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The Demented One
2007-08-09, 05:15 PM
General Feats

Arcane Demolitionist
You use your spells to wreck the architecture around you, spraying foes with shrapnel.
Requirements: Able to cast spells, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Knowledge (Architecture) 6 ranks
Benefits: Whenever you cast a spell with an area of effect that deals damage while in a building, you may attempt a DC 25 Knowledge (Architecture) check. If you succeed, the spell does one extra point of damage per dice of damage as shrapnel sprays your foes. For every 10 points you exceed the check by, one extra point of damage per dice is dealt.

Arcane Duelist
You are trained in the art of mage dueling.
Requirements: Improved Counterspell, Spellcraft 12 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +5 competence bonus on all Spellcraft checks made to identify a spell as it is being cast and a +2 competence bonus on all caster level checks to dispel or counter a spell.

Bloodfueled Artifice
You use your own life force to power magic items.
Requirements: Toughness, Use Magic Device 4 ranks
Benefit: You may take one point of Con damage instead of expending a charge from a wand or a staff when you use it. You cannot use this feat if you are immune to Constitution damage, or if you have no Constitution score.

Bonded Staff
You have formed a unique bond with a staff you have created.
Requirements: Craft Staff, Spellcraft or Use Magic Device 15 ranks
Benefit: When you craft a staff, you may choose to bond with it. While you wield it, it gains an enhancement bonus equal to a quarter of your caster level, and each day it remains in your possession, it regains 1 charge, to a maximum of 50 charges. You may only bond to one staff at a time. If your bonded staff is destroyed, you must wait a year and a day before you may create another one.

Broad Learning
You have learned a spell unusual for your class.
Requirements: Caster level 9th
Benefit: Choose a spell from the list of any class of a level up to the highest level you can cast minus two. You add that spell to your class list and, if you are a spontaneous caster, to your list of spells known. If you use a book of some sort to prepare spells, you may scribe the chosen spell into it at no cost. The spell is one level higher for you than it normally is.

Cantrip Master
You have mastered the lesser arcana.
Requirements: Arcane caster level 9th
Benefit: Choose three cantrips. You may cast those cantrips at will as spell-like abilities.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each additional time you take it, you may apply it to one more cantrip.

Heroic Triumph
You can put forth an inspired effort to succeed in anything.
Requirements: Character level 12th
Benefit: Whenever you would make an attack roll, skill check, or saving through, you may instead spend 3 action points. If you do, then you are treated as though you had rolled a natural 20.

Secrets of Dolurh
You have brought secrets back from death, whispered into your ears by unseen ghosts.
Requirement: Must have been killed and revived.
Benefit: You may make Knowledge checks untrained and get a +2 insight bonus on them.

Seize the Day
You can react quickly to danger through a combination of luck and reflexes.
Requirements: Improved Initiative, character level 5th
Benefit: At the beginning of an encounter, before initiative is rolled, you may spend 2 action points. If you do, then you do not roll initiative. Instead, you are automatically first in the initiative order.

Unbelieving Soul
Your lack of belief in any of the gods of Eberron allows you to use your will to resist divine magic.
Requirements: Base Will save +6, cannot worship any god.
Benefit: You gain spell resistance equal to 12 + your character level, but only against divine spells. You cannot willingly lower this spell resistance.

Psionic Feats

Improved Mind Blade Channeling [Psionic]
You can strike many foes with powers channeled through your mind blade.
Requirements: Mind Blade Channeling, Psychic Strike +3d8, able to manifest 2nd level powers
Benefit: You may manifest any power with a range of touch that you know as part of a full attack. The power affects each creature you hit with your mind blade that round.

Mind Blade Channeling [Psionic]
You can channel psionic powers through your mind blade.
Requirements: Psychic Strike +1d8, able to manifest 1st level powers
Benefit: As a standard action, you may manifest a power with a range of touch and deliver it with your mind blade. Manifesting a spell in this way does not incur attacks of opportunity. The spell must have a manifesting time of 1 standard action or less. If the attack is successful, the attack deals damage normally; then the effect of the power resolves.

Mindhammer [Psionic]
You can shape your soulknife into bludgeoning weapons.
Requirements: Shape Mindblade class feature
Benefit: You can shape your mindblade into a light hammer or a warhammer. You may split it if you shape it into a light hammer.

Mindspear [Psionic]
You can shape your mindblade into piercing weapons.
Requirements: Shape Mindblade class feature
You can shape your mindblade into a lance or a halberd.

Racial Feats

Copycat Maneuver [Racial]
You can use other’s feats against them.
Requirements: Changeling, Wis 13+
Benefit: Once per encounter, when an opponent actively uses a feat against you, you may attempt a DC 15 Wis check. If you succeed, you can copy their feat, gaining its benefits for the encounter. You may only copy a feat an opponent actively uses against, such as Power Attack, Two Weapon Fighting, or Maximize Spell, but not a passive or defensive feat, such as Dodge, Combat Expertise, or Eschew Materials.

Doublethink [Racial]
You and your Quori patron pool your will against mental threats.
Requirements: Kalashtar, Iron Will, base Will save +3
Benefit: Whenever you attempt a Will Save against a mind-affecting effect, you may make 2 rolls and take the better result.

Twin Souls [Racial]
You possess a link to the life-force of your Quori patron.
Requirements: Kalashtar, Great Fortitude, base Fortitude save +3
Benefit: Whenever you attempt a Fortitude Save against a death effect, you may make 2 rolls and take the better result.

Dreams of Grace [Racial]
You can enter a dreamy state, allowing your Quori patron to move your body out of harm's way.
Requirements: Kalashtar, Lightning Reflexes, base Reflex save +3
Benefit: Whenever you attempt a Reflex Save against a spell or spell-like ability with an area of effect you may make 2 rolls and take the better result.

Tactical Feats

Arcane Assault [Fighter, Tactical]
You weave together steel and magic into a potent combat style.
Requirements: Combat Casting, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, able to cast 2nd level arcane spells
Benefit: The Arcane Assault feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Focused Fighting: As a move action, you may make a Concentration check. If you do, the arcane spell failure chance of any armor you wear is decreased by an amount equal to half your check result, round to the nearest 5%, until the beginning of your next round.

Pierce Spell Resistance: To use this maneuver, you must successfully hit a creature with a melee attack. You may then choose to not deal damage and instead, as a swift action, cast a touch spell on the hit opponent. The spell ignores any SR the opponent may have.

Power Casting: To use this ability, you must cast a touch spell. You can then apply the benefits of the Power Attack feat to that spell.

Boomerang Blitz [Fighter, Tactical]
You have mastered the art of boomerang-throwing.
Requirements: Boomerang Daze, Boomerang Ricochet, Weapon Focus (Talenta Boomerang) or Weapon Focus (Xen’drik Boomerang), Dex 13+, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: The Boomerang Blitz feat enables the use of up to four tactical maneuvers.

Boomerang Ambush: You may only use this maneuver if you have the Weapon Focus (Xen’drik Boomerang) feat. Whenever you successfully hit a flatfooted enemy with a Xen’drik Boomerang, you may add half your Dex modifier to the damage roll. Enemies immune to critical hits are immune to this extra damage.

Improved Richochet: When you use the Boomerang Richochet feat, you may attack three, rather than two, creatures with a single throw of your boomerang. In addition, there may up be up to five feet between each target, rather than them having to be adjacent. Finally, even if an attack with the boomerang misses, it still ricochets to the next creature to be attacked.

Mounted Throw: You may only use this maneuver if you have the Weapon Focus (Talenta Boomerang) feat. While mounted, you may throw a Talenta boomerang at any point during your mount’s movement.

Return Shot: Once per round, when you miss a creature with a boomerang attack, you may cause the boomerang to swing back at him, allowing you to make a second attack at your second-highest base attack bonus. You cannot richochet the boomerang if you do this.

Irregular Warfare [Fighter, Tactical]
You have mastered the unorthodox mishmash of the various fighting styles of the many races who live in Breland.
Requirements: Power Attack and Improved Overrun or Combat Expertise and Improved Trip, base attack bonus +6, region of origin Breland
Benefit: The Irregular Warfare feat enables the use of up to four tactical maneuvers.

Improvised Arsenal: You do not take a -4 penalty when attacking with an improvised weapon. In addition, they deal damage based on their size: a light improvised weapon deals 1d4 damage, a one-handed improvised weapon deals 1d6 damage, and a two-handed improvised weapon deals 1d8 damage.

Kick ‘em When They’re Down: Whenever you knock an opponent prone with a overrun or trip attempt, you may attempt to kick them forward. You and the prone creature make opposed Str checks, and if the prone creature fails, it is knocked back 5 ft. in a straight line. If an obstacle prevents the completion of the opponent’s move, the opponent and the obstacle each take 1d6 points of damage, and the opponent stops in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Unorthodox Attack: You must have the Power Attack feat to use this maneuver. Whenever you use the Power Attack feat, you may choose to take a penalty to both your attack roll and your AC, which last until the beginning of your next round. Neither penalty may exceed half your base attack bonus. You gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to the sum of the penalties until your next round.

Unorthodox Expertise: You must have the Combat Expertise feat to use this maneuver. Whenever you use the Combat Expertise feat, you may choose to take a penalty to both your attack roll and your damage roll, which last until the beginning of your next round. Neither penalty may exceed half your base attack bonus. You gain dodge bonus to AC equal to the sum of the penalties until your next round.

Scorpion Strike [Fighter, Racial, Tactical]
You are an elite warrior of the Vulkoor drow tribes.
Requirements: Drow, Drow Skirmisher, base attack bonus +6, must be a member of one of the tribes of Vulkoor, region of origin Xen’drik
Benefit: The Scorpion Strikefeat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Scorpion Poison: Whenever you use a drow long knife or drow scorpion chain to deliver injury poison, you may strike vital areas of the foe’s cardiovascular system to increase the venom’s potence. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll when doing so, but the save DC of the poison is increased by 2.

Whirling Knife Strike: Whenever you successfully catch a Xen’drik boomerang while wielding a drow long knife in your off-hand, you may absorb the boomerang’s momentum to spin and throw the knife, making a single attack with it at your second highest base attack bonus. Two-weapon fighting penalties apply to both attacks.

Wrath of Vulkoor: Immediately after taking a five-foot step, you may, as a full-round action, make a single attack with a drow scorpion chain. If the attack is successful, it deals double damage.

Thrannish Archery [Fighter, Tactical]
You have studied archery under Thrane’s best, and served as an elite marksman during the last war.
Requirements: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Longbow), base attack bonus +6, region of origin Thrane
Benefit: The Thrannish Archery feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Arcing Fire: As a standard action, you may make a single attack with a longbow or composite longbow, targeting a single square 50 ft. or further away from you. You must roll a total of 20 or higher on your attack roll to accurately hit the square; if you roll less, you hit another square, determined using the table on page 158 of the Player’s Handbook. All creatures occupying the square hit take damage from the attack, though they may attempt a Reflex save, DC 10 + ½ your base attack bonus + your Str modifier, for half damage.

Counterfire: When wielding a longbow or composite longbow, you can shoot enemy projectiles out of the air. Whenever an enemy attacks you with a ranged or thrown weapon, you may, as an immediate action, attempt to deflect it with an arrow. You make a single attack roll at your highest base attack bonus, and use the higher of the roll’s result or your armor class to determine whether or not you are hit. You may not use this to counter attacks made with ammunition fired from weapons or thrown weapons more than one size larger than your own.

Shot Down: Whenever you use a standard action to make a single attack with a longbow or composite, you may take a -4 penalty to your attack roll. If you do, and the attack is successful, the creature struck must make a Reflex save, DC 10 + ½ your base attack bonus + your Str modifier, or be knocked prone.

Valenar Horsemaster [Fighter, Racial, Tactical]
You and your steed, both heirs of the Tairnadal elves, fight as one.
Requirements: Elf, Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (Valenar Double Scimitar), Ride 8 ranks, base attack bonus +6, region of origin Valenar
Benefit: The Valenar Horsemaster feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Charge of the Twin Blades: At the end of a charge made on the back of a Valenar horse, you may make two attacks at your highest base attack bonus with a wielded Valenar Double Scimitar, the second one being made at a -5 penalty. The standard penalties from two-weapon fighting are applied to your armor class, rather than your attack roll, and the penalty to your armor class from charging is doubled. You may use this maneuver and the leap from the saddle maneuver together, in which case the penalty to your AC from the charge is tripled, rather than doubled.

Leap from the Saddle: At the end of a charge made on the back of a Valenar horse, you may leap from its back, substituting a Ride check made at a -10 penalty for a Jump check to determine the distance. You make a single attack at the conclusion of your movement, applying the standard bonus for charging to your attack roll, but doubling the penalty to your AC. You may use this maneuver and the charge of the twin blades maneuver together, in which case the penalty to your AC from the charge is tripled, rather than doubled.

Mounted Evasion: Whenever you, while mounted, successfully save against a spell or effect that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you may make a Ride check, with a DC equal to the DC of the effect times 1.5. If the check is successful, you and your mount instead take no damage.

Warforged Feats

Adamantine Strike [Warforged]
Your adamantine fists cut through steel like butter.
Requirements: Adamantine Body, Improved Sunder, BAB +6
Benefit: Your slam attack and any other natural attacks you may have gained through other warforged feats bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.

Aurorum Body [Warforged]
Your body, alloyed with wondrous, self-repairing aurorum, gradually repairs damage it has incurred.
Requirements: Warforged, 1st level only
Benefit: The armor bonus granted by your composite plating rises to +6. At end of each day, you regain an amount of HP equal to your character level. You are now considered to be wearing medium armor. You have a maximum dexterity bonus of 2, an armor check penalty of -3, and a 30% arcane spell failure chance.

Discipline of Steel [Warforged]
You have trained yourself in the martial arts, and can use your warforged strength to maximum effect.
Requirements: Warforged, Flurry of Blows class feature, BAB +4
Benefit: You treat your slam attack and any other natural weapons you may have gained through other warforged feats as monk weapons, and can use them to make a flurry of blows. In addition, once per day, you may make a flurry of blows at the end of a charge.
Special: A Warforged Monk can take this feat in place of his 6th level bonus feat.

Improved Psiforged Body [Psionic, Warforged]
Your psiforged body generates a defensive field.
Requirements: Psiforged Body
Benefit: Your composite plating gains an enhancement bonus equal to the number of power points stored in it divided by four.

Psiforged Strike [Psionic, Warforged]
Your psiforged body channels kinetic damage into your natural weapons.
Requirements: Psiforged Body
Benefit: Your slam attack, as well as any other natural weapons you have gained through warforged feats, gains an enhancement bonus equal to the number of power points stored in it divided by four.

Riverine Body [Warforged]
Your composite plating is infused with solidified elemental water.
Requirements: Warforged, 1st level only
Benefit: You gain a +3 deflection bonus to AC. However, you are vulnerable to disintegration and other spells that mimic it, taking an extra 50% damage from them. You are now considered to be wearing medium armor. You have a maximum dexterity bonus of 2, an armor check penalty of -3, and a 30% arcane spell failure chance.

Riverine Strike [Warforged]
You can encapsulate your fists in magical force, thanks to your riverine plating.
Requirements: Riverine Body, BAB +6
Benefit: Your slam attack and any other natural attacks you may have gained through other warforged feats gain the ghost touch special ability.

Soulforged Body [Incarnum, Warforged]
Your body has been inexplicaby merged with incarnum in the process of your creation, whether through House Cannith's experiments or more mysterious causes. Regardless, incarnum shines blue through your body, infusing you with essentia.
Requirements: Warforged, character level 1st
Benefits: Once per day you may invest essentia into this feat. Your armor gains an enhancement bonus equal to the amount of essentia invested, and you gain DR/adamantine equal to the amount of essentia invested. You gain 1 point of essentia.

Twilight Sigils [Warforged]
Your body is inscribed with mystic runes that let magic flow through it.
Requirement: Warforged, Spellcraft 8 ranks
Benefit: Any arcane spell failure chance your composite plating has is reduced by 10%.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

2007-08-09, 05:30 PM
That's...far too much stuff for me to comment on reliably. I leave it to the experts.

I did notice that you need a clause in Bloodfueled Artifice...specify that reduction of or immunity to Con damage doesn't allow you to mitigate the Con damage from this feat, or you just handed your artificer Unlimited PowerTM for the cost of three feats (Toughness, this feat, and Shape Soulmeld: Strongheart Vest. Or two feats and a spell, two feats and being undead, etc. Might want to exclude no-Con-score creatures from it entirely.)

The Demented One
2007-08-10, 10:19 AM
That's...far too much stuff for me to comment on reliably. I leave it to the experts.

I did notice that you need a clause in Bloodfueled Artifice...specify that reduction of or immunity to Con damage doesn't allow you to mitigate the Con damage from this feat, or you just handed your artificer Unlimited PowerTM for the cost of three feats (Toughness, this feat, and Shape Soulmeld: Strongheart Vest. Or two feats and a spell, two feats and being undead, etc. Might want to exclude no-Con-score creatures from it entirely.)
Thanks. Fixed.