:51 PM
It's not a board game but Kings of War is a great miniature strategy game and it's fairly inexpensive as far as miniature games go. From the same people is Mars Attacks, The Walking Dead Game and Dungeon Saga. I've heard that all are good.

Similarly I can say that Shadows of Brimstone is a great cooperative board game, and you can even play a campaign with it and level your characters up.

In a similar vein to Brimstone is Zombicide, murder zombies the board game, another (simpler) one is Zombies!!! It's not to expensive and a lot of fun

Edit: Skip everything that isn't Kings of War or Zombies, didn't see that you didn't want coop.

2017-09-03, 04:52 PM
Oh boy. Believe me, there are a LOT of games good for 2 players. Basically, the question is, how complex do you want your games?

If the answer is "just enough to get the neuron juices flowing", I would recommend 7 Wonders Duel (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/173346/7-wonders-duel), Patchwork (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163412/patchwork), Star Realms (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/147020/star-realms), Carcassonne (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/822/carcassonne), maybe Raptor (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/177639/raptor)?

If you want something a bit more meaty while still being super accessible, me and my little sister enjoy Seasons (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/108745/seasons), Imperial Settlers (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/154203/imperial-settlers), Claustrophobia (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/36932/claustrophobia)...

There are, of course, big, much harder to get into ones, like Twilight Struggle. My personal favorite 2-player game is BattleCON (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/123123/battlecon-devastation-indines), of course, which is basically described as "imagine Guilty Gear and Street Fighter as an open information tabletop game" and which is amazing. But I'm not sure I could recommend it to a new player.

If looking any of those over they catch your interest, I can elaborate on them.

2017-09-03, 05:05 PM
If you want a really complex game, you could go with Star Fleet Battles.

Manga Shoggoth
2017-09-03, 05:24 PM
There's also Thud (https://www.discworldemporium.com/games-activities/229-thud), based on the eponymous game from the Terry Pratchett/Diskworl novel.

2021-08-02, 08:03 AM
Jaipur is a great game, indeed.

2021-08-02, 08:32 AM
Well, my wife likes strategy games that can be played without strategy in mind - she runs some games on "autopilot" - where I plan for several rounds ahead, she just looks and says "okay, this is available and looks nice, I'll take it". And she wins, quite often.

Without further ado:

5 minute chase. One round takes less than 5 minutes, it's not really about strategy but about focus and quick thinking. One game to learn the basics, one to learn the other side, fun commences once you both get basic grasp and can start psyching each other up.

Agricola - two+ players game, can be fun for someone who strategizes as well as someone who just haves fun. Medieval farming simulator!

Calico - placing coloured patches on board has never been more pleasant than this - and the game involves cats too! A must have for a cat-lover.

Dungeon Lords - ever heard of Dungeon Keeper? Yeah, this is Dungeon Keeper: The Board Game. Except extremely cute monsters (the Slime looks like a cute puppy with dozen of eyes...). Can be played as a strategy or just as dungeon builder with the opportunity to pester your significant other.

2021-08-02, 08:43 AM
Yeah, but I'm more into Dungeons and Dragons.

2021-08-02, 12:31 PM
If the answer is "just enough to get the neuron juices flowing", I would recommend 7 Wonders Duel (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/173346/7-wonders-duel),

Can confirm, it's an excellent 2-player strategy game that isn't too complex yet every action you make influences the actions of your opponent.

And when you feel like you are getting the hang of it and the difficulty is starting to plateau, you can tack on multiple expansions. We are currently playing with the Pantheon expansion, as well as the Politics expansion, and then shuffling back in the Guilds from the original game (which are usually removed when playing with the Pantheon to avoid feeling overwhelmed), and these duels are getting intense.

2021-08-02, 01:29 PM
Metamagic Mod: apparently Thread Necromancy is now a two-player game.