View Full Version : Optimization Beatstick Build

2017-08-07, 02:54 PM
I was planning on playing the skill monkey for a low optimization group but the parameters have changed. There will be a medium optimization wizard who will be helping optimize the cleric who normally just uses what he thinks is cool, like the endurance feat. The skill monkey will be a new player, i don't know exactly what class he will play. So the beatstick role is left for me. I had some ideas in mind:

1)Barbarian 2(pounce+imp trip variants) - dungeoncrasher fighter 6 - Warblade 1, but i don't no where to go after. Maybe bloodstorm blade. (La buyoff and retraining aren't allowed).
2)Druid 20(this is obviously the strongest choise by a wide margin but i would rather not as i will be probably stealing the spotlight and taking the fun from others.)
3)Some kind of duskblade build, i m not very familiar with the class. I know that duskblade 20 is viable but it is too onedimentional i think.
4)Warblade 20 simple yet effective.
5)I am dying to play binder in a game, with knight of the sacred shield i guess i ll be able to fill the role but i feel i will be rather weak before the prc, especially before lvl 8.
6)Wild shape ranger 5 - master of many forms 10 - nature's warrior 5. Only possible drawback is dm rulling on available forms.
7)Open to extra suggestions.

I would like a ranking from best to worst option of the above.
Feel free to suggest something else. Take into account that the game is low on magic item availability and that we start at level 1.

2017-08-07, 03:06 PM
(always looking to plug the build in my sig, so have a look!)

When starting at level 1, the Wild Shape build will take a long while to come online. Same as the binder, really. Not super fun in my view, low levels is where you have to make yourself count as beatstick.

Warblade 18/psychic warrior 2 is good, using the synergy between Power Attack, Deep Impact, and the Nightmare Blade line to make devastatingly accurate attacks. The psywar levels come early, since you need a feat at level 4 (to pick up Psionic Meditation). I'd go warblade 2/psywar 2/warblade +X.

2017-08-07, 03:37 PM
I always wanted to try a Titan bloodline Goliath into hulking hurler.
Well, that's if LA buyoff was in play. Probably start as a barbarian for that rage strength.

Is there enough room for blood storm blade in there I wonder?

2017-08-07, 05:03 PM
I always wanted to try a Titan bloodline Goliath into hulking hurler.
Well, that's if LA buyoff was in play. Probably start as a barbarian for that rage strength.

Is there enough room for blood storm blade in there I wonder?

Bloodlines are out. And i m pretty sure even if hulking hurler is allowed there will be limitations or the dm just wont let me find stuff to throw. If i had to take something with LA (no dragon magazine so no half minotaur etc) it would probably be savage species half-ogre. Many good bonuses for just 1 LA. Maybe even dragonborn half-ogre for EX flight.

Psionics are out as well. I dunno about psychic warrior, will have to ask the dm.

Again the group optimization is not high. I don't need to pull a ruby knight vindicator.

I have the feeling that of all mundanes simple warblade will work the best. And i will have options from level 1, unlike barbarian - fighter that will only have 2: smash or trip.

You are right about WS and binder though, they will take time to come online. Till then i will be like a cleric without spells. Ew.

2017-08-07, 09:33 PM
I'm gonna argue on the side of binder on this one. You've got a decent attack in Amon's ram horns, or if you go improved binder, you'd have Savnok's Masterwork Fullplate (free) or Haagenti's Greataxe proficiency at level 2. The pact augmentation can offset a possibly terrible hit die roll, or give you the beatstick stat you need.

Granted, it's not as good as a barbarian would be doing, but you're not playing with high op.

Also, I didn't see totemist on your list. For shame...:smallannoyed:

2017-08-08, 04:13 AM
Our dm forces some kind ofsocial penalties to not so common races, so dragonborn and raptoran are out.

He likes antimagic zones as well so going with a pure mundane build would probably benefit the party more. Do vestiges work in amf?

My most likely build will be:


1)Barbarian (pounce acf) feats: jotunbrud, combat reflexes
2)Barbarian (imp trip acf)
3)Fighter feats: power attack, improved bull rush
4)Fighter (dungeon crasher acf)
6)Fighter feats: leap attack
8)Fighter feats: shock trooper, dungeon crasher acf
9)Warblade iron heart surge, wall of blades,?

I don't know what to do past this point. Is some kind of shapechaning prc worth it? like bear warrior or primeval? Bloodstorm blade maybe for covering the ranged combat deficiency? More warblade?

2017-08-08, 04:27 AM
If antimagic zones are common, just go with the Warblade. Manoeuvres are explicitly non magical unless stated.

2017-08-08, 06:37 AM
Druid 20 with just equipped animal companion and perhaps some Handle Animal friends sounds great. You can tone yourself to scale with the campaign just fine, and function in non-magical environments as well through your animals.

2017-08-08, 11:39 AM
7)Open to extra suggestions.

Duskblade and PsyWar are other option to ponder.

2)Druid 20(this is obviously the strongest choise by a wide margin but i would rather not as i will be probably stealing the spotlight and taking the fun from others.)

Obviously the strongest option, as you said. Who's fingers are you afraid of stepping on? 'cause there are always ways to make the Druid less... top of the crop.

Such as trading your animal companion for something else (e.g. Urban Familiar, Shifter Druid sub levels, or Druidic Avenger ACF), or (I'll probably get lynched for even suggesting this) going with the Shapeshifter Druid ACF. That last one is an obvious drop in power level, but fits the beatstick role just fine.

Sam K
2017-08-08, 01:59 PM

1. You have options beyond charge and trip.
2. You can actually help out weaker party members. Lets say that the skill monkey is a rogue (quite likely if he's new). Rogues generally suck in combat, so throw him some help with white raven maneuvers.
3. You don't have to lock yourself into a build at level 1. If it turns out that the skillmonkey is a useful factotum and the cleric becomes Codzilla, you can happily go with things like white raven hammer and time stands still. If the wizard is a blaster, the cleric a healbot and the skillmonkey a crossbow rogue, you can pick nothing but stone dragon stances.
4. Comes online at level 1. Starts relevant but not domineering, stays relevant but not domineering.

2017-08-09, 04:44 AM
Comparing a warblade 20 with a paladin 2 sorcerer 4 spellsword 1 abjurant champion 5 sacred exorcist 8. Obviously at high levels the gish is much better cause "spells". Will the gish have serious problems at levels 3-6?

Also can warlocks take up the role of beatstick reliably?

2017-08-09, 06:42 PM
Why hasn't anybody suggested the crusader yet?

2017-08-09, 07:41 PM
Why hasn't anybody suggested the crusader yet?

I would rather play a warblade. I don't like very much the wonky recover mechanic of crusader. Typing maneuver cards, suffling and drawing.

2017-08-09, 08:44 PM
Why hasn't anybody suggested the crusader yet?

I would rather play a warblade. I don't like very much the wonky recover mechanic of crusader. Typing maneuver cards, suffling and drawing.

That ^ is the reason why.

Sam K
2017-08-09, 11:59 PM
Comparing a warblade 20 with a paladin 2 sorcerer 4 spellsword 1 abjurant champion 5 sacred exorcist 8. Obviously at high levels the gish is much better cause "spells". Will the gish have serious problems at levels 3-6?

Also can warlocks take up the role of beatstick reliably?

Depends on what your DM throws at you :) But put it like this: at level 6, you will have level 2 spells, 4 BAB and 4 levels with d4 hp. Your spells will likely be locked into buffs (cause gish) which have casting times and shortish durations because of your low caster level. Can you make that work for your game?

Warlocks suffer from the same challenge. A claw or glaivelock can be a solid damage dealer, but have limited options to soak up damage. With buffs and magic items it's doable, but it might be tricky at the low levels.

If you want casting as well as beatsticking, druid would probably be better than either of these. Higher HP, and animal companion gives you two beatsticks for the price of one.

2017-08-10, 02:40 AM
I would rather play a warblade. I don't like very much the wonky recover mechanic of crusader. Typing maneuver cards, suffling and drawing.
Well the card shuffle can be replace to dice roles (you will never have more then 20 maneuvers)
Works quite nice for me (made a list with different prepared maneuvers standards, tell GM: "Today I am on move-set 3" and be good)
; when rolling two time the same number, you and you gm can agreed, either take the next in line (best for rolling all readied at once) or do re-rolls until you get the new one (better when starting with at least 6 readied maneuvers)
The benefit on Crusader is actual the fast recovery without doing much. When going with extra granted maneuver you "burn" to you moves in 3 rounds and have them ready and since you certainly selected good maneuvers you always can do something.
Don't forget most maneuvers don't get you a full attack so you can Powerpack their asses off (if allowed) without concern.

I Played a Warblade 20 and I am now playing a Crusader 1 Bard 1 Crusader 8 Warblade 1 Eternal Blade 3.
The Warblade had a very straight approach of charge in and wreck havoc while the crusader boosts his and his mates to song of white raven and power attacks all day long while in thickets of blades stance with his great-sword.

The Warblade sometimes had no maneuvers anymore and for some rounds turned into a simple fighter until recovered but as crusader i most the time have the issue, of "whoa 3 nice moves, what to choose"
And i don't know how often the nice healing maneuvers of Devoted Spirit saved my and my mates arses.

2017-08-10, 10:33 AM
I Played a Warblade 20 and I am now playing a Crusader 1 Bard 1 Crusader 8 Warblade 1 Eternal Blade 3.
The Warblade had a very straight approach of charge in and wreck havoc while the crusader boosts his and his mates to song of white raven and power attacks all day long while in thickets of blades stance with his great-sword.

The Warblade sometimes had no maneuvers anymore and for some rounds turned into a simple fighter until recovered but as crusader i most the time have the issue, of "whoa 3 nice moves, what to choose"
And i don't know how often the nice healing maneuvers of Devoted Spirit saved my and my mates arses.

I do understand that having free action recover is statistically stronger. Warblade on the other hand has control over which maneuvers he prepares. Also if i am not mistake it takes a standard action, which can be either a normal weapon attack or just a flourish of your weapon to quote the book in order to refresh all your maneuvers. Even if you manage to run out you will just have to play like a fighter for a single turn.

I have seen the bard 3 warblade 17 builds... they probably are stronger at higher levels but i will have to be the one doing the fighting for the first 2-3 levels if i have gauged my group's potential correctly.

2017-08-10, 02:03 PM
If antimagic zones are common, just go with the Warblade. Manoeuvres are explicitly non magical unless stated.

Hell, if the Warblade has any abilities suppressed by it, they can just IHS the zone away.

2017-08-10, 03:18 PM
Try asking your DM if you can get an item that grants Expansion (a custom continuous or use-activated item would be preferred if allowed, otherwise just get a dorje) and use it to qualify for the size prerequisite of the Knockback feat (only gaining the benefits of the feat when enlarged, of course). If that's permitted, you could try adapting that Dungeoncrasher build to something like Barbarian 1/Dungeoncrasher 6/Warforged Juggernaut 5. Bloodstorm Blade is a very tempting option for advancement once you're done with those levels, but hardly the only way you could take the character.

Also if i am not mistake it takes a standard action, which can be either a normal weapon attack or just a flourish of your weapon to quote the book in order to refresh all your maneuvers. Even if you manage to run out you will just have to play like a fighter for a single turn.
You have to start with a swift action to initiate recovery, and then you can either spend a standard action flourishing, or make a melee attack. It can be any kind of melee attack, and can happen at any time before the start of your next turn. So a standard attack, full attack, charge, or even an attack of opportunity could count. The only restriction is that you can't initiate maneuvers while recovering.

2017-08-10, 05:32 PM
You have to start with a swift action to initiate recovery, and then you can either spend a standard action flourishing, or make a melee attack. It can be any kind of melee attack, and can happen at any time before the start of your next turn. So a standard attack, full attack, charge, or even an attack of opportunity could count. The only restriction is that you can't initiate maneuvers while recovering.

I don't want to be "that guy" again, but this is the most favourable reading. So get ready for DMs ruling otherwise and forcing you to a single standard action attack on the round you refresh your maneuvers.

2017-08-10, 06:20 PM
I don't want to be "that guy" again, but this is the most favourable reading. So get ready for DMs ruling otherwise and forcing you to a single standard action attack on the round you refresh your maneuvers.

You can recover all expended maneuvers with a single swift action, which must be immediately followed in the same round with a melee attack or using a standard action to do nothing else in the round (such as executing a quick, harmless flourish with your weapon). You cannot initiate a maneuver or change your stance while you are recovering your expended maneuvers, but you can remain in a stance in which you began your turn.I find it hard to see any other way to read it. As long as you spend a swift action and then make a melee attack later in the same round, you recover your maneuvers. It's possible that a DM could rule otherwise to restrict the types of attacks that qualify, but that would unquestionably be a house rule.

2017-08-17, 12:27 PM
The 4th member ended up being a rogue, i think he plans on going shadowdancer. I rolled an illumian paladin, planing on paladin 2 sorcerer 4 spellsword 1 abjurant champion 5 sacred exorcist 8. I have read the gish handbook for general ideas on the build but it is lacking on the spell selection sector. So what spells stand out that i should definitely pick? the wizard and cleric will have most if not all of the group utility stuff so i guess i can focus on personal buffs etc.

2017-08-17, 12:34 PM
The usual: Wraithstrike, Wings of Cover, Polymorph (or equivalent), Greater Invisibility, Greater Mirror Image, Heart of X-line, Benign/Baleful Transposition, Grease/Glitterdust/Web, Arcane Sight, Greater Blinking, Celerity, etc. Long duration defenses and buffs, swift and immediate actions, superpowerful effects, and some utility.

2017-08-18, 04:45 PM
I would rather play a warblade. I don't like very much the wonky recover mechanic of crusader. Typing maneuver cards, suffling and drawing.

Is there a homebrew simpler version of crusader, or some kind of homebrew?

2017-08-19, 01:20 AM
Is there a homebrew simpler version of crusader, or some kind of homebrew?

At some wizards of the coast archive website you can find maneuver cards which you can print to paper using your home printer. The general idea is that you make a deck using cards of the maneuvers you have available, shuffle them and when a fight occurs you draw from that deck according to the maneuvers your class recovers. It is not homebrew, just a tool.

Still though, even though crusader has free action recovery it is random. There will probably be many cases you will wish you had x maneuver available at y turn.

Sam K
2017-08-19, 08:24 AM
There is some truth to that (playing a crusader right now - why is crusader strike never available when needed???), but on the other hand crusaders have more maneuvers readied than a warblade, especially early on (warblade can prepare 3, crusader can prepare 5). So while crusader will sometimes not have the right maneuver granted, warblade will sometimes not have the right maneuver prepared. Especially at low levels, where warlbades have a great selection of counters, this can be just as frustrating as the crusaders wonky recovery mechanics.

The real annoyance with crusader, in my book, is the extra book keeping of tracking when you recover and rolling (or drawing cards) for maneuvers.

Keld Denar
2017-08-21, 09:34 PM
The 4th member ended up being a rogue, i think he plans on going shadowdancer. I rolled an illumian paladin, planing on paladin 2 sorcerer 4 spellsword 1 abjurant champion 5 sacred exorcist 8. I have read the gish handbook for general ideas on the build but it is lacking on the spell selection sector. So what spells stand out that i should definitely pick? the wizard and cleric will have most if not all of the group utility stuff so i guess i can focus on personal buffs etc.

Are you going AeshKrau (strength based casting) or NaenHoon (DMM lite for 2 spells).

2017-08-22, 01:43 AM
Naenhoon to either persist or quicken.

2017-08-22, 08:17 AM
So what spells stand out that i should definitely pick?

Some suggestions for gish spells:


Caltrops (Spell Compendium). More of a mild discouragement than a BFC spell, but a good chunk of BFC is discouragement. Useful for clogging up choke points and stacking on top of other BFC spells.

Candlelight (Ghostwalk Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20031225a)). This isn't exactly a replacement for light or dancing lights as it's not nearly as bright as a torch (only 5' radius), but it does have a much better duration: 1 hour/CL.

Launch Item (Spell Compendium). Useful mostly for tossing out splash weapons, but could also be used for shrink item patches, eggshell grenades, aboleth mucus, sleepsmoke globes, etc. You can also load up flasks with "piggyback" effects, such as fire trap, explosive runes, and/or sign of sealing (Spell Compendium).

Prestidigitation (Core). Not called minor wish for nothing. Print out this page (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20010707) and keep it handy.


Benign Transposition (Spell Compendium): Two willing targets swap positions, keep your meatbags up front and your REMFs in the back. Standard action, but still *really* useful, particularly if you have a familiar with a decent fly speed.

Blade of Blood (PHBII): Swift action, +1d6 damage, or sacrifice 5 HP for +3d6 damage. Good candidate for a wand chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape).

Blades of Fire (Spell Compendium): Swift action, two weapons touched get +1d8 fire damage for 1 round. Another good candidate for a wand chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape).

Blockade (Complete Scoundrel): Swift action, creates 5' block of wood for creating choke points or blocking narrow passages/doors. Also provides an ample supply of "I've got wood" jokes.

Instant Diversion (Races of the Dragon): Swift action, lesser version of mirror image. Only lasts one round and doesn't create as many duplicates, but even with a 1st-level wand that's still a 50% miss chance in a pinch.

Kaupaer's Quickblast (Kaupaer's Quick Book (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050112a)). Free/immediate/swift action (not sure which, 3.0 spell), autohits with either cold, electricity, or fire damage. Great way to quickly light something on fire (web, incendiary slime, oil, etc.).

Master's Touch (Spell Compendium). Saves you the trouble of taking Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Also, if I've got the encumbrance for it, I love packing a few orc shotputs (A&EG) on my low-level wizards. Nobody expects a wizard throwing a 2d6 ball of metal into their face!

Nerveskitter (Spell Compendium): Getting all your buffs up quickly is a lot easier if you go first.


Alter Self (Core). Long duration, different movement modes, combat options, social engineering. A lot of utility is packed into this spell.

Arcane Turmoil (Complete Mage). Targeted dispel magic in a lower-level slot, which may help free up some room in your third-level slots. In general, this is a better version of dispelling touch (PHBII), unless you're a Duskblade looking for a touch spell to channel.

Create Magic Tattoo (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting). You will need to invest some skill points into Craft (Painting) to use this spell, but it's well worth it for the selection of all-day buffs.

Energy Surge, Lesser (PHBII). Bonus energy damage a la carte.

Heroics (Spell Compendium). This spell allows you to pick up Fighter Bonus feats for 10 min/CL. This includes Martial Study, which gives you access to some maneuvers from Tome of Battle.

Scimitar of Sand (Sandstorm). Arcane version of flame blade, you can make melee touch attacks and it has a Fort save vs. dessication debuff. If you prefer something with energy damage instead, flame dagger in the Spell Compendium is a similar spell.

Sonic Weapon (Spell Compendium). Very few creatures have [sonic] resistance, so of the three spells that add energy damage to a weapon, you probably want to start with this one. The other two: burning sword (same book) adds a flaming birst effect on criticals but [fire] is the most commonly resisted energy type, and frost weapon (Frostburn) has a much shorter duration (1 round/CL instead of 1 min/CL).

Wings of Cover (Races of the Dragon). Sorcerer-only spell, but if you're a wizard and have to burn a feat on it or UMD it through a wand, *WORTH IT*. Immediate action to cast, and essentially *NOPES* an attack.

Wraithstrike (Spell Compendium). Swift action, all your melee attacks become touch attacks. One of the quintessential "gish" spells.


Alter Fortune (PHBII). It's hard to tell when exactly you will need this spell, but when that moment does come along, it can mean the difference between life and death. This spell causes the target to immediately reroll a die roll, so it can be used either offensively or defensively.

Dispel Magic (Core). Way too useful to leave this one out. However, if you want to clear out some space in your third level slots, consider arcane turmoil (Complete Mage) or dispelling touch (PHBII) at 2nd level.

Haste (Core). A very popular spell, and quintessential gish favorite. It's extremely annoying that the swift-action version is Ranger-only (Spell Compendium).

Heart of Water (Complete Mage). Usually my third pick for 3rd level spells, right after dispel magic and haste. Buff has a decent duration, but more notably, it gives you arcane access to freedom of movement.

Siphon (Complete Scoundrel). Allows you to regain an expended spell/slot by draining 5 charges from a wand or staff. This is particularly useful for randomly-generated wands with spells that you hardly ever use: how often do you need to cast tongues instead of haste? Wand modulation costs fewer charges, but works with spells that haven't been cast yet, while siphon is much better for recharging your spell slots after a big battle that cost you more spell slots than you anticipated.

Sticks and Stones (Shining South). This spell creates an animated skeleton-like creature (essentially a 2HD skeleton) that attacks a designated target. While other conjuration/summoning spells at this level offer much sturdier combatants, this spell has some notable differences. First, casting time is only a standard action, so your skeleton-thing can attack on the same round you cast it. Second, it has an Energy Drain (Su) attack as if it were a Wight, which is not something you usually see out of a 3rd-level spell slot. It's also a Necromancy spell, but it doesn't create a summoned creature or animate a corpse, so that may allow it to bypass certain wards/effects that target summoned creatures or undead (protection from evil, turn undead, etc.).

Wand Modulation (Complete Scoundrel). Allows you to "spam" your lower-level spells by draining a wand's charges instead of expending your spell slots. As with siphon, you can collect all those randomly-generated spell-trigger items that nobody wants and put them to good use.


Firestride Exhalation (Dragon Magic). Area-effect damage spell that also includes short-range teleportation.

Invisibility, Greater (Core). The quintessential "I can stab you but you can't stab me" spell.

Polymorph (Core). A bit of a bookkeeping chore, but well worth it if you're willing to go book-diving for the best forms. Even if you're restricted to Core, this spell is a huge game-changer.

Revelation (Dragons of Faerun). Only lasts 1 round, but if you need it, early access to true seeing.

Ruin Delver's Fortune (Spell Compendium). This immediate-action spell is more useful for Sorcerers due to the Charisma synergy, but the evasion, immunity to poison/fear, and most of the temp HP don't rely on Charisma.

Trollshape (PHBII). Swift-action polymorph spell to turn into a troll. You're limited to a single form and the duration is only 1 round/CL, but it's hard to beat the expediency of the casting time.


Draconic Polymoprh (Draconomicon). Essentially the same as boring vanillia polymorph except you get Str +8 and Con +2.

Evacuation Rune (Complete Scoundrel). Adds a swift-action teleport to your repertoire. Cast this rune on a thrown weapon or an object your familiar/unseen servant can drop off somewhere, and it opens up some interesting tactical options.

Fiendform (Spell Compendium). Opens up a variety of outsider forms along with their SLAs, Extraordinary abilities, and Supernatural abilities. Since it also changes your type to outsider, you can stack on another polymorph to get into even more interesting forms.

Necrotic Skull Bomb (Champions of Ruin). This is actually not a very good spell, as it turns enervation into an area effect with a "Fort negates" save , but it has a swift action casting time and a really awesome name.


Contingency (Core). The poster child for not banning Evocation.

Dispel Magic, Greater (Core). Make Dispel Great Again.

Shallantha's Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun). Creates a spell-storing ceramic disk for any spell up to 5th level, which can be broken or thrown to release the spell effect.


Arcane Spellsurge (Dragon Magic). Spellcasting while holding down the "fast forward" button.

Energy Absorption (Complete Mage). Energy resistance to all five energy types, lasts 1 hour/CL, and you have the option to convert one energy-based attack into healing.


Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant (Complete Mage). Turn into a beholder as a swift action, and you can use each eye ray at least once.

Polymorph Any Object (Core). Among other things, permanently change your form.


Shapechange (Core). Usually at the top of nearly every "Broken Spells" list.

Time Stop (Core). Finally get all your buffs up on the first round!

2017-08-22, 03:27 PM
Some suggestions for gish spells:


Caltrops (Spell Compendium). More of a mild discouragement than a BFC spell, but a good chunk of BFC is discouragement. Useful for clogging up choke points and stacking on top of other BFC spells.

Candlelight (Ghostwalk Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20031225a)). This isn't exactly a replacement for light or dancing lights as it's not nearly as bright as a torch (only 5' radius), but it does have a much better duration: 1 hour/CL.

Launch Item (Spell Compendium). Useful mostly for tossing out splash weapons, but could also be used for shrink item patches, eggshell grenades, aboleth mucus, sleepsmoke globes, etc. You can also load up flasks with "piggyback" effects, such as fire trap and/or explosive runes.

Prestidigitation (Core). Not called minor wish for nothing. Print out this page (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20010707) and keep it handy.


Benign Transposition (Spell Compendium): Two willing targets swap positions, keep your meatbags up front and your REMFs in the back. Standard action, but still *really* useful, particularly if you have a familiar with a decent fly speed.

Blade of Blood (PHBII): Swift action, +1d6 damage, or sacrifice 5 HP for +3d6 damage. Good candidate for a wand chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape).

Blades of Fire (Spell Compendium): Swift action, two weapons touched get +1d8 fire damage for 1 round. Another good candidate for a wand chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape).

Blockade (Complete Scoundrel): Swift action, creates 5' block of wood for creating choke points or blocking narrow passages/doors. Also provides an ample supply of "I've got wood" jokes.

Instant Diversion (Races of the Dragon): Swift action, lesser version of mirror image. Only lasts one round and doesn't create as many duplicates, but even with a 1st-level wand that's still a 50% miss chance in a pinch.

Kaupaer's Quickblast (Kaupaer's Quick Book (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050112a)). Free/immediate/swift action (not sure which, 3.0 spell), autohits with either cold, electricity, or fire damage. Great way to quickly light something on fire (web, incendiary slime, oil, etc.).

Master's Touch (Spell Compendium). Saves you the trouble of taking Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Also, if I've got the encumbrance for it, I love packing a few orc shotputs (A&EG) on my low-level wizards. Nobody expects a wizard throwing a 2d6 ball of metal into their face!

Nerveskitter (Spell Compendium): Getting all your buffs up quickly is a lot easier if you go first.


Alter Self (Core). Long duration, different movement modes, combat options, social engineering. A lot of utility is packed into this spell.

Arcane Turmoil (Complete Mage). Targeted dispel magic in a lower-level slot, which may help free up some room in your third-level slots. In general, this is a better version of dispelling touch (PHBII), unless you're a Duskblade looking for a touch spell to channel.

Create Magic Tattoo (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting). You will need to invest some skill points into Craft (Painting) to use this spell, but it's well worth it for the selection of all-day buffs.

Energy Surge, Lesser (PHBII). Bonus energy damage a la carte.

Heroics (Spell Compendium). This spell allows you to pick up Fighter Bonus feats for 10 min/CL. This includes Martial Study, which gives you access to some maneuvers from Tome of Battle.

Scimitar of Sand (Sandstorm). Arcane version of flame blade, you can make melee touch attacks and it has a Fort save vs. dessication debuff. If you prefer something with energy damage instead, flame dagger in the Spell Compendium is a similar spell.

Sonic Weapon (Spell Compendium). Very few creatures have [sonic] resistance, so of the three spells that add energy damage to a weapon, you probably want to start with this one. The other two: burning sword (same book) is the most commonly resisted but adds a flaming burst effect on criticals, and frost weapon (Frostburn) has a much shorter duration.

Wings of Cover (Races of the Dragon). Sorcerer-only spell, but if you're a wizard and have to burn a feat on it or UMD it through a wand, *WORTH IT*. Immediate action to cast, and essentially *NOPES* an attack.

Wraithstrike (Spell Compendium). Swift action, all your melee attacks become touch attacks. One of the quintessential "gish" spells.


Alter Fortune (PHBII). It's hard to tell when exactly you will need this spell, but when that moment does come along, it can mean the difference between life and death. This spell causes the target to immediately reroll a die roll, so it can be used either offensively or defensively.

Dispel Magic (Core). Way too useful to leave this one out. However, if you want to clear out some space in your third level slots, consider arcane turmoil (Complete Mage) or dispelling touch (PHBII) at 2nd level.

Haste (Core). A very popular spell, and quintessential gish favorite. It's extremely annoying that the swift-action version is Ranger-only (Spell Compendium).

Heart of Water (Complete Mage). Usually my third pick for 3rd level spells, right after dispel magic and haste. Buff has a decent duration, but more notably, it gives you arcane access to freedom of movement.


Firestride Exhalation (Dragon Magic). Area-effect damage spell that also includes short-range teleportation.

Invisibility, Greater (Core). The quintessential "I can stab you but you can't stab me" spell.

Polymorph (Core). A bit of a bookkeeping chore, but well worth it if you're willing to go book-diving for the best forms. Even if you're restricted to Core, this spell is a huge game-changer.

Revelation (Dragons of Faerun). Only lasts 1 round, but if you need it, early access to true seeing.

Ruin Delver's Fortune (Spell Compendium). This immediate-action spell is more useful for Sorcerers due to the Charisma synergy, but the evasion, immunity to poison/fear, and most of the temp HP don't rely on Charisma.

Trollshape (PHBII). Swift-action polymorph spell to turn into a troll. You're limited to a single form and the duration is only 1 round/CL, but it's hard to beat the expediency of the casting time.


Draconic Polymoprh (Spell Compendium). Essentially the same as boring vanillia polymorph except you get Str +8 and Con +2.

Evacuation Rune (Complete Scoundrel). Adds a swift-action teleport to your repertoire. Cast this rune on a thrown weapon or an object your familiar/unseen servant can drop off somewhere, and it opens up some interesting tactical options.

Fiendform (Spell Compendium). Opens up a variety of outsider forms along with their SLAs, Extraordinary abilities, and Supernatural abilities. Since it also changes your type to outsider, you can stack on another polymorph to get into even more interesting forms.

Necrotic Skull Bomb (Champions of Ruin). This is actually not a very good spell, as it turns enervation into an area effect with a "Fort negates" save , but it has a swift action casting time and a really awesome name.


Contingency (Core). The poster child for not banning Evocation.

Dispel Magic, Greater (Core). Make Dispel Great Again.

Shallantha's Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun). Creates a spell-storing ceramic disk for any spell up to 5th level, which can be broken or thrown to release the spell effect.


Arcane Spellsurge (Dragon Magic). Spellcasting while holding down the "fast forward" button.

Energy Absorption (Complete Mage). Energy resistance to all five energy types, lasts 1 hour/CL, and you have the option to convert one energy-based attack into healing.


Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant (Complete Mage). Turn into a beholder as a swift action, and you can use each eye ray at least once.

Polymorph Any Object (Core). Among othe things, permanently change your form.


Shapechange (Core). Usually at the top of nearly every "Broken Spells" list.

Time Stop (Core). Finally get all your buffs up on the first round!

Wow, i don't know how but i didn't know about at least half of those. Thanks a lot.

2017-08-23, 08:12 AM
There's a fairly decent attack of opportunity build that goes something like this

Monk 1 (decisive strike ACF)
Swordsage 4 (unarmed strike variant)
War Mind 10
Swordsage 5

Take Tashalatora , designate War Mind as your psionic class
snap kick is also very useful in this build
circle kick can be good when your reach expands
practiced manifester also helps you get the most out of certain powers early

the rest is up to you except for qualifying for War Mind

power attack is honestly not that necessary with this build

you get

-full unarmed strike progression
-you do double damage twice and eventually three times per round (once from basic attack, one more from snap kick and eventually 1 more from the tashalatora progression assuming your DM rules decisive strike = flurry of blows)
-all of your attacks of opportunity also do double damage
-you have access to key psionic powers like expansion (size increase affects your STR, your reach and your damage die)
-you also have access to key swordsage maneuvers like teleportation and sudden leap
-you get the sweeping strike ability that makes your attacks target multiple people (so 3 attacks that do double damage + attacks of opportunity + you hit anyone adjacent to each other+ circle kick)


-The build scales well and works at all levels
-Decisive strike works in armor so if you trade a level of swordsage for say crusader , you can even use a shield
-if you have a flanking buddy and you need extra oomph, taking 3 levels of rogue (with the penetrating strike ACF) and the craven feat will let you deal quite a lot of bonus damage (craven damage is multiplied by decisive strike)

2017-08-23, 03:36 PM
As i said though psionics are out. Also our dm is allergic to monks in western world kind of setting, otherwise i might have tried enlightened fist at some game.