View Full Version : Useful items for gish characters

2017-08-08, 09:55 PM
As title. I suppose there might not be quite as much free cash to buy spare items since you've got to buy stuff for melee and magic, but still, there should be some left.

2017-08-08, 10:41 PM
Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend are fantastic for buffs. It makes Wraithstrike last two rounds, and even a spontaneous caster won't take any longer to cast that since the rules on spontaneous casting times with metamagic feats only apply to spells with a normal casting time of a standard action or longer.

Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC) for getting a quickened buff out or throwing down an area crowd control when needed, without sacrificing any attacks.
Enhancement bonus to a mental stat on the circlet (MIC p234), it costs the same as a Headband of Intellect or a Cloak of Charisma to add that to an existing item of the appropriate slot.

Healing Belt (MIC) or Belt of Battle (MIC)

Anklet of Translocation (MIC)

Wand of Wraithstrike, which is a swift action to activate per the Rules Compendium saying it matches the spell's casting time. You'll want to Persistent Spell this as soon as possible.
Wand of Rhino's Rush if you have it on a class spell list (Sorcadin) or can UMD it, also a swift action to activate.

Armbands of Might (MIC) for boosting Power Attack. The bonus they give should also be increased by Leap Attack, since it directly bonuses the damage you get from Power Attack.

A decent weapon with as many wand chambers as possible, make it +1 and add Valorous (UE), Spell Storing, and whatever else you think will be necessary. Preferably a bludgeoning weapon so you can buff it with both Greater Mighty Wallop and Greater Magic Weapon (and Lesser Rod of Extend those). An Elvencraft Composite Longbow (RotW) counts as both a quarterstaff and a composite longbow, so it should be able to have three wand chambers, and you can make the bow and offhand portions +1 Defending and Greater Magic Weapon those to buff your AC. If you're into exotic weapons, a Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer (MMIV) is my go-to choice.

All of the Necessary Magic Item effects (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) that you can't get from spells.

2017-08-11, 04:50 AM
Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend are fantastic for buffs. It makes Wraithstrike last two rounds, and even a spontaneous caster won't take any longer to cast that since the rules on spontaneous casting times with metamagic feats only apply to spells with a normal casting time of a standard action or longer.

Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC) for getting a quickened buff out or throwing down an area crowd control when needed, without sacrificing any attacks.
Enhancement bonus to a mental stat on the circlet (MIC p234), it costs the same as a Headband of Intellect or a Cloak of Charisma to add that to an existing item of the appropriate slot.

Healing Belt (MIC) or Belt of Battle (MIC)

Anklet of Translocation (MIC)

Wand of Wraithstrike, which is a swift action to activate per the Rules Compendium saying it matches the spell's casting time. You'll want to Persistent Spell this as soon as possible.
Wand of Rhino's Rush if you have it on a class spell list (Sorcadin) or can UMD it, also a swift action to activate.

Armbands of Might (MIC) for boosting Power Attack. The bonus they give should also be increased by Leap Attack, since it directly bonuses the damage you get from Power Attack.

A decent weapon with as many wand chambers as possible, make it +1 and add Valorous (UE), Spell Storing, and whatever else you think will be necessary. Preferably a bludgeoning weapon so you can buff it with both Greater Mighty Wallop and Greater Magic Weapon (and Lesser Rod of Extend those). An Elvencraft Composite Longbow (RotW) counts as both a quarterstaff and a composite longbow, so it should be able to have three wand chambers, and you can make the bow and offhand portions +1 Defending and Greater Magic Weapon those to buff your AC. If you're into exotic weapons, a Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer (MMIV) is my go-to choice.

All of the Necessary Magic Item effects (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) that you can't get from spells.

These are neat!

Fouredged Sword
2017-08-11, 06:48 AM
I like a vest of steady spellcasting. A flat +5 to all concentration check is nice for someone who will likely be caught up in melee. This pairs well with a maneuver granting item for Insightful strike once per combat. Rolling 1d20+con+HD+8+extras is nice damage at the right moment.

2017-08-16, 01:47 PM
Weapons: Ideally, a gish should be wielding a two-handed weapon, as this allows them to take a hand off to cast spells without spending a feat on something like Somatic Weaponry. The "best" weapon for a gish is probably an elvencraft composite longbow (+300 GP, Races of the Wild), as this counts as a quarterstaff. The quarterstaff can be gripped two-handed for x1.5 Str bonus or Power Attack damage, can be enchanted as if it were three different weapons, can accommodate two (or possibly three?) wand chambers (100 GP, Dungeonscape), and can be further enchanted as a custom runestaff (MIC).

Armor: Mithral githcraft breastplate works well with a Spellsword dip. Otherwise mithral githcraft feycraft thistledown breastplate has 0% ASF. If you're bored of mithral, sentira (Secrets of Sarlona) and firebrass (Secrets of Xen'drik) adds a bit of flair. Add the Durable property (500 GP, Dungeonscape). I also like to add Easy Travel (1500 GP, MIC) and Anti-Impact (2000 GP, Complete Warrior). If you have the funds, add a Rubicund Frenzy augment crystal and try not to get too much use out of it.

Get two dwarven buckler-axes, put a wand chamber in each one. Put a Lesser Crystal of Arrow Deflection (2500 GP, MIC) on one and a Crystal of Bent Sight (500 GP, MIC) on the other.


Helm of Tactics (2000 GP, MIC). +2 untyped bonus when flanking.

Headband of Conscious Effort (2000 GP, MIC). Replace a Fort save with a Concentration check, essentially Moment of Perfect Mind 1/day. Aside from having a high Concentration check, you can't auto-fail on a '1'.

Circlet of Mages (5000 GP, MIC). Multiple pearls of power in a single slot.

Phylactery of Change (11200 GP, A&EG). All-day polymorph up to 7HD.

Circlet of Rapid Casting (15000 GP, MIC). Cast your lower-level buffs as swift actions.


Artificer's Monacle (1500 GP, MIC). Free identify.

Spellsight Spectacles (2500 GP, MIC). +5 bonus when using UMD/Spellcraft on scrolls.

Third Eye Clarity (3000 GP, MIC). Your "Get Out of Daze Free" Card. If you prefer a stronger offense over defense, Third Eye Surge (2100 GP) is also nice.


Chronocharm of the Uncaring Archmage (500 GP, MIC). 1/day cast a full-round spell as a standard action. Get that first summon off quickly. You can add a Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker and Grand Master (500 GP each) to the same slot.

Enduring Amulet (1500 GP, MIC). The continuous endure elements is nice, although you can get that with an armor crystal (500 GP, MIC) or Travel Cloak (1200 GP, MoF). The immediate-action fire/cold resistance 10 is also pretty darned useful.

Scarab or Aradros (1500 GP, Weapons of Legacy). Don't bother with the ritual stuff. +1 resistance bonus and also +1 on dispel and counterspell checks.

Amulet of Teamwork (2000 GP, MIC). Adds another +2 damage when flanking, so it pairs up nicely with the Helm of Tactics. Also 1/day get a one-round +5 AC bonus for you and an ally.

Amulet of Tears (2300 GP, MIC). Spellcasters tend to be squishy. Don't be squishy.


Cloak of Elemental Protection (1000 GP, MIC). A good "starter" cloak, add resistance/enhancement bonuses as funds allow. As with the Enduring Amulet, activate some a la carte energy resistance as an immediate action.

Travel Cloak (1200 GP, Magic of Faerun). Continuous endure elements against cold, free food/drink, and converts into a one-person tent.

Shadow Cloak (5500 GP, Drow of the Underdark). +1 deflection bonus, and "Abrupt Jaunt" 3/day.

Transposer Cloak (6000 GP, MIC). Swift-action teleport lets you swap positions with an ally up to 30' away 3/day. Very nifty way to get into (or out of) melee quickly.


Armband of Elusive Action (800 GP, MIC). This is for when you cast defensively and blow your Concentration check. There's no attunement requirement, so if you need this more than 1/day, buy more armbands.

Armbands of Might (4100 GP, MIC). If you're using Power Attack... hey, free bonus on Power Attack damage when you PA for at least two points!

Strongarm Bracers (6000 GP, MIC). Oh, how I love these things.


Arcanist's Gloves (500 GP, MIC). You probably won't keep these for very long, but a good way to squeeze another magic missile out of a 1st-level spell slot.

Gloves of the Starry Sky (1100 GP, MIC). Ok, so blasting isn't the most effective strategy... but pelting your opponents with a swarm of magic missiles is really, really satisfying. These gloves lets you do that without cluttering up your 1st-level spell slots with direct damage spells.

Glove of the Master Strategist (3600 GP, Ghostwalk). Great way to get a hand free for spellcasting, or switch out a weapon for a wand/rod/staff. Same functionality as a Glove of Storing, but at a much cheaper price. Also, check with the DM if the 1/day true strike is command-activated or use-activated.


Ring of the Diamond Mind, Novice (3000 GP, Tome of Battle). Only 1/encounter, but gets you access to Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought, or Mind Over Body: shore up that one save you're not so good at. Also, Insightful Strike has no prereqs, so you can turn that Concentration check into pure damage.

Stormfire Ring (4000 GP, MIC). Not necessarily a "gish" item, but one of my favorite magic items: 25d6 autohit damage, no save, and counters invisibility/concealment.

Ring of Spell-Battle (12000 GP, MIC). Absolute lifesaver. Also, how often do you get to re-target your enemy's spells? Well, actually... once per day!


Healing Belt (750 GP, MIC). Way too cheap for what it does. Essentially an "Are You an Adventurer?" Membership Card.

Stone Dragon Belt, Novice (3000 GP, Tome of Battle). This is mostly to pick up the Mountain Hammer maneuver, the Swiss Army Chainsaw of Dungeon Redecorating.

Belt of Wide Earth (8000 GP, MIC). 2/day swap a 5th level spell for teleport, which is an immensely useful utility spell, but not something you need for day-to-day combat operations, which are more likely to rely on the various short-range dimension-foo effects. This is more of an emergency escape plan: *bamf* back to your base, grab the artifact/spell you forgot to bring, *bamf* back to the BBEG to finish him off. For wizards, this belt frees up your 5th-level slots for something more interesting, while sorcerers don't have to dedicate one of their 5th-level "spells known" to an "I don't want to waste my time traveling" spell.

Belt of Battle (12000 GP, MIC). Oh, like an extra standard or full-round action couldn't possibly be useful... yeah, you want this.


Dispelling Cord (1000 GP, MIC). +2 on dispel checks 5/day.

Tunic of Steady Spellcasting (2500 GP, MIC). Mostly useful for defensive casting, but the +5 bonus applies to *any* Concentration check, including Diamond Mind maneuvers.


Kimono of Storing (4400 GP/20000 GP, Oriental Adventures). This item doesn't specify what slot it occupies, but it's similar to a robe. You may be able to talk the DM into treating it as a Torso item. There's a price discrepancy... if you have access to Dragon #318, then the price was changed to 20K (to match the Gloves of Storing x2). If you don't have Dragon #318, then this is a steal at 4400 GP. Works like a Glove of Storing/Glove of the Master Strategist, except you can use both sleeves to swap an item.

Ghost Shroud (5000 GP, MIC). Usually cheaper than paying for Ghost Touch on all your weapons, although if you've got time to prep you could just paint all your weapons/armor with Ghostwall Shellac (150 GP, Dungeonscape).

2017-08-16, 05:05 PM
Move over Bunko; Darrin's got our backs. :smallbiggrin: