View Full Version : Fortnite Thread

2017-08-06, 11:23 AM
Anyone else playing? I am currently a power 11/level 16 Constructor with a focus on autoshotguns and hammers.

I spend all of my resources on my base though, which I estimate will be the entire map fairly soon. Hoping for furniture and other craftable accessories to fill it with.

2017-08-09, 11:03 AM
I'm playing, and greatly enjoying this. Been going for a pyramid-esque theme in my main base. Been mostly running as a constructor (only purple hero I've gotten so far) and just using whatever weapons I've been getting from drops. The firework pistol is rather entertaining though, and I'm greatly amused by the giant metallic bear of doom that the scavengers(?) can summon. Hasn't happened in my base yet, but the game gives you a warning when you get to 2k items left to place in the game, which I've seen when joining in other's storm defense matches. Is it just me, or does Ray seem like a robot version of Moria Brown from FO3?

2017-08-09, 11:11 AM
Maybe a little bit of Moira. Ray's got far too much a sense of self-preservation for the comparison to hold true for long, though. There's a bit of Claptrap to her as well.

I'm running a Survivalist Jonesy as my main (at least until I get my new legendary soldier leveled some) right now. Fort is kinda haphazardly built because I don't have a great sense of design. I did see a cool trick, though. If you build floors that are just two opposite corners, you can make squiggly corridors for the husks to walk down. Slows them down a bit. And then you build walls with darts on the sides and ceiling traps.

2017-08-09, 11:28 AM
Speaking of traps, the wall lights are surprisingly effect. So far I've found they'll stun everything, which is great for helping stop the explody guys and the wall wreckers. Also sets up critters to be hit by the other wall, floor and celing traps repeatedly.

2017-08-09, 11:32 AM
So how is this game? It looks like Exactly my cup of tea, but everything I've seen implies it's multiplayer-only, which kind of breaks down the "Mess around building a cool fort" aspect that really intrigues me. Once I've got other people (especially strangers) counting on my performance, the game becomes less fun.

2017-08-09, 12:24 PM
So how is this game? It looks like Exactly my cup of tea, but everything I've seen implies it's multiplayer-only, which kind of breaks down the "Mess around building a cool fort" aspect that really intrigues me. Once I've got other people (especially strangers) counting on my performance, the game becomes less fun.

Fortunately this is practically a non-issue. You can play the game alone and it gives you tools pretty early on to supplement only having one human. Just means you'll rely on traps more. Also, there's only a few permanent bases you'll build;the rest are temporary ones inside a single mission. It's also super easy to hop into a game with randoms and I've found that unless everyone is super ignoring the objective, you won't have to carry. Just throw bullets in the general direction of the husks and you'll be contributing fine.

2017-08-09, 02:16 PM
So how is this game? It looks like Exactly my cup of tea, but everything I've seen implies it's multiplayer-only, which kind of breaks down the "Mess around building a cool fort" aspect that really intrigues me. Once I've got other people (especially strangers) counting on my performance, the game becomes less fun.

Your main base is permanent (so long as it doesn't get eaten by mobs) and only those who you give permissions to can build anything at it. And you can very much keep anyone from joining into your main base defense if you do't want to. You can join into main base defense missions of others, and it can be quite interesting to see how other people set up (or don't in some cases) their defenses.
Most missions are auto matched to 4player co-op for the story quests (dunno if you can solo them or not, but then haven't tried), but unless you're in voice chat with the other players (which is optional), it plays more like you having mostly competent NPCs helping out. Unless you personally lay down traps, most mission turn into a third person shooter around a boxed in objective to keep it safe.

Game is going to be F2P eventually, so unless you want to buy into the EA/Beta (seems the last section of the game in particular is not complete yet, haven't made it past the first bit personally yet) you can just wait till that point. Also be sure to check prices for it, base game can be gotten for $40 so anything costing more than that is either bells and whistles or an over-priced retailer. Game is absurdly fun though if tower defense third person shooter/action hybrid with crafting and scavenging elements is your bag. Played the gorram thing for over 12 hours yesterday on my day off if that is any indication (plan on jumping right back in once I get off work today).

2017-08-09, 02:22 PM
I saw this the other day on the PS4 and though it looked interesting, then saw it was $40 or more and it didn't look nearly as interesting then. It seems like a F2P game, but that is a very high buy-in for a F2P game. Usually they get you in for free and then make sure there are some things you want enough to give them some money.

After having seen the thread, I decided to check out a review or two and they haven't been very good. They basically say you've got to invest close to a dozen hours before you start to actually see any challenge in winning.

2017-08-09, 08:28 PM
In reference to people above, you can play any map solo by turning off matchmaking. This makes maps challenging to very challenging at low levels, and at high levels you can assign npc turrets called defenders to help you.

The only reason to buy anything is to skip forward rapidly, which as a none competitive game means ylu can opt out without repercussions. Playing as low or high level changes little except the numbers on the screen, so if you want to just muck around there is nothing to make you buy upgrades/XP.

The game is very similar to borderlands with a touch of minecraft, hoping they focus on the minecraft more as the game evolves. I like it a lot, the negative reviews seem to come from "I am addicted to the treadmill and am angry that it is slow in a none competitive game."

2017-08-10, 09:01 AM
Eh, the reviews I've read actually sound about the opposite.

More like "why is there this painfully long and slow treadmill on a game where I've spent $40 to play." And "why do I have to play for 10 hours before I get to a fight that is even slightly challenging or needs to use any of the building aspects, which is the most interesting part of the game, to win."

And I guess the biggest thing for me is "why would I pay $40 to beta test what will eventually be a F2P game?" That seems like the opposite of the way it should be done. Right now I haven't seen enough good about the game that says "play it now" rather than "wait to see what they fix in the next year by the time it goes F2P."

2017-08-10, 02:28 PM
Eh, the reviews I've read actually sound about the opposite.

More like "why is there this painfully long and slow treadmill on a game where I've spent $40 to play." And "why do I have to play for 10 hours before I get to a fight that is even slightly challenging or needs to use any of the building aspects, which is the most interesting part of the game, to win."

That is what I said? People who think leveling up is the whole point are going to be frustrated, the game does not change meaningfully as you level.

And you control the difficulty based on how many people are in a map. 1 person is very challenging, two is moderate, four is a cakewalk.

And I guess the biggest thing for me is "why would I pay $40 to beta test what will eventually be a F2P game?" That seems like the opposite of the way it should be done. Right now I haven't seen enough good about the game that says "play it now" rather than "wait to see what they fix in the next year by the time it goes F2P."

I think that question is fair. I have been watching the game for a long time, getting to play it early and get some bonus crap for it seemed worth it to me.

2017-08-10, 03:54 PM
I'm really enjoying my time with Fortnite so far. Got myself a lvl 20 purple Ninja, but I really enjoy all of the classes equally. My weapons of choice are single shot scoped sniper rifles, autoshotguns, machetes, and the slugthrower assault rifle, but I do enjoy pistols now and then. Currently tackling power lvl 23 missions in Plankerton, though I have fought in lvl 40 missions and survived (barely). If anyone here wants a partner to play with, send me a PM!