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2018-03-07, 08:07 PM
Anna Wu

“Mobius, this is important,” Anna said, “if it was you, then I forgive you. You just need to tell me the truth and it’s water under the bridge, I swear.”

“Did you put Screech up to arranging our final deaths?” she asked.

“Think carefully, because if it wasn’t you, then that means Screech took a big risk trying to set us up, and if you didn’t ask him to, why would he go out on such a limb on his own?” she asked.

“If it was you, and you’re really set on going to the airport tonight, then at least let us make sure you haven’t been put on a terrorist no-fly list or something,” Anna said.

2018-03-09, 08:28 AM
Mobius keeps the rolling at a steady pace, both hands on the wheel, and his eyes focused out on the road. It feels like an eternity before Mobius responds. His voice is flat, more measured now. "I did not. I can only assume that if he did such a thing, it was because he was trying to protect me. He did say some people were snooping around and asking a lot of questions though. So tell me Anna, what is really going on here? You showed up right around the same time as Julian. And I get that we are both Ordo neonates, but why have you been nosing around so much? And if this is all about the disappearing Childer, then why does that Nazi Invictus care so much; he's practically an Elder."

When Mobius turns his head to look at Anna, there is a queer glare in his eyes, and he is grinning, but there is no humor in his smile.

2018-03-09, 09:50 AM
Anna Wu

“Karl’s runs an investigation business, he has a lot of skills and contacts that can be useful in tracking down a missing oerson,” Anna said, “...if you’re really set on going to the airport...”

Anna called Karl.

“Karl can you do a quick check on whether there’s an APB or other alert out for Mobius? He’s going to try and get out of town on a plane and I don’t want him to get stopped by customs or detained by homeland security or anything.”

After the call ended, she sat in silence for a moment, pondering her options. She looked at him again.

“Julian told us you were missing, but he’s not the only reason I’m doing this,” she said.

“Your turn, why is he so interested in you?” she asked.

2018-03-09, 09:54 AM
"I... I can't talk about that," Mobius stammers. Now there is fear in his eyes. Big hungry fear that turns a man into an animal. Mobius' hands fidget on the wheel now, as if they can't seem to find their grip. He glares at Anna, but it is as if he is pleading with her not to ask more.

2018-03-09, 10:15 AM
“Mobius,” Anna said, “me and Karl could have handed you over to him at the compound, instead we’re on our way to the airport. Someone tried to kill me yesterday and I’m only here talking to you today because of sheer dumb luck. I’m scared ****less I’m going vanish next. I think I have a right to know what’s going on,” she said.

Presence + empathy or persuasion: [roll0]

2018-03-09, 10:25 AM
Karl quickly checks APBnet just in case he doesn't have to lie.

Afterwards, he'll call Anna back, warning her, "This could blow up in your face. It would not be incredibly difficult for him or Screech to check on this information if they think to do so. If you're still willing, put this on speakerphone."

2018-03-09, 10:36 AM
"It's the ****ing Spear. They're after me," Mobius growls, "but that's all I can ****ing say, I swear. I can't say anymore."

2018-03-09, 06:36 PM
“The spear?” Anna repeated, surprised.

“Wouldn’t happen to be anyone specific after you, would it? They’re one less in number these days; maybe your issue is already resolved,” she said, “but... why didn’t you come to us for help? Or you did, didn’t you, and they wanted to throw you to the wolves. That’s why you don’t want to go with Julian, isn’t it...”

2018-03-10, 07:33 PM
Something Anna has said has hit a nerve, because Mobius is suddenly on the very edge of Frenzy. His fangs draw out and now his eyes are glowing red in the darkness of the car. “Nooo,” he screams at Anna in a voice that is almost a howl, “The Ordo cannot know. You cannot tell them. NOBODY can know!”

The car rolls to a stop suddenly, as Mobius forgets that he has to drive, and removes his foot from the pedal. Karl is forced to swerve around the car, and someone in a Jeep honks as the almost get side swiped.

Mobius is reaching for the car door now, making as if to flee the vehicle.

You’re getting close to the truth now... but I don’t want to give everything away in this scene ;)

2018-03-10, 08:03 PM
“I won’t tell the Ordo, I promise,” Anna said, placing a hand lightly on Mobius’ arm even as she steered the car over to the shoulder with her other hand.

if he opens the door she’ll grab him to keep him from bolting.

2018-03-12, 06:55 PM
Mobius looks at Anna with wild eyes, like those of a stallion trapped in a burning stable. He reaches one hand for the car door handle. In response, Anna uses her comforting hand to grab Mobius’ wrist.

He wrenches the hand away, but she holds on firm. Now the two Vampires are staring at each other with locked burning eyes. The swelling fury in Mobius’ chest, pushing out towards Anna like the heat just inches from a flame.

“Let go of me”, he growls, and with that Anna can feel something horrible and yet familiar, as Mobius Lashes out.

Mobius Lashes out with his Monsterious nature. Anna has the ability to fight or flee. The two are equal Blood Potency, and thus Anna does not have to spend willpower to fight it.

If she fights, she can choose to use her Monsterious beast as well (rolls Str + Blood Potency and incurs the Beastial Condition), or choose her Seductive beast (Presence + Blood Potency to incur Wanton Condition), or Competitive (Int + Blood Potency to incur Competitive condition). If Anna looses the fight, she gains Bestial condition and Mobius has 2+ dice modifier against her. If she wins she incurs the condition determined by her beast, and gains 2+ over Mobius.

Alternatively, Anna can choose to flee, taking the Bestial condition, but not having to give Mobius the dice modifier.

2018-03-12, 07:20 PM
Anna tried to let the heat and anger wash over her and off like water off a ducks back and leaned closer to Mobius.

“Please stay,” she whispered.

roll in the ooc

2018-03-12, 07:25 PM
There is a split second when Mobius brings his face towards Anna, fangs out and growling like a guard dog. Anna speaks, and his face immediately goes soft, his eyes clouding over, and in a motion of supplication, he pulls his head back and to the side, exposing the cold flesh of his neck. “Go ahead”, he whispers, his voice wanting and pathetic.

2018-03-12, 09:52 PM
Tensed behind the wheel, Karl watches the other vehicle. He's not sure what the hell is going on, but at least Mobius doesn't seem to be bolting, or attacking Anna.

If things seem to calm down, he'll text, asking, "Is everything all right?"

2018-03-12, 10:53 PM
Anna Wu

She knew the dangers, knew why she shouldn’t... But Mobius’ offer was so sudden, so unexpected, and the week had been so trying, and in that exact instant she was so close to that thing living inside her. She’d been trying and holding back for so long, maintaining her composure through Daniel calling her out, holding her anger in check at Screech’s betrayal, watching another Kindred get mercilessly slain after she’d put him down. And she was so, so thirsty. Inhibition flew and her fangs found the offered neck almost on their own.

Anna drank until Mobius literally pushes her away, or there’s no more vitae left. Once she stops, she realizes what she’s done and if he’s ravenous she offers the soft spot beneath her thumb to him, otherwise she will just hold him tightly.

“Please don’t get on that plane tonight,” she whispered.

2018-03-13, 05:17 PM
The feed is pure rapture; stronger, more pleasurable, and more fulfilling than any that Anna has had in a long time. There are distant memories of Anna’s embrace, of the power of her Sire’s Vitae, warming and then scalding every vessel and every tissue in Anna’s dying body.

With no heart to pump the blood, Anna is left sucking and pulling at the wounds her fangs made in Mobius’ neck. As she sucks and laps, Mobius sighs, rolling his head against Anna’s. He says something that sounds like ‘yes’, but seems all to willing to fall into Anna; to give himself into her.

Anna feeds and feeds without reserve. With every gulp she falls deeper into Mobius, as he falls deeper into her. But finally he resists, his cold flesh becoming colder and harder as she drains him of his Vitae. Mobius pushes Anna away, and when the rapture of the feed clears, and Anna’s vision sharpens, she can see him staring hungrily at her, his skin pulled tight like parchment against the bones of his cheeks and orbits.

Anna gains 5 vitae. She may spend a WP to roll to fight off the blood bond. The roll would be a chance die (Potency of 1-5=-4). Also, if you feel this is worth a breaking point, please roll for the breaking point, and subsequently clear the wanton condition gaining a beat. I would call the breaking point a 3 dice roll, but you would get +2 for Touchstone. Please update your character box accordingly.

Anna extends her hand, thumb out to feed. But Mobius grabs at her wrist wildly, trying to pull the soft flesh of her forearm to his fangs.

Assuming Anna does not try to resist, how much does she let him feed?


It was only moments after Karl pulled over, that his cellphone buzzed. There was a text message from Gabe that simply read, “We have to talk”, followed by a second, “Now”.

Even before Karl could respond, his phone began ringing. Assuming Karl answers the phone, Gabe is frantic on the other line. “Karl? Can you hear me? We have a major problem! ” His voice is rushed, but more frustrated than panicked. “It’s about the Summer’s case! Apparently he’s been picked up by the cops. He and his friends were apparently nearby the warehouse. Cops saw black kids, and pulled rounded them up. Apparently they all had guns on them, and now they are in County. Ms. Summers is apoplectic right now.”

2018-03-13, 08:09 PM
Karl listens then responds. "Calm down and focus."

"She's going to be speaking to the cops soon enough, so we need to step up and tell them that we were involved and how, excepting tonight's work obviously, before they come to ask. Go through the evidence collected with a fine toothed comb, make sure nothing references the kindred in any way. I'll be doing the same when I get a moment. If it all looks clean, we'll hand it over as implicit evidence of our own activities. We stick to the truth as it pertains to the case, Ms Summers was concerned for her kid, we were looking into this apparent cult when this incident occurred."

"Chances are we can present enough circumstantial evidence that way to cast doubt on the idea the Summers kid was involved in the killing, especially since none of the rounds involved at the scene would match the firearms carried. That won't help with him having what I presume is an illegal firearm in the first place, but there's only so much we can do.

"If it comes down to it, we direct miss Summers to a good lawyer, waive our fee, and wash our hands of it as best we can."

2018-03-13, 10:38 PM
Anna Wu

This. It was easy to see how someone could become addicted to this. Just letting everything go, only focusing on the moment, giving in to the Beast’s primal desire. As he pushed her away and she saw the same need in his eyes, Anna extended her arm and pulled her sleeve up for Mobius to feed from, gently pulling his head up when he’d taken about half what she’d taken from him.

She pulled him close, already feeling the effects of swallowing his essence.

“Don’t leave LA tonight, please,” she whispered into his ear, “we can hide, pay cash for a hotel room, tell me everything, and I will help you however I can.”

She didn’t even know if she was lying, nor did she care, she just wanted answers, and she wanted to protect this lost fledgling.

the intent here is to set up up either survivor or scholar, Anna’s dirge and mask, when she either gets the answers she’s looking for or betrays Mobius to the Ordo (assuming they actually want to hurt him) to save her own skin/reputation/family (or both, potentially).

2018-03-14, 07:16 PM
Gabe pauses for a long moment on the other line before saying, “There’s one more thing boss.” He pauses again, taking a long breath that dissolves into fuzz over the phone, “It looks like the office has been broken into. Nothing’s been taken, nothing has been left... but there’s just blanks on the security camera records. Whole gaps of time, gone. I mean, it wouldn’t be hard to loop video or digitally edit the times. And it wasn’t sloppy work either. I think it’s a message... that we can be easily gotten to.”

Karl has merit of Safe Place at level 1 providing video camera footage and not much more as far a security.

Anna clears the wanton condition gaining a beat; I’m believe you accounted for that. She succeeds on her Breaking Point roll. I am not going to give you a new condition, as this is a problem where you clear a condition, take a breaking point and gain another condition. I gave Daishain the same benefit a while back. Don’t forget, in a way Anna owes Screech a minor boon, which will lead to problems at some point.

“Okay,” Mobius whispers, drawing his head back from Anna’s wrist. The smell of blood is hot and sweet on Mobius’ dead breath. “Lets just get out of here.”

He puts the car in gear and begins to drive again. “I’ll just give Screech a call and let him know what’s up.”

2018-03-14, 07:35 PM
“Wait, I want to talk to him first,” Anna said, “I’ll put him on speaker so you can listen in.”

She dialed Screech and put him on speaker.

“Hi Screech,” she said, “it’s Anna.”

If he doesn’t say anything useful:

“You seem surprised to hear my voice,” she said.

2018-03-14, 08:11 PM
Karl sighs, "Great, we're being stalked by amateurs, if anything they're more dangerous. There's no point to ambiguous messages save for making someone uselessly paranoid. You want to influence someone's behavior that way? You make sure they know what they have to do to make the threat go away."

"I've been meaning to improve the security at the office in any case, perhaps this would be the time."

"Not much we can do about it for now. I think I know who did it, and the one responsible will probably be showing up to have a chat with me soon."

That bothered me in character creation, that I couldn't simply buy basic physical security for a haven. But there wasn't much I could do about it, and had too much in other things demanding attention.

I mean, anything beyond what can be reasonably acquired from say, hiring a top notch security firm, sure, make me spend xp on it. But short of that, if the funds are there...

2018-03-15, 09:19 AM
Mobius complies, calling up Screech and placing the call on speaker. After Anna starts off, there is a slight pause with static before Screech’s voice comes on, cracking in its high pitched whine, “Anna Wu?... Well, this whole night has been full of surprises. Suffice to say, Mobius and my plans seem to have been interrupted by someone”. The tone of his voice implies his mistrust and frustration.

I’m fine having us roll through things to keep it moving, but suffice to say, it will be very very hard to get either out of Screech.

For getting Screech to hang himself, I’d say Manipulation + Persuasion -5.
For digging about Screech’s intentions I’d say Manipulation + Empathy -2.

I’ll let you roll on the off chance you want to spend your last WP, or in case you want to avoid the risk of a Chance dice (posting from conference so don’t have time to look up if that’s a risk for the first roll).


Gabe is hesitant for a moment, “Do you think the office is safe still? I can clear all our files for now if you want. Perhaps take them to my home or perhaps a storage unit?”

I don’t have access to my rulebook ATM, but I believe that would be done by beefing up safe place and or haven... assuming I am following your statement correctly.

2018-03-15, 01:17 PM
Anna Wu

hasnt this guy ever done this before?” Anna thought as Mobius ignored her request and called Screech himself.

honestly if Mobius called Screech Anna would keep her mouth shut, she doesn’t want to let him know they’re together. But in the interest of moving things forward let’s just go with it.

She pulled out her phone and started audio recording.

“Yeah it’s been a crazy week. Honestly Screech I’m not even that mad you tried to have me killed. If I was in your position I might do the same thing. I’m just curious if someone asked you to do it. You don’t even have to tell me who it was,” she said.

“just tell me you had no choice in the matter and we’ll let bygones be bygones, and you can get me that sword in exchange for the minor boon, and we’ll forget the whole thing,” she added.

the purpose of this is to get screech on audio admitting, or at least not denying he arranged to have Anna killed.

Regardless of what he says:

“By the way, Mobius is here too and he’s fine, thanks for asking,” Anna said, “I got him away from Julian. I don’t know who to trust right now so no offense but we’re not going to be taking that flight tonight. Mobius, anything you want to add?”

the goal here is to point out to Mobius that even though Anna called from his phone, Screech didn’t even ask if Mobius is ok.

2018-03-15, 07:27 PM
“Yeah it’s been a crazy week. Honestly Screech I’m not even that mad you tried to have me killed. If I was in your position I might do the same thing. I’m just curious if someone asked you to do it. You don’t even have to tell me who it was,” she said.

“just tell me you had no choice in the matter and we’ll let bygones be bygones, and you can get me that sword in exchange for the minor boon, and we’ll forget the whole thing,” she added

There is a long pause on the other line, before Screech makes a noise which sounds like the slow closing of a rusting door. “Anna... wow, I don’t know exactly what to say”, his voice claws across the phone line. There is another pause before he continues, “I’m glad you are willing to respect our agreed upon Boon. I respect that. To be clear, no one asked me to do anything. All I was doing was protecting my friend... that’s all. You were asking a lot of questions, and I just figured I’d put a road block in your way. But that leads me to a question... you sure seem focused on finding my friend Mobius. It seems like you even went SO FAR as to lead the Ordo right to his hiding place. Nice job.”

“By the way, Mobius is here too and he’s fine, thanks for asking,” Anna said, “I got him away from Julian. I don’t know who to trust right now so no offense but we’re not going to be taking that flight tonight. Mobius, anything you want to add?”

“Sounds good,” Screech responds, “Just stay safe, and hidden.” Anna can almost feel Screech grinning from the other line. “Mobius, if there’s anyway I can help, let me know. We’ll get you down to L.A. one way or the other. I think the Bruja can’t be trusted anymore. Seems like they have their own agenda now. I’ll try to figure a few things out and will get back to you. Keep your eye on The Pulse. I’ll send you more information as soon as I can.”

2018-03-15, 07:53 PM
Anna Wu

“In my defense, I gave it about 50/50 odds they were going to kill him once they were out of the city unless you know something I don’t.. so we’re in agreement there; Not going with them is a good idea.,” Anna said, “ plus who knows who else was in on it.”

clue Mobius in to the fact that had he stuck with screech’s original plan, there’s a good chance he’d be dead tomorrow, a fact Screech now agrees with.

2018-03-15, 08:14 PM
Flash Back

“Beware the savage jaw
Of Ninteen Eighty Four”

-David Bowie

Aisling existed in a state of constant cold, so brutal that it burned from the tips of her fingers to the core of her chest. The searing numbness filled the clouds of her conscious for so long that perhaps it was all she ever new. Her life as a child of the Green Isles... and her unlife as a monster in the woods; both seemed so far and so insignificant. Aisling floated in and out of fog, and wyrde dreams, tortured by languages she did not understand that seemed to trickle down to her consciousness from above or below. Sometimes her dreams would be filled with music; foreign instruments and rhythms filling her ears and her skull.

Eventually, she began to focus on the music; vibrations and sounds that cut and rippled through her conscious, booming like the thunder of The Gods, voices wailing in a language so similar to hers, and yet too foreign to comprehend. Eventually, she would find out it was what they called “English”.

Then, after what she would find out was centuries, she was ripped from this comfortable womb of ice and noise, as a fire was burned into her chest. Like a wailing newborn, Aisling became aware of senses that she had forgotten existed. Lights burned her eyes. Sounds pounded her ears.

“Aisling”, the voice thundered, sounds out of focus, “Aisling, do you understand me?” And somehow, Aisling did. The words were not wholly foreign to her, and despite the pounding headache, and the burning in her chest, she could focus enough to find meaning.

And there was a hole in her chest. Aisling’s fingers instinctively moved to the hole (she had not touched in so long), but the hole was quickly disappearing. This was natural; she was a monster after all.

The face staring at Aisling (once her eyes found focus), was not completely unfamiliar. Aisling could not place the face; the square jaw, the short blonde hair, and the ice blue eyes. The woman was dressed in dark cotton, far finer than any clothing Aisling had ever seen. “Aisling, do you understand me?”, the woman asked. Her voice was like ice. She observed Aisling like a hunter studying trapped prey. “Aisling, I have questions... I have questions about Gazren”. The name brings back a flood of memories. “I want you to tell me of your sire, Gazren.”

Now Aisling’s eyes were focusing, and she could see the two large men (smell of Vitae on their still breathing lips), who stood on either side of her, one holding a long wooden stake that reeked of Gazren’s blood, of Gazren’s Vitae.

2018-03-15, 08:16 PM
Screech pauses after Anna finishes, “Sure. Should I come meet you two tonight? I can come wherever you go.”

2018-03-15, 10:37 PM
Flash Back

“Beware the savage jaw
Of Ninteen Eighty Four”

-David Bowie

Aisling existed in a state of constant cold, so brutal that it burned from the tips of her fingers to the core of her chest. The searing numbness filled the clouds of her conscious for so long that perhaps it was all she ever new. Her life as a child of the Green Isles... and her unlife as a monster in the woods; both seemed so far and so insignificant. Aisling floated in and out of fog, and wyrde dreams, tortured by languages she did not understand that seemed to trickle down to her consciousness from above or below. Sometimes her dreams would be filled with music; foreign instruments and rhythms filling her ears and her skull.

Eventually, she began to focus on the music; vibrations and sounds that cut and rippled through her conscious, booming like the thunder of The Gods, voices wailing in a language so similar to hers, and yet too foreign to comprehend. Eventually, she would find out it was what they called “English”.

Then, after what she would find out was centuries, she was ripped from this comfortable womb of ice and noise, as a fire was burned into her chest. Like a wailing newborn, Aisling became aware of senses that she had forgotten existed. Lights burned her eyes. Sounds pounded her ears.

She came awake from the sleep of ages with a raspy gasp, habit of a long-lost life flooding her desiccated lungs with air. Her veins burned as the fire in her chest began to spread through them, melting the icy grip that had ahold of her limbs. Aisling twitched her fingers, feeling sinews and tendons popping and snapping as they moved for the first time in many a long, long year.

The reverberations in her skull seemed to be making a haven behind her eyes, foggy still as they fought wakefulness.

“Aisling”, the voice thundered, sounds out of focus, “Aisling, do you understand me?” And somehow, Aisling did. The words were not wholly foreign to her, and despite the pounding headache, and the burning in her chest, she could focus enough to find meaning.

And there was a hole in her chest. Aisling’s fingers instinctively moved to the hole (she had not touched in so long), but the hole was quickly disappearing. This was natural; she was a monster after all.

And she heard as it were, a voice like the Lord of Thunder, that set a great fear into her heart. She felt the gift of her Beloved scratching and shifting within her mind, hissing and spitting and urging the bile into her throat. It whispered to her: Run! Go! Flee! Be swift and run!

She fought down the rising beast within her with a choked, ragged sob.
The fog across her eyes began to lift, and for but a moment she remembered the image of dewy morning mists dispelled from the green hills she once knew by the light of the rising sun.

There was little recognition of the words spoken at the moment, preoccupied as she was with a fresh awakening.

The face staring at Aisling (once her eyes found focus), was not completely unfamiliar. Aisling could not place the face; the square jaw, the short blonde hair, and the ice blue eyes. The woman was dressed in dark cotton, far finer than any clothing Aisling had ever seen. “Aisling, do you understand me?”, the woman asked. Her voice was like ice. She observed Aisling like a hunter studying trapped prey. “Aisling, I have questions... I have questions about Gazren”. The name brings back a flood of memories. “I want you to tell me of your sire, Gazren.”

Now Aisling’s eyes were focusing, and she could see the two large men (smell of Vitae on their still breathing lips), who stood on either side of her, one holding a long wooden stake that reeked of Gazren’s blood, of Gazren’s Vitae.

The woman was beautiful in a strangely familiar and yet foreign fashion. Who wore their hair that short but a Man? Possibly a Frenchman? But those cold eyes seemed to Aisling like they set the fleeting chill back into here limbs. A pale hand shaking rose, fingertips moving to ghost across the face of the woman before her as if her quixotic mind was imagining her.

"Cé tusa?" she whispered softly, voice cracking with fresh use.
(Who are you?)

The Irish Maiden seems to understand the words being spoken to her, though they seem heavy and clumsy to her ears. She hopes her own Gaelic will be understood by this foreigner.

"Gazren? Cá bhfuil sé? Cá bhfuil mo ghrá!"(Gazren? Where is he? Where is my Love?) She cries, her own glacial blue eyes now bright and keen as her wakefulness returns.
She smells him. He is close. But no, the smell is his Vitae and it is upon the same stake of hawthorne that her Beloved used to pierce her heart.

A whimper escaped past her lips, fingertips finding the flesh of her breast where the stake once rested. Aisling feels the flesh knitting closed and turns her eyes to the woman once again.

"Cá bhfuil mé? Cad atá ar siúl?"
(Where am I? What is going on?)


2018-03-15, 11:18 PM
“We don’t even know where we’re going yet,” Anna said, “safety in anonymity and all that. At the end of be day it’s really up to Mobius. Sound fair?”

She looked at Mobius questioningly.

2018-03-16, 06:40 AM
Karl watches mobius' car move up. It seems to be in control, and he can still see Anna's outline, so he simply gets back in the follow position as he keeps talking with Gabe.

"Chances are, if whoever it is was going to take something they would have. But yes, let's be sure. Make a backup, and start picking out the more sensitive files. We can leave most of it right where it is. Let them sift through accounts of petty affairs. Take the backup and the sensitive files home for now, get it back to me tomorrow night."

2018-03-18, 07:50 AM
The woman smiled at Aisling, her pale lips curling up cruelly. “English my dear, I know you should be able to understand me”, she says, cocking an eyebrow at Aisling and waiting for a response. The woman chuckles for a moment, “You wouldn’t want me to try to use my Gaelic, it wouldn’t be very good.”

Aisling’s focus was returning, sharpened by a ravenous hunger. The woman was seated in some sort of cushioned wicker chair, towering over Aisling’s kneeling position. They were outside, under the stars. A soft wind ticked Aisling’s hair and face. They were on some sort of stone patio, overlooking a field of short T-shaped bushes. Behind the woman was a large stone building. Aisling had never seen a building so large, or made of such flat smooth stone. From somewhere inside, she could hear a familiar song. No, not familiar, Aisling knew the song. She knew every single word of it. She knew its name; “Hungry like the Wolf” by Duran Duran.

In the woman’s lap was a book... no not “A” book, Aisling’s book, Gazren’s book.

If you are okay with it, for both simplicity sake, and for historical reasons, I’m going to say Aisling knew English before being staked. Aisling is younger than 300 years old, placing her in Ireland in the early 1700s, and the Irish were definitely speaking English for hundreds of years before this; for example (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutes_of_Kilkenny) . Now it stands to reason that Aisling’s English would be pretty darn different than modern English, but it stands to reason she’s become somewhat familiarized through her radio signals in torpor.

Side note, I rolled a D10 for Aisling’s blood pool, and as a subject to my bad luck, Aisling is starting with one blood point. So she’s RAVENOUS.


“Sure sure,” Screech says, not hiding his exasperation, “just keep me in the loop. Mobius, you let me know if you need anything. I’ll talk to you later.” With that, the line is cut. Mobius looks at Anna a little annoyed, though it is hard to say whom the frustration is directed at.

“Let’s get out of here”, he says.


Gabe chuckles wearily, “It looks like I won’t be getting any sleep for the next few nights, huh?” He sighs, though there is no anger or resentment in the Ghoul’s words. “I’ll take care of it Karl. Just stay safe. I really got a bad feeling about all of this. Anything else?”

2018-03-18, 10:05 AM
Anna Wu

Anna nodded.

“Pick a hotel,” Anna said.

She stowed her phone, confident Karl would relay their position to Julian once they arrived.

2018-03-18, 11:41 AM
The woman smiled at Aisling, her pale lips curling up cruelly. “English my dear, I know you should be able to understand me”, she says, cocking an eyebrow at Aisling and waiting for a response. The woman chuckles for a moment, “You wouldn’t want me to try to use my Gaelic, it wouldn’t be very good.”

Aisling’s focus was returning, sharpened by a ravenous hunger. The woman was seated in some sort of cushioned wicker chair, towering over Aisling’s kneeling position. They were outside, under the stars. A soft wind ticked Aisling’s hair and face. They were on some sort of stone patio, overlooking a field of short T-shaped bushes. Behind the woman was a large stone building. Aisling had never seen a building so large, or made of such flat smooth stone. From somewhere inside, she could hear a familiar song. No, not familiar, Aisling knew the song. She knew every single word of it. She knew its name; “Hungry like the Wolf” by Duran Duran.

In the woman’s lap was a book... no not “A” book, Aisling’s book, Gazren’s book.

There is a moment or two of hesitance as the woman requests - no, commands the use of the language of the Normans. It is strange, her memories of youth and unlife - fleeting flashes of recollection - flowing and mixing with thoughts and knowledge that she is sure she should not know, and yet does.

Aisling furrows her brow in consternation as she shakes off the lingering fog of her long, long sleep. She casts a hesitant glance around her, taking in her surroundings while she enjoys the soft breeze on her pale skin. She feels the gnawing hunger in her gut and feels her canines slowly extend as the breeze brings the smell of her Sires sweet vitae to her nose again.

"English? Yes." She nods thoughtfully, still eyeing the woman warily. "You...you have awoken me, then?"

Despite the Beast in her head, gnashing, scratching, howling in hunger, she finds the melody of the music oddly soothing, if a bit ironic given the title she somehow knows, and finds herself humming along if ever so softly - perhaps not even aware of it.

When her hungry eyes land upon the book in the woman's lap, a wave of nostalgic longing tugs at the strings of her ancient heart and she whimpers, a single bloody tear slipping from a glacial eye - quickly wiped away on her wrist. A heartbeat later however, and she darts her tongue out to taste of the bloody residue on her wrist with a breathless sigh.

"Where did you get that!?" There is certainly an accusatory to her soft voice.

If you are okay with it, for both simplicity sake, and for historical reasons, I’m going to say Aisling knew English before being staked. Aisling is younger than 300 years old, placing her in Ireland in the early 1700s, and the Irish were definitely speaking English for hundreds of years before this; for example (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutes_of_Kilkenny) . Now it stands to reason that Aisling’s English would be pretty darn different than modern English, but it stands to reason she’s become somewhat familiarized through her radio signals in torpor.

Side note, I rolled a D10 for Aisling’s blood pool, and as a subject to my bad luck, Aisling is starting with one blood point. So she’s RAVENOUS.

I am totally okay with it. You're right, it will expedite the process and make things a lot more simple. I really LOVE the idea of her tuning in to radio signals through her torpor.

And I guess it's not like she'd have had a lot of chance to fill her belly with blood before Gazren staked her, so it makes sense. If you go into torpor on a full stomach, does the vitae dissipate or wither away across the years? Or just lose potency?

Thanks for the link. Fascinating read!

2018-03-18, 05:44 PM
Karl replies, "You know your limits. Let me know when you've reached them, but yes, this is going to require additional time."

If Gabe has nothing else for the moment, Karl will hang up and focus on tailing Mobius' vehicle.

2018-03-18, 08:20 PM
Mobius nods his head, and pulls the car back on the road. Karl finishes his conversation with Gabriel, just as Mobius’ car pulls away. Karl eases his vehicle back onto the road, and follows.

Mobius leads them down Van Ness, all the way to Mission street, moving South. Streetlights, and neon signs clouded by heavy fog streak by in a blur. The two cars cruise in the dark, further South, under the 280 Freeway till they enter the Excelsior of South San Francisco. Just a few blocks down, Mobius pulls his car into a lot behind a Motel labeled “The Rabbit’s Hole”, and parks the car. Pretending to be a couple, Anna and Mobius purchase a room for “the night”, from the concierge, an old and skeletal Italian man who is half blind, and twice as bald. Karl follows, and (OOC: unless otherwise specified), purchases a separate room. (OOC: I assume Karl notifies Julian of their location).

It is not long before the three Kindred are sitting in the one windowless room rented for Anna and Mobius. The wayward neonate looks up at Anna with longing, and subservience and says, “I think we should be good for the night. If it’s okay with you, I’ll let Screech know where we are. With any luck, we should be safe here for the day.”


The woman nods her head, contended when Aisling is able to switch from Gaelic. “Yes, it is I who removed the wooden curse from between your ribs, and freed you from your slumber. Welcome to the 21st century,” she says, grinning widely to show long white fangs.

The woman, who still has not introduced herself, strokes the dark brown leather of Aisling’s tome. Like the cat who ate the canary, the woman smirks at Aisling’s second question and says, “You were buried with your arms around it. You and this book were in that stone sarcophagus.” The woman points behind to Aisling, to a rudimentary coffin made of stones cobbled together in a cyclopean manner, bound by wood and a mud mortar that had pretty much dissolved to dust in a number of locations. “To be honest,” the woman continues, “it was really this book that I was searching floor. I flew it all the way from Ireland... but of course, not only did Gazren not write in English or Gaelic, he wrote in some language that not even my finest scholars were able to identify. And this my dear,” she says pointing a finger at Aisling, “is what I have awoken you rather than simply dust you or gobble your soul.”

The woman’s gaze now narrows and hardens, focusing like a pack of wolves on Aisling. “To put it simply, I need you to help me with this. I need you to help me translate Gazren’s diary.” The woman lifts the book from her lap and extends it towards Aisling, though it is still too far to reach, “will you help me with this?”

2018-03-19, 01:17 AM
The woman nods her head, contended when Aisling is able to switch from Gaelic. “Yes, it is I who removed the wooden curse from between your ribs, and freed you from your slumber. Welcome to the 21st century,” she says, grinning widely to show long white fangs.

Her mind reels with the statement on how much time has passed. Aisling knew that her family was long since dust, but a wave of longing rose to mingle with the overwhelming urge to feed.

The woman, who still has not introduced herself, strokes the dark brown leather of Aisling’s tome. Like the cat who ate the canary, the woman smirks at Aisling’s second question and says, “You were buried with your arms around it. You and this book were in that stone sarcophagus.” The woman points behind to Aisling, to a rudimentary coffin made of stones cobbled together in a cyclopean manner, bound by wood and a mud mortar that had pretty much dissolved to dust in a number of locations. “To be honest,” the woman continues, “it was really this book that I was searching floor. I flew it all the way from Ireland... but of course, not only did Gazren not write in English or Gaelic, he wrote in some language that not even my finest scholars were able to identify. And this my dear,” she says pointing a finger at Aisling, “is what I have awoken you rather than simply dust you or gobble your soul.”

The woman’s gaze now narrows and hardens, focusing like a pack of wolves on Aisling. “To put it simply, I need you to help me with this. I need you to help me translate Gazren’s diary.” The woman lifts the book from her lap and extends it towards Aisling, though it is still too far to reach, “will you help me with this?”

Aisling rocks forward onto the balls of her feet, still crouching, as a pale hand reaches up to caress the old leather of the book with slender fingertips.
A surge of anger rises like bile in her throat as a flash of a memory rises. The look of surprised hurt she felt as Gazren pierced her heart with the stake. Why would he do such a thing? Did he not love her anymore?
No! Her mind recoiled at the thought. There must have been a reason or he would not have buried her away. He would come for her, she knew it. But perhaps the book held some clues?

"Yes....." Is her tentative response, before steeling her nerves
"Yes, I will help you. I need.....answers."

The roar of a hungry Beast within nearly topples her.

"Do....do you have something for me to feed on? It has been...so...long." Her soft voice is thick with need.

2018-03-19, 07:17 AM
Anna Wu

“I’m biased,” Anna replied, “considering what he did yesterday. I think the less people know we’re here the better. Ultimately though Mobius, it’s up to you.”

If he decides to call Screech, Anna simply nods.

If he doesn’t, Anna tells him she’s proud of him and hat she knows it’s a tough decision.

Regardless of what he does:
“Okay, hopefully nobody will bother us here,” Anna said.
“Can you tell us what’s going on? Start from the beginning,” she said.

2018-03-19, 03:25 PM
Sorry for not answering this sooner:

And I guess it's not like she'd have had a lot of chance to fill her belly with blood before Gazren staked her, so it makes sense. If you go into torpor on a full stomach, does the vitae dissipate or wither away across the years? Or just lose potency?

The blood does not get used up, as far as I understand it (don't have the book in front of me ATM so don't quote me on it).
If a Kindred goes into torpor because of injuries, then the blood automatically gets used up to try to heal those injuries,
which can lead to losing all your vitae. In your case, it's really just the result of a **** roll.

Her mind reels with the statement on how much time has passed. Aisling knew that her family was long since dust, but a wave of longing rose to mingle with the overwhelming urge to feed.

If you are inclined, we can have Aisling make a Breaking point roll for this. I'm not inclined, since it isn't exactly fair to force a roll at the very beginning of your very first scene, since this is essentially what we wrote for your character, but if you want the chance for a condition to start stacking up beats, it's up to you.

"Yes....." Is her tentative response, before steeling her nerves
"Yes, I will help you. I need.....answers."

The woman's grin widens, the corners of her lips spreading up so high they nearly reach her diamond studded ear lobes. The appearance is overall unsettling, like the makeup of the vaudevillian clowns that used to visit Aisling's town when she was a kid. Rising, the woman clutches the book to her chest, pulling it away from Aisling and towering over her. "Very good," the woman says enthusiastically. She extends a slender hand to to Aisling, not for assistance, but to be kissed like royalty. Looking closely, Aisling can see that unlike some princess, the woman's hands are rough and calloused. "You may call me 'Lady Blackstar'" the woman pronounces, "and I am the leader and Primogen of the Circle of Crone." This last part she says proudly, as if Aisling is supposed to understand what Primogen or Circle of Crone is.

The roar of a hungry Beast within nearly topples her.

"Do....do you have something for me to feed on? It has been...so...long." Her soft voice is thick with need.

The woman nods her head and turns towards the giant building. Standing by the entrance is a large man, dressed in a dark green robe. The fabric is far finer than that which Aisling is used to, though the cut of the robes is illogical, almost like they were made by someone who did not understand the function of such an article of clothing. "Go get me Bernardo", she says to the man, who nods and opens up a giant sliding glass door. Several moments later, the sound of the music begins to grow, swelling in Aisling's ears till the man approaches, dragging with him a boy of about Aisling's age. He is tall, with dark skin and nearly jet black hair that tangles in a mop over his big sunken eyes. The boy is dressed in a cotton shirt stained with dirt, and a pair of blue pants, the fabric of which Aisling is unfamiliar with.

Sprouting from his ears are two long white vines that coil together and disappear into the side of his pants, and somehow the music seems to be coming from this boy.

"You may feed on Bernardo" Blackstar says.

The boy glares at Aisling but walks over to her, and extends a long forearm corded with muscle. He offers his wrist to her, and she can smell, hear, and feel the heat from the blood pounding in quick spurts through his arteries.

************************************************** ********************************

“I’m biased,” Anna replied, “considering what he did yesterday. I think the less people know we’re here the better. Ultimately though Mobius, it’s up to you.”

If he decides to call Screech, Anna simply nods.

Mobius scowls at Anna, and in a pouting voice that belies his immaturity says, "Well in that case, I'm still calling him." Mobius turns his back to Anna and Karl, and in a few short sentences, fills Screech in regarding their location. When he hangs up he shrugs his shoulders and says, "If there's anyone I trust, it's Screech," but the words are more defensive than definitive.

“Okay, hopefully nobody will bother us here,” Anna said.
“Can you tell us what’s going on? Start from the beginning,” she said.

"I already told you," Mobius whines, "I can't go into all the details. I got into some trouble, and I need to get out of this city. Screech tried to set me up with the Bruja, who are supposed to be some of the only Kindred who can safely travel the wastelands through Central California. But, I guess they got side-tracked and ended up going on a rampage and sacking some Lancea Sanctum compound. Apparently Padre Calavera" and in saying the Spear Primogen's name Mobius shudders and hisses like an enraged cat, "had the Bloodline's progenitor staked up somewhere, and now they aren't leaving till they get him back."

Then in an act of total self pity, Mobius half cries, "And now it looks like I won't be getting out of this city for at least another night... and I just have to get out of here. I can't stay!"

2018-03-19, 06:03 PM
Anna nodded.

“What trouble?” she asked, “Why not come to your sire for help? It’s okay if you can’t tell me everything, but I’m really just trying to understand... I won’t judge, god knows I’ve done some stupid things in my life.”

2018-03-19, 06:10 PM
Karl, having recently informed his employer of their location as well, is peeking at the parking lot through the drapes.

On Mobius' continued insistence that he can't talk about it, his eyes narrow as he looks back at the fledgling, "You don't want to talk about it, are afraid to talk about it, or CAN'T talk about it? Are you bound?"

2018-03-19, 06:48 PM
Sorry for not answering this sooner:

The blood does not get used up, as far as I understand it (don't have the book in front of me ATM so don't quote me on it).
If a Kindred goes into torpor because of injuries, then the blood automatically gets used up to try to heal those injuries,
which can lead to losing all your vitae. In your case, it's really just the result of a **** roll.

That makes sense. Similar to Gym. Clears up a bunch. Much obliged.

If you are inclined, we can have Aisling make a Breaking point roll for this. I'm not inclined, since it isn't exactly fair to force a roll at the very beginning of your very first scene, since this is essentially what we wrote for your character, but if you want the chance for a condition to start stacking up beats, it's up to you.

I'll pass for now. It is a flashback, after all. I'm kosher with the real mechanics starting later.

The woman's grin widens, the corners of her lips spreading up so high they nearly reach her diamond studded ear lobes. The appearance is overall unsettling, like the makeup of the vaudevillian clowns that used to visit Aisling's town when she was a kid. Rising, the woman clutches the book to her chest, pulling it away from Aisling and towering over her. "Very good," the woman says enthusiastically. She extends a slender hand to to Aisling, not for assistance, but to be kissed like royalty. Looking closely, Aisling can see that unlike some princess, the woman's hands are rough and calloused. "You may call me 'Lady Blackstar'" the woman pronounces, "and I am the leader and Primogen of the Circle of Crone." This last part she says proudly, as if Aisling is supposed to understand what Primogen or Circle of Crone is.

"Lady...Blackstar..." The name rolls off her tongue, thick with her native accent and the great hunger in her belly.
Aisling, still crouching before the Vampire, takes the hand offered before her in a sign of reference, and places a small kiss on the top. Her hands linger but a moment on the callused digits, as her eyes flicker up to the meet the woman's gaze. A quizzical expression on her features at the titles listed.

The woman nods her head and turns towards the giant building. Standing by the entrance is a large man, dressed in a dark green robe. The fabric is far finer than that which Aisling is used to, though the cut of the robes is illogical, almost like they were made by someone who did not understand the function of such an article of clothing. "Go get me Bernardo", she says to the man, who nods and opens up a giant sliding glass door. Several moments later, the sound of the music begins to grow, swelling in Aisling's ears till the man approaches, dragging with him a boy of about Aisling's age. He is tall, with dark skin and nearly jet black hair that tangles in a mop over his big sunken eyes. The boy is dressed in a cotton shirt stained with dirt, and a pair of blue pants, the fabric of which Aisling is unfamiliar with.

Sprouting from his ears are two long white vines that coil together and disappear into the side of his pants, and somehow the music seems to be coming from this boy.

"You may feed on Bernardo" Blackstar says.

The boy glares at Aisling but walks over to her, and extends a long forearm corded with muscle. He offers his wrist to her, and she can smell, hear, and feel the heat from the blood pounding in quick spurts through his arteries.

The confused expression passes quickly as she hears the thrum of young blood approaching. As the aforementioned Bernardo offers his wrist, she scurries forward to grip his forarm tightly in her small hands.
Without further hesitation, she parts her lips and latches onto his wrist, sinking her fangs into the soft flesh and begins to feed.

After so very, very long, Aisling has no pretence of civility or manners and she was never a dainty eater to begin with. Her chin is soon dripping with bloody run-off as her Beast squeals in contentment and she purrs audibly as she feeds upon the precious vitae.

On her knees before the boy, her body vibrates with excitement and she seems to bounce or writhe to the music that invades her ears from the boy.

She will drink until Bernardo is removed from her grasp, or she is sated. I don't figure she has the self-control or forethought after such a long torpor to be aware of how much she is taking.

2018-03-20, 07:03 PM
“What trouble?” she asked, “Why not come to your sire for help? It’s okay if you can’t tell me everything, but I’m really just trying to understand... I won’t judge, god knows I’ve done some stupid things in my life.”

Mobius scowls, though not directly at Anna. Backed into a corner, it seems like scowling is all that he has left. “Let’s just say I couldn’t go to my Sire for this one Anna. Let’s just say, I ****ed up so bad, I have to get out of here.”

On Mobius' continued insistence that he can't talk about it, his eyes narrow as he looks back at the fledgling, "You don't want to talk about it, are afraid to talk about it, or CAN'T talk about it? Are you bound?

Now Mobius glares at Karl, “Something like that.” The Mekhet neonate is truly proving to be as whiney and piteous as Karl had heard.


Aisling’s fangs extend suddenly, pulling her gums taught and sending a tight sensation of anticipation into the back of her throat. The breaking of the boys skin is just as exquisite, flesh giving way into a warm flood of magnificent blood squirting between the tight tendons of extended forearm.

Aisling is on the edge of Frenzy as the boy moans, seeming to fall forward and into her. She gorges on the blood, seeming to pulse in rhythm with the thrumming music. Aisling drinks and drinks, the pulse quickening and quickening until it begins to slacken. Aisling pulls harder at the wounds, but is pulled from the boy too soon by two pairs of large hands. Aisling comes to her senses, restrained by two large men (Kindred?), similarly dressed in the costume-like green robes.

Lady Blackstar pulls the boy to her, he is on his knees now, lightly moaning and clutching his still bleeding forearm. She sings to him; some foreign nursery rhyme that clashes awfully with the captivating pulses of Bernardo’s music. She licks his wound clean, closing AIsling’s gash, and Bernardo slowly stops moaning, embraced in Lady Blackstar’s arms. “Very good, very good.”

Aisling gains 5 vitae. This first flashback is nearly complete, but I will give you a chance to ask any questions or perform any last actions before moving to a second flash back.

2018-03-20, 09:45 PM
Anna looked at Karl.

“What do you mean bound, like blood bound, or some kind of contract?” she asked.

2018-03-21, 12:15 AM
Aisling’s fangs extend suddenly, pulling her gums taught and sending a tight sensation of anticipation into the back of her throat. The breaking of the boys skin is just as exquisite, flesh giving way into a warm flood of magnificent blood squirting between the tight tendons of extended forearm.

Aisling is on the edge of Frenzy as the boy moans, seeming to fall forward and into her. She gorges on the blood, seeming to pulse in rhythm with the thrumming music. Aisling drinks and drinks, the pulse quickening and quickening until it begins to slacken. Aisling pulls harder at the wounds, but is pulled from the boy too soon by two pairs of large hands. Aisling comes to her senses, restrained by two large men (Kindred?), similarly dressed in the costume-like green robes.

Lady Blackstar pulls the boy to her, he is on his knees now, lightly moaning and clutching his still bleeding forearm. She sings to him; some foreign nursery rhyme that clashes awfully with the captivating pulses of Bernardo’s music. She licks his wound clean, closing AIsling’s gash, and Bernardo slowly stops moaning, embraced in Lady Blackstar’s arms. “Very good, very good.”

As Aisling is manhandled away from her meal, a brief snarl twists her pretty features into something savage and altogether indicative of the Beast within.
But after a moment, she simply slumps in their grip and begins gathering the bloody mess upon her chin onto her fingers before licking them clean with a hum of pleasure.

Aisling gains 5 vitae. This first flashback is nearly complete, but I will give you a chance to ask any questions or perform any last actions before moving to a second flash back.

I'm okay with pressing forward when you're ready. Aisling wouldn't have the presence of mind quite yet to start querying Lady Blackstar. Culture shock if nothing else, though being so close to frenzy doesn't help.

2018-03-21, 05:47 PM
Mobius rises from his seat on the bed, fists balled and fangs extended. “I already told you, I can’t ****ing talk about it!”, he yells loud enough to be easily heard if anyone is in the room next door. “Don’t you get it,” he says, his voice dropping in volume to a high pitched whine, “I can’t talk about it.”

Mobius takes a deep breath in and out, using the mortal gesture to settle himself. He walks to Anna, stepping close enough to kiss... or feed. His voice more mellow, he says, “Look, I appreciate your help, but you have to stop asking about this. You wanted to get to the bottom of why neonates are disappearing, and I can’t really help you. All you need to know,” and with this he presses a pointed finger to Anna’s chest, “is that I need to get out of this city. And if you can’t help me, or if you won’t without more information, well that’s fine with me. I already have help.”


Flashback ii

When the music’s over/
Turn out the light/
Turn out the light/
Turn out the light

-The Doors

It had been one week that Lady Blackstar had kept Aisling tied up. Not just locked in a room in the cellar, but literally tied up, like a mastiff fighting dog, or a stallion that hadn’t yet been tamed.

It was some sort of wine cellar. Dozens of wooden and metal barrels taller than Aisling were stacked or standing throughout the darkly lit room. It smelled of earth, and mold, and mead... the smell was the only good thing about the place. Aisling was tied up by the neck, some sort of electric shock collar that wrecked Aisling if she ever put too much tension on the cord. It was like the collar produced a thousand bee sticks dipped in fire. The first time it happened, Aisling had actually Frenzied thinking she had somehow been set a-flame.

At first Aisling had been visited by Lady Blackstar every night, forcing Gazren’s book on her. But the old parchment was faded, and nearly rotted in places. Whatever language Gazren had written his notes in, it was far older than English or Gaelic. There were diagrams of large glyphs, drawing of blood sacrifices and thorn laden rose bushes, and pages upon pages of indecipherable text. Aisling was no help to Lady Blackstar, and soon, Aisling’s only visits where when a robed figure dropped a dead rabbit at her feet to feed on.

That was until Bernardo let himself in, turning on a series of electric lights that had not yet been used, and creeped down the stairs. He stood at the base of the stairs, staring at Aisling, the white buds of ivy in his ears playing another familiar song... “When I was a child I had a fever/ My hands felt just like two balloons”...

The boy’s stare appeared to be equal parts curiosity and fear. Despite his frozen posture, he looked skitish, and overly animated in the way only a mortal could. Aisling had been feeding on dead vermin, and the boy’s warm blood called to her.

2018-03-21, 06:42 PM
Karl looks at Anna, hoping she'll see the possible implications without him having to spell it out for her in front of Mobius,"I'm thinking that Julian had him sign a blood contract, including stipulations not to talk about it."

2018-03-21, 08:30 PM
Flashback ii

When the music’s over/
Turn out the light/
Turn out the light/
Turn out the light

-The Doors

It had been one week that Lady Blackstar had kept Aisling tied up. Not just locked in a room in the cellar, but literally tied up, like a mastiff fighting dog, or a stallion that hadn’t yet been tamed.

It was some sort of wine cellar. Dozens of wooden and metal barrels taller than Aisling were stacked or standing throughout the darkly lit room. It smelled of earth, and mold, and mead... the smell was the only good thing about the place. Aisling was tied up by the neck, some sort of electric shock collar that wrecked Aisling if she ever put too much tension on the cord. It was like the collar produced a thousand bee sticks dipped in fire. The first time it happened, Aisling had actually Frenzied thinking she had somehow been set a-flame.

At first Aisling had been visited by Lady Blackstar every night, forcing Gazren’s book on her. But the old parchment was faded, and nearly rotted in places. Whatever language Gazren had written his notes in, it was far older than English or Gaelic. There were diagrams of large glyphs, drawing of blood sacrifices and thorn laden rose bushes, and pages upon pages of indecipherable text. Aisling was no help to Lady Blackstar, and soon, Aisling’s only visits where when a robed figure dropped a dead rabbit at her feet to feed on.

Aisling may not have been familiar with the marvels of the modern world, but she knew of pain and had learned through similar methods from Gazren. He loved her, but he punished her when she did not take to his lessons as swiftly as he'd expected. And so, as Aisling lay panting upon the ground, coherency returning from riding a pain-induced frenzy, she vowed to herself to be as still as she could.
She did her best for Blackstar, she really did, but Gazren had not shown her all his secrets before he staked her and vanished into the night; and so, she spent her time laying upon the ground however the collar and cord would allow.

That was until Bernardo let himself in, turning on a series of electric lights that had not yet been used, and creeped down the stairs. He stood at the base of the stairs, staring at Aisling, the white buds of ivy in his ears playing another familiar song... “When I was a child I had a fever/ My hands felt just like two balloons”...

The boy’s stare appeared to be equal parts curiosity and fear. Despite his frozen posture, he looked skitish, and overly animated in the way only a mortal could. Aisling had been feeding on dead vermin, and the boy’s warm blood called to her.

When the lights came up, the sickeningly artificial illumination bathed her pale, wasted body - still covered in the ripped, dirty bodice and a dress of finely spun, faded blue wool. Her eyes, haunted by a hunger her meager meals had barely satisfied, flickered up to Bernardo as he entered. The music she heard from those strange, white buds in his ears was a soothing balm, and Aisling felt tension begin to seep from her - though not enough to lower her guard. Yet, despite his own tentative approach, she did not stir from her place upon the floor for fear of the sensation of such a flameless burning as she had endured.

A whimper escaped her lips, as she struggled to hold herself still and not lunge at the source of the hot blood throbbing in his veins. She barely squeaked out the words to him.

"Bernardo." She remembered his name. The memory brought another, of the bliss she felt when his wrist was in her grasp, fangs drawing up the vitae from the soft flesh there. "Wh...what are you doing here?"

2018-03-21, 08:36 PM
Anna Wu

Anna paused and looked at Mobius, enjoying the moment.

"I believe you when you say you can't talk about it," she said, "I know if you could tell me, you would. It's alright."

"Are you thirsty?" she offered, cupping his cheek with her palm again, "I know I took too much before."

Anna will let Mobius take one bp if he wants, but will refuse any in return.

Anna sighed.
"What now," Anna asked out loud, sitting on the bed and resting her sword lengthwise across her lap.
She pulled out her phone.
"Karl, I'm going to assume you've got a safe place to back this up," she said, sending the audio recording of the phone call with Screech to him.

“Any ideas?” she asked, looking at Karl.

2018-03-22, 08:34 AM
The boy stumbles back, startled when Aisling speaks, pressing himself against the cellar wall. His pupils dilate, and Aisling can hear the hastening of his racing pulse. "You know my name?", he asks, his voice hushed and low. He stands there with his back to the wall for another moment, before taking a few hesitant steps forward. "I..." he starts, "I'm sorry to bother you miss".

All the while his music is still playing in that hushed far off sound, now just the electric singing of an instrument that Aisling has heard many times, but is unfamiliar with.

Bernardo circumnavigates a large metal barrel and is now about 20 feet from Aisling. He seems to be straining to see in the dark, though his eyes are locked on Aisling. Bernardo's voice is still hushed, and he says, "I heard they had brought you down here. I guess I just wanted to see." He looks slightly embarrassed, and his cheeks flush.

2018-03-22, 08:53 AM
Anna paused and looked at Mobius, enjoying the moment.

"I believe you when you say you can't talk about it," she said, "I know if you could tell me, you would. It's alright."

"Are you thirsty?" she offered, cupping his cheek with her palm again, "I know I took too much before."

There is a flash of weakness, when it looks like Mobius may accept Anna's offer. He even lifts one hand as if to reach out for her, but then the Mekhet's face hardens. "I'm fine... thank you," he says scowling.

Mobius sighs and looks at his watch. "It's getting near morning", he says, "We should probably start taking every measure to sun proof and protect this room, before we call it a night."

Let me know if there are any other things you want to accomplish before I move things on. Also, in your next IC post, could I please have an updated character box?

2018-03-22, 09:21 AM
Anna will call Estella, just to find out where she was and what she was up to.

2018-03-22, 09:34 AM
The call immediately goes to voice mail. Any subsequent calls throughout the night, similarly go to voice mail.

2018-03-22, 09:50 AM
“That’s... concerning,” Anna said.

“Mobius is right, though I think we should be fine if we just pull the day curtains closed, put the do not disturb up, lock the door, and tell the front desk to leave us alone.”

“Karl, I guess we’ll see you later?” she asked, as Karl had a separate room.

2018-03-22, 10:31 AM
The boy stumbles back, startled when Aisling speaks, pressing himself against the cellar wall. His pupils dilate, and Aisling can hear the hastening of his racing pulse. "You know my name?", he asks, his voice hushed and low. He stands there with his back to the wall for another moment, before taking a few hesitant steps forward. "I..." he starts, "I'm sorry to bother you miss".

"Of course I remember...." There is a sort of longing in her voice, be it for the sweetness of his blood, or perhaps the fact he was the first real intimate contact in all her centuries buried and forgotten.

"And it is...no bother. Really." Aisling shifts slightly on the floor, gingerly moving to a languid sitting sitting, yet careful to not strain the cord and begin the pain anew.

All the while his music is still playing in that hushed far off sound, now just the electric singing of an instrument that Aisling has heard many times, but is unfamiliar with.

Bernardo circumnavigates a large metal barrel and is now about 20 feet from Aisling. He seems to be straining to see in the dark, though his eyes are locked on Aisling. Bernardo's voice is still hushed, and he says, "I heard they had brought you down here. I guess I just wanted to see." He looks slightly embarrassed, and his cheeks flush.

Aisling laughs softly, the sound mirthful but tinged in a longing sorrow. "As you can see, they freed me from one prison of stone, only to lock me in one of sorcery." She idly gestures to the collar about her neck.

"Your mistress is a cruel witch. I am...unsure...I will be able to help her how she wishes, and I am afraid my usefulness to her is coming to an end."

She seems soothed somewhat by the soft music she can hear from those strange ivory plugs in his ears, and despite not knowing the song, she begins to quietly hum along. Though it's not clear whether she is even aware she is doing it.

2018-03-22, 11:32 AM
Karl nods to Anna, "I'll be near, you have my number." To Mobius he states, "I suggest thinking carefully, every oath has loopholes. I can do little without adequate information."

With that, Karl returns to his own room, and prepares for the day.

2018-03-24, 07:38 AM
Anna and Mobius begin the work of sun proofing their room in silence. Next door, Karl does the same.

It is about thirty minutes later when both Karl and Anna receive a series of texts from Julian. After confirming their location and room numbers, Julian writes, “Sending a crew to your location. Please make sure the room can be accessessed easily and without making too much noise.”

One last text reads, “Keep us abreast of the situation if things change.”

Looking at the room, Anna realizes she could easily slip a key card under the door with just a bit of stealth, though convincing Mobius to leave the door un-bolted would be a bit harder.

I do not mean to force you two to betray Mobius here, though there will obviously be consequences if you don’t. I recommend you discuss this carefully before deciding what you do. Regardless, I would still like a character box from both of you!


The boys shrugs his shoulders, screwing his face up as if he were trying not to vomit. “She’s not my mistress”, he blurts, “I’m... I’m not much more free than you are.” He looks back up at the door, self consciously. After a moment of staring at the light from above, he takes several more steps, so that he is just out of reach of Aisling. “My chains are just less... visible,” he whispers.

He seems to be staring at Aisling, though it is perhaps too dark for him in this room to see clearly. Crouching down so that he is at Aisling’s height, Bernardo asks, “You... you like my music?” He removes a vine from his ear almost instinctively, revealing that it is tipped by a shiny white bud that is clearly the source of the music.

2018-03-24, 09:26 AM
The boys shrugs his shoulders, screwing his face up as if he were trying not to vomit. “She’s not my mistress”, he blurts, “I’m... I’m not much more free than you are.” He looks back up at the door, self consciously. After a moment of staring at the light from above, he takes several more steps, so that he is just out of reach of Aisling. “My chains are just less... visible,” he whispers.

He seems to be staring at Aisling, though it is perhaps too dark for him in this room to see clearly. Crouching down so that he is at Aisling’s height, Bernardo asks, “You... you like my music?” He removes a vine from his ear almost instinctively, revealing that it is tipped by a shiny white bud that is clearly the source of the music.

Bernardo's vehement announcement of his own form of captivity earns a small, sad smile from Aisling. As he comes closer, she tilts her head curiously at him.
"You live in a gilded cage then, instead of in the dungeons. You are a prized pet then, like me? Did she try and break you as well with her magic?"
The collar is lightly caressed while she grimaced slightly.

Aisling's head snaps up to him, her glacial blue eyes burning with intensity even in the shadowed room and she nods as vigorously as she can without setting off the pain-magic of her collar.
"Oh! Yes!" it's the first real enthusiasm she's shown since she fed on Bernado. "I....I do not know it. The words sound foreign on my tongue and the instruments are.....so much.....more...." She trails off vaguely, eyes seeming to grow distant for a moment. "I should not know it...but somehow, I do, and it stirs or soothes my Beast, calms my fears....and I love it....." Aisling whispers almost reverently, leaning towards Bernardo unconsciously as he removes the ear-bud and she hears the music just that much more clearly.

2018-03-24, 02:19 PM
"You live in a gilded cage then, instead of in the dungeons. You are a prized pet then, like me? Did she try and break you as well with her magic?"
The collar is lightly caressed while she grimaced slightly.

Bernardo looks down at the floor, eyes flitting nervously and brow furrowing. “Well, sort of...”, he says, his voice trailing off. As he speaks, Aisling catches the scent of blood... no, Vitae on the boy’s breath. Though Aisling’s time under Gazren had been short, she understands enough of what a Ghoul is, and how The Blood can be both intoxicating and addictive.

"I should not know it...but somehow, I do, and it stirs or soothes my Beast, calms my fears....and I love it....." Aisling whispers almost reverently, leaning towards Bernardo unconsciously as he removes the ear-bud and she hears the music just that much more clearly

There is a look of excitement in Bernardo’s face, and he tears the bud from his other ear. With an extended hand he offers the strange vines to Aisling. “Here,” Bernardo says, “if you want to listen.”

2018-03-24, 04:23 PM
Bernardo looks down at the floor, eyes flitting nervously and brow furrowing. “Well, sort of...”, he says, his voice trailing off. As he speaks, Aisling catches the scent of blood... no, Vitae on the boy’s breath. Though Aisling’s time under Gazren had been short, she understands enough of what a Ghoul is, and how The Blood can be both intoxicating and addictive.

There is a look of excitement in Bernardo’s face, and he tears the bud from his other ear. With an extended hand he offers the strange vines to Aisling. “Here,” Bernardo says, “if you want to listen.”

His reticence at the idea of a gilded cage, it strikes her, is less from perhaps disliking the idea and more that his situation may very well simply be more....complicated. Especially when Aisling catches the sweet scent of vitae on his breath. Complicated indeed. It's always complicated when the Kindred are involved.

Her body tenses as Bernardo tears the other bud from his ear, and offers them to her. It's a sudden, instinctual response that is immediately soothed from the music now more noticeably coming from the ear-buds. Her own hand rises, tentatively, skittishly, to pluck the strange vines from his grasp - almost gingerly, as if she is afraid it with wither and die in her fingertips.

Aisling gazes at them for a moment, twisting and turning them about in curiosity. She even gives one a small sniff. She smells Bernardo, mostly, and the unfamiliar scents of vinyl and plastic. Slowly, oh so slowly, Aisling fumbles and muddles her way through fitting them into her ears and her features immediately light up with awe and joy. Her lips part, half-sighed and half-gasped wonder sounding in the cellar.

Those icy but intense glacial blue eyes shift up to look at Bernardo - so close to her - with wonder. She feels the wetness begin to form in the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you, Bernardo." is her soft, whispered devotion.

2018-03-24, 04:42 PM
Bernardo grins, his eyes shining with pride at Aisling’s response. “I’m glad you like it,” he says, “it’s uh, Pink Floyd.” The words are meaningless to Aisling. He seems to appraise Aisling for a moment, then says, “If you don’t mind me asking... how old are you?” He flinches after the question, as if anticipating a violent response. “Sorry, no offense,” he says, “it’s just the way you looked at the earphones.”

2018-03-24, 05:22 PM
Bernardo grins, his eyes shining with pride at Aisling’s response. “I’m glad you like it,” he says, “it’s uh, Pink Floyd.” The words are meaningless to Aisling. He seems to appraise Aisling for a moment, then says, “If you don’t mind me asking... how old are you?” He flinches after the question, as if anticipating a violent response. “Sorry, no offense,” he says, “it’s just the way you looked at the earphones.”

"Pink....Floyd? What manner of creature is a Floyd? Perhaps they come from the Aegean Isles. My father told me the Muses hailed from there....though..." She bites her lip in thought, eyes now closed as she sways gently to the music filling her mind. "This...Floyd sounds much more like a man than I would have thought of a Muse."

She shakes her head with a soft sigh at his question, eyes opening again to gaze at Bernardo curiously. "I do not know how old I am, Bernardo. Lady Blackstar freed me from torpor and I have, apparently, been asleep for a long while. My memories are foggy, but I believe I was born in the year 1731....if you still use the Gregorian calendar...."

Aisling smiles, almost whimsically, and softly whispers. "I do like this...Floyd."

2018-03-25, 06:47 AM
"Pink....Floyd? What manner of creature is a Floyd? Perhaps they come from the Aegean Isles. My father told me the Muses hailed from there....though..." She bites her lip in thought, eyes now closed as she sways gently to the music filling her mind. "This...Floyd sounds much more like a man than I would have thought of a Muse.

Bernardo grins widely, and then when he is unable to stifle any longer, lets go a merry chuckle. “I’m sorry,”, he sighs, his voice returning to a whisper “they are a band; you know, like a musical band. Rock and roll, and all that.”

This somehow makes perfect sense to Aisling, perhaps something she absorbed while in torpor. When Aisling tells him her age, his eyes go wide, and he says, “Really??? It’s 2017 now. I mean, are you sure? I know Lady Blackstar said she was a Vampire, but... I mean, I guess I didn’t actually think you could live that long. You aren’t just yanking my chain?” Bernardo looks back at Aisling, and seeing the collar again, turns suddenly pale.

Scrambling to change the subject, Bernardo says, “If you want, I can lend you my iPod. I mean, it must get lonely down here.” The color returns to his face, now compensating into a ruby blush, as he removes from his pocket a small rectangle with a glowing surface, polished in a similar white plastic. The vines tangle down and feed into this little glowing tablet, and Bernardo hands it to her.

OOC: Great post. Thank you for that.

2018-03-25, 10:10 AM
Bernardo grins widely, and then when he is unable to stifle any longer, lets go a merry chuckle. “I’m sorry,”, he sighs, his voice returning to a whisper “they are a band; you know, like a musical band. Rock and roll, and all that.”

This somehow makes perfect sense to Aisling, perhaps something she absorbed while in torpor. When Aisling tells him her age, his eyes go wide, and he says, “Really??? It’s 2017 now. I mean, are you sure? I know Lady Blackstar said she was a Vampire, but... I mean, I guess I didn’t actually think you could live that long. You aren’t just yanking my chain?” Bernardo looks back at Aisling, and seeing the collar again, turns suddenly pale.

Aisling blinks, rather wide-eyed at his chuckle, before the corner of her lips quirk in a small smile of her own. She liked the sound of his laughter. It brought fond, but strangely uncomfortable memories to bubble in the pit of her stomach. Raucous laughter while playing in the courtyard and racing through the halls with her brothers. Quiet giggles as they snuck into the armory and painted the heraldry of the young knights in her father's castle with butterflies, unicorns and rainbows.

His surprise at her age is mirrored when she hears the current year. Her mind fumbles through long unused memories to the basic arithmetic and counting lessons she took as a child.

"2017? That...cannot be right. Why would he let me sleep in the earth for centuries?" Aisling seems distraught by the notion, and sniffles for a moment while palming her eyes with her hands.
Aisling struggles for a moment, stamping down on the conflicting emotions churning within.
"My father...he is...was....the Earl of Tyrconnell in the north of Ireland. My eldest brother had just become a squire."

Scrambling to change the subject, Bernardo says, “If you want, I can lend you my iPod. I mean, it must get lonely down here.” The color returns to his face, now compensating into a ruby blush, as he removes from his pocket a small rectangle with a glowing surface, polished in a similar white plastic. The vines tangle down and feed into this little glowing tablet, and Bernardo hands it to her.

Aisling takes the small rectangle reverently, as one would take the hand of the Pope or other venerated figure.
Her eyes are wide and stormy.
"You....would let me hear your rock bands more? You will not get in trouble, will you, for lending this to me?"
She clutches the small rectangle to her chest, a smile blooming wider on her pale features.
"Thank you, Bernardo. For visiting me and for the music."

OOC: Great post. Thank you for that.
I really had fun writing that one a great deal! Glad you enjoyed it!

2018-03-27, 11:49 AM
It is about an hour later (around 4am) that Julian texts Karl "Here. Meet me at the front entrance."

Julian is accompanied by his two cronies from earlier, the unfortunately named duo of Victor and Vigo. No one seems to be in the mood for talking, (unless Karl wants to ask any questions) and so Karl leads them silently into the motel.

Karl rings the doorbell of Anna's room, asking to be let in to discuss things. Anna obliges, releasing the bolt and opening the door. Again, Julian uses Celerity to such an extent that Mobius does not have time to react. One moment the Sworn of the Axe is at the door, the next he is astride Mobius, who has barely pulled the bed sheet off his head. Impassionately and with a well practiced motion, Julian removes a long wooden stake, and places it through Mobius' rib cage with the slightest of cracking of bones. The Mekhet lets out a low sigh, before folding forward like a dead beetle into the fetal position, pulling the bed sheet down from his chest in the process. There is only the slightest blood stain tracing out from the protruding stake.

Julian shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. He turns to Anna and Karl and says, "Good work. Your service is appreciated by The Ordo Dracul, and you will be payed everything you have been promised." He begins the process of wrapping up Mobius' rigid body in the pinned bed sheet, and offhandedly asks, "Where's Estella?"

Both players gain a beat automatically. More will be allotted later. Please update your character box and include it in your next IC post PLEASE :smallbiggrin:

************************************************** ************************

"My father...he is...was....the Earl of Tyrconnell in the north of Ireland. My eldest brother had just become a squire."

There is no recognition in Bernardo's face at these references, though his face drips with concern and empathy for Aisling as she performs the all to human act of betraying her emotions. He says nothing and hands over the device he had referred to as an "iPod".

"You....would let me hear your rock bands more? You will not get in trouble, will you, for lending this to me?"
She clutches the small rectangle to her chest, a smile blooming wider on her pale features.
"Thank you, Bernardo. For visiting me and for the music."

Bernardo shrugs, a little discomfort playing upon his face. He says, "Of course I'll let you have it... for now anyways. I mean, you are just going to have to hide it. If Lady Blackstar finds it, she is going to be super pissed at both of us, you know?" The phrasing is odd to Aisling, though the context and his tone make it clear what he is saying. "You think you can find a place to hide it?"

2018-03-27, 06:08 PM
There is no recognition in Bernardo's face at these references, though his face drips with concern and empathy for Aisling as she performs the all to human act of betraying her emotions. He says nothing and hands over the device he had referred to as an "iPod".

Bernardo shrugs, a little discomfort playing upon his face. He says, "Of course I'll let you have it... for now anyways. I mean, you are just going to have to hide it. If Lady Blackstar finds it, she is going to be super pissed at both of us, you know?" The phrasing is odd to Aisling, though the context and his tone make it clear what he is saying. "You think you can find a place to hide it?"

Aisling takes the iPod, and shoves it into the bodice of her tattered, old dress. It will do for a hiding place for the moment, until she can find someplace more secure. She shimmies around, still careful of not triggering the collar, while she pulls the strange vines up through her dress from where the iPod is hidden, so they can be easily tucked into her ears, or back into her dress if she needs to remove them swiftly.

Her smile to Bernardo is genuine. "Thank you again! I will never forget the kindness you have shown me." She settles back into a more comfortable sitting position after working the iPod into its hiding spot. "And I will do my best to ensure that Lady Blackstar does not discover your involvement or company."

2018-03-27, 06:16 PM
Character Box:

Vitae: 8
Humanity: 5
Willpower: 1/ 6
Health: 8
Beats/Exp: 10/0
Minor boon owed to Screech
1st stage blood bond with Mobius
1. Gain safety and security.
1a. Develop a reliable and low-risk source of vitae.
1b. Gain trustworthy help during the day (ghoul, staff, etc).
1c. Create a safe haven for resting during the day
1d. Create a safehouse which can be fled to in times of trouble.
2. End organized crime in the city.
2a. Eliminate Kindred reliance on organized crime in the city
2a(i). Discover the various Kindred needs which are filled by organized crime in the city and devise alternative methods by which they can be met.
2a(ii). Identify Kindred who need to be swayed in order to implement said alternative methods, and sway them
2b. Identify members of organized crime in the city
2c. Identify allies (among both Kine and Kindred) who share the same goal
3. Meta: I want my character to suffer a loss of some kind, be forced to deal with the repercussions (physical, emotional), and emerge stronger (but potentially not unscathed) after some kind of resolution.
3. (alternate) Ensure the safety of younger cousin Katie

Anna Wu

Anna felt a pang of regret as she saw Julian dart across the room and stake Mobius, but she wasn’t sure if it was he blood bond talking or if she genuinely started to care for he fledgling.

“We can’t reach Estella,” Anna replied.

“Julian,” she said, “we can’t stay here tonight. Can you tell us what’s going on?”

2018-03-28, 08:09 AM
Bernardo grins at Aisling, his cheeks again turning rosy with blood. "Of course", he says in a hushed voice, "it's my pleasure... ugh, I guess." He reaches out a hand, taking hold of Aisling. The boy's flesh is supple and warm relative to hers, and the difference seems to send a sudden shock through Bernardo, and just for a moment he moves to withdraw. But then he relaxes and says, "I guess we are kinda in the same situation."

Bernardo gives Aisling a quick squeeze, his grip so comforting and so mortal. Then he lets go and stands up, saying, "I should get going before we are discovered". He turns to go, before stopping suddenly, turning back around and whispering, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I ever got your name."

Apologies if I missed it somewhere, but I don't think Aisling ever told him. While this is overall about where this scene will end, I wanted to give you the chance to try anything else, or ask any further questions before I move on to the last prologue scene.

************************************************** ******

Julian curses under his breath when Anna tells him about Estella. "Do you know where she is, or where she was at least?". The question is not harsh or scolding. He asks like a mathematician solving an equation.

“Julian,” she said, “we can’t stay here tonight. Can you tell us what’s going on?”

Nodding his head, the elder Dragon says, "I agree, you both should go back to your havens. You should have about a little under an hour before sunup. I could tell you more, but unforunately it is really business within the Ordo." Julian looks at Karl with a shrug, as if to say 'no offense'.

Sorry Daishain, though I assume Anna can always fill Karl in later. :smallfrown:

2018-03-28, 09:05 AM
Anna nodded.

“She stormed off yesterday after an argument,” Anna replied, “we haven’t spoken since.”

She checked her phone to see if her message to Estela had been read.

“What will happen to Mobius now?” she asked.

2018-03-28, 09:08 AM
"Someone told Estella a few inconvenient facts about my past. I believe it was an attempt to drive us apart. It succeeded in part. She refused to have anything to do with me, and left"

2018-03-28, 02:00 PM
Julian nods his head, absorbing Karl and Anna's information. He responds, "Keep an eye out for her. If she had broken the contract, I would have known by now, but her absence is concerning."

In response to Anna's question, Julian says, "He will be brought back to The Nest, and will be questioned by our council. There are concerns that have arisen in the last night or so, that make us believe he has betrayed our Order."

From across the apartment, Victor and Vigo guard the door. Julian looks nervously to them and says, "Anything else? Make sure the room is immaculate before you leave. We must always maintain the Masquerade."

2018-03-28, 06:16 PM
Bernardo grins at Aisling, his cheeks again turning rosy with blood. "Of course", he says in a hushed voice, "it's my pleasure... ugh, I guess." He reaches out a hand, taking hold of Aisling. The boy's flesh is supple and warm relative to hers, and the difference seems to send a sudden shock through Bernardo, and just for a moment he moves to withdraw. But then he relaxes and says, "I guess we are kinda in the same situation."

Bernardo gives Aisling a quick squeeze, his grip so comforting and so mortal. Then he lets go and stands up, saying, "I should get going before we are discovered". He turns to go, before stopping suddenly, turning back around and whispering, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I ever got your name."

Aisling looks a bit bewildered at the comforting gesture, but something in her warms appreciatively none the less. When he lets go of her hand, she misses the contact immediately.

She simply nods at the very logical reasoning for him to leave, but smiles happily when he turns once again to her.

"My name is Aisling. I suppose I should say it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance then, Bernardo."

Aisling bows her head in a low nod to him, as a sort of formal greeting, before settling back down as he departs.

Apologies if I missed it somewhere, but I don't think Aisling ever told him. While this is overall about where this scene will end, I wanted to give you the chance to try anything else, or ask any further questions before I move on to the last prologue scene.

I don't recall giving it to him either, unless he overheard it from Lady Blackstar - but I don't think she addressed Aisling by name after she summoned him to be fed upon.

Go ahead and move onto the next scene. :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-28, 08:06 PM
Anna Wu

Anna nodded.

“From what I understand, he is bound by some kind of contract or oath, and is unable to speak on the reason why he is on the run,” Anna said, “the Spear is involved somehow, were you aware?”

“Julian, when can we two meet for a debrief?” Anna asked.

2018-03-29, 12:39 PM
Prologue iii

I want to break free from your lies.
You're so self-satisfied,
I don't need you.
I want to break free.


An entire month passed after Aisling's first private encounter with Bernardo. After that night, Bernardo had begun sneaking down to Aisling's basement regularly. Sometimes he would come bearing news or gossip from Lady Blackstar, and sometimes he and Aisling would spend long hours talking about music, or freedom, or Aisling's prior life. As she spent time with her human companion, Aisling became more and more comfortable with modern English, with slang, and with the new magic of technology. Things like digital watches, or the all powerful televisions and computers were becoming understandable, digestible pieces of Aisling's new world.

Lady Blackstar had pretty much completely given up on Aisling as any form of help in regards to translating Gazren's tome, and it had been over a week since it had last been brought back down to her. With this, came less regular feedings, and once or twice Bernardo had been kind enough to offer his own blood to help sustain Aisling.

As the nights wore on, the two drew closer and closer till one night, just as Aisling was waking, Bernardo came rushing down into the basement, completely forgetting to close the cellar door or maintain any semblance of quiet stealth. Aisling could here the man's heart racing from across the room, and could smell the sweat and fear that was pumping from his pores. Bernardo stormed up to Aisling, hands balled into fists, and announced, "We have to get you out of here tonight! I don't know how we are going to do it, but we don't have much time!"

Please roll 1d10 to determine Aisling's blood pool.

************************************************** **************************

Julian raised his eyebrow at Anna's remark, surprise pouring out of his face, perhaps for the first time that Anna had ever seen. "No, I didn't know that. But that is incredibly useful information. Thank you for that Anna. Anything else either of you can contribute?"

In regards to Anna's question, Julian again looks uncomfortably at Anna, "Perhaps we can discuss everything late tomorrow night, and perhaps I will have more information by then." He looks down at the rolled up inanimate corpse, then back at Anna, "Regardless, don't forget that The Ordo will be having a Convocation in two nights. I'm sure you will want to attend to discuss the Covenant's matters, and hear about some of the new research that Dr. Simon is producing."

2018-03-29, 02:04 PM
Prologue iii

I want to break free from your lies.
You're so self-satisfied,
I don't need you.
I want to break free.


An entire month passed after Aisling's first private encounter with Bernardo. After that night, Bernardo had begun sneaking down to Aisling's basement regularly. Sometimes he would come bearing news or gossip from Lady Blackstar, and sometimes he and Aisling would spend long hours talking about music, or freedom, or Aisling's prior life. As she spent time with her human companion, Aisling became more and more comfortable with modern English, with slang, and with the new magic of technology. Things like digital watches, or the all powerful televisions and computers were becoming understandable, digestible pieces of Aisling's new world.

Lady Blackstar had pretty much completely given up on Aisling as any form of help in regards to translating Gazren's tome, and it had been over a week since it had last been brought back down to her. With this, came less regular feedings, and once or twice Bernardo had been kind enough to offer his own blood to help sustain Aisling.

As the nights wore on, the two drew closer and closer till one night, just as Aisling was waking, Bernardo came rushing down into the basement, completely forgetting to close the cellar door or maintain any semblance of quiet stealth. Aisling could here the man's heart racing from across the room, and could smell the sweat and fear that was pumping from his pores. Bernardo stormed up to Aisling, hands balled into fists, and announced, "We have to get you out of here tonight! I don't know how we are going to do it, but we don't have much time!"

Aisling rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she slowly rose with the setting of the sun, an affectation from her mortal life she never really broke free from. When Bernardo burst into the basement, she blinked in surprise and shuffled to a kneeling position before him.

"What's wrong Bernardo?" She was even starting to get the hang of contractions in modern English. "I smell the fear on you. What is happening?" For the hundredth or thousandth time, Aisling looked around the room she had been bound curiously, as if the impending threat - whatever it may be - would give her fresh eyes to find some manner of escape, or freedom. She wondered whether or not, with the right expenditure of blood, she could conceivably fight her way through the intense, burning pain and break the cord that tied the collar to her neck - now revealed as electronics, instead of sorcery. She almost wished it were sorcery.

Please roll 1d10 to determine Aisling's blood pool.

I botched the code in here, so I rolled in the channel linked below and copied and pasted it here. Oops!

2018-03-29, 03:05 PM
Karl states, "You should probably also be aware that Mobius had a neonate looking out for him, Screech by name. He tried to have us killed by a band of brujah who were originally supposed to get Mobius out of town. We gave them something else they wanted, and in the process not only side tracked them, but got the information on where Mobius was being kept."

"And finally, you should know that the sheriff, Schultz, suspects something about me. He demanded that I relay information concerning Mobius to him. I played the ignorant sap before, claiming no useful knowledge, but I suspect he may try again in a manner that would be difficult to resist. It would help matters considerably if I have a verifiable cover story to throw him off of both of our trails, or perhaps some means to make him focus on something else for a time."

"But I think that covers all the major details you should be aware of for the moment. If you need anything else, you know how to contact me."

2018-03-30, 07:52 AM
Bernardo bends down, now kneeling in front of Aisling, his hands clasped with hers. "I overheard Lady Blackstar just a moment ago," Bernardo says frantically, his eyes locked on hers, "she said you were no longer of any use, and were likely a liability. She said... she said they were going to have to get rid of you. I think she means to actually eat you or something!"

The boy's hands are shaking in Aisling's. They are cooler than normal, but still warm like dying coals to Aisling's dead fingers. "We have to find some way of getting you out of here. I don't know when she plans on killing you, but it could be tonight!", he says.

************************************************** ******************************

Karl states, "You should probably also be aware that Mobius had a neonate looking out for him, Screech by name. He tried to have us killed by a band of brujah who were originally supposed to get Mobius out of town. We gave them something else they wanted, and in the process not only side tracked them, but got the information on where Mobius was being kept."

Julian's eyes go wide for a moment, and then he lets out a mirthless laugh. "You were involved in the Bruja attack on The Spear", he asks incredulously. Looking from Karl to Anna then back again, Julian says, " You two have a lot of balls. The Bruja are pretty ****ing dangerous... and aren't exactly welcome in this city. Something tells me they are going to create a lot more news before they ride off to their next rat's nest."

Julian hoists the blankets filled with rigid flesh over his shoulder, and motions to his cronies that it's time to leave. As he moves to the door, Julian stops and says to Karl, "Be careful with Schultz, he's as crazy as he is dangerous. In regards to a cover story, you can say you were contracted by us to investigate a breech in The Ordo's security... which is true. I'm less worried about the Invictus knowing this now that we know Mobius hadn't been fed to the Prince. If he has any problems with that, or the fact that you maintained the secrecy of the investigation, you can have Schultz take it up with me and the Dragon Primogen."

If there are no further questions, Julian exits the room, trailed by Vigo and Victor who give one last glare to the two neonates.

Last chance to ask Julian any questions, or discuss amongst yourselves before I move things on to the Epilogue of our first Storyline.

2018-03-30, 09:38 AM
Anna Wu

“Just.. he’s still almost like a fledgling,” Anna said, “he needs help and guidance more than anything else.”

On the way home Anna calls Screech and tells him Julian showed up and took Mobius.

“Screech,” she said, “he’s gone. Julian tracked us to the hotel. He showed up with two others. There’s no way I could have fought them and lived. I’m sorry.”

will put the last WP into the roll for the call with Screech, whatever it is. Goal is to let him know first so he doesn’t hear about it from someone else and to forestall possible retaliation, or at least make him think twice about retaliating.

2018-03-30, 10:28 AM
Karl nods in appreciation of the cover story and prepares to leave. As he exits he'll look to Anna. "I suggest laying low for a while after this. The repercussions could prove... interesting."

The old man walks out and speeds back to his own haven, racing the dawn as best he can without attracting attention.

2018-03-30, 01:55 PM
Bernardo bends down, now kneeling in front of Aisling, his hands clasped with hers. "I overheard Lady Blackstar just a moment ago," Bernardo says frantically, his eyes locked on hers, "she said you were no longer of any use, and were likely a liability. She said... she said they were going to have to get rid of you. I think she means to actually eat you or something!"

The boy's hands are shaking in Aisling's. They are cooler than normal, but still warm like dying coals to Aisling's dead fingers. "We have to find some way of getting you out of here. I don't know when she plans on killing you, but it could be tonight!", he says.

If Aisling thought she had been afraid before, left in Lady Blackstar's imprisonment, Bernardo's words brought with them a new wave of panic and a chill down her spine. She could not end this way! She could not die, alone in the dark! There were too many answers to be had, and if nothing else, her descent into undeath and life with Gazren had not dulled her survival instincts at all. If anything, the Beast had made it stronger.

Aisling held onto her panic with all her might, and clasped Bernardo's hands all the firmer.
"Do you know how to remove the collar? I cannot run if I am still bound."

She releases one of Bernardo's hands from her own, and trails a finger along the cord with a feathery touch thoughtfully.

2018-03-30, 07:17 PM
Anna nodded to Karl.

“I have the Convocation in two nights, but yes, laying low sounds like a great idea...” Anna said.

2018-04-01, 01:31 PM
Julian and crew part with Anna and Karl, and after a bit of clean up of the apartment, the two Kindred part ways.

On Anna’s drive back she calls Screech. She explains the situation, and with a little bit of subverting the truth, and pushing her acting abilities to the brink, Anna is able to convince Screech that the abduction was unexpected, and that she was in no way involved. Screech sounds exhausted with the whole situation, and more than a little frustrated. He promises to hold his end of their deal and deliver Anna’s sword, if she will still hold to her Minor Boon. Screech warns Anna to be cautious before he hands up, his nasally voice belying actual concern.

Rolled Manipulation + Presence + Willpower for 6d10 and got 3 successes. Other than the epilogue (see the below post), this concludes the first story of our game.Both characters gain 3 beats for completing the story. Cheers. I hope it has been good so far... but watch out, things are about to get twisted.


Bernardo looks cautiously at Aisling’s collar. “I don’t know if I can disarm it, but I’ll try. Hold on one second,” he says frantically, before turning and bolting from the cellar.

Minutes feel like eons before Bernardo returns, clutching a large green metal box. He holds the object gingerly, moving with caution to prevent the clanging of smaller metal objects within. “Just hold still,” Bernardo says, opening the box to remove a series of metal tools. He runs up to the wall and begins tinkering with a panel to which Aisling’s leash is attached. There is a lot of fiddling, and at one moment Bernardo jumps back cursing and holding a bleeding thumb to his mouth. The hot coppery smell fills Aisling’s senses, even though she is nearly sated from the prior night’s feeding.

After what seems like eternity, Bernardo steps back grinning. He says, “I think I got it this time. Let’s see if we can take your collar off now.” Things are tense while he works Aisling’s mechanically locked collar, but after a bit of fiddling, there is a click, and the entire leather strap releases itself, dropping to the floor.

“Let’s go”, Bernardo says, his eyes focused and confident. He takes Aisling’s hand and leads her up the stairway, bounding two steps at a time. The stairs lead up to a long well lit hallway; the floors are a deeply polished wood. “Come one, this way to the garage,” he says, and then as an afterthought, “unless there’s anything we need to do first.”

2018-04-01, 02:22 PM
Bernardo looks cautiously at Aisling’s collar. “I don’t know if I can disarm it, but I’ll try. Hold on one second,” he says frantically, before turning and bolting from the cellar.

Minutes feel like eons before Bernardo returns, clutching a large green metal box. He holds the object gingerly, moving with caution to prevent the clanging of smaller metal objects within. “Just hold still,” Bernardo says, opening the box to remove a series of metal tools. He runs up to the wall and begins tinkering with a panel to which Aisling’s leash is attached. There is a lot of fiddling, and at one moment Bernardo jumps back cursing and holding a bleeding thumb to his mouth. The hot coppery smell fills Aisling’s senses, even though she is nearly sated from the prior night’s feeding.

After what seems like eternity, Bernardo steps back grinning. He says, “I think I got it this time. Let’s see if we can take your collar off now.” Things are tense while he works Aisling’s mechanically locked collar, but after a bit of fiddling, there is a click, and the entire leather strap releases itself, dropping to the floor.

“Let’s go”, Bernardo says, his eyes focused and confident. He takes Aisling’s hand and leads her up the stairway, bounding two steps at a time. The stairs lead up to a long well lit hallway; the floors are a deeply polished wood. “Come one, this way to the garage,” he says, and then as an afterthought, “unless there’s anything we need to do first.”

Aisling sits as still as one of the old cairn stones that had sealed her in for so long while he works - she did not want to chance triggering the collar and injuring Bernardo and incapacitating herself. A pain-induced frenzy would be very bad for her friend, especially if he had just been injured himself.

Despite this, she sighs softly as the scent of the hot, coppery blood hits her senses and she tenses just slightly, pushing down any flickers of desire in order to focus on her escape from this prison.

When the collar pops off, she wraps her arms around Bernardo in a brief hug - careful not to squeeze too tightly. "Oh, Bernardo! Thank you! You are...." she furrows her brow for a moment in thought. "Awesome.....Yes, awesome!" She hopes the vernacular was correct. She pats her dress to ensure the iPod is still tucked safely away, before following.

As they make their way up from the cellar, she pads along - her unclad feet barely whispering on the hard wood.

When he stops, and asks about needing anything else, she pauses but for a moment - prepared to abandon this place and make her escape.
But then, a sudden thought freezes her in her tracks. With wide, panicky eyes she turns back to Bernardo. "The book!" She hisses in frustration. "Do you know where she keeps the book? I must have it!"

2018-04-01, 04:32 PM

This is the end/
My only friend, the end.
No safety or surprise, the end.
I’ll never look into those eyes/

-The Doors

When Anna and Karl awaken (the next night?), it is to searing pain. Fire burning in their chests, coasting up into their eyes, and their brains. The pain is so bad it forces the Beast to both howl in fear and in rage. Stranger still, neither one recognizes where they are. And it takes too long for their brains to register the holes in their chests, where the stakes had once been.

The lights are off... no, there are a few candles lit somewhere. The room is massive, some sort of library. The ceiling is high, the walls lined with stuffed bookshelves that tower overhead.

Both Anna and Karl are on the ground, together; figures standing over them, behind them.

The sound of footsteps; two pairs. The Beast calms and the vision sharpens. It is a boy, followed by a man. No, both are Kindred. It is The Prince, Christoph Gorman, followed by The Sheriff, Schultz. The Prince’s face is a mask, his little boy eyes narrowed into cold slits. The Sheriff sneers at the Anna and Karl, leering at them like they are disgusting piglets covered in ****.

The Prince’s voice booms through the cavernous library, deeper than should be possible given his size. The question hangs in the air, waiting to be answered,“So, what do you two have to say for yourselves.”

Figures shift behind Karl and Anna. It is hard to tell through the darkness, and the pain, and whatever Blood Magic is warping the surroundings, how many other people are in the room.

Feel free to assume all WP have been refilled, but each Kindred should be short one vitae from the night’s slumber.


Bernardo nods his head and says, “I think I know where she keeps it... but it won’t be easy to get to.”

Still holding Aisling’s hand, he rushes down the corridor and around the corner, only to run face first into a guard. Aisling should have heard the human’s footfalls, his breathing, but she hadn’t. No, not a normal human, he was a Ghoul.

The man was a giant by Aisling’s standards, a true mountain of a man, with a befitting belly. His bald head is tattooed in a series of pseudo-Celtic writing. His eyes go wide as he comes face to face with Aisling and Bernardo.

For this, just assume Aisling is successful in accomplishing what she wants. Feel free to have fun with it.

2018-04-01, 06:03 PM
Bernardo nods his head and says, “I think I know where she keeps it... but it won’t be easy to get to.”

Still holding Aisling’s hand, he rushes down the corridor and around the corner, only to run face first into a guard. Aisling should have heard the human’s footfalls, his breathing, but she hadn’t. No, not a normal human, he was a Ghoul.

The man was a giant by Aisling’s standards, a true mountain of a man, with a befitting belly. His bald head is tattooed in a series of pseudo-Celtic writing. His eyes go wide as he comes face to face with Aisling and Bernardo.

For this, just assume Aisling is successful in accomplishing what she wants. Feel free to have fun with it.

Despite the sudden surprise of seeing their path blocked, Aisling reacts almost viscerally to the perceived threat of the immense Ghoul. The Gangrel maiden pulls Bernardo back behind her with a snarl rising in her gullet. Bernardo would be harmed if he was caught aiding her. She won't let her friend - her only friend - experience pain for helping her.
She feels the blood in her veins thrum as she drops low to the ground - easy for one of her size - in an attempt to circumvent the giants great reach. As she does so, Aisling burns some of the blood in her veins, feeling an unnatural strength pulse through her taut muscles even as her dirt-caked fingernails harden and blacken, growing and thickening into wicked talons.

She surges forward, trying to dart between his legs, those clawed hands grasping out for the soft flesh in the backs of the giants knees. The lessons Gazren had drilled into her coming as instinctual flashes now. First, weaken or cripple the prey if they are larger. Bring them to your level.
Second, do not let them react. If the immense Ghoul falls to his knee's, the nimble little Gangrel would leap up onto his back - one hand bringing claws across his eyes, the other plunging her fingers into the flesh of his shoulder to pin herself on him. All she would need was a moments hesitation before she hissed in obvious pleasure at the scent of the Ghoul's blood and plunged her fangs into his throat to drink greedily.

When the giant had stopped struggling, perhaps not quite dead yet - she would have offered some of her own vitae to Bernardo - not out of any desire to control him, or to bind him to her - but simply because if he was a Ghoul he could defend himself so much better; and of course, with the mountain of a man weakening in her grasp - she had blood to spare.

"Bernardo...." Aisling sighed heavily - dreamily almost - her chin covered in the mans blood which still dripped down to stain her bosom and the bodice that contained them. "Quickly...." She offers her own wrist to him, smiling warmly to her only friend - a disconcerting expression in her blood-slaked appearance. "You will come with me, yes? I will not leave you to be hurt!"

2018-04-01, 09:57 PM
If his heart still beat, it would be racing right now. This was bad, really bad.

If he can, Karl will rise, but only to a kneeling position, his tone bears more than a touch of deference, "My prince, if we have offended somehow, please be assured it was in ignorance. I know not what conclusions your agent has drawn, but he seems to bear a personal grudge with me, for events long rendered irrelevant."

"You should know first that we were contracted by the Ordo Dracul to investigate a breach in their security. I did not at that time, nor do I now have any knowledge that the investigation interfered with Invictus matters. I was unable to speak of this until quite recently. I was told late last night to inform the Sheriff, and by extension yourself, that Julian of the Ordo, along with their primogen, will answer to any concerns about recent events."

2018-04-02, 01:46 AM
Anna slowly, painfully, rise to a kneeling position and merely nodded at Karl’s words.

2018-04-02, 11:30 AM
Bernardo stares wide eyed at Aisling's wrist, torn open though not truly bleeding. There is the look of desire, of consideration on the boy's face, but also hesitation, like a recovered alcoholic alone in a fully stocked bar. Resolutely, the boy says, "Fine, but only for a quick moment. We have to get out of here." He bends down to Aisling's wrist and allows the ragged wound to be pressed to his mouth. Allowing the blood to flow, Ailsing can feel him pulling at the wound, like a babe at a tit. The sensation is that of sharp pleasure that is almost painful, pulling from her wrist up to her chest. Bernardo drinks and drinks, and when he pulls away, his eyes are glazed. He presses his chest to Aisling's cold bossom, and sobs just once before announcing, "We need to go. Who knows how long we have before they start noticing."

He leads Aisling down the hall, and to a large wooden stairway. The two rush up, and then around a long curved hallway, this one not lit by any electric lights. After a maze of turns, Bernardo stops at a small wooden doorway. "The Library," he says. The door is locked by a small electronic panel with numbers 1-9. Bernardo taps a combination into the door, and it swings open.

The library is small, no more than a few bookshelves lined with tomes, and a large desk covered in papers, and notes and a massive rectangle with a glass screen. In the middle of the desk is Gazren's book, open to a page depicting multiple ancient ruins. No electric lights are on, but the room is filled with moonlight from a large round window.

Aisling stares at the book for a moment before three guards, all dressed in dark green robes and reeking of consumed Vitae charge into the room. The first in yells, "What the hell do you think you are doing?", before drawing a small black rectangle from his pocket. Bernardo nearly jumps across the room, and Aisling can feel the fear on the boy.

This time, if Aisling chooses to fight, I am going to make it a real combat scene, though fighting is not the only option here.

************************************************** *********

Karl gets about halfway through his explanation before The Prince's voice booms in the cavernous library. "Silence," he orders, and the boy's word's drill into Karl's brain like the sharp tip of a pickax. Despite there being no eye contact between Karl and The Prince, the command acts immediately. Karl's mouth betrays him, his lips immediately smacking shut, his windpipe refusing to allow more air to be pumped out of it. Karl was familiar with the use of Dominating powers, so was Anna. Both knew what it felt like to have such powers worked on them, and both had learned to avoid eye contact. But Karl had never felt such overwhelming and total control. There was no room for struggle, to even realize and defend against what was happening.

Karl tried to speak, but could not. The effect made him feel helpless... no, it made him feel raped.

The Prince grinned down at Karl and Anna, letting the realization set in. "Let me try again. Explain to me, how and why you allied yourselves with The Bruja. How you could willingly work with such swine, and how you could lead them on a Terrorist attack of one of our city's Covenants?" Both Prince Gorman and Schultz were grinning now. They both seemed to be enjoying this.

2018-04-02, 03:09 PM
Bernardo stares wide eyed at Aisling's wrist, torn open though not truly bleeding. There is the look of desire, of consideration on the boy's face, but also hesitation, like a recovered alcoholic alone in a fully stocked bar. Resolutely, the boy says, "Fine, but only for a quick moment. We have to get out of here." He bends down to Aisling's wrist and allows the ragged wound to be pressed to his mouth. Allowing the blood to flow, Ailsing can feel him pulling at the wound, like a babe at a tit. The sensation is that of sharp pleasure that is almost painful, pulling from her wrist up to her chest. Bernardo drinks and drinks, and when he pulls away, his eyes are glazed. He presses his chest to Aisling's cold bossom, and sobs just once before announcing, "We need to go. Who knows how long we have before they start noticing."

Aisling nods slowly, a soft look in her eyes as she lets a clawed hand lightly brush through Bernardo's hair at his sob, attempting to comfort her friend as best as she can. When he is composed, she is ready to move on.

He leads Aisling down the hall, and to a large wooden stairway. The two rush up, and then around a long curved hallway, this one not lit by any electric lights. After a maze of turns, Bernardo stops at a small wooden doorway. "The Library," he says. The door is locked by a small electronic panel with numbers 1-9. Bernardo taps a combination into the door, and it swings open.

The library is small, no more than a few bookshelves lined with tomes, and a large desk covered in papers, and notes and a massive rectangle with a glass screen. In the middle of the desk is Gazren's book, open to a page depicting multiple ancient ruins. No electric lights are on, but the room is filled with moonlight from a large round window.

Aisling stares at the book for a moment before three guards, all dressed in dark green robes and reeking of consumed Vitae charge into the room. The first in yells, "What the hell do you think you are doing?", before drawing a small black rectangle from his pocket. Bernardo nearly jumps across the room, and Aisling can feel the fear on the boy.

The longing feeling that Aisling has been fighting with since her awakening rears its ugly, messy head in her heart and she feels a single red teardrop run from the corner of her eye. It's swiftly wiped away with the back of a hand - though this does less to clean it and more to smear it across her pale cheek.

She approaches the book, letting her run pale fingertips along the ancient leather of its cover reverently. As the three green-robed guards enter, and the intensity of the yell slams into her forcefully, Aisling turns wide-eyed to the newcomers. Her reaction seems to be a sympathetic response from the fear pouring from Bernardo. She is stiff, and muscles tensed in anticipation. Her glacial blue eyes flit to and fro across the newcomers for a moment, and her mouth opens as if to speak - though it takes her a moment to find her voice.

"Did you not hear the screaming? Did you not hear the way your blood sang? Sorcery is at work. Dark, vile magic." Deceit? Perhaps - Aisling is by no means a competent liar, or versed in social graces, but blood magic was real and the dark works of Lady Blackstar were just as vile to her now as the thought of that damnable collar around her neck.

"I heard Gazren. I heard his voice in my blood. Felt his magic rising to reach a crescendo. Unless Lady Blackstar has more of his possessions, the book and I? We are his only links to this place. I begged and pleaded to be free'd so the sorcery cannot be worked against our Mistress. I must move the book before he can find it! It is not safe here! Death is coming!" Aisling feels her panic rising in the back of her throat like bile, and lets it seep into her words to the guards. She hopes they will be caught up in the surprise and the panic too, hopes they will not question. The urge to run is strong, and she feels her bare toes wiggle and flex on the floor in anticipation.

But she cannot leave Bernardo.

This time, if Aisling chooses to fight, I am going to make it a real combat scene, though fighting is not the only option here.

I don't think Aisling really wants to fight three, especially if she's keen on keeping Bernardo as safe as she can. One large target is a lot easier pickings than three. Should I roll anything here? She's fibbing big time, but hopes the fear she has (of them and being caught again, and for Bernardo's safety) gives them the extra nudge to maybe, just maybe, believe her.

2018-04-02, 07:16 PM
Anna Wu

“we’re so screwed.”Anna thought, “ [i]only thing we can do is try to convince the ones behind us not to kill us.”

“My prince, the Brujah are not a group to let provocations go unanswered. They didn’t want to be here; the only reason they stayed... Are you aware the Lancea are holding one of their number and using that as leverage to extract services from them?”

Anna let the rest of the statement go unsaid, that the Lancea were practically inviting the attack.

“For our part, we had no choice,” Anna said, “we were led to their hideout in an attempt on our lives. The Brujah were instructed to kill us but they don’t like taking orders very much. They only let us go when we agreed to assist them, find a hostage to facilitate an exchange.”

2018-04-02, 08:59 PM
Karl winces, damnit all, "It should also be noted that the individuals in question had been organizing very questionable gatherings. I do not have direct proof of either masquerade violations or other such matters, but they were rallying large groups of armed kine in secret for some unknown purpose. I would not have acted without proof, but when time ran short for such things, I came to the conclusion that they would not be missed when the truth came out."

2018-04-04, 07:51 AM
Before Karl can speak, the Prince responds to Anna's statement, "And you didn't think to come to your Prince, or your Sheriff with this information?Or even to warn us that they had come to town?" The Prince's voice booms through the dark library, his words filled with bile. Even though Anna is on her knees, the boy-monster is still just a little shorter than head height. He walks to Anna and wraps a grubby child's hand around her chin, the little fingers stronger than a mechanized vice, "Don't pretend that you had no responsibility in this... tragedy!" Prince Gorman's leering grin fills Anna's vision, and he commands, "Who led you to the Bruja?".

The voice crashes into Anna's head, and reflexively, like a scream when a finger is snapped in two, Anna blurts, "Screech". There was no room for thought, no room for rebellion, no room to even choose to be honest; the name simply vomits out of Anna's mouth.

Prince Gorman's smile grows, till all of his rotten little teeth are showing, his eyes wide with almost a satisfaction that is almost ecstatic.

"It should also be noted that the individuals in question had been organizing very questionable gatherings. I do not have direct proof of either masquerade violations or other such matters, but they were rallying large groups of armed kine in secret for some unknown purpose. I would not have acted without proof, but when time ran short for such things, I came to the conclusion that they would not be missed when the truth came out."

Schultz marches forward in a blur, his hand out and smashing into Karl's face with a loud slap. "Shut your mouth", he growls, fangs bared like a territorial wolf, eyes filled with hate.

The Prince turns slowly and begins walking Schultz down. As he gets closer, The Sheriff even begins backing up, his countenance changed to one of sudden fear. The figures behind Anna and Karl shift suddenly, moving this way and that. "Silence", The Prince whispers, though his voice still somehow reverberates throughout the gigantic space.

Schultz's lips smack shut, his hands jumping up to his mouth, his eyes growing wide with panic. He cringes back, shielding himself in reaction to a blow that never comes. Then the Prince turns back to Karl. "Who, Ezekiel?", the Prince chuckles, "That Mission District Church is just a cult they use to develop Ghouls. And now Calavera's childe is staked and being held for ransom by some of the lowest and most dangerous Kindred on The West Coast. Strong work Detective." The Prince flashes a mirthful grin, before stepping back to address his two captives. "Do you have anything else to say for yourselves? Any last words in your defense?"

2018-04-05, 08:01 AM
Karl grovels, his only hope now. That cult was actually sanctioned?! "I have only ever sought to serve Invictus, and through it, your grace. That I have apparently, in ignorance, failed in this regard is a matter of deep personal shame, one i wish to atone for. I have proven very useful in the past, please allow me to remain that way."

2018-04-05, 09:46 AM
Anna Wu

Anna looks at Karl, shocked. She wasn’t beneath groveling, not by a long shot, though she wasn’t quite ready yet. Still, she followed suit and placed her palms on the ground and touched her forehead down as well.

“My prince. forgive me for not coming to you, I.. I was afraid.”

“The Brujah were only here in the first place because of their captive member,” Anna said, “but they trust us now, we can still be of use.”

2018-04-05, 11:52 AM
"Enough. No more gibbering, no more movement", howls the Prince. His voice echoes even louder through the chamber, drowning out all other noise. Again the command burrows into Anna and Karl's brains, immediately stopping their pleas. In the silence that follows, there is no movement.

The Prince looks to his Sheriff, both now grinning mad evil grins, and puts out both hands. Such a look of malevolence should not be possible on the face of a boy. Schultz offers up two thin curved knives with handles bound in old leather to The Prince. Stepping forward, the Prince seems to relish the silence, flashing the blades before both Anna and Karl, whose bodies have already betrayed them, already refused to move, to act, to protect.

"Now give me your hands," Prince Gorman commands, placing the blades into Anna and Karl's hands. "You will remember nothing, and you will do exactly as I say!"

As promised, the next night neither Karl nor Anna would remember anything beyond that point, all further memories becoming nothing but a long and terrible shriek in the mind. It would be a night that neither would easily be able to recall, and harder still to talk about. But deep down, both knew in essence what had happened, and that ultimately Prince Gorman had to go!

And this is the end of the first story. Please take one more beat! Thank you for playing. Before starting the second story (which I assume you both are still in for), I will give you each a chance to spend XP. At the second story, both characters will be cleared of all current conditions, but will both have the Shaken (Prince Gorman) condition. Please respond OOC.

************************************************** ******

Aisling snatches up the book and immediately begins her deceit. She and her companion stumble backwards to create a bit more space till Bernardo's back bumps against the hard glass window. The goons look on at Aisling, confused by her actions. They were not so naive to be unable to imagine that the tome contained some form of dark magic, but were not so gullible to be convinced by Aisling's ravings.

Aisling gets one success. She buys enough time to make one action unopposed by the guards. If she decides to fight,
this does not count as a Surprise round, but we will place her at the top of the initiative pile without rolling.

2018-04-05, 04:41 PM
Aisling snatches up the book and immediately begins her deceit. She and her companion stumble backwards to create a bit more space till Bernardo's back bumps against the hard glass window. The goons look on at Aisling, confused by her actions. They were not so naive to be unable to imagine that the tome contained some form of dark magic, but were not so gullible to be convinced by Aisling's ravings.

The panicky Gangrel saw the moment of hesitation. She knew deep down that there wasn't going to be any real way of talking their way out of this at that moment. Her pale blue eyes flickered briefly to the window and, potentially, freedom beyond. She tried to remember how many floors up they were - time spent locked in the cellar had dulled her sense of direction somewhat - but figured that she and Bernardo were likely to be able to walk away from at least a drop of a couple stories. Especially having just fed on the massive bear-like Ghoul in the hallway.
Assuming that they're not more than a couple floors up, Aisling clutched the book tightly to her chest, before taking the moment to try and smash the glass behind her with a quick, blood-fueled strike.

If she was successful, she'd meet Bernardo's gaze apologetically for a moment before grabbing him and pulling him through the window - hoping to angle herself to catch him and absorb the brunt of any impact he may experience.

Aisling gets one success. She buys enough time to make one action unopposed by the guards. If she decides to fight,
this does not count as a Surprise round, but we will place her at the top of the initiative pile without rolling.

I don't remember if they're on the second floor or if they'd climbed higher - off the top of my head.
Do I need to make a roll to break the glass? Or to land safely?

2018-04-07, 06:30 AM
Turning quickly from the guards, Aisling slams Gazren’s book hard into the window. Glass shatters sending shards of glittering jewels to the ground and leaving a good 3 foot in diameter hole in the window frame.

The guards start to press forward as Aisling forces Bernardo through the portal, stalagmites of glass tearing at his clothes. Before they cross the room, Bernardo is tumbling out the window with Aisling following.

Rather than a straight drop, Aisling stumbles onto a slanted tile roof, rolling several times before dropping from ledge. There is a sick thud below her before Aisling hits the ground feet first out of sheer luck, before falling forward onto her hands and knees.

Bernardo is curled up on the ground groaning and holding his shoulder, which hangs limply from its socket. Then Aisling’s blood begins to work for the newly Ghouled youth as muscles begin to pull the humeral head back into it’s socket. Bernardo shrieks, staring at his shoulder and arm as if it were an alien being.

The guards are now coming through the window, but Bernardo is back on his feet, and the two are too far away for much to matter more. Bernardo would lead Aisling to a garage on the other side of a large grape field, where they would get away in an old green flatbed Jeep.

Bernardo would spirit the two away into the night, as Aisling marveled at the vehicle. Eventually, they would end up in a city across a giant rusty red bridge, known as San Francisco.

And thus ends the preludes. Please take a beat. I will post the first scene momentarily. Cheers!

2018-04-07, 07:44 AM
Scene 1

“Politics is theater. It doesn’t matter if you win. You make a statement. You say, ‘I’m here, pay attention to me.’”

-Harvey Milk

“Very few beings really seek knowledge in this world. Mortal or immortal, few really ask. On the contrary, they try to wring from the unknown the answers they have already shaped in their own minds -- justifications, confirmations, forms of consolation without which they can't go on. To really ask is to open the door to the whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the questioner.”

-Anne Rice from The Vampire Lestat

Aisling and Bernardo walked hand in hand along the pedestrian walk of The Bay Bridge. Though she mostly spent her time cooped up in the soggy abandoned apartment they now called home, every once in a while she could stay caged no longer. She had gone out hunting, feeding wildly already, and now she and her Ghoul walked like to vagabond lovers over the salty water, hidden by the night’s fog.

It had only been a few months ago that Bernardo had driven them into this city, fleeing for their lives from the mad witch Lady Stardust.

Strange gibbering voices had called out to Aisling on that drive. The trees of the highway had leered at her with evil faces, though Bernardo had seemed oblivious to this. But she knew, just as she had known centuries ago; the roads between cities are not safe. They are infested with the Weird and the Wild, and they are no habitat for most Kindred. Only the brave and the foolish would venture into woods such as those.

It was hard to say which Aisling cared for more, Bernardo or the iPod. The little plastic ear buds were blaring some violent rock and roll, The Who’s ‘Summertime Blues’, as waves crashed below.

But as she and Bernardo walked, Aisling’s nose picked up a smell that did not fit. It was not the ocean, or the smell of car fumes as they roared over the bridge; it was the smell of ash and carcass. As they walked just a little farther, the smell became more profound. Bernardo seemed not to notice it, but Aisling was certain. He looked at her strangely as she sniffed about, nose lifted to the sky like a dog on the hunt.

Then there it was, on the other side of the guard rail. It was a small computer, like Aisling’s iPod, but it was what Bernardo had referred to as a ‘cellphone’. The thing sat precariously at the ledge of the bridge, practically tottering over the side. It was this device which reeked of ash... reeked of dead Kindred.


Anna and Karl did not talk to each other for the next few nights. The Pulse was filled with news stories about the Bruja attack on The Lancea Sanctum, with all sorts of propaganda and warnings to report any sightings of the vile Bruja. Other news revolved around Julian’s and the Ordo Dracul’s attack on The Carthians compound. Fortunately, neither Karl nor Anna were mentioned in any of these articles.

Since then, tensions had begun to rise between The Carthians and the Ordo, and now gossip revolved just as much around a possible war between The Dragons and the Rabble, as it had around the likely impending violence between D’Agostino and The Prince.

Estella had been unreachable in these last few nights. She never responded to any text or call, and no one seemed to have any idea where she had gone. Sadly, other neonates were noted as missing, and paranoia was at an all time high.

It was a bad time for the Kindred of San Francisco, who were aware of just how precariously their Masquerade hang, and how easily it could be destroyed if city politics turned to all out war.


Karl sat at a table in his office, thumbing the handset to a phone. After Gabe had gotten the Summers kid out of jail, his mother Nancy had dropped them from the case. They had waived their fee and apologized but she had written scathing reviews about their service on every website she could. Karl was not too internet savvy, but he knew enough to know that reviews like this could kill their business.

But that was not what had Karl worked up. He had decided to contact his family... his grandson. If one thing was clear, it was that Schultz had it out for Karl, which meant that Karl had to get his ducks in a row. Karl had to remove some of Schultz’ power, and that meant making sure his grandson was safe somehow. But Karl was not sure what he was going to say, what he was going to do... he just knew that he had to contact his only living relative, Fredrick Rugg.

The phone rings once, twice, a third time, then a voice on the other line, slightly high pitched, but somehow familiar, “Hello?”


Anna sat with her Order in The Grandhall of the Octavia Street Nest. The members of the covenant, 13 in total, sat around a large oak table. It was cliche, but they were actually sipping blood from large wine glasses. A vampire by the name of Dr. Simmons had found a way to preserve the flavor of old blood. It was not as good cold, but it still sat better than feeding off an animal, and was provided for free.

Julian sat next to Anna. Every once in a while he would turn and nod his head, or smile to her. This was the closest that Anna had felt to The Sworn of the Axe.

Conversation had shifted from updates on research, to suddenly discussing Mobius. “Before we go to far,” Julian says, “Anna Wu, you are responsible for the hunting and capturing of our unfortunate neonate,” and with this there is a light applause from those around the table. “Anna, would you please give a short report on your work”, Julian says, turning to Anna. The neonate can feel all eyes locking on her, the gaze of Lady Miho, and of Victor and of her sire. “Please, Anna, whenever you are ready”, Julian says, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

2018-04-07, 10:10 AM
Anna Wu

Anna stood up and took a deep breath.

“At first we weren’t even sure if Mobius was still alive. Most seemed to think he was already dust, but we found emails sent after he disappeared, saying he wanted to get to LA. After we interviewed the Kindred who had seen him last, we received a lead saying he was hiding out in <name of bar>. Unfortunately it was a setup. The Brujah were there, and after some difficult conversations, we found they were to transport Mobius, and where he was currently hiding. We called Julian, who raided the compound, Nova’s compound, where he was hiding, but Mobius slipped out the back. He was going to make a run for the airport to catch a flight out of the city, but I managed to convince him it would be safer to stay in a hotel. We informed Julian of the hotel’s location, and the room number, and Julian was able to recover Mobius.”

2018-04-07, 03:35 PM
Aisling and Bernardo walked hand in hand along the pedestrian walk of The Bay Bridge. Though she mostly spent her time cooped up in the soggy abandoned apartment they now called home, every once in a while she could stay caged no longer. She had gone out hunting, feeding wildly already, and now she and her Ghoul walked like to vagabond lovers over the salty water, hidden by the night’s fog.

It had only been a few months ago that Bernardo had driven them into this city, fleeing for their lives from the mad witch Lady Stardust.

Strange gibbering voices had called out to Aisling on that drive. The trees of the highway had leered at her with evil faces, though Bernardo had seemed oblivious to this. But she knew, just as she had known centuries ago; the roads between cities are not safe. They are infested with the Weird and the Wild, and they are no habitat for most Kindred. Only the brave and the foolish would venture into woods such as those.

It was hard to say which Aisling cared for more, Bernardo or the iPod. The little plastic ear buds were blaring some violent rock and roll, The Who’s ‘Summertime Blues’, as waves crashed below.

But as she and Bernardo walked, Aisling’s nose picked up a smell that did not fit. It was not the ocean, or the smell of car fumes as they roared over the bridge; it was the smell of ash and carcass. As they walked just a little farther, the smell became more profound. Bernardo seemed not to notice it, but Aisling was certain. He looked at her strangely as she sniffed about, nose lifted to the sky like a dog on the hunt.

Then there it was, on the other side of the guard rail. It was a small computer, like Aisling’s iPod, but it was what Bernardo had referred to as a ‘cellphone’. The thing sat precariously at the ledge of the bridge, practically tottering over the side. It was this device which reeked of ash... reeked of dead Kindred.

The first few nights in San Francisco had been a tumultuous time for the Gangrel. Their evening strolls had taken them too close to an airstrip, and the large plane that had roared over them had panicked Aisling and sent her scurrying into a nearby culvert. She had hidden there, whimpering for close to fifteen minutes before Bernardo was able to convince her that it was not a dragon or beast of some kind - but that mankind was now able to fly like the birds.

While they did not have a luxurious life, nor a life filled with the pleasures of wealth - she had Bernardo and the music and she was as close to happy as she could be. There was a part of her, however, that still ached for the truth behind Gazren and the events leading up to her long sleep. The book - her one link to her Sire - was always clutched tightly to her when she slept.

Now, as they walked the aimless gypsy-paths that they somehow followed during these excursions, she caught the scent. When the smell of ash and acrid death were located, she scurried towards the guard rail and leaped upon it - landing in a crouch as she peered curiously down at the small 'cellphone'.
The pale blue of her summer dress - dirty from their wanderings - was further marred as she dropped into the pile of ash and snatched up the strange device to peer at it closer for a moment before turning to Bernardo with those glacial blue eyes. A pale hand scooped up some of the ash before letting it slip through her fingers and drift to be scattered on the breeze.

"One of my kind died here......" it was a simple statement, but there was a wistfulness in her tone. "But look. I found a...." She struggled for the word for just a moment. "A cellphone."

* * * * *

I forgot to add this. Made the changes - I assume I'm still down one willpower?

Humanity: 5
Willpower: 5/6
Health 7
Beats/EXP: 1/0

1. Desires to be find safety and security with trusted allies who will help her learn how to function in the modern world – to find a place to belong in this strange new land.
2. Have a real haven to call her own, and a really big bed.
3. Find out why her Sire put her into Torpor, and why Blackstar has taken such an interest in her and her Sire.
3b Study the diary of Gazren to learn its secrets.

2018-04-07, 04:11 PM
Karl hesitates, far out of his depth here. Eventually he decides on a version of the truth. Trying to put a little more warmth into his voice than normal, he says, "Frederick Rugg? My name is Karl Bauer. I was an old friend of your grandmothers. Do you have time to talk?"

2018-04-09, 04:14 PM
All eyes stay locked on Anna as she explains her experiences from the last few nights. Her sire, Tanaka-San's placid face belies pride, and the other members of the Ordo nod their heads approvingly. Even Victor seems to have let his grudges go, and at the end of Anna's short monologue, there is a quiet applause. A few Elders of the Covenant even curtly bow their heads in approval.

When Anna has finished, Julian rises, gives Anna a polite head-nod of a bow, before addressing the audience. "We have interrogated the young neonate, and it is with disappointment that I can say with certainty that our greatest concerns have been realized. It appears that Mobius allowed himself to be placed under Vinculum of Padre Calavera. Given this weakened state, and his knowledge of some of our Nest's greatest secrets, as Lady Miho's childe," and though no one is impolite enough to turn and stare, Lady Miho bows her head low, her nose pressing against the round wooden table in shame. Julian continues as if the act were unnoticed, "we have to assume that this chapter house and many of our greatest secrets have been compromised, or are in danger of being compromised."

There are murmurs, which Julian allows for a few moments before continuing, "Lady Miho and I have already begun working to tighten security, but after much discussion, we have decided that as soon as possible we will be creating a new Wyrm's Nest in the Asian Art Museum." There are many murmurs, and from what Anna can discern, there is much concern regarding this suggestion. Julian continues, "I will obviously be leading a group to assure the safety of the Museum, before we invest in building a new Wyrm's Nest", and for a short moment, Anna is almost certain Julian glances at her.

"Lastly," Julian says, "there is the issue of The Carthians. Now fortunately, there has been no retaliation from The Rabble, but we cannot expect them to play nicely for long. At best, I suspect they will try to force us into arbitration under Prince Gorman," spasm of fear, "but only time will tell."

... The formal section of the meeting ends shortly after this. Anna is left standing in the corner of the room as members of the Order socialize. She can tell that both Julian and Lady Miho seem to be trying to get her attention. What does Anna do?

************************************************** *******************

Bernardo looks at the phone carefully. The power meter is flashing red. "You're sure this was a... Kindred's?", he ask more with surprise than doubt. "It looks like whomever owned passed a few days ago, just going by all the missed calls and texts." He looks cautiously at Aisling and says, "What should we do with it? It's not like we know too many of the local vampires."

It's fine, you can refresh the WP.

************************************************** *******************

There is a pause on the other end, then the man responds, "Oh, well you want my husband then. Hold on just a moment!" The man calls out, the voice more faded as he must have taken his mouth away from the mouthpiece. "Oh Freddy dear, come here. Someone's calling for you!"

"Hello", a new voice says. This one is deeper, more masculine. Despite the American accent, it is familiar... it sounds like Karl! "This is Fred, how can I help you, Mr...?"

2018-04-09, 04:44 PM
Karl has to suppress a surge of minor irritation, it is out of place and unwarranted. He'd been on edge ever since the Mobius case, or rather how it ended.

Karl repeats himself, "My name is Karl Bauer. I was an old friend of your grandmother's. Do you have time to talk?"

2018-04-09, 07:03 PM
Anna decided to try and patch things up with Lady Miho, as she’d pretty much fled in disgrace the last time they met.

“Lady Miho,” Anna said, bowing low, “I must apologize for my state of mind during our last meeting.”

2018-04-10, 12:04 AM
Bernardo looks at the phone carefully. The power meter is flashing red. "You're sure this was a... Kindred's?", he ask more with surprise than doubt. "It looks like whomever owned passed a few days ago, just going by all the missed calls and texts." He looks cautiously at Aisling and says, "What should we do with it? It's not like we know too many of the local vampires."

Aisling turned the device over in her hands, inspecting it carefully. She glances to Bernardo with a curious expression. "Maybe we should see who it belonged to? Do you know how to turn it on?" She looks around cautiously, as if nervous about being exposed on the side of the bridge next to a dispatched Kindred.

She hunkers down along the bridges walkway, and leans back against the railing, before Aisling presses a button curiously to see what it does.

"Do you think we should try and contact some of the locals? I do not want to get mixed up with more like...." She shudders at the memory of the shock collar. "But maybe some would be sympathetic to us?"

2018-04-10, 07:26 PM
“Oh, hello Mr. Bauer”, Karl’s grandson responds with a hint of restrained concern, “I can talk. If you don’t mind asking, how did you know my Grandmother?”


Lady Miho bows politely as Anna approaches. Following Anna’s apology, she smiles politely and says, “Oh please, Anna dear, no apologies necessary.” The Elder vampire holds her hands interlaced behind her back. “And thank you,” she continues, “for your assistance in bringing my Childe back to us.” There is a hint of bitterness not well hidden in this statement.

She quickly changes topic, placing a hand on Anna’s shoulder. “If you don’t mind me asking, have you seen or heard from Estella, the Invictus woman who was working with you? She... made certain promises to me.” A shrewdness crawls across Lady Miho’s countence with this question. It was something mean, something hard.


Bernardo turns the phone over in his hands. “It’s on,” he says, “but it’s locked. I don’t think I would be able to open it.” He hands the phone back to Aisling.

When Aisling presses the button, the dark screen lights up, showing 48 missed phone calls and a string of red banner messages reporting that the owner has a message via “The Pulse”, whatever that is.

Aisling asks her last series of questions of Bernardo, who shrugs, looking concerned but he does not offer any further suggestions.

Aisling regards the phone, which suddenly alights with the message, “Gabrielle”, as the small box vibrates in short rhythmic bursts in her hand. Bernardo helps Aisling swipe across the screen to answer the phone call.

A girl’s voice comes on the other line. “Hello? Hello! Estella?!”, the voice comes in equal parts fear, anger, relief and excitement.

2018-04-10, 07:49 PM
Anna Wu

“No Miho-san, we’ve been unable to reach her,” Anna replied, “I’m afraid she’s gone missing as well. She had recently taken a ghoul, we might be able to get some answers from her if we can track her down. Would you like me to look into it?”

Assuming Miho answers in the affirmative and there’s not much more to discuss, Anna will promise to let Miho know if she finds anything, then politely excuse herself to go find out what Julian wanted.

2018-04-10, 08:47 PM
Karl continues to tell a version of the truth, for some reason finding himself unable to tell the lies that normally come so easily to him, "She was a great woman, and helped me through a dark time in my life. I owe her a debt I could never repay. I had hoped to reconnect with her, perhaps help her somehow in her latter years, but it seems I am far too late in that regard. You are all that is left of her legacy that I know of."

The old man hesitates, "Listen, I know this is quite unusual, but this foolish old man would like to talk with you, in person, at some point. Would you be willing?"

2018-04-10, 10:55 PM
Bernardo turns the phone over in his hands. “It’s on,” he says, “but it’s locked. I don’t think I would be able to open it.” He hands the phone back to Aisling.

When Aisling presses the button, the dark screen lights up, showing 48 missed phone calls and a string of red banner messages reporting that the owner has a message via “The Pulse”, whatever that is.

Aisling asks her last series of questions of Bernardo, who shrugs, looking concerned but he does not offer any further suggestions.

Aisling regards the phone, which suddenly alights with the message, “Gabrielle”, as the small box vibrates in short rhythmic bursts in her hand. Bernardo helps Aisling swipe across the screen to answer the phone call.

A girl’s voice comes on the other line. “Hello? Hello! Estella?!”, the voice comes in equal parts fear, anger, relief and excitement.

Aisling raises the phone to her ear slowly, and and blinks in momentary confusion. Hesitantly, she speaks - the old accent still thick - with a soft voice. "Um...no...no, I am sorry. But this is not Estella. My name is Aisling. I found her ash..I mean, her phone and was hoping you could help me determine who it belonged to."

She pulls the phone away from her ear, and looks at it in bewilderment for a moment. "Bernardo! This phone is amazing. I am talking to someone....and she is...somewhere else!" She was heedless of how loud she may have been speaking to Bernardo, her mind still trying to wrap itself around the idea of long-distance communication.

2018-04-12, 08:30 AM
Miho does answer in the affirmative, though she makes a valiant effort to make it seem like she does not care and isn't asking Anna for the favor. She politely thanks Anna before she walks away.

When Anna walks up to Julian, he is standing in the corner of the room, simply surveying the going ons. He offers a subdued grin as Anna approaches. After a moment of awkward silence, Julian says, "I wanted to thank you again for your help with Mobius. You did good work." He takes a slow sip of preserved blood, letting the praise sit for a moment.

Julian asks if Anna has heard from Estella yet as well, and when she responds in the negative, he says, "That's not good. Something else to be concerned about. I'll look into the matter, and I suggest you do the same. If Estella has betrayed us in some way now that the blood contract is completed, we could have problems."

Following this discussion, Julian says, "I also wanted to know if you would be interested in assisting with the exploration and Crystalis of the new Wyrm's Nest." Anna remembers rumors of The Museum being haunted or something, but not much else. "You would be officially working for The Ordo this time, and I think you may be more use than some of our other younger members."

************************************************** *****************

Karl's kind words initially seem to comfort his grandson. "Thank you," he says, "that is very... good of you to say." But when Karl brings up meeting in person, there is a moment of hesitance. His pause is followed by words carefully measured, "I'm sorry, but if you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you know my Grandmother?"

Perhaps a Presence/Manipulation + Empathy/Persuasion roll would be appropriate based on what Karl wants to say.

************************************************** ******************

The woman's voice on the other line is frantic, "What do you mean you found the phone? Where's Estella?..." This is followed by a series of curses, which Aisling tunes out as she speaks to Bernardo, who grins back at Aisling. The girl continues to rant, even going so far as to beg for Aisling to find Estella, and the dropping off into accusing Aisling of killing Estella. Ultimately, the girl, who identifies herself as Gabrielle begs Aisling to meet her, so at least she can see Estella's phone.

2018-04-12, 01:04 PM
The woman's voice on the other line is frantic, "What do you mean you found the phone? Where's Estella?..." This is followed by a series of curses, which Aisling tunes out as she speaks to Bernardo, who grins back at Aisling. The girl continues to rant, even going so far as to beg for Aisling to find Estella, and the dropping off into accusing Aisling of killing Estella. Ultimately, the girl, who identifies herself as Gabrielle begs Aisling to meet her, so at least she can see Estella's phone.

Aisling turns her attention back to the obviously panicking woman on the other end of the phone call, blinking owlishly at the ranting and raving. A few times she opens her mouth to respond but ends up silenced as the tirade continues.

Eventually, when this Gabrielle asks to meet, Aisling hums thoughtfully for a moment.
"Yes, of course. Where would you like to meet? It may take me a little bit but I will come there. Please choose somewhere that gives me enough time to return home before the sun rises."

Realizing that nay have been a poor choice of things to say, she quickly ammends her comment.

"I am.....um.....allergic to the sun? No...that is no good. I am.....nocturnal? Yes. That works."

2018-04-12, 01:51 PM
"So you are a vampire then?" the girl says brashly, "I know what that is *******. Just... just meet me at The Night Owl, on Haight. We can meet in an hour if you want. Does that sound good?" Gabrielle's tone is clearly frustrated. She has the anxious insistence of an addict.

The Night Owl is briefly mentioned in the OOC thread under my first post in the "Important Locations" spoiler. You are welcome to do some OOC reading, or let it be a surprise.

2018-04-12, 02:06 PM
"So you are a vampire then?" the girl says brashly, "I know what that is *******. Just... just meet me at The Night Owl, on Haight. We can meet in an hour if you want. Does that sound good?" Gabrielle's tone is clearly frustrated. She has the anxious insistence of an addict.

The Night Owl is briefly mentioned in the OOC thread under my first post in the "Important Locations" spoiler. You are welcome to do some OOC reading, or let it be a surprise.

I'm not sure what she called Aisling since it censored it. Hehe I assume it wasn't a nice name? I'm also going to let it be a surprise.

Aisling frowns, a bit disgruntled from the woman's tone, but sighs softly.
"I am on my way."

She turns to Bernardo with a curious expression, and rubs pale fingers through the disheveled mess of her hair.

"We are going to someplace called the Night Owl. We are meeting this woman shortly."

2018-04-12, 06:05 PM
“Thank you Julian, that is high praise. What will happen to Mobius now?” Anna asked.

“of course, I’ll help with both; what’s the payment? Is there anything I should know about the museum? Will anyone else be helping look into Estella?”

“Julian, I have to ask.. were you present when Karl and I were brought before G-the prince?” she asked in a whisper.

2018-04-12, 06:51 PM
Karl hesitates, "That is... complicated, and not something I'm comfortable with speaking of over the phone. If concerned about my intentions, by all means google my name. I own a Private Detective agency in San Francisco. It is in some ways my job to help people, though I am not calling for that reason."

Manipulation+Persuasion [roll0] Edit: Huh, that really didn't work. I'm tempted to make this a dramatic failure, but that might cause irreparable damage to this relationship.
Potential ten again [roll1]

2018-04-13, 09:33 AM
Bernardo leads Aisling back to his truck, the two moving quickly through the San Francisco evening fog. Neon lights, and a light misting rain blur the windows of the truck en route to "The Night Owl". The two drive by the (what modern people would call a) lounge; a relatively large one story building lit by small candles on cozy tables filled with young couples. Outside stands a massive man in evening attire that barely contains his meaty frame. A small cue of men and women, dressed peculiarly by Aisling's standard, wait outside of The Night Owl waiting to get in. As they drive by, Aisling gets the slightest whiff of Vitae from somewhere, though it's too distant to locate.

Bernardo passes the bar, and parks a few blocks away. He looks at Aisling nervously, and says, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Assuming she answers in the affirmative, he lets her take the lead.

************************************************** *************************

Julian's complexion does not change as he answers, "He will be tortured further. There are answers locked deep in his mind which need to be freed, before we can decide whether it is worth rehabilitating him. Ultimately, I believe..." then he stops himself, thinking better than to continue with that line of thought.

“of course, I’ll help with both; what’s the payment? Is there anything I should know about the museum? Will anyone else be helping look into Estella?”

"No payment", Julian says calmly, "this would simply be in service to The Ordo." "The Museum is intersected by a number of ley-lines, and is a true locus of power, perfect for a Wyrm's nest. But, a long time ago, before I was even Embraced, there was a Horror that controlled the UCSF hospital. When the Dragons wanted to claim the hospital for their own, they found themselves against a foe they could not defeat. Rather than give up, they instead captured the thing and locked it in The Museum, one of the few structures in San Francisco powerful enough to contain it." "I'm going to ask you keep the investigation for Estella quiet. I will do some digging, but we don't want the other Covenants involved, so the less who know about it, the better."

“Julian, I have to ask.. were you present when Karl and I were brought before G-the prince?” she asked in a whisper

There is a look of great concern when Anna asks this questions. The man's dark brows furrow, and he lets go a sudden hiss. "You were brought before the Prince?" Julian whispers angrily, "What happened, what did he ask?" There is little empathy for Anna in his words, only concern and frustration.

************************************************** *******************************

Flatly, Fred responds, "I think it would be best if we talk over the phone more first. Your number came in as 415, which would put you in the San Francisco Bay Area, and well, that's quiet a trip. So what exactly is it that you want Mr. Bauer?"

2018-04-13, 10:04 AM
Karl sighs, "What I said before was the truth, but there is more to it. What I want is to ensure your safety. There's a rather delusional, but dangerous, individual who chose to obtain leverage on me by threatening your well being when I got a little too close to his interests. I've settled the situation, and do not believe you are in immediate danger, but we need to discuss a few things. There's a decent chance he's had people wiretap your phone, so please understand that I'm reluctant to discuss details this way."

ten again[roll1]
Edit: There we go, much better

2018-04-13, 11:41 AM
Bernardo leads Aisling back to his truck, the two moving quickly through the San Francisco evening fog. Neon lights, and a light misting rain blur the windows of the truck en route to "The Night Owl". The two drive by the (what modern people would call a) lounge; a relatively large one story building lit by small candles on cozy tables filled with young couples. Outside stands a massive man in evening attire that barely contains his meaty frame. A small cue of men and women, dressed peculiarly by Aisling's standard, wait outside of The Night Owl waiting to get in. As they drive by, Aisling gets the slightest whiff of Vitae from somewhere, though it's too distant to locate.

Bernardo passes the bar, and parks a few blocks away. He looks at Aisling nervously, and says, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Assuming she answers in the affirmative, he lets her take the lead.

Aisling lets her eyes wander about the line of people who seem to be waiting to get into the establishment, her brow furrowing as she takes in the unusual choice of clothing. She looks down at herself in consternation - the pale blue sundress she had stolen already showing signs of dirt and general wear and tear. Long tangled black hair is damp and clinging to her bare shoulders and across her face while she wiggles her bare toes in the puddle she's standing in.

Hearing Bernardo's concerned inquiry, she nods resolutely. "We need to make some friends. Have you ever been here before?"

Aisling takes Bernard's hand, and steps towards the large, meaty man at the door - nose twitching slightly at the scent of the vitae nearby.

"Pardon me, sir. My friend and I are supposed to meet a woman named Gabrielle here. Do you know her?" She has ignored the queue to get into the lounge entirely for the moment.

2018-04-13, 08:52 PM
Anna Wu

“I’ll try her ghoul first,” Anna said regarding Estella.

“What if we bonded him to someone else?” Anna asked of Mobius, “wouldn’t he then be able to speak freely?”

“I’d be happy to help with the museum, what more can you tell me, who will I be working with?” she asked.

“We were staked and brought before him by the Sheriff for helping the Brujah. Somehow they knew,” Anna said, “Julian... he’s so powerful.... I can only remember bits and pieces... he commanded me not to remember anything but it must not have taken very well. I know I was compelled to give up Screech as the one who led us to the Brujah in the first place; he tried to get rid of us. There were other people in the room with us but I can’t remember who. Then at the end of the night, something happened, we were tortured maybe? I don’t know...”

2018-04-14, 08:44 AM
So I’m reducing the roll down to a single D10 for repeated attempts and the outrageousness of the explanation/request (while it is technically probably true). Of course, Karl still gets a success. See below.

Fred’s response was still incredulous, but he had not hung up yet on Karl, which was a good sign. “Excuse me?”, he responds, “I’m sorry, but even if that is true, you can’t expect me to accept all of this from some stranger who calls me in the middle of the night.”

There is a pause, then a sigh, then the voice on the other line says, “Let’s just... well supposing what you say is true, then anything you will be telling me, this villain already knows, so why don’t you just go ahead and tell me what you need to. I’m sorry, but I’m not flying somewhere, because someone who claims to have known my grandmother tells me to.”


In regards to Anna’s question about Mobius, Julian responds, “Blood bonds are not that simple, and enslaving someone to your will is still kinda a touchy subject, even for some Elder Vampires. As is we have already created enough of a scene in San Francisco over Mobius, and so I think a public solution may be required. The Ordo has done a good job of staying neutral in San Francisco politics, which helps to keep us safe. There’s no point in giving The Carthians or the Lancea a reason to retaliate. It may upset Lady Miho, but I think even she knows what the best solution is at this point.”

“I haven’t finished figuring out who will be working with us on The Museum case,” Julian responds. “I’ll probably bring Vigo. He’s competent in a fight at least, but we will likely need one of Miho’s best if we are going to have any luck. I’m still not sure how we are going to deal with The Dark One, but we have a number of our best researchers on the job right now. I’ll let you know more, as the information becomes available.”

When Anna responds regarding the Prince, Julian’s eyes harden and something like a perturbed concern spreads across his lips. “That sounds... awful” he says in a patient monotone, “Gorman certainly has a way of keeping order and getting what he wants. I try to stay out of city politics, but I wouldn’t be surprised if his reign comes to an end soon, one way or the other. He’s just built too many enemies, gotten too old, and too rigid in his attempt to maintain control. But you are right, he is damn powerful, and very very dangerous. Be careful Anna, if you have the Prince’s disfavor, your nights may become very very tough”.

Thoughts of that night send a painfully cold stab down Anna’s back, and a pounding behind her eyes as if she were experiencing a mortal headache.

2018-04-14, 09:22 AM
Anna Wu

what does Anna know about horrors or dark ones? [intelligence + occult: [roll0]

Anna nodded quietly about Mobius. She felt a tug at her heartstrings at his probable fate but truth be told, he wasn’t a fledgling and he should have come for help long before there was an issue. There was only so much she could do before she started jeopardizing herself, and she had enough problems as it was.

“You think there will be fighting?” Anna asked, regarding the museum.

“Who can I go to to learn more about what sits beneath the museum?” she asked.

Regarding Gorman: “I understand, I’ll try to be careful,” she said, “any idea why he didn’t just have us killed?”

Anna shook her head.
“I’m sorry, it hurts to think about that night,” she said, massaging her temple.

2018-04-14, 10:24 AM
Karl nods, halfway forgetting that his grandson couldn't see it. Good, the boy wasn't a fool. "Good, don't just accept it from a stranger, do your research. Bauer and Hudson in San Francisco, google it. You can confirm that the business has been established for some time, and that the number I'm calling from is listed on the website as that of one Karl Bauer, a private detective who has done a good deal of respected work."

"My profession would also probably help explain how I could get caught up in such a bizarre scenario to begin with, and unfortunately in this instance, get others caught up as well. I must apologize for this mess, you don't deserve it."

"This man doesn't know everything, and I would rather not give him anything more than he already has, suffice it to say that he thinks our relationship is a lot closer. As to flying up to San Francisco, I'm not asking that, I was going to come see you if you think you can trust me that much before hearing the whole thing. Not least because I would like to confirm whether or not your home is under surveillance."

Karl has an idea, and starts looking through his contacts for someone capable of blood magic who might be approachable and could be trusted. Someone with whom a bargain could be made. This would be worth a boon or two.

2018-04-15, 08:50 AM
Hearing Bernardo's concerned inquiry, she nods resolutely. "We need to make some friends. Have you ever been here before?"

Bernardo shrugs his scrawny shoulders and grins a little foolishly, as if to say, ‘how would I have ever been here’. He allows himself to be led by the hand up to the bouncer.

The giant guard eyes the two as they approach. Both are clearly underage; the barefoot girl in a hand-me-down thrift store blue summer dress completely inappropriate for the evening chill, and the boy a Latino in cheap baggy jeans and a tacky striped polo shirt. The two can feel the eyes and ire of those waiting in line pressing on them as well, as they approach the entrance.

It is only when Aisling gets right in front of the guard, that she realizes that the scent of Vitae, or at least some of it, is coming from this Ghoul.

"Pardon me, sir. My friend and I are supposed to meet a woman named Gabrielle here. Do you know her?" She has ignored the queue to get into the lounge entirely for the moment.

The man instantly becomes so irritated that his mouth initially stumbles to find words. His brows knit and his eyes narrow as his mouth works to form sounds that just won’t come out. “Oh God Damn it!” he growls to himself when the floodgate does finally release. “You are here to see Gabrielle?” He says this with as much incredulity as frustration. He looks over at the line of anxious club goers.

He leans towards the two and in a low voice says, “I can’t let the two of you...” then apparently changing his mind, “Sheeeet. Fine. Just... just go in. I don’t even care.” He steps aside and opens a large swinging door for the two to enter.

The inside of The Night Owl is dark, lit only by the many small candles placed on the many low tables. The air is thick with the scent of mortal sweat and many perfumes. The ceiling is rich dark wood, ornately carved to depict the thorn like branches of trees with taxedermied owls and ravens peering down at the club goers.

Mahogany leather couches, and fine wooden chairs crowd around various coffee tables and loungers, and couples nestle together, or stare eye to eye across from each other apparently confident in their intimate privacy. In the far corner of the room is a girl, maybe just a little older than Aisling, with raven black hair. Her pale skin has been powdered to a chalky white, and her eyes are heavily lined with black mascara. When the two enter, she immediately stands up, staring at the two, waiting for them to approach.

There is the scent of Vitae here too, some coming from the girl, but something stronger from elsewhere as well. There are Kindred in here, somewhere. The sensation should rile Aisling. Like a dog who realizes it has walked into the lair of a pack of wolves, just as they begin to surround her.


Anna thinks back to her training on the occult, but realizes this is probably the first she has heard of The Dark One or any other such horror. She knows that Loci are sites of power, and that they often attract all sorts of strange and terrible creatures, but this is little more than her knowledge that yes, there are probalby other supernatural denizens out there. She has yet to learn what is simply superstition versus what monsters truly do lurk in the darkest corners of the city.

When Anna asks if there will be fighting, Julian replies, “I don’t know. There will be conflict for sure. We will have to find a way to defeat or destroy The Dark One. I just don’t know if we can do it by physical means. “

“Who can I go to to learn more about what sits beneath the museum?” she asked.

“Your sire is one of the oldest Kindred in our Covenant”, Julian replies patiently. “Otherwise, you could talk to Lady Miho and her group of lore keepers.”

If Anna has nothing more to ask, Julian smiles and thanks her for her work, before stepping back into the center of the hall to speak with Vigo.

Anything else before I move this along?Perhaps a chat with Victor?


Karl’s grandson sighs on the other line, perhaps exasperation, perhaps in an attempt to calm himself. “Look”, he says, “you don’t have to come down here. Isn’t that a lot of effort just to speak with a friend’s family member. I’m still not sure, why you are so invested in me, anyways, though if you are sincere, I appreciate it.”

There is a pause before he says, “Isn’t there any other way we could talk? Perhaps skype? I mean isn’t there some form of secure communication?”

While the man asks, Karl begins wracking his brain for ideas of ways to get some blood to his Grandson. Perhaps the mad scientists of The Ordo Dracul had found some way to preserve Vitae. Otherwise, it would have to come from the Lancea Sanctum, who Karl had no connections with. Perhaps he could look to someone in the Invictus to help him make a connection, or perhaps he could even reach out to the despicable Screech, lord knows what sorts of favors the unaligned Nosferatu could pull.

2018-04-15, 11:13 AM
Bernardo shrugs his scrawny shoulders and grins a little foolishly, as if to say, ‘how would I have ever been here’. He allows himself to be led by the hand up to the bouncer.

The giant guard eyes the two as they approach. Both are clearly underage; the barefoot girl in a hand-me-down thrift store blue summer dress completely inappropriate for the evening chill, and the boy a Latino in cheap baggy jeans and a tacky striped polo shirt. The two can feel the eyes and ire of those waiting in line pressing on them as well, as they approach the entrance.

It is only when Aisling gets right in front of the guard, that she realizes that the scent of Vitae, or at least some of it, is coming from this Ghoul.

The man instantly becomes so irritated that his mouth initially stumbles to find words. His brows knit and his eyes narrow as his mouth works to form sounds that just won’t come out. “Oh God Damn it!” he growls to himself when the floodgate does finally release. “You are here to see Gabrielle?” He says this with as much incredulity as frustration. He looks over at the line of anxious club goers.

He leans towards the two and in a low voice says, “I can’t let the two of you...” then apparently changing his mind, “Sheeeet. Fine. Just... just go in. I don’t even care.” He steps aside and opens a large swinging door for the two to enter.

Aisling blinks owlishly at the brusque and somewhat rude dismissal - though at least he's not impeding their way into the Night Owl. Clutching the hem of the pale dress, she gives a little curtsied bow to the Ghoul bouncer - a throwback to her upbringing so, so long ago.

Then, she flickers a quick glance at Bernardo before leading him inside.

The inside of The Night Owl is dark, lit only by the many small candles placed on the many low tables. The air is thick with the scent of mortal sweat and many perfumes. The ceiling is rich dark wood, ornately carved to depict the thorn like branches of trees with taxedermied owls and ravens peering down at the club goers.

Mahogany leather couches, and fine wooden chairs crowd around various coffee tables and loungers, and couples nestle together, or stare eye to eye across from each other apparently confident in their intimate privacy. In the far corner of the room is a girl, maybe just a little older than Aisling, with raven black hair. Her pale skin has been powdered to a chalky white, and her eyes are heavily lined with black mascara. When the two enter, she immediately stands up, staring at the two, waiting for them to approach.

There is the scent of Vitae here too, some coming from the girl, but something stronger from elsewhere as well. There are Kindred in here, somewhere. The sensation should rile Aisling. Like a dog who realizes it has walked into the lair of a pack of wolves, just as they begin to surround her.

The decor of the Night Owl strikes a familiar chord within Aisling - memories of crawling through overgrown briar patches, running under thick forested canopies while the sounds of the forest at night rise like a symphony around her. She peers curiously at the stuffed birds above her for a moment, before the strong scene of the Vitae washes over her.

A hand clenches involuntarily around Bernard's own, and the Gangrel maiden's muscles tense in apprehension. Pale blue eyes blow wide as she takes in the surroundings a bit more warily. Seeing whom she assumes is Gabrielle, Aisling creeps forward slowly - her posture becoming a little hunched and her step light as if prepared to bolt at the slightest provocation.

Hesitantly, her thickly-accented voice rises past her pale lips. "G..Gabrielle? My...na..name is Aisling. O'Donnell."

2018-04-15, 11:34 AM
The girl flinches when Aisling says her name. She is standing, staring square at Aisling and Bernardo. Hands balled in fists, the girl responds, “What happened to Estella?” She doesn’t even respond to Aisling’s introduction, doesn’t even seem to hear it.

The smell of Vitae comes from this girl as well. She is clearly a Ghoul, and from the looks of it, one who is in desperate need of some Vitae. Her eyes are clouded and glassy, the whites bloodshot. Her dark hair looks disheveled and unwashed, and now that Aisling is closer, she can see the girl’s makeup is in desperate need of retouching.

2018-04-15, 11:40 AM
The girl flinches when Aisling says her name. She is standing, staring square at Aisling and Bernardo. Hands balled in fists, the girl responds, “What happened to Estella?” She doesn’t even respond to Aisling’s introduction, doesn’t even seem to hear it.

The smell of Vitae comes from this girl as well. She is clearly a Ghoul, and from the looks of it, one who is in desperate need of some Vitae. Her eyes are clouded and glassy, the whites bloodshot. Her dark hair looks disheveled and unwashed, and now that Aisling is closer, she can see the girl’s makeup is in desperate need of retouching.

"I...do not...know?" She shrugs her shoulders helplessly, and digs the phone out of her dress to show Gabrielle. "I found this sitting in ash....on the...um....the....big red bridge." She searches for the name, though comes up blank before simply describing where she found it.

Her pale eyes sweep around the room again, as if seeking some assurance that she is not, in fact, going to be attacked here.

"I am....not from here. I have never met your Estella. I am....sorry."

2018-04-15, 05:39 PM
Anna thanked Julian, prromised to be in touch, then sought out Victor for a quick chat to try and smooth things over.

yes, I also want to move thing forward. Anna has a lot to do, will post multiple lines of text messaging next post to try and catch up with everyone. Main thing though is to call Gabrielle, hopefully find out they have estella’s phone, hen head over there, retrieve it, and get Julian to have someone paychometry it and try to find out what happened. Also meet up with aisling and bring her into the party.

2018-04-15, 09:35 PM
Karl continues, "Believe it or not, it would actually be faster and easier to make the visit than to set up a com link I trust. Forgive me, but I have reason to be paranoid."

"As to traveling a long way, It is my fault you may be in danger, even if I had no reason to care about you personally, it is still my responsibility to fix this mess. I know this is a bit confusing and hard to believe, but I swear that it will make more sense when you have the whole picture, and that I mean no harm."

As he speaks, Karl types out a message on the Pulse, for Anna. The one Ordo member he trusts. "Greetings. I have a need to preserve vitae in a stable form. Is the Ordo capable of such? I would rather not turn to sorcery."

2018-04-16, 08:07 PM
Gabrielle’s mouth opens with an initial fury, which suddenly turns slack and she offers little more than a sob, slowly falling down into her chair. “I... I don’t know what happened to her. What am I going to do?” The girl begins to blubber, hot tears pooling around her eyes and spilling over down her cheeks.

The self pity ends as quickly as it came. She takes a few shaky breaths in and out before wiping her eyes and effectively turning her eye liner into muddy streaks. “I’m sorry, she says. I guess this is not very fair of me. Estella was my... my Love I guess. And I only just met her. I guess it’s just hard to imagine that she is gone.”

Then the girl’s phone rings. She picks it up slowly, then recognizing the name on the other line, answers the phone.

“Hello Anna,” the girl says, sounding somewhat hopeful all of a sudden, “I don’t know if you can help me, but I... I don’t know what happened to Estella. I can’t get a hold of her, or find her. Another Vampire found her cellphone, but I don’t know what happened to her.” Her words pour out before Anna even has a chance to say hello.


“Okay”, Fred says, “and how will we decide on a meeting place that is safe if all forms of communication are as insecure as you say they are?. The man is beginning to sound frustrated, or exasperated. Karl can hear him tapping; either a hand or a foot in the distance, hurriedly.

There is a pause, before he speaks with sudden excitement. “How about this; why don’t you just send me a little more information for now, proving to me that you aren’t just screwing with me for pleasure or for business, and I’ll have my husband build us a secure online chat. He’s a tech wizard, I swear to god.”

Sorry for making this difficult, but I don’t exactly think this line of thought is making much sense, and I would rather Karl stays in San Francisco where he can interact with the rest of the player characters and take part in the main storyline. Unless you have an idea about how this can be resolved more simply.

2018-04-16, 08:45 PM
Anna Wu

"I'm coming to meet you; where are you?" Anna asked, assuming Gabrielle tells her: "Don't touch the phone any more than you have to, I'll be there as soon as I can, bye."

Before she left, she sought out Victor.

"Victor, I'm needed elsewhere but, if I asked for your assistance, would you be willing to help out on a small side project of mine?" Anna asked, "think it over, let me know if you're interested."
If he pushes further, she'll simply say: "Reliable blood supply."

On the way to her car, Anna sent a series of text messages:

Screech: Can you meet in Elysium?
Karl: I think we need a safe-house, thoughts?
Celestine: How are you, sorry I've been out of touch, I will tell you all about it the next time we meet. Free tomorrow early evening?
Daniel: Still on for Saturday night?
Kenji (her sire and mentor): Sorry I missed you tonight. I wanted to ask, is there any way to preserve vitae? It's a request from an acquaintance. Are you free to meet this week?
Julian: Someone found Estella's phone. I'm going to retrieve it. Can you yourself or can you pull in someone to use auspex to try and find out what happened or who was responsible before we try to break into it and see her last communications?
Katie: How are you, how's life?

After pressing send on the last message, Anna hopped into her car and took off for Gabrielle, and Estella's phone.

2018-04-16, 09:08 PM
Karl pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. The boy would never believe what he had to say over the phone or whatever online equivalent his... husband cooked up. He would have to FEEL it.

Husband, that would take some getting used to. The old vampire knows times have changed, but... Karl shakes himself, he lost all rights to judge the boy's, no, the man's life long ago, if he ever had any.

On to the problem at hand, perhaps he could peak Fred's interest enough to make him change his mind about meeting in person. he starts rummaging through the few mementos of his old life he still kept. "Very well, I'll trust in his expertise. As to some measure of proof, perhaps this will do for the moment. A picture I've hung onto for a long time. Your grandmother and grandfather. I do not know how much you know of Friedrich Schulz, she left him behind to come to America."

Karl will quickly take and send two images of the picture mentioned, one showcasing the age of the item in question, the other showing as much detail of the faces as possible, to make recognition easier.

On receiving the text from Anna, he replies, "After the incident with the Prince, it might be safer to pretend to not know each other any more. Then again, I'm uncertain how much that would help, and a safe haven would be considerably easier to maintain with someone I can trust. Let me think on it." Heh, trust, its been a long time since there's been someone other than Gabe Karl would use that word for. But after what he and Anna had gone through...

Karl was pushing to head to LA for a brief visit because the expected response to someone calling and babbling about vampires is to hang up, even if they claim to have proof. So, yeah, trying to avoid that scenario.

2018-04-17, 02:59 AM
Gabrielle’s mouth opens with an initial fury, which suddenly turns slack and she offers little more than a sob, slowly falling down into her chair. “I... I don’t know what happened to her. What am I going to do?” The girl begins to blubber, hot tears pooling around her eyes and spilling over down her cheeks.

The self pity ends as quickly as it came. She takes a few shaky breaths in and out before wiping her eyes and effectively turning her eye liner into muddy streaks. “I’m sorry, she says. I guess this is not very fair of me. Estella was my... my Love I guess. And I only just met her. I guess it’s just hard to imagine that she is gone.”

Then the girl’s phone rings. She picks it up slowly, then recognizing the name on the other line, answers the phone.

“Hello Anna,” the girl says, sounding somewhat hopeful all of a sudden, “I don’t know if you can help me, but I... I don’t know what happened to Estella. I can’t get a hold of her, or find her. Another Vampire found her cellphone, but I don’t know what happened to her.” Her words pour out before Anna even has a chance to say hello.

Aisling is quiet while Gabrielle descends into sobbing, but despite her unease at the current location she shuffles a bit closer and lays a - what she hopes is comforting - hand on the girls shoulder gently.

When she composes herself, Aisling smiles a bit awkwardly. "I...know what it's like to lose your Love. My Sire was everything to me. Then he staked me, and buried me in Ireland for a very long time. Now....I am in a strange new world with no answers as to why, or what I did wrong."

The call that Gabrielle receives prompts a glance to Bernardo, curiosity and more than a healthy dose of trepidation lingering in the glacial blue eyes. When the call ends, Aisling turns her gaze back to Gabrielle. "This...Estella? Did she ghoul you? Give you her blood?" She purses her pale lips in thought, and her brow furrows for a moment. "I could...give you a bit more if....if you wanted."

She feels sorry for the young woman, not much older than she was when Gazren ferried her off into the woods to be His. Perhaps, somehow, she could offer something to make her feel a bit better? It wouldn't hurt to have more allies - friends - in this strange place.

2018-04-17, 07:57 PM
Gabrielle tells Anna that she is at The Night Owl, which Anna remembers is a cocktail lounge owned by Nicholas D’Agostino, the Invictus rival to Prince Gorman. Gabrielle agrees to stay.

Victor seems hesitant, even after Anna tells him what it’s about, but she is in a rush, and so he simply says with a smirk, “When you are ready, let me know what it’s about and what’s in it for me, and we’ll talk.” He shakes her hand before letting her leave.

Screech’s text response reads, “Oh, so we’re friends again,” followed by a winky emoji, “Sure. It would be a pleasure.” He asks for a time and a place.

Celestine responds, “Understood. I hope everything is okay.” There is a long gap; about 15 minutes before the second text comes, “I miss you”. The phrase is very out of place for Celestine. The Wus rarely expressed their emotions so openly.

Daniel’s text is non-commital, “Sure.” As if he did not really care.

The Sire’s response, “Lancea Sanctum Blood Magic. My domain will always be yours my Childe.”

Julian, “Of course. Bring the phone to The Nest. We’ll have Lady Miho do it.” Then a second text, “You work fast Anna. Very impressive.”

Katie: “I’m really good. Aunty is looking amazing. It’s a fricking miracle!!!” A second text reads, “Thank you so much Anna for all the support this last week or two. You are amazing.”

I’m going to give Anna a post or two to finish her text conversations before having her appear at The Night Owl if that’s okay with you.


“I... I know very little about my grandmother’s past life. She never really talked about The Old Country that much” Fred responds with a hint of hesistation. He sighs and says, “She always seemed afraid to talk about her time in Germany, except from when she was a kid. I guess we all assumed it had to do with... well World War II and the Nazis.” There is now shame in the man’s voice.

Just out of curiosity, would this be a picture of Karl in Nazi uniform? I would assume it would be given party pride and how formal photos were back then.


Gabrielle’s eyes grow wide and greedy. She quickly shakes her head and says, “Yes. Yes, I think I need some. It feels like I may die without more. Is that what Estella did to me? Did she curse me to need her blood to live?”

She reaches a frail hand to her chest, her face flushing rosy with blood, such a rush that Aisling can smell and hear the pooling blood.

2018-04-17, 08:27 PM
Anna Wu

Screech: i mostly just wanted to make sure you were still alive. <raspberry emoji> Night owl, 3am.

Celestine: I miss you too, we’ll meet soon, early tomorrow evening?

Karl: you'll need to go to the Spear for that...

Julian: just got lucky, I’ll be back ASAP.

Katie: Life is full of ups and downs, I’ll take the ups wherever I can. How’s school? How’s life?

im ok to move on to the night owl if you are.

2018-04-17, 08:36 PM
"I could fill in some of those gaps if you wish, but for the moment, do you believe my claim that I am being sincere in this matter?"

Karl winces upon reading Anna's text, replying simply, "I was afraid of that, nevertheless, I appreciate the inquiry."

The detective starts flipping through his files again, looking for someone he could reasonably trust as an intermediary to the Lancea, to keep his own involvement anonymous.

Just out of curiosity, would this be a picture of Karl in Nazi uniform? I would assume it would be given party pride and how formal photos were back then.
That might be a tossup. Karl works and worked for the people in charge. Party pride wasn't his thing beyond what was necessary to fit in. I see him as more likely to treasure something more personal than that, in more casual clothing. But I'm uncertain if he would have one of that sort to grab when his life changed. Might have to just flip a virtual coin. I will say that if he has the choice now, he would pick an image without a uniform.

2018-04-17, 09:14 PM
Gabrielle’s eyes grow wide and greedy. She quickly shakes her head and says, “Yes. Yes, I think I need some. It feels like I may die without more. Is that what Estella did to me? Did she curse me to need her blood to live?”

She reaches a frail hand to her chest, her face flushing rosy with blood, such a rush that Aisling can smell and hear the pooling blood.

Aisling laughs softly, and while it's a pretty sound it's also somewhat alien and perhaps a bit awkward given Aisling's distance from normal social cues and behavior.

"You would not die, as I understand. It would make you feel wonderful and strong and flush with life for as long as you continue to be fed. But if you do not partake of the Vitae, you would not die, though it may feel like it at times. You would not need blood to live save for you becoming a Vampire yourself."

Aisling looks around the room again, hackles still raised and tension still in her small body. "Do you have someplace quiet we could go? I do not wish to antagonize those who dwell here."

2018-04-19, 07:26 AM
Screech's response to Anna comes about 10 minutes later, just as she is parking, "Okay, I'll see what I can do."

Celestine's text comes much quicker in comparison. It reads, "Very well. Thank you."

"All good." Katie responds, "Kinda started seeing this guy. But don't tell Mom."

See below

************************************************** ***************************

There is a long pause on the other line as Karl waits for his grandson's response. "I guess," the man responds, "it's just a lot; you know what I mean? But I guess I don't have much choice. And Hannah never spoke much of her past." There is another long pause, before he says, "Thank you Mr. Bauer. I guess we will be in touch soon. What is the best way for me to reach you?"

Karl has no merit contacts Lancea Sanctum. While he probably has met or knows of a few Lancea members, there are probably none he knows who would be willing to do him any favors, and the Lancea tends to be very very secretive about their "Blood Magic". Karl's best bet would be to go through another Invictus member or Screech and pull a favor to talk to someone. Obviously he would then have to do a favor to get some preserved blood from a Spear member. An alternative option may be to reach out directly to the Lancea and betray the Bruja, perhaps tell the Spear where they are hiding out ect in response for a favor, though that may be very very dangerous.

************************************************** ****************************

Gabrielle, slumped in the chair, leans forward, hands balled into fists. "So I've become addicted?" she growls, "It's like some kind of drug!"

Bernardo too looks at Aisling, shock and concern suddenly lining and aging his countenance.

Gabrielle raps her fingers on the fine wooden table once, in punctuation, before saying, "Just do it here. No one is paying attention." She bows her head, looking somewhat embarrassed by her need for the Vitae, despite her revelation.

Before Aisling can respond, or defend herself, she is overwhelmed by the scent of Vitae. The fine hairs on her arms and neck spring to life, and her entire body charges with a sudden animal fury.

A Shadow of a Vampire approaches, with pale moon kissed skin and shoulder length black hair. The woman looks sternly at Gabrielle, who stares back at her knowingly.

I will let TC introduce Anna further. I apologize for the magical time hopping. Lets just pretend that The Night Owl is very close to The Wyrm's Nest.

2018-04-19, 08:42 AM
Anna Wu

“Gabrielle, are you okay?” Anna asked.

Assuming Gabrielle says something not completely unexpected, Anna holds a plastic ziploc bag open.

“Put the phone in here please,” Anna said, “we’re going to try and find Estella.”

Assuming Gabrielle does so, Anna then takes a seat.

“Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met,” Anna said addressing Bernardo and Aisling for the first time, “I’m Anna.”

2018-04-19, 09:08 AM
"This number works well enough, just be careful what you say if calling from home until I get a chance to clear it. Let me know when your husband is ready."

He hesitates, then says, "Whatever else happens, never be ashamed of where you came from. Your life is your own, and your grandmother was a good person caught in a bad situation."

2018-04-19, 03:39 PM
Gabrielle responds that she is okay, though she neither looks like, nor sounds like it. The young Ghoul complies and hands the phone over to Anna placing it in the ziplock bag without considering Aisling's reaction to losing the phone that she found. She says nothing on behalf of Aisling, and simply quiets, perhaps having learned her lesson regarding letting the Kindred speak.

Bernardo also keeps quiet, seeming to watch the interactions between each person with something like guarded curiosity.

************************************************** ***************

There is a momentary pause, before in sudden realization Fredrick says, "I could go out and call you from a pay phone if you want. That's probably not bugged, and will allow you to speak on what you wanted. That may be even more secure than an online server, since they won't be able to predict which phone I use."

2018-04-19, 06:25 PM
Karl states, "If you prefer, that should work, but if you feel uneasy when stepping out, trust your instincts. Most people notice more than they're aware of consciously."

2018-04-19, 06:46 PM
Anna pats Gabrielle’s thigh under the table reassuringly, hoping to give her at least a little comfort.

2018-04-19, 07:03 PM
Aisling furrows her brow thoughtfully at the declaration of Vitae being like a drug. The concept of drugs is still alien to her, and she cards her fingers through the wild – and still damp – mane of rich, black hair as she tries to formulate a response to the Ghoul and her behavior.

Before words can slip from her mouth, she freezes and her pupils dilate as the whiff of vitae grows stronger. Another vampire is present. She whips about in a sudden panic, eyes blown wide as she takes in Anna’s appearance on the scene.

The Gangrel takes a tentative step back, her posture hunching much like a skittish animal as she reaches out to take Bernardo’s hand in her own – an unconscious gesture to both ground her and to be able to hopefully keep him safe if this vampire has hostile intentions.

While Anna hasn’t made any threatening moves towards Bernardo or herself, it’s obvious that she is uncomfortable from her body language. When Anna speaks to her, she stammers out a response to the young woman.

”I…um…I am Aisling O’Donnell, daughter of the Earl of Tyr Connell.” The introduction seems a bit stilted, though it holds the edge of one accustomed to their birth having some meaning – despite the fact that her family has long since faded to obscurity, and the world having moved on in her long sleep.

She gasps softly as the phone is placed in the plastic bag, the sound full of longing and the loss of her new toy, and suddenly she feels a rising panic beyond the norm for simply being in uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situations.

She suddenly blurts out, perhaps without thinking and wholly without any concept of tact or decorum. ”I found it in a pile of ash on the big red bridge!”

2018-04-19, 08:09 PM
Anna Wu

Anna took in Aisling’s appearance more carefully. The fact that she called it the big red bridge meant she wasn’t from around here. Added to that the strange introduction, the clothing, and hair and skittish nature...

“This phone belongs to Estella,” Anna said, “she is our friend and we’re going to use it to look for her, as she has gone missing and we are very concerned. You need a phone of your very own. Would you like me to arrange that for you?”

Regardless of the answer: “Can you show us where you found it? I can drive us there.” Anna asked.

2018-04-19, 09:06 PM
Anna Wu

Anna took in Aisling’s appearance more carefully. The fact that she called it the big red bridge meant she wasn’t from around here. Added to that the strange introduction, the clothing, and hair and skittish nature...

“This phone belongs to Estella,” Anna said, “she is our friend and we’re going to use it to look for her, as she has gone missing and we are very concerned. You need a phone of your very own. Would you like me to arrange that for you?”

Regardless of the answer: “Can you show us where you found it? I can drive us there.” Anna asked.

Aisling nods slowly, thoughtfully as Anna speaks, but she casts a longing glance to Bernardo. She's torn between bringing him with them, and sending him back to their home where it may be safer.

"Um...yes? I would like that very much. Thank you, so very much!" Aisling turns to Bernardo and presses her forehead against his while wrapping her arms around him slowly. "Bernardo, I will go with this vampire to show them the ash.....please, go home and wait for me there? Lock the door and be...be safe...please?" He has his truck. He would be fine. He had to be fine.

She turns back to Anna for a moment. "Could you get a...phone for my...for Bernardo too?"

2018-04-19, 09:56 PM
Anna Wu

Anna paused.

"No problem. Yes, I can do that (get a phone for Bernardo too). I assume you have some way to get in touch with him?" Anna asked.

If not, Anna will suggest figuring out a way to get in touch before splitting up.
"Bernardo um, I guess we can talk more when you get your phone," Anna said, "sorry for the rush, but time is in short supply tonight, it seems."

At the car:
"Gabrielle, would you mind sitting in the back, I have a few questions for Aisling," Anna said, "it's a good idea to pay attention but keep your questions for later, I'll answer everything I can, in private."

After they were secure in the vehicle (a black porche) and on their way, Anna turned to Aisling.

"You're obviously not from around here... what's your story?" she asked.
Whether or not Aisling answers, once she's done talking, Anna asks her pointedly (unless Aisling mentioned it as part of her story).
"Does the P-Prince know you're here?" she asked. The young Kindred winced and shook her head as if she had a sudden mild headache at the mention of the Prince.

2018-04-20, 07:56 AM
OOC: Slight rewind

Just as the group gets ready to leave The Night Owl, a well dressed man in a finely tailored charcoal grey suit approaches, followed by another oversized bouncer, this one with much darker skin and long tangled dreadlocks. The man is obviously Kindred. He has darkly tanned skin and well groomed hair, which glistens with the sheen of mousse. The man wears a confident and friendly grin, his lips almost appearing rouged in the dim light, matching his blood red pocket square. Like all those in attendance, he makes no effort to force his blood to hide his deathly countenance and the candles create dark shadows that hang under his hungry eyes. Anna recognizes the man as none other than Nicholas D'Agostino the Primogen of The Invictus, and rival to Prince Gorman. He introduces himself as such, his attention focused solely on Anna and Aisling.

"Ladies," he says warmly, though there is nothing he can do to hide the overwhelming predatory aura that the elder exudes, "welcome to my humble nightclub. Anna, you are looking lovely as always." He glances at Aisling, and not recognizing her, bows his head slightly and offers a hand to shake, saying, "I don't believe we have had the chance to meet. I am honored by your presence. We have an area in the back, specifically for VIPs such as yourselves. Perhaps I can entice you to come back with me. As it happens Anna, I was hoping to discuss something with you and your friends Karl and Estella."

Despite his words, the Ventrue's tone makes it clear that his is an offer best not refused.

************************************************** ***********************

Assuming that Karl agrees that now is a good time. Fredrick takes Karl's number and hangs up. About 10 minutes later, Karl receives a call from an "Unknown" number. When he responds Fred apologizes and says, "Sorry, but you don't know how hard it is to find a payphone anymore in Los Angeles." From the way he speaks, Karl can surmise that he is cold. "Okay, what is it that you want to talk about?"

2018-04-20, 08:45 AM
Anna Wu

“Good,” Anna thought, “I was hoping to meet with these guys without being too obvious about wanting to....”

“Thank you, sir,” Anna replied.
Anna nodded and followed, motioning for Aisling to come with.

“Gabrielle, Bernardo, please stay here, we’ll be back shortly,” she said.

2018-04-20, 09:22 AM
Karl hesitates before beginning, "This story is going to sound a little unbelievable in parts, and unfortunately I will be unable to prove all of it to your satisfaction over the phone. I was not lying about the possible danger, but I will admit that was another reason I was pushing for an in person visit. I ask for your patience, please keep an open mind, and let me offer the proof needed when I am able to do so."

"To begin with, let me reintroduce myself. I called myself Karl Baeur, that was not a lie, but it is not the name I was born with. I am Friedrich Shulz, and Hannah was my wife." The old man's voice breaks, "Hello Enkel."

"There was an incident towards the end of the war, we each thought the other dead, and I did not know at the time that she was pregnant with your mother. I've... been alone ever since. I discovered the true fate of my wife, along with your existence, only a few weeks ago, from a man with both a personal and professional grudge against me. He was threatening to bring grievous harm to you if I did not comply with his demands."

"Fortunately, instead he obtained some measure of revenge on me personally. Hopefully that will be the end of it."

"So, um, there it is. My real reason for contacting you. You are the last family I have left. I hope to ensure your safety, and if you are willing, catch up a little on a lifetime of missed moments."

2018-04-20, 04:34 PM
Just as the group gets ready to leave The Night Owl, a well dressed man in a finely tailored charcoal grey suit approaches, followed by another oversized bouncer, this one with much darker skin and long tangled dreadlocks. The man is obviously Kindred. He has darkly tanned skin and well groomed hair, which glistens with the sheen of mousse. The man wears a confident and friendly grin, his lips almost appearing rouged in the dim light, matching his blood red pocket square. Like all those in attendance, he makes no effort to force his blood to hide his deathly countenance and the candles create dark shadows that hang under his hungry eyes. Anna recognizes the man as none other than Nicholas D'Agostino the Primogen of The Invictus, and rival to Prince Gorman. He introduces himself as such, his attention focused solely on Anna and Aisling.

This Vampire gives the Gangrel even more anxiety than Anna did - for while the latter seems friendly enough, and doesn't seem to bear any outward or noticeable hostility, this newcomer bears a striking resemblance in mannerisms and attitude to Lady Blackstar. Perhaps, she would muse during a moment of lucid retrospective thought, even like her own ancient Sire Gazren.

Her muscles tense even further, limbs taut and ready to bolt if swift retreat is warranted.

"Ladies," he says warmly, though there is nothing he can do to hide the overwhelming predatory aura that the elder exudes, "welcome to my humble nightclub. Anna, you are looking lovely as always." He glances at Aisling, and not recognizing her, bows his head slightly and offers a hand to shake, saying, "I don't believe we have had the chance to meet. I am honored by your presence. We have an area in the back, specifically for VIPs such as yourselves. Perhaps I can entice you to come back with me. As it happens Anna, I was hoping to discuss something with you and your friends Karl and Estella."

Despite his words, the Ventrue's tone makes it clear that his is an offer best not refused.

Aisling's lips draw back in a predatory grimace at the faux friendliness of his tone. Whomever this Vampire is - elder or pretender - he is duplicitous enough to give the painfully blunt Gangrel second thoughts.
Her mind swiftly overcomes with guilt at having dragged dear, sweet Bernardo into the proverbial wolves den.

When he addresses her, she shrinks from him uncomfortably.

"If...if we must." Not said with disdain or animosity, it is simply clear that she is immensely uncomfortable.

She does, however, take a moment to introduce herself.

"I am Aisling O'Donnell of Tyr Connell."

2018-04-21, 06:25 AM
“A pleasure to meet you,” D’Agostino says with a grin.

Bernardo makes to protest against Anna’s direct orders, but when Aisling makes no move to defend him, he quiets, putting on an angered pout as Aisling and Anna are led away. Gabrielle seems indifferent to the matter, though mildly irritated.

Nicholas leads them through the dimly lit nightclub. Patrons look up from their glasses to gawk as the club’s owner leads these two poorly dressed women to the back. They follow The Primogen through a door, down a hallways passing the kitchen, then up a flight of stairs and into what is presumably Nicholas’ office. The door has some sort of high tech retinal scan security, and the inside is fabulously decorated with what could only be described as “hunting cabin decor”. Nicholas invites the women to sit at a gigantic round polished table made of a lustrous reddish wood. The large Ghouls bodyguard takes point at the door’s entrance.

He saunters into a large cushion-backed throne of a seat and folds his hands on the table in front of him, waiting a few moments before starting, “Thank you for coming with me,” The Primogen starts, as if he had left much choice, “I have a few points of business to discuss.”

Again, D’Agostino takes a moment to let his words set in before continuing, “It is not hard to see that this city is dying. It is dying under the tyrannical hand of Prince Gorman, who cannot see that it is past his time for The Long Sleep.” Then he turns to Aisling, grinning in mock embarrassment. “And I apologize Ms. Aisling to talk about city politics when you are so new to this city. But I know enough to know that you my dear have not yet formally introduced yourself to our lovely dictator, and that enough is grounds for him to have you out in the sun. And no, that is not hyperbole, I’ve seen him do it before; and it would be an added bonus for him to strike a blow to The Crone.” This last statement makes him grin even wider, and again he pauses to let the subtext slip in.

“Anyways,” he continues, “I trust you are both wise enough to agree with me in this matter, and while I am not asking you to help me plan my Coup, I believe you are sympathetic enough to my cause to hear me out

“In hopes to improve my relations with The Carthians, I reached out several nights ago to one of your associates,” he says gesturing to Anna, “and asked her to use her connections with Nova to start making inroads for my cause. Unfortunately, as you are aware, Estella has gone missing.” He pauses again, and when he continues he now gestures to Aisling, “Interestingly enough, this little vagabond, whose very existence is already in jeopardy has found her phone. And so, before I continue attempts to fortify relations with The Carthians, I must know what happened to Estella. If she botched relations already and was either killed or fled town, it will affect how I spend my energies. Conversely, if she had an unfortunate run-in with The Prince or his Sheriff, I’m sure they would have punished her quiet severely on my behalf... and I’m sure you have heard about The Prince’s unsavory appetites at this point, right?”

“I apologize for being so verbose. I would like to suggest a little teamwork. If the two of you will help me investigate this matter, allowing me to stay... anonymous I can probably provide more than adequate compensation. Aisling, for you I could perhaps arrange a formal introduction into our city, which will help provide you with sanctuary from Lady Blackstar. Anna, I think having a Minor Boon with the future Prince of this city might suit your better, no?”

2018-04-21, 08:07 AM
Anna Wu

“I see,” Anna said, pausing for a moments reflection.

“I agree.”

“How shall I contact my future prince with my findings, if any?” she asked.

2018-04-21, 08:22 AM
The Primogen grins widely at Anna’s response, clearly pleased. “Please contact my Childe, Anthony. He can be reached via the Pulse,” he says. Then turning to Aisling, “And you?”


“You’re not ****ing with me, are you?”, Fred asks in a nearly flat, defeated voice, “You’re not ****ing with me.”

There is a long pause on the line before Karl’s grandson continues. “Okay then. Well, I think we are going to have to meet in person. I’m not saying I truly believe you. But... I mean, you could be crazy or just pulling a prank... but for some reason I don’t think you are. Fine. Come to Los Angeles, or I can come to you. I think you owe me a lot of ****ing answers. ”

Karl takes a beat. How would you feel about Fred becoming Karl’s Touchstone, assuming they are able to develop a relationship?

2018-04-21, 04:31 PM
“A pleasure to meet you,” D’Agostino says with a grin.

Bernardo makes to protest against Anna’s direct orders, but when Aisling makes no move to defend him, he quiets, putting on an angered pout as Aisling and Anna are led away. Gabrielle seems indifferent to the matter, though mildly irritated.

Nicholas leads them through the dimly lit nightclub. Patrons look up from their glasses to gawk as the club’s owner leads these two poorly dressed women to the back. They follow The Primogen through a door, down a hallways passing the kitchen, then up a flight of stairs and into what is presumably Nicholas’ office. The door has some sort of high tech retinal scan security, and the inside is fabulously decorated with what could only be described as “hunting cabin decor”. Nicholas invites the women to sit at a gigantic round polished table made of a lustrous reddish wood. The large Ghouls bodyguard takes point at the door’s entrance.

He saunters into a large cushion-backed throne of a seat and folds his hands on the table in front of him, waiting a few moments before starting, “Thank you for coming with me,” The Primogen starts, as if he had left much choice, “I have a few points of business to discuss.”

Again, D’Agostino takes a moment to let his words set in before continuing, “It is not hard to see that this city is dying. It is dying under the tyrannical hand of Prince Gorman, who cannot see that it is past his time for The Long Sleep.” Then he turns to Aisling, grinning in mock embarrassment. “And I apologize Ms. Aisling to talk about city politics when you are so new to this city. But I know enough to know that you my dear have not yet formally introduced yourself to our lovely dictator, and that enough is grounds for him to have you out in the sun. And no, that is not hyperbole, I’ve seen him do it before; and it would be an added bonus for him to strike a blow to The Crone.” This last statement makes him grin even wider, and again he pauses to let the subtext slip in.

“Anyways,” he continues, “I trust you are both wise enough to agree with me in this matter, and while I am not asking you to help me plan my Coup, I believe you are sympathetic enough to my cause to hear me out

“In hopes to improve my relations with The Carthians, I reached out several nights ago to one of your associates,” he says gesturing to Anna, “and asked her to use her connections with Nova to start making inroads for my cause. Unfortunately, as you are aware, Estella has gone missing.” He pauses again, and when he continues he now gestures to Aisling, “Interestingly enough, this little vagabond, whose very existence is already in jeopardy has found her phone. And so, before I continue attempts to fortify relations with The Carthians, I must know what happened to Estella. If she botched relations already and was either killed or fled town, it will affect how I spend my energies. Conversely, if she had an unfortunate run-in with The Prince or his Sheriff, I’m sure they would have punished her quiet severely on my behalf... and I’m sure you have heard about The Prince’s unsavory appetites at this point, right?”

“I apologize for being so verbose. I would like to suggest a little teamwork. If the two of you will help me investigate this matter, allowing me to stay... anonymous I can probably provide more than adequate compensation. Aisling, for you I could perhaps arrange a formal introduction into our city, which will help provide you with sanctuary from Lady Blackstar. Anna, I think having a Minor Boon with the future Prince of this city might suit your better, no?”

Aisling was wide-eyed as she was led through the depths of the lounge, passed the gawking onlookers. One particularly obtuse man had the audacity to glare at her state of dress, and the already on edge Gangrel returned his glare with as imperious a stare as her confidence could muster along with a threatening baring of teeth.

When she finally enters the opulent office of this Nicholas, she does not take a seat - even if offered. Instead, she shuffles closer to Anna minutely for while she can't say she really knows this Vampire - but if nothing else, she figures with only a small twinge of guilt, it's an extra body between her and the more threatening figure in the room.

The talk of politics baffles her, and seems like the droning of the fat-bodied bull flies that would rise with the coming of Summer in the woods. Her brow furrows as she at least tries to listen - to retain some measure of what he's talking about. Coups? Princes? Carthians? It was like she was sitting in her father's hall listening to the stories of the Arabs or the Moors and their strange tongues.

The mention of the Crone, however, breaks her from her reverie and she hisses in sudden panic. She had heard the name during her stay with Lady Blackstar, and immediately assumed that they were related. Blackstar was, in Aisling's best estimation, a witch - and maybe a crone too. Cruel, callous old hag.

"You seem....to know more of me and my being in this strange city than I would have expected." She states rather bluntly. "It begs me to wonder if you do not already know what became of this Estella? Especially if this Prince and....Sheriff you speak of are so dangerous." She shakes her head slowly, a crinkle between her brow showing her consternation rather plainly. "I found your Estella's phone in a pile of ash along the side of a bridge. I have seen my Sire snuff enough rivals in my time with him to know what can become of us when death finally catches up. I was loathe to speak of such things in front of her ghoul lover, but even I - a stranger in your strange land - cannot help but suspect she is gone to her Final Death."

She may have been sheltered to the greater world of Kindred politics until her sudden return to the modern world, but Gazren was as thorough and considerate a tutor as he was a lover. She knew enough to survive - or at least, she had before being thrust hundreds of years into a world she could not always comprehend.

She straightens and finally steps from next to Anna, trying to remember all the nuances of how she was taught to carry herself as the daughter of an Earl. Her chin even rises, allowing her pale blue eyes to meet the Elder's own.

"If you can ensure that the hag Blackstar will not return me to my cage and the cursed collar she made me wear, then I will strongly consider taking your assistance. I am well aware than my...long sleep...has left me woefully unprepared for this place and though Gazren was inclined to while away the nights with me under the stars and the boughs of our home in Ireland, it is obvious I can no longer expect to do so....untroubled."

The truth is, Aisling is trembling like a leaf and is feeling woefully over her head - like she's drowning in a rising tide of panic - but she will not become the pet of Blackstar again, and she will keep sweet Bernardo away from her as well.

2018-04-21, 05:35 PM
Karl laughs a bit, "Yes Enkel, I believe I do. You'll have them, I swear it."

"If willing, it might actually be safer for you to come to me. Though if so, let me buy the tickets, its the least I can do."

"In the meantime though, is there anything you wished to speak of? We have a lot of catching up to do."

Yes, Fred becoming a second touchstone would be quite appropriate I think. Unless there's something else in particular you wanted for this scene, I'm willing to fade out and have the pair make small talk until the cold chases Fred off.

2018-04-22, 02:59 PM
D’Agostino grins at Aisling and shrugs. “I simply know who you are because you said your name. I keep contacts in The Circle of Crone, and had heard of this ‘Elder’ who Blackstar had freed from Torpor for god knows what ends, and that this Aisling had escaped the Crone compound up in Napa about a month ago. I am wise, but unfortunately not omnipresent.”

The chuckle that comes after this is surprisingly warm, almost natural. The Primogen then responds to Aisling’s second point, “As an accepted member of the city, you would be fully protected from Blackstar’s more dangerous predations, and without swearing allegiance to The Prince, he would be within his right to call a Blood Hunt on you and have you exterminated. So, it’s really in your best interest to make that formal introduction ASAP, and that is certainly something I can help with.”

Turning his attention to both Anna and Aisling, Nicholas D’Agostino says, “So are we in full agreement then? You will help me find out who dusted Estella and why, assuming that is what really happened, and I will provide you both with my... services?”. The Primogen extends a cold dead hand to shake.


“No,” Fredrick says quietly, “I guess we will just wait till we meet. Have a good night. I will... speak with you soon.”

So from a story standpoint, my next move would be to have Anna meet with Karl, which I assume she is going to want to do after this meeting with The Primogen ends (next post or two). Is there anything you want to have Karl attempt while we ar wrapping this up?

2018-04-22, 04:47 PM
D’Agostino grins at Aisling and shrugs. “I simply know who you are because you said your name. I keep contacts in The Circle of Crone, and had heard of this ‘Elder’ who Blackstar had freed from Torpor for god knows what ends, and that this Aisling had escaped the Crone compound up in Napa about a month ago. I am wise, but unfortunately not omnipresent.”

The chuckle that comes after this is surprisingly warm, almost natural. The Primogen then responds to Aisling’s second point, “As an accepted member of the city, you would be fully protected from Blackstar’s more dangerous predations, and without swearing allegiance to The Prince, he would be within his right to call a Blood Hunt on you and have you exterminated. So, it’s really in your best interest to make that formal introduction ASAP, and that is certainly something I can help with.”

Turning his attention to both Anna and Aisling, Nicholas D’Agostino says, “So are we in full agreement then? You will help me find out who dusted Estella and why, assuming that is what really happened, and I will provide you both with my... services?”. The Primogen extends a cold dead hand to shake.

The Gangrel takes in his words and nods along, seemingly placated by his explanation, though there is a niggling worm of doubt in the back of her mind that makes her think that perhaps - just perhaps - there's more to the story than he's letting on.

There is a moment of hesitation, where Aisling's gaze flits to Anna, before returning her attention to D'Agostino. She tentatively extends her pale hand to clasp his in agreement, with a slow now.

"Then.....we are in agreement, sir. I do not wish to be hunted by this Prince of yours, or anyone else who seeks to harm me or mine." She frowns, head tilting in thought. "This Prince....he cannot refuse to accept my presence here, can he? Could...could Lady Blackstar convince him to set a Blood Hunt instead?"

2018-04-22, 06:14 PM
"I look forward to it. Be careful."

Karl, rather reluctantly, hangs up. If he needed to breathe still, he would have let out a sigh of relief. That went better than he had honestly expected.

One thing done, he sets out on a task he never expected to. Setting up a crash course on the world Fred was ignorant of. Video footage of werewolves and the spirits they hunt, evidence of real magic, etc. Karl himself could provide proof of vampires of course, but supporting items couldn't hurt. All of it with an eye to teach his grandson how to protect himself.

A part of that might require a little aid of another kind. But it seems the Lance might be his only option there. He starts looking through his contacts for someone likely to be useful to approach a Theban Sorcerer. If none can be found, he'll reluctantly contact Screech about the matter. He's uncertain if the Nosferatu knows to connect him to the incident with Anna, but the attempted murder by proxy certainly didn't endear the dealer to him.

2018-04-23, 07:16 PM
The Primogen nods his head at Aisling’s question, some pleased twinkle in his dead eyes. “Technically, the Prince could do so, but it would be highly unprecedented,” he says gesticulating like a master-lawyer before a jury. “Other than the political favor of Blackstar, which he could probably use, he would have no good reason to deny you the same protection afforded all visitors in our city, and he couldn’t use that reason to defend himself before the Primogen Council; if it were to be brought up. And trust me, I’d make sure the Council would confront him about it, which means for once, I have him by the balls.” The grin turns into a rather smug fire of self-satisfaction.

He looks to Aisling to see if this answer suffices.


Karl has no sufficient connections, as previously enumerated. With little other options, he reaches out to Screech, who fortunately was unlikely to know about his relationship with Anna.

Befitting the Nosferatu’s name, the voice that comes on the other line is like the howls of a dying animal. “Well hello there,” Screech says in a voice that could just as easily be an attempt at seduction or mocking, “now this is a contact I didn’t expect to pop up on my cell tonight. How can I help you Karl my buddy?”

2018-04-23, 08:00 PM
Karl decides to keep it as neutral and professional as he can manage. "I have need of an intermediary. I wish to establish a small supply of preserved vitae. To my knowledge only the Lance can do this, but I have reason to prefer that they not know of this. What would you require to handle the matter?"

2018-04-23, 09:02 PM
Karl decides to keep it as neutral and professional as he can manage. "I have need of an intermediary. I wish to establish a small supply of preserved vitae. To my knowledge only the Lance can do this, but I have reason to prefer that they not know of this. What would you require to handle the matter?"

Aisling follows along with his reasoning as best as she can, though she can't help the uncomfortable feeling deep in her gut that maybe D'Agostino could benefit from the Prince trying to use her as a scapegoat. She could be the catalyst that would precipitate a Fall.

Aisling flashes a wan smile to the Primogen, and gives him as gracious a nod - and an awkward curtsy - as she is able to muster.

"I believe we have an accord then, Lord D'Agostino." It's her best estimation what sort of title a Vampire of his age and influence would have. There are some striking similarities between what she is seeing of Kindred politics and the feudal societies of her homeland.

2018-04-24, 09:08 PM
Screech’s laugh is like a cat being put through a garbage disposal. “Wait,” he says between chuckles, “you want me to get you Vitae Reliquary? Oh man, most Lancea members don’t give those up too easily.” Unfortunately, Screech’s voice is no better than his laugh. He continues, “That will cost you big time Karl. We’re talking Major Boons to get you some of that action. I don’t even know if I can get my hands on that stuff. I think I’ll have to pull all my strings with The Spear. Do you mind if I look into it and get back to you?”


Nicholas D’Agostino is clearly pleased with Aisling and Anna’s responses. He shakes both of their hands and has his security see them out the door and back down into the main hall of The Night Owl. They are greeted by Gabrielle and Bernardo who have clearly not found any common grounds to share, and instead seem to be doing their best to ignore the other person by focusing too hard on their cellphones.

I’ll give Anna and Aisling the chance to make any plans or initiate their next action

2018-04-24, 09:24 PM
Nicholas D’Agostino is clearly pleased with Aisling and Anna’s responses. He shakes both of their hands and has his security see them out the door and back down into the main hall of The Night Owl. They are greeted by Gabrielle and Bernardo who have clearly not found any common grounds to share, and instead seem to be doing their best to ignore the other person by focusing too hard on their cellphones.

I’ll give Anna and Aisling the chance to make any plans or initiate their next action

When Aisling see's Bernardo, she feels much of the tension and nervous anxiety that had been stiffening her muscles and putting her on edge wash away as if she had stepped into a deluge of water. She was immediately before the Ghoul, and wrapping her pale arms around him in a hug as she pressed her forehead into his shoulder with a shuddering huff of breath.

She used his presence to ground her, and the Gangrel dipped her fingers into the bust of her summer dress and plucked out a white earbud and slipped it into her ear as - for a brief moment - the sounds of classic Led Zepplin blasting in the Night Owl.

With pale arms still clinging to Bernardo, Aisling turns her blue eyes to Anna and Gabrielle.

"Did...you still want me to show you where I found the phone? Or...did you have something else in mind?" Her eyes lingered for a moment on Gabrielle, curiously. Part of her felt a pang of sympathy for the young Ghoul, and for a moment she had flashes of her with a pack or a flock of her own wayward souls. A surrogate family that she would never be able to have, even with Gazren - as introverted and closed off as her Sire was.

2018-04-24, 10:21 PM
Karl grimaces, damn. He hadn't realized they were that prized. Several major boons... there is no way going that far into debt with Screech would turn out well, and chances are someone will notice, maybe even manage to connect the dots...

"If that is the case, then no, don't bother. Apparently my estimation of the value of such is badly out of sync with theirs. I apologize for wasting your time."

2018-04-24, 10:33 PM
Anna Wu

“Yes, let’s go,” Anna replied, “on the way maybe we can swap stories, but I’m guessing yours is going to be more interesting than mine.”

Anna led the way to her car, speaking to Gabrielle on the way.

“I know it sounds bad,” Anna said, “but something doesn’t make sense. If I wanted to kill someone, I wouldn’t leave their cell phone lying in a pile of ash. It’s possible Estella is still alive and out there somewhere and whoever left her phone there wants us to think she’s gone.”

The small black Porsche coupe was neatly parked at a metered spot, and Anna dutifully lowered the seat so the ghouls could squeeze into the back.

“If it’s alright with everyone, I think you two should stick with us for now, it’s safer,” Anna said.

On the way she relayed her story about how her parents were murdered by organized crime in Hong Kong, which led her to become a police officer there before fleeing to San Francisco. And then once here in her search for answers stumbled across the Ordo and chose to be Embraced about five years in the past.

2018-04-24, 11:00 PM
Anna Wu

“Yes, let’s go,” Anna replied, “on the way maybe we can swap stories, but I’m guessing yours is going to be more interesting than mine.”

Anna led the way to her car, speaking to Gabrielle on the way.

“I know it sounds bad,” Anna said, “but something doesn’t make sense. If I wanted to kill someone, I wouldn’t leave their cell phone lying in a pile of ash. It’s possible Estella is still alive and out there somewhere and whoever left her phone there wants us to think she’s gone.”

The small black Porsche coupe was neatly parked at a metered spot, and Anna dutifully lowered the seat so the ghouls could squeeze into the back.

“If it’s alright with everyone, I think you two should stick with us for now, it’s safer,” Anna said.

On the way she relayed her story about how her parents were murdered by organized crime in Hong Kong, which led her to become a police officer there before fleeing to San Francisco. And then once here in her search for answers stumbled across the Ordo and chose to be Embraced about five years in the past.

Aisling gazed wistfully for a moment at Bernardo in the back, before turning her attention back to Anna as she sat - somewhat uncomfortably - in the front seat of the Porsche. She listened intently, though some of the terms seemed to go over her head - and at several points she interrupted to ask who or what something was. What is Hong Kong? Are brigands and robbers more organized these days? What is a police officer? Is that like a Sheriff?

Her ignorance certainly revealed a great deal about her ineptitude with the modern world, though it was obvious she was learning.

When the story was done, Aisling lapsed into a thoughtful silence for a few moments before beginning her own tale - though with furtive glances towards both Bernardo and Gabrielle in the back - as if she was afraid of the reaction her history may illicit.

She was born over two hundred and fifty years ago, in the early years that bega the gradual decline of the feudal systems of Ireland. Her father was the Earl of Tyr Connell, and while not of royal blood, she was a maiden of a noble house none the less. Her story spoke of a loving family, many brothers and the large hounds that her family bred on their foggy lands. The story took a darker path when she spoke of her Sire, Gazren - the Beast - who descended upon their ancestral lands and butchered his way to Aisling - whom he had become enchanted with. He made her his and spirited her off to the darkness of an unlife in the wilds.

Then, after only a decade of time with him, Aisling relayed how he had plunged the heartwood stake into her breast and buried her in a long-forgotten cairn in the nearby cliffs. Where she slept a timeless sleep, only awoken - finally - by Lady Blackstar. The story finished with a curt, and troubled explanation of how Bernardo had saved her from the collar and the machinations of the hag.

2018-04-25, 01:44 AM
Anna Wu

"Well, I guess it's safe to say you want to stay away from Blackstar, damn," Anna said, "That's one hell of a story. So you went to sleep in the 18th century and woke up today in San Francisco? I really have to get you a phone and get you started so you can at least read up on current events and... technology. What's this collar you keep talking about?"

"Bernardo, what's your stake in all this?" she asked, glancing in the rearview mirror, "are you from 1750 too?"

2018-04-26, 07:42 AM
Streetlights and neon words blur by as Anna's Coupe cuts through the midnight fog, which is mercifully thin tonight. Bernardo starts, "I...", but immediately trails off, his cheeks flushing with blood; a strikingly human and appealing reaction to the two Kindred in the car. He changes course and continues, "I will do whatever I can to protect Aisling." His eyes dart to her quickly, before shooting down to stare at his hands. He doesn't respond to the remark about being an ancient instead half mumbling, "my parents were immigrant workers for Lady Blackstar, working in her vineyard. They both died in some sort of fire that erupted in her fields. She adopted me when I was very young and trained me to work for her... but I was nothing more than a servant. You couldn't pay me to go back to that estate." He pauses for a moment before adding, "Satan's Garden", and crossing himself reflexively.

************************************************** *************************

Screech chuckles again, the noise no more pleasant the second time around. He croaks,"As you wish boss. Oh by the way, will I be seeing you an Anna tonight at The Night Owl?"

2018-04-26, 08:07 AM
Anna Wu

“Yeah, good on you,” Anna replied, gunning the engine through a yellow light, “it seems a lot of the elders are into the whole master servant thing. Do you guys have a place to stay? Money? ...aisling, how thirsty are you?”

She glanced over at the wisp of a girl riding shotgun. Hard to believe she was centuries old.

bennno feel free to interrupt and say we’re at the bridge whenever.

Once they’re there Anna will snap photos of the area and try to scrape some of the ash into a ziplock, then call Julian to give him a heads up and head over to drop off the goods.

2018-04-26, 08:53 AM
Karl raises an eyebrow, Anna's meeting with Screech? Why? And so much for the possibility of Screech not knowing of the connection.

But all he says is, "No", before hanging up. No point in equivocation, but no need to give the bastard free information either.

The old detective sits there in the relative dark, collecting his notes and his thoughts, trying to figure out another way to achieve what he wanted. Fred would be kept safe, one way or another.

This might be a good time for the others to contact Karl, he has no real idea at this point that something interesting is going on right now. Anna would have reason to do so, crime scenes are his thing after all :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-26, 06:12 PM
Streetlights and neon words blur by as Anna's Coupe cuts through the midnight fog, which is mercifully thin tonight. Bernardo starts, "I...", but immediately trails off, his cheeks flushing with blood; a strikingly human and appealing reaction to the two Kindred in the car. He changes course and continues, "I will do whatever I can to protect Aisling." His eyes dart to her quickly, before shooting down to stare at his hands. He doesn't respond to the remark about being an ancient instead half mumbling, "my parents were immigrant workers for Lady Blackstar, working in her vineyard. They both died in some sort of fire that erupted in her fields. She adopted me when I was very young and trained me to work for her... but I was nothing more than a servant. You couldn't pay me to go back to that estate." He pauses for a moment before adding, "Satan's Garden", and crossing himself reflexively.

Aisling taps her neck thoughtfully with a fingertip at first, go answer Anna's question about the collar.

"Bernardo called it technology. A collar connecting me to the wall. If I pulled upon the cord, I burned like I was in the Sun's tender embrace"

When Bernardo answers Anna, Aisling presses her hand against her chest with a content sigh. The Gangrel reaches for him, to take his hand and give it a comforting squeeze.
"My sweet Bernardo went to great lengths and put himself in great peril to rescue me. He was the only one there for me when I awoke from my slumber."

When Anna speaks of a Master and Servant relationship, Aisling widens her eyes and shakes her head frantically.
"No...no, no, no! There is no Master. I take care if him and he takes care of me. We are....I do not remember the Word for it."
She offers a genuine smile to Bernardo and to Gabrielle. "I will always care for those who care for me.....and yes, we have....someplace we rest at, though..." Aisling plucks at her somewhat dirty dress, before glancing at the other two women in the car. "I do not understand your...money.....thing? Bernardo says it is....necessary in this world. But I do not understand it." She shrugs helplessly, and not for the first time does her mannerisms resemble the child she appears to be.

As they approach the side of the bridge where the ash was, Aisling answers Anna's final question.

"I am...always...thirsty? But I am not in the Hungers thrall yet. Though I may become closer when I have given Bernardo some of my blood later. I always share when I...um...feed." She casts another glance at Gabrielle, and as the other vampire investigates the area she is in, she crawls up onto the railing on the edge of the bridge and sits.

"This....could not be a trickier task. I know so little of regular death, let alone the Death of our kind."

Bringing Karl into this would probably be a super choice. Hehe

2018-04-26, 07:45 PM
“That’s... messed up,” Anna said regarding the collar.
“At least you two have each other,” she added, “money is basically like... gold, or silver coins. You use it to buy things... exchange for food or... a phone.”

There was a pause.

“Look I know I’ve only been embraced recently, but you’re going to need someone to show you the ropes... err... help you adjust to these times. And you already know Gabrielle, by the way this goes for you two as well,” she said, glancing in the rearview mirror, ”I can help you out, and then maybe we can all look out for each other in the future. I don’t know. Think about it.”

Anna plugged her phone, seemingly somewhat embarrased, and hands-free dialed Karl.

“Hi Karl,” Anna said, “I’ve got a lead on Estella, at the bay bridge. I’m on my way there now but it looks like it may be a crime scene, which is more your forte than mine. If you’re interested would you like to meet me there?”

2018-04-27, 07:09 AM
Karl listens, Estella may not be his problem, but he had to admit to some curiosity as to her fate. "I presume there's no sign of the Sheriff or anyone else particularly associated with the Prince involved?"

Assuming she says no, he'll gather his things and head for his car. "I'll be there shortly, try not to touch anything, even small details can prove to be of significant importance."

On meeting the others at the bridge, Karl sizes up those he does not know, "And who are they?" He asks Anna.

Aisling sees a tall and thin man get out of a sleek looking vehicle, aged, but still relatively strong in body. His brusque manner isn't aggressive by any stretch, he just seems to be... tired, in a manner that goes beyond any physical wear.

Figured it would be good to move the reunion along a bit.

2018-04-27, 07:29 AM
The fog is even thinner over the bridge, the air a little cleaner though threaded with the spray of salt water. Traffic is relatively thin across the bridge this late into the night, and there are no other pedestrians on the walkway. Winds from The Bay whip up to the bridge making the gigantic structure feel just slightly unstable.

It seems to me I should allow for more introductions before moving things further slightly.

2018-04-27, 07:43 AM
Anna Wu

“Karl, this is Aisling, she’s new to the city and recently awakened after a long sleep, and we’re showing her the ropes. This is Gabrielle, Estella’s ghoul, and this is Bernardo, Aisling’s... protector. Everyone, this is Karl, he’s a detective and..”
She looked at Karl.

“I don’t know Karl, are we friends? Partners?” she asked with a smile, “Karl’s my something.”

Once introductions are complete:
Anna turned to Aisling and Bernardo.
“Where did you find the phone?” she asked.

2018-04-27, 08:10 AM
"Greetings, partner might be a good term for it, though we have not been working together for long." Noting a question in Aisling's eyes, he says, "You have been asleep for some time haven't you? For how long? A detective is a lot like a... I think thief taker was the old term for it."

Detective's a 19th century term, and Aisling's been pretty open about what she doesn't understand, so...

2018-04-27, 10:59 AM
"Greetings, partner might be a good term for it, though we have not been working together for long."[/COLOR][/I] Noting a question in Aisling's eyes, he says, "You have been asleep for some time haven't you? For how long? A detective is a lot like a... I think thief taker was the old term for it."

Aisling eyes Karl a bit uneasily as he slips from his vehicle; she went from an isolated existence with Bernardo and in the span of a single night she had met a pretender to the throne of power in the city, a remarkably friendly - and helpful - kindred and now this this, tired looking man.

When Karl speaks, she bobs her head slowly in acknowledgement. "My father was very pleased with the work the local Thief-Takers in our lands did. Tyr Connell was always...placid....when it came to crime, thanks to them. To answer you, however, the number of years still staggers my mind - but I was born in 1731, by the Gregorian calendar."
Aisling shuffles a bit nervously, eyes glancing down as if she is somewhat shameful of how out of touch she is.
The Gangrel points a short distance away towards where she found the phone in the pile of ash.
"I found it there."

2018-04-27, 12:00 PM
Though most of the ash has been blown away at this point, apparently disturbed and unweighted by the removed cellphone, the spot reeks of incinerated Kindred to the trio's heightened senses. Both Gabrielle and Bernardo seem a little clueless to this, but say nothing.

2018-04-27, 02:15 PM
Moved by an impulse he did not entirely understand, Karl states, "you are not alone in that, I slept for sixty years. My shock at how the world changed was not as great as yours must be, the seeds of what this place is were being planted in my time, but there were still things I could not understand. It takes time, but you will adjust "

"By the way, we still use the Gregorian calendar, though not many call it that anymore."

Karl starts removing his tools and setting up, taking pictures of anything that seems relevant. "What exactly did you guys touch? I need to know how this scene differs from how you found it."

2018-04-27, 04:06 PM
Moved by an impulse he did not entirely understand, Karl states, "you are not alone in that, I slept for sixty years. My shock at how the world changed was not as great as yours must be, the seeds of what this place is were being planted in my time, but there were still things I could not understand. It takes time, but you will adjust "

"By the way, we still use the Gregorian calendar, though not many call it that anymore."

Karl starts removing his tools and setting up, taking pictures of anything that seems relevant. "What exactly did you guys touch? I need to know how this scene differs from how you found it."

The Gangrel offers him a small, thoughtful smile at the reassurances that Karl gives her.

"Sometimes it feels like I am still beneath the earth dreaming."

Brushing stray, disheveled locks of hair from her face, Aisling frowns. "I only removed the phone from the pile. I did not touch it otherwise."

2018-04-27, 06:57 PM
Karl nods and keeps gently going over the scene, trying to work out exactly what happened here.

"A kindred definitely died here, though it is difficult to say for sure who. Given what has been going on lately, it is entirely probable that we're merely meant to think she is dead."

"I can use the ashes to try and glimpse shadowed echoes of what happen here, but can make no promises on how clear they will be. I presume our most immediate questions there are who the deceased is and who their attacker was? Anything else?

rolling wits+investigation for the physical evidence
Ten again [roll1]

2018-04-27, 08:04 PM
Anna starts snapping photos of the scene.
“If it wasn’t Estella, we should try to find her,” she added.

wits + investigation assist Karl: [roll0]

Any successes on the assist rolled here: [roll1]
Hat should be 3 additional successes, not bad for an assist :)

2018-04-28, 03:53 PM
The trio scower the scene, walking up and down the bridge and snapping photos. They find little pertinent information, though Karl is able to gather up a sufficient few ounces of what appears to be ash.

As they investigate, Karl catches a few tags in the graffiti which are clearly Kindred markings. Mostly garbage such as “Beware of VII”, but a few Carthians symbols that seem to mark the bridge as Rabble territory. Otherwise, little else is found.

2018-04-28, 04:01 PM
The trio scower the scene, walking up and down the bridge and snapping photos. They find little pertinent information, though Karl is able to gather up a sufficient few ounces of what appears to be ash.

As they investigate, Karl catches a few tags in the graffiti which are clearly Kindred markings. Mostly garbage such as “Beware of VII”, but a few Carthians symbols that seem to mark the bridge as Rabble territory. Otherwise, little else is found.

Aisling spends much of her time silently watching Karl and Anna work, content it seems for the moment to let the others focus on the task at hand. She sends furtive glances towards Bernardo and Gabrielle often, otherwise she simply tries to enjoy being outside - despite the new sights, sounds and smells coming from the city.

The Gangrel lets her fingertips trail over some of the markings and graffiti on the bridge, not truly understanding them, but curious none the less.

After allowing Anna and Karl to investigate the area some more, she finally speaks up. "What, pray tell, are you looking for, exactly? I know I am not....accustomed....to the ways of the world any longer, but is there some answers that ash may yield?" With a wide, owlish gaze and a tilted head, Aisling's curiosity is broadcast upon her features through no filter or facade of ulterior purpose.

2018-04-28, 07:01 PM
"More than you might think, but in this case it has more to do with me than this world. All kindred's gifts develop a little differently. I am able to catch glimpses of prior events associated with objects, events of high emotion linger longer than others. For instance, if I pick up a wedding band and meditate upon it, I could probably discern a fight that happened recently, and faint echoes of the wedding itself years prior, but little else."

"A death is prime material in that regard. Chances are that I will be able to see a strong echo of the death of this individual, perhaps even who was responsible."

"In any case, there's some kindred symbology here, mention of the seven, but nothing that seems of immediate import. This bridge appears to be Carthian territory though, which may or may not be significant."

"For now, lets get out of the open, I'd rather not be doing this where passing kine may see."

Karl will attempt to find a quiet place to focus his skill at Auspex, returning to his car if nothing else is available. Focusing on the little pile of ash, he contacts his Beast.

Wits+Occult+Auspex [roll0]
Potential ten again [roll1]

2018-04-28, 07:05 PM
Feeling a twinge of connection, Karl focuses on the feelings generated, trying to tease out the answers he requires.

"What happened around the time of this one's true death?"

Two successes, two questions.

2018-04-28, 08:35 PM
Anna Wu

“You’re just full of surprises, old man,” Anna said, “just so you’re aware, I’m to bring this to Julian, and lady Miho, but we have a little bit of time.”

Anna left Karl alone in his car to examine the phone while she spoke with the other three.

“Maybe,” Anna replied to Aisling, “right now I’m just trying to gather as much information as I can so we can sift through it later.”

She looked at the girl.

“I have a little skill in auspex but not as much as him,” Anna said, “do you have any talents of your own?”

2018-04-29, 01:38 AM
Anna Wu

“You’re just full of surprises, old man,” Anna said, “just so you’re aware, I’m to bring this to Julian, and lady Miho, but we have a little bit of time.”

Anna left Karl alone in his car to examine the phone while she spoke with the other three.

“Maybe,” Anna replied to Aisling, “right now I’m just trying to gather as much information as I can so we can sift through it later.”

She looked at the girl.

“I have a little skill in auspex but not as much as him,” Anna said, “do you have any talents of your own?”

Aisling nods, a small smile gracing pale lips. It's almost feral, taken with the Gangrel's overall appearance.

"Yes. I can speak with beasts, and take on more...physical aspects of them as well. I can entomb myself in the soil to hide during the day if it suits my needs. Though..." She frowns for a moment, running her hand along the pavement beneath her. "I do not think I can sink beneath this....whatever it is."

At Karl's suggestion of moving along, she simply nods and moves to follow them as they leave.

2018-04-29, 01:48 PM
Anna and Aisling watch as Karl walks down the bridge, turning his back to them. He opens the bag of ash and gives into his Auspex skills. They both experience a shudder as his Beast comes to the fore, eyes suddenly glowing red with flooding Vitae and his fangs extending in a monsterous visage. Lips curl and twitch as he apparently growls to himself, his nose twitching at the various scents in the air.

"What happened around the time of this one's true death?"

Deep in Karl’s head, a monsterious whisper replies flooding his perception with pain. Fangs biting into flesh. The smell of horror and hatred as an abominable act is performed. A Kindred’s final howl as its spirit is corrupted and consumed.

Karl gets that this being was Diablerized. One more question.

2018-04-29, 07:25 PM
Karl shudders before asking his next question, "Who was involved in this one's final death?"

2018-04-29, 07:46 PM
Aisling nods, a small smile gracing pale lips. It's almost feral, taken with the Gangrel's overall appearance.

"Yes. I can speak with beasts, and take on more...physical aspects of them as well. I can entomb myself in the soil to hide during the day if it suits my needs. Though..." She frowns for a moment, running her hand along the pavement beneath her. "I do not think I can sink beneath this....whatever it is."

At Karl's suggestion of moving along, she simply nods and moves to follow them as they leave.

“Wow,” Anna replied, “that’s really useful. It must be really jarring to wake up in this time...”

During a lull in the conversation Anna turned to Gabrielle.

“Hey,” Anna said, “listen, I know you’re Estella’s friend, but whatever happens, I’m not going to let you be left out in the cold if... well if our worst fears are realized. I just realized though, I don’t know too much about you... what do you do?”

2018-04-30, 01:38 AM
“Wow,” Anna replied, “that’s really useful. It must be really jarring to wake up in this time...”

During a lull in the conversation Anna turned to Gabrielle.

“Hey,” Anna said, “listen, I know you’re Estella’s friend, but whatever happens, I’m not going to let you be left out in the cold if... well if our worst fears are realized. I just realized though, I don’t know too much about you... what do you do?”

Aisling bites back a groan as she feels the tangible presence of Karl's beast rearing its savage head. She turns abruptly, to keep from watching the vampire work, and her hands worry together erratically, before pulling the ear buds of her (Bernardo's) iPod out from within her dress and popping them into her ears as a distraction to help keep her own beast from rising in her gullet like bile and seeking to induce her to some kind of frenzied, fearful reaction.

She closes her eyes, and lets the music wash away her worries. She takes a deep breath of the night breeze, sniffing thoughtfully as she works to see if any unusual scents catch her attention.

I think it's Wits+Composure for general perception, so that's what I'll roll. Correct me if I'm wrong and I can re-roll if needed.

Wits 4 + Composure 3


EDIT: These dice do not particularly like me, it seems.

2018-04-30, 07:18 AM
Karl's brain suddenly screams in pain, fire searing into the back of his eyeballs. The sensation, if Karl was asked to describe it, was like someone slipping their fingers between the two lobes of his brain and pulling them apart. There was the sudden image of Prince Gorman sitting in a throne made of shaped marble looming over a tall tower as the world burned. The pain is so intense that Karl's entire body buckles, and he almost collapses.

Gabrielle nods her head to Anna and says, "Thank you", though there is something very distant in her voice, "I'm sure it won't come to that."

2018-04-30, 10:19 AM
Karl spends a minute or two in his car trying to collect himself. Eventually, he exits and makes his way to the others, still nursing his head.

"That was... a little rough. I'm afraid I cannot be certain this is Estella, I did not get a clear enough glimpse at the victim. But there are some things I can confirm. They were not merely killed, but diablerized. And Prince Gorman was fingered as responsible in my vision."

2018-04-30, 07:09 PM
Anna shook her head slowly and shuddered.

“Okay... okay,” she whispered.

“I need to get this phone to the Ordo, maybe they can find out more,” she said, “what are your plans for the rest of the night?”

2018-04-30, 08:04 PM
Gabrielle’s eyes go wide before her lips curl up into a pouting scowl. She charges Karl in stomping steps and with hands balled into fists she growls, “What do you mean you don’t know if it was Estella? How could you know who did it but not whose ash that was you were sniffing?!”

2018-04-30, 09:01 PM
Gabrielle’s eyes go wide before her lips curl up into a pouting scowl. She charges Karl in stomping steps and with hands balled into fists she growls, “What do you mean you don’t know if it was Estella? How could you know who did it but not whose ash that was you were sniffing?!”

It was at this point that Aisling returned to the conversation, coming back to rest a gentle hand on Gabrielle's shoulder. With a soft voice, she seeks to sooth the youthful ghoul. "You are sad and angry, and we are trying to help, however we can. But do not place your anger on him, for he is more likely to have a way to find answers than any of us." The hand on Gabrielle's shoulder pats gently, if a bit awkwardly. She feels for the emotional torment this young woman must be going through - so close to her own age when she was taken by Gazren. But social maneuvering, is not something this Gangrel has in abundance. More an awkward, stilted compassion or empathy.

2018-05-01, 09:51 AM
Gabrielle seems nonplussed by the gesture, and stands staring at Karl with the same fury scarring her face.

2018-05-01, 10:30 AM
Karl glances at the ghoul, "It is not that simple little girl. Using Auspex in this way is like trying to discern the night sky through the roiling clouds of a thunderstorm. With a great deal of effort, I can make a few small holes in the clouds for a brief, and partial, glimpse of what lies beyond, but what glimpses I get that way are all I get. I tried to discern what happened here, but the vision did not include the victim's face. Further, I just endured a great deal of pain to bring back the information I did, I don't expect gratitude, but a little respect might be worthwhile."

"Those in the Ordo with similar skills may be able to confirm who this was, maybe they cannot. They will face much the same uncertainty that I did. We will have to wait and see." Turning away Karl grumbles, "Little brat is lucky I'm not thirsty right now."

Looking to Anna, he reigns in his irritation and says, "I did not have any particular plans for the rest of the night, though I did wish to ask something of you, in private, when we have a moment."

2018-05-01, 10:35 AM
Anna Wu
“Right, this isn’t an exact science,” Anna added, sealing the ziploc again (assuming Karl returns the phone), “Lady Miho of the Ordo also has extensive knowledge of auspex. She may be able to determine more. If that doesn’t work, we will find someone who can break into the phone and find out who Estella was last in contact with and go from there.”

“Gabrielle, the good news is, he doesn’t know who the victim was, that means Estella may still be alive,” Anna added, “are you going to come with us to try and find her?”

Anna nodded to Karl.

“Yes, we should have a few moments soon,” Anna replied to Karl.

lets assume they get some private time either on the way to the Ordo or while Miho is doing her thing, or after they’re done, move things along in spoilers.

2018-05-01, 07:21 PM
Gabrielle nods her head vigorously. “Of course I will come with you. She was my... I just have to know”, she says.

I’m okay with you having a side scene/conversation if you want. Perhaps just explain where/when you will, and you could have the conversation in spoiler or quote boxes for simplicity sake?

2018-05-01, 09:36 PM
Anna nodded.

“Then let’s go,” she said, hopping back into the driver’s seat of the black sports car.

She texted Julian.

on my way back now.

Edit: bringing a few individuals of interest, hope that’s okay.

2018-05-02, 03:02 AM
Aisling holds back during the resolution of Karl's investigation, simply standing near Bernardo and holding his hand casually. When it seems that everyone is readying to depart, Aisling casts a longing glance to him before looking back to the other two Kindred and Gabrielle.

"This D'Agostino said he would introduce me at your...court. I do not know what else I can help you with for the moment concerning...um..." She gestures to the bag, and the ash with a furrowed brow. "Did you have any other leads, or any other business tonight that you're going to attend to? I would like to remain with you, at least until we can get some of these phones for ourselves. It would be easier to stay in contact, if we are to be allies in this." She's obviously a bit out of her league, but the Gangrel is certainly trying to hold her own. "I can give you some privacy...if you both need to speak alone, though. I do not wish to...eh...intrude?"

Aisling glances to Gabrielle, while awaiting an answer and smiles meekly. "My...offer? Of...um...blood for you...it still stands, if you want. Unless you'd prefer the blood of another?" A little presumptuous, perhaps, that either Anna or Karl would be willing to feed the young ghoul. But she is certainly unsure of what constitutes appropriate behavior in the laws of this city.

2018-05-02, 11:39 AM
Karl nods, returning to his vehicle to accompany the others back to the Ordo.

"So, what's with the strays? You planning on taking care of those three?"

"In any case, I have a favor to ask, and you're among the few I think I can trust with even knowing about the favor."

"To put it simply, I recently discovered that I have a living grandson. The sheriff threatened his life once already, before we finished with the Mobius case. I need that boy to live. Are you willing to help?"

2018-05-02, 07:40 PM
Karl + Anna ”you have a... wow,” Anna said, “sure, what kind of help do you need?”

“As for those three, Aisling found Estella’s phone, and she and Bernardo are a package deal,” Anna said, “she was being held captive by Blackstar but as far as I know currently has no affiliation. She is going to need serious help getting set up in today’s age. I imagine she would be extremely grateful to whoever helped her and Bernardo. It’s rare to find someone these days who has absolutely no ties or allegiances.

“As for Gabrielle,” Anna paused, “Estella is probably dead, and I’m not sure what Gabrielle’s skills are, but she needs vitae and would probably be willing to give anything as payment to keep a steady supply. “

“Actually,” she said, pondering, “do you want to team up? I’m starting to get spread thin; the Ordo is asking me to take on more responsibilities. Interested in helping show these three the ropes?”

2018-05-02, 08:26 PM
"I do not know for sure what help I will need at the moment. For now I would just like to request that if something happens to me, or if I give you a signal of some kind, that you check on him, help if he's in trouble. I will, of course, repay you somehow in advance."

In response to the question of playing babysitter to this foundling, let alone the two ghouls of questionable value, Karl blanches a bit. But then he pauses, it is becoming increasingly clear that on his own he is quite simply too vulnerable for the level of attention he has been getting lately. Obscurity and neutrality were his defenses before, but both had been compromised. This might prove to be an opportunity.

Slowly he states, "We spoke of the possibility of establishing a proper haven together before. Three kindred and three ghouls would be enough for such a thing. Very well, I am willing, but with an eye to build something lasting, and that will require a commitment from the rest. I will not waste time and resources on this Aisling if she is not willing to do her part. Do you think they will agree?"

2018-05-03, 07:06 AM
Aisling glances to Gabrielle, while awaiting an answer and smiles meekly. "My...offer? Of...um...blood for you...it still stands, if you want. Unless you'd prefer the blood of another?" A little presumptuous, perhaps, that either Anna or Karl would be willing to feed the young ghoul. But she is certainly unsure of what constitutes appropriate behavior in the laws of this city.

Looking ashamed, Gabrielle says, "I... I think I need it. I am so so hungry, and everything I eat tastes like dirt. I can't sleep. I can't think. I feel... I feel like I am going mad and only Estella can help me. We need to find her! She can't be gone, she just... can't."

************************************************** ****************************************

The group of three Kindred and two Ghouls arrive back at The Wyrme's nest. The building is a mansion sized Victorian painted Lady, surrounded by a moat of grass and bushes and gated with ornate wrought iron. Only Anna's touch will open up the gate door, and once atop the large wooden porch, the group is greeted by the familiar pair of Vigo and Victor, who come through the door before the last of the group has reached the top step.

Vigo steps forward first, scowling fangs silhouetted by a thin and well kept goatee, and dressed in jeans and a wife-beater, which contrasts heavily with Victor's fine blue blazer and red polka-dot pocket square. "What did you bring them here for," Vigo asks bluntly, "and who's the stray?" He nods towards Aisling, pushing out with a taste of his monstrous nature like an aura of thorns.

2018-05-03, 08:08 AM
Anna Wu

“Easy Vigo, believe it or not it’s about another ‘request’ from Julian,” she replied, “he’s to meet them and time is tight. Aisling is instrumental to the investigation and you already know Karl. I know it’s a bit unorthodox but like I said, we’re on a schedule here.”

“Sorry,” she added, screwing up her lips.

Anna and Karl:
”I think we should sit down with them and discuss it openly,” Anna replied, “it probably makes sense but I don’t want to pressure anyone into anything. It’ll be better if everyone realizes on their own it’s for their own good. Maybe we can build something positive while we’re at it.”

“As for your grandson, sure, very vague though,” Anna said.

2018-05-03, 03:43 PM
Vigo takes a deep breath in and out, as if to show frustration (given how unnecessary breathing is), cracks his knuckles and says, "Ya? I would've been notified about it." He takes a step towards Karl, chest puffed out in a show of dominance. In contrast Victor seems to cower slightly, backing up into the door frame.

Fortunately, it is at that moment that Julian comes barging through the door, nearly knocking into Victor as he does so. Calmly, the Sworn of the Axe says, "Thank you for coming. I apologize for this. It has been busy here. We have already made good headway into the Asian Art Museum. Anna, what have you brought us?" He ushers the group into the main entrance, a large wooden room with a musty Persian rug leading to a double staircase, lit by an overhead gas lamp. Victor and Vigo follow, closing the door behind so that the group is now stuck inside and surrounded.

Bernardo looks anxiously towards the door.

Gabrielle seems not to care.

2018-05-03, 06:22 PM
Looking ashamed, Gabrielle says, "I... I think I need it. I am so so hungry, and everything I eat tastes like dirt. I can't sleep. I can't think. I feel... I feel like I am going mad and only Estella can help me. We need to find her! She can't be gone, she just... can't."

When the small group had returned to Anna's fancy sports card, Aisling tucked herself into the back alongside both Gabrielle and Bernardo. She cast a knowing, sympathetic glance to Gabrielle before bringing her small wrist to her pale lips and piercing the soft flesh there with the tips of her razor-sharp fangs. As the blood began to well in the wound, Aisling offered it to Gabrielle with a shy smile - her attempt at a comforting gesture.

When they arrived at their destination, the small Gangrel allowed Anna to take the lead - this was the den of another predator, after all, and while she was ill at ease, it seemed that to Anna this was all in an night's work.

The posturing of Vigo however, drew a hiss from her and a baring of fangs to ward off his potential hostility. Despite the aggressive response from the Gangrel, she faltered in her step forward, and chose instead to remain nestled between Bernardo and Gabrielle. While she tightly held Bernardo's hand, as was common for her during periods of stress or anxiety, she unconsciously sought out the hand of the other young ghoul beside her. If she was going into a proverbial serpent's nest, she wanted to be as grounded as she could be - and that meant seeking comfort in the touch of those close to her.

When this...Julian...approached brusquely, and ushered them inside she shared the uneasy glance with Bernardo and followed tentatively. It took but a moment for Aisling to register that Anna had been addressed - most likely about the unlikely trio that had arrived with Karl and herself.

Her lips moved, and before conscious thought had a chance to take sway, she spoke up.

"I am Aisling. I am...helping...Anna and Karl?" The self-consciousness of her words had kicked in before the sentence had ended, leaving it less a statement of fact and more an inquiry to what she perceived as Kindred with more potency and strength in this modern world.

2018-05-03, 07:38 PM
Anna Wu

“Aisling is... an old friend,” Anna replied, technically it was the truth, “she found Estella’s phone and brought it to Gabrielle, Estella’s ghoul.

“This is it,” Anna said, holding up the ziploc with the phone, “found on the bay bridge in a pile of ash.”

She held up a second bag, this one with whatever ash they could scrape into it.

“After we’re done here, Karl will help us break into the phone and see the last contacts,” Anna said.

need an excuse to have called Karl, which was done on ooc concerns, as Julian requested not to bring in others.

2018-05-04, 09:15 AM
Karl speaks up, having remained silent through the initial challenge at the gate. "To be a little more specific, my ghoul should be able to handle the phone if you do not already have people on hand for such. I was asked to examine the crime scene. I do have some information for you as a result, but I suspect that you will want to control who is aware of the most salient details. Do we have somewhere we can speak in private?"

If Julian provides privacy, Karl gets right to the point, "I cannot at this time confirm that Estella is deceased. However, a kindred did die at the site the phone was found at. Rather disturbingly, they were diablerized, and my vision implicated Prince Gorman as being involved. Presumably he did it himself or ordered it done, more likely the former."

"Needless to say, I have no intention of spreading this information around, and I would greatly appreciate it if you in turn refrained from mentioning who brought it to youk."

2018-05-07, 07:40 AM
Without hesitation, or really any self awareness, Gabrielle grabs at Aisling's arm pulling thin wrist to her mouth. Warm lips press cold flesh as the girl greedily tongued the open wound trying to pull as much of the non-pulsing fluid into her warm mouth. As always there was something both physically pleasing and burningly painful about the act of sharing Vitae with another. It was only when Gabrielle had pulled away, eyes glazed over and head swooned back at an odd angle that Aisling noticed Bernardo's shocked and disapproving face.

OOC: Please include your character box in your next post and remove one blood point.

Julian makes a valiant attempt at a smile for Aisling and offers his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you," he says with only a hint of warmth. To Karl, he responds, "Thank you for the assistance in this investigation. If it was Estella, and it was The Prince, then you and Anna should be very very concerned." His cold eyes burrow into Karl and Anna's, and Karl gets the sense that he may know about what happened just the other night with Prince Gorman. He continues on after a moment of silence, "But you may as well continue to assist us, as this does appear to be tied in some way to the events of the last few nights."

The Sworn of the Axe, dressed in a gingham button down, jeans and a plain black leather jacket, invites the group to follow him, but warns that they are, "not to touch anything, as few outsiders are privy to this nest". The group follows Julian down a side hall to a large ornately decorated wooden door. Julian knocks, and the group is met by a short Kindred of Asian descent. The woman has short thinning hair that is equal parts salt and pepper, and small burrowing eyes hidden behind large stylish glasses. She appraises the group coldly, and her statue like face belies that her years have stripped away much her human mannerisms. Lady Miho looks from Anna to Karl to Julian then curtly says, "Very well, come in."

The room inside is a large library, filled with shelves of books and a number of impressive homemade computers. "So what do you have for me", Lady Miho asks, having still not introduced herself.

2018-05-07, 11:33 AM
Without hesitation, or really any self awareness, Gabrielle grabs at Aisling's arm pulling thin wrist to her mouth. Warm lips press cold flesh as the girl greedily tongued the open wound trying to pull as much of the non-pulsing fluid into her warm mouth. As always there was something both physically pleasing and burningly painful about the act of sharing Vitae with another. It was only when Gabrielle had pulled away, eyes glazed over and head swooned back at an odd angle that Aisling noticed Bernardo's shocked and disapproving face.

OOC: Please include your character box in your next post and remove one blood point.

A shudder passes through Aisling's diminutive form as Gabrielle feeds, and when the young Ghoul is finished and swoons, she raises her wrist to her own lips and dabs at the wound with her tongue. When she catches Bernardo's face, she allows a soft and genuine smile to grace her pale face. A hand slips forward to cup his cheek and she leans in, brushing her lips across his forehead. Aisling leans in, and softly murmurs in his ear.

"I am scared of what the future holds, my Bernardo. We cannot dwell in peace with the city with the chaos that has taken hold....we will be swept away....and as much as I hate walking into the nest of more vipers....I will do what I have to, in order to make it so you and I are safe and at peace."

Julian makes a valiant attempt at a smile for Aisling and offers his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you," he says with only a hint of warmth. To Karl, he responds, "Thank you for the assistance in this investigation. If it was Estella, and it was The Prince, then you and Anna should be very very concerned." His cold eyes burrow into Karl and Anna's, and Karl gets the sense that he may know about what happened just the other night with Prince Gorman. He continues on after a moment of silence, "But you may as well continue to assist us, as this does appear to be tied in some way to the events of the last few nights."

The Sworn of the Axe, dressed in a gingham button down, jeans and a plain black leather jacket, invites the group to follow him, but warns that they are, "not to touch anything, as few outsiders are privy to this nest". The group follows Julian down a side hall to a large ornately decorated wooden door. Julian knocks, and the group is met by a short Kindred of Asian descent. The woman has short thinning hair that is equal parts salt and pepper, and small burrowing eyes hidden behind large stylish glasses. She appraises the group coldly, and her statue like face belies that her years have stripped away much her human mannerisms. Lady Miho looks from Anna to Karl to Julian then curtly says, "Very well, come in."

The room inside is a large library, filled with shelves of books and a number of impressive homemade computers. "So what do you have for me", Lady Miho asks, having still not introduced herself.

Aisling shakes his hand, and dips in a flourishing curtsy - a throwback half-remembered from her days in her father's court. She otherwise remains silent, following Karl and Anna and sticking as close to Bernardo and Gabrielle as possible.

When they approach Lady Miho, Aisling peers at her curiously as she speaks, but remains tight-lipped herself. The notion that all the Vampires in this city who take positions of power seem to put on airs that reminded her so much of the nobles from Connachta or Ulaidh when they came to visit her father. Aisling wondered whether or not it was a learned trait, or whether Vampires - like humans - tried to make themselves feel more important when they began to accumulate power. Only Gazren seemed....content enough with his strength to not lord it above everyone else....though that may have been because he was a Gangrel.

Humanity: 5
Willpower: 6/6
Health 7
Blood Pool: 9/10
Beats/EXP: 1/0

1. Desires to be find safety and security with trusted allies who will help her learn how to function in the modern world – to find a place to belong in this strange new land.
2. Have a real haven to call her own, and a really big bed.
3. Find out why her Sire put her into Torpor, and why Blackstar has taken such an interest in her and her Sire.
3b Study the diary of Gazren to learn its secrets.

2018-05-07, 12:38 PM
Karl raises an eyebrow at Julian's suggestion to be concerned, "That is my reasoning as well, I am not at all taking the implications lightly. But I will not sit idly by and do nothing. Inaction will not save me if he chooses to come for me."

He starts grumbling half to himself, "Decades of useful service, and my loyalty bought nothing."

Karl remains quiet and touches nothing as bidden as they proceed within, but he cannot help sweeping his eyes over everything, drinking in the interesting details.

Getting the idea that it would be best to let Anna speak first in this place, he looks to her. If bidden, he will describe his role and the information gleaned thus far to Lady Miho.

2018-05-07, 06:26 PM

“Hello again Miho-san. We brought Estella’s phone; it was found in a pile of ash on the bay bridge,” Anna said, passing both items over, “we are hoping your powers of auspex will provide some clue as to what happened.”

She left out Karl’s earlier findings so as not to influence Miho.

2018-05-07, 06:46 PM
Miho’s eyes dart down from Anna’s to the cellphone in the ziplock bag, two beetles shifting behind paper thin lids. She gives Julian a hard look, then turns back to Anna and says, “Very good.” She extends a hand to take the phone, and addressing the group says, “Is there anything else I should know?”

2018-05-07, 07:45 PM
Anna Wu

“We...” Anna started, pausing to swallow, “We suspect a diablerie was committed, by-“

She gritted her teeth.

“By the prince,” she said, as if with great effort, “Karl can fill you in on more detail if you wish.”

2018-05-08, 08:18 AM
Lady Miho turns her attention to Karl, expectantly awaiting his response.

2018-05-08, 11:56 AM
Karl delivers his account of the findings made, describing the visions in detail and the conclusions reached. He attempts to keep it as neutral and professional as possible.

2018-05-08, 02:34 PM
"Very well," Lady Miho says. She walks to a large wooden desk and places the phone down, still in it's baggy. She removes a small hand-mirror, the type kept in a purse for touching up makeup, and arranges it in such a way that the phone's reflection bounces up to her. Opening the bag, Lady Miho rests a frail hand on the black mirror surface of the phone. As she activates her Auspex, she grunts lightly, her face twisting into a mask of pure rage that hints at the ferociously powerful monster within her skull. Fangs extend, and capillaries of the sclera dialate till the entire orb leaks crimson tears that refuse to drip down her suddenly lupine face.

But Miho's hand is only rested for a moment before she withdraws, hissing and growling like a wounded animal. The effects on her visage fade, but she scowls at Karl and whispers, "This phone has been tampered with. Someone, with some sort of very powerful blood magic has affected this device."

Removing a green and red paisley handkerchief, Miho dabs at her eyes, staining the pretty fabric with blood.

2018-05-08, 02:48 PM
"Very well," Lady Miho says. She walks to a large wooden desk and places the phone down, still in it's baggy. She removes a small hand-mirror, the type kept in a purse for touching up makeup, and arranges it in such a way that the phone's reflection bounces up to her. Opening the bag, Lady Miho rests a frail hand on the black mirror surface of the phone. As she activates her Auspex, she grunts lightly, her face twisting into a mask of pure rage that hints at the ferociously powerful monster within her skull. Fangs extend, and capillaries of the sclera dialate till the entire orb leaks crimson tears that refuse to drip down her suddenly lupine face.

But Miho's hand is only rested for a moment before she withdraws, hissing and growling like a wounded animal. The effects on her visage fade, but she scowls at Karl and whispers, "This phone has been tampered with. Someone, with some sort of very powerful blood magic has affected this device."

Removing a green and red paisley handkerchief, Miho dabs at her eyes, staining the pretty fabric with blood.

If it would be possible to do so, Aisling would pale considerably at the mention of the Blood Magic. As her complexion was already beyond notice, instead with would be the hiss of frustration and nerves that passed her lips that may draw attention to her suddenly increased unease.

She mutters under her breath. "That hag Blackstar. Withered claws poking at far too many things....."

2018-05-08, 02:52 PM
Karl involuntarily twitches back as Miho reveals her power. But when she reports on the apparent blood magic, he narrows his eyes in concern, "If I may, perhaps you could make an attempt using the small bag of ashes we collected. That is what I used for a focus before, and it did not react in such a manner."

2018-05-08, 10:50 PM
Anna kept quiet, letting Karl and Miho finish their investigation.

2018-05-09, 07:50 PM
Lady Miho grins at this, and nods her head a single time. She lifts her hand from the phone, and instead, plunges it into the pile of ash that has settled around the phone in the bag.

Her eyes close for a second while a few blood tears start to drop down her face. She takes one long breath in and says, “This was Estella”.

Lady Miho opens her eyes just in time to see Gabrielle take two wide eyed steps in a wobbling charge, before her knees give out and she collapses on the ground, shaking and sobbing; a red wet revolting mess of mortality.

2018-05-09, 08:03 PM
Lady Miho grins at this, and nods her head a single time. She lifts her hand from the phone, and instead, plunges it into the pile of ash that has settled around the phone in the bag.

Her eyes close for a second while a few blood tears start to drop down her face. She takes one long breath in and says, “This was Estella”.

Lady Miho opens her eyes just in time to see Gabrielle take two wide eyed steps in a wobbling charge, before her knees give out and she collapses on the ground, shaking and sobbing; a red wet revolting mess of mortality.

Aisling was clutching Bernardo's hand tightly, but pulled him gently over to the kneeling, crying ghoul. She gazed at her Bernardo with a troubled expression, and sighed softly as she pressed her free hand to the top of Gabrielle's head in what she hoped was a form of comfort.

To the Gangrel, contact was safety and comfort and it was the only way she really knew how to try and stave off such sorrow.

As she did this, her eyes hardened and glanced about the room. "Assuming this Prince of yours is to blame....what reason did he have to do this? I can smell the rot in this city. From the first moment I was awoken and placed in that damnable collar." She growled, before closing her eyes and forcing a singular breath through atrophied lungs as she tried to calm the antsy Beast trying to crawl up her throat.

2018-05-09, 08:28 PM
Anna Wu

Anna looked back and forth between Miho, Karl, Gabrielle and Aisling, and Julian.

If Gorman got to Estella and diablerized her, what did that mean for Karl and herself?

“Rumor is he’s been fighting off torpor,” Anna replied to Aisling.

“Is there anything else you can see, Miho-san?” Anna asked quietly.

2018-05-10, 04:47 PM
Karl nods, "We thought as much, but it is good to be certain. If I may, the blood magic you spoke of, was it simply attempting to make it unreadable, or falsify the results? If the latter, we could learn much by finding out what story this person wanted us to believe."

The old man's eyes twitch towards Gabrielle as she collapses. The girl should not be here. Neither should the neonate and her ghoul. But he's not about to begin issuing anything resembling an order in this place.

2018-05-12, 06:42 AM
At Karl’s question, Lady Miho smirks, “It’s a mirror,” she says, “It shows you something important to you. I saw Mobius.” The smirk is rueful, almost angry. “I won’t even ask.” The smirk becomes more of a knowing grin, and she lets the jab stand for a moment before saying, “But if I am given a bit more time, I may be able to discern what time of Discipline was used to create the effect.” There is something excited in her tone.

Gabrielle pulls her head, wet and warm, into Aisling’s dress, sobbing still. Aisling can feel the woman’s fluids smearing and drenching her clothing. The girl trembles at Aisling’s touch.

Bernardo bends down and gently says, “Come now”. He offers her a hand and helps Gabrielle rise.

2018-05-12, 11:31 AM
At Karl’s question, Lady Miho smirks, “It’s a mirror,” she says, “It shows you something important to you. I saw Mobius.” The smirk is rueful, almost angry. “I won’t even ask.” The smirk becomes more of a knowing grin, and she lets the jab stand for a moment before saying, “But if I am given a bit more time, I may be able to discern what time of Discipline was used to create the effect.” There is something excited in her tone.

Gabrielle pulls her head, wet and warm, into Aisling’s dress, sobbing still. Aisling can feel the woman’s fluids smearing and drenching her clothing. The girl trembles at Aisling’s touch.

Bernardo bends down and gently says, “Come now”. He offers her a hand and helps Gabrielle rise.

Aisling offers a warm smile to Bernardo at his tender treatment of Gabrielle. She knows he's sweet, when he's not scared. After all, it was that sweetness that saved her from madness.

Keeping the two of them close, she turns to Anna and Karl with troubled expression.

"If your friend here is going to take some...time to dig a little deeper....are...are we really needed here waiting?"

She's still not comfortable here, and it isn't like Anna's Kindred friends here have any real use or need of Aisling. She did, however, want to know more about what's going on in her new home...but something told her that questioning the locals in this establishment would be frowned upon.

2018-05-12, 12:18 PM
Karl flatly states, "Unless they have further need of us, I do think it would be best if we left. Of the five who entered, only Anna belongs in this place."

"Anna, I will heed your suggestion and help them out for now, we can discuss the details later if you wish to remain here for the moment."

Unless bidden otherwise, Karl will begin ushering the newly awoken and the two ghouls out the door, his skin itching the whole way. He likes being in this hive even less after Miho's display.

2018-05-12, 12:34 PM
Before Anna can respond, Lady Miho interrupts and says, “Estella had something of mine. I gave her a mirror... it was important. I would like it back.” She speaks slowly, in more of a statement than a request.

2018-05-12, 12:58 PM
Before Anna can respond, Lady Miho interrupts and says, “Estella had something of mine. I gave her a mirror... it was important. I would like it back.” She speaks slowly, in more of a statement than a request.

Aisling allowed Karl to begin to usher her and the two ghouls out of the room, though when Miho made her demand for the mirror she frowned, and glanced to Gabrielle.

She leaned in to the young woman, voice hushed. "Gabrielle...I..know it cannot be easy, and I very much hate to cause you more pain." The hand not holding onto Bernardo like a lifeline raises to softly push a strand of Gabrielle's hair out of the way of her tear-streaked face. "Do...do you know where Estella had her haven?"

She glanced to Karl and Anna. "Does anyone?"

2018-05-12, 01:04 PM
Gabrielle nods her head timidly. “I know. I... I can show you where Estella lived.” This last word is said with a choking sob

2018-05-12, 01:15 PM
Karl tells Miho, "I do not know of this mirror, but we should search her place regardless for any additional information it might yield. We can certainly look for at that time."

2018-05-12, 02:34 PM
“Good”, Lady Miho says nodding her head, apparently satisfied with Karl’s response.

2018-05-12, 07:21 PM
Aisling gathered Bernardo and Gabrielle in her arms and made her way outside of the Nest with Anna and Karl when they were ready to depart.

"How far is it to Estella's, sweet Gabrielle?"

2018-05-13, 03:59 AM

“We will contact you if we find any leads on the mirror, Miho-san,” Anna said.

If there was nothing else from the Ordo, Anna would retreat out the front door with the others.

Once outside, she ran a hand through her hair.

“I’ll have to meet you there,” she said, “if you can give me the address. I have a prior engagement, shouldn’t take too long.”

“More importantly, given... recent events I think we could all use a safe place to stay. And since there is strength in numbers, and since I’m reasonably sure nobody here is out to kill us, I think we should find a place and fortify it together,” Anna said, “anyway, have a think on it. If you think I’m totally crazy that’s okay but I just wanted to get the idea out there.”

Anna finished up rather quickly, as if she was somewhat embarrassed, before hopping into her coupe and heading back to the club. On the way, she texted d’agnostino’s childe and let him know she was on the way there for a separate meeting but she had an update for him if he was available.

im assuming it’s close to 3am and there isn’t time to visit Estella’s then get back to the club.

2018-05-13, 12:41 PM
Karl nods, and shows the others to his own vehicle to head towards Estella's, "Forming a coterie and establishing a safe haven is something Anna and I have considered before. I prefer working alone, but recent events have shown that to no longer be wise on my part. It would be even more achievable with a third kindred we can trust, not to mention another two ghouls if Bernardo and Gabrielle choose to remain."

"I do suggest considering it, this world you have awoken in is a dangerous one, and we are among the few who can both help you adjust and are not in a position to abuse your situation."

"I will be frank, this is not a gift or a kindness. We will be expecting you to pull your own weight in this endeavor. Especially since from the looks of things I will have to pay for much of your belongings to begin with. But it is not slavery either, something I understand you have suffered in the past."

2018-05-13, 02:00 PM
Anna gets back in her sports car and heads back to The Night Owl. Fortunately the fog has cleared up slightly and traffic is light.

However, by the time Anna has parked, she is still about 10 minutes late. The bouncer allows Anna in on sight, allowing her to skip the now much smaller line of a few lonely looking men waiting to get in.

The bar appears nearly empty, with the lights dimmed down to near blackness, and many of the candles completely snuffed out. In this lighting, only Anna’s enhanced Kindred senses allow her to navigate to the bar, where Screech sits, twirling a glass of red wine. The bar is an ornate polished redwood, standing tall in front of a decadent array of expensive scotches and liquors, that shimmer with backlighting.

Screech is in a baggy grey hoody and greasy jeans. He smiles at Anna, and in a low raspy voice says, “Welcome Anna. I’ve been waiting.”

2018-05-13, 02:09 PM
Karl nods, and shows the others to his own vehicle to head towards Estella's, "Forming a coterie and establishing a safe haven is something Anna and I have considered before. I prefer working alone, but recent events have shown that to no longer be wise on my part. It would be even more achievable with a third kindred we can trust, not to mention another two ghouls if Bernardo and Gabrielle choose to remain."

"I do suggest considering it, this world you have awoken in is a dangerous one, and we are among the few who can both help you adjust and are not in a position to abuse your situation."

"I will be frank, this is not a gift or a kindness. We will be expecting you to pull your own weight in this endeavor. Especially since from the looks of things I will have to pay for much of your belongings to begin with. But it is not slavery either, something I understand you have suffered in the past."

Aisling nods, sitting in the back of Karl's vehicle between Gabrielle and Bernardo.

"Your generosity is appreciated, none the less Karl. I will...help however I can...even if it is to simply help keep the haven clean." The Gangrel allows a soft smile to grace her face, stealing some of the feral pall that usually hangs over her.

"And your understanding about the...um..the collar and the enslavement....that is appreciated as well. I will do whatever I can we are not a burden to you or Anna." It would be assumed that the We spoken of, is her and Bernardo - and very likely now Gabrielle as well. Another wayward soul to the flock, it seemed.

Aisling will stay relatively still, comfortable and content between her ghouls, one hand always in skin on skin contact with both of them - as if both to reassure them, and herself.

2018-05-13, 07:56 PM
Anna Wu

Anna slid into the booth, nodding to Screech.

“Sorry, I was held up,” Anna said.

“I asked to meet you because something happened a few days and I think you need to know,” Anna said, “I would have reached out sooner but I’d only just now remembered...”

She put a pair of fingers to her temple as if in pain.

“I was kidnapped and brought before the-,” she winced, “before the Sheriff’s boss. He commanded me to tell him who sent us to the Brujah. I had no choice; I told him.”

She looked at Screech with a serious expression.

“I figure a warning is fair, if you didn’t know already,” Anna continued, “also... also, Estella is dust. We just found out tonight.”

2018-05-14, 08:37 AM
Karl smiles, and even manages to force something resembling emotion behind it. He starts driving towards Estella's haven. "You are amenable then? Very well, most likely the first thing you need to understand is that this world is one of connections. Display who and what you are too freely, and an observer could show recorded images of the event to thousands all over the world. Forget things like the contraption we are riding in, as impressive as it can be, it is the devices humans have made for communication that are their most important."

"In our favor, such images can be faked, and people are quite skeptical concerning the existence of those like us, nevertheless, you must use caution. The rule governing all kindred is concealment, and the masquerade is strictly enforced. Be careless, and provide proof to the kine of our existence, and you may find yourself being hunted down like an animal."

Addressing the two ghouls, he continues, "Those like you two are an exception to this and obviously are allowed to know of us. If you were not aware, humans who imbibe vitae are known as ghouls. There are many benefits to this. My own ghoul, and the partner in my business, a man named Gabriel, was dying of lung cancer when I found him. These benefits however end if you cease imbibing vitae. Gabriel will die of that same lung cancer if he tries to stop. You should be aware that ghouls do not hold an honored place in kindred society. Most of our kind consider yours servants at best, and may not be above putting you in what they perceive as your place if you annoy them. Do with this information as you will."

2018-05-14, 09:27 AM
Karl smiles, and even manages to force something resembling emotion behind it. He starts driving towards Estella's haven. "You are amenable then? Very well, most likely the first thing you need to understand is that this world is one of connections. Display who and what you are too freely, and an observer could show recorded images of the event to thousands all over the world. Forget things like the contraption we are riding in, as impressive as it can be, it is the devices humans have made for communication that are their most important."

"In our favor, such images can be faked, and people are quite skeptical concerning the existence of those like us, nevertheless, you must use caution. The rule governing all kindred is concealment, and the masquerade is strictly enforced. Be careless, and provide proof to the kine of our existence, and you may find yourself being hunted down like an animal."

Addressing the two ghouls, he continues, "Those like you two are an exception to this and obviously are allowed to know of us. If you were not aware, humans who imbibe vitae are known as ghouls. There are many benefits to this. My own ghoul, and the partner in my business, a man named Gabriel, was dying of lung cancer when I found him. These benefits however end if you cease imbibing vitae. Gabriel will die of that same lung cancer if he tries to stop. You should be aware that ghouls do not hold an honored place in kindred society. Most of our kind consider yours servants at best, and may not be above putting you in what they perceive as your place if you annoy them. Do with this information as you will."

Aisling nods thoughtfully, taking in Karl's explanations of some of the troubles she may end up encountering in the modern world. Her mind swam with all the possibilities and the complications of it.

"Amenable? Yes....and I have no desire to demonstrate my nature to the world. It is hard enough to be given peace and quiet among our own kind, it seems, let alone delving wholly back into the world of men. No...thank you. I prefer to to enjoy my time with those I care about." Her words are accompanied by a gentle squeeze of her hand on both her ghouls. When had she begun to think of Gabrielle as hers? It didn't matter to the Gangrel, really - only that she had made new friends tonight.

And it did not seem like any of them wished to coerce her, force her, or want something from her.

That was....nice.

2018-05-14, 12:45 PM
“Oh you have to be ****ing kidding me,” Screech says in sudden frustration. It was not just the squawking nature of his voice that grated on one’s nerves, but the odd way his slit like face contorted to make an attempt at portraying emotions. His beady little eyes looked down at the counter. “I stay alive by staying out of this ****. I... I don’t want any part of this.” He makes no mention of Estella.

Screech sits there in silence for a few moments before looking up and sayin, “But that said, you know what’s supposed to be coming into my harbor tomorrow night?” His ragged wormy lips contort up into a smile befitting a pumpkin.


Neither Bernardo nor Gabrielle seem particularly surprised by Karl’s statement, but both are wise enough to stay quiet.

Gabrielle gives Karl the address, and following GPS direction, the four arrive outside Estella’s apartment building. It is a relatively modern structure, all clean symmetric geometry and alabaster sheen, standing tall in the “up and coming” part of The Dog Patch, just past the San Francisco Giants’ AT&T Park. Karl manages to find a parking spot across the street from the building.

“Okay if we go up? Gabrielle asks, “I have the key”. She raises the key for all to see.

From inside the apartment lobby, a tired looking African American man in an oversized suit stares out at Karl’s rather impressive vehicle.

2018-05-14, 01:23 PM
"Very well, we'll need to obtain some new belongings for the two of you. A phone and some clothing would be a good starting point. I suspect Anna and Gabrielle will be of more help in the latter regard however."

Karl will keep explaining things as best he can to Aisling and the others on the way, including the way modern kindred society works.

2018-05-14, 01:27 PM
Aisling hangs on Karl's every word, absorbing the knowledge of this Society of Predators as best she can knowing it could mean the difference between life and death for her and her Ghouls.

When Gabrielle reveals the key, she nods slowly to the young woman with a tentative smile, and prepares herself to enter the lair of another Vampire. The vampire dens she had been in earlier tonight were dangerous enough as it was, but it seemed something altogether different to enter the actual haven of another predator - even if said predator was naught but ash and dust now.

2018-05-15, 03:01 AM
Anna Wu

“Me either, but here we are,” Anna replied, “I just thought you should know, since it seems any of us might be next.”

“What’s coming tomorrow night, the thing I requested?” Anna asked.

2018-05-15, 06:37 AM
Gabrielle leads the group into the building, giving a friendly nod to the doorman who replies with a disapproving scowl. The interior is all polished wood, potted ferns and soft lighting. Even the elevator is posh, with pop art images of famous rock stars, and soft leather cushioned walls.

A modern and well manicured hallway leads to Estella’s apartment door, labeled 217. Gabrielle goes to unlock the door, a thick wooden one, but it’s unlocked! Gabrielle pushes the door open, leading into an apartment that has been trashed. Tables, chairs, mirrors all have been intentionally broken and strewn about. What was once a very stylish and comfy haven has been completely vandalized.


Screech’s unbearable grin continues, “Yes, the item you... ordered. I appreciate your patience in the matter.”

2018-05-15, 07:37 AM
Anna Wu

“As I recall, it was a front for the boon, which was actually for information, and we know how well that turned out,” Anna said, “I’m sure the quality of the item takes into account how the ‘favor’ has not been returned in kind. You have a good reputation for a reason.”

anna is talking about how Screech tried to have her killed in exchange for her granting him a minor boon, and how she hasn’t responded with an attempt to rub him out.

2018-05-15, 08:57 AM
Gabrielle leads the group into the building, giving a friendly nod to the doorman who replies with a disapproving scowl. The interior is all polished wood, potted ferns and soft lighting. Even the elevator is posh, with pop art images of famous rock stars, and soft leather cushioned walls.

A modern and well manicured hallway leads to Estella’s apartment door, labeled 217. Gabrielle goes to unlock the door, a thick wooden one, but it’s unlocked! Gabrielle pushes the door open, leading into an apartment that has been trashed. Tables, chairs, mirrors all have been intentionally broken and strewn about. What was once a very stylish and comfy haven has been completely vandalized.

The decor was a bit frivolous to the Gangrel as she made her way inside. Too artsy, and nowhere near enough functionality. It reminded her somwhat, in an abstract way, of her father's hall. Meant more to impress than anything else.

But the devastation within gave her pause. She blinked owlishly, a bit surprised at the manner of the haven.

"What purpose is this? Was someone looking for something? It looks pillaged."