View Full Version : Does anyone remember?

2007-08-09, 06:35 PM
My old DM showed me a comic two years back about a guy who started a gaming group, only to find the players to be of all varieties. I wanted to show it to my new gaming group, but I can't seem to find a trace of it anywhere, and I thought this might be a good place to ask.

I remember one of the comics featured the DM showing off his new town, all the residents having like a 5-page back history apiece, only to have the PCs burn it to the ground. That one ended with the DM crying offstage.

And there was another one where a guy made a fighter with some sort of "McStab" in it.

And I think there was a girl in the group who wore all black...literally, the players in the group were the epitome of VARIETY. The art style was a little cartoon-y, maybe like Ctrl-Alt-Del? Does anyone remember such a comic?

2007-08-09, 06:44 PM
Yes I remember this one. The title had the word "steps" in it I think. Something about big or little. Of course I am probably wrong.

2007-08-09, 06:49 PM
To be perfectly honest, this sounds like the Knights of the Dinner Table. Someone did animated versions of several strips, but they're not posted on his current site (yet, he says). Reference here (http://www.hoodyhoo.com/category/knights-of-the-dinner-table/).

2007-08-09, 07:02 PM
umm, I don't THINK so...None of the comics mentioned there are the one I mean.

2007-08-09, 07:06 PM
Yeah, yeah, I saw that one. Like you, I seem to be blanking on the name. I may be mixing a few comics together, though... did another one of the characters rip off his character idea from Warcraft?

I definitely recall both of those things which you have described... but I read so many comics that I have no idea which one it might be.

2007-08-09, 07:07 PM
Very possibly. Some of the players weren't the most original. I just don't have any leads to follow in this search.

2007-08-09, 07:12 PM
My old DM showed me a comic two years back about a guy who started a gaming group, only to find the players to be of all varieties. I wanted to show it to my new gaming group, but I can't seem to find a trace of it anywhere, and I thought this might be a good place to ask.

I remember one of the comics featured the DM showing off his new town, all the residents having like a 5-page back history apiece, only to have the PCs burn it to the ground. That one ended with the DM crying offstage.

And there was another one where a guy made a fighter with some sort of "McStab" in it.

And I think there was a girl in the group who wore all black...literally, the players in the group were the epitome of VARIETY. The art style was a little cartoon-y, maybe like Ctrl-Alt-Del? Does anyone remember such a comic?

Yes I remember this one. The title had the word "steps" in it I think. Something about big or little. Of course I am probably wrong.
Yeah, the OP is definitely thinking of Five Foot Steps, the Giant's very own serial comic he did for...wasn't Dragon...I think it was the RPGA. Anyway, you probably saw one or two pages of it posted to the RPGA section of the Wizards website.

The first bit you mentioned was the plot of, I believe, the fourth strip. As to the second, the two "powergamer" players named their characters Fighty Stabsalot and McCleric at the end of giving a "roleplayer" a lecture on the Stormwind Fallacy. And yes, the players were definitely a Five Token Band, both in cultures and in RPG player clichés.

So to sum up: Five Foot Steps, by Rich Burlew.

2007-08-09, 07:14 PM
YES! That's exactly it. Thank you so much!

2007-08-10, 06:05 PM
To be perfectly honest, this sounds like the Knights of the Dinner Table. Someone did animated versions of several strips, but they're not posted on his current site (yet, he says). Reference here (http://www.hoodyhoo.com/category/knights-of-the-dinner-table/).

Indeed I DID create those animated KoDT strips.

I just recently switched over to Ubuntu Studio Linux (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio) as my operating system and Wordpress with the Comic Press theme (http://www.mindfaucet.com/comicpress/) for my website and I've slowly been building it back up as well posting my own webcomic Note To Self.

I've still been trying to figure out the best way to post the cartoons. Whether 'tis better to suffer the slings of a Flash-player Wordpress plug-in, or just YouTube it.

I've also been experimenting with the open source graphics tools, like Inkscape for vector work (http://www.inkscape.org/). I'm trying to figure out the animation tool Synfig (http://www.synfig.com/) for possible future cartoons (not KoDT. Although the KenzerCo guys enjoyed what I do, they asked me to stop making Knights toons) I've seen some examples of what it can do that look amazing, but one of the frustrating things is there's not mush documentation for the average user on how to use it. Maybe I'll have to try something simple to learn it. Something ... stick-y.

www.hoodyhoo.com (http://www.hoodyhoo.com)