View Full Version : Help finding a Neutral god for a Hexblade

2017-08-09, 09:23 AM
IF I dip into Favored Soul, what true neutral god would fit a Hexblade bladepact warlock?

2017-08-09, 09:31 AM
What race are you, and in what setting is your character in?

2017-08-09, 09:54 AM
There is the Traveler from Eberron, he is the god of trickery, artifice, travel, and chaos. He is worshiped by shapeshifters so it might be a good match for the fluff of your pact blade.

There is Boccob from Greyhawk that's the god of magic, it might be a good match for a warlock/sorcerer.

2017-08-09, 09:55 AM
What race are you, and in what setting is your character in?

Half Elf and I'm in Forgotten Realms

2017-08-09, 10:00 AM
Half Elf and I'm in Forgotten Realms

Kord? He's all about strength.

2017-08-09, 10:08 AM
Kord? He's all about strength.

Isn't Kord from Greyhawk?

Most Neutral deities from FR are various nature gods/goddesses, or ones dealing with wealth. However, the Elemental Lords (Kossuth, Istishia, Grumbar, and Akadi) might work for you.

2017-08-09, 10:14 AM
Isn't Kord from Greyhawk?

Most Neutral deities from FR are various nature gods/goddesses, or ones dealing with wealth. However, the Elemental Lords (Kossuth, Istishia, Grumbar, and Akadi) might work for you.

Tempus? Seems like he'd fit.

2017-08-09, 11:20 AM
Tempus? Seems like he'd fit.

Tempus might be the best fit. Wish there was a god that has a powerful named weapon too. That way I could tie my patron choice and favored soul choice together.

2017-08-09, 11:22 AM
I've always been partial to Helm myself.

Technically, Mystra is back and is neutral. If you're going to combine Warlock magic plus Sorcerer magic plus psuedo clerical magic then why not worship the Goddess of the Weave itself, since you're a particularly tangled knot of it.

For your Hexblade patron something Mystra themed... not sure what it would be. When she was Midnight she was a wizard anyway so nothing stands out there.

For theme purposes make your EBs silver and call it Psuedo Silver Fire or Minor Silver Fire or something like that.

2017-08-09, 11:26 AM
Technically, Mystra is back and is neutral.SCAG lists her as neutral good.

2017-08-09, 11:33 AM
SCAG lists her as neutral good.

Curses. Missed the "True" neutral part of the OP. Thought any neutral deity would work.
Yeah... I think the best bet is an elemental lord then.

edit: But Tempus isn't true neutral and is in consideration... so Mystra could be as well if he's in the running.

edit 2: Just busted my SCAG out.. wait, Tempus is true neutral now?! He used to be CN... sigh.
Weird. I second Tempus then.

2017-08-09, 11:43 AM
Waukeen, never one to begrudge you making a good deal on a nice weapon

Erevan, of the elven pantheon, if you take stealth and focus on being a sneaky Hexblade

Fenmarel, for a darker character still tied to the elven pantheon

Garagos is the 'master of all weapons' which might fit

Hoar has a lot of potential as a vengant type

Kelemvor or Jergal, if you can get that hexblade to look like a scythe, model yourself after the Grim Reaper

The Red Knight has potential as a martial character in this vein

EDIT: oops! True Neutral! Ignore all but Waukeen then... On this list... most are LN or CN

2017-08-09, 12:08 PM
Was on a wiki like site for FR deities and saw that it said The Red Knight accepts True Neutral clergy. Also she has a longsword called Checkmate. Might go with her instead. Or Tempus as my god and Checkmate as a patron.

Either way I think I'm set.

Next character is going with Shevarash as an archer though.

2017-08-09, 01:33 PM
I believe good form allows for a single step deviation from a dieties alignment. So NG would be ok with a true neutral follower. So as long as it is neutral xxxxx or xxxxx neutral you should be fine in that regard.

Otherwise, there is Oghma.

2017-08-09, 01:40 PM
Personally I think with FR gods it is better to think of what aspect of worship you want and then choose the god based on alignment rather than the other way around. For instance do you want a war god, a nature god, or whatever. That is a lot easier than trying to remember all the gods that happen to be wholly or partially neutral especially since some gods due to their portfolio tend to use worshipers outside of their alignment (For instance Tempus does not just use chaotic or neutral worshipers).

2017-08-09, 02:41 PM
Was on a wiki like site for FR deities and saw that it said The Red Knight accepts True Neutral clergy. Also she has a longsword called Checkmate. Might go with her instead. Or Tempus as my god and Checkmate as a patron.

Either way I think I'm set.

Next character is going with Shevarash as an archer though.

Yeah, you can have a deity that's one step removed, so pretty much all the options brought up would work since they're neutral in some respect.

2017-08-10, 01:35 AM
Does it matter?

You can be a CE cleric of a LG church if you want or vice versa.

Plenty enough real world examples of just this if you look around you at the moment.