View Full Version : 3rd Ed Dedicated vampire hunter PrC?

2017-08-06, 11:44 AM
I need a PrC for vampire hunters for a campaign I'm running... a PrC SPECIFIC to hunting vampires. And ideally, one that can be entered by more than just clerics; the more flexible, the better.

I will homebrew something up if I have to, but I figured I should ask what people have seen around.

Any source will be considered (official 3.5/PF, third-party, decent homebrew, whatever).

2017-08-06, 11:55 AM
I don't know of anything specific to vampires. Hunter of the Dead from Complete Warrior (I think?) hunts all undead. Also, if you look in the DMG at the end of page 175, there are rules for converting a ranger into an "Undead Stalker".

2017-08-06, 12:15 PM
There's a Vampire Hunter prc in the Ravenloft Player's Handbook. It's a subclass of the Specialty Monster Hunter.

2017-08-06, 12:19 PM
Complete Warrior also has Darkwood Stalker, Gnome Giant Slayer, and Knight of the Chalice which could be modified to be vampire slayers.

2017-08-06, 01:14 PM
Masters of the Wild (a 3.0 book) has the Foehunter PrC, for Rangers (who already make fantastic undead hunters).

The Viscount
2017-08-06, 02:02 PM
Regardless of PrC, the Vampire Hunter feat is an excellent one if you know you'll be seeing plenty of vampires.

Knight of the Raven has some nice features.

2017-08-07, 09:01 AM
2nded on Knight of the Raven, it's from the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft book. Really good class, easy reqs to get into too. I had a friend play it - she enjoyed it thoroughly.

2017-08-07, 01:54 PM
Regardless of PrC, the Vampire Hunter feat is an excellent one if you know you'll be seeing plenty of vampires.

Knight of the Raven has some nice features.

Definitely backing the vampire hunter feat, as well as the font of life, enduring life and lasting life feats to deal with the energy drain. If you're playing in a vampire-centric game, those feats will reduce a vampire's threat level from "even 1 is deadly" to "we can take on an decent sized party of vampires almost as if they were normal people".

Admittedly, that's a lot of feats to pick up, but again, if it's a vampire centric game, it's definitely worth it.