View Full Version : Pathfinder Why are the monsters Design Cores the way they are?

Scowling Dragon
2017-08-07, 02:41 PM
I have recently gotten my hands on a neat 3rd party Supplement:
Genius Guide to Talented Bestiary.

The idea was to make an easier way to make monsters and to actually design them based off of roles, not just Species Origin.
And 90% of it is great. Its good stuff. But I was annoyed when I realised that the monster "Spines" where all the same.

Brutes have bigger HD....But also have lower amounts of HD and less constitution then the arcanes.
And this got me to thinking about the core game. Why are the monsters built the way they are?
What would happen if I raised their base saves, lowered their HD to one per CR, and decreased the stat bloat? Make them more Like NPCs?

Is there some secret I don't know?