View Full Version : Pathfinder Evaluate my build: Yosef Yosun, a.k.a. CHA-to-everything man

2017-08-07, 01:21 PM
I've had this character statted out for a while now and apparently he, and I quote, "terrifies me in ways I have yet to come to any terms with," according to my GM.

So of course, I figured that y'all would appreciate a looksie at him, and in return I'd of course benefit from any further optimization knowledge the collective can impart on this build. Currently he's set up for level 6 because that's the most probable level he'd be slotted in at, but I'm of course open to suggestions on where his build could go.

Human, level 6, venerable age
Provided ability score array of 10 | 8 | 10 | 14 | 13 | 18
With ability score changes from race, age category, levels, and items, final array of:

6 STR (-6 age, +2 Belt of Giant Strength)
2 DEX (-6 age)
4 CON (-6 age)
17 INT (+3 age)
16 WIS (+3 age)
26 CHA (+2 race, +3 age, +1 advancement, +2 Headband of Alluring Charisma)

Yeah, those stats might have you shaking your head. Don't worry, all will be clear in the future...
Yosef's also nailed some Handle Animal checks (thanks in part to a Circlet of Persuasion) and bred three young (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/simple-template-young-cr-1) Quetzalcoatlus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/pterosaur/pterosaur-quetzalcoatlus/). These help cover up the most glaring issue in his build (that he doesn't actually do much damage) by being giant flying dinosaurs eager to please their master and best friend.

Synthesist Summoner 2: I'm sure you're all well aware how zany this class is. Of its myriad utilities, the most important one for this build is to let Yosef prop up his ailing body with the power of his Stand a protoplasmic shell that replaces all his physical ability scores with its own. Note that I'm not going to delineate spells, because they're all either rejuvenate eidolon or some other healing spell. Along with two copies of the Extra Evolution feat, Yosef's cocoon of fisticuffs looks something like this:

Bipedal form (16 | 12 | 13 base physical ability scores, +1 STR & DEX from class level)
Evolutions: Arms (free), Legs (free), Claws (free): 2× 1d4 natural attacks on arms, Slam (1EP): 1d8 natural attack, Improved Damage (1EP): Increase claw damage dice by 1 step, Ability Increase (2EP): +2 STR, Ability Increase (2EP): +2 CON.
So factoring in the Eidolon's stats, Yosef's "real" ability scores look more like 21 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 16 | 26. Synthesist Summoner also gets him +1 BAB (replaced by the Eidolon's +2) and +3 Will, which I'll tally up later.
Oracle 1: +2 Will, no BAB increase. Not too hot on the raw numbers yet, but wait: Yosef's Mystery of choice is Lore (all Knowledge skills as class skills!), his curse is Unchained (relatively harmless), and his chosen Revelation is Sidestep Secret (substitute CHA mod for DEX mod on AC and Reflex saves!). This helps compensate for the relative fragility of a level 2 Eidolon, since now Yosef's AC is high enough avoid most direct damage and he can nail Reflex saves to mitigate some nastier spells. He also picks up Extra Revelation as a level-progression feat and selects Lore Keeper (sub CHA mod for INT mod on all Knowledge checks), so now he knows basically everything.
[Marshal 1: Now, I know that the next thing you'll say is "that's not a Pathfinder class!". You're right. It's not. Marshal's from the 3.5 Miniatures Handbook, but I got okayed to use it so it's kosher. Yosef only spends one level learning how to mobilize troops anyway, since all he really needs out of the class is a minor aura of motivate charisma to double his charisma modifier. Marshal also nets him +2 Fortitude and +2 Will, and doesn't increase his BAB. Who really cares, though, when you're at +16 to all CHA checks and CHA-based skill checks?
Paladin 2:I really wish this wasn't necessary, since the only real reason he's spending two levels learning how to be the best and nicest person is to unlock Divine Grace to bump his saves up... real high. Shame that Paizo absolutely annihilated the Divine Protection feat; we could have saved two class levels if they hadn't. Paladin increases his Fortitide and Will by +3, and gets him +2 BAB.

As Yoself levels up, he picks out a myriad assortment of feats to increase his class abilities further. I've noted some of them elsewhere in the build, but it seems most comprehensible to reproduce them here:

Racial feat: Extra Evolution.
1st level feat: Noble Scion (of War). Let's let Yosef use his CHA mod instead of his DEX mod for Initiative, why not?
3rd level feat: Extra Revelation. As mentioned earlier, this is used to pick up Lore Keeper.
5th level feat: Extra Evolution, again. These are necessary to compensate for the minimal levels in Synthesist Summoner Yosef has, as I see it.
He also picks up Reactionary (+2 initiative) as his trait, since it's basically the best general trait as far as I can see.

Ability scores, as mentioned before, are:

21 STR (16 base Eidolon, +2 ability increase mutation, +1 eidolon level, +2 item)
13 DEX (12 base Eidolon, +1 eidolon level)
15 CON (13 base Eidolon, +2 ability increase mutation)
17 INT (14 base, +3 age)
16 WIS (13 base, +3 age)
26 CHA (148 base, +3 age, +2 race, +1 advancement, +2 item)

BAB is a somewhat measly +2 (from the Eidolon), but the total melee attack bonus is a not-awful +8 (+5 strength, +2 BAB, +1 Amulet of Mighty Fists)
He's got an adequate 22 AC/18 touch (10 base, +2 Eidolon armor, +8 CHA via Sidestep Secret, +2 Eidolon nat. armor)
His is a respectable +11 initiative (+8 CHA via Noble Scion of War, +2 Reactionary, +1 Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone)
Yosef's saves are... pretty high:

+15 Fortitude (+2 Marshal, +3 Paladin, +2 CON, +8 Divine Grace)
+16 Reflex (+8 CHA via Sidestep Secret, +8 Divine Grace)
+21 Will (+3 Summoner, +2 Oracle, +2 Marshal, +3 Paladin, +3 WIS, +8 Divine Grace)

I might have missed some important details in pursuit of brevity (he lives in a five-page Word document that I'm trying to crunch down here), so let me know if there's any additional info to be provided.

My personal thought for his immediate progression is a level in Scaled Fist Unchained Monk, to net CHA to AC a second time and some feats that can be retrained away to more Extra Evolutions. Is there anything else that I can add to this melange?

2017-08-07, 02:06 PM
How do you breed the dinosaurs? How does this work.

2017-08-07, 02:14 PM
According to the Handle Animal description, rearing a wild animal from infancy requires a check of DC 15 + the animal's HD, and three animals can be reared at once. Quetzalcoatlus have a CR of 7, -1 from the Young template applied to them for primarily flavor reasons.

Yosef has, pre-skill point investment, a +19 to Handle Animal, so putting a single skill point into Handle Animal bumps his check up high enough to be able to pass the DC 21 check with ease, especially if he decided to take 10 on it.

2017-08-07, 02:45 PM
Looks okay, although it's basically "just another a synth" with the usual defensive Cha dips made early, which isn't exactly new. And since pretty much anything highly dependent on ability scores (especially melee related) becomes easy for a synth, there isn't nearly as much to gain from being SAD as it normally is.

I also question Yosef's title as the "Cha-to-everything man", since he apparently still relies on Str to be effective in combat, even if he doesn't use his own Str score.

For an actual "Cha-to-everything man", I suggest you try making a build which doesn't require an eidolon or spells to be effective in combat, and more importantly actually uses Cha for as many values as possible. I suggest building around the same class dips (oracle, marshal, pally and maybe monk) and the Desna's Shooting Star (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Divine%20Fighting%20Tech nique) feat (setting-neutral version here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/divine-fighting-technique-combat/)).

And seeing as your GM may allow non-Paizo stuff, I heartily recommend the highly regarded Psionic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/) and Path of War (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/) options from Dreamscarred Press (including some great Cha-based classes, such as the wilder and zealot). Maybe you could also nab the Altered Life feat from Bloodforge (also by DSP) so your hp will be based on Cha as well.

2017-08-07, 02:59 PM
How do you breed the dinosaurs? How does this work.As chimaeraUndying wrote, the rearing shouldn't be a problem for any PC putting a bit of effort into it, much less one with a very high Cha. But finding three young quetzalcoatlus before 6th level may very well be difficult or even impossible in many games. Not to mention that they'll become too fragile and/or otherwise irrelevant in combat rather quickly without Animal Companion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/animal-companions/) progression, just like most other creatures with an Int below 3.

2017-08-07, 03:18 PM
I mean, okay, you've attached Cha to a bunch of different things and buffed it up pretty decently, but I don't really see how it's benefiting you beyond making you a bit more annoying to kill and the most charming goo-covered old fogey at the ball. Beyond some nice bonuses to Cha skills and maybe sort of okay damage, I'm just not sure what Yosef contributes to a party.

2017-08-07, 03:47 PM
Looks okay, although it's basically "just another a synth" with the usual defensive Cha dips made early, which isn't exactly new. And since pretty much anything highly dependent on ability scores (especially melee related) becomes easy for a synth, there isn't nearly as much to gain from being SAD as it normally is.

I also question Yosef's title as the "Cha-to-everything man", since he apparently still relies on Str to be effective in combat, even if he doesn't use his own Str score.

For an actual "Cha-to-everything man", I suggest you try making a build which doesn't require an eidolon or spells to be effective in combat, and more importantly actually uses Cha for as many values as possible. I suggest building around the same class dips (oracle, marshal, pally and maybe monk) and the Desna's Shooting Star (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Divine%20Fighting%20Tech nique) feat (setting-neutral version here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/divine-fighting-technique-combat/)).

I second this entirely. Paladin 2, oracle 1(nature, lore, and lunar) and scaled fist monk 1 are insanely good dips for CHA based classes. I don't think it is bad, but I think you could do this even better. The biggest problem I see is that your character is still alive. As in, you should become an undead creature. This outright eliminates your con and replaces it with CHA for everything: fort saves, checks, bonus HP per level, etc. Likewise, it makes you immune to a ton of things and removes the need for mortal activity such as eating, breathing, and sleeping. You can go EVEN further down this path of madness by becoming a ghost. You no longer need strength, get a deflection bonus to your AC equal to charisma modifier, gain the incorporeal subtype(even more immunity and abilities) a nasty touch attack(and several other nasty abilities), ability score bonuses, and you rejuvenate every 2d4 days if you are destroyed. At this point you don't even need an eidolon, but you can summon it to fight for you and not even go syntheist. Or summon hordes of monsters while you fly around being a ghost ruining everyone's day. Change the paladin levels to antipaladin and call it a wrap.

Some thoughts for your current build
If your eidolon dies, you are next. No armor and even with decent AC/saves from CHA, your hit points are garbage and one hit will kill you.
Why the lore oracle? You don't need all knowledge as class skills because the summoner gets these anyways, and all you net is appraise as a class skill. The lore keeper is nice, but you have a pretty good int score as is so unless you really need to be the party textbook this is meh. Nature and lunar can also grant you a CHA replaces DEX for AC, so see if there is some more you could get out of those like another revelation, or perhaps class skills.
When you take the scaled fist, grab deflect arrows as your feat to gain immunity to ranged attacks. You don't need to meet the dex prerequisite for it as a monk bonus feat. A second level of monk can get you evasion which is pretty cool.
Why not go aged cursed? Reduces your penalties for when the eidolon does bite the dust, although unchained is a decent curse. Wrecker is also a curse with no penalty for you.

2017-08-07, 05:06 PM
I appreciate the "stop being a punch people" character suggestions; the idea was mostly emergent from the Stand user flair of (Synth) Summoners, which itself originated as a means of compensating for -6ing all Yosef's physical stats by setting him at venerable. I'll have a look at replanning him as primarily a caster/manifester.

The biggest problem I see is that your character is still alive. As in, you should become an undead creature.

In a perfect world, all this character planning would be prefaced with a cheese tower of templates doing that; sadly my GM is somewhat template-averse ever since a friend rocked up to one of her games with a Dragonwrought Kobold Wyrmskull et al. Is there a decent way of becoming a ghost (or just getting those delicious undead perks) that doesn't boil down to "and now, apply the template"?

If your eidolon dies, you are next. No armor and even with decent AC/saves from CHA, your hit points are garbage and one hit will kill you.
Yeeeah, that's a concern. The theory is that I could burn Yosef's HP instead of his eidolon's HP via Fused Link, but that's probably not great in practice.

Why the lore oracle? You don't need all knowledge as class skills because the summoner gets these anyways, and all you net is appraise as a class skill. The lore keeper is nice, but you have a pretty good int score as is so unless you really need to be the party textbook this is meh. Nature and lunar can also grant you a CHA replaces DEX for AC, so see if there is some more you could get out of those like another revelation, or perhaps class skills.
I hadn't looked into Nature or Lunar, but I'll make a note to investigate. Having CHA-to-Knowledge was partially just because it's another thing to have CHA powering, and also partially a sort of "roll to find the plot" thing.

When you take the scaled fist, grab deflect arrows as your feat to gain immunity to ranged attacks. You don't need to meet the dex prerequisite for it as a monk bonus feat. A second level of monk can get you evasion which is pretty cool.
Thanks! Evasion seems like it'd be get pretty silly when combined with Divine Grace (and possibly still Sidestep Secret).

Why not go aged cursed? Reduces your penalties for when the eidolon does bite the dust, although unchained is a decent curse. Wrecker is also a curse with no penalty for you.
Unchained had some fun flavor intersections with Paladin -- since it suppresses the innate Paladin aura of sunshine and rainbows, I can Surprise Smite! people. Aged would definitely be more optimal, though, so I'll definitely consider it.

For an actual "Cha-to-everything man", I suggest you try making a build which doesn't require an eidolon or spells to be effective in combat, and more importantly actually uses Cha for as many values as possible. I suggest building around the same class dips (oracle, marshal, pally and maybe monk) and the Desna's Shooting Star (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Divine%20Fighting%20Tech nique) feat (setting-neutral version here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/divine-fighting-technique-combat/)).
It seems like Desna's Shooting Star / Way of the Shooting Star only lets me add CHA to attack and damage rolls with starknives. I suppose that's better than nothing, but it ain't no incorporeal undead.

And seeing as your GM may allow non-Paizo stuff, I heartily recommend the highly regarded Psionic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/) and Path of War (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/) options from Dreamscarred Press (including some great Cha-based classes, such as the wilder and zealot).
I'll definitely give them a gander. Hopefully I wouldn't be losing too many manifester levels to all the CHA-to-X dips to largely invalidate any Psionic class investment.

Maybe you could also nab the Altered Life feat from Bloodforge (also by DSP) so your hp will be based on Cha as well.
Assuming we're looking at the same feat (I found it here (https://pathminder.github.io/feats/altered-life/)), it looks like it only effects aberrations, fey, oozes, plants, or undead; all types that'll be rather difficult to gain as a player. If only it also listed outsider...

2017-08-07, 05:34 PM
In a perfect world, all this character planning would be prefaced with a cheese tower of templates doing that; sadly my GM is somewhat template-averse ever since a friend rocked up to one of her games with a Dragonwrought Kobold Wyrmskull et al. Is there a decent way of becoming a ghost (or just getting those delicious undead perks) that doesn't boil down to "and now, apply the template"?
Depends if you can swing a really good backstory as why you are a ghost. Some unfinished business when you died etc etc. That said, being a ghost will present a lot of problems in most campaigns, as you can't just stroll through a town and be a ghost. If your eidolon gives you the ability to disguise yourself enough and grab things that will help. Most other undead can disguise themselves well enough against common folk.

It seems like Desna's Shooting Star / Way of the Shooting Star only lets me add CHA to attack and damage rolls with starknives. I suppose that's better than nothing, but it ain't no incorporeal undead.
Desna's shooting star is a good way to have a ranged option, but if you are a paladin you have to be lawful good and won't be able to worship Desna. But it is one of the few ways to get CHA to damage.

One more thing, make sure to take the boon companion feat to make your eidolon keep pace in level after all your dipping. Otherwise, your eidolon is level 2 and borderline worthless.

2017-08-07, 06:27 PM
I feel like I probably won't be able to swing Ghost unless I can get the Savage Species class progression thing for it approved (there is one of those, right?).

The Boon Companion feat seems to only cover familiars and animal companions; do Eidolons count as either of those? I could probably get it okayed to count as such, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something in the text, first.

2017-08-07, 06:56 PM
You can always go with making yourself a sentient undead. I have done it on a number of characters by using Contingent Create Undead + suicide to turn yourself into a JuJu Zombie or Skeletal Champion.

That or pay someone for the casting and an Atonement spell to keep Paladin goodies.

This nets Charisma to HP.

2017-08-07, 08:15 PM
Now there's an idea I might be able to maneuver into. Thanks!

2017-08-07, 09:33 PM
If you go Kobold (or count as a Kobold (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/racial-feats/racial-heritage)) you can get CHA to Fort save and 'negative HP til death' (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/racial-feats/kobold-confidence).
One level of Agent of the Grave (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/agent-of-the-grave/) lets you (mostly) use CHA for HP. Must be Evil and able to case Animate Dead though.

My personal thought for his immediate progression is a level in Scaled Fist Unchained Monk, to net CHA to AC a second time
Risks running afoul of this FAQ ruling (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9sgk).

and some feats that can be retrained away to more Extra Evolutions.

Retraining Feats: (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/more-character-options/retraining/)
"If the old feat is a bonus feat granted by a class feature, you must replace it with a feat that you could choose using that class feature."
Retrain a Monk feat > Get a Monk feat

The Boon Companion feat seems to only cover familiars and animal companions; do Eidolons count as either of those? I could probably get it okayed to count as such, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something in the text, first.
Boon companion only counts for Familiars and Companions. Eidolons are their very own special thing.

2017-08-07, 10:31 PM
If you go Kobold (or count as a Kobold (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/racial-feats/racial-heritage)) you can get CHA to Fort save and 'negative HP til death' (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/racial-feats/kobold-confidence).
One level of Agent of the Grave (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/agent-of-the-grave/) lets you (mostly) use CHA for HP. Must be Evil and able to case Animate Dead though.
I'm not sure I feel that spending (essentially) two feats on Kobold Confidence is really worth it, honestly. If I do something like polymorph into a Kobold and take the feat, would I still be able to use it after unmorphing, or would I no longer qualify? I feel like there's an answer in the SRD somewhere, but I couldn't find it with a cursory search.

Risks running afoul of this FAQ ruling (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9sgk).
Perhaps. I'd personally vouch for (and hopefully persuade my GM that) "bonus to thing X from attribute Y" and "add attribute Y instead of attribute Z to thing X", since the former adds on top of and the latter replaces. We'll see, I suppose.

Retraining Feats: (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/more-character-options/retraining/)
"If the old feat is a bonus feat granted by a class feature, you must replace it with a feat that you could choose using that class feature."
Retrain a Monk feat > Get a Monk feat
Fair point, thanks.

Boon companion only counts for Familiars and Companions. Eidolons are their very own special thing.
Yeah, that was my read; glad to know I didn't miss any (open for extreme abuse) text somewhere in the Eidolon page.

2017-08-08, 12:53 AM
I'm not sure I feel that spending (essentially) two feats on Kobold Confidence is really worth it, honestly. If I do something like polymorph into a Kobold and take the feat, would I still be able to use it after unmorphing, or would I no longer qualify? I feel like there's an answer in the SRD somewhere, but I couldn't find it with a cursory search.

It used to be there. Then they revamped the feat page(s) quite a bit and...eh.
Basically, you must -currently- meet all prereqs for a feat to function. If/when you re-qualify it will instantly 'turn on' again.

2017-08-08, 08:40 AM
It used to be there. Then they revamped the feat page(s) quite a bit and...eh.
Yeah, I think they reordered everything on the database a month ago, so now every link has an awkward "we can't find what you're looking for!" intermediary; it's certainly making it irritating to consult with any regularity.

Basically, you must -currently- meet all prereqs for a feat to function. If/when you re-qualify it will instantly 'turn on' again.
Yeah, that's what I suspected. I take it there isn't a real way to accomplish that outside of races/feats?

2017-08-08, 11:54 AM
It seems like Desna's Shooting Star / Way of the Shooting Star only lets me add CHA to attack and damage rolls with starknives. I suppose that's better than nothing, but it ain't no incorporeal undead.As Geddy wrote, you won't find other options to replace Str/Dex on attack and damage rolls. And it would be great if you somehow could combine it with incorporeal undead...

I'll definitely give them a gander. Hopefully I wouldn't be losing too many manifester levels to all the CHA-to-X dips to largely invalidate any Psionic class investment.You'll probably want the Magic Knack, Psionic Knack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-alternate-rules/psionic-traits/psionic-knack/) and/or Practiced Initiator (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/traits/practiced-initiator-combat/) trait to compensate, and then take levels in a PrC which advances two aspects (casting/manifesting/initiating), such as the Cerebremancer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/cerebremancer/), Bladecaster (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/bladecaster/), Battle Templar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/battle-templar/) or Awakened Blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/awakened-blade/). It's much easier to retain full IL and maneuver progression than CL/spells or ML/powers though, and there's an initiating archetype for the pally and other Cha-based Paizo classes. So if you decide to mix things it might be better to make a starknife focused build rather than one primarily focused on spells or powers, and instead use the many great combat buff and utility spells/powers much less dependent on a high CL, DC etc.

And personally, I think it would make for a hilarious character. Just imagine a skinny and toothless wrinkly old grandpa cheerfully jumping around like Chuck Norris in nothing but his bathrobe, chuckling and giggling while stabbing the living daylights out of stuff with his weird little knife. :smalltongue:

Assuming we're looking at the same feat (I found it here (https://pathminder.github.io/feats/altered-life/)), it looks like it only effects aberrations, fey, oozes, plants, or undead; all types that'll be rather difficult to gain as a player. If only it also listed outsider...That's the one. You can be treated as one of the prerequisite types via traits also found in Bloodforge (used to be feats before the errata). These give you an additional subtype plus a minor boon (aberration type = aberrant subtype and darkvision, fey type = feyblood subtype and +2 vs compulsions, undead type = graveblood subtype and negative energy resistance 5, etc).

2017-08-08, 01:12 PM
You'll probably want the Magic Knack, Psionic Knack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-alternate-rules/psionic-traits/psionic-knack/) and/or Practiced Initiator (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/traits/practiced-initiator-combat/) trait to compensate, and then take levels in a PrC which advances two aspects (casting/manifesting/initiating), such as the Cerebremancer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/cerebremancer/), Bladecaster (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/bladecaster/), Battle Templar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/battle-templar/) or Awakened Blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/awakened-blade/). It's much easier to retain full IL and maneuver progression than CL/spells or ML/powers though, and there's an initiating archetype for the pally and other Cha-based Paizo classes. So if you decide to mix things it might be better to make a starknife focused build rather than one primarily focused on spells or powers, and instead use the many great combat buff and utility spells/powers much less dependent on a high CL, DC etc.
Ah, thanks.

And personally, I think it would make for a hilarious character. Just imagine a skinny and toothless wrinkly old grandpa cheerfully jumping around like Chuck Norris in nothing but his bathrobe, chuckling and giggling while stabbing the living daylights out of stuff with his weird little knife. :smalltongue:
That's not too divergent from the personality that emerged from the original build (or the character he was vaguely based on).

That's the one. You can be treated as one of the prerequisite types via traits also found in Bloodforge (used to be feats before the errata). These give you an additional subtype plus a minor boon (aberration type = aberrant subtype and darkvision, fey type = feyblood subtype and +2 vs compulsions, undead type = graveblood subtype and negative energy resistance 5, etc).
Oh, that's quite handy indeed; I didn't know about those traits. It's not like Reactive is particularly necessary, anyway, so it wouldn't hurt too much to sub it out for one of those.